
Story by FuzzWolf on SoFurry

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By FuzzWolf

Lerrit © his player, other characters and story © FuzzWolf

( ), Originally published in issue #6 of FurNation Magazine

with illustrations by Bryce (

Lewis's eyes fluttered open with the sound of a light tapping at his bedroom


"Um, I'm going to class now," his roommate said from the other side of the door.

The wolf groggily wondered why Trevor was bothering to tell him this.

"Lew, are you okay?"

"Yeah, fine," he called out haphazardly as he squinted at the clock.

'Crap, it's early,' he thought as he wondered why the fox so concerned about him

all of a sudden. As he woke up, he remembered and sat bolt upright.

"Oh," the wolf muttered to his empty room. "I guess last night...that really

happened then."

"Eww," Lewis said as he realized he had fallen asleep as soon as he'd thrown

himself into bed after the incident. His wet boxers stuck to his fur as he

tried to peel them off; they were becoming quite uncomfortable.

With a sigh, he leaned back on his pillows and looked down at himself. Just

beyond the bulge of his belly lay his cock, half erect and fully out of it's

sheath. Morning wood. Lewis reflected on how much trouble that part of his

anatomy had caused him recently. He might have been able to live with getting

caught pawing off, but he didn't know if Trevor knew the rest; that he'd been

fantasizing about him at the time. With a quiet grunt, he got out of bed and

decided to take a shower. He hoped a nice refreshing shower would help him stop

thinking about last night.

As the wolf stepped into the bathroom, he caught a look at himself in the

mirror. He looked himself up and down for several moments and sighed.

'Why would Trevor even look twice at me anyway,' he thought as he cradled his

belly. 'No one ever will.'

His lip quivered for a moment, but he didn't cry. He turned the shower on full

blast and stepped inside. He stood there for several minutes with his head

under the nozzle, letting the water fill his ears and drown out the rest of the

world for a little while.

As he showered, he thought about Trevor again. In his mind, he began to relive

the fantasy he'd had last night. He reached down and took hold of his member,

now painfully hard again. He pawed off, but didn't really feel it. He just

stood under the white-noise nothingness of the blasting water, moving his paw

rhythmically up and down while trying to think of nothing at all. He did this

nearly every day, but last night had been the first time in ages he'd actually

enjoyed touching himself. The rest of the time it was just a need to be taken

care of, much like going to the bathroom. Lewis felt his knot swell as he got

close. With a final squeeze on the base of his shaft, he came. He grunted

slightly as his cum spurted weakly from his cocktip.

The wolf leaned up, raising his head from the water stream and letting the blast

hit him. Hot rivers of water flowed down his chest, over his belly and between

his legs to wash away the sticky cum of last night and this morning. He wiped

the spooge from his paw and grabbed the soap.


Lewis didn't have any classes, so he wandered around campus aimlessly rather

than staying at home and studying. He had no urge to do any coding today. He

ate a hotdog at the campus café, hating himself the whole time, before

continuing his walk. Thunder rolled in the distance. Lewis looked up at the

grey sky.

The wolf's sensitive ears picked up some shouting. He looked up, not even

knowing where he was. He realized he'd accidentally wandered into a rather

rough area of town behind the campus. The shouting was coming from just around

the corner. Lewis tentatively approached the alley and peered around the


He was very nervous and had no idea why he was doing this. He tried to avoid

confrontations at all costs, but he was also fiercely righteous. He hated

injustice and the thought of anyone being beaten up, likely because he'd been on

the receiving end of it for so much of his high school life.

He gulped as he saw a rather large pit bull kicking a small black feline. The

dog dragged the cat to his feet by the front of his shirt and was holding his

fist back, about to punch him. Thinking quickly, Lewis grabbed his cell phone,

typed in 9-1-1, and ran into the alley.

"Hey, stop that!" he shouted.

The pit bull looked up, ignoring the struggling cat in his grasp for a moment.

He was young, probably about 19. He was dressed in a tattered t-shirt and black

pants with chains hanging from them. Lewis had never seen anyone like him up

close before. The little wolf found him more than a little intimidating, but he

tried to be strong. The cat was so much smaller than the pit bull, and Lewis's

anger at beating up someone that much smaller flared up.

