Growing Urges 6

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#6 of Growing Urges

It's been a few months since Aron's last addition to the litter. Mikey had been fitting in pretty well with the other kids. The shift in living arrangement was working out too. Stacy's place was huge, designed to handle big folks, since that was what she was into. And his little practice, the new 'training method' was starting to really gain popularity. Gabe was interested in learning. But, with a change in living situation comes the necessity to make certain things official, and Stacy was all over that.

Finally! I manage to get to the next chapter in Growing Urges! Lordy it took way longer than I wanted getting to it! I've still got three more chapters I want to write and then the series will be complete! I'd love to be able to write them before end of year next year.

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"Oh god! Oh god! I... I can't... I can't breathe!" Gabe said between gasps.

The large horse sat on the edge of a very large, very sturdy bed. His legs were spread wide and his rather monstrous, engorged shaft was busy doing something it hadn't done before. It was devouring someone. A smaller, similarly colored horse was slipping in, his head and shoulders already lost to the dark, thick flesh of his older brother's member.

"Just try to go slow. It's always really intense the first time," Aron coached, sitting next to Gabe as he was entered by his own volunteer, "Don't try to force anything. Don't worry about helping him in. Just relax and try to breathe slow and deep. If you can't get a handle on that, you'll hyperventilate and pass out. And if you pass out, you'll miss all the good stuff."

The green dragon had managed to develop a sense of tolerance to stuffing someone down his shaft. It was still deeply enjoyable, but he was able to function better than his equine friend. Even when Jessie was trying her absolute best to stretch him as hard as she could on the way in. And she was doing a damn fine job of it. There was a powerful shudder building up in the jade fellow, threatening to send him quaking from head to toe. He just needed to hold off a bit longer.

The noisy, wet slurps of Henry disappearing into his big brother's rod filled the room. The smaller stallion pushed as best he could, having gained some experience with the skill thanks to Aron's regular sessions with him. Blake had been a great help as well. His chest sank into the hot, dark, sticky passage, bulging Gabe's rod visibly as he worked himself in.

"It... it's too much! I... I can't! Oh god I feel like I'm gonna cum already!" Gabe cried.

"Don't fight it. If you feel like that's going to happen, just go ahead and let it. If he slips out, that's fine. He can just try again." Aron said.

The muscle-bound equine tipped back and landed flat on his back atop the bed. He nickered loudly as climax struck him. A wave of thick, potent seed gushed forth around his little brother, lodged quite deep inside him. In spite of the pressure flowing out of him, Henry held his ground, pressing out against the firm, throbbing flesh to not be dragged out by the current. Gush after gush of the stuff poured out of the overwhelmed bodybuilder. It left a considerable puddle on the floor, but he never once felt his brother lose ground.

When it felt like the event had passed, Henry carried on, pushing with his dense, well toned legs to sink himself just as far as he could. A lewd slurp came as he managed to press in up to his hips. Gabe just cried out as he was stretched. Aron watched, keeping one paw on his heavy, taut, round stomach. He could feel the kids inside moving about, trying to help make him lose his composure. Jack was likely the ringleader, naught cat. Aron loved him for it.

The dragon allowed the building shudder to finally grip him and he gasped. He arched his back as he felt Jessie make sudden progress. Her own efforts had been relatively slow, trying to give Gabe something to watch so he could see how it progressed with someone else. She had heard the big horse make such a terrible noise when he came, and she figured there was no point in holding herself back any further. Within seconds, she was up to her thighs and slipping deeper. The dragon's rod had suddenly turned greedy. When Aron allowed himself the shiver, he lost his grip on control over his length. She was going in, and quickly.

Henry had managed to press deep enough that his head had passed from the larger stallion's member to reach his sac. He shoved his arms forward and began trying to drag himself further in, which was a technique he had found rather effective with Blake. The gryphon didn't quite have the same size to work with that the dragon or stallion did. He usually had to help out when the feathered fellow was a little on the worn out side.

The lewd, wet noises continued until a pair of hooves disappeared down Gabe's shaft, and Jessie's paws were devoured by Aron. The two large boys groaned as their scrotums both bulged and sagged with the addition of their passengers. Immediately, the two swollen bulges began to churn and squeeze, compressing and massaging the ones they contained. Aron sighed and flopped back onto his back as well, laying next to the big horse. He draped an arm over the equine's chiseled form, massaging his torso as he slowly worked his way down until he was squeezing the beast that had just swallowed Gabe's little brother.

"There you go... how's that feel?" the dragon asked.

"It feels... incredible." Gabe huffed out.

"Yeah it does. And I think it's cute that you wanted your first to be your little brother. You must really love him." Aron said.

"We've... always been... really close. Now, we're even closer." the stallion said, closing his eyes as he moved a paw to join the dragon's in massaging his aching, throbbing mast.

"Yeah you are. And I'll bet he's loving it in there knowing it's you he's balled up inside." the dragon said.

"If you two are done being lewd." Stacy said, standing in the doorway, her paws on her hips.

Aron sat up, taking his time thanks to the weight of his five kids keeping his middle perpetually distended. He delighted in the fact that their presence forced him to move slower in certain aspects.

"We just finished up. What's wrong, honey? Are you mad you didn't get to watch? Or participate?" Aron grinned.

"Yes, and yes. But it doesn't do me any good to be mad. The lawyer's here. I'm afraid I must abscond with the maestro of stuffing people down his dick." the rabbit said, reaching out with a paw to beckon the green fellow to join her.

"Oh, right, that's today. I had completely forgotten," Aron said as he began working to stand, "You just lay there and catch your breath. Don't do anything too strenuous until you're a little more used to having Henry in there. And before you try to exercise, make sure you put on some shorts of some kind that will kind of restrict bouncing and swinging. You'll want to keep him pretty stationary."

"I... know the drill. I've seen you... and Blake... plenty of times. Go. Do the legalese thing." Gabe said, waving a paw in the air before his arm flopped down on the bed, spent and trying to recover.

The dragon waddled his way to the door, taking Stacy's paw as he left his friend to cope with the ludicrously glorious sensation of having someone squirming away in his sac. The pair made their way to the dining table where a very professionally groomed and dressed labrador sat. His briefcase was open and he was retrieving documents from within. He looked up to see the oddly-matched couple walking towards him. He wasn't even fazed in the slightest at Aron's enormous gut, nor his wriggling scrotum. The fact that both dragon and rabbit were naked was no never mind to him as well.

"Hello. Is it just the two of you we're going to be working with today?" the dog asked.

"Yes, just the two of us. Hopefully this won't take too much time. I'll need to get to the garage soon." Stacy said as she sat down.

Aron followed suit, planting his sizable, muscular rump down in the chair that had been purchased just for him. The others were too small. He no doubt would end up crushing any one of them. He adjusted himself in his seat, letting his tiger-filled sac dangle towards the floor over the edge. She was still wriggling away in there, churned about by the walls, giving her the usual workout.

"From what I understand, this shouldn't be too complicated, right?" the dragon asked.

"No, not especially. I've got all the necessary papers here in regards to all the properties and assets we'll be discussing," the paralegal said, "So, we're looking at setting up a trust that will own and manage the auto repair shop, the house we're currently in, a couple of other minor properties, and a number of financial assets currently bound up in various investment portfolios, correct?"

"That's correct. I'd like to make sure that everything is handled by the trust rather than just me." Stacy said.

"Well that is easy enough to do," the dog said as he began writing, filling in specific blanks on one page, then moving to the next, "And will it be just you and Aron who hold the controlling interest in the trust?"

"Correct, with a provision that if one of us becomes incapacitated, the other party gains the total controlling interest." Stacy said.

"I see. And do you concur, Aron?" the dog turned to look at the green drake.

"I've never been terribly good with contracts, but if it's as simple as that, then sure. I concur," the dragon said, then paused, "Stacy... has told you what we've been discussing, hasn't she?"

"She has been in communication with my superior, and I've been filled in on the relevant details. I'm more than happy to facilitate the matter. Though I have to say I don't necessarily appreciate the fact that she keeps trying to come on to me anytime we have business to conduct." the canine turned back to look at the rabbit, raising an eyebrow.

Stacy just shrugged and tried to look as innocent as she could.

"What can I say? I'm a bunny, and I like to multiply. Or at least do the thing that usually leads to multiplication." she said.

"Quite," the paralegal said, "Anyway, I've got the forms filled out to move the garage, the house, and the other assets under control of the trust. We'll need to discuss how changes to any of the assets are to be managed, if unilateral decisions are permitted or if any alterations require mandatory coordination."

"We'll want coordination, with some leniency for unilateral decisions under special circumstances. Such as a decision needing to be made quickly and one or the other can't be reached right away." Stacy said.

"Very well, then if you would help me draw up the exceptions, we can have that promulgated. Do those sound like agreeable terms to you so far, Aron?" the dog asked.

"Hmm? Oh yeah, that's fine. I trust Stacy." the dragon said.

He had been distracted by a buzzing on his shoulder. He reached up and collected the cell phone held in the armband hugging high up on his bicep. It seemed to be a rather wise decision to keep it there rather than in a pocket. Pants were a dangerous place for him to keep any sort of electronics anymore. He was receiving a call from Blake. Politely, he excused himself from the table while the lapine and canine discussed the finer details of setting up the trust. He tapped the screen and brought the device to his cheek.

"Hey bud, I wasn't expecting to get in until a bit later today. Lawyer stuff, ya know? What's up?" Aron asked.

"Yeah, forgot that was today. Hope that's going alright. Hey um... I've got a bit of a problem. I could really, -really- use your help with something. Can you come to the gym? Like... quick?" the gryphon asked, sounding more than just a little anxious.

"Is everything alright? Everything is still in a not-on-fire state?" Aron asked, sounding a little more dad-like than he intended.

"Yeah! Totally! Everything's fine! I just... I could use your help with a problem I'm having. I'd ask Gabe but you said you were gonna train him in the whole scrotal workout thing. I hate to bug you about this, it's really embarrassing, but if you could get here as quick as you can, I would really appreciate it. I mean -really- appreciate it." Blake said, talking rather quickly.

Aron sighed as he looked back at the paralegal dog and business-rabbit. They seemed to have things well in hand. He didn't have anything he felt he could contribute. Maybe it would be alright if he slipped away.

"I'll see what I can do. I'll see you in a bit." Aron said, then hung up before returning to the table.

"Everything alright, honey?" Stacy asked.

"Yeah, everything's alright. Blake has some kind of embarrassing situation he needs my help with. I don't know what it is because he wouldn't say, but it doesn't sound too terribly serious. But he is very insistent I come in right now." the dragon said.

Stacy sighed and rolled her eyes a little. They had been working on getting this handled for a month. Circumstances kind of required that they establish the trust. There was no point in going forward with what they planned until that had been settled. But, her lawyer had been just as efficient as always.

"Is it okay if he heads out to take care of this 'emergency' his friend has?" the bunny asked.

