Shigeru Umbreon Chapter 2

Story by Miku on SoFurry

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#2 of Shigeru Umbreon

Shigeru Umbreon 2

Chapter 2: An Experiment Stirrs

Note: Ah this one is a bit more indeph but I still would love thoughts on this. This one was edited the same day as the last update. Again if there is anything that seems out of place that I might have misses I would love to know. Enjoy this chapter.


It felt very warm even with the air conditioning on up in the room Gary was in. He was thinking of putting his Umbreon back into the Poke ball but it would probably be warmer inside the Poke ball than just letting her air out on the bed, all curled up in the corner she seemed to be asleep anyways and he didn't want to bother her either way. Gary had other things on his mind anyway, like where his first stop on his quest was going to be, and what is up with his grandpa?

He had been upstairs for over an hour now just organizing some materials needed for there long trip heading towards Hoenn, of coarse he could let his other Pokemon out but they would need just as much rest as his Umbreon would if they ran into any challenges, trouble, or more wild Pokemon. Now what was happening downstairs however was something Gary could live without hearing or seeing.

Downstairs Prof. Oak was talking on the video phone with Professor Ivy. The researcher that Ash met up with a long while back on his quest, this was the same Professor Ivy that dumped Brock, therefore leaving Ash to find him out in a ditch.

Ivy: "You and your weird experiments professor Oak, a trainer making love to his Pokemon? You seriously think that will work you sick man? And besides, what will this act of physical love making even bring to the research community anyway? I know that your research is quote-unquote 'famous' but seriously Professor Oak."

Prof. Oak: "Just give me a minute Professor Ivy. That will all come clear soon. But yes, of coarse it will work. Just think for a minute, an experiment like this could bring Pokemon closer to there trainers than never dreamed of! The possibilities are endless with the vast amounts of research we could uncover by one simple act of love."

Ivy: "Hmm... Well then, I'll take that bet Professor. I don't think you can find a test subject and prove your results to me by tomorrow. I am so sure that anyone you ask would be very reluctant to your research. And by the way, you know what I want in return."

Ivy was now grinning into her computer screen at the Professor in a very seductive way that made Professor Oaks blood rise sky high. It was here he said the most absurd of things.

Prof. Oak: "The Ultra Bondage Teasing Sensation 5000! I'm so confident that I'll find a test subject Professor Ivy that if I DON"T find one I'll wear it for a week if I don't succeed!"

Ivy: " My, my aren't we being the very naughty and interesting one. You would so want to see me in that now wouldn't you? All right then. You're on Oak. Good luck bondage buddy."

Prof. Oak: "You too bondage bunny, I cannot wait to see you in black leather!"

He clicked off the monitor and stood up and began to walk out of the room.

Prof Oak: "Oh Garrrry..."

He than developed an evil smirk and a somewhat creepy smile and started to walk like a sexual super model. Nobody knew why, nobody would even want to know why he was walking like that heading more towards the lab of his shouting upwards.

Prof. Oak: "Could you and your Umbreon come downstairs for a minute? I want you two to do something for meeeeee..."

Gary heard his grandpa from downstairs which also woke Gary's Umbreon up, her ears flinching a little and yawning from just waking up looking over at Gary since she heard his grandpa too.

Gary went to the door and opened it and his Umbreon followed him down a corridor and down the stairs to the main hall, down another flight of steps and into a small lab that had a huge computer, a stretcher, chairs, and tons of Poke balls, and books. With his Umbreon next to him, Gary sat down in a chair and his Umbreon sat down next to his side of the floor as the perverted professor entered the room and looked at them both, greeting with a grin and a smile.

Gary: "So what's this all about gramps? Why did you call me down to my lab?"

Prof. Oak: (He brought his Umbreon with him TOO! This is turning out better then I have anticipated, I can pop the question right now! Oh I sure hope he is willing. I mean he IS my grandson so that sense of adventure and exploration should very well be in him.) "Hehehe I'm glad you asked my grandson. You're going to help me do a little experiment."