"You don't wanna get involved, man," the dog said. "Just turn around and walk


"N-no," Lewis said, trying to keep the shakes out of his voice.

"Look, fat boy, unless you want me to kick the shit out of you too, I suggest

you get the hell outta here."

Lewis held his phone up where the bully could see it. "I'm one button away from

calling the cops," he said as he placed his finger over the "call" button.

The canine's attitude changed quickly. The dog was not armed with anything

other than his fists and he was young enough that the threat of the police still

scared him. Lewis could smell the scent of fear beginning to fill the air and

he felt glad it wasn't just him.

The dog sneered and threw his victim back to the ground.

"Don't let me catch you squatting on my turf again, faggot!"

He kicked the cat in the ribs before turning around and walking away, trying to

look tough for Lewis's benefit.

Lewis waited till the pit bull turned a corner before running over to where the

young feline was crouching. He got down on his knees and helped him into a

sitting position.

"Are you okay?" he asked.

"Yeah, I'll be alright," the cat answered as he wiped some blood from the side

of his muzzle.

Lewis wasn't quite sure what to do as he'd never been in a situation like this

before. The cat stood up and leaned against the alley wall, holding his abdomen

and breathing hard. He didn't look too badly hurt now that he was standing, but

he was obviously still in pain.

"Um, I only live a couple blocks from here. You wanna come home with me?"

The cat looked up at that, a somewhat started look on his face.

"Sorry, to get cleaned up, I mean," Lewis stammered, blushing under his fur.

The cat looked the wolf up and down for a moment. The wolf didn't look

dangerous and he didn't have anything to lose right now anyways.

"Sure," he replied.

"Um, cool, okay," Lewis turned, leading with his arm to show the way. "I'm

Lewis by the way."

"Lerrit," the cat replied quietly.

Lewis led the feline back to his apartment. The first drops of rain were

hitting the ground just as they arrived.


"Use anything you need, I'll wait out here okay," Lewis said, ushering Lerrit

into his bathroom to use the shower.

"Sure man, anything you say."

Lewis was left alone with his thoughts as the door closed. He wondered what the

hell he was doing, taking a total stranger into his home like this. For all he

knew, this cat could be as dangerous as, or worse than the guy who was beating

him up. Now that the adrenaline of the situation was passing, the lupine was a

bit worried. He thought about the young cat in his bathroom as he heard the

shower starting up. Lerrit didn't appear to pose much physical threat. He was

quite small, barely over five feet tall and extremely thin. Then Lewis thought,

he may be small, but he was wiry. Being a street kid, it was also likely that

he could hold his own in a fight, provided it was more evenly matched than this

afternoon. He decided to make lunch for himself and his guest to give himself

something to do.


In the bathroom, Lerrit was just standing under the shower, as Lewis had earlier

that day, letting the warm water drench him. It felt really good to be clean

again. In fact, it felt so good he didn't want to leave. He knew he should

just grab his gear and run, but he longed to stay in the warmth for a while.

'And besides', he thought with a smile, 'That wolf is really cute!'

With a resigned sigh, the lithe feline shut the water off and stepped out of the

shower. He stumbled around naked and dripping for a moment before locating the

towel rack. Lerrit toweled off quickly and got back into his worn out clothes.

He saw a bottle of muzzle-wash out of the corner of his eye. 'I'm sure he

wouldn't mind,' he thought as tossed a shot of the minty liquid into his muzzle.

Gargling for a few minutes made his muzzle feel infinitely fresher. Next, he

vigorously dried the fur on his head, had a long look in the mirror and stepped

out of the bathroom.


Lewis looked up as he heard the door open. Lerrit was wiping some water out of

his one white ear.

"Hey man, thanks for the shower and stuff. I should get-"

"Oh, I made some sandwiches. You want a bite before you head out?"

Lewis held up the block of cheese he'd been slicing for sandwiches.

"It's okay man, I had a burger three or four days ago. I should be alright."

Lewis blinked a little, "Three or four days ago?" he asked, emphasizing the


Lerrit really wanted to eat something, but he kept thinking he should go.

