Getting Trolled

Story by anzals on SoFurry

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#2 of Short Stories

A gryphoness caught in a rain storm finds shelter with a troll. Sex happens, as is the expected result.

Terrible title, but I don't know how people come up with original ones for every story they write. Anyway, this is another short story, written quickly to get some practice in. I prefer stories that have some plot and character development, whereas these short stories are really just excuses for me to play with quick moments or sex.

I like unusual creatures, or lesser used versions of better known creatures that are vague enough not to have too many expectations to their behavior, like lamassu instead of sphinx, or valravne instead of gryphon. If anyone has any suggestions I'm always looking for new ideas.

Feel free to offer comments or criticisms. I'm never sure how much detail to go in to, or whether I'm focusing on pointless moments and dragging things out. I've kept some of the detail intentionally vague in this story so readers can fill in the blanks, but I wonder if I've left too much out and it now feels incomplete.

Dark storm clouds obscured the late afternoon sun, the rain getting heavier as the day grew older. Tasha blinked into the winds and shook her head, the white gryphoness trying to stop her vision blurring with water as the droplets ricocheted off her beak directly into her eyes. Flying high over flat meadows, places to find shelter were far between, her earlier hopes of reaching one of the towns dotted across the country having faded when this storm blew in across the coast.

A booming crack of thunder echoed across the landscape, Tasha flinching in surprise at the sudden noise and now became wary of the chance of getting struck by lightning. Grumbling at the poor timing of her excursion, she tilted her wings and began circling towards the ground, slipping through the damp air to glide a few dozen feet above the thin and scraggly trees.

In the summer, the green meadows painted with flowers of every hue would have made for a wonderful place of quiet contemplation. Babbling brooks and creeks flowing amidst reed covered banks provided a gentle sound track for wanderers taking this route. Now soggy with rain, the flowers were being tossed by the winds and scattered into the growing muddy tracks, the gentle waterways rapidly overflowing and drenching the nearby landscape, giving the world a far more sinister appearance.

As Tasha thought for the hundredth time of a sheltered place out of the wind and rain with a warm fire to dry her feathers, an amber light flickered in her peripheral vision, the recognizable aura of a burning fire down in the valley below. Without hesitation, she flared her wings and beat rapidly to change direction, heading directly for the source of hope.

A scant minute later, her claws hit the dirt outside of a large, three sided canopy tent protecting a lone occupant and his campfire from the elements. As she approached, the large powerful body of a mountain troll unfurled with surprising speed, his stubby legs supporting his 8feet tall body with the assistance of tremendously long arms on calloused knuckles. Muscles rippled beneath the skin, sending the long shaggy green fur covering his body twisting and waving like a static discharge had gone off around him. Beady black eyes squinted at Tasha over his elongated muzzle, his lips pulling back and working vigorously as he struggled to pronounce the common language. "That gryphon? Say name!"

"Hello! I'm Tasha, from the Teecol Aerie. I was very much hoping you'd be willing to spare some room in your tent. I'm not really a rainy day kind of person." Bobbing her head politely, Tasha moved closer, trying to get some heat from the fire. She had heard of trolls, of course. Powerful and very dangerous when angered, but no more likely to attack unprovoked than any other sapient species. Her beak clicked absently, disliking to assume the worst of people without reason.

The troll bared his fangs in thought, looking around as if to judge the space left in his tent. Performing the complex calculations required to make this estimation, he finally nodded and shuffled aside to give her space to get past the fire.

Shaking herself vigorously to remove the worst of the wet from her body, Tasha darted under the shelter and stood there gratefully, residual water cascading down her cream-white feathers and fur like melting snow from a mountain. Feeling guilty about the rain she had smuggled into this sphere of civilization, she stood as close to the fire as she could without bursting into flames so nothing would dampen the trolls belongings.

