The (Demon)Cat House

Story by LunaMoonstone on SoFurry

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#6 of Commissions

While exploring an old mansion, a pair of friends experience some... cat-astrophic changes...

A commission for Deiser that he purchased as a part of my current commission special featuring himself and Tobi, a.k.a. PappaGobbastoppa; check my latest journal if you're interested. As always, all constructive criticism is welcome. Enjoy!


"Are you alright?" Tobi asked of the coughing Deiser, the black-haired male closing the dusty old book he'd opened as he tried to wave away the cloud of smoke that was still lingering around him.

"I'm fine." Deiser responded dismissively, closing his soft brown eyes as he removed his glasses to clean the thin layer of dust on them. He didn't think just opening an old book would cause an explosion like that, but the huge cloud that came out when he opened the book looked exactly like that, sending him into a coughing fit before he could get it closed.

"Are you sure?" Tobi asked, moving across the room from the drawer he'd be investigating to place a hand on Deiser's shoulder. His brown eyes were touched with concern as Deiser's coughing subsided. "That came out of nowhere, and it looked li-"

"I'm FINE." Even Deiser seemed a little taken aback by his own tone, shaking his head and smiling gently at his friend and fellow haunted mansion enthusiast. "Sorry; just caught me by surprise, that's all."

Tobi nodded softly, though he couldn't help but be a bit worried as he looked around the dusty old library. The two men had always been intrigued with the ideas of haunted mansions; the dark, foreboding atmosphere, the strange artifacts left behind by the previous tenants, and the overall mystery had driven the two to check out tons of strange and spooky places. Lately the mystery and allure of these places had started to run a little thin, and the dark, creepy history's behind each location was starting to become predictable if not an outright lie.

"Anyway, this place definitely has the dark and spooky atmosphere down." Deiser said as he looked around the library they currently occupied. He could have sworn he'd even seen a pair of amber eyes glowing in that cloud of smoke that he'd partially inhaled, but passed it off as something he imagined while the smoke was stinging at his eyes. "Where did you say you heard about this place again?"

"Me?" Tobi's head tilted in confusion at Deiser's words. "You're the one who sent me the e-mail with the details of this place, the address and the time you wanted to go last week."

"What? No, you sent ME the e-mail!" Wow; Deiser was really acting strange. He wasn't at all like his usual happy go lucky self, Tobi thought with more than a little concern.

"No, Deiser, you sent it to me. Remember? Old mansion on the edge of town, was considered haunted even when it was first around, some people referred to it as a witch house? Remember?" Tobi looked back toward the door that led out into the hallway and the nearby main entrance. "Are you sure you're feeling O.K? Maybe we should come back another time..."

"No! No, I'm..." If Deiser hadn't closed his eyes at that moment, Tobi might've spotted when they flashed with a golden amber like glow instead of his usual brown. When he opened them again, they'd returned to normal as Deiser shook his head. "Sorry; guess I forgot. Maybe I should go splash some water on my face; that'll wake me up."

"Sure; I'll stay here, then..." Tobi watched Deiser head out the door, wondering in the back of his mind if an abandoned place like this would even have running water before examining the book Deiser had just been looking at. It appeared to be a heavy leather-bound tome, almost like an old spell book out of a fantasy RPG. Tobi cautiously opened the book(standing a bit to the side of it just to be safe), though there was no similar smoke explosion like when Deiser had opened it. Certain it was safe now, he carefully studied the pages within.

Deiser, in the meantime, was working his way through the mansion looking for a bathroom or kitchen where he could get some water. Ever since opening that book he'd felt kind of foggy, almost like he was in a trance of some sort. And the way he snapped at Tobi like that; what was that all about? He did kind of have a right to since Tobi was the one who suggested they come here in the first place. That e-mail was from his address... though come to think of it, the tone of the writing was kind of weird and not like him at all...

Deiser shook his head again as if trying to knock the cobwebs loose that were in his mind, though if anything it seemed to be making them worse. Deiser's vision blurred as he stumbled into the small bathroom he'd found toward the back of the mansion, catching himself on the small sink when he first stumbled. His glasses slipped from his face and skittered across the floor as Deiser tried to steady himself.