Inside, his mouth was watering and he gave in.

"Yeah, okay. Cool."

"Alright," the wolf gave him a smile and turned around to finish making lunch.

Lerrit took a good look at the wolf's rump when he bent down to get the lunch

meat from the fridge. He fought the urge to lick his lips. He had a taste for

chunkier guys. Usually he didn't like wolves, but this one was perfectly his

type and being very kind to him so he found it hard not to stare at Lewis's

round and slightly chubby rear. Lerrit noticed the wolf's cuddly belly earlier,

and how it made him look like a little bear.

"Here we go," Lewis said as he set down a plate on the small bar for Lerrit.

"Thanks." The cat gingerly picked up the sandwich. He tried to look like he had

some manners and would take small bites, but the truth was he'd just been on the

street too long and was too hungry. He dove into the sandwich; it was gone in

under a minute.

Lewis just smiled at him and prepared another. After three sandwiches and a

glass of soda, the hungry feline was finally sated.

"Sorry 'bout that man," Lerrit said, blushing. "It's been a while."

"I could tell." Lewis chuckled as the tenseness between them faded away.

Lerrit smiled a little and turned away. He looked around the room a bit, like

he wasn't quite sure what to do with himself.

The wolf watched him for a moment from the kitchen. He slowly came over to

where Lerrit was standing, looking a little lost.

"You okay?"

"No, I don't's..." Lerrit turned around and saw Lewis standing close to

him, concern showing in his eyes.

'What the hell,' he thought, 'I probably won't get another chance.'

Lerrit turned and put his paws on the wolf's cheeks. He pulled Lewis down and

kissed him full on the muzzle.

Lewis's eyes went wide and he stammered a bit which allowed Lerrit to snake his

tongue into his muzzle for a moment before he stepped back.

"Sorry... I wanted to do that ever since you helped me in the alley," Lerrit said,

eyes downcast. "Nobody's ever looked out for me before."

"It's okay. Um... I just wasn't, you know, expecting it," Lewis said, blushing.

"I guess I should get going now..."

Lerrit stepped around Lewis and turned towards the door. Before he could step

away, Lewis stopped him.

"Wait, please I," he reached out.

Lerrit could see the wolf was afraid. The canid was too shy to really go after

what he wanted. Lerrit was nervous too, but slightly bolder than Lewis was so

the cat helped him. He stepped into Lewis's outstretched arms. They got close

to each other again, chests pressing gently together and they kissed again, a

little harder this time. Lewis moaned and wrapped his arms around the feline's

back, holding him instinctively. Lerrit's paws gently rubbed up and down the

wolf's sides, resting at his hips. The young feline purred as they kissed

deeply. Lewis's sheath began to thicken in his jeans as he kissed Lerrit.

After a minute, they broke the kiss and looked into each other's eyes.

"You want this, don't you?" Lerrit asked his new friend.

"Yes," the wolf replied hesitantly.

Lerrit smiled a little and gently licked Lewis's nose with his rough tongue.

"Then which room is yours?"

Lewis swallowed hard and led the way. He could feel the cat's gaze on him as he

walked to the door. He stood aside to let Lerrit enter first. His paws shook a

little as he locked the bedroom door and turned around to see Lerrit waiting for

him, sitting on the edge of the bed. He slowly approached the kitty and sat

down next to him. Lerrit smiled at him and leaned forward a little. The wolf

held his breath and leaned in for a kiss.

As soon as the pair kissed again, they felt a sudden rush of adrenaline. They

wrapped their arms around each other and kissed long and hard. Lerrit reached

under Lewis's shirt and gently ran his claws down the wolf's chest and belly.

Lewis's back stiffened and he growled a little with lust as the feline's prickly

claws scraped across the tender skin under his fur.

