Excuses, Excuses

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From a young age, you're taught that the bad things in the world can hurt you. You learn, though, that some of the "bad" things are the most exciting. Some of them happen to you, some of them you have to make happen. They payoff depends on how brave you think you are.


Excuses, Excuses


Kimm needed to make the phone call, badly. The cell was in his right paw, in fact, and all he'd have to do was flip it open and hold down the "3" key. That was Casey's speed dial. It would take some begging, and maybe the promise of a PS3 game, but Casey was the only one who could help him.

Mr. Judd's tongue went deeper into his tailhole and he cried out.

"How long do you figure you have?" the skunk said between licks, his paws on the little mutt's hips, their weight spreading him open so that the warm puffs of breath caused him to shudder bodily.

It was just after four o'clock now. Every Thursday, when Kimm did chores for Mr. Judd, he was usually home by six at the latest. There was the yard work, and the vacuuming, and cleaning the kitchen and bathroom. Kimm's mother thought he was making twenty dollars a week, but the skunk had actually increased it to fifty if he promised not to let his mother know about the raise. Why would Kimm want to spoil the chance to double his pay?

But today was Friday. He wasn't supposed to be here, but yesterday things had come to a head. Mr. Judd was looking at him like Casey had warned. Kimm and his best friend had joked about it, laughing in their own hubris how guys liked to perv on kids like them. And that had led to a friendly argument over who was the sexier of the two. And that had led to both of them laughing at how silly it all sounded.

But Mr. Judd wasn't being silly right now, as his tongue glided up from his hole to bathe his balls in mephit saliva. But he'd invited Kimm over, with a wink that said it all, and last night the mutt hadn't been able to sleep. Around three in the morning, he'd made the decision to confront the skunk after school.

But the kiss had dissolved whatever incredulity Kimm had mustered. It had melted him for reasons beyond his understanding, and when his knees gave out, Mr. Judd's paw was there, between his legs, holding him up. And now he was on the edge of the skunk's bed, tail wagging against the black and white chin, wondering how he was going to make a phone call while trying not to come too soon.

"Maybe until five-thirty," Kimm whispered to the ceiling. He felt Mr. Judd nod, nosing his sac up against the base of his shaft. "If I can get my friend to go along with it."

"What are you going to tell him?"

"I...I don't know!" Kimm squeaked and arched his back. Mr. Judd's index finger had replaced his tongue.

"You could always tell him the truth." The skunk chuckled and took his muzzle away just long enough to position it over Kimm's smallish erection and slide effortlessly down to his groin.

"Ahhhhh..." Gotta make the call. The mutt forced his eyes open and flipped the phone, centering his thumb on the "3." Mr. Judd's head bobbed gently over his belly, two pink inches of the cock disappearing and reappearing as his muzzle withdrew and pushed forward. The finger on his hole probed deeper. He pushed and held the button, and the screen turned to the "Call In Progress" icon. Kimm put it to his ear, the floppy one, and let it lay on the bed so he wouldn't have to hold it.

The rabbit answered on the second ring. "Hey, dude, what's up?"

"Hi," Kimm replied in a failed attempt to cover up the huskiness in his voice.

A pause. Then: "What's wrong?" The mutt should have known better than to try and fake it. There was no way he could play it straight with Mr. Judd deepthroating him so...so dedicatedly.

"Can you cover for me for a couple hours?"

"Why? Where are you?"

No time to think of excuses. "Can you help me out or not, Case? Ohhh..." Kimm had never had anyone lick the inside of his sheath before.

"Kimm, if you don't tell me what the fuck is up with you, I'm not gonna help you." There was as much worry as aggravation there, and the mutt was glad to have him as a friend...even though he didn't want to let Casey know his situation.

"I had some more stuff to do for Mr. Judd."

"Why can't you call your mom? She wouldn't--oh shit, dog, is he after you? I was just joking about that!"