"Damn it; where did they go?!" The shock of his casual cursing aside, Deiser's frustration was growing by the second. At least he could find his glasses easily enough on the floor as he knelt to pick them up, trying to temper his growing frustration. Those efforts didn't last as he vision started to get muddy as soon as he put them back on. They didn't seem broken or damaged in anyway as he took them off again to examine them, but...why could he see better without them than with them?

"The hell?..." This place was getting weirder by the second. Slipping his glasses into an inner coat of his pocket, Deiser returned to his original plan of getting some water. He hadn't considered the possibility of the water being shut off in his haze, so it didn't strike him as odd as it might have Tobi when the water started to flow. Deiser cupped his hands under the stream and splashed himself in the face, the cold water giving him a mild but ultimately welcome shock as it hit him. He repeated the process a few more times, feeling a touch better as the water dripped slightly from his face.

"Come on..." Deiser reached toward the nearby towel rack, not wanting to risk getting water in his eyes as he reached blindly toward them. That the towels were clean despite the condition of the rest of the mansion should've also probably been a concern for Deiser if he'd noticed earlier. The way that the towel seemed to blow toward his reaching hand despite the room having no windows or any sign of a draft should've really clued him in something was wrong, but he paid it no mind. After all, everything was fine in her house...

...Her house? Who's her? Deiser's head was really starting to hurt now as he rubbed it with both hands, his nails feeling a bit sharper than normal against his skin. This place was really starting to mess with his head, and in more ways than one. Maybe Tobi was right about not staying here any longer after all.

Yeah, it was time to go. Just as soon as he fixed his hair; it had become quite the mess. The brush glided smoothly through his hair, straightening it out until it got caught on a tough knot. With a couple of soft tugs and a slight wince, he finally pulled it free. Her favorite brush was always so good to her...wait; where did this brush even come from?!

Deiser's headache flared again, his eyes briefly reflecting the same amber glow he thought he'd just imagined in that puff of smoke earlier in the mirror. Something was wrong, but she... no, HE... was having a hard time trying to figure out what it was. Even with one hand pressed against his head, the other continued to stroke through hair that felt thicker and fuller than usual.

"I got" Deiser's voice seemed to be cracking, or at least reaching a higher pitch than normal as he continued to change. The brush grew warm in his hand for a moment as it continued to stroke, and if Deiser had been paying attention he may have been concerned about the red streaks that were being left where the brush was stroking. Luckily it was only a red color that was being added to his normally black and hair and not blood from a wound, though the way it continued to grow as he brushed was disturbing in its own way.

"Got" The hand on his head slowly slid down his body to his chest, a high-pitched gasp escaping him as his hand ran over his suddenly rounder chest. The nipple itself seemed especially sensitive, sending little sparks of pleasure through Deiser that made him shudder. At least the headache seemed to be going away now as it was replaced by tiredness. Not an unpleasant tiredness; more like he was wrapped in warm blankets in the most comfortable bed and just couldn't help but want to drift off.

"Got to... sleep..." Deiser voice trailed off as his heavy eyelids slowly fell shut, his entire body going limp as he stood in front of the mirror. For a few moments there wasn't anything but the sound of Deiser slow, shallow breathing. It looked like he'd fallen asleep on his feet as he relaxed. His grip on the brush slowly slackened until it fell from his fingers, clattering noisily to the floor. His eyes bolted open when it hit the floor, now amber and practically glowing now as he smiled mischievously.

"Finally! I must be out of practice after all these years asleep." The feminine voice was much more confident, more powerful than Deiser's normally meek persona, the amber glow in his eyes not fading away like before as he looked himself over in the mirror. "Deiser, was it? Thanks for playing host to me, but I need to make some changes if this is going to work. As you kids say, 'Sorry, not sorry'.".

Deiser wasn't exactly a kid, but compared to the centuries old Caterina that now possessed his body he may have well as been. Still, for pushing her fourth century of age she looked pretty good for her age... or at least she would, once she finished her modifications to Deiser's body. With an arcane whisper her brush flew back into her hand as she resumed her brushing, happily humming to herself as she resumed the magically dyeing process to bring out her bright red locks.

"There we go." Caterina turned her head a little to examine her locks, smiling to herself and revealing a set of canine teeth that looked a little too sharp to be human. "Oh Caterina, you're such a witch!... Well, demon, technically, but still."

