A Strange Present

Story by DragonRaver on SoFurry

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The door nearly bust off its hinges as Koi, a young cyan drakoraptor that recently turned 18, ran through the door. He panted softly, his hair stuck to his forehead, his body covered in sweat. His violet eyes scanned the room, looking for any trace of his master. Thankfully his master had left on a business trip earlier that week; he had the whole house to himself. His breathing slowed as his thin body began to relax, he had run home from his cooking class, eager to get home and chat with his friends, but his stomach had other plans. He grabbed his long blue and neon green hair, tying it into a small ponytail. Setting down his backpack he began to tug off his shirt, tossing it onto the couch sloppily. His small claws pulled his black jeans down around his raptor toed ankles. The neon pink thong bobbed softly as his tight pants freed his small package. His thin and barely toned body dropped onto the couch and flicked the TV on, his lighter cyan stomach stretched as he lies down on his back, his thin arms resting above his head.

"I wonder what to do today, master isn't home, and I'm starving!" the thin dragon spoke to himself. He patted his perk thighs and hopped up off the couch, sprinting in his thong to the kitchen he tugged open the fridge and rummaged around inside, nothing of interest peaked his interest, but his eyes suddenly caught sight of a sticky note on the door.

"Dear Treasure, I hope you like the gift I got you, I know you are into alchemy so I decided to buy a potion you might like. I just hope you use them responsibly. Go look on your bed. Love, ColdFire" Koi read aloud to himself, his ears began to flit with excitement. He quickly ran into his room, the area was neat and tidy, he liked to keep it clean, photographs of him and his master lined a section of the wall, in one corner sat his computer area, the bed in another corner, his closet in one side and a large full body mirror in another side. On his black bed sat a box, it wasn't a large box but it was big enough to cause him to squeal. He sprinted happily onto the bed and crossed his legs, barely a muscle flexing as he did. Koi couldn't wait any longer and began to tear the wrapping off the present with glee, his white claws dug into the box, shaking it softly to hear the bottle rattle. Pulling a claw over the tape he ripped the box open, a single bottle rolled across his bed, making a light tinkle sound as the blue liquid rolled inside.

"What a strange gift, I wonder what it does..." Koi picked the bottle up in his paw and read the label.

"Warning: Do not use with alcohol or pain killers. For minimal use drink 2 gulps, for maximum use drink 3. NEVER drink the whole bottle" he read aloud, a small grin fell across his face as he began to get curious.

Koi flung his things into the corner as he tugged the cap off, the smell was faintly of musk, a low murr escaped Koi's throat as his thong began to bulge outwards, but its captor stayed inside his cockslit. He was unlike most dragons. He had a draconic slit to house his dragonhood, but hanging below it bounced a plump sack holding two small testicles. His thong barely moved as he began to lick at the rim, tasting a small bit of the fluid, it was disgusting at first but as it rolled down his throat an even louder murr escaped him. To him it felt like he was in heat, he felt his tailhole burn with need, but he ignored it for now, his mind was set on what to do with the bottle. Carefully as to not hurt himself he snipped the thin strap holding the thong together using his claws, his balls rolled out and hung beneath him as he sat against his bed.

"Gods, what on earth is this junk!" he growled out in confusion, he was mad at his master at not telling him its purpose, but curiosity got the better of him. He began to drink down 2 sips as the directions told him, but to his avail nothing happened. Thankfully he decided to set it down on his dresser and lay back against his bed, his fingers trailed down his soft stomach, his tummy scales were as soft as human skin, the scale was flattened like skin unlike the rest of his body, the light cyan underbelly seemed bright in the setting sun, the rest of his body was a little darker than his belly. His claws began to trail lower, feeling the crack in his groin where his slit bulged at his touch, a louder churr of excitement escaped him as he began to feel that very same slit push apart, spreading wider, releasing his thin draconic member. The veins were barely visible against the neon pink tool; his member matched the thong in which he was wearing before. His paw began to rub against the tip, slathering it in a natural lubricant it produced; his churrs seemed to chirp through the whole house as his hips bucked gently against his paw. Koi's body began to feel odd, a small amount of pleasure run through him as his paw pulled away from his dragon dick, his claws trailed across his stomach and amazingly Koi stood up, his knees dropped to the floor as his lips parted to let out a loud moan, his arms gripped the floor as his biceps began to fill with muscle, his eyes watched as toned muscles began to form in his arms, the scales tightened against the muscle underneath. His body shot back against the floor and rolled in pleasure as delighted moans began to increase in volume. He looked down and watched as six bumps of muscle began to push upwards against the scales on his stomach, his flat belly beginning to form into a toned six pack. His head reared back to let out another moan as his thighs began to stretch outwards, muscle also filled his thighs and calves now, his wings began to thicken as strong arm-like structures formed from his old thin ones. His chest pushed outwards causing his scales to tighten to his body, all his muscles were becoming clearer as an indent formed between his toned pecs, but Koi's happiness was not over, for he suddenly dropped flat, his back arched into the air as a loud screech escaped him, his tool began to throb, blood pumped more and more into his neon pink tool, its thickness and length began to increase, his sack began to fill with dragon semen, the plump orbs seemed to increase in size, his sack dropped lower, large waves of pleasure ran through his body as his growth began to stop.

Koi's eyes opened wide, his head shot up to look around, his eyes caught the reflection of himself in the mirror, a huge red blush ran across his cheeks as he stood up, what seemed to be an old thin body was now covered in a toned exterior, he felt his arms and flexed a bit, feeling the muscle shift around and bulge under his scales, Koi couldn't believe his eyes, his tool was fairly larger than before, warm pre drooled onto the floor from his ordeal, but with happiness came lust, Koi wanted much more of this pleasurable thing.

