03 - A New Life's Begin

Story by Donivahn_Miros on SoFurry

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#3 of Summer Lovin'

I awakened with a good smell coming from somewhere. I slowly opened my eyes to see that I was still in Rock's home, a cave high at the mountains. From what I can remember, I was in Dizaly's den, entering her vagina to turn myself into a dragon and after that, I only remember what I'm sure is a dream... I got up. I hadn't felt any changes in my body, so I slowly walked outside. The smell was so good and was coming from the entrance... There, I found Rock, Mizu, Dizaly, and Rock's others brothers and sisters, which I didn't knew yet. When I saw what was the smell, my brain told me that it was ugly, but my body was looking direct to it. Many dead cows are on the ground, as the dragon family made it their breakfast. I reluctant joined them. By what it seems, I was starting to think like a dragon already, cause those cows were just wonderful...

"So you accepted to be one of us..." Rock asked me. "Did mom made your mind?"

"Maybe she had... And it was kinda funny too. I have to say that I loved it." I agreed.

"Now is my night with her!" Mizu was the first to say something.

"MIZU!" Dizaly used his mother authority. "She's not a object for you to use. No. Tonight, she will decide who will be her partner. Have you got it? Now, introduce yourselves for her."

"Eliza, right?" It was a female voice. A smaller dragoness with red scales and fire in place of hair, beautiful flame-red wings and a gentle face grinned to me. "My name is Pyra, Rock's oldest sister."

"Nice to meet you."

"My name is Cloud. I'm just a few years newer than Pyra." Cloud was a male gray dragon with a yellow belly. He was very strong, like his brother, but had no wings and much more spikes than him. His face seems to be always furious, but I could see kindness on his eyes.

"Well... You already know me... I'm Mizu!" Mizu seemed nothing with the previous. He wanted to be funny, but his attitudes is always scary to me. Like Cloud, Mizu had no wings, but his serpent-like body seemed so light that I thought he could fly any moment. I've heard about this kind of dragon from other cultures. I could hear him spelling something just for me: "Choose me... I will made it be worth..."

"HI! I'm Lumus!" Said a young white dragoness, which belly has very black scales, like the inner part of her wings. "And this is Nox! My twin brother!" Lumus pointed a dragon just like her, but inverted colors. Nox apparently couldn't talk, because all he does was nod with his head. "Don't worry. He don't speak much, but he's gentle."

I grinned. "Nice to meet you all... It's my pleasure to know you."

"Along the day you will be able to chat with everyone." Dizaly said, calm as ever seen her. "They will show you their den as well, so you don't need to tell us who you choose. You only need to appear on his or her den and make as you've made with me. And remember: YOU must pleasure them, but if you get pleasured back, there's no problem."

"Okay. Thanks Dizaly." I grinned to the pink dragoness. "But I'm curious... Can I spend sometime with Rock too?"

"For sure you can." Dizaly smile was a great proof that I was in the right place. "True love is something that even us, dragons, become afraid to defy. And, like I said, you should spend the night with them, not the whole day."

I got relieved. Rock showed me the whole place and I joined with him by the whole morning on his den. At noon, I spend the time chatting with his brothers and sisters to know them a bit better, since I will have to pleasure them, and I used themselves to know how to give most pleasure to the others. I got many tricks, so I believe I will not have difficulties. For dinner, I was told about horses and I got kinda bad, but in the end, just like the cows, I've just figured that I was liking it.

That night I had to choose a den to go. By the talks I had during the afternoon, I believe that my best choice for tonight is Pyra. Jokes aside, she's very hot and loves to pleasure her partner as she got pleasured too. For a start, I think better take those who mind me too...

"Hi, Eliza... What a surprise... I thought you would try out the males first..." Pyra was a bit surprised. Even becoming the older, she is hardly higher than me.

"Well... I guessed it would be better I start with a female... It can be more interesting..." I tried to convince her.

