Bondage and Discipline 05

Story by KevinFoxboy on SoFurry

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#5 of BnD

Chapter 5 of another fantasy legal-slavery society from the slave's point of view.

(c) 2010 Kevin Foxboy, all rights reserved.

Bondage and Discipline 5) Pain or Pleasure?

So every freefur can catch up, please let me repeat I'm Tim the slave

fox. Slavery is a legal punishment, not a horrible torment for conquest, and

I deserve my punishment because I bought jewelry to impress some vixens but

forgot to ask why it was so discounted. The Weasel had stolen them and killed

the shopkeeper, I hadn't found out the crime to report it to the policefurs,

so I was an accessory after the fact.

I was caught, beaten, sentenced to slavery. My freedom and civil rights

taken to force me to pay society back. I was stripped, caged, chained, beaten

into submission by a strong Wolverine Mistress and threats of body injury from

the Bear and Tiger guards. I was trained to obey them all with my body. I was

taught to love Mistresses Wolverine and the House Mistress Monica, the Tiglon

who forced me into loving submission with her tail.

I'd been branded on the left hip; the double-curve was the first letter

of the word 'slave' in an ancient language. Ing-Lis, I think it was called. I

was a naughty todd, and I tried to resist because Mistress Wolverine said she

liked a little spirit in a slave. What I didn't know at first was she liked it

because she had an excuse to degrade, humiliate, punish and force pain on me.

Of course every slave of any gender or species is degraded, humiliated

and punished; forcing pain on each other to avoid the strong guards. There were

several Rats I especially enjoyed chaining tightly and stretching, because they

tried at first to stay quiet. Forcing them to squeak in helpless pain was one

of the few pleasures I had in the Slave House.

As I said, I didn't really enjoy it for my own fun, just to earn the

acceptance from the guards. The Rats enjoyed their turn to stretch me, and I

was soon broken and begging to kiss their little feet and lick their ankles.

All the slaves were forced to hurt and be hurt by other slaves, and we did it

in the public shows.

This was the 'deterrence' part of the legal slavery. Naughty furrs who

did little bad things were held as prisoners and made to watch. *This is what

they'll do to you if you keep committing crimes!* Sure, Id seen this stuff when

I was free, so I didn't try to break the law. I just forgot to help.

One of the times we showed public hurting of slaves was soon after I'd

been branded. Some Wolf slaves and I were chained together and taken to the

less-secure section of the Slave House. It was an honor to be selected, and

none of us had the strength of mind to try to escape. Under the watchful eyes

and ready whips of the Bears and Tigers we carried the staff cafeteria's tables

to the dungeon viewing room. We were all scared of the dungeon, because that's

where the pain took place.

The viewing room was almost opulent compared to the bare stone we were

used to. Actually the stone was just a few inches thick, but unlike ancient

castles it wasn't just granite. It was modern carbon composite, stronger than

steel but much lighter. It was a cruel joke on us slaves, who thought the stone

was real, and most of us had tried to throw a seemingly loose chunk at a guard

in anger, thinking it would hurt him and be revenge for his mistreatment of us.

That was after we'd each been smacked around, shoved and pushed in

chains to our first beating, where we were whipped senseless. Some of the

stronger furrs like Bears or Tigers thought they could withstand the pain,

and they did get bragging rights when it took more than four guards to break

them. Anyfur can be beaten unconscious if he's hit long enough; most of us

fell soon enough but got back up.

Every furr who was sentenced to slavery was broken in body and spirit.

Some were as weak as I was, begging for mercy after only twenty blows; but we

were further terrified to learn they even enslaved Tigers, Bears, and Wolver-

ines. Those species were our guards and beaters. We were all reduced by pain

and fear to abject submission.


The fake stones were mostly hollow with support beams molded inside so

they'd act solid. The floors, walls and ceilings were made with molded stone

on four by eight foot wood that fit into grooves so they'd end up solid. What

seemed to be wrought-iron stanchions to hold torches for light actually hid

the seams, and the grout was quite real. I've been on slaveteams repairing or

expanding the walls, and even though I've learned the secret, the ancient-

dungeon illusion is quite complete.

Those torches aren't just for show; they're all that lights the

dungeons. They're sorta fake; solid gel turns liquid and burns hot like

alcohol. It truly hurts a slave to have the hot iron forced on his fur.

The burns are quite real, and the stench of burning fur terrifies us.

Especially our own fur.

I'd been to the pain dungeon many times, chained and stretched and

hurt until I screamed and begged to suck the guards dry both ways if only

they'd stop. And I've been there watching those Rats get it, making them

suck me. I was forced to love sucking and being sucked. The first evening I

was shown in public the Wolves and I took turns breaking and being broken.

