Sweet Cherri Pie

Story by Dosve on SoFurry

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#4 of Sweet

To quote a Jenny I once knew, the whole point of the good bit is thinking about the good bit.

Chapter 4: Sweet Cherri Pie

Cletus, it seemed, had a love of spending money. When they went shopping for furniture groceries, and other goods Terrance would look around for the best deals while Cletus would insist on getting what he wanted even if it was more expensive. More than once, Terrance tried to take his boyfriend aside and explain that spending so much money was wasteful. On the third such instance, Cletus picked him up under the arms and held Terrance to his eye level.

"Life is short, and something awful could happen at any moment. I'm done living for the worst possible outcome--I want to enjoy being alive while I'm alive, and that means getting the fancy fridge, the premium pork, and the twelve-speed dildos since I can afford them. Like that old song says, 'enjoy yourself it's later than you think'. Okay?" Cletus's expression was intense, unwavering.

It made Terrance uncomfortably hot and bothered to be on the receiving end of it. "Uh. Okay." His face was briefly covered by a light blush at how incredibly attractive Cletus became when he used his Gleam Eyes nature in that way. But then he processed all of what his boyfriend had said and sparked in annoyance. "My music isn't 'old', it's classic."

"That's because you yourself are old," Cletus informed him and kissed Terrance on the nose before he released the mouse. "But I love you anyway, even if you're turning grey around the edges." However sweet the sentiment was, Cletus's word choice immediately backfired on him. "Babe, I was joking. You're not greying, you don't have look like I punched you in the gut. Babe!"

It took Cletus, a mirror, and honest input from a PokeMart employee that he didn't actually have any visible grey hair to convince Terrance not to buy the fur dye. And afterward, Terrance offered next to no resistance to Cletus' purchases until they got to the topic of lingerie.

"Please don't ask me to wear high heels," Terrance pleaded with his boyfriend as he saw the luxray examine a pair of sleek black shoes in a triple-X store. The raichu clasped his hands in front of him and looked up at his boyfriend with a pathetic expression. "I don't want to break my ankles and have to go to the emergency room dressed like a hooker again."

Cletus stuck his tongue out and pushed the feminine shoes aside in his search for sexy footwear. "You don't need to go all out like that, I wouldn't...." He paused and thought about what his boyfriend had just said. "Wait, 'again'? You've never worn heels when you were with me."

Terrance sighed in relief. "It was for the guy I was with before you. He had a bit of a thing for feet." He left out how that incident had spelled the end of the relationship, as his boyfriend at the time thought the double ankle breaking had been done on purpose.

"Well, as awesome as it would be to see you in heels, I prioritize you not being so afraid that you have to make requests like that." Cletus made sure none of the store employees or shoppers were nearby, then leaned close to Terrance's face. He touched their noses together and spoke with a sultry purr, "I'd much rather hear you beg in a different context."

For one sublime moment, Cletus got to see all the anxiety and fear melt out of his boyfriend.

"I bet you would," Terrance replied, equally sultry. But as quickly as the moment of perfect ease came, it left quickly. The raichu stood straight, put on an air of faux-confidence, and went deeper into the sex shop. "But there's still so much we gotta get done for the day. I'm going to talk to an employee about their stripper pole options, you find some things you'd like me to wear." As he passed, Terrance's tail brushed up against Cletus' thigh, and the edges of their two tail-tip shapes locked together for a second.

While Cletus made his way to the male lingerie section, he mouthed the words 'stripper pole' to himself in amazement and fear. Amazement that his boyfriend was willing to go all-in with their sexual options, but fear that his pole-dancing game wouldn't match up to Terrance's.

Cletus was amazed at how technically inclined Terrance could be when given an instruction manual. Put a smartphone or tablet in his hand and he'd struggle to figure out the supposedly intuitive design, but an owner's manual and five minutes could turn the smaller man into a pseudo-handyman. The latest instance of such an event was when he watched Terrance read the instruction manuals for all the new appliances they had bought, and the raichu's psychic powers began to install them automatically.

In light of this, Cletus did the follow-up work after Terrance had installed an appliance. When the fridge was ready, he filled it with groceries, when the washer and dryer were installed, he put a load of laundry in them, and when the oven was in position he started on a snack. Cletus' definition of a 'snack' differed from a normal man's on account of his caloric intake. Electric types, like fighting and fire types, had to eat large meals relative to more average types such as normal, fairy, or water. So the snack Cletus prepared was two cherri and pecha chutneys served on a cracker crust with a layer of stilton cheese between the two. His college roommate had shown him the recipe, but it was expensive so he'd never made it before.