Lerrit's feline member quickly became uncomfortable in the confines of his

clothes, so he stood up and stripped off his shirt. He noticed the wolf never

took his eyes off him as he tossed his faded grey shirt to the floor. He had to

grin as he noticed Lewis lick his lips a little as he started to unfasten his


Soon, the thin young feline stood naked in front of Lewis. His hard, barbed

cock stood out proudly from the sea of black fur all around it. Lewis stood up,

but he was taking longer to undress than Lerrit. He was nervous and fumbled

with his pants as they slipped to the floor. He felt very shy and

self-conscious about being naked in front of the lithe and handsome cat. He

kept his briefs on as the naked feline stepped in close and slowly rubbed his


"Why so nervous?" Lerrit asked him.

"Um." Lewis blushed a bit under his fur. "I've never done anything like this


Lerrit's cathood swelled a little. He realized how much the wolf trusted him


"Can I show you?" he asked as gently caressed Lewis's furry belly.

The little wolf nodded slowly. Lerrit smiled with kitten-like glee. He purred

again, quite loudly this time, and leaned in to kiss the wolf again. He slowly

massaged the canine's balls through his briefs as the deep kiss went on. When

he finally broke it off, Lewis panted for breath and looked down to see his cock

was now free of its sheath and leaving a wet spot on his briefs.

"Let's get those off of you," Lerrit said, tugging briefly at Lewis' waistband.

The wolf blushed and nodded as the feline helped him pull his briefs down.

Lewis stepped out of them as Lerrit nuzzled his cheek and began to slowly run

his paws over his bare rear. Lewis whimpered a little at the teasing, gentle


"Lie on the bed, on your back," Lerrit whispered in one of the wolf's large


Lewis nodded and silently moved into position. He lay down in the center of the

bed with his head on the pillow and his knees bent. He looked down to see his

cock was now fully hard. He realized he had never felt so aroused before.

Lerrit climbed onto the bed and crawled towards him. The cat looked

unbelievably sexy like this, approaching him on all fours with his thick barbed

cock fully hard and swaying between his furry thighs.

Lerrit climbed onto the wolf and put some of his weight on Lewis's chest. The

pair groaned as their naked bodies touched and pressed against each other.

Lerrit rubbed himself against Lewis. The wolf whimpered a little as he felt the

thick catcock rubbing slowly against his own, smaller, member. He didn't have

time to worry about anything else though as Lerrit quickly leaned down and

kissed him deeply. Lewis moaned as the deep kiss went on, even more

passionately than before. He gave no resistance as he felt Lerrit's paws on his

wrists, holding his arms down on the bed.

With perfect feline grace, Lerrit slid down Lewis's body till he was crouched

between the wolf's spread legs. He continued to gently caress and tease the

wolf's fur by running his paws up and down his inner thighs. The canid gasped

and moaned as Lerrit's paws moved ever closer to his hard lupine shaft. Soon,

Lewis's body jerked in pleasure as he felt the first hint of a soft touch to his

cock. He looked down to see his feline lover was stroking his cock slowly and

so lightly that the black pad of his paw barely touched his skin. Lewis

whimpered again in extreme pleasure as a thick drop of precum spilled from his

tip. Nobody had ever touched him like this before. Just when he thought he

couldn't take the teasing paw anymore it got worse. Lerrit began to gently

licking his cocktip. He couldn't keep still once the rough feline tongue

touched the tender underside of his wolfhood. Precum poured from him in a great

wave and he felt like he would climax at any minute.

"Oh, not so fast wolfie," Lerrit said, giving Lewis's shaft a gentle squeeze.

"I've got so much more to show you." He nuzzled down to the base of Lewis's cock

to pay attention to his thick knot.

Lerrit spent a long time lapping and sucking on Lewis's knot while gently

squeezing and massaging his shaft. He could tell the young wolf was not used to

this kind of treatment and would be quite easy to get off if he really wanted

to. He kept Lewis on the edge instead. He didn't want Lewis to pop just yet; he

had plans for that wolfcock.

The cat continued lower down, nuzzling and licking at Lewis's full balls for

several minutes before moving on. Soon, he was nuzzling between the wolf's

furry cheeks, his tongue slowly extending and probing under Lewis's tail. The

wolf's eyes went wide for a second before he moaned lowly as his feline lover's

tongue began to tease his tailhole. He whimpered and pulled his legs slightly

farther apart to urge the cat to explore him deeper. Lerrit wasted no time and

quickly pushed his short muzzle farther under Lewis's tail. He teased the

wolf's opening with his rough tongue before pushing it inside the ring, gently

spreading the tight pucker apart. Lewis's writhed on the bed as the deep

rimming continued. He'd never thought his tailhole could be so sensitive or

feel such pleasure.