"You can tell him I'm sucking your dick," said the skunk. "I don't think he'll care."

Casey gasped on the other end of the line. "Was that him? Did he just say that? Put me on speaker." Kimm sighed. It was no use. The rabbit deserved more than being lied to, and there was no hiding anything from those ears. The mutt tapped the speaker button on the side of the phone and the sound of Casey's breathing came through clearly.

"Hi, Casey," said the skunk, before licking up one of Kimm's thighs. Kimm moaned way too loud.

"Uh...hi, Mr. Judd," the rabbit responded, guarded, after a long pause. "Case, what are you doing over there?"


"Right now, I've got a finger up his butt and when I'm not talking to you I'm sucking him off. He's kind of a hard nut to crack, but I like a challenge." Kimm couldn't believe this was happening. It was like he was an observer to some crazy porn video, except he was the one in the middle. Even as he blushed hotly, his cock surged in the skunk's mouth.


"I'm here," huffed the canine.

"What's going on?"

"What he said."

Another pause. "I told you about him! God dammit, I knew it!"

"Shut the fuck up, Casey!"

"Boys, language! There's no need for that and you know it!" Mr. Judd bellowed before his finger bottomed out and curved upward to make small circles right over Kimm's prostate. The mutt's tongue lolled onto the bedspread.

When Casey spoke again, it was much softer. "He's not hurting you, is he?" The finger traveled down toward Kimm's sphincter, drawing an elongated moan. He squirted pre into the skunk's throat, which was swallowed hungrily.

"You know, Kimm, he's not going to believe it if I say it. You might want to speak up." With that, Mr. Judd withdrew his finger and merely pawed at the mutt's length while he caught his breath.

"I don't...know what happened," Kimm began. "You were right about that stuff. But..." He looked down at the skunk's warm smile, his black-furred fingers stroking along the five narrow inches. "Dude, it's beyond awesome!"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Go on," Mr. Judd said. "Why don't you tell him what I'm doing? Make him jealous."

"Jealous? Of what?" Casey asked, but Kimm knew the rabbit already had a good idea of just what he was missing. The mutt had never pre'd this much before, and it was making for a wonderfully slick feeling from Mr. Judd's pads. He got his breathing under control and put the phone to his ear, clicking it off speaker.

"You know the stuff we joked about last month, while we were on the camping trip?"

"Jesus, Kimm, all of it?" Casey gasped, his attention most definitely piqued. It seemed a long time ago that they had been at Cascada Park, in Casey's dad's tiny two-person tent, with nothing around them but empty campsites and the mellifluous song of crickets. They had been roughhousing, and then they had talked about girls, and then they had talked about...about...

"Not all of it. Yet." About men. About fathers. About hormones, and the Internet, and all the old pervs who frequented it. Yet by the time they had said their goodnights, neither was ready to sleep. And so, saying nothing, they had pawed off next to each other in the dark, listening to the other's panting. Quicker, tenser, more labored, until...until rabbit and dog musk filled the tent's humid air and they'd had to open the flap just to breathe. And not a word had been said.

"Oh, man," was all Casey could mutter, his voice thick and half-choked by fear, or arousal, or maybe both. "Oh, man. Are you really alright?"

"He's sitting here pawing me off," Kimm said, gaining a particularly hard squeeze that made him whimper directly into the phone. "He knows how to real good."

Casey squeaked. He hadn't squeaked since they'd almost been caught with one of Casey's father's Playboy magazines, and only then they'd barely hidden it under the comforter before Mr. Vitter had opened the door. If he'd seen their boners, he hadn't said anything. "I...I don't know what you want me to do, though."

"I'm not supposed to be here this afternoon. My mom gets home at five, and if I'm not there she'll call me. And if I don't answer, she'll call you. And if you don't know where I am, she'll call the cops."

"We don't want that," Mr. Judd said. "Who knows what evil things those perverts could be planning for defenseless pups such as yourself." Kimm giggled, though the gravity of the situation wasn't lost on him in the least.