A single backpack, large but currently emptied sat in a corner of the tent, the bag's supplies strewn about in the haphazard way that one who spends their time alone tends to do. A thin mattress, far larger than necessary for a human, was rolled out across the floor with several blankets piled on top. A leather loin-cloth was folded underneath a massive pair of shoes, holes cut in the ends to allow the owner's toes to poke out. To Tasha's surprise, some oversized pencils and paper covered in sketches of birds and plants could be seen tucked away in the back of the tent, out of harms way of the rain. Tasha was tempted to ask if she could leaf through them, but restrained herself fearing she would get them wet, instead turning her attention to the troll sitting opposite her.

"Thank you, anyway. I'd have had a very uncomfortable evening if I hadn't seen you set up here." She sat down and raised a foreleg, offering the closest thing to a handshake she could imitate. "Mr..?"

The troll shuffled around to face her, the loin-cloth under his shoes being perhaps his only attire, as his flaccid member flopped about above a large set of lightly furred balls held tightly to his groin. A large, powerful fist grasped only the tip of Tasha's claw loosely, the troll shaking with exaggerated care as if he had caused someone injury in the past performing this ritual, and didn't wish to repeat it. "Merk. I am Merk. Oh!"

His last exclaim came as the pot of stew he had left sitting atop the fire began bubbling over, puffs of steam rising when the liquid fizzed into the flames. Grabbing a wooden stick, he pulled it from it's perch and gave it a quick stir, setting it next to a cracked porcelain bowl. Thick chunks of meat and vegetables floated in a brown broth, the meal looking plain, but substantial enough for three humans. Idly wondering why humans were the scale to which all measurements were made, Tasha used her talons to clumsily open a leather carry bag she had looped around her neck, withdrawing an entire rabbit she had caught earlier for a meal of her own and tried to ignore the smells coming from the bubbling pot, far more enticing than her own dinner.

Setting aside the pot to cool for a few minutes, Merk considered his guest, his thoughts slow but getting there. "You want share food? Have more than need."

Tasha smiled in the gryphonic way, her beak hanging open slightly and the flexible corners near her jaw twisting up. "That's very generous and it smells lovely, but no, thank you. It was my mistake to come out here without supplies. I don't want you to put yourself out for my sake."

Merk hummed slowly, the rain pouring down even harder. He knew of gryphons and their close knit families. He couldn't think of many reasons one would be out in weather like this alone. He hoped she wasn't running away from home trouble like he was. "Can ask, why you out now? Not good time for trip."

"I'm adventuring." Tasha replied, unaware of the relief she had given Merk. "Mercenary work and the like. I've been doing pretty well, actually. I haven't met a mercenary group yet that doesn't jump at the chance to hire someone who can fly and has built in weapons. My last team was heading south, and I've already been that way, so I'm heading east instead. Or was, until I got caught here."

She raised her voice, the rain outside picking up in an attempt to drown out their voices. "I really liked those guys and all, but I don't want to repeat the same areas if I don't have to. And you? This is a lonely spot to be out by yourself."

"Was nice before. Will be again. There were pretty birds, flowers. They come back." Merk shrugged. "I move often. Not have anyone to go with."

"Which way are you headed? I pick people up all the time, so if you're going east we could go together, if you want."

"I could." Merk said, perking up at the idea. "No plan. Just pick direction and go." He picked up his pot and tested it, finding it plenty cool. Pouring a serving into his bowl, he noticed the rabbit still laying untouched by Tasha's feet. Taking the remains of the pot and placing it next to the deceased bunny, he said, "You have. You guest. Not right me to eat and you not."

"Oh, I wish I could pretend I didn't want this." Tasha said, sniffing the pot deeply. "Thank you. And I'll keep the rabbit for later, then. We can cook it another day and share it."

Eating quietly, the two had their meal and cleaned up. "I saw some pictures over there. Are they yours?" Tasha ventured to ask.

Meck looked guiltily at the stack of paper, then nodded. "Yes. I.. I like drawing. My sire does not. It one reason I out here." He cautiously reached out and grabbed them, holding them out to Tasha. "You want to see?"

