Healing Love - Chapter 18

Story by Mirron Tenshi on SoFurry

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#18 of Healing Love

Healing Love

Chapter 18: 1000 Words (Unspoken)

By: Mirron Tenshi

Allen's new neighbor has now agreed to do Allen a favor in exchange for a good date for his husband on Valentine's Day. However, the fox can't seem to get his mind out of the gutter. And what will Allen's reaction be when he meets up with someone he long since wanted to forget?

I pressed on Allen's doorbell. I stood nervously, waiting for him to answer. He asked me to bring a digital camera, so why do I keep thinking that I have to him a BIG favor?

I snapped out of it when he opened the door. "Hi, Danny. Come on in." Allen was wearing nothing but a bathrobe. My stomach throbbed nervously. Dang it what is the big deal? If he wants me to tap'im, I'll just say no. But I want me and Zach to go somewhere nice for Valentine's Day. Why am I even assuming that he wants me to sex him up? Am I really that paranoid? Of course the last time someone wanted me to do them a favor, before me and Zach were married but were lovers, I had to give half a dozen blow and handjobs. Zach didn't talk to me for two weeks. It almost ended it between us. I'm starting to wonder if this was a good idea.

I turned around to look at him. "S-So, Allen. What's up?"

"Ahem, well, see, I don't know when exactly Max is going to get back-"

Here we go.

"-So I was wanting you to take some erotic photos of me in poses of a few sexy wears so that I can email them to him." My ears and eyes lit up as he blushed as he explained.

"Ooh, want to give him something to look forward to, huh?" He nodded.

"Yeah . . ." The lion was still blushing, I chuckled.

"Heh, well don't worry, you're in good hands."

I just noticed that the living room was completely modeled in a volcanic themed surroundings with large paper posters attched to the walls that were painted very well black skys and primstone. I let out a low whistle. "You did a great job."

"Actually, I had a friend of mine do this. I'll give you her number if you need a heck of a theme. So, um, Danny, you sure you're a pro at this?" He asked again blushing. I laughed alittle.

"Oh please, you're probably wearing more under that robe than most of my clients." He grinned as he untied his robe.

"You sure?" He then took off his robe, he was completely naked except for a pair of black briefs with yellow, orange, and red flame designs. The bottom piece looked snug because his bulge was very well rounded. I grinned as I felt my sheath swell.


He chuckled as he went to a boombox and turned on music with heat themed rhythm. "Ok, now just go with the music and look hot!" He then went by the volcano and leaned and half laying down on it. I snapped a good one there. "Yeah, keep going, you're hot in more ways than one, kitty!" I got a few nice shots of his mane flowing in a fan, a few suggestive poses, "Hellz yeah! You're Hot! You're a blazing fireball of lion fur!" and especially his smokin hot ass. "Ok, now slip your paw into your crotch." I thought he was going to protest, but he did what I said, taking his right paw and digging into his sexy pouch, rubbing the inside of his large package. He leaned on the wall, tilting his maned head with a panting and horny expression on his face. "Yeah! Stroke that hotstuff! Play with that fire! You're blazing like a dragon on a hot date!" I took a choice shot at him rubbing himself, but I turned off the music and looked at him.

"Ok, so tell me we're not done, cause I'm just warmed up." I said with a wink. Allen smiled as he took his paw out of his briefs

"No we're not. Go to that spareroom and wait for me." He pointed in the dierection to a door right next to the slidding glass door to the backyard. I grinned as I went into the spare bed room. This room was similar, it had black drappings and few sporting equipment like a football, a pair of heavy boots, and a hocky stick. Allen walked in. My knees almost buckled at him: he was were a black jockstrap with golden trims. He looked 10 times sexier than he did with the flame breifs. This Max guy sure is hella lucky. I grinned as he put on a baseball helmet and piked up a wooden bat. He played Space Jam on the boom box and held the bat over his shoulder.

"Yeah, let's get this game started! Take a swipe at the old apple. Handle a good grip on it and get it on!" I got a shot of the bat in mid-swing. I took a few good images of him in several positions with the football, making sure to include his nice ass. I also was able to get some poses with the hockey stick.

"Alright, two down, two to go. Go ahead and go upstairs to my bedroom, Danny."