While the cracker crusts were baking, Cletus stood and watched odds and ends float about the room to where Terrance thought they ought to go. Once he was done, Cletus would go through and change things around, and the cycle would repeat until they had a mutually agreed upon look for the home. It was something that the two of them had talked about when Cletus still went to school--what they'd do if they got a house together.

They'd also talked about memorizing dance routines for rare occasion they'd be challenged to a dance battle, but that didn't seem as pressing a topic anymore.

All at once, the items began to float to the floor and went limp as if Terrance had let go. Alarm bells sounded in Cletus' head and he immediately went to the bay window seat where Terrance had been reading. Sure enough, the raichu wasn't in a good spot; teeth clenched, cheeks sparking, and both hands pressed to his temples. A glance out the window told Cletus why this had transpired--a group of butterfree were passing nearby, and a couple had landed on the townhouse to rest in their migration.

Bugs did something to psychic types--Terrance described it like a screech that filled his head up until there wasn't any room for him anymore--just by being around them. Pure psychic types could learn to deal with it, and primary psychic types could at least remain functional. But secondary psychic types like Terrance had no option but to get away from the source.

Fortunately, Cletus could facilitate that. Without a word he scooped Terrance into his arms and put his back to the bugs outside their home. His bulk and dark typing provided enough of a barrier that Terrance stopped actively sparking, but Cletus carried him as far from the otherwise benign bugs as he could. That place proved to be the elevator that connected their half of the townhouse with the ground floor.

The big man sat down on the floor of the elevator with Terrance in his lap and ran his hands down the raichu's back while the psychic screeching died down. Even when Terrance no longer seemed to be actively in pain, Cletus kept petting him to let his boyfriend know he was okay. The elevator was chilly for tropical-adjusted folks like the two of them, but neither complained as they thought the other had it worse off.

Cletus suddenly had to imagine what it would be like for Terrance when this sort of thing happened and he wasn't around to help. He unconsciously pulled Terrance into a hug as he imagined the raichu huddled in a corner on his own, in agony.

Terrance on the flip side asked himself why he'd made himself such a burden to his boyfriend with his problems. Cletus should have been enjoying his time in the city, and every time Terrance had to stop and ask questions, have an episode like this, or hear someone call Terrance old, he ruined it a little.

"I'm feeling better," Terrance said at length. He really wasn't, but they had been in the elevator so long he didn't want to risk a fire due to unattended food in the oven.

Cletus saw right through that bullshit and hugged the raichu tighter. "You don't have to lie, I'm not going anywhere." As if reality had become a visual glitch, a second Cletus detached himself from the first, stood up, and left the elevator to see to their snack. Three more Cletuses stepped out of the first Cletus and all gathered around Terrance until he was buried in a pile of electric lynx pokemon.

The pile of Cletuses cocooned Terrance until he couldn't move if he cared to. The original rested his chin on top of Terrance's head, while two others mirrored the gesture on Terrance's shoulders. The last Cletus decided to be cheeky and nuzzled his face into his boyfriend's bottom.

A few minutes later, the crust-watching Cletus came back with a broom in hand. "I got those butterfree to go down to Cameron and Anna-May's garden instead of hanging around up here. You should be good to come back in."

As one, the four Cletuses that held Terrance got up and carried him back into the townhouse like they were moving furniture. The raichu was returned to his seat in the bay window. A Cletus sat down opposite him, though Terrance couldn't tell if it was the original or not. It became obvious as the other Cletuses went to the kitchen and returned with two plates of a jam-like substance spread over a layer of cheese-covered crackers. After some instruction on how to eat it, they dug in.

For a solid four minutes, Terrance ate the dish, cutting and holding it aloft with his psychic powers, as his mouth seemed to cook itself from the intense spiciness. He'd been through hell on his island challenge, he'd been through hell as a totem pokemon, he'd been through hell as a solo pearl diver, he was convinced he could get through his boyfriend's well-meant attempt a baking.

He was so powerfully wrong, that when he finally broke down and ran for the bathroom to throw up he didn't even think that bringing up all that spicy confection would worsen his situation.