"Unless he has anything he wishes to add, I think we can get along fine, just the two of us. He can sign the paperwork later and either of you can bring it to the firm once you've gone over it and agree." the dog said.

"Great," Stacy said, turning back to look at her roommate, business partner, and--at this point--boyfriend, "Go on and help bird brain with his problem. I'll bet you ten dollars he's got someone stuck again."

"Probably. But I guess we'll see. Thanks honey. See you at the shop, and if not then, then I'll see you here tonight. And tell Gabe that anything he does today at the gym, he needs to go light." Aron said.

The dragon dipped his head in a gentle bow before turning to head back to the bedroom to get dressed. His attire was rather scant these days. It had proven quite challenging to find a store that sold clothing in his unusual size. He had a couple of custom garments made, but that got expensive fast. And there was the fact that he was sure to keep growing so long as his belly kept rumbling. Which it had been doing quite a bit of recently.

He squeezed himself into a pair of shorts, compressing Jessie against his groin, making him gasp as he felt her paws push against his thighs and crotch. He couldn't help himself. He absolutely adored shoving someone in there, then squeezing into something that was just ever so slightly too tight to hold everything in.

"We're going to the gym already?" Jessie called out from under his belly.

"That's right. Stacy said she can handle the contract for the trust. I'll look over it tonight." he said.

"Blake sounded pretty upset," Natalie called out from deep in the dragon's middle, "You'd think he'd be a little more laid back about this sort of thing if it's what we all think it is."

Aron smirked and rubbed his tummy, thrumming deep in his throat as he gazed down at the dome where he kept all of his kids.

"What we all think it is? Sounds like you guys have had a little council meeting to decide what you think is going on." the dragon said.

"More like a betting pool," Jack said, his grin coming through in his voice, "We side with Stacy. He's got someone stuck again."

Aron snickered and gave his bulbous middle a squeeze, finding it amusing that they were keeping tabs on what was being discussed in the outside world and taking bets on it.

"So, you've all come to a quorum on the matter. I guess that means that's what my 'gut feeling' is telling me." the dragon said.

"Oh my god," Shane cried, "That's perfect! I love it! Hey, grab my battery for me before you head off to the gym! I've got some writing to do! I need to do something with this 'gut feeling' thing!"

The great green beast rolled his eyes and smirked as he waddled over to the nightstand and collected the battery pack in question. He shoved it down into his shorts under his tail, working it down between his thighs and towards his petals. It was easier than trying to go around front while he had someone loaded up in his sac. A soft gasp came from the green as he pushed it into himself. He felt a paw push into his passage to collect it, then drag it deeper.

"Thanks dad! Have a good day at work! And make sure Blake thanks you properly when you help him get them unstuck!" Shane called out.

"Oh, I plan to. You can count on that." the thickly-built drake said as he waddled his way back to the door.

Gabe had passed out shortly after he left to talk to the legal expert. He'd be awake in a little while, and no doubt his legs would be unsteady, thanks to Henry. But he'd be just fine. The drake paused, turned, and blew the unconscious stallion a kiss, then disappeared out the door.

Aron walked into the gym to find the usuals busy with their typical regimens. A couple were sporting bulges in their shorts not unlike the one wriggling away in the dragon's. It had been a bit of a surprise how quickly and eagerly the other trainers took to this idea of stuffing their trainees into their sacs for the purpose of giving them a more intense workout. He smirked a little as a few of the smaller customers stared rather wide-eyed at those squirming swells. A few eyes turned to him, not just to eye his own groin, but also his rather sizable gut. No one questioned that it was there for a reason, nor offered suggestions to make it go away. Some gazed at it almost longingly, as though they wanted to lavish it in appreciation. Aron found that amusing too.

As soon as the bulging green fellow rounded the corner, intending to head to the locker, he was stopped. A feathered mass had come racing forward and plowed right into him, bouncing off his firm stomach and landing on the ground. Blake shook his head as he sat there, one paw rubbing the side of his now slightly sore rear for having been knocked down onto it. His legs had been forced apart by the same sort of writhing mass in his shorts as the other trainers. That by itself wasn't that unusual a sight and wasn't necessarily indicative of whatever trouble he was having. But it didn't point away from it either.

"Oh, hey man. You okay? You know you shouldn't run in here." Aron said with a quiet snicker as he reached down to help his gryphon companion up.

"Sorry. I just saw you walking up the sidewalk outside and was trying to hurry to meet you. C'mon. I need your help." the avian fellow said, still talking rather quickly.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa. Slow down there, Speed Racer. Talk to me. What's up?" Aron asked.

"Not out here. C'mon. I'm on the clock here." Blake said, turning to hurry back down the path towards the locker room.

The green dragon sighed and followed, shaking his head. He could already guess precisely what was happening. He had warned Blake about it. He didn't bother telling Gabe just yet. He had only just managed it for the first time. He wasn't ready for the more advanced details. Aron followed the gryphon into the locker room and was stopped again as Blake turned around, a look of panicked embarrassment on his face.

Before the avian could open his beak to say anything, the dragon crossed his arms over his broad chest and gazed down at him.

"You got stuck again, didn't you?" Aron asked.

Blake sighed and hung his head.

"I got stuck again. I could use some help getting this one out. She's half an hour past her cutoff. I've been trying as hard as I can, but it just isn't working. I'm starting to get raw." the gryphon said in a dejected tone.

The jade fellow standing over him reached out and gently slapped the fellow trainer on the shoulder.

"It's alright. It was bound to happen. You get too caught up in your work and you forget, or you get too worked up and keep relieving yourself without removing the ring, it's bound to make it harder for you to let someone out. C'mon. Let's get you in the shower and get her out of there." Aron said.

"Thanks." Blake said, his cheeks flushed with his shame.

The two boys slipped out of their too-tight shorts, finding the freedom to let everything hang as it should to be quite appealing. They headed to the showers where only a couple of others were busy cleaning themselves up. No one bothered to complain as the dragon and gryphon moved to share an intimate moment. It was all in service to help evacuate a client after all. No reason to get huffy. Though it did make for an interesting show.

Aron and Blake pressed against one another, beak and muzzle finding each other quickly. It was a little awkward given the green fellow's stomach, but they had been working around it for quite some time now. They were experts. Thick, strong paws caressed over one chiseled form then the other, massaging the dense muscle underneath scale and feather alike. Quiet groans could be heard amidst the sound of the running water filling the tiled room. For several moments, the two lovers remained in such a position, simply wishing to share one another's company, to bask in it. But, time demanded they get down to business.

Blake slowly turned himself around, pressing his back against his beloved's firm tummy. He loved feeling that great dome press against him, no matter how it might. Aron reached down to grip at his length, stroking slowly across the grand thing as it drooled. The prospect of 'helping' his boyfriend unload a passenger was always enough to help get him in the mood, and today was no different. He gently pressed against the avian's shoulder with a single paw, coaxing him to bend forward, working his gut forward to hold him in the 'proper position'. His throbbing spire pressed up under the gryphon's tail, already working to sink deep into the cavern he knew so well.

"Ooo, honey... I could swear you've gotten bigger." Blake crooned.

"Mmm, no. Same size. You've just been playing with smaller boys. You do that on purpose don't you? So that you aren't used to me when it comes time to get a filling?" Aron asked as he rumbled, slowly closing his eyes.

"Ngh, maybe. It's nice... not being used to... my big dragon." the gryphon said between soft gasps for breath.

It made Aron grin. His boyfriend didn't want to be used to him, so that he could overwhelm and ruin him as often as possible. It was a very pretty thought. One that drove him to hasten his efforts a bit. If Blake wanted to be overwhelmed, then the drake would do what he could to make that happen.

A wet slapping sound echoed through the showers, audible in spite of the multiple shower heads currently in use. A couple of onlookers slowly turned their heads in order to drink in the sight of two very large boys going at it so freely and openly. Blake's rod bounced freely in the open, humid air, dribbling clear ooze that mingled with the water under-paw. He grunted and groaned as he was jostled by each mighty thrust. He had wanted his dragon to ruin him, and that was what he was going to get. The squirming in his scrotum helped bring him towards the end faster than he wanted, so he fought to keep himself from going over the edge too early. Aron wasn't helping with that.

The dragon hammered away, gripping one of his boyfriend's hips while pushing the other arm out to support himself against the smooth wall before them both. His own wriggling passenger was providing an interesting challenge for him. Jessie had gotten rather strong thanks to her sessions with Aron and Blake. She was able to fight against the heavy churning, make her presence a little more well known. Thankfully, the dragon had remembered to slip his 'protective' ring on before he left the house. Otherwise, Blake might be in for a rather stout swelling, more than he was used to. And getting her out of a greedy gryphon's rump would be tricky indeed.

The two mashed against one another, the great drake's spire spreading the avian's cheeks and inner flesh so strongly. It was enough to make the bird shout his boyfriend's name pleadingly, drawing a little more attention to the couple. Aron didn't care. It didn't matter to him who saw them doing this anymore. A couple of years ago, before he joined this particular gym, it might have made him feel ashamed to do something so publicly. Now, knowing others were watching only made it more enjoyable. He had come quite a long way from that first session with Blake. He didn't even bother rubbing ointment over his nose anymore. He enjoyed the scent of the gym, especially when he could detect his handsome red gryphon or the big stallion who was probably still sprawled on his bed back home.

As the drake's mind wandered, a firm kick from Jessie brought his attention sharply back to the present, pumping as deep into his boyfriend as he could, basking in the heat of the avian's pulsing flesh wrapped around him. He grunted louder and louder, before finally angling himself. This was the trick to helping a trainer when they had a trainee they couldn't get out of them. He mashed his aching shaft against Blake's prostate, imagining it to be a huge, red, mechanical button with the word 'launch' printed on it in big, bold letters. It had the effect that mental image suggested.

The gryphon arched his back and screeched at the top of his lungs. If there was anyone in the locker room not paying attention, they certainly were now. His twitching rod suddenly deformed as a figure began pushing its way up and out. From the various swells and curves, she was certainly quite the fetching client. Of course, Aron couldn't see. Blake was in the way, and so was his great, bulbous tummy. The lady's form continued to rise up through the frustrated gryphon's greedy spire. Each time the dragon slammed home, mashing on that 'red button', it made the dark length spasm anew. Then, in one, great, sticky explosion of white, Blake's trainee came spilling out of him, landing on the tile floor, sputtering and gasping as she was painted in the same sizable pool of gryphon spunk she had been soaking in for at least two hours.

A rush flooded the avian as Aron finally allowed himself to finish. A roar filled the shower as he dumped his usual, capacious self into his boyfriend. Blake shivered as his breath caught in his throat. His stomach swelled quickly, sagging down under him until he looked as if he might be carrying one or two just like his lover. A loud gurgle bubbled up out of the avian's suddenly heavy tummy, creaking and groaning as it strained to hold back the flood it had come to expect and appreciate.