Slowly, Lerrit pulled away from the trembling wolf and sat up. He wiped his

muzzle a little and asked Lewis if he had any lube. The wolf's ears flattened

against his head a little as he realized he was woefully unprepared for

something like this.

"It's okay wolfie," Lerrit said as smiled and caressed the wolf's belly. "We'll

make do."

Lerrit suddenly rolled backwards on the bed and with a perfect display of feline

flexibility, he spread his legs and nuzzled his head under his own tail. Lewis

looked on curiously as the cat heavily licked as his own tailhole till it

glistened with saliva.

"Now, I'm ready."

Lewis lay his head back down as Lerrit quickly crawled towards him again. He

moaned loudly as Lerrit took the full length of his wolfhood into his muzzle.

Lerrit slurped up and down the fully hard shaft. When he pulled off after a

minute, it too glistened wetly.

"And now, you're ready," Lerrit said breathlessly as he wiped some precum from

his lips.

Lewis's nervous paws found a hold on the sides of Lerrit's thighs as the cat

scooted forward and got into position. The wolf had never felt anything like

this before. He gently caressed the soft fur of Lerrit's thighs as he got used

to the comfortable weight of the cat on his belly. He was tempted to reach out

for the thick, barbed shaft that seemed only inches from his muzzle, but he held

still for now as Lerrit reached back and firmly grabbed his aching hard cock.

The little black cat smiled and purred loudly as he pressed the tip of Lewis's

cock to his tailhole. He could feel that the wolf was still spurting out plenty

of precum as the slick wetness pressed against his tight opening.

"Ready, sexy wolf?"

Lewis looked up at Lerrit and locked eyes with him. He dumbly nodded, too

afraid he'd break the moment if he moved.

Lerrit took a firm grip on his lover's member and simultaneously pushed back

against it and tugged it upward to meet him. He yowled a little as the thick

cockhead speared him open and pushed into his tight passage. Once inside,

Lewis's nature took its course and he thrust up suddenly, impaling Lerrit on his

full length.

The cat's face contorted painfully for a moment, but his cock swelled suddenly.

It drooled a steady stream of precum which stuck to the fur of Lewis's stomach.

"A-are you okay?" Lewis asked with some concern.

"I'm fine, it's just..." Lerrit grit his teeth, "it's been a while."

The couple stayed still for a moment as Lerrit got used to the wolf's size.

Both males were extremely aroused so it did not take long. Now that the wolf's

full cock was inside him, Lerrit's paws were free again. He leaned gently on

Lewis's belly for balance as he got ready. Soon, Lerrit began to move slowly up

the length of cock inside him and then sat back down on it. He mewled happily

each time Lewis's full length was in him. He could feel the tip pressing hard

against his prostate each time he slid down in this position. He moaned as he

pressed his full balls against Lewis's soft fur each time he took the wolf's

hard shaft deep inside. Lerrit's paws became slick with sweat as the air filled

with their musk. .

Lerrit rode the wolfcock up and down for a while, getting faster and faster as

he loosened up. Lewis took hold of Lerrit's paws at just the right moment and

held onto them as the cat began to ride his cock harder. The constant pounding

on his insides drove him closer and closer to climax. It took his breath away

when Lewis suddenly got over his shyness and began to thrust upwards into his

downward strokes. Lerrit cried out in pleasure as Lewis's thighs slapped hard

against his rump and drove the wolf's shaft deeper and deeper inside.

Lewis humped up hard into his partner. He could feel the thick knot at the base

of his cock pressing against Lerrit's full tailhole. He really wanted to feel

what it would be like to tie with someone, but he wasn't sure he should. That

was when Lerrit suddenly leaned down close to him.