Gary moved his head up a bit more as he leaned more back into the chair blinking about two times before an interested look brewing on his face.

Gary: "An experiment? Exactly what kind of experiment are we doing?"

Gary looked over at his gramps in confusion and so did his Umbreon lowering an ear. All Oak did was have blush on his face and laugh having a scary smile creeping across his face that was more creepy then the one he already had.

Prof. Oak: (This is it... Happy moment. Happy moment!) "Hehehe... Gary I need you to go and love your Umbreon!"

Professor Oak then immediately pointed right at Gary directly. Just grinning and pointing at him with his grandson's eyes blinking a bit before his eyes just went wide and his mouth stretched just a tad.

Gary: ".... Wha?"

His Umbreon apparently didn't get the gist of what he was saying either just tilting her head to the side. That's when Oak dropped his pointing finger and just staired in disbelief since they didn't understand.

Prof. Oak: "I'll repeat more simply... Ahem. Gary have sex with your Umbreon if you please."

Gary sat more forward in his chair and responded. It took a minute before it got to him.

Gary: "Oh is that a-w-w-WHAAAAT!!!!!!!!!!!!"

The answer stunning Gary and his Umbreon, freezing them in place, not only did it make him shout, but his Umbreon as well.

Umbreon: "BREEEE!!!"

Gary immediately jumped back instantly standing up far away from Prof. Oak sweating, blushing, and grossed out. He looked at his Umbreon a minute and blushed more with a slight "Eep!" and looked away from her instantly shaking. His Umbreon had also jumped back with him but not as far just shivering in disgust with an embarrassing look on her face needing to turn away too from Gary after they looked at eachother. Neither of them could muster up courage to look nor speak to each other for the time being.

Finally able to respond but unfortunately looking at his Umbreon again, he couldn't stop shivering, and scooted more away from her, he responded.

Gary: "Oh eww! Grandpa! What and why in the hell would you even THINK of having me do something so... So... Oh yuck! It's beyond words..."

Umbreon however was taking this a bit differently then Gary. She was shaking but at the same time looked a bit timid since her pattern of speaking out her one word became a little shaky with her response.

Umbreon: "Breeee!"

Gary's complexion slumped down from the shock while his Umbreon just shook it's head back in forth still with blush all over it's face and Gary with just as much. They eyed eachother a minute and instantly turned around, having his back face her rump. Both there expressions just blank and wide eyed with embarrassment.

As for Umbreon being turned around her blush just intensified and her tail completely went down while Gary still stood far away from Prof. Oak who was just standing completely calm with his hands attached behind him and spoke very calmly to them both.

Prof. Oak: "Oh come now Gary there's no need to have such a fuss about it, for gods sakes its just a penis your putting in her."

Gary was still rather surprised and felt all screwed up about Prof. Oaks little experiment still shaking, eyeing his Umbreon again and looked right back at his gramps.

Gary: "A fuss!!! Gramps!!! You just told me to go and fuck my own Umbreon!"

Prof. Oak just put his finger up closing his eyes cheerfully encouraging the fact even more with not a care in the world.

Prof. Oak: "Why of coarse I did Gary. Who better than me to do the experiment? You and your Umbreon are close right? She seems to trust you a lot so what's the problem? I bet she'll like it. And besides. Since it between me and you it stays in the family. And we all are a family right? Oh yeahhhh. We. Are. Fam-il-lee-ee!"

Now for some strange reason the 'We are Family' song was stuck in Oaks head as he turned around, pointing his fingers up and down while dancing and singing it.

Prof. Oak: "We-Are-Fam-Ill-Lee-EEE! Go-Get-Her-Gar-Ree"

This just made Gary twitch, managing to calm down just a bit and explain his reasoning.

Gary: "The problem gramps is that she's a Pokemon. I'm not. In any case even if she wanted too I don't think I could do it. I can't anyway since that's highly illegal too! If the officials found out I did something like this to my Umbreon I'll be expelled from the Pokemon league indefinitely! I'll also be marked and who knows what else!?"

