Horse Ride, Part 9 - New Class, New Teacher

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#12 of Horsie Ride

It's the start of a new school year, and Kerry gets to know her teacher a little more intimately than a pup her age should...

Author's Note: You may wonder why this is numbered 9, and the previous story is 7. That is because I wanted to move the story on a bit, and also because I feel Anson needs a little spin-off series of his own that runs concurrently, looking at his renewed intimate relationship with his dad, and his explorations into gay sex (spoilers!). Thus 8 is a placeholder until I plan the story structure. At this point, I think I'll have to resort to a flow chart to keep track.

"Settle down! You with the chatter ring, put that away. They were annoying in the 90s, and they're annoying now."

Kerry paused in the doorway when she saw her new teacher, then quickly moved to a vacant desk before she caused a pile-up. The chubby St Bernard pup sat down, put her bag down beside her on the 'education grey' carpet, and looked up again to study the tiger who stood by the whiteboard. He was one of the tallest people Kerry had ever seen, standing probably close to two metres. Golden eyes glinted under the fluorescent lights as he scanned the room, watching his new students shuffle into the room and take their seats. He was wearing a dark green T-shirt with a white stencil of a stylised dragon, and knee-length brown shorts. On his feet were sturdy leather sandals.

Once everyone was seated, he walked to the door and closed it, and turned to address the class while he was walking back to the whiteboard. "Good morning!" he boomed brightly. "Welcome to Room 3. My name is Mr Short, and we'll be seeing a lot of each other this year." He paused and gazed around his class. "As you're all new to me, I'd like each of you to stand and tell me your name, and something you like, when I call your name from the roll." He picked up a manila folder and opened it. After also grabbing a pen, he began to go through the names alphabetically by surname. "Brownlee, Dennis."

A timid-looking ferret pushed his chair back and stood. "Um, I'm Dennis, and... I like frogs."

"Great! I like frogs too. So wet and slimy," replied Mr Short. He moved on to the next person in the list. "Conway, Alice."

The girl to Kerry's right, a white mouse wearing a garish tie-dye pattern stood up and introduced herself. "I'm Alice, I'm eight years old, and... I like it when Mum reads me stories." She sat down again.

And so went the rest of the brief introductions. Kerry's surname was almost at the end of the alphabet, so she tuned out while the rest of the kids were waiting their turn

She thought about that morning, before she had gone off to school. After a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs and toast, her father had gently bent her over the dining table, and made love to her until she'd had a squirming orgasm, which had brought her father to his peak also. She looked forward to the day when he could finally fit his entire cock and knot inside her pussy. Until then, she'd happily accept every inch and drop of cum he could give her, whether it was in her mouth, her cunny, or even, if she felt daring enough, in her bum.

She thought about her dad's cock throbbing inside her as it spat its hot, watery load of semen. Over the past month or so of the summer holidays, she and her dad had made love almost every day, usually on his bed, but sometimes on her own bed as well. She felt she was able to take more of him now, compared to when they'd first started fucking.

Kerry also had sex a few times with her equine boyfriend Anson. His cock was in a different league to her father's - thicker and longer, but lacked the knot that stressed her bottom so much on the rare occasions she convinced herself that she wanted a dick in her arse. She loved the way it stretched her pussy as the thick shaft oozed in and out of her. Only five inches or so could fit into her so far, but that's all she needed to be satisfied, and when he came... it was like a very localised tsunami of gooey white fluid, spraying her innermost recesses.

Eventually the sound of the teacher's voice broke her out of her reverie. "Hmm?" She looked around, blinking as she took a few moments to reorient herself. "Oh!" She quickly stood up. "Uh... my name is Kerry, and I like it when my dad comes," she blurted, not putting much thought into what she was saying.

The class was silent. Mr Short's eye ridges were both raised, before he narrowed his eyes thoughtfully. Across the room, Nova was staring with parted lips. Kerry had forgotten the Great Dane/St Bernard hybrid was in her class, and as she returned Nova's gaze she remembered that she was also sexually active with her father, but not in a nice way.

"Um... I mean, I like it when Dad comes to pick me up, when it's raining," she amended, thinking quickly. "Sorry."

"Kerry, stay behind at morning tea," Mr Short said. "I want a word with you."

"Ooooooh!" murmured the other kids, as they always seem to do when one of their number has been singled out for punishment.

Kerry groaned and flumped into her chair, staring down unseeingly at her desk. Now why had she gone and said that? Only her first day back at school, and she was already in trouble!