"That's not funny," Casey piped up so the skunk could hear. "How do we know he's not gonna rape you or kidnap you?"

"Put it on speaker again," Mr. Judd said after he took his paw away from Kimm's member. "Casey, can you hear me?"

The rabbit replied softly. "Yes, sir."

"I have my driver license. I have my business card. You both know where I live. And why, I ask...why would I want to kidnap Kimm when I can do this?" The skunk leaned in over the phone and twitched the tip of his tongue at the edge of the mutt's lips, coaxing him to turn, and when he did, his teeth gave way to Mr. Judd's. He melted into his second-ever kiss, his hardness surged, and his tail smacked the bed as he was laid down and caressed, softer than even his mother had when he had the chicken pox in third grade.

Mr. Judd pulled back and asked Kimm, gently, "Why would I kidnap you when I can have the opportunity to do that again?" Before the canine could respond, Casey came back on the phone.

"What did he do, Kimm? Is he hurting you?"

"No. He's not. He's...I'm...I don't know, but I don't think he's that kind of guy." The skunk's paw trailed down his slim tummy, cupped his balls and resumed their stroking, just below Kimm's knot. Kimm groaned and jerked his hips. "Fuck, this feels so good."


"Sorry, Mr. Judd...ooooohhhh..."

"I'm still at school," said the rabbit. "But my work-study only goes until four-thirty. And I live right near the school. If I go anywhere, people will see me alone. If I disappear, I can't vouch for either of us. This town's too small to just go away."

"If...if you take the train to San Lobos, I'll pay you back."

The rabbit paused. "You want me to take a train thirty miles away and sit somewhere while you have sex with a guy you do chores for? Just so you know what that sounds like."

"Sounds crazy, doesn't it?" Mr. Judd asked after licking the dribble of precum off the end of the mutt's cock. "These are desperate times, Casey. I would feel awful if I had to stop right in the middle without taking Kimm to climax. Oh crap, that's starting to sound manipulative. I didn't mean it that way. What if I double the train fare?"

"I..." But that was as far as Casey got. "Shit! Oh, sorry, crap. I meant crap. Mom has this stupid GPS thing on my phone that tells her where I am all the time. If I go far away, it emails her. If the phone turns off, it emails her. She said it was for my own protection, but, you know."

"Moms," the skunk said, stroking faster, and Kimm found that he was suddenly unable to speak. What did end up coming out was a mixture of growls, whimpers and something else that sounded all but desperate. "Does your mom mind if you hang out here? I mean, just as an idea. You don't have to participate..."

"I...don't?" The rabbit sounded doubtful, even...disappointed.

"Not unless you want to, that is. I'm sure Kimm wouldn't mind if you joined us."

"Oh jeez...oh jeez..." Kimm panted, his legs spread as the skunk nudged him closer to the edge of the bed. "It would be a lot easier if you could just come over *pant* and tell your mom. At least we...we would have the same stories."

"And I can vouch for your helpfulness, both of you. I'm sure Casey is a good worker."

Casey replied, "My dad doesn't let me help out."

Mr. Judd grunted, slathering over Kimm's sheath. "Or I could just let it slip that you came over here to have me get you off like I'm doing to Kimm here. But I think the chores excuse works much better. I can put in a good word to your father. You've got to admit you'd like to see Kimm all worked up and bothered, yeah?"

"Yeah, I...wait, what?!" Casey stuttered.

"Casey..." moaned the mutt, thrusting awkwardly against the skunk's paw wrapped tightly against his flesh. A picture of Mr. Judd atop Casey's nude body, pumping himself into the rabbit's rear, flashed into his mind's eye unbidden. That slender, soft body he'd only seen in bits and pieces over the years, never in such a position...curled tightly, wrapped around the skunk's middle, arching his back as he lost control. "Awww, man!"