"K." I nodded as I went up the stairs. Wow. His bedroom looked like Tarzan's den. Everything was drapped in green with a few artificial tree stumps, brown construction paper crumbled and put around to look like trees. Allen then walked in, and I almost drooled all over my clothes in two seconds. This time, he was in a g-string with green leaf patterns. He snapped his fingers to wake me up.

"Hey! Wake up! We're not done yet, and you're still married." I blushed as I got my camera ready. He chuckled as he switched on Jungle Love on the boom box. He then spung up on his bed and laid on the green silk sheets, sprawling in a sleepy fashion.

"Oh, good! The lion's sleeps tonight, baby! Yeah! Turn in your sleep. You're having a VERY wild dream. Yes! You're getting it!" I got a few front shots of him in a crouching position with a hungry and preditory on his mug. A good one of him looking like he's prawling around the jungle. "Now gimme a roar, Nature Boy!" I clicked the camera as he let out a hearty and window shaking roar. Oh, his mate call just turns me on. Allen went red, I guess he roared louder than intended.

We finished with this round. Damn, this guy's so hot! I need to finish up and wait for Zack at home with my own g-string. "Alright, we're doing the last one in the back yard. I'll be with you in a few." I nodded. My sheath was so hard. I got outside, luckily, the weather was on my side, the clouds were giving me a good level of lighting. THis time, there was an ocean theme going on around the big pool he had. "Ok, let's finish." I turned around and I had to excuse myself to the bathroom. I spent the next seven minutes cleaning up a nose bleed. After I finished sanitizing my snout, I went outside to see Allen sunbathing in a light blue thong with four hip straps instead of two, with Hawaiin Roller Coaster Ride playing. I snapped one of him there and we continued.

"It's crazy, you're like hot AND cool. Yeah! put your feet in the water. Enjoy the freshness of the pool." I got him on the tall diving board, danging as he pretending he slipped and is in danger of falling into a pool, his full backside being clearly shown. "Ok, now dive in!" He easily got himself back up and onto the board. He took a few steps back and ran forward and leaped. I then got an execllent image of him in midair, package and all. He made a good splash when he inject himself into the water. His head sprung up.

"OH MY GOD! ITS FUCKING COLD!" he quickly swam back and ran into his house for a towel. I laughed out loud: he completely forgot it was Winter, and the snow had melted just recently.

"I still can't believe you actually dived in." I said, still snickering.

"Y-You told me too!" Allen was shivering as he sat at his computer desk in his robe.

"Sorry, I forgot too." The pictures in my digital camera came up on screen.

"Wow. Danny, these are good."

"Takes a good model for good pictures. You sure you never modeled before?" He nodded.

"Yep, first time."

"C'mon." I gave him a spectic look.

"No, really. Anyway, do you know how to send these by email?"

"Sure." I leaned in and attched all the pictures onto a new message. "What's his email address?"

"[[email protected]](%5C)"

"O-righty." I typed it up and sent them. "You're all set." The lion smiled and got up

"Okay, well thanks again. And as promised, your reservation has already been made at Celino's and I guarnatee, you won't be disappointed." I smiled as disconnected my camera. He stood up and shut down his computer. "Now if you don't mind, I need a hot shower before I need to cut my toes off." I laughed as I showed my self out, eager for Zack to come home.


"Ok, I'm on my break." I announced to my nearby coworkers as I stepped out. I shivered as I felt a cold breeze. I then leaned on the wall and breathed out to watch my breath steam slowly reform in the cold atmosphere. Who needs cigs when I could do this? I blew out more of my steamy breath to watch it craddle out. I then took a good look around; everything was once again under a thick blanket of snow (wow, cliche!) I inhaled deeply, filling my lungs with the fresh icy air and exhaling. The only thing that could make this better if there was a perfectly full moon in the starry sky.


My left ear twitched as I heard a sickingly familiar voice. I turned in total shcok as well as disgust to see my old ex: Tom Johnson. I growled menacingly at him, seeing his very face was enough to ruin my calm mood. He doesn't look as carefree or evil as he did months ago, infact, just the opposite: his ears were lowered, he had a very nervous feel about him. He looked aside and spoke. "Look, Allen, I don't blame you for hating me. Who wouldn't?" I turned away from him.

"Take one move, and I swear-to-God-Tom, I will rip out your freaking teeth one by one." My heart and the pit of my stomach was pounding with rage and hatred.

"Please, Allen . . ." I snorted.