With a snap of her fingers, a small burst of flame appeared on either side of the top of Caterina's head briefly before dissipating at the soft striped tiger ears that replaced them. She giggled slightly to herself as she wiggled them slightly. A subtle approach was usually better when luring someone in, but she was proud of being a tiger demon and wasn't afraid to show it off. In fact, she still had some serious modifications to make this body truly presentable.

Turning the water on, she began to repeat Deiser's earlier process of cupping his hands to splash water on himself, though in Caterina's hands the water seemed to sparkle. Already she could feel her magic working its way through the water and thinning the fingers of Deiser's masculine hands, the small nails growing a bit longer and feminine as they bathed in the water. Splashing the water on her face smoothed the masculine edges and curves of Deiser's face, while also wiping away any traces of stubble or skin flaws. That's not to say she was losing all traces of hair on her body; after all, what kind of tiger demon would she be without a nice fur coat?

Having being submerged in the transforming water, Caterina's hands were looking much more appropriately furry. While still human in shape, the orange base of fur interspersed with black stripes were much more appropriate for her tiger demon self. Unique to her demonic self was how some of the stripes would end with a rune or small demonic design; too small to see in detail unless you were close, but large enough that anybody looking for more than a few seconds would realize something was different from the standard tiger stripe pattern. Caterina felt a yawn coming on, though she felt her mouth not just stretching opening, but stretching out as a short feline muzzle began to emerge from her jaw.

The sound of crunching bone in her face would probably disturb most people, but it was basically music to Caterina's ears as her tongue flicked over her muzzle, purring softly to herself as the tickling sensation of fur forming on her face washed over her. The underside of her new muzzle started to grow white, flowing down to the front of her neck and further down her body as the rest gained the orange base/black stripes pattern on the rest of her head. The rest of her body would come along shortly; already she could feel her waist starting to tighten and her hips starting to expand into a much more feminine shape. She also lost a few inches in height, which combined with her feminizing lower half made the pants Deiser had been wearing fit awkwardly on her.

"That's a bit better. Soon I'll be back to being a properly restored demon." Caterina smiled wickedly, the coat flicking about behind her as her tail swished back and forth. Her earlier joy was replaced with annoyance as she thought about how much cleaning she'd have to do to get her mansion back in order. "It's going to cost me most of my magic to get this place back in livable condition, though, and manual labor does NOT suit me..."

"Hello? Deiser?" Caterina's ears perked up at the sound of Tobi's voice. "Are you alright? Where'd you go?..."

"Oh yes; he had a companion, didn't he?" Caterina purred softly, both at the slowly increasing weight of her growing breasts and the plans that were forming in her mind for Tobi. Deiser's t-shirt stretched gently across her chest as she arched her back and stretched her limbs, the stretching of her legs making it look as those she was pushing out the fur as she did. Her feet itched a little as she felt them shifting slightly in her socks and shoes, the added fur was making them pinch just slightly more than she liked even though the fur was about the only change her feet experienced. She quickly removed them, smiling as she flexed each fur covered toe individually. "Well, best not to break them up, especially when he could be of such use to me..."

Assured she was nice and limber with the first physical body she'd had in ages, Caterina followed the sound of Tobi's voice, finding him wandering around the hallway near the kitchen. He was an enticing sight, but even more so with her tome of spells tucked under his arm. Tobi's back was to her as she slowly stepped toward him; she just had to get a hand on her tome to fully restore her powers, and then she'd have him wrapped around her little finger. 10 feet, 5 feet, now just out of arm's reach...


Tobi yelped and jumped forward a little as Caterina cursed the old floorboard that had just given away her element of surprise. Time for plan B, she thought as she leaned gently against the wall, putting on her best seductive smile.

"Hi there." Caterina didn't know for sure if Tobi would be intrigued or run at the sight of a strange woman wearing his friends clothes, though with a little feminine charm and some demonic magic she should be able to keep him around long enough to take another stab at it. Someone had made a joke once about how it was redundant to talk about demonic and feminine things, the buffoon laughing heartily at his own joke. She'd laughed as well; not at the joke, but at how stupid he was going to look when she turned him into a frog about five seconds later(now THAT was funny).

