No Other Master For Me

Story by hamnat on SoFurry

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Helloooo, guys.

It's another small little submission (hee) for your hopefully enjoyment.

My Master, Reikian requested I write a paean to him, which I was all too happy to do.

Though I wrote it for him, I also wanted it to be something any disciple/pet/willing slave/etc. could sing to their Master. I hope it works for you!

Some days are cold and some days are long; Some days I feel I'm all alone. But you're there to guide me, Set up rules beside me, and make me feel I am at home

And I realize, as I look to the skies, that there's no other Master for me.

The world is too big; It's too much to bear. There's so many things I cannot fight. But with you I feel strong. I can push through the throng and draw triumphant glee from your might

It's pain and it's toil! Such an infinite weakness. Why do you suffer daily to help me? I must recognize as I look to the skies That there's no other Master for me No! There's no other Master for me

With firm discipline And a gentle caress; There's so many ways you hold my hand It perhaps takes all day- But come whatever may- Before you leave, I'm able to stand

I rejoice and I frolick; I sing to your strength. I kneel in awe before your glory!

I look in your eyes, and I internalize, That there's no other Master for me. O-o-oh, no other Master for me!

Whisper in my ear, Stroke where you will, I present my whole being to you. Though some might just frown, Think it all upside-down, I know you might just paean me too!

So please recognize As I'm lost in your eyes That there's no other Master for me. I'm yours for all eternity!

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