Professor Oak just laughed and chuckled cheerfully at Gary.

Prof. Oak: "Your way too paranoid Gary. It's just harmless and enjoyable sex..."

Gary stopped his shivering and looked over at his Umbreon a minute a little nervous with some blush on the center of his face still. His Umbreon looked back at him with a little blush as well. For some reason they just seem to stare at each other. But than they snapped back into reality it seems and looked away from each other. And all Oak did was smile and smirk.

Prof. Oak: "Well I'm going to leave you two lovers alone..."

The answer there then shocked and surprised Gary.

Gary: "What! Were not doing nothing like that gramps!"

Oak: "Good luck grandson."

With that said the disgusting and sick minded professor left the room leaving Gary and his Umbreon with this ordeal and thought. Gary sat down on the floor looking a little bit sad for some reason. *Gary has been rather lonely, since the death of his parents Gary also had a lack of friends. Ash might have been close to being a friend but not entirely. The only true happiness that probably gave Gary comforts was his Pokemon. His Umbreon especially like they both had this surrounding, bonding aura about them.

Umbreon could feel that Gary was indeed sad. She's seen it before but knew how to always deal with it. Umbreon walked up to Gary until she was at his side and leaned towards his left cheek and gave it a small lick with her tongue.

Gary looked at her and she seemed to smile at him. Gary looked at her a minute. Than looked in her red eyes with blackness in them for a bit. He eventually smiled and rubbed the same place between her ears that she liked making her ears bend a little when his hand rubbed up there. Umbreon gave off a slight inner moan when he did this. Than Gary got up again and walked to a door leading outside. He looked back at his Umbreon again.

Gary: "Let's go for a walk Umbreon. Forget what gramps said"

Umbreon: "Bree."

Gary started walking with his Umbreon jogging up right next to him and she slowed down at his pace. They walked up a small little hill. The grass dry looking over a large field with hills and mountains in the back with a small forest nested at the base of the mountains. A few Pidgi's and other flying Pokes flew overhead as they just stood on the hill with the wind gently blowing Gary's flowing brown hair and clothes, making the dark fur on his Umbreon flow.

They began there walk again until the found some rocks with a small stream. Oaks complex can be seen beyond a few tree's blocking some of it. Gary sat down on a rock and his Umbreon next to him. He than thought about all the times he had spent with his Umbreon. It gave a warm comfort to him. He looked at his Umbreon again after licking one of its paws she looked back at him again.

They stared endlessly again for no reason it seems. The thoughts of what Oak said that lingered back into there minds causing them both to look away from each other again, but this time it had a cheerful humor to it and they were gentle at looking away this time. When Gary did looked back, he told his Umbreon how funny it was. It made him laugh about it and Umbreon found it a little funny too. At least it got that way after a while of speaking.

Gary: "Heh... You know Umbreon. What my gramps said was... A little flattering..."

Umbreon looked up at him slowly, her ears hearing this as they slowly parted back as she just stared up at him.

Gary: "I mean... The thought of something like that is meant for two very close individuals. You and me, I would say we are close to each other. And actually is embarrassing me more then disturbing me now."

Umbreon then slowly smiled. She seemed to sigh happfully hearing this. She looked away slightly closing her eyes from a little bit of embarrassment herself. And Gary could tell since she was always a shy one even when she was younger before being an Umbreon. Then Gary said something completely unexpected.

Gary: "You know Umbreon. Its strange. But... If you were human... I... I think maybe we would be closer..."

Umbreon blinked for a second and her ears flickered. Making her feel all sorts of mixed feelings now as there walk continued on but something felt... Different. Umbreon started to feel something strange. It was warm yet comfortable. When Gary stopped and looked up in the sky, Umbreon pondered her thoughts. She couldn't get Gary nor what Oak said out of her mind. She didn't know what it was. She couldn't pinpoint this strange independency of thoughts.