"You didn't get used to it yet, have you?" She guessed right. This kind of way of life wasn't my type, so it's hard to get used so easy. "Don't worry. Is better you get used before you get raped by many other dragons out of there. Now, your blood will smell like dragon, but it's one thing that only dragons can feel, relax."

"Well... I accepted to turn into a dragon... Is better I start change my mind too..." I walked to Pyra, swinging a lot. Mizu told me that Pyra was lesbian, that's another reason that I choose her first. I used my talent to try get her off guard: I'm a night dancer, so tease others with a view of my body was easy for me. Pyra, in other hand, seemed to never had seen something like this, so my work was even more easier. Not much time later, I felt a strong female smell on the air. "Wow... You already came? That easy?"

"No one ever made this to me..." She confessed exactly what I thought. "You're very good at it, aren't you?"

I keep teasing her a bit more, coming each time closer, till I could kiss her long. "It was my work, you see... I know how to drive people crazy..." By her closed eyes, the smile on her muzzle and her satisfied face, she was almost coming again. I downed my body, caressing her slowly, till my mouth could touch her wet pussy. I just needed to pass my lick along her a few times to she come again, but I want something more. I dived my whole little cat muzzle inside her pussy, licking all her inner before I felt her juice over all my face. My eyes were already closed while I stood there for a while tasting her. Even becoming almost of my size, Pyra was many times stronger than me. I discovered it when with her tail alone she got my hindquarter's up and turned them to her face. I kept in my previous position, pleasuring her as long as I could, and I felt her warm breath on my pussy. No one could breath that warm, only her and her talent to control the fire could do it, and that was my weakness, by what it seemed. When her warm tongue entered my body, I almost came instantly. I hold my pleasure a little, trying to resist the most I could in order to bring her to climax with me. I decided that she needed a lesson and with a single finger, I pierced her tailhole. I couldn't resist and, just like I thought, that little trick made her come just with me. After that session, we spend sometime lick-cleaning each other.

"You are great, Eliza... Are you... Err... Bisexual, right? The word your people uses..." She asked.

"I have such experience, that's all." I grinned to her. "And no. I'm straight. I just enjoy some time with my sister... She is lesbian and ten times better than me. I can mark a date to you in the future if you want..."

"No... I don't like this kind of relationship... I decided only do this with dragons..."

"I think you mother can handle it." We both laughed a little with that. "But now one thing I'm curious about... How I, born a cat, can be turn into a dragon just by entering your mother's womb?"

"OUR mother's womb, you wanna say." She corrected me. In fact, Dizaly was my mother in some aspect now... "All the dragonesses has this ability to change any creature that enter their wombs into dragon. Of course, first they must need be big enough to receive that creature and to give birth to it too."

"And I will be that big?"

"Not all dragons grow to be such titanic beasts. I'm already 12.365 years old and my body almost don't grow anymore. Rock, in other hand, tends to become bigger than his father... Do you believe he's only 325?"

"What? You're that old?"

"Before the first 200 years, dragons are known as wyverns. So, to be a dragon, you must be that old. Lumus and Nox are wyverns yet. Both of them are just 126 years old." Pyra grinned. "I've forgot that you aren't a dragon."

"I wasn't a dragon, you wanna say? Now I am!" I grinned.

"You're already changing your mind. It's good!"

"Well... Let's sleep? Tomorrow will be a long day before the night comes..." I grinned.

"Yes, it will be..." Pyra involved me with her wings and I have to say: she was warmer than Rock. I think that, if he really don't mind, I will ask her to live with us too...

Next day morning, I woke up with a cold breeze on my body. When I opened my eyes, I noticed the red dragoness that slept with me exiting her den.

"Letting me behind so soon?" I grinned.

"I thought you would like to sleep a bit more." Pyra answered. "But, if you're awaken, I believe you would like a bit exercises. Wanna catch your own meal?"