"Oh honey," the gryphon cooed once his voice returned, "That... that feels so good. Every time you do it, I just melt."

"Mmm, glad to hear it. I like filling you up," Aron said, huffing quietly as he began to turn, pulling the bird with him, "Now let's just have a look see who this is you couldn't spit out."

As he spun, Blake gasped and moved along with him, his belly swaying and sloshing under him, still pinned under his boyfriend's marvelous gut. They didn't have to turn far for the dragon to finally see who it was the gryphon had needed help removing. She was still covered in the avian's seed, trying to wipe her eyes clean. Aron reached out and turned on the showerhead over the group of them, then tilted the head to help rinse the lady clean. It wasn't that unusual for a woman to end up in the boy's locker room anymore, especially by way of such a practice. So when she got a look around, seeing several naked men staring at her, she didn't feel at all self-conscious. She just stood up and began trying to rinse off.

The act of standing brought the sound of hoof on tile. The water quickly began to rinse away the milky ooze, revealing a creamy off-white chest and belly and a soft tan covering her arms and legs. There was a rich, dark brown--almost black--that divided the two colors, acting like a boundary between them. She had the same coloration across her face, the tan running down the center-top of her muzzle, with the lighter hue around her eyes and along the sides of her snout. There was the same separation between the light from the tan along her cheeks, showing the same darker stripes. It almost looked like make up.

She had dark, somewhat short hair that, while matted down at the moment, looked like it didn't quite make its way to her shoulders. Her figure was quite alluring. The curve of her hip to waist was less pronounced than might be considered 'motherly', but it was still a healthy shape. Her chest was quite ample, presenting an interesting obstacle in trying to get her out of Blake's sac. Her antlers were another, but at least they were relatively short and curved back towards her head rather than outward. Those points would have made for some rather uncomfortable moments going in or coming out.

It took the lady a moment to catch her breath and properly address the environment around her, including the large dragon that had just helped launch her from the prison of the gryphon's scrotum.

"Hey," she said, lifting her chin in a perfunctory greeting, "You the guy that fucked me out of him?"

It was likely intended to be a joke, considering the jade mountain was still lodged completely to the hilt inside his boyfriend's rump. The dragon smirked and nodded, extending a paw to the lady.

"That's me. Name's Aron. I don't think I've had the pleasure of meeting you before." he said.

"Kaylee. Recently joined member. I didn't think I'd be getting that deep into the workout that quick. But damn that was intense." she replied, taking the dragon's paw and squeezing it.

Slowly, the green fellow eased his way out of his lover, giving him a chance to clench up bit by bit. After all, Blake couldn't stand the idea of wasting a drop of his dragon's essence by letting it leak out of him. Once he could, the gryphon stood himself upright, still a little out of breath himself.

"Sorry about that. Guess I've been taking on too many clients back to back." Blake said.

"It's alright. I don't mind an extra half hour. It's not like the firm will fall to pieces if I'm not there today." Kaylee said.

"Firm? As in law firm?" Aron asked.

"That's right. I'm a partner at Parker and Yarborough." the antelope lady said.

"Parker and Yarborough? Hey, my girlfriend has an account with you guys. We had one of your people at the house this morning." the dragon said with a smile.

For a moment, the hoofed woman peered at the drake, trying to figure out if she could place his identity. Slowly, it began to dawn on her.

"Wait, is her name Stacy Miller?" Kaylee asked.

"That's right! Setting up a trust to handle all her holdings!" Aron cried out in serendipitous glee.

"Well holy hell," the antelope said, her lips pulling into a broad smile, "I'm the lead assigned to your account. I sent out my junior to handle your case while I was... well... in your boyfriend's balls. He was kind enough to stick my phone in with me when he figured out I wasn't going to be on time."

She lifted a delicate paw to her chest, indicating to the pendant cell phone hanging from her neck and resting comfortably in her cleavage.

"Well, it's not how I expected to meet my lawyer, but it's a pleasure!" the dragon pushed his paw back out towards the lady, who took it and squeezed it again quite promptly.

"Kaylee Parker. The pleasure is mine." she said, before going back to trying to cleanse herself.

"You two know each other?" Blake asked.

"She's the one who's been working up all the paperwork to set up the trust. Stacy's back home looking over it right now. You called while we were in the middle of it." Aron said with a chuckle, tugging the gryphon in close and kissing him briskly.

"Oh, sorry about that. I guess I kinda messed things up on two fronts then." the bird said, lowering his gaze and looking terribly embarrassed.

"Oh now don't you feel bad for one second," Kaylee said, stepping in close and reaching up to lift the gryphon's beak so he could look her in the eye, "What I got to enjoy in there, that was a blast. I fully expect to dive back in when it's safe to. And I expect you to either be able to squirt me back out on time, or have your boyfriend on call to 'unclog the pipes' so to speak."

She offered the bird a wink, then leaned and gave his beak a quick little kiss.

"Well, we won't keep you any longer. I look forward to seeing you again." Aron said.

"And if you're my personal trainer's boyfriend as well as my client, you can expect to see a lot of me." Kaylee grinned, reaching round behind the green drake to give his firm backside a quick stroke and squeeze as she passed.

The antelope strolled out of the men's shower, casting her gaze about as if to say 'you like what you see?' before simply stepping out into the gym at large. She was completely naked, completely soaked head to hoof, and she just walked out into the gym. She was fearless. It made Aron grin a bit before he turned to look back at Blake.

"You got yourself a good one this time! She's gorgeous, playful, and I think she likes you!" the dragon said, giving his boyfriend a squeeze in his arms.

"Yeah, she does. And she likes you too. You'll probably end up stealing her with how greedy this thing is." Blake said, running his paws over the gravid swell he had come to enjoy rubbing.

"Nope! No rumbles! She's in the clear! Now, stop feeling so down and go get out there! You've got the whole day ahead of you! And hold off sticking anyone in there for now. I think you might should give yourself a bit of a break, let things kind of relax a while before going again." Aron said.

"Sure, says the dragon who's almost always got someone wiggling around in his balls pretty much twenty-four seven," Blake replied, "And actually, I just finished my day. I kept today light because... well... tonight."

"Right. Tonight," Aron replied, "Do you wanna be the one to do it?"

The gryphon blushed and looked away for a moment. He was feeling shy about something. It was somewhat uncharacteristic of him.

"Actually, I was... kind of thinking... I know you've already got Jessie in there from your session with Gabe. Think you've got room for me too? I've been having an off few days and I'd like to just kinda... disappear in there for a while." Blake said.

That was something of a tall order. In the past, he would have outright declined. With just Blake in him, he had a difficult time functioning. With Blake and a second, had been useless. But his gryphon needed him. Whatever hesitation he might have had, the green drake pushed away, though with some trepidation. Blake needed his support, and he wanted to be a good boyfriend.

"For you honey, I've always got room. Go on. I don't mind." Aron said.

The green drake reached down below his mammoth gut and began slipping the tight-fitting ring of thick rubber off of his shaft, which had kept Jessie tucked away in his sac as he pounded the gryphon. Almost immediately, he started to drool again and he sighed as he felt the welcome relief of not feeling the constant squeeze on his member. It took no time at all for Blake to find his way down under his lover's stomach and lavish that monster of his with affection. His beak quickly pushed down over the dark beast, welcoming the bulge in his throat it created as he swallowed as much as he could.

Aron shifted his hips, rumbling low in his throat, permitting himself to just enjoy the moment. Of course, with the ring off, there was a chance he might accidently give his avian boyfriend another filling, complete with a very disoriented tigress. But then he had something special he had been working on for just such an occasion. And it involved simply letting himself relax and enjoy. Blake would get to see this skill demonstrated first hand.

The big dragon's hips began to sway backwards then forwards, one paw gently resting against the back of the gryphon's head to keep him in place. Thanks to having needed to help Blake eject his passenger only a short while ago, there was likely to be a bit more difficulty in making the green fellow hit climax again so soon. But then Aron did have someone sloshing around in his sac, and a whole litter helping to push him there. There came a powerful series of squirms from Aron's middle, making his purr turn to a growl. His free paw moved to his belly, just feeling over the gravid bulge as it shifted and distended. Below, Jessie was just as energetic as ever. It might not be that difficult to make him finish after all.

Blake slurped greedily and noisily, intending to put on as impressive a show now as he had just moments earlier. His own paws moved to cup and massage the cat-filled sac in front of him. He even wrapped his arms around it to give the great, swollen thing a hug. As soon as he did, Aron grinned and squeezed his legs together on either side of the churning scrotum, pinning the gryphon's arms in place. Now he couldn't get away. With his lover somewhat locked in place, the scaled beast began to hump harder and faster, eager to bring this to a conclusion so he could give the feathered fellow what he wanted.

There came an intense tickle that began between the dragon's legs and began to work its way up. He was close. Very close. So close in fact that it was time to implement his new ability. Hopefully he was proficient enough in it by now that it would actually do as it was meant. Aron closed his eyes, grit his teeth, and summoned forth the will to clench up as much as he could between his muscular thighs. It wasn't his legs themselves he wanted to flex, but what lay between them. A heavy surge of seed gushed down the gryphon's throat as he managed to 'lock himself in place'. His sac contracted, trying to squeeze its contents out and into Blake, Jessie included. But all the avian was given was a very large, very thick drink. It poured in, spurt after spurt of the stuff, landing almost directly in his stomach.

The dragon growled loudly, not quite hitting a roar, as he came. He shivered as he felt the success of his new skill come, then pass. Everything began to relax after the big, green drake settled, feeling no continued urge to hump his lover's throat. His scrotum relaxed and sagged back down again, still occupied by the constantly writhing feline it had not managed to purge from its grasp. Aron panted softly and smiled, giving his boyfriend a pat on the back of the head.

"I think Jack would approve of how good you are at that." Aron said.

Blake offered a muffled response before managing to drag the dragon's shaft from his beak. A few light spurts of the sticky filling he had just been given filled his mouth and he swallowed all of it down, running his tongue along the edges of the fierce curve. He snickered quietly before letting out a quiet burp. His stomach, which had already been stretched by a sizable load, had just gained a fair bit of girth from his feeding.

"Jack was pretty damn good at it. Though, I kind of miss having the both of you to play with, back when you were smaller than me. If I could do then what I can do now, I might have stuffed you both in my balls and just left you there for a week straight." Blake said with a grin.

"Right, you'd probably never let us out," Aron replied, laughing along with his lover, enjoying the affectionate nuzzle he was getting from the gryphon now, "Kind of like what's going on with Jessie at the moment. I'm pleased that worked."

"Yeah, I noticed I didn't get a belly full of tiger from that. And you weren't wearing your ring. What witchcraft is this?" Blake asked, still rubbing his cheek against the dragon's rigid spire.

"I've been practicing, wanting to make sure I don't let anyone out unless I want to. Stacy keeps stealing Jessie from me, and I don't want someone else getting any funny ideas. The people I put in there come out on my terms, not someone else's who might want to scarf them up or get them shot under their tail." Aron said, trying to sound very 'putting my paw down on this' about the matter.