The pup fretted all though the first part of the morning's exercises - writing a short essay on what they'd done over the summer holidays. Quite plainly she couldn't write about the most exciting parts of her time off school. By the time morning tea had come around, she'd written only a couple of rambling sentences, which she disconsolately handed to Mr Short when he came around to collect their essays. He frowned when he saw how little she had written, but he didn't say anything.

The bell rang for morning tea, and the children took their lunchboxes from their bags and raced outside into the hot early February sunshine, leaving Kerry behind.

Mr Short sat at his desk, reading through the assorted writings. "Kerry, come here, please." He glanced up at the pup as she wandered nearer, noting her apprehensive expression. "I don't bite," he said with a smile. "I just want a little talk." He got up and grabbed a spare chair and pulled it close to him. "Sit down here," he murmured.

Kerry did so, trying to look her teacher in the eyes, with marginal success.

"Now," the tiger said, turning his chair around and leaning forward to better see Kerry eye-to-eye. "First, when you said that you like it when your dad comes... you didn't mean his coming to pick you up, did you?" he said in a low voice.

"No, Mr Short," Kerry replied, shaking her head. Her heart was starting to beat faster in anxious panic, and she looked down at the scuffed grey carpet.

"Mmm. Did you perhaps mean... something he does down here when he's feeling really good?" Mr Short placed a large hand upon his crotch suggestively.

"Yes, Mr Short."

"I see. And... does this have anything to do with the lack of writing you did this morning?" The teacher riffled through the papers on his desk until he found what he was looking for. "Surely you did more than just stay home and play games."

Kerry nodded, still not looking up from the floor. "Yeah, I did. But...." She chewed on her bottom lip, and finally looked up at the tiger. "Will... will you tell anyone if I tell you?"

Mr Short frowned for a few seconds. "That depends on what you tell me, but if you enjoy it... maybe it should stay a secret. Fair?"

Kerry took a deep breath and tried to let it out slowly. "I... had a lot of sex," she whispered, almost too quietly for Mr Short to pick up. "With my dad, and... and my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend?" That admission took the teacher by surprise. Although he'd heard many times children claiming to be girl- or boyfriends, it was never serious, and didn't progress far at their age.

"Um, yeah. He's really nice. I like how his cock feels inside me, and when he shoots. I sometimes drink his cum. He can't fit all of his cock in me yet, but I hope I can one day."

"Interesting." Mr Short sat back in his chair, starting to feel the stirrings of arousal in his shorts. "And you do the same with your dad too? You like having sex with them?"

Kerry nodded again, feeling a little more confident. "Yeah. I came home one day and found him watching cub porn... and we talked about it, and... how we feel... and we fucked while watching his videos."

The tiger's shorts were definitely fighting a battle to contain his erection. He was almost painfully aware of the bulge his cock made through the thin brown fabric. "Have... have you wanted to have sex with anyone else? Would you like to play with other guys?"

"Yeah, I think I would." She grinned then. "I love playing with my boyfriend's cock. It's so big and thick, and feels really warm. I want to play with more."

Mr Short's breath was quickening. "Would... you like to play with mine? Maybe suck it?" He pulled his zipper down with a steely rasp, freeing his dark pink member from its confines. It sprang free, about nine inches long and considerably thick. It wasn't as thick as Anson's, Kerry thought, but she still liked the look of it. "We have a few minutes. If you want to... get under the desk, so no one sees."

Kerry quickly glanced around to make sure there was no one who might possibly see her, then she scooted under the desk, after Mr Short had shifted his chair to give her room. As he pulled his chair forward again, she got a whiff of his strong masculine scent. It was like her dad's, or Anson's - cooped up in underwear, allowed to build, then released in a burst of maleness. She shuffled closer and opened her mouth, extending her tongue to lightly brush it over Mr Short's rounded glans.

The tiger looked down at the eager pup, seeing how her eyes shone in the dim light under his desk. He reached behind her ears and gently stroked as she began to slowly bob her head over his shaft, leaving it glistening with her saliva as she coated it liberally. After a minute or so of quiet slurping, he murmured, "I know a few guys who would love a blowjob from you. You're very good at it!"

Kerry giggled around her meaty mouthful. "Maybe I could meet them?" she asked, before she resumed her oral pleasuring of her teacher's shaft. It felt warm in her mouth, and it was constantly drooling precum. It was slightly bitter, but she didn't mind the taste. Now and then she swallowed the build-up. She stroked the cock with her right hand, while bobbing her head on the top third of it, swirling her tongue all over the sensitive glans.