"So what is it this time? Here to 'take me back' again?"

Through my prereferal vision, I saw that he gave a curious look. "Um, no, I'm here to set things right." I shook my head.

"Things are right enough without you fucking up my mood. Now get out of here before I set you on my foot and into outer space." I wanted him as far away as possible. I do not want to be troubled by his existance ever again.

"I can't go back. Not until I explain myself." I sighed aggrivatingly; why am I always the listening type?

He gulped and continued. "During the fifth month we were going out, I met this otter-"

"Oh, so the problem was I wasn't your type?" I interjected and he better not ask me to stop because he broke my heart, I'll jest around with his 'heart-felt explanation' however the hell I want.

"-N-No. I just . . . took a liking to him and-"


"-And we talked. He recently got out of a bad relationship and I consulted him-" I gave him a look. What the hell did that mean?!

"So were you and I a 'bad relationship'?"

"N-No!" He looked aside again. "We talked and . . . really clicked . . . I was falling for him and . . . I didn't know exactly how you would take it"

"And I'm sure you had a VERY tough time on deciding to ditch me without a word." He shook his head and he closed his eyes, he seemed alittle upset.

"A-Allen. My last boyfriend before you . . . He was abusive and obsessive . . . Calling the police was the only way to get away from him! Yes, I fell in love with this otter, I couldn't stop thinking about him. We got married and I told my friends not to tell you that I moved away. I was so afraid that you might've hunted me down and . . . and . . ."

I gave him a side glance; he looked and sounded sincere, but I'm not buying it juuust yet. "Please, Tom. Is that your excuse for shattering my heart?" I stepped from leaning on the wall and faced myself towards him,"I was so damn worried about you! I thought something had happened to you! Then I had to scare one of you friends into telling me, and I find out that you went to Austrailia with your husband?! I couldn't feel anything worth for shit for 3 years! I spent nights awake in my bed, contemplating as to why you did this to me! I kept myself alone for almost 7 years because of you! You have a lot of fucking nerve to come crawling back over after what you did then and last summer!" I saw him look up, in a notified expression.

"Huh? W-What're you-" I gave him a sharp snarl.

"Don't play the dumbass, Tom! Late June, don't you remember? You showed up on my doorstep and asked to take me back! I sprained my left arm punching you out!" He shook his head with a confused expression on his face.

"No you didn't-"

"Yes I did! And awhile later, you broke into my home! You attacked my current boyfriend! You cut his arm! And you were going to cut his freaking balls off if I hadn't come in and threw you out myself!!!" I was panting I was so furious. He just stood there, he looked absolutely horrified. He faintly shook his head, his eyes wide with terror, his mouth half open.

"N-No . . . I wouldn't . . . Allen . . . I could never . . . !" It then dawned on me that maybe he really was possesed. "A-Allen . . . You have to believe me . . . I don't remember any of that! One minute I was getting ready for bed with my mate, and the next thing I knew, I was right in front of a door-!" He sounded frantic, almost sobbing. "-My whole body felt like I was a school yard bully's bitch again. And then I heard your voice. I got away and back to Australia as fast as I could. When I got home, my husband was so worried about me! He said I went to a business trip that was supposed to be a week long, but I was gone a month and a half! I finally told him about you and he's been saying that I really should set things right with you! I was so scared the flight back over here.

"I-I'm so sorry Allen!"

I sighed as I looked at him, he was panting and gasping a little as he stood in the freezing snow. I got up and walked over to him. He flinchingly turned his face away from me as he braced himself for the worst, a discrete whimper escaped his throat as he shook. I smiled alittle; there's the timid doggie I used to know. I put a paw on his shoulder and softly kissed his cheek. He opened his eyes and gave me a shocked look.

"Tom, do me a favor: Just go and live your life . . . . . . It hurt me so much when you left without a word, and even more when I found out you got married behind my back. And if you would've told me that you met someone that made you feel better than I could, I would've understood. I'd have to let you go. You fell in love, I can't change that. And you know what? . . . . . I've met that special someone too." He looked at me with teary eyes and then he hugged me. I hugged back comfortingly and then broke it again. "Now why don't you go back to him? He probably misses you." He smiled as he nodden.

"T-Thank you, Allen." He waved as he begun to trot away.

I flipped open my phone to call Rick and tell him to call off the 6 month old Tom search.

Healing Love - Chapter 19

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