"That's impressive. Maybe I should learn that. It might help with my 'getting stuck' issues." the gryphon said.

"Maybe. But for now, you wanted in, so go on, get in." the green mountain said.

There wasn't much discussion after that. Blake was too eager to do as Aron said, before the dragon changed his mind and the opportunity evaporated. He returned to licking and kissing the dark spire, this time not trying to swallow it. After a few moments, he pressed his beak to the end of the monster, giving it a firm, passionate kiss, slipping his tongue into the hot, slick, salty passage. It made the dragon growl once more, a happy sound the gryphon was very familiar with. He held that kiss for several moments, still hoping to put on a show for the onlookers.

The few gym-goers who were present had not stopped staring since the effort to get Kaylee back to the outside world. Most had stopped bathing, just standing there in the spray as they watched. Some were even tending to their own rather pronounced arousals. And just as the dragon and gryphon were getting situated, the others were given even more to find enticing. Aron's shaft yawned open, then pushed forward over Blake's beak. It clung to him, keeping him from pulling back, but then he had no reason to want to. Instead, the feathered fellow pushed forward to carry on.

Aron tipped his head back and groaned loud enough to fill the shower. His spire stretched around the gryphon's head, easily slurping up his entire skull. A good-sized bulge formed along the underside of the ebony mast, which was quickly joined by an even bigger swell, just as the dragon felt his lover's shoulders slip into him. There was little to complain about, even if the jade beast was to be so swollen and distracted he might not be able to stay standing for very long. But, he loved Blake, and if Blake was having a less than ideal time, and was looking for some respite, he wasn't going to deny him.

A lewd slurp that was so loud it could be heard back amongst the lockers came from under the drake's grand, wobbling tummy, seeing the avian's chest devoured by the greedy shaft. Aron continued to massage his belly as he pulled his lover in, no longer needing him to push. He was in control, setting the pace, and eager to see just how huge he would be with Jessie and Blake hiding between his legs. And that pace was steady, though somewhat gradual. The dragon was going to enjoy this for as long as he could. And so were the others in the shower, watching intently.

A muffled moan came from between Aron's legs as Blake slid in past his chest, his usually trim, firm, washboard stomach swallowed by the meaty creature wrapped so far around him. What it was now was a great, sloshing dome filled with the dragon's essence. That great bulge stretched Aron to the point where he tipped his head back and groaned, biting back an intense desire to roar. The gryphon's head popped into the churning chamber below, surprising Jessie as she felt another person pouring in on top of her. She yelped, startled by the addition and began trying to push herself out of the way. It was a difficult process given how the walls around her practically 'chewed' on her. But, she managed to make some room. As Blake's hips were devoured, his shoulders slid in, plunging his face into the impressive reserve of dragon seed Aron still had available.

The green drake had given numerous gallons of the stuff, and yet he still had so much sloshing around in there, he could have blown the gryphon up until his belly dragged on the ground. It was still quite a feat getting Blake given how big as he was, and then another feat entirely to manage to swallow up that enormous, malleable stomach. It was almost as if Aron was trying to reclaim what he had pumped into his boyfriend.

More uncivilized noises of wet flesh surrounding another filled the tiled room, seeing Blake's hips and thighs consumed. It was all downhill from here. He began sliding into the dragon's sac more quickly. All the bulges he made in Aron's shaft were quickly dragged through the dark rod, making the dragon clench his teeth again. As soon as the avian's talons were devoured, the drake shuddered. His scrotum sagged monstrously, wiggling with such ferocious strength he couldn't keep still. Both of his large paws moved to grip the sides of his throbbing member. He could feel the last of Blake pass through him and land in the sloshing chamber with Jessie. When that happened, the roar he had been fighting back finally pushed through.

The locker room shook with the power of his bellow. He clenched hard, wanting to make sure neither of his passengers accidentally found themselves back out under the spray of the shower, covered in white, sticky goo like Kaylee. A strong splatter of seed painted the tiles in front of him, thankfully without anyone escaping up through him again. Aron had done it! It had been a deeply stimulating experience, threatening to leave the dragon unable to focus enough to work, but he had done it!

For a few moments, he stood there, panting, holding his still drooling shaft. Each time he moved one of his paws, the black beast in his grasp twitched and another spurt of ooze joined the puddle slowly sliding down the wall. When he finally could breathe normally again, Aron resumed washing under the shower's spray. He even turned the head to rinse off the mess he had made on the wall. Everyone else went back to bathing as well, though they didn't stop staring at the absolutely massive, very active bulge in the dragon's scrotum. Their eyes stayed on him even when he finished and turned to waddle out of the shower back towards the lockers.

The great green beast tried to dry himself off, having forgotten to bring a towel sized just for him. So, he worked on the parts of him that would be of more benefit to dry, mainly what parts of him would be held under cloth. When he was sure he had gotten as much of himself dry as he could, the dragon began trying to squeeze himself into his gym shorts. There was no way they would fully cover a bulge this size. He was going to have to let a rather generous portion of himself hang out.

"Dammit... I'm gonna need to keep two different kinds of shorts here. Days without Blake, and days with Blake." he grumbled.

"Sorry honey. I guess that didn't cross my mind." Blake said from below the dragon's belly.

"It's fine. I'll figure something out. I can't have you two just bouncing around all over the place while I work out." Aron said, reaching down to give his over-stuffed sac a tender caress.

As inconvenient it was, he really did love it. He loved it so much part of him fantasized about staying exactly like that, to never let either Jessie or Blake out of his scrotum ever again, always swollen, always distracted by their wriggling. It would be terribly impractical, but it was a fun thought to play with. Aron slipped his thick rubber ring back onto his shaft, not yet confident enough in his abilities to feel like he didn't need it. With a little creative thinking, he managed to cobble together a way to secure his two passengers so they wouldn't wobble about near as much as he went through his exercises. It wasn't perfect, but it was all he had. It would also soak up the mess he was bound to make so it wouldn't leave a trail or smear everywhere on the equipment.

With a huff, the dragon stood back up, swaying back and forth in place as if he were dizzy. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea to try and handle Blake right now. Aron couldn't stand the idea of regretting what he had done. And he refused to think ill of taking care of someone he loved when they were in need. He would just have to learn to deal with it. He took a breath and pushed open the door leading out of the locker room. As soon as he was gone, chatter broke out among the few others who had been present to see the whole experience.

What gains Aron had made since Mikey joined the family must have been just enough for him to be able to handle what he was contending with now. The last time Blake had slipped in while someone else was already churning away in the dragon's scrotum, he had been only just barely able to function. And that had been only enough to make his way to the bathroom to shower, then flop down in bed.

Now, the green mountain was able to focus enough to not only complete his workout, but help a couple of trainees with their workouts too. It almost disappointed him anymore that he had to stick to the 'traditional' method. The greedy monster was wishing he could just shove all his clients in with Blake and Jessie. That was impractical, but it was certainly a very arousing thought. Very quickly, Aron realized it was probably for the best if he avoided anything that he could classify as 'arousing' while trying to finish his time at the gym. They were short on janitorial staff at the moment.

He traded greetings, and even a customary slap on the rump with a couple of the other trainers. None of them were nearly as bulky as he was, but then no one really was. Even Gabe was starting to pale in comparison to him. It puzzled the dragon a little. He wasn't quite sure why the stallion had been so late to the party with the 'new training system'. The other big boys, and even a couple of the ladies who were properly equipped, jumped in with both paws. It was amusing seeing two trainers 'celebrate' a completed set, not by what had once been common, the chest bump, but now with the much more common 'nut bump'. Seeing two, wriggling, distended sacs pressed together sent a curious little tingle up Aron's spine.

He'd never get to do that, even with Blake swelling him out so monstrously. His gut was just too huge to get around. Not unless someone wanted to catch him on his back and straddle him. He liked that idea. The quick spasm from within his makeshift shorts reminded him: 'stop thinking about naughty things while you're at work'. He grumbled a little and sighed, quietly regretting his choice to shove Blake in with Jessie. He didn't have the luxury of just waddling off to go masturbate then come back whenever he wanted, which was how the weekend usually worked for him. Being on call, helping some new member get the hang of the weights or the cardio section, it left him too busy to 'take care of business'.

"Hey, Aron." Gabe called out, having only just walked in.

He had spotted the green dragon quickly and made a beeline for him. Aron wasn't that hard to spot after all. The stallion was still in possession of the sizable swell between his legs, meaning Henry was still tucked away, churning about as his big brother helped him stay fit and toned. Of course, it didn't hurt that both were deeply gratified on a completely different level. And the drake could see it on the horse's face.

"Hey Gabe. How you doing? Gettin' the hang of it?" the jade fellow asked.

"Oh yeah. It's great. I didn't think I'd get used to it this fast but... I feel like I could run a marathon with Henry in there!" the horse said, reaching down with one thickly muscled russet arm to fondle his sac.

It was almost a loving gesture, as if he were offering appreciation and affection for the other hose hidden away inside. Aron had assumed Henry and Gabe might have engaged in a little 'brotherly love' before he started getting bulky, but now he was sure of it. Before the dragon could respond, a muffled voice came from deep in the stallion's tightly-stretched shorts.

"Oh god please tell me that's an option." Henry moaned out.

Gabe laughed and squeezed his scrotum between his powerful thighs, shivering softly as he did so.

"Well now that I know that, first off, I can and, second off, you want me to, I'll sign up for the next one on the schedule!" the big equine said.

"Well, I'm glad you two are getting along so well like this. I wanted to get you into it a lot sooner, but you seemed so hesitant." Aron said.

"Yeah, about that," Gabe said, lowering his voice and leaning in, "Can we chat?"

The drake blinked softly then nodded, not sure why there was a need to feel so secretive about it. Perhaps his russet friend was still self-conscious about the whole exercise. They both made their way to the sitting area near the juice bar and found a couple of chairs that would accommodate their mass.

When Gabe was sufficiently confident they were going to be able to have a private conversation, passengers notwithstanding, he carried on.

"I know that everyone else jumped in on this real quick. And it's great seeing them all want to get on board. But I'm a little concerned about something." he said.

"What? Is everything alright?" Aron asked, now concerned.

"At first, I was worried what people would think... you know... me and Henry, brothers. But we've been doing stuff around here for years, maybe not quite as lewd as this, but certainly not what the wider public would think brothers should do together. When I got past that, I got real excited to try this, and so did Henry. And then we actually did it and... holy shit, it feels great!" Gabe said, keeping his voice low.

"Okay, I'm not really hearing anything that might be a problem here." the green dragon said.

"It's just... how long did it take everyone else to get used to this? Days? Weeks?" Gabe asked.

Aron frowned, wrinkling his forehead a bit as he tried to determine what direction the horse was coming at this from.