Careful not to damage them with her claws, Tasha looked the drawings over. It was easy to see which were the early ones, simple and made with a shaky hand. As she got to the newer ones she could see a vast increase in skill, more detail going into each and the lines becoming more refined. "These are wonderful. You're really good. There are a lot of birds here."

"Yes. I like birds. To fly like one. Must be so good." Merk stretched his long arms out in a pantomime of wings. "I would like that."

Tasha smiled peacefully, Merk returning the grin, before he looked down and realised his shaft was hanging loosely between his legs at eye level for the gryphoness. "Oh. Uh, I forget I not have pants." He looked around for a moment. "I forget humans care. Do you? Did not say anything. Want me to put on pants?"

"It hasn't bothered me so far. I was quite enjoying the show, in fact." She puffed out her feathers, not aroused but still feeling the first hints to get her there, if things went well. "Though while we're on the subject, what is the troll opinion on sex?"

A look of confusion sat on Merk's face, a position Tasha was hoping to try. "Make more troll. Feel good. What you mean?"

Tasha rose to her feet and flicked her tail about to warm up. "Well, gryphons are pretty open about sex. It's lots of fun, helps promote good feelings to others and is an enjoyable way to pass a rainy day. We don't really discriminate based on species, so I was wondering if I asked you if you wanted to mate with me, would you be interested?"

Merk found his mind going blank at the sudden question. "I not know. It long time since I mate someone... You likely to ask that?"

"I would like to ask, but won't if it's something you're not comfortable with. I know some species don't like matings outside of their own kind. But for me, it's been more than a week since I was last with someone. That's the second longest time I've gone without sex since I became an adult."

"Only week?" Merk was shocked. It had been years since he had last had someone other than his own hand. One dick a week, and she must be how old? He tried to count how many people had found a home inside her, but gave up. "What was longest time?"

Tasha wince at the memory. "That was a few years ago. I tried to bed a centaur, and let's say my eyes were bigger than my tunnel. I was young and stupid and was sure I was more flexible than I was. If you ever find yourself under a male and he is having trouble getting even the head in, don't tell him to force it. One buck of his hips and I passed out from the pain. Woke up in a hospital with the doctors telling me I strained my vagina and couldn't have sex for a month. They don't tell you that can happen in sex ed. I'll tell you this, no ice pack in the world was cold enough."

"I not know can happen." Merk said, dumbfounded.

"Oh, I've been around the block a few times. I could tell you sex stories that would make a dead guy get hard." Tasha tapped Merk lightly with her wing. "Anyway. I would very much like to have sex, and you seem like a nice guy, so how about it?"

"I would like that." Merk admitted. "But... Not sure how start?"

Tasha moved over and balanced on her hindlegs with foreclaws on Merk's chest to look him in the eyes, her stomach tingling with the familiar excitement building. Flicking the feathered tip of her tail across his slowly plumping manhood, she said, "I believe a healthy dose of exploration is the traditional starting point."

Leaning her weight onto him, Merk rolled backwards to splay out on his mattress with his cock pointing to the sky like a lighthouse on the edge of the island of Merk. Ignoring the main course for the moment, Tasha rested her hips on the troll's and let her folds kiss the top of his shaft delicately, her own swelling clit squashed delightfully against the stiff spire. Moisture leaked from her eager sex and dripped between them each time she shifted her hips, busy working her tongue and foreclaws across the muscular pectorals buried beneath Merk's fluffy chest.

Merk's cock had swollen to full mast the moment Tasha had climbed on top of him, her tawny furred rump grinding onto him. Each time she swayed her hips he could feel her vent open and the inner chamber wash heated arousal down his length, sending him rolling his hips higher to get his sensitive head poking against the bare skin of her tightly clenched tailhole. Reaching out to spread the gryphoness's wings with one hand, Merk couldn't suppress the shiver of anticipation that left his cock drooling. The glossy gold of her feathers splayed out, strong enough to support the weight needed yet soft and warm like her. His balls clenched and relaxed at the need to fill this beautiful creature, to ride her until they both passed out from exhaustion.

