Origins - Nil

Story by Louis Timberwolf on SoFurry

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#1 of Origins

New series. It's nothing much, just something I came up with when I saw some "inconsistencies" in the other two stories. I hope this helps a little. I also know it's short, so... Anyways, enjoy.

Uh... warning. The following story contains extreme violence and my first attempt on writing a sex scene. It's crude, I know, and may not be the best. But I must warn you, If you're below 18, GO AWAY (for now).



The young wolf walks down the dark streets. It was raining hard, but he didn't care. His green eyes stared down on the gravel, watching closely every detail of the path he went. He stopped walking and stared at a puddle close by. His light brown cloak covered most of his 5' 4" body. His soft white fur was matted down under the pouring rain. The mage staff on his back is made from pearl and obsidian, with a ruby tip the shape of a treble clef. He sighed and opened a bit of the cloak to see his black mage robe-soaking wet. The brown leather belt bag on his hip is drenched as well. A silver necklace the shape of a lion's head hangs on his neck.

"Master is gonna be so furious to see me..." He mumbled. He closed the cloak and continued to walk down the lane. Eventually, he stopped in front of a door less obsidian tower. He looked up to see the windows on the highest floor glowing by the light. He took a deep breath and pressed his left paw on the black wall. A glyph appeared in front of him and the wall slowly slides to the side. He passed the passageway and ascends the long staircase. Upon reaching the thirteenth step, the wall moved once more, concealing the path to where he came from. His footsteps echoed in the dark, empty, and long stairway. After a long period, he reached the arch of the wizard's room. Bottles of reagents are neatly aligned along the wooden shelves on the wall. On the center, a crystal ball, fit into a palm, floated beside an old bloodhound. His gray fur is dull, and his red eyes were staring at the young canine.

"What were you thinking?" He growled. The white wolf went down on his knees and showed the elder respect.

"Forgive me, master," he quickly said. "I just..."

"You disappoint me, Nil Rey. To think I raised someone like you as an apprentice."

"Forgive me, sir..."

"You are weak and pathetic!! It was just a simple task!! All you need to do is burn the village to dust, steal their magic power, and store it into your necklace!! How could you have not done that!?"

"But sir, I can't harm an innocent people just like that."

"You dare to defy my orders!?" He growled. An electric magic bullet was shot from the crystal ball and hit the wolf on his right shoulder. He yelped in pain as he was blown to the floor. He held his bleeding shoulder and looked down in shame.

"Your failure for the mission will cost you greatly," the bloodhound mumbled.

"I understand..."

"Your punishment shall be done in the next full moon."

The bloodhound turned his back to the seventeen-year-old wolf and gazed out to the new moon. The young wolf sighed and picked himself up. He slowly turned around with his ears and tail down under his cloak.

"There's one other thing that I'm furious about you, Nil Rey," the bloodhound said to him. Nil stopped in his tracks and turned around. The bloodhound padded towards the young wolf and tore down his necklace.

"A Tusol is used as a weapon of mass destruction," he lectured. "Tusols must remain nameless for they are just mindless beings that are not meant to be used to save worthless people. They must be worked hard as our mindless slaves of power. Yet you still name your own Tusol and befriend with him. Not to mention the fact that you used those filthy mongrels to save the worthless!!"

Nil kept staring on the floor in submission to the bloodhound.

"You don't deserve this..." The bloodhound mumbled as he tossed the silver necklace to the air. The crystal ball immediately shoots another bullet towards it. As it was about to hit, Nil quickly grabbed the necklace with his right paw. The electric shock hit him and he screamed in pain. As he collapse on the floor, he gazed the necklace in his paw. Relieved that it was safe he gripped it tightly before the bloodhound picked him up.

"I said, you don't deserve to have one..." The bloodhound growled.

Nil continue to stare at him silently.

"Give it to me, or I'll torture you to the bone."

The wolf shook his head and pocketed the object in the bag. A glyph appeared on his side and the bag was completely sealed from the old bloodhound.

"Very well... Then have it your way," the bloodhound smirked evilly. Electric currents traveled all over his body as the bloodhound continues to shock his body. Nil shrieked in pain as the torture lasts for hours. He tossed and turned as the lightning bolt continues to strike his body. The elder canine then began to burn the young lupine. Nil was fortunate because the rain has soaked his body well enough for him to not catch on fire. However, the heat and the intensity of the blast were immense that he yelped in pain. Still not satisfied enough, the bloodhound tore his cloak and robe away. He then shoot multiple thunder bolts to his naked chest, causing him to shriek in pain once more. He pulled the young lupine's tail and sends a current through there. Nil was screaming on top of his lugs as the brutal magic torture continues. He then felt something hard touching him on the tail hole.

"N-no..." He whimpered. "P-please don't..."

"You caused this upon yourself, boy," he grinned before shoving his hard cock into the lupine. Nil yelped in pain as he took his torturer's whole cock in him. His tail hole didn't have time to adjust itself. It wasn't long until the bloodhound started hammering the young lupine. Nil's eyes started to form tears as the pain became unbearable. He then felt his torturer's knot starting to form as well. The bloodhound suddenly grabbed his hips and pulled him closer. With a hard thrust, the bloodhound's knot ripped Nil's tail hole once more. Nil screamed in agony as his torturer continues to fuck him relentlessly. His knot kept popping in and out of him, causing his backside to bleed like a fountain. Nil could tell that he was getting close. Inside, he was slightly relieved that the torture is almost at its end. With a hard slam, the bloodhound forced his cock once more and bit the teen's shoulder. His fangs dug deep inside of the artic lupine. He yelped once more in agony as his torturer filled his inside with hot canine juice. The thought of it alone disgusted the worn out lupine. The bloodhound chuckled once more and pulled his cock out in one rip, causing Nil's tail hole to open and let the blood and cum flow out. The two liquids quickly scented up the air along with the bloodhound's own sweat. The elder canine immediately pulled the arctic wolf's hair and dragged him towards the open window. Nil just yelped once more as he felt his weak body started to hurt once more.

"How about we take out the trash now?" The evil canine smiled. Grabbing the base of his tail and scruff, he threw the naked lupine out of the window along with his staff and bag. He then shot the boy once more with an electric bullet, sending him flying away from the tower. Nil was too exhausted to react. His body was hit once more and he screeched in pain. As the electricity dissipates, he soon free fell towards the ground. The thought of death sounded comforting to him. His naked body felt free as his speed continues to ascend. He smiled softly and waited for his arrival to the soul dimension. He closed his eyes and everything became dark to him.

Parallel Universe Ch 20

Okay, I know it's been a while, so I hope you guys enjoy it. Sorry, but I dunno why this one is a little off to me. If anyone can tell me, please let me know. ~~~ **Alchemy** "Alchemy?" I asked. "So it wasn't magic?" "No,"...

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Past Life Ch 5

Jeremiah cried once more on the bed. Reality has struck him even worse than he had imagined. He knew the hard way that he could never be with the man he loved. 'How could he be so heartless!?' he sobbed. 'How could he not notice that I'm in...

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Past Life Ch 4

A week after the octoknights incident, things have returned to their normal peaceful life. Well, almost... A loud knocking on the front door of the Lionheart Estate. John, who was cooking lunch in the kitchen, turned his head towards the...

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