"It varies. It took me a while to get used to it enough to be able to function normally. But everyone gets used to it over time. Then you can up the game with more than one person, or a bigger passenger. I mean, look at me, I've got Jessie and Blake in me right now and I feel like I'm back on that first experience." the drake said with a laugh.

"But it took you a while, right?" Gabe asked, sounding a little insistent.

It was beginning to worry Aron, but he tried to be as supportive as he could.

"Yeah, it took me a while. Look, it's your first time. It's going to leave you a little weak in the knees. If you feel like walking is a little unsteady, then just dial back the workout. Don't push yourself. Otherwise you could get hurt, or worse, you could hurt Henry." the green fellow said.

"No, you're not understanding," Gabe said, reaching a palm down to press against his swollen crotch, again giving the churning swell contact that was clearly affectionate, "I woke up after you left, and I felt good. Really good. I wasn't weak, I wasn't shaky. It just felt... right. Like Henry should be in there. I don't think I've ever felt something so right in my life. It's almost like... like I don't wanna let him out. Do you know what I'm talking about or do I just sound crazy?"

It wasn't how Aron had expected the conversation to turn, but it was pushing back into territory he was most definitely comfortable with. He just smiled and moved a paw to run over his vast, taut belly. From time to time, a paw print could be seen pushing out of the enormous gut.

"Yeah... I know what you're talking about. I haven't had it happen between my legs like that, but I know what you're talking about. Probably a lot better than you might think," he said, "Look, take it as a blessing. You're ahead of the curve. You get to enjoy the benefits of 'training' someone and being able to train yourself. Go enjoy it."

The horse's eyes fell on that grand orb, home to five passengers, almost all of whom he had met and worked with at one point or another. He could scarcely grasp how gratifying it had to feel, being in Aron's place. But then it required certain equipment Gabe lacked. It didn't upset him, nor did it make him wish he could make use of the solution that gave Aron his current state. But it did leave him curious, wanting to ask him about his belly very frequently. And the dragon was more than happy to discuss it.

"Everything still going good in there? Everyone playing nice?" Gabe asked.

"Yup! One big, happy family!" Aron said with a chuckle, rubbing his stomach more enthusiastically.

"Has it been talking to you at all lately?" the horse asked.

That was a question he got asked by Blake rather often since the whole discovery was made. The dragon's belly would rumble once it was within close enough proximity to whoever it had selected to be next to join the litter. Gabe had picked up on it not long after Blake started asking. And the truth of the matter was Aron had an answer, and he was happy to share it.

"Oh, it's picked the next one already. I kind of wish it would slow down, give me more than just a few months between additions. This time it was only four. Before that, I think it was three months between additions. I'd like to be able to go more than six after this one. But I've been trying to hold off on going through with it. New rules. When 'target is acquired', you sit down with them, talk about it, ask them what they think, if they want to go through with it, and if they say yes, you give them time to get their affairs in order." the dragon explained.

"How long have you waited since it started growling at you?" Gabe asked.

"Well, like I said, it was about four months after Mikey joined that it started talking again. And I've been trying to see how long I can go. It's been a little over a month now and it just get louder and stronger the longer I wait. If I go too much longer, they'll be able to pick it up on a seismograph!" Aron said with a laugh.

The stallion joined in, finding the comment rather amusing, to say nothing of appealing. The idea of so many the dragon cared for curled up under his scales, protected, safe, close, all of them huddled together in one, endless hug. It was enviable. And Gabe had made it clear he found the notion to be quite endearing. There was a problem though. The more Gabe thought about it, the more he found himself picking out some unhappy feelings, almost like remorse, because he couldn't experience it himself. So, he decided a change of subject might be in order. Best not to dwell on what one could not have.

"So, you've got Jessie -and- Blake in your balls. Pretty impressive. Pretty sure I'm not anywhere near that level yet." the horse said.

"With enough practice, I'll bet you could fit four people Henry's size in there and you wouldn't break a sweat." Aron said with a smirk.

"Maybe. And maybe by then, I'll get to have a turn with Blake. He's been trying to push me to get into it so he can try me out and compare my sac to yours." Gabe said, snickering a little.

"Well, that's entirely up to Blake," the dragon said, giving his bulging, writhing groin a pat, though it couldn't be seen under his belly or the table, "He seems pretty taken with where he's at right now and I don't have the heart to kick him out if he doesn't want out. At least... for a while."

"Is he going to be in there long? He usually spends the weekend in there, right?" the stallion asked.

"Yeah, he said he finished his day early and wanted to start his weekend as soon as possible." Aron replied.

"So, then I won't get to see him tonight. We're still on, right?" Gabe asked, just full of questions today.

"Oh yeah, we're still on. Stacy and I are looking forward to it. You're not gonna try to back out because you've got Henry in there, now are you?" the dragon asked, raising an eye ridge as he smirked.

"If you guys don't have Blake to be part of the festivities, then I'd be happy to fill in for him. Emphasis on the 'fill'." the stallion said and grinned.

"Great, don't be late. Stacy likes punctuality. We've got something special in mind that I think you're going to really love." Aron said as he climbed to his paws.

It sounded like the conversation was reaching a natural conclusion and he had to finish up with a couple of clients before heading to the garage. Gabe would be able to take care of things after he was gone, just like always.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." the horse shot back.

"Just make sure you either put on a cock ring or let Henry out first. You don't want Stacy 'accidentally' stealing him. She has a nasty habit of doing that." Aron offered, shooting a smirk at the stallion.

"Got it. Keep the cock ring on. Henry's in for the night." Gabe replied.

The two large fellows pressed in close, their lips meeting in a firm but slow kiss. They wanted to linger there for longer than time would permit, but then they would have plenty of time to enjoy the romance and affection they were eager to share tonight. When they finally broke the kiss, the drake cupped a paw against the stallion's cheek and winked at him.

"See you tonight, babe." Aron said.

"See you then." the horse echoed.

Work at the gym was an interesting experience while feeling Blake and Jessie doing whatever they were doing besides getting toned. The garage was a different experience altogether. Stacy had opted to stay home and review the paperwork for the trust. Being the foreman, Aron had essentially everyone looking to him for leadership and guidance, especially while Stacy was out. And since he had taken on a similar stance as the horny bunny when it came to hiring, there were plenty of mechanics, mostly boys with a couple of ladies in the mix, who wanted to rub the boss' gut for 'good luck'. And they liked to rub more than just his gut. With the added mass between his legs, everyone's paws seemed to drift lower than the usual spot.

Part of the dragon silently wished he could get that kind of attention at the gym. Even if it meant the janitors would get cranky at him. On at least one occasion at the garage, Aron almost let himself go off, right there in his coveralls. He managed to avoid reaching 'full charge' but there was still a pretty extensive puddle that had to be mopped up. He was going to be rather pent up when he got back to the house.

When at last work was done there, the green mountain returned home. It was still a little odd to him to think of his employer's home as his too. At least it could handle his size better than Shane's old house. He went straight to the bathroom to clean up from working under cars half the day. No one liked a big, sweaty, stinky dragon rolling around on nice clean bed sheets after all. And he was going to get sweaty again anyway. He might as well minimize the effect as best he could.

The shower was refreshing, and it gave Aron a chance to tend to a couple of things he'd really been needing to since he took on his unexpected second passenger downstairs. A loud groan resonated through the house as he stroked himself to climax, making just as generous a mess as he was known to these days. He had also angled his tail about, teasing his nethers about, but not quite letting that half of him come to the end that his body begged for. There would be time enough for more of that later.

Without bothering to dress, Aron left the bathroom behind, at least after he had dried as much of himself as he could. He waddled back out to the kitchen, still extremely grateful for the open concept design, the high ceilings, and the general feel that the whole place had been designed with someone his size in mind. He had intended on warming up something leftover from last night, but as soon as he spotted the rabbit sitting at the counter, his priority shifted.

"Hey. Didn't see you at the garage today. I thought you were gonna come in for a little while." the drake said.

"Yeah... I decided to just... spend the day here. I've been reading over all the paperwork, trying to make sure we didn't miss anything." Stacy said.

"I don't think they're gonna screw us on this. After all, it's a trust between you and me. They're just handling the filing." Aron said with a chuckle.

"It's not that I'm worried the firm is gonna screw us. I just want to make sure everything's accounted for, you know? Make sure we didn't forget to include something. It's a pretty big deal, what we're doing." the rabbit said, then sighed.

"Yeah, it's big. But I think it's worth it. And if we missed anything, I'm sure they'll let us make changes as needed without too much fuss," the bulky, green fellow said, then tried to shift his tone to one that was lighter, "I met the actual lawyer today, not just her junior litigator assistant or whatever he is."

"What, did she have car trouble and came to the garage?" Stacy asked, not at all trying to be sarcastic.

"Nope! Turns out Blake is her personal trainer, and she was the one who got stuck in him! I had to help him get her out!" Aron explained then permitted himself to laugh, hoping it would make his girlfriend smile.

It did, but it also prompted a reaction of disbelief from her.

"Wait... our lawyer... Kaylee Parker... was stuck in Blake's nut sack. And you had to help get her out?" Stacy asked.

"Yup! Poor guy, it was a bit of a blow to his ego. After that, he said he wanted to start off his weekend right then and there and asked if he could dive back in. So I let him." the dragon said, reaching past his gut to pat his still wriggling scrotum.

"He's already in? I thought he'd be joining us tonight." the rabbit said.

"Yeah, I thought so too. But apparently he's been on a bit of a downward trend. He wanted to climb in. I couldn't say no to him, not when he gave me the eyes." Aron said.

"He didn't give you 'the eyes'. You're just saying that to justify being greedy." Stacy said, smirking up at him as she crossed her arms.

Aron blushed and lifted a paw to rub the back of his head, a sheepish smile on his muzzle.

"Yeah... he didn't give me 'the eyes'." he confessed.

"Thought so," the rabbit said, then turned back to face the counter, staring down at the stack of documents, "I've already signed. It's just waiting for you to do the same, then send it to Kaylee. I suspect now that she's training with Blake, you'll be seeing quite a lot of her."

"Probably. Got any advice? I know you and she kind of had a thing for a while." Aron said.

"She likes to dictate how things are going to go. But sometimes she'll be more interested in you being in control. You'll learn how to read her. Just watch and listen." Stacy said, wrapping her arms around herself more tightly.

There was something about her posture that suggested there was more anxiety running through her than she would ever admit, and there was reason enough for it. The green fellow stepped in closer and tugged the comparatively diminutive bunny to his side, letting her lean in against his warm, firm tummy for comfort. She sighed as soon as he did so, stretching her arms as far around it as she could, mashing her cheek against the great, green gut. There was a powerful vibration coming from it, a rumble that almost sounded like he was hungry. But it wasn't because he hadn't eaten dinner yet.

It had started just over a month ago, only four months after the two moved in together. It had been a bit of a blindside, Stacy being picked to be next. They had only really managed to start really enjoying one another's company. When it came up, they tried to put it off as long as they could, wanting to spend their time together without the rabbit disappearing into his belly. But, as time passed, the intensity and desire grew stronger. So, it was decided that it was going to happen, and before it did, Stacy and Aron would set up some sort of legal framework to deal with the ownership of property and assets.