Minutes passed. Both Kerry and Mr Short were thoroughly enjoying the illicit session of under-desk fellatio, accompanied by soft moans and sticky noises. "Mmm... I wish you could suck me all day. Feels so damn good!" Mr Short leaned forward and twisted his head around to see the clock above the whiteboard. He'd lost track of time, and he was surprised to see that the twenty-minute morning tea break was almost over. "Shit!" He looked down at Kerry. "I really need to come... would you mind too much if I fucked your face?"

The pup shook her head. "No. Just be careful." She shuffled back as her teacher half stood and leaned over the desk, then slipped her muzzle over his dick again. He began to thrust, slowly at first, then rapidly as he went all-out on reaching climax. His balls slapped against her chin, and he his cock was pushing into her throat, making her gag several times. She didn't have time to swallow around the shaft, so a mixture of saliva and precum dribbled from her jowls as he fucked her muzzle.

"Hah, hah, hah... fuck, I'm gonna shoot!" Mr Short announced, his voice sounding strained as he teetered on the brink of orgasm. "Nnggghhhaaaargh!"

A volley of thick, bitter goo suddenly erupted into Kerry's mouth, rapidly filling it. With her mouth still mostly filled with Mr Short's member, she had to back off to swallow it, though some of it escaped. She could feel its heat oozing down her throat as more pumped over her tongue. He kept thrusting, although much slower, as he relieved himself of his pent-up semen. His load was almost as voluminous as Anson's, and had a stronger taste, but Kerry wasn't one to complain about it. She kept sucking and gulping until he had no more left to give her.

Mr Short weakly collapsed onto his chair, and smiled down at Kerry. "That was amazing, Kerry. It's been a while since someone blew me so well. Thank you." He reached for the half-empty box of tissues on his desk and pulled some out. "We'd better get you cleaned up before the--" The strident ringing of the bell suddenly interrupted him. "--bell rings. Crap." He pushed his chair back and helped Kerry out from under the desk, before starting to wipe her face with the tissues. "Oh, just take some more. I have to put this thing away," he muttered, waggling his softening cum-drooling cock. He pulled some more tissues and hurriedly started wiping his member clean before trying to tuck it back into his shorts.

As Kerry's classmates began to trickle in from the playground, Mr Short murmured, "I'll write a letter for your dad. Come get it at hometime." He straightened up, trying to make himself look the figure of authority he'd been before, rather than the perverted cub-lover that he'd been minutes before.

The pup went back to her desk, an enigmatic smile on her face and a wag in her tail. She sat down and watched the other kids head for their own seats, laughing and chattering. Already holding a few secrets, she now had another - no one else knew that she was sitting with a load of the teacher's rich cum in her belly. A small burp rose up her throat, and she let it out quietly. Mmm, cum-flavoured.

"Hey, Kerry! You've got something on your shirt!" pointed out a panda boy as he went past her desk to sit at his own behind her. She looked down, and saw a few translucent splatters of cum and saliva staining her light blue shirt. "Uh...."

As Kerry tried to reason out an explanation, Mr Short came to the rescue with some more tissues. "That's what happens when you don't aim a sneeze properly," he said, wiping off the sticky fluids as best he could before throwing the damp tissues into the bin. "Now, is everyone feeling perky after their snack? Good!" The tiger stalked up to the whiteboard again and grabbed a black marker. "We'll be looking at science now."

While Mr Short delved into an explanation of what science was and how much everyday life depended on it, Kerry leaned back in her seat and pondered what she had just done. She hadn't been sexually active long, and already she had experience with three guys. She licked around the inside of her mouth, which still had an aftertaste of Mr Short's climax. Deep down, she loved her dad, and her boyfriend, and the intimacy of their relationships, but she felt a thrill at having sucked off someone outside her little 'family' group.

She wondered what the letter to her dad would say....

Babysitting Bracken

"Hi, Dad! Bye, Dad!" Nightrain appeared almost a blur as shi sprinted past hir sire on the way out the door. "Sorry we can't chat, but we're very late for the parent-teacher meeting." "Anything I should know?" Kowhai asked, bewildered at the scene of...

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Horsie Ride 7, Part 7 - Unburdening

Three days later, Anson was working at his computer on a holiday assignment. Summer should be a time of fun, laziness and enjoyment - and perhaps a bit of hedonism - not spending hours doing research on a subject that he didn't find particularly...

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Reminder at Breakfast

"Good morning, Bree-Anne. Sleep well?" Tanner glanced at the sleepy kitten padding into the kitchen, her pink schoolbag dangling from one hand, it straps trailing across the floor. The six-year-old Siamese kitten yawned widely and nodded. "Yeah,"...

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