Finished with his chest, Tasha pulled free from his grasp and slid down his body to face the thick shaft throbbing between his legs. Sharp talons gripped it gently, careful not to prick the skin as she held firmly and examined her toy. Similar to a human's she had once sampled, the green skinned shaft was smooth and plain with a thick spongy knob of highly sensitive flesh hidden beneath a wrinkled foreskin. Lacking the anatomy to perform a blow job, she gave her best approximation by gripping the turgid pole in the tip of her beak and swirling her tongue on the head like it was an oversized clit.

Gripping the bed under him, Merk couldn't stop the slight bucking of his hips the closer he got to his climax. It had been a long time since he had felt another's touch, the gentle ministrations of a female slowly bringing him to the utmost pleasure. A squeeze and tug on his balls nearly sent him over the edge and he had to reach down and place a hand on Tasha's head, stopping her progress. "Wait. Wait. I near done."

"Well, go ahead. That's kind of the point of what we're doing."

"No. I only have one." He saw the pulled look Tasha gave him, and tried to rephrase. "Only cum once. Then need stop and rest."

"Ah. The refraction period." Tasha understood. Gryphons with their feline heritage could go a dozen times before males would find it difficult to get hard again, but not all species were so lucky. Having encountered this before, she pulled back and turned to present her puffy lips to her lover. "In that case, perhaps you'd like to try your lips on mine?"

Nodding energetically, Merk moved quickly to take position behind her and get his first proper look at the tunnel he would soon gain entry to. The thin fur covering her haunches was soaked in juice, dripping down her inflated slit and beading off her clit. Admiring the view as her tail swayed over his head, he placed a finger on her pulsing button and rubbed lightly, her sex tensing with anticipation at his actions. Well traveled and malleable, her vagina eased open easily to allow his finger to probe inside and swirl about, eliciting a drawn out murmur of approval from the owner.

Standing and rubbing her back tenderly, Merk pushed his tip against the moist lips of the gryphoness's sex, her labia kissing his head tenderly. With his shaft gripped in one hand, he applied the gentlest of pressure and watched in fascination as her body spread open around him, welcoming him inside like an old friend. Tasha remained presenting her sex to the troll, keeping her haunches still to allow him to take his time exploring her. Pressing in a bit deeper past her folds, he felt the moist entrance to her vagina hidden within, the heat of her core radiating out and making promises of the pleasures to be found deeper inside.

Tasha kept her hindlegs locked upright and her tail held to the side, crooning with soft delight each time he brushed his cock against her swollen clit. Desperate for more, she never-the-less restrained herself from bucking when she felt the hot shaft dip tantalizingly close to her tunnel. Her inner muscles began to part when he pressed in, only to teasingly slip away just as she tried to clutch at him. Powerful hands gripped her hips, massaging the muscles in her outer thighs before sliding to her waist and down under her belly. Long fingers slid between her legs and rubbed her mound from beneath, curling back to squeeze the start of folds, just shy of that needy clit.

Merk pulled his hands back and crouched behind Tasha once, assured by her enjoyment and marveling at how such a small entrance could stretch to accommodate his girth. Giving a slow, tender lick from her clit to her tail hole, he tilted his head and pressed his lips to her own, kissing her swollen sex and treating it to the attention a beak could never offer. Diving his tongue inside, her body parted as softly as flower petals, then clenched down with the force of a vice. Unable to grasp the slippery appendage before it withdrew, her aching passage burned with need and drooled in futile demand.