Aron had dealt with something like that before. It was how he had managed to have Shane's house put in his name. Now, it was more than just a house. It was a business and several other assets. The bunny had been prolific, perhaps not when it came to having children, but certainly in managing her finances.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay." Aron said, trying to comfort the rabbit.

"I know. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't excited. It's just a big step. Together forever. Never coming back out. You'll be the boss at the garage. Everyone will answer to you. Sure, I could probably yell at someone from your gut, but I doubt it would have the same impact as if it came directly from you," Stacy said, then sighed again, "There's no going back. Once it's done, it's done. It's a pretty big life change."

"Yeah. It is. You can still back out if you want to. I'll probably need to move out and find another job. At least until this thing decides to pick someone else." Aron said, not at all knowing if that was even a possibility.

"Has anyone ever said no and just walked away from you before?" the rabbit asked, looking up at the big dragon.

He chuckled and shook his head, pressing a large, powerful palm against her back, squeezing her oh so gently against his hide.

"No. Everyone my belly's picked has gone in. But, I think it only just started picking out who it wanted next recently. The first one I remember it wanting was Shane. That was when I first noticed it rumbling. Then, with Natalie, I realized it wasn't just doing it randomly. It was picking its target, the person it wanted inside it," Aron explained, "And everyone has said yes when the option was offered."

"And they're all happy in there, no fights, no worries or anything." Stacy said as she sighed, clinging to the rumbling belly.

"I've not heard any complaints. Everyone seems pretty happy. In fact, for a couple of folks, it helped them escape a less than pleasant life out here in the outside world." the dragon said, letting a purr give his throat and chest reason to tremble.

"You make it sound like the whole 'they've gone to a better place' speech people use at funerals and stuff," the rabbit said and snickered, "Hard not to think of it like that. Like... my life is ending and I'm 'going to a better place'."

"I hadn't thought about it like that," Aron said, suddenly mildly disquieted by this whole practice of his, "I've been stealing people from their lives."

"You've been giving them a home, a family. You've been keeping them warm and safe and happy. And like you said, no one's complained," Stacy said, suddenly feeling like it was her turn to comfort the big beastie, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything about that. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine. I would have stumbled across the thought on my own eventually," Aron said, then lowered his gaze to look at Stacy, feeling the need to ask at least one last time, "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? You can say no. You won't hurt my feelings."

"I'm not going to be the first person to turn down heaven," Stacy replied with a big grin, "In fact, since we're both feeling a little nervous about it now, should we just go ahead and get it over with? I mean, Blake isn't going to be coming out to help."

"Gabe said he wanted to join us. He should be here soon. I'd like to get a little something to eat before then. You probably should too." the dragon said.

The bunny nodded in agreement. With plans for the immediate future settled, they pulled leftovers from the fridge, warmed them, and ate. It wasn't much, just enough to keep from being hungry. Of course, 'just enough to keep from being hungry' for Aron was considerably more than it was for Stacy. It gave them plenty of time to talk about a number of things; the garage, the house, how the last five months had been quite wonderful. It did almost feel like a wake. But that wasn't what either of them wanted it to feel like.

Before too long, the rabbit was back against her dragon's stomach, squeezing as tightly against it as she could manage. Aron sighed as he welcomed her affection. He picked her up, keeping her pressed against his middle, and walked them both to the couch. There, they could both recline and enjoy one another's company without needing to worry about how little support the kitchen stools or the chairs around the table offered. Once there, Stacy began to slowly slide down the great fatherly--or perhaps motherly--bulge of the drake's belly. Her attention shifted to the still wriggling scrotum that was easily twice as big as her, probably more. She nuzzled and kissed the tender bloat, chuckling to herself as she thought.

"I guess this is how I get to say goodbye to you, Blake. I don't get to play with you anymore. Unless you stick it in there with me. And then I have to fight Jack, Mary, and probably everyone else for attention. And I gotta say goodbye to you too, Jessie. I had hoped maybe I'd get to steal you away and smuggle you in with me. But I don't think Aron would be too happy with me for doing that." Stacy said, mashing her face into the exceedingly warm, heavily active sac.

"Mmm, I might be cranky... at first." Aron said with a bit of a growl, then snickered.

He kept his legs spread, giving the lady all the access to his manhood as she might wish, but was determined to not let her get carried away enough to dive in with his litter until Gabe had managed to have his fun with them. In the interim, the affection she was showing his sac was quite lovely. He briefly thought about calling her efforts a form of worship, but he didn't feel comfortable with that. He never liked the notion of being thought of in any sort of superior or deific light. Of course, if someone wanted to play like that a little bit, temporarily, it could be fun.

Slowly, all the contact with such a sensual region of her boyfriend left the bunny worked up. She slipped out of what little clothing she had been wearing and pressed back against the drake's belly, this time making sure to pin his stiff, pulsing shaft between herself and the dome. She licked and kissed at it as if it were her lover and not the dragon it was attached to, which Aron found quite pleasing. It was just over half as long as she was, and bigger around than one of her thighs. She had a lot to wrap herself around, so she made sure to enjoy her last evening with it.

"Better make it a ride to remember. I don't want my last ever round of getting humped by you to be disappointing." Stacy said.

"I'll make sure it's a good one." Aron replied.

Two large paws reached down and gripped the bunny, lifting her up so that she was laying on top of his stomach. It disappointed her slightly but only for a short moment. He began easing her back down his stomach much like she had done earlier, only this time, he was guiding her. The heat of the bluntly curved, broad head of the dragon's shaft bumped against her backside, making the rabbit shiver softly. She knew what was coming and eagerly anticipated it. She wiggled her hips, moving to aiming him properly. She didn't want it under her tail. She wanted it where she had shoved him so many times more often than the 'back door'.

Stacy's nethers were already glistening as she pressed herself down against the dark mast below. Through all the practice she had put herself through in years past, she had gained a remarkable ability to stretch, which she put immediately into use with her boyfriend one last time. She let out a squeak as she slowly pressed down over the monster, inviting it past her petals. Her abdomen bulged heavily as she pressed down on the thing, welcoming every inch of the beast into her. Aron fought the urge to writhe, delighted by the intense, firm grasp of the rabbit's passage. How she could remain in such a state when she made it a habit of bedding partners who were always on the larger end of the spectrum continued to baffle him.

It took a few moments, but the bunny slipped all the way down to the base of the great shaft. She huffed as she sat there on top of Aron's wriggling scrotum. She could feel the thick rubber of his cock ring, insurance so she wouldn't steal anyone from him, and it made her whimper a little. It might have been quite the lark to try and snatch Blake rather than Jessie from those churning swells. But, it was not to be. Still, she would have plenty to contain in her tummy soon enough. The bulge in her abdomen had grown, pushing further up until it reached her chest, then it began to bend outward, away from her. It reached right up under her chin, and she wrapped her arms around it again. Even though she couldn't properly kiss the vast thing stretching her so wonderfully, she could still keep its owner well pleased.

And well pleased he was. Aron growled softly as he felt the bunny begin to grind against his shaft. She wasn't trying to force him to thrust, just writhing there while speared on it. He could feel her honey seeping down him, slowly dribbling into his various crevices between groin and scrotum. She was certainly well on the way. It wouldn't take much to send her screaming, but he wanted to do more than just give her one good voice-shredding climax. The green beast wrapped his paws around the rabbit gently, grasping his lover before he began to lift her up. She whined as she felt the enormous length slip out of her, only to gasp once more as it was shoved back in. He was going to take his time with her, and she knew that meant there would be two, maybe three explosions waiting for her at the other end of this.

The motion continued. The slow, steady pumps by the drake moved his lover so effortlessly. She reveled in that strength, knowing how easily he could tear her to pieces, and yet he was still the gentle giant he had been since he started growing so long ago. It really did feel like it was so long ago. But it had been only a few years, not quite three perhaps. She couldn't think clearly enough to do the math. And he was still the same careful, tender lover she remembered him to be. The great dome she was forced to lean against as she was given her ride wriggled about slowly, the occupants within pressing outward to 'say hello' to the bunny.

She would be among them soon. But first, she wanted whatever Aron would give her. And he intended to give her everything he could, short of letting her abscond with one of the two rolling around just underneath her. Moisture continued to seep out of her, slicking the dark mast as it contributed to the cause. Aron's member drooled heavily, slicking the bunny's interior liberally until he was sure he could feel himself leaking out of her along with her own honey. Before he even came close to approaching his end, Stacy shuddered, turning rigid as she let out a muted cry of elation. Just the little they had done together so far had been enough. She squeezed her legs around the monster buried in her while her canal clenched around him as well. A stout splash added to the already damp hide below.

Aron grinned, pleased that he had gotten her started. He quickened his pace, feeling the urge build inside him. She huffed as she adjusted to the slightly faster rutting, pressing her paws against his belly, not to shove herself away, but to feel over the paws reaching out to her. They were so excited to be getting another sibling. Their eagerness to welcome her gave the bunny all the more reason to want this. She lowered her head to rest a cheek against that smooth dome as she was jostled carefully about. Already she was out of breath. Anything more would leave her too weak to help. And she loved it when he wore her out to that point.

The big green fellow knew that, and knew how to get her there. It was why he was positioned the way he was. Often she would be on all fours and him over her. But when he really wanted to take her breath away, he would do exactly what he was doing. It resulted in her feeling a bit like a living condom, but that was fine. Friction began to warm the both of them past their already heated state, driving the pair to carry on harder. And so they did. Stacy's moans soon were a constant string, broken only by moments of needing to gasp for breath. Aron clenched his teeth and growled all the louder. Just as he was beginning to feel the telltale tingle in his groin, the bunny screamed.

Stacy's entire form went rigid and she soaked their crotches, both for a second time. She had not been filled properly yet, and already she had climaxed twice. It prompted the dragon to slow himself. He wasn't going to hammer away so soon after she had been claimed. It gave him a chance to back himself off of the edge as well. But, when he was sure she had calmed enough, he changed the game. Aron spun the bunny around, making her squirm as her eyes bulged. Then, he began rapidly pumping into her, thrusting with a great deal more strength than he was used to with her. She began crying out each time he pounded back into her, too overwhelmed to think or speak.

The renewed, vigorous effort brought the dragon right back to his own moment. He tipped his head back and roared. A flood of seed raced up his spasming length. It gushed forth like a fire hose going off inside the bunny. Her abdomen swelled, rounding out and growing rapidly. That was the last of it, she couldn't take anymore. Stacy shrieked at the top of her lungs, falling headlong into the euphoria of what her dragon could do to her.