Kitchen sluts brought food to the tables for watching guests. There

was a series of carbon-composite gates that clanged very convincingly. They

were only opened one at a time, like airlocks. There was no way even a free

furr could just walk out past them. We slaves knew very well they were harder

than steel because we'd all been thrown against them. They bounced us off

instead of giving like steel bars, back into the loving paws of our merciful

guards who threw us back again until we fell; then we'd have to crawl and suck.

This evening, Ned the Wolf was up first. He was led chained into the

pain room, and his fear and struggles to avoid it were quite real. Ned was a

new slave, he hadn't accepted his legal sentence. He was there to suffer, for

real. He was nude of course; no slave wears clothes unless they're play-acting,

and even then it's unusual. Most slaves never wear clothes for their entire

sentence, so it's very strange when they're paroled and have to get dressed.

Ned was nude except for the collar, wrist and ankle cuffs. They were

the black color of iron, but were carbon-composite fakes. They wouldn't open

even if you hit them with sledgehammers, which would shatter brittle cast iron

and break open forged steel. There was no way Ned was going to escape. But his

fear of what they were going to do to him drove him mindless, and he put on a

convincing although totally useless show of resistance.

Ned's ankles were chained about a foot apart; about three feet went

up behind him to the four inches between his wrists. He was chained to him-

self. Even his tail was chained with a cuff at the base, one halfway up, and

one near the tip. His tail was the only part that had the full length of fur

on it. Ned had been quite naughty, using his Wolf strength against a guard,

and he'd been fur-trimmed to humiliate him. All over his body.

So as he was pulled forward by a big Bengal, his wrists chained behind

him under his tail, he was forced to walk with his back bent, his tail chained

up showing his rump, and his trimmed black fur showing his Wolfy balls and

sheath. It sounded like some prudish furrs in the guest audience were actually

shocked! But of course Ned had been forced to become familiar with being kept


He was scared, and that shrank his scrotum and cock. It cowered in

terror, trying to hide in its sheath; but even there Ned's comfort was denied.

He was sentenced to slavery, and all slaves suffer humiliation until they

accept their nudity with willing displays. Ned was forced to wear a parachute,

a cone that was tied around the base of his balls, calling attention to them.

Look at these!

His scrotum was shrunken in fear but his balls were being held up and

out. There was a metal chain link around them and between them, to conduct

heat away from them and make them cold and weak. He wasn't being gelded, just

sexually restrained. I'd been ordered to put it on him, and I'd seen the look

of defiance turn to fear as I yanked his very sensitive skin to attach it;

then he yelped as I forced one ball after the other through the metal loop.

It was tight enough to hurt him, and the little teeth bit into Ned's

scrotum. He'd had long fur there to protect him from this, but the trimming

had left him vulnerable. Now the teeth had skin to grip, and Ned's eyes went

wide as he knew his balls were held. They wouldn't just slip out, and it would

hurt again to release them. I'd hurt him, in a very psychologically sensitive

place, and Ned was becoming afraid of a smaller, weaker Fox.

There was enough room for bloodflow if the balls hung loose, and the

chain link was left unlocked. Ned hadn't seemed to notice the chain link

holding my own balls together as a pair but separate from each other. Actually

mine was as loose as Ned's, so neither actually hurt. We were restrained for

a freefur's amusement but still male, so they could enjoy our spirit and


And since we were both Canids, the chain link was partly hidden behind

our flaccid knots. It just looked like our balls were floating up, looking

rather bigger than normal. Actually I enjoyed the look on Ned, and the feel on

me. The guard had seen, and I was led out just behind Ned, chained the same

way. And I'd been fur-trimmed too, because I'd failed to help teach the new

slave Wolf the rules of the dungeon.


Of course, I'm just a Fox and Ned's a Wolf, so I'm smaller than he is.

In height and ball size. I'm fairly nice for a fox, but Ned's impressive for

a Wolf. I've seen bigger of course, on Tigers and Bears. And of course there's

no comparison to Ungulates. Their males are very impressive, you know.

Our slave collars hold a brass plate that gives our sizes, so guards

can read and get the proper fit for chains. Neck, both wrists, both ankles.

Males have to wear their ball and cock sizes, and females their breast and

vulva sizes. It's very humiliating, even when you see other slaves.

Ok, you prurient-interest types. Hard cock 7-7/8 inch length, 1-3/8

inch width, 1-1/8 inch height; knot swells to twice the width. Balls shrank

from 1-7/8 x 1-1/8 x 0-3/4 inches, due to fear and anti-aggression drugs.

Nice, eh, Mistress? Ned's bigger, even scared. I know I'm long-winded;

it's normal for Foxes.

It was Ned's turn on the pain table, and mine to chain him. I was

sinking deep into slave submission, so it was a bit of an insult to the tall

muscular Bengal guard that I was so easy to intimidate. He unchained my wrists

and yanked the chain to my ankles up through my crotch, then rechained my

wrists in front of me. I had a little slack to obey the guard and chain Ned.

