
Story by mugman on SoFurry

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It was a warm and hot day, god it was a hot day, the A.C. in my office looked goodand would feel good, my name is Mark, i'm a white tiger and I work in a very big company making pens and pencils that have every body's name on, like company name or just thier name.

As I entered the main hall expting the cool blast of cold air, I was meet by the heat! God it was hot in here about the same as outside. "Oh hi Mark, sorry air con is down there fixing it as we speak", that was John the fox, he made the company and is very good at running it, any way I went into the lift, I was not going to use the stairs today, not in this heatwave.

The doors opened as I pressed the buttonand I herd a voise, "HOLD THE DOOR!" It was Jo the sectory on my floor, I held the door and she jumpped in. The papers she was carring went every where in the lift and then the doors closed.

As I helped to pick up the papers the lift moved, we were headding to the 85th floor and it was a long wait. The music they play in lifts are bad, the tune was flight of the concords very nice but a bit old, and in here the heat was hotter, but ok all the windows on the floor would be open and the fans on full, then the lift made a noise and stopped then the music stopped and the lights went out.

It was dark but I had my touch just in case, I then found the call button and I spoke.

"Hello? Where trapped in a lift number 4", "okay yeah sorry about this, going to be some time air con needs a power boost, we'll get you out of there in a few hours". "Hours?!" "Yeah sorry".

I sat on the floor and looked at the wall then Jo sat next to me, "well seeing as where here can you help me with this paper work?" There was nothing else to do, that poster on the wall on what we do had been read every day and I knew it off by heart.

As I sat on the floor, the heat was getting to me and I losened my tie and my top button, but in the end I took it all off revealing my cheast, it was nice and flat but no six pack, "ahh that's better", Jo then unbuttoned her top and she started to clean the papers up, by ordering them, I sat down next to her and we talked about stuff, what we do in our past times and other stuff.

I looked at my watch, it read 10:45 am, an hour and 45 mintues had gone by, Jo was on the floor resting and I was playing a game on my pocket GAMER, after a while Jo asked me a hard questaion, "do you mind it I take my shert and bra off?" WOW...... the shert yeah but the bra woha on the bra, but she had already taken it off, she was a hot girl, a very nice lioness but she was white like me, there they where just there her breasts all six of them.

More hours past and I was now in my underwear, we'd had Jo's lunch and Jo's bottle of water, which was now full of unirne as we'd been in the lift for 2 hours and still no sign of move ment.

I tryed the call button agin, "Hi erm, where still trapped in here.........what are you doing?" No replare I sat back down and and wipped my browl, it was very hot and we where both nude now. Jo was walking around and looking for a way out but there was none that she could see.

After a good few hours, my head was going mad I was hot and now my water in my body was running low. I was seeing this beautiful lioness dancing, but that must be wrong the heat playing tricks on my mind I thought. So to take my mind off Jo, I checked my emails and went on facebook, but I was still hot and now very horny.

I looked at my watch, it read 12:00 on the dot, I thought great, lunch! and then I got a surpise in my lunch box there was a botle of water and some food! I drank it like it was my last, then Jo asked for some, she was wet in a good way she was sweeting and hot so seeing as no one was doing any thing with the lift, I asked a few sex type qustaions, She laughed and so did I, one made us both laugh that we touched hands, we both looked into each other eyes a few seconds passed but it seemed like years until she asked her own questaion, "do you want to do it?"

This took me a little bit by suprise and i jumpped at it. "Yes" I said as she kissed me it felt great, then she stopped and looked down, my cock was out and ready for some action, it wasn't very long but boy did it feel great when she started to suck away at it. She then stopped and turned around, she was still licking away then I saw her pussy and I gave it a lick, she gave a little moan at this and I started to lick away more boy it felt and tasted great.

After a few mintures we stopped, but only becuase it was so hot and the lift started to move and the call button went, "Hi in there! We've fixed it so u may want to tidy up in there next stop 85th floor", that's when we had only mintures to get dressed and clean up the mess we'd made, we did this and the lift stopped and the doors opened to a nice cool and crisp breeze. We said "thanks" and went our ways but I couldn't stop thinking about Jo, but I went on with work any ways.

Later on in the day I got a privet email from Jo saying: "Meet me in the loo's on the 98th floor", on that floor all the room where being repainted so no one was there, then the email went on, "So we can finshes what we started" then a picture of her nude only the top half, came up! This made me very horny and I wanted her more then ever, so I made my way up there and checked it out it was very white and the smell of paint was very nice, then something wrapped its hands around me!

I looked it was Jo, we looked at each other and kissed, my cock was going mad and her pussy was socking wet, so we made it into the loo's and she started to pull down my jeans and I pulled her dress down, I thanked her for the picture and then made love to her.

I pushed my dick into her and boy was it good! She was tight but also wet and wating more, I thust back and fourth in and out while'st licking her tits, there where six of them, then I felt my cock swell but she stopped me, she then pulled away and then pushed her anil hole at my cock. I pushed in as hard I as I could and cummed, she gave a small screm but she enjoyed it.

We both fell to the floor in a heap and we kissed then she said, "I love you" and I said the same to her.

That was over 40 years ago to this day, and I still love her. We gor married and had kids, and now where old and gray, but we still love each other very much, and I still thank the day that I held the doors open for the sectroy, and didn't just let the doors close other wise I might be dead, or very sick, but I always loved her even before this happened, I just never had the courage to ask her out.


Hope you enjoy reading it time and time again and have as much fun as I did writing it, and editing it!

editted 04/09/10

the wet fox part four ending

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The gay college

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the wet fox part three

Emma went into the bedroom and looked back at Dean and waved a finger, entising him in, but only if he was nude, because he wasn't and she was and it was her bedroom no clothes allowed. Dean soon went nude taking all his clothes off and went...

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