"H-Hello..." Tobi's breathed a small sigh of relief as his heart rate dropped back down to something a little closer to normal. The surprise appearance of Caterina kept Tobi from noticing her clothing was an exact match to Deiser's, though considering the house was supposed to be abandoned the appearance of anybody besides Deiser did put him a little on edge. Her being entirely covered in fur was also a bit concerning and drew his attention away from her clothing for a moment as well. "I'm sorry, Miss...?"

"Oh please; Miss is so formal. Just call me Caterina." Caterina purred softly as she slowly inched closer toward Tobi. "It's nice to meet you, Tobi."

"You know my name?..." Tobi's confusion only grew as he started to notice her ill-fitting clothes and how remarkably similar they looked like Deiser's. The fact that she seemed to be wearing them over what looked like a very exquisite fur-suit also made Tobi worry about handling her with care; he wasn't sure if she was just eccentric or was perhaps a little mentally unstable. "Where did you get that outfit?..."

"Oh, there's a funny story about that. Though I think it'd be fair for you to ask me what you're doing in my house and holding my things first, handsome." Caterina motioned toward her tome tucked under Tobi's arm. "If I could have that back, please, I'll make sure you'll meet the same fate... I mean, meet up with your friend."

"Sure..." Tobi didn't see the harm, and considering he was starting to worry he and Deiser had just broken into someone's home he wasn't about to put up much of an argument(even as odd as she looked) as he slowly held the heavy book toward Caterina.

"Thank you..." Caterina had to stifle a small cry of pleasure as she gently took her tome from Tobi, the surge of magic at being reunited with her tome was almost orgasmic in nature. "Oh, thank you!..."

Unable to help but show off just a bit, Caterina didn't move so much as teleport right in front of Tobi. He barely had time to even comprehend what had just happened before she began gently caressing the underside of his chin, looking deeply into his eyes as her magical influence wrapped around him even more strongly than it had when she'd taken over Deiser. Her smile was devilish as she watched Tobi's eyes become glassy and distant almost immediately as he fell under her spell. Oh, how she missed this!

"Now then, I believe I said I'd show you what happened to your friend. Come along now and you'll get to experience it first hand."

It may have been a few centuries since she last walked the halls of her mansion in a physical form, but it hadn't hurt Caterina's memory a bit as she guided Tobi toward her bedroom. She did have to catch him at one point when his zombie-like walk nearly made him trip on the stairs up toward her room, but otherwise they made it up without incident. The bedroom was a mess of cobwebs and dirt as expected after so much neglect, but that was nothing she couldn't address now with her tome fueling her power. Placing a hand on the doorway of the room, a ripple of power washed over the room and burned away all the built-up grime.

"Here we go; nice and clean." Caterina repeated the process on the giant four poster bed as Tobi followed her in, head hanging down in his trance. Tossing aside her coat onto a nearby chair, she purred softly as she gently stroked the underside of Tobi's chin. "Of course, that'll be your duty in the future, but today your mistress will be kind to you. Aren't you thankful for that?"

"Yes, Mistress..." Caterina purred softly; he was indeed going to make a fine servant, though like with Deiser she was going to have to make some changes for him to do his task properly. Sliding her finger under Tobi's chin, she chanted a quick spell before pressing her lips against Tobi's. His eyes lit up in response as they became the same amber color as her own, though he was also still clearly entranced.

"Good girl..." Oh sure, he was still technically a male, though that wasn't about to last much longer. Already she could see her spell working through Tobi's hair, the roots of his normally brown hair starting to darken. Sitting on the edge of her bed, Caterina's soft tone took on a tougher edge. "Kneel for your Mistress."

Tobi did as instructed, his lengthening hair bouncing softly as he did. Already it was down past her shoulders and growing longer by the second. Caterina purred softly as she imagined her soon to be servant in a cute maid outfit; that was going to be a top priority to acquire one for her. The first order of business, though, was getting rid of that current outfit.

"Strip. Now." The purple vest was the first thing to go, though it took Tobi a minute as her longer hair got in the way. By the time he finally got it off, the small pointed black cat ears were clearly visible atop her head. Even in a trance Tobi seemed shy about removing the white dress shirt underneath, unbuttoning it slowly as the barest hint of his feminizing front was revealed between the undone buttons. In a way, her blushing face made her look even cuter to Caterina.