"Maximum is 3 gulps huh? 3 it is!" Koi grabbed the bottle and began to swig down one more gulp. Koi set the bottle back down quickly and ran over to the mirror, his body seemed to not change, he began to admire himself again, passing time by playing with his new dragonhood. He wrapped his arms around his waist and swayed side to side, getting impatient. He ran over to his bed and sat on the edge, he looked down at his thicker legs, flexing his toes and looking at the muscle. Koi closed his eyes and moaned out once again as his body started up once more. He felt his shoulders bulge outwards as layer on layer of thick muscle began to fill his scales, his chest bulged forward, stretching his skin against the muscle, the crease down the middle of his pecs deepened as his chest pushed forward more. His head rolled back to moan even louder as his paws held his body against the bed, his biceps filled with muscle, puffing his arm outwards, he could only flex his arms and admire what was happening to him. His paws trailed down his stomach as the small bumps of his abs began to push upwards, increasing in size and girth, pushing up against his scales, the muscle clearly visible underneath. A large shot of pleasure ran through his body as his eyes met his throbbing maleness, it filled faster than before with blood, thickening and lengthening, it began to pulse as his veins pushed up against the skin on his dragon cock, the large veins visible, throbbing and pulsing with blood. His sack also began to drop lower, his perk nuts began to flood with dragon semen, the orbs beginning to swell in size, and soon his body began to come to a stop as his eyes closed softly, his paw running down his muscled legs and abs, rubbing at his new length. He stood up, a small stomp in his walk as he strides to the mirror, he grinned widely as his form and even his thick meaty tool were the same size as his master's, his arms grabbed the back of his head, his pecs and abdominals flexing under his scales, he brought his huge arms down for a second before flexing them as well, watching the bicep muscle flex and ripple under his scales, bulging as he rocks his forearms back and forth.

"This is amazing! I'm as big as master!!" Koi shouted out in happiness, he was amazed at how great it felt to him. But once more it wasn't enough for the now buff dragon. His feet dropped to the floor with a loud thump as he ran to his bedside, an evil grin ran over his face as he grabbed the bottle, he took a few more gulps before to his amazement it was entirely gone. He tossed the bottle into a pile of clothing and murred as already he felt the changes; his tip began to flare as blood was already filling his member, small amounts of semen filled his sack, but his body would not change. He felt disappointed in this and sat on his bed with his rippling back against the wall. A small sigh escaped him as he began to feel his body shift, suddenly without warning he gripped his stomach and groaned in pain, his tail began to bulk up quickly, he raised his head and watched as his legs lengthened and expanded in muscle at a fast rate. He screeched loudly as his chest puffed out faster and faster, his shoulders bulging and his biceps expanding. His abdominals pushed forward, stretching his scales, his arms lengthened to fit the new muscle, his back rippled with muscle as his wings began to fill with large amounts of it. He jumped onto the floor with a loud thud as he arched his back into the air, his member began to expand and lengthen in size at a fast pace, his sack dropped lower and lower as his orbs too began to expand, increasing in form and size his body seemed to stop after a long while, his body was tired and too weak to rise, he could only feel down his body.

A happy churr escaped him as he had rested long enough, he pushed himself in front of the mirror and gasped, his body was large, larger than he had ever seen, his muscles bulged with even the slightest of movement, he grabbed and squeezed his biceps, feeling the rough and huge muscle underneath, but his attention was diverted as his eyes looked down between his legs, flopping around was the largest and thickest dragonhood he had ever looked upon, it was so thick his paw would only wrap so much around it, a low growl escaped him as he got an idea, he wasn't about to let this be wasted. Carefully as to not break anything he picked up his camera and set it for a few seconds, he lifted his arms above his head and grabbed the back of his head, his whole body bulging with muscle, the camera screeched with a flash as he decided to take just one more, and enjoy taking to too. His bed was too small to support him now, but he took a place near his closet, sitting down he pressed his back to the wall, setting the camera down he set it perfectly for a few minutes.

"Lets see how good it feels now" he murred and snarled at himself in the mirror as he could watch himself do his work. A large paw gently wrapped around the sensitive item, gently squeezing the thick meaty tool. A moan escaped his lips as his claws dug into the floor, his member pulsed in his paw as he began to gently stroke along the shaft, rolling his paw around his tip and then back down, a blush formed on his cheeks as he cupped his large sack in his paws, rolling the soft orbs around a bit, he moaned at the thought of what was filled inside. His back thumped against the wall as his paw began to pick up speed; he felt the veins in his shaft rub against his paw, pulsing with hot blood. A moan escaped his maw once again as a hard shot of pre flew across the floor, his member began to curve upwards as he began to get closer, another hard shot of pre splashed across his chest, he touched the hot liquid and lapped at his fingers. He spread his legs apart as suddenly he began to pump on his member, his paw squeezing around the thickness, as it rose he rubbed around the tip and pushed it back down, loving at how soft his strong paw felt, his member twitched and throbbed, his body felt the heat of his climax approaching, his base flared a bit, his head reared against the wall, a loud yell ran throughout the house as suddenly tons of cum exploded from his tip across his stomach and chest, covering him in his own hot jizz, just as his climax happened the camera went off, capturing his intense orgasm as it happens. His orgasm began to increase as a long shot hit his chest, covering him even more. His climax died down as cum drooled down his shaft, dripping off his large orbs. His pants were hard and sharp as he smiled to himself.

"Thank you master" he told himself quietly, but his happiness was disturbed by the sound of a door opening.

"Treasure I'm home!!" a familiar voice yelled through the house.

Koi began to panic and shook, what was he going to tell his master now?

The Guardian

"Get out of here you filthy, mangy pet!!!!" From inside a cave, echoes of an argument between two males ran out, the forest surroundings boomed with the screech of dragon's...

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