"I'm...holding...back," he gasped into Lewis's ear. "I want to feel your knot in me

wolf." Lerrit nibbled and gently bit one of Lewis's large lupine ears as he


Lewis closed his eyes and thrust up hard, his eyes watering with pleasure as he

felt the extreme pressure on his most tender part. His thick knot began to

slowly spread Lerrit open.

Lerrit growled a little and held Lewis's paws tight as he pushed back against

the thick knot. Pain and pleasure fought as Lewis's thick lupine knot spread

him wide open. He gasped as his tailhole finally snapped closed around the

knot. Lewis growled back as he felt Lerrit's tailhole tighten like a vise

around him. Nature took over and he pumped his trapped cock hard and fast into

the purring feline as he felt the pressure building in his balls.

"Oh, I'm....getting close," he moaned, nuzzling and nipping at Lerrit's neck.

Lerrit leaned down close to one ear and whispered urgently to Lewis. The little

wolf looked back at him and nodded with a smile. He reached behind Lerrit with

one paw and grabbed the cat's tail. He held tightly and gave it a hard tug.

"Ahh," Lerrit gasped as he humped back hard into Lewis's thrusts. "Yes wolfie,

that's it," he mewed, as the wolf tugged his tail again and again.

The sweaty black feline leaned against the wall behind the bed for support as

Lewis's pounding got even harder. His claws scraped at the wall as the pounding

on his sensitive insides continued.

Both males were panting hard now; the smell of sweat and male musk thick in the

air as they both approached their climaxes. Lewis pulled on Lerrit's tail

harder and harder in sync with his deep, frantic thrusts.

"Lerrit, I'm-," Lewis moaned as the pressure built up to unbearable amounts

inside him.

He could feel it now, a deep pressure coming from his balls and rising up into

his thick, swollen knot. He grunted and thrust hard as the tidal wave of

pleasure broke and overwhelmed.

"Oh yeah," Lerrit cried out. He felt the wolfcock swell suddenly before he was

filled with shots of warm wolfcum.

Lewis rode out the wave of his first really pleasurable orgasm in ages. He kept

going, pumping out every last spurt of his seed from his aching balls. He kept

hammering at Lerrit's tight rear so long that the cat finally came also.

Without Lewis laying a paw on the feline's barbed cock, Lerrit came hard and

sprayed his load all over Lewis's chest and belly.

Lerrit's strength left him as he finally came. He could no longer hold himself

up against the wall so he sat back down fully in Lewis's lap. He mewled as the

wolf's cock pressed hard on his prostate when he sat back down. A bead of sweat

fell from one of his white whiskers.

"Are've never done this before?" Lerrit panted.

Lewis could only nod weakly. "Was it okay?" he asked timidly.

Lerrit grinned and leaned down to deeply kiss Lewis. The two kissed for a long

moment. Lerrit moaned the whole time as the double stimulation of not only

Lewis's trapped cock inside him but also his own spent cathood rubbing against

the wolf's soft fur made his whole body shiver. The wolf suddenly hugged him

tight. The pair rolled over. Lewis ended up on his right side, still kissing

his feline lover deeply. He closed his eyes and held Lerrit's head close to his

chest as he ran his fingertips through the cat's black headfur. He gently pet

Lerrit's head and back until the cat nuzzled into Lewis's chest and began to

snore softly. He could now hear the thunder rolling outside and a heavy rain

against his bedroom window.

The wolf focused on the sound of the rainfall till he too drifted off to sleep.


Compressions and Rarefactions chapter 4/4

Compressions and Rarefactions By FuzzWolf Chapter 4 Story, Trevor and Sinclair © FuzzWolf 2003, Darkie is © his player. \*This story is of an adult nature and shouldn't be read by minors.\* Please comment! Sinclair sighed as he...

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Compressions and Rarefactions chapter 3/4

Compressions and Rarefactions By FuzzWolf Chapter 3 Story, Trevor and Sinclair © FuzzWolf, Darkie is © his player. \*This story is of an adult nature and shouldn't be read by minors.\* Please comment! Trevor's parking brake made...

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\*I may do more work on this story in the future, but I am posting it now for feedback. This story takes place a little later on than the other Trevor/Sinclair tales. Their relationship is a bit more developed and they are now actually mates, rather...

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