"M-Mistress, I..." Tobi gasped in a most feminine way as Caterina waved her hand and send a small bit of her power into her, focusing it mostly on Tobi's chest. Tobi's hands immediately went up to her chest as her budding breasts began to grow. Caterina's tail swished with eager anticipation as she watched Tobi's hands slowly filling up with more and heavier mounds of flesh, letting out cute little mewing sounds as they grew and grew. Tobi started to remove the shirt to gain better access when an order from Mistress stopped her.

"Leave the shirt on for now, Kitten. Lose the rest of your clothes." Kitten? That was so nice of her Mistress to give her a name, and of course she'd do what Mistress told her. These pesky clothes were just getting in the way anyway, and why was wearing men's pants?... Oh well; Mistress wanted her out of them anyway. Best not to think too much and just do what Mistress ordered.

The belt fell to the floor, the shoes and socks soon following. It took a little while to remove them without moving from her knelling position, though she got there soon enough. The pants soon followed, which also proved a bit of a challenge in her knelling position. Caterina giggled as she watched Kitten tried to essentially hop out of her pants while still staying on her knees. After a few tries, Kitten yelped as she fell forward, leaving her rear and newly emerged cat tail point up in the air.

"It's O.K, Kitten, you'll get better in time." Kitten looked relieved as she got back to her knees, smiling cutely for her Mistress. "Now, crawl over to me."

Caterina began to undo her own pants as Kitten slowly crawled out of her own pants and over toward her, Kitten's cleavage nicely framed by the white dress shirt as she advanced. With another arcane whisper from Caterina Kitten began to look more kittenish; the white skin of her chest began to look darker as small black hairs began to slowly fill in. The shirt covered most of the fur spreading across her arms and upper body, though Caterina could see it working down Kitten's rear quickly. By the time Kitten was in front of Caterina, Kitten's fur was just starting to come in across her hands.

"Such a pretty kitty..." Caterina purred as her Kitten knelt in front of her, having kicked away her own pants and boxers. "Your Mistress is going to take good care of you. You'd like that, wouldn't you?..."

"Yes, Mistress..." Kitten nuzzled softly as Caterina stroked her cheek, her touch seeming to encourage the growth of fur across Kitten's face. Kitten soft purrs were interrupted when Caterina spread her legs, shifting closer to the edge of the bed.

"Good kitty. If you want your Mistress to take care of you, you're going to have to take of her." Placing a hand on the back of Kitten's head, Caterina placed her glistening vaginal lips right in front of her Kitten's face. "Lick. Now."

Kitten's confusion was muffled as her face was pressed right into her Mistress' crotch, her nose brushing lightly against Caterina's clit in the process. Even if pleasing her Mistress wasn't her priority already, it's not like Kitty had much option otherwise as her tongue slowly and tentatively licked her Mistress' folds. Caterina made sure to hold Kitten firmly against her to make sure she didn't try to pull away, at least until her servant got a real taste of her. Once it got to that point, the hardest part would be getting her to stop.

Though her efforts were clumsy, Kitten was good enough to finally get a trickle of Caterina's juices going as the fluid started to flow. She expected the taste to be... well, she didn't know what she expected to taste to be honest; she was just doing what her Mistress ordered. What she didn't expect was for it to taste so sweet, or make her feel so warm and flushed. It was making her feel almost drunk, and she couldn't wait to get more.

When Caterina felt her Kitten's hands sliding over her thighs and gripping her rear, she let go of her Kitten's head and began to work off her own shirt. Kitten licked up every bit of her juices, and what she lacked in technique she more than made up for in enthusiasm. Caterina didn't see Kitten's muzzle coming in, but certainly felt it when Kitten's newly feline tongue began to brush against her clit. It wasn't even really the sex that was making her wet; it was the control she had over Kitten that was really making her tail twitch. The sex was just a very, VERY nice bonus.

"Stop, Kitten." Kitten froze as Caterina's words, doing as ordered but also looking incredibly pained at doing so as she looked up at her Mistress. As much as she was enjoying it, Caterina needed to do something else first. "Come up on the bed with me. Lay back and spread your legs."