Every nerve from Tasha's clit to her cervix felt alive and on fire. Imagining the moment when Merk would finally fill her pussy was enough to send her walls clamping down on nothing, a false orgasm twitching deep in that empty space. When his lips made contact with her clit and suckled, she couldn't hold her legs straight any longer, her knees buckling weakly. Strong arms gripped her thighs and held her upright, his tongue swirling around her button with soft, slow motions. Bliss rose with glacial speed towards the orgasm her body was primed to deliver each time he encircled her, working her clit with the patience of mountain.

Minutes stretched by as the troll worked that pulsing nub, edging Tasha painfully close to her release but never quite allowing her to get there. Groaning with pent up lust and thighs sticky with need, she was finally put back on the ground and allowed to buck her hips, gasping for breath. "That was... far more than I expected."

The troll only answered by rolling her onto her back, her wings stretched out beneath her and her legs pinwheeling in surprise. Climbing between her spread thighs, Merk gripped her feathered chest and lined his achingly hard member against her swollen cleft, looking to her for approval and getting a nod in response. With a slow and smooth motion he slipped inside, her lips yawning wide and swallowing inch after inch until he felt that hot ring press tightly against his groin, her inner walls shifting aside easily to allow him space. A mutual groan of pleasure escaped both of them, the fleshy canal gripping and suckling around his cock, and the delightfully heavy feeling of fullness in her loins.

Withdrawing until he felt her body begin to lose grip on him, Merk began a slow, rhythmic thrusting he knew his legs could keep up for hours, if only his cock would co-operate. Tingles and sparks flew up and down his shaft when Tasha's muscles squeezed and pulled at him, the heat and pressure of her body wrapped around him was bringing him to his limit faster than he had first thought. Glancing down at the join of their bodies, and watching her sex split open and engulf his meaty pole sent a burst of masculine pride through him, giving him the willpower to forge ahead with renewed stamina.

Trying her best to meet his bucking hips with her own, Tasha felt like she was melting into the ground as her troll slammed into her over and over. Balls the size of apples slapped her tailhole with each thrust, the fur covering them tickling and stimulating the bare flesh there. Fitting perfectly inside her, that thick cock stretched her clamping walls and gave an internal massage, his flesh slipping across her own like velvet. Every thrust ground his groin against her clit and stoked the heat in her loins, but fell short of getting her to her limit. Trying to reach a foreclaw down and provide a bit more stimulation to her clit, she was stopped when Merk grasped her limbs and held them to her chest.

"I male. My job make you cum." Merk grunted, speeding up his thrusts as sweat dripped from his face in his internal struggle to prevent his own orgasm.

"Not how... we do it... in my culture." Tasha gasped, her body ready to explode if she could just get that final push. She got it a minute later when Merk put forth a massive burst of speed, his cock pounding into her so hard she was pushed across the floor. Being thrusted into more than a dozen times a second was brutal on her tunnel and for a brief moment she thought she would get friction burns, only for Merk to grab her waist tightly and force himself so deeply her cunt felt like it was glued to his crotch. Thick ropes of cum burst free from his cock and plastered the inside of her body, squirting against her cervix with such force it felt like it would be days getting it out.

Her walls spasmed hard at the sensation, but still aching with the frustration of unreleased need as she bucked desperately onto his wilting cock. The troll pulled back and gave another mighty thrust forward to embed his dick once more, then slipped his hand between their join and found her clit. Tasha shrieked in shock when the finger began swirling across her nub with ferocious speed, looking between her legs to watch her own mound roll like jelly at the intense abuse. Heat billowed up her body and sent tingles to her legs and wings, the pleasure building and exploding out from her center as her body clamped and spluttered around the spire of troll meat buried inside. Her eyes hazed over and she screamed in pleasure, intense waves washing away the need and leaving her drained and satisfied.

Withdrawing and letting Tasha calm down, Merk rested a hand on her aching mound, gently kneading his fingers into her belly. Catching her eye, his muzzle split into a broad grin. "I make you cum."

"Yes. You certainly did." Tasha agreed, panting heavily. "You ready to go again?"

The end.

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