It was my punishment for failing to teach him that I had to betray his trust

like that. I'm not allowed to keep secrets, so I'll admit I started to enjoy

his fear. It paid me for Ned teasing me so much.

The pain table is a heavy wood one. They use real wood to terrify

slaves that it doesn't take steel to hurt them. The Table has a few rows

of holes for pegs you use to tie a furr down. Neck and hips first, so he

can struggle but can't free himself. I smacked Ned's chained balls to hurt

him, and the metal teeth pinched his sensitive scrotum. He screamed until

I slapped his cheek.

"No resistance, Slave!" I thundered. Ned stared, got scared, and

obeyed. The guests gasped at my firmness with the chained Wolf. Even the

guard noticed, so I knelt quickly and begged to kiss his feet. I didn't

want him to get angry and make me join Ned! Ned was still chained at the

neck, wrists, tail and ankles, and his arched back on the wood made his

parachute stick up. I giggled. "Good Wolf boy", I mocked him. I spread his

ankles and tied them to separate pegs, then paused. I liked seeing the

bigger, stronger Wolf lying helpless and I savored the scent of his fear.

The guard pushed Ned over and ordered me to hold his wrists while

the guard unchained him. I obeyed of course, even though Ned could escape me

if he tried. But he was afraid of the Table, the Bengal and the pain in his

balls. The guard pulled the unresisting Wolf's wrist to a peg and tied him

down, then walked around the table to do Ned's other wrist. As he passed me,

he smacked my fur-trimmed rump with his kitty tail, making me buck forward

and hit my balls on the table.

The pain reminded me I was a slave too. Ned was chained naked to be

punished, not for my pleasure. But actually I like a little pain with my

pleasure, and it showed. The guard laughed at me and ordered me to turn to

the audience. Everyfur saw my cock poking out, and it looked like I'd liked

what the guard did to me. I bumped and ground a little for their amusement.

Now Ned was chained to the pain table, and not his own tail. His back

relaxed, and I knew from experience it hurt to stay arched on a table. But his

paws behind his back had lifted it off his black-furred tail, and now his

weight bent it painfully. Ned screamed and tried to thrash, but of course he

was chained so he only hurt himself again and again.

Ned tried to lie partly on his side, and as his mind returned I

teased him, "Does Wolfy want his tail released?" I looked submissively at

the Bengal, and he nodded. "You have to beg!" I had control of Ned, and I

intended to make him obey me. I raised my paw to swipe at his parachute

again, and he knew he was defeated.

"Yes" ... he trailed off. He was still trying to salvage some dignity,

which was rebellious and I punished him. "'Yes,' what? Slave!" I demanded. I

remembered Mistress Wolverine teaching me my first lesson in slavery. Smack!

on his balls, his helpless maleness, and Ned cringed as much as he could. He

was no longer a proud Wolf fighting his slavery. "Yes ... Master!" he gasped.

I laughed, mocking him. I showed myself to the Bengal guard, to the

audience. I wiggled my chained balls and cock, showing everyfur I knew I was

held. I turned back to the helpless Wolf, and slapped his thigh. He cringed

again, thinking it was going to be his balls again, and again I laughed.

I knelt, turned to the guard, and licked the floor in front of me.

I raised my head, nodded to Ned, spoke softly but so the guests could still

hear. "Hmmph! Masters, you see this Wolf slave. He was brought in here in

chains and he fought them. Now chained to the table despite his struggles,

a little pain in the tail and a few smacks to his balls from a mere slave

Fox makes him cringe and call me Master!"

I added in a more submissive voice, "I know well I am a mere slave,

and no Master. I will submit to this Bengal guard if he permits, kissing his

feet and licking his ankles. I will submit to each Master and Mistress. I am

only a submissive slave. Did it amuse you to hear the Wolf cry out in pain?"

It was a formal submission to every freefur. I knew I was on thin

ice, dominating Ned without a direct order. But it had felt *very* good,

*very* natural, as did my total submission now. I hadn't been a free Fox

for a long time, and Tim was just a label hung on me by Mistress Monica.

It felt very good and totally natural to kneel and beg, and lick the floor.

Bondage and Discipline 04

Bondage and Discipline 4) Fondled Master Barry laughed, and asked Mistress Ferret to take his place holding me. Maybe a stronger furr would have been insulted a shy female could hold him, but Mistress and the Badger were there. I've been held by...

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Bondage and Discipline 03

Bondage and Discipline 3) Owned Master demands I write of my training to please him, so he can test me and force my submission. I've been his sex toy for a few days, licking and sucking and obeying. But I'm part of his household property now, and...

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Bondage and Discipline 2

Bondage and Discipline 2) Trained The next humiliation was being branded, on my left hip a pawspan below the bone. I didn't know it as Mistress clipped my pawcuffs behind my back and hobbled me. She must have bent down or curtsied, and I'd like...

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