"What? I hunting? I never made it before..." I was a bit surprised.

"All the dragons must learn how to hunt. Do you wanna come with us and start your training or do you wanna your body get more like a dragon?" Pyra grinned.

"I will wait... At least a little..." I answered.

"Well... Then let me go. Mom will not get food to me anymore. You will be alone for a moment. The twins are coming to learn how to hunt. Do you mind?"

"Looking this way, I will go too..." I grinned back as Pyra downed her body to me mount her. Then we left with the whole family to my first hunting lessons.

We got most of the day out of the cavern, just to the twins and I have our lessons, and by the way, they were a hell better than me... I didn't gave up, and with Rock's help, I managed to get a little bunny before the twins cold get their wolf, of course... I get a lot less scratches than them too... On the way back at the cavern, I was mounted on Rock and eating the bunnies I've caught. I was adapting quicker than I expected. But that night I wasn't going to spend with Rock again... While in mid air, an idea occurred me, and I would left this cavern a day sooner than I normally would do. When the dragons went to their dens, I silently followed the twins. It was a lesson they never got: the smell can tell what's behind you. When they were going to sleep, together as normally they do, I jumped on middle of them.

"Hi, Lumus... Nox... How are you going?" I grinned.

"What? Eliza? What are you doing there? We warned you to talk with us before, to get only one in the den!" Lumus and Nox were surprised, but only the white dragoness said something.

"Or maybe this was her plan..." Nox answered his sister. I never heard his voice, not even when the wolves scratched him.

"What? Nox can talk?" I wasn't believing. His voice was just beautiful, but he don't seemed to like it.

"Of course, he can!" Lumus grinned. "He can't use it so much, that's all... Nox's voice is something near the siren's voice. Enchanted and apparently perfect. I'm completely immune to it, but not even our mother can surrender his wishes."

"Oh... I see... But I have to say... He's right... I planned it. I want both of you tonight! There are anything against it?"

"Not that I know... And you, Nox?" Lumus asked and her brother only shocked his head negatively. "Yep! There's nothing against it at all! Nox know all dragon's culture. He just loves to read."

"I think I believe in you..." I looked around their den. My night vision was beginning to be improved and I was seeing each time better in that dark cavern. Around us there were piles of books from many kinds: medicine, history, geography, math... A whole human's life knowledge and many other books that I wasn't recognizing what language was written. "But that wasn't the reason I came there... Do you wanna share me or not?"

The twins looked to each other and nodded with a grin. Different from their other brothers, Lumus and Nox were a lot like my former people: the forepaws were hand-shaped, they could walk on their hindlegs, their faces were shaped in human's face form... But there were differences too, like the small muzzle, Lumus didn't had breasts, Nox could retract his penis inside his body, and not in a sheath... In the end... Nothing of these details could interfere on our night.

Lumus sat down at a pile of books, getting in the right height to me stay on my four members and get access to her pussy. At the other extremity, my tail was higher as it could, showing my both holes to Nox who had the right to choose what attracted him more. I managed it this way because I've heard the twins likes more anything that they does together, and Pyra told me that Nox had this real fascination for ass fucking. Like I said, he didn't lose time and pierced my tailhole, many times more calmly than I thought, what made me feel a lot more of pure pleasure than pain. As we enjoyed that threesome action, I could feel a really solid thing touching my little and tight pussy: it was Nox's tail! He was making me purr, feeling a real pleasure with that double penetration as I kept licking and caressing Lumus's legs, caressing her, teasing her sometimes. Maybe because they were young, the twins came at their climax exactly at same time, but I managed to prolong mine a bit longer. Made what I came to do, Lumus asked to change positions: I would had my pussy eat by her, and Nox would cum inside her this time. Before sleep, we enjoyed a great time together, dreaming about when we became real dragons what we would do. They were thinking in questions of thousand of years, what yet didn't entered in my mind: from now own... My life had no time limit...