"Hmm," Cletus considered. "Maybe I put too much spice in it all at once?" From outside the bathroom, he examined the dish but could find no significant fault with it. Terrance's violent reaction, however, indicated he'd failed somewhere in the cooking process. "Babe, what did you use to season your food when I wasn't around?"

An electric current passed through the floor to reach Cletus' feet. A short-range electric type form of communication through using thundershock. The transmission read 'grilled wishiwashi, no seasoning'.

"Well, there's the problem! You've been eating like a fucking monk!"

After such a violent reaction, Cletus didn't expect Terrance to be in the mood for anything sexy, but as the sun started to go down, Cletus began to notice Terrance dropping some hints as to what he wanted to do that night. These hints included lifting his tail as he passed by Cletus, planting small kisses on the luxray's hands, and stripping off his clothes as the hours ticked by right in front of Cletus.

Once the sun went down and the curtains were drawn, Cletus made his move on the raichu prancing about in his underwear. He did as Terrance had shown him earlier, came around to his boyfriend's front and placed his hands above and below Terrance's tail. "Ready to ride the train?" Instead of smolder, he added a predatory growl to his question.

Terrance practically melted into his boyfriend's chest, his legs ceased supporting his weight and it was Cletus' hands that kept him standing. "Heh heh, yeah." Terrance's voice was muffled slightly, as his face was buried in Cletus' chest.

"Alright, let's go get ready and I'll meet you in the bedroom. Safeword for this is 'broadside', kay?" Cletus's hand below Terrance's tail moved and slipped under his boyfriend's underwear to gently caress the cheeks contained therein. "Also, something to hype up me and the boys when we're about ready would be appreciated, if it's okay?"

Terrance nodded into Cletus' chest and floated off to get ready once his boyfriend let go. His underwear remained behind, leaving Cletus holding a pair of sky blue bikini briefs. Cletus too went on his way after a quick sniff to get his blood pumping. While Terrance would go to the bathroom first for his share of the preparation, Cletus went to get changed.

He duplicated himself while he stripped down and set out six similar sets of clothes, which he and his duplicates put on. Once done, they seemed like a proper posse of luxray brothers, differentiated by color and fashion sense. And accessories. The red Cletus, in the style of Osomolga, had a riding crop. Cletus Prime, in the style of Karademaru, had a chastity device. The green Cletus, in the style of Choronun, had a blindfold and studded dildo. Ichisle's stand-in, the purple Cletus, had a can of rodent-repellent. The energetic and bright Jyuishiene stand-in, yellow Cletus, had a leash and a collar. Finally, pink Cletus in the place of Todorisu had a vibrator wand.

The real Cletus wore the leather jacket, blue shirt, and oversized glasses of the options. Once all six of them had reviewed each other, they grouped together for the pre-sexytimes pep-talk.

"Alright, bros," Cletus started with conviction. "Our mission is simple, we go in there, and we make love to our boyfriend until he can't walk no more." As one, the Cletus clones nodded their heads, their faces set in determination. "You each know your roles, are you prepared to see them through?"

The red Cletus, decorated in the most garish jewelry in the form of rings on all fingers and multiple necklaces, held up his hand. In the other, he held his riding crop which he gestured toward as he voiced his concern. "I'm not sure about using this, boss. The sound it makes when you hit someone with it--it sounds like it hurts big time. What if I end up making him cry from using this?"

That got the other Cletuses to shift awkwardly on their color-coded socked feet. None of them, not even Cletus Prime, was certain that they could stay in character when faced with a crying boyfriend. After a pregnant pause, Cletus Prime spoke up. "We have to be strong. Unless he uses the safeword, we keep going. If it gets to the point where he's hurting so bad he can't talk, use electro-wave communication." Hesitant, the Cletus clones nodded after a moment of reflection. "Anyone else?"

The pink Cletus clone raised his hand next and held up the toys assigned to him. "Um, so I'm the last one, right? After everyone's all done with him, I'm supposed to... do what exactly? This thing's way too big and unsafe to put up his butt."

Cletus Prime adjusted his garish glasses and assumed a pose worthy of his character. "Well, buraza, that will become evident in my turn at him. Gotta make sure he doesn't finish with only half the train run on him, after all." With the last of the questions answered, Cletus Prime produced the pair of bikini briefs Terrance had just been wearing. "Alright boys, get a good deep whiff and let's go run a train on somebody!"


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