Volume 2, Part 4

Story by Cole Stryker on SoFurry

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#32 of Scout's Honor

Short but informational, I'm trying to get the next part while also working on something else I think you guys will really like =P

Thank you for your patience <3 to the people who've followed this story from the beginning and still are chugging along with me: I LOVE YOU =P

"That was fun," I said as he closed the car door behind him.

Justin followed suit a moment later and agreed. "Yeah. I like your friends Why don't you hang out with them more?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know. I just feel like sometimes they'll have more fun without me."

"But why? Most of the time they were talking to you," Justin said and started the car. He didn't put it in reverse but he did put his seatbelt on. "I think that you should go out with them more. It's good for you. You're always complaining about wanting more friends."

"I know but it's just..." I trailed off, I couldn't think of a good excuse for me to say no.

"'But it's just'- no, Scout. You want friends, you have friends. It's good for you to get out once in a while. And it sounds like they always go out on Sunday's. That can be your thing."

"I guess."

"I just want you to feel like you have friends, Scout."

He put the car in reverse and started backing out as I talked. "I know. I'm sorry. It's not that I don't want friends. You know I've been a little depressed lately, especially with the college thing. And then the bills, having to take out loans. It sucks."

"I know it does," he replied. "But I'm here in the situation too. I'll help. It won't be like last night anymore. I promise you, Scout."

That's what you said the last time. "I know, Justin. I'm sorry I did what I did."

"I understand it. Let's just both work on being better about it."

I nodded and peered out the car window to the passing houses. The one-story houses painted all the way from a bright, baby blue, to a dull pink lined the long winding one way road we used to get back to the apartment. Most had hedges and fences that covered most of the house, usually leaving half or just the roof to be seen. I've always wanted to live in a place like that. Decent size. Well-maintained lawn and gardens. Big enough space for a shed in the back for a fish room. Justin wouldn't be okay with a fish room, he's said so multiple times. But he did say if I could find space off the property then I can do whatever I want with it. He doesn't understand that breeding fish, if done right, can be very profitable but I'm tired of trying to explain it to him.

We rode in general silence, listening to music and Justin singing to the music. He was a really good singer and I loved listening to his voice. It's so soft, yet masculine, if that's even the right word for it. He's tried out for a few shows and he came close to one, but he got beat out by this bitch who had more of an "act" then just a song.

"Hey, can I ask you something?" Justin broke me out of my thoughts.


"Would you want to move back home. I mean, my home. Tallahassee."

"That's far, Justin. Why? Do you want to move?"

"No," he said quickly. "I'm just wondering. Maybe we move back, and we can try again over there. They have good schools, you could got back. You know your mom would want that."

"My mom would want me to go back to the college here and finish. This school is cheaper than FSU."

"I guess."

"Is anything wrong?"

"No, I promise. It's just, I hate the feeling like I'm dragging you down with me. Like...I don't know."

I cocked my head. "How are you bringing me down?"

"It's just...I came up to stay with you during your second year. I basically hurt you by causing you to fail. I've been thinking about this a lot, actually. I just couldn't bring myself to talk about it before."

His arm was resting on the center console so I put my paw over it and squeezed. "You didn't do anything. I'm the only one in control of me and I caused myself to fail. I put my priorities in the wrong order."

"I'm sorry, Scout."

"Hey," I said and punched him lightly in the arm, "shut up already about it."

I saw a slight grin form at the side of his muzzle. "You shut up."

"I was and then you started talking."

His bright smile returned. "Whatever. Want to watch wrestling when we get back?"

"Raw or Smackdown?"


I smiled and took my paw away from his arm. "Okay."