Kitten did as she was instructed, not sure what to expect next. Her own pussy was starting to leak, though she dare not tough herself without her Mistress' permission. Kitten practically quivered with anticipation as she felt Caterina slowly climb over her, the submissive catgirl feeling tiny compared to her Mistress even though the two were roughly the same size. She gasped meekly as Caterina slowly slid off her shirt, Kitten's nipples hardening under her fur as Caterina's hands slowly brushed across them.

"You're a very good Kitten." Caterina leaned down gently, their breasts smooshing lightly against each other her lips got very close to Kitten's. "And good Kitten's make their Mistress's happy, don't they?"

"Y-Yes..." Kitten's quivering response was immediately met by a firm kiss. The previous feeling of drunkenness and pleasure increased tenfold in that instant, still lingering even after Caterina pulled away. If there was any part of Tobi's memories still left in her mind, they were becoming more distant by the moment. It was just easier and better to relax and let her Mistress tell her what to do while she basked in pleasure.

This wouldn't be permanent; as suggestable and submissive as she was, Kitten might still recall Tobi's memories at some point. Caterina was quickly working to address that little problem as she slid down Kitten's body, pressing their hips together. She needed to establish a solid anchor, to make sure her Kitten's mind would know that listening to her Mistress was more pleasurable than anything else. A nice, solid orgasm would make sure would happen.

Kitten's sluggish state meant that she didn't put up any resistance as Caterina started to grind against her, though it also meant Caterina had to do most of the work. She was going to get a happy, loving servant out of the deal, so complaining about having to put a little effort into it seemed a little wrong. Besides, it was kind of a turn on watching her soon to be servant looking absolutely overwhelmed with pleasure, pleasure provided by her. Caterina's own tongue hung out slightly as she thought about that, subconsciously beginning to pick up her grinding pace against her Kitten.

"Such a pretty Kitty..." Caterina's tail was standing on edge with pleasure, her already slickened vagina making her thrusts rougher. Shifting herself, she worked herself into a position where her their vaginal lips and clits were pressing directly against each other. When she rolled her hips in that position, her Kitten began to squirm as the feeling sent a jolt of pleasure through her. That in turn made Caterina react in a similar way as the two created a sort of feedback loop of pleasure for one another.

"MY pretty Kitty..." Her Kitten had already got her pretty worked up, so it wasn't long before Caterina was nearing her own orgasm. A small trail of drool was coming out of the edge of her Kitten's mouth, mewling softly as each thrust from her Mistress made her large chest bounce slightly. She was almost there; just a little more... "All mine..."

"A-All yours..." Yes! Kitty's mouth just did the hottest thing possible, confirming her near total submission. Caterina arched her back as she cried out, nail digging into Kitty's hips as she orgasmed against her. Kitten was shaking, quivering as she tried to hold back, unsure if she was allowed her own orgasm. "M-Mistress, I..."

"Cum, Kitten. NOW!" If Caterina thought the first couple of orgasmic spasms were good, the feelings of her Kitten cumming underneath made that pale in comparison. The last of Tobi's resistance faded as Kitten fully came into her own, her already bountiful bosom and wide hips becoming even more so underneath Caterina. Her breasts had become so large they were starting to spill out on either side of her, too voluminous to sit directly upon her chest. Kitten's eyes were starting to focus even as she came, her mind flooding with false memories and a history of her time with her Mistress mingled in with the orgasmic flood of pleasure.

"M-Mistress!" Kitten's nails dug into the sheets, leaving slight tears as she tried not thrash around too much underneath her Mistress. That became nearly impossible to do when Caterina's hands began to tweak her nipples, making Kitten arch her back and nearly toss her Mistress off her. Her eyes looked up lovingly, and most importantly obediently up at her Mistress as her Mistress straddled her belly lightly. The trail of orgasmic juices left on her made her feel marked and even more happily owned.

Caterina looked the mess the two of them were continuing to make; she knew what Kitten's first order was going to be after they finished. First the sheets, then the rest of the mansion were going to need a very thorough cleaning. Once they got the mansion in a presentable condition and understood the state of the world, she'd have to start gathering more servants to spread her influence and power. That would be her first step to regaining her place of dominance in this world.

Of course, she thought as she leaned down and kissed her Kitty deeply, that would be AFTER they messed up these sheets a whole lot more...