Pump after pump, gush after gush, she was filled. Her stomach stretched and expanded, quickly reaching a point where it looked like if she were to stand flat on her paws, she might actually see her belly touch the floor. By the time she reached that size, the dragon's efforts had slowed. Only a few more sputtering additions were provided, topping off the small lake sloshing around in her. All of that seed, and she still had not been able to snag either Jessie or Blake. Suddenly she was wishing she could have tried to take them both, if only to see if it was possible. Maybe one of her new siblings would indulge her from time to time once she started her new life.

For several moments, the two lovers lay there like that. Stacy's back was pressed against the belly rumbling away angrily to claim her. Aron lay on his back atop the couch. They struggled for breath while the rabbit fought to clench, to not let that precious contribution leak out of her. It would take a little while before she felt strong enough to do that without Aron's help.

"So... how was that... for a last ride?" the dragon asked.

"I'm gonna... miss this... so much." Stacy answered, panting and clinging to her soft, swollen stomach.

"I'll make sure... Gabe gives you... a good ride... whenever I can." Aron said, still huffing away himself.

"Not the same... but... I'll take it." the rabbit replied before going quiet to just recover.

It took ten minutes before either felt steady enough to try and separate. When they did, the loud, lewd slurp that followed filled the living room. It carried on for almost half a minute as they tried to go slowly, not wanting to suddenly jerk out. As they neared the end, Stacy grimaced and clenched, trying to command her passage to close back up, lest she leave a large, sticky mess all down Aron's groin. At least, a larger one than was already there.

The pair of lovers remained where they were, nestled in against one another, enjoying each other's bulges and swells for what could have been a solid hour. Stacy hugged and squeezed at the dragon's scrotum most of that time, but then gradually worked her way back up to his belly, massaging and kissing it, knowing it was where she was going to end up soon enough. They just wanted to wait for Gabe to arrive so he could be part of the fun.

It didn't take much longer for the large stallion to arrive. He had ended up running later than he intended, mainly due to his distracted state. With Henry still terribly active in the bulging swell bouncing against his thighs, it was proving challenging to focus. But, he could not deny how much he was enjoying it. He had leaked through his shorts at the gym, then changed once he realized he had started leaving a trail behind him. He went through two additional pairs of shorts before finally giving up on trying to contain it. There was a lot of mopping going on at the gym these days. Aron's efforts to go easy on the janitorial staff had been ruined by Gabe.

When the stallion arrived, he spotted the drake and the rabbit on the couch, unable to keep from grinning when he saw how swollen Stacy was. Neither of them showed any sign of shame about what they had done. It was something of a celebration after all, and there was nothing wrong with it.

"You two look like you got started without me." Gabe said, dropping his duffle bag full of drenched shorts by the door leading to the laundry room before he approached.

"Yeah, we kind of got a little anxious, wanting to just do something while we waited. But we saved the main event for when you got in." Stacy said, smiling almost drunkenly up at the horse.

"I can see. Otherwise our green mountain here would be just a bit bigger and I'd be faced with him begging me to 'plug the hole'," Gabe said, still snickering, "Anything I can do to help you guys get up the courage to actually go through with it?"

"We're ready. We just didn't want you to feel left out." Aron said, beginning to sit himself up.

He had wrapped his arms around the bloated bunny, keeping her pressed against his chest. He didn't want her to leave, not even far enough to break contact. He was already that possessive of her. And she was quite content to let him express that possessive feeling. She could feel his belly grumbling insistently, wondering what it must sound like on the other side of his scales.

"That was kind of you," Gabe said, "So... where do we do this? Right here? Or did you have somewhere in mind?"

"The bedroom if you don't mind." Aron said.

"It's the only place big enough to handle both of you big boys without collapsing, or sending one of you to the floor because there's not enough real estate." Stacy said.

"Sounds good." the stallion replied.

He reached out, offering a paw for Aron to grasp. The dragon took the offer and found himself up on his paws fairly quickly and easily. After all, Gabe was one of the largest body builders he knew. It wasn't a shock to discover he could easily move the 'green mountain' around with that kind of ease. Before Aron could turn to head towards the bedroom, the stallion showed off that display of strength again, scooping the dragon up into his arms as if they had just been married and he was carrying his husband across the threshold. It took both drake and rabbit by surprise, as did how easily the horse carried them to the bedroom.

Once there, Gabe set his companions down on the large, sprawling mattress. He leaned in, giving them each a kiss in turn, then stood back upright to undress. His shirt, stretched so tight across his broad chest, was gone in short order. His latest pair of shorts, already soaked from his arousal, were tugged off and landed on the smooth, concrete floor with a wet splat. He chuckled a little hearing that, looking down to give his churning sac a quick inspection. Yes, Henry was still in there, his little brother squirming away happily. A quiet moan rose up as Gabe gave his bloated groin a gentle, loving fondle.

"He's really enjoying himself in there." Aron said.

"I hesitate to say more than when he's in you or Blake." Gabe said with a faint blush.

"Of course, because it's you. He's got his big brother keeping him safe and secure. As well as in really good shape." the dragon said with a grin.

"I'm kinda jealous," Stacy said, "I never got to give that a try before tonight. With how much you boys talk about how you like it, and how much the folks who dive in say they enjoy it, I was tempted to try it myself. I just didn't feel like coming out looking like a big, bad, buff bunny."

"Hey, if I knew how to turn that off, I'd have done it and let you swing around in there with Jessie for as long as you two might want to." Aron said.

"Yeah, well... it's of no concern at this point. Besides, I get to go to 'a better place'." the rabbit said with a chuckle.

"A better place?" Gabe asked, "You're not calling your gut heaven now, are you?"

"No. Though... I do get called 'father' a lot." the green fellow said, then snickered.

"Yeah... no, not father. You get called 'daddy'. That's a very big difference. And there's no way you're a man of the cloth. More like a man of no cloth." Stacy said with a broad smirk.

The two large fellows laughed at her joke, squeezing her in between them as they embraced. That was something Stacy had enjoyed terribly; the sensation of two large, well-toned men squeezing her in between them. She could not help but shiver as she felt so helpless between them. She knew she was in no danger. They were gentle giants. But that raw sensation of being completely overpowered, especially by someone who was so keen to keep one from harm, oh it drove her wild. And soon, she would feel that almost constantly, though instead of two big, beefy boys, it would be one greedy dragon belly.

After a moment or two, the humor had disappeared and a sort of quiet earnestness fell upon the trio. They were going to do this. It was indeed a life-changing event. Before, it had been handled with such careless abandon. Now, there was a weight to it, a sense of gravitas that none of them could shake off. It was going to be permanent. There was no undo command. And they all knew it. Strange that it took the sixth addition for it to start carrying the solemnity it now possessed.

"So... should we... get into position?" Gabe asked.

"Yes. We should. I think I should be facing away, and either leaning against the headboard or on all fours. I think that would make it easiest for the two of you." Aron said.

Stacy began to squirm in his grasp, trying to climb her way up towards his head. When she was within reach, she cupped a paw against his cheek, guiding the drake to look down. There, their lips met in one, final kiss. She would never get to enjoy his touch like that ever again. It was a somber thought, but she had to temper it with the whole 'going to a better place' mentality. She just didn't want to go without kissing him one last time.

"You'll take care of me once I'm inside, won't you?" she asked, already knowing the answer, but wanting to hear it from him one more time.

"Of course I will. I promise. And so will everyone else already in there. You're family. And I make sure my family is taken care of." Aron replied.

"I love you, big guy." Stacy said.

"I love you too, honey," the dragon replied, "Now, go on. Uncle Gabe needs you if you're gonna get put in the way we discussed."

The rabbit nodded, relinquishing her grasp on the jade fellow. The stallion pulled her away, cradling her in his arms and pressing his muzzle in between her ears. He breathed out through his nose, letting his warm breath wash over her. It made her shudder softly as she leaned back against his rock-hard chest.

"You said you regret that you didn't get to try out riding around in there with Blake and Jessie, or with Henry. I may not be able to slip you all the way in with little bro, but I can let you get a taste of it if you like. I bet I can stretch enough to fit all of you in me above the ring." Gabe said.

For a moment, Stacy considered the idea. There was a certain appeal to it. To feel either her dragon or her stallion sealing her up in the flesh of their manhood, both of which she had felt stretch her so many times before--oh it sounded marvelous. But ultimately, she decided against the notion. What if she decided she liked that better than diving into Aron's already well-occupied womb? No, she wouldn't have the temptation.

"I think I'll stick with the original plan. One last good stretch from my bucking bronco, then pushed in where Greedy-Guts says I belong." the rabbit said.

"Alright, I can work with that. One last ride for the most insatiable bunny I've ever met. You'll let me know if I stretch you more than Aron, won't you?" Gabe asked with a grin.

"A lady should never kiss and tell," Stacy said, grinning right back, "But if my guess is right, pretty soon, you won't need anyone to tell you who stretches who more."

"Right," the horse said, "Here we go."

The large stallion carefully worked the rabbit down his chiseled form until she could feel the gently twitching rod press against her rump. She could have just sat there, like it was a stool. But that wasn't the point. She squirmed and whimpered a little as she tried to get into position properly. She spread her legs, and through the same display of impressive elasticity, she began to stretch open around the great, black mast she had come to know almost as well as Aron's. This one had a flatter head, with a 'lip' around it that dragged against her interior. It was something she had come to adore. She moaned as she sank down over the great intruder, huffing and panting, all while trying to keep her cool. She wanted to be completely aware of everything that was to come from that moment forward.

When she was sunk down halfway on Gabe's rod, she held there, trembling and fighting to remain calm. The horse meanwhile was contending with his own struggle. He wanted to just grab her and rut, not unlike what Aron had done to her earlier. He leaned down and pressed his lips to the top of the rabbit's head, giving her a goodbye kiss before he looked up to see Aron, who had taken position. Instead of being on all fours like he had said, he devised another option. He was leaning over, his paws on top of the bed for support. His muscular hindquarters flexed as he fought off the tremble of anticipation running through him.

"This is it. The point of no return. Once we start, there's no going back. You can still say no." Aron said.

"I understand. And my answer is still the same. I'm ready to join my new family." Stacy said, her voice quavering.

She wasn't nervous anymore. She was eager and ready. But the catch in her throat was more because of the monster spreading her open and how she wanted to push down onto it further. She wanted to feel him hilt himself in her, but then she might come sliding back out of Aron. And they couldn't have that. There had been many discussions about the logistics of how tonight was to be accomplished. This was what they had settled on. Blake had originally been meant to be the 'rabbit bearer'. But with his need for emotional support seeing him wrapped up in the dragon's sac, Gabe was happy to take his place.

To that end, he stepped forward, angling himself to lower the rabbit into position. The green drake's folds approached, giving Stacy a view of where she was to vanish. She reached forward and caressed the waiting lips. It brought a soft groan from the big dragon. His entire form tensed softly, but then immediately relaxed. Gabe held there patiently, waiting for the rabbit to make her entry. She traced across the supple, moist flesh, then leaned in and gave Aron a tender kiss. She let her tongue slip from behind her lips to part his nethers, brushing up, then back down again. It was meant to be a quick thank you for the pleasant few months they had together. She'd not managed to get him to let her do this to him before out of fear she would 'fall in' and never come back out. Now, she was flicking her tongue across the exceedingly sensitive petals, even dipping down to offer attention to the dragon's 'pearl'. It had the desired effect.