Than it hit her. Hit her like bricks, this made her go into a small state of shock and confusion. It made her think to herself in her own mind saying. "Wait a minute... But he's human... Yet my trainer..."

She blushed and started to moan a bit feeling something she never felt, her first sexual urges. She tried shaking them off and forgetting them but she couldn't. Her mind just kept filling up more with Gary and sexual thoughts. She didn't know why. She couldn't pinpoint why. It was just there and felt nice, at the same time these weren't normal sexual things racing in her mind. The fact that Gary wasn't an Umbreon like she was deterred her slightly.

Than her eyes lit up like sparklers, an extreme thought had stormed in her mind. It was her and Gary, except Gary was mating with her! And she was enjoying the thought. Such thoughts and excitement was just too much. She couldn't stop them because they felt so pleasant. She didn't wan too anymore. Her bodily functions began to now take over and consume her. She was starting to get wet from the thoughts for the first time in her life from someone who wasn't an Umbreon.

She could feel the wetness, starting to also want something else inside her as some fluids actually began to drip out from under her tail where her flower was. She began to whimper and Gary noticed that she was whimpering and he looked at Umbreon. He bent down and put his hand on her back.

Gary: "You okay Umbreon?"

She looked up in his face again. The thoughts still haven't gone away. She than slowly began to lose herself looking into Gary's brown eyes so passionately. The feeling that she felt was more than trust. Her trust she realized had not only turned into a love, but also an urge. She still thought to herself. "No... This is wrong. It can't be right. But he's so good to me..." It was than she finally accepted her feelings, smiling at him, eyes still sparkling like fireworks as she looked back at him.

She now knew what she wanted to do. At nightfall she was going to try and mate with Gary. Not only was she worried about his reaction but him denying her and what he might think or do to her. But it was that trust that gave her the calm she needed and her worry free spirit of nothing being done to harm her, so she was going to wait until nighttime when he was sleeping.

While sleeping she would than try to sleep with him which was something they did very rarely in times when he was extremely sad or lonely. It made her want to mate with him even more knowing he chose her over his other Pokemon he had to sleep with. And then and only then right after making Gary and herself comfortable would she make her move.

Fully aware of her plan she perked back into shaking her head at Gary signaling she was okay. Gary got back up and told her to walk back with him since sunset was already beginning, and it wouldn't be long until the moment, where things between Gary and his Umbreon could change forever.

She knew about all of the risks she would be taking starting something as deep as this. There was no guarantee to anything going smoothly or even right for that matter. But somehow she just had this feeling that when she looked in his eyes that she just felt it, this feeling was just there.

It did surprise her how quick it did come along however, an urge just suddenly coming and filling her like that, it was weird, and yes it did scare her but she was comfortable with it. When she thought of this she saw no fear. Gary was walking back to the Oak compound and there Umbreon was just sitting outside, now re-thinking her decision. Could she after all really just make a decision such as this that quickly she wondered?

Umbreon didn't think too much at the time an now trotted off behind that rock and sat. She looked down at the grass and watched it blow, feeling the air gently rush across her black fur being pelted by the melting, orange, setting sun making the area around the ball of light red and purple. She pondered a bit more and more if it was really worth the risks? Eventually however she smiled, looked back at the complex and started running towards it, she had now fully embraced the decision to risk and move on.

*This came from a manga Pokemon Shojo or so I heard. I have no information on it.

Shigeru Umbreon Chapter 3

Shigeru Umbreon Chapter 3: Loves True Gift Note: Ah this was indeed a lemon attemted chapter on my behalf. With the research I have done and practice I hope it turns out well. I would love to have feedback on this as well so I can later...

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Shigeru Umbreon Chapter 1

Shigeru Umbreon Chapter 1: A Return \*UPDATED 9/26/06\* I have improved some grammar errors. Still needs fixing up. If there is anything I missed please let me know so I can correct it. I also kindly accept criticism. Note: This story...

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