Because of him. He could make it happen.

"Casey, please..."

"I...Kimm, I don't..."

"Hold on a minute, Casey," said Mr. Judd, "We're almost done here." With that, the skunk buried his muzzle in Kimm's tailhole, his tongue snaking deep into his body, setting off a fire that went straight to the base of his cock. His paw flew up and down the length as the pup clutched at the bedclothes, unable to do much else while his climax came to a shuddering crescendo.

"Aaaahhh, God! Ah! Ah! Ah! Awwwwww..." Cum flew everywhere. The bed, Kimm's face, his legs, Mr. Judd's fingers. He came close to screaming, actually, stars dancing in front of his eyes, barely aware that his best bud could hear every sound of his vulnerability through the sensitive microphone of the cell. When his body finally collapsed back onto the bed, Mr. Judd withdrew and patted the mutt's belly.

"I'd say that was a success. What do you think, Casey?" Silence from the phone. "Casey?"

Finally, the rabbit's voice, strained: "It sounded good."

"Dude, I still can't see straight." Then both the skunk and mutt looked at the phone while Casey's breath caught for a few seconds, then he exhaled. They listened for the next minute or so while the rabbit apparently caught his own breath. "Casey, are you okay?" Kimm asked.

"Is Mr. Judd still there?"

"Right here, sport."

"Can I ask you something?"

"You can ask me anything, Casey," the skunk said, drawing nearer the phone.

"Can...can I come over? My mom wouldn't mind, and Kimm wouldn't have to worry about...about anything." Mr. Judd raised one eyebrow, then the other when he saw Kimm's face scrunched up in a puppy smile, biting his tongue. A drop of semen clung to his left ear, the erect one.

"I'm sure I can find something for you to do," said the skunk, standing and cracking his back. The boxers he still wore bore a considerable wet spot. "Kimm, let me get you a rag to wipe yourself off."

"Yeah, me too," said Casey. "Can I talk to Kimm?"

Kimm put the receiver to his ear. "Yeah?"

"I'm nervous. I wanna, but I'm shaking like crazy."

"Don't worry about it. I'm here. It'll be fine." Mr. Judd tossed the canine a washcloth, which he caught and started rubbing himself down with.

"Are you sure? I mean, are you really sure?"

"I can't be a hundred percent sure, but...Jesus, that was the best!"

"I'm still...Kimm, I'm still hard!"

"How soon can you get over here?" Kimm had moved the rag to his erection, unflagged in the slightest. He looked back toward the bedroom door. Mr. Judd must be downstairs by now, maybe getting some water for them both. He, for one, needed it.

"Twenty minutes or less. I don't know, Kimm, this is wonky."

"We can talk about it when you get here." Once that rabbit felt those warm pawpads between his legs, he would understand. It wasn't something that could be talked out. It wasn't something that could be explained. It had to be experienced. "Whatever you were thinking about that night of the campout, it's true. And don't you dare deny it, because I was thinking the same fucking thing!"

"I'm sorry I didn't ask you--"

"Me too, I know. We can fix it when you get here. How about that?"

"I'm gonna run. Make it ten minutes." Casey was already beginning to pant. With his stride, ten minutes was on the generous side of the estimate.

"I'll be outside, waiting," said the pup, launching off the bed and pulling on his baggy shorts. He took the stairs two at a time. Mr. Judd was in the kitchen, having a tall glass of iced tea, propped up against the edge of the counter. Pudgy stomach almost rolled over his boxers. Tail floofed out against the tile. Black treasure trail disappearing down the fly.

"Where're you going in such a hurry?" the skunk asked, cupping Kimm's chin.

"Gonna wait for Casey, outside."

"Couldn't wait, could he?"

"He's running."

"Want some water?" Mr. Judd was already plucking two glasses from the cupboard.

Kimm's heart pounded somewhere between his chest and his throat. "Make it two," he said, grinning brightly.