Aron arched his back and spread his legs further. His head craned upward and he let out a breathy moan. He was enjoying her efforts. She could have remained there for hours, just slowly pleasuring her big, strong dragon. But that was not the point of this little event. And since she was already lodged on the stallion, there was no point in stretching time out any further, not when she had a waistline to do that to. When she was satisfied she had satisfied the drake, she brought her paws to those quivering folds again and began slowly spreading him open. The pink flesh beyond was so intensely warm. She should not have been surprised by it. She had explored herself often enough. But intensity of it was indeed something she had not expected.

The heated passage yawned open before the bunny and she began slowly working her arms in, letting her paws explore the slick, oddly alluring touch of the dragon's tunnel. When she was in up to her elbows, she turned her head to look back up at Gabe. With a nod, she informed him she was ready, then faced forward again. The stallion nodded back in return and nudged one of his hooves forward, then the other. It was such a tiny distance for him. But for Stacy, it was a fairly significant forward push. Her head was quickly consumed, along with her shoulders. Aron's jaws parted and he squeezed his eyes shut.

He had done this five times before, and they had all been roughly the same size. Of course, as he got bigger, each one felt like they got smaller. So, he should have been able to handle the matter without any difficulty. And yet, the green dragon found himself overwhelmed easily. He was rather worked up at the moment. The anticipation had left him almost aching. Aron began curling his toes. He fought to keep from digging his claws into the sheets as he gripped them tightly. His breath quickened as his heart raced. Already Stacy could hear that pounding in her ears. It was loud enough to not be drowned out by the sound of wet flesh undulating against wet flesh. She grunted and moaned as Gabe scooted forward again, pressing her well-stretched stomach against that tender opening.

There came a gasp from the green fellow as he was made to start accepting the tummy he and Gabe had given the bunny, most of it Aron's doing. That was new. He hadn't slurped up anyone who had been swelled out so much before going in. Jack and Mary had gotten a good filling from him, but that was before he was so productive. Shane had gotten closer, but he was still smaller than how swollen Stacy was currently. It had to be some kind of record. And she was squirming. That made both dragon and horse groan.

Slowly, Gabe stepped forward again, pressing that heavily filled stomach into the green mountain. Aron's folds pursed and squeezed tight on the bunny, trying to actually drag her deeper on their own. The sizable shaft she was still stretched around refused to let her get too much deeper without her letting go. So the big horse just kept walking forward. He flinched as he felt the rabbit squeeze her legs as tight around him as she could, wanting to make sure his pressure actually moved her, and didn't just sink him deeper inside her.

Her stomach was squeezed and compressed in the dragon's rippling passage. It was like an intense massage surrounding her completely, and the fact that the dragon she was now halfway stuck inside was actually trying to pull her deeper made her shiver. Her belly had made progress go slower, no doubt due to the dragon's loud vocalizations. He wasn't just groaning and moaning anymore. He was not far from a roar. And Gabe wasn't interested in hurting the poor drake.

Moisture seeped out around the round bunny, matting down her fur and making her entry a bit easier. She slipped in further than Gabe had pushed, making her yelp softly in surprise. It wasn't because of the dragon's doing. Someone had reached out to take hold of her and pulled. It was Aron's litter. She couldn't tell who specifically it was, but they were eager to bring her into the fold, literally. That jerk had brought her sloshing tummy all the way into Aron's tunnel, making him squirm harder around her. She could feel the quake building in the walls around her.

Gabe felt the tug and tried to step forward to keep pace. He had heard this was part of it, help from inside. He watched as the bunny's legs kicked and squirmed on either side of his rod. Her rump vanished from sight, permitting him to feel the velvety touch of the dragon's passage against his flesh. It made the horse shudder softly. Another pull came from the paws grasping Stacy. Now there was more than just one pair of them. She could hear their voices, the strain in their words as they tried to pull. Slowly, the bunny felt her grasp on Gabe's rod weaken, meaning she was being pulled off him. The stallion had no intention of letting her off his shaft until he was hilted in Aron.

The pressure in the rabbit's stomach returned as the bulky equine stepped forward again, this time further than his previous, tiny motions. He pushed hard, sinking Stacy right up to her knees. A muffled cry of elation came from the green drake's steadily swelling stomach. Aron could feel the rabbit's belly starting to pass through the barrier that for years now had held his 'children' in place. He was gasping for breath. The sound of air rushing in and out of his lungs filled the rabbit's ears, as did the pounding of his heart, now at a point where she was concerned about him. The rest of his kids had gotten used to the sounds of his body to the point where they could tell that he was only just hitting his target range.

With all three forces now working on the bunny, the horse pushing, the dragon's passage squeezing, and Stacy's soon-to-be siblings pulling, she had only moments before she was to be sealed away. Gabe decided to go ahead and finish the task he had been given. With a firm shove, he stepped forward, mashing his hips against the dragon. His length sank in completely, leaving no air between horse and drake. Stacy yelped and melted as her belly was made to stretch around him further than she had, but that was short lived. The added shove mashed her into the waiting womb. That and the paws holding and tugging saw her belly slip past Aron's cervix with a wet, sticky pop. Her legs followed quickly.

That sudden jerk deep in the dragon's middle, the shift of weight and the relief from the stretch; it all set Aron off immediately. He threw his head back and roared in climax. His nethers quivered powerfully around his boyfriend's shaft, milking it for whatever he could provide. His own length bucked hard, pressing up against his now even heavier tummy, splattering his seed all down the foot of the bed and the concrete below. He was so lost to the moment he couldn't even tell that Gabe had begun humping, thrusting with all his might. The stallion gripped the dragon's firm rump, squeezing it in his fingers as he rammed home over and over.

Stacy was jostled about as Gabe proceeded to buck. She was still stuck on him, and no one was helping pull her off. She was actually being positioned so that she could accept whatever might come from the mating. Paws began roaming over her, lips brushed past hers as the voices of the other five she was now trapped with offered their greetings. She could scarcely make out what they were saying while so stricken by Gabe's passionate thrusts.

It didn't take the stallion much longer. He had been kept close all day thanks to Henry, then tempted so very powerfully while Stacy was bobbing up and down on him just prior to diving into Aron. He pumped his muscular hindquarters with all his might and then slammed home one last time. He threw his own head back and nickered loud enough to match the dragon's roar. A mighty flood of equine seed gushed forth, filling the bunny even more than she had been. Her already round stomach began to expand even further.

The rabbit screamed as she was swelled beyond what she had been used to, soaking the shaft buried in her, adding to what was already coating it. When finally everything came to a stop, Stacy was so heavily filled that she had to take up at least a quarter of the space currently occupied in the dragon's womb. The others massaged her pliable, soft, yielding tummy, showering her with affection. It wasn't the first time they had to contend with someone getting pumped full by Gabe, or Blake for that matter.

Outside, the two big boys panted, horse clinging to dragon as his shaft slowly pulsed, softening ever so slowly. He felt the bunny's grasp relax and he slipped out of her, leaving him only buried in the green drake. That too gradually came to an end, slipping out of Aron's passage with a rude slurp. Gabe let his lips pull into a tired smile. He'd find his strength again soon enough, but for now, he wanted to offer his dragon a little affection.

Before Aron changed his posture or position, the stallion dropped down onto his knees and leaned in, pressing his muzzle against the hungry folds that had just devoured the bunny. He had seen what she had tried to accomplish, and he wanted to continue her work. His thick, broad tongue lashed slowly up along Aron's loins, making him shudder powerfully. The moisture that wet those petals was thick and pungent, leaving a string of honey connecting groin to tongue when they separated. Gabe leaned in again and resumed his efforts, this time offering the dragon a kiss just as Stacy had.

The stallion pressed his lips to Aron's still quivering folds, showering him with the same affection here as if they were both face to face. His tongue slipped through, exploring the world behind, all while he kept a firm grip on the dragon's rump with his powerful fingers. More cries of elation sounded from above as the drake approved of what was being done. A generous splash was the horse's reward after a prolonged slurping of the hungry canal. It came with a gasp, a muted sound of climax from the dragon.

His work done, Gabe retreated, giving his lover one last, brief, affectionate kiss, then stood himself up again, licking his lips clean of the nectar his muzzle had been soaked with. Both dragged themselves up onto the bed where they flopped onto their backs, working to calm themselves. The dragon pressed a paw to his belly, able to feel all of his children moving about. They were already 'welcoming' their new sibling quite happily. Jack was probably the one humping her.

"That's... six..." Aron huffed.

"Yup. And she's gonna be trouble in there, I'm sure." Gabe said with a chuckle.

"Oh yeah. Once she gets settled in, I don't think this gut's gonna stop wiggling." the dragon replied, grinning tiredly.

"I hope you're not completely worn out, honey," the stallion said, rolling onto his side and running one of his own paws over the great, writhing dome, "It'd be an awful shame for you to be the only one who got stuffed tonight."

"If you don't mind me staying on my back, I'm happy to give the pony a ride." Aron said.

Gabe rolled his eyes and grumbled a little as he sat himself up.

"Please don't call me a pony. It's not like I've got a tattoo stamped on my ass." he said.

The dragon lifted a paw, a single finger extended to offer a correction.

"I believe it's on their flanks actually. And I bet you'd be cute with one. A big barbell tattoo just off to the side of one, thick, meaty ass-cheek." Aron said, snickering as he pictured the idea.

Gabe snorted indignantly and shuffled his way over to straddle the big dragon's hips. He had been forced to face away from his boyfriend. That great bulging stomach and his still writhing sac weren't exactly going to play nice. The practical up side to the adjustment was he was able to enjoy feeling his scrotum--and the smaller horse it contained--resting comfortably atop Aron's much larger, much more active sac. With no ceremony at all, the huge stallion guided the drake's shaft under his tail, sighing as it spread him open and sank deep. Even though the horse was as big as he was, Aron was still powerfully endowed enough to stretch his abdomen.

"Mmm, there we go. Been missing this," Gabe said as he settled on top of the dragon's groin, "Kind of wish I could have slipped the ring off you, make you blow both of those two inside me."

"I don't think they'd appreciate it. But I can fill you up like I did Stacy." Aron replied.

The two began to grind against one another. The movement was slow, intending for the pair to relish and savor the moment for as long as they could. And that meant they weren't going to separate for a long while. That part had been intentional. After all, Aron was expecting another growth spurt, and Gabe wanted to experience it first hand. Blake might be lucky enough to notice it where he was, but he wouldn't get to feel the stretch until sometime later.

The pair of heavily muscled lovers continued to grind slowly, steadily, insistently against one another for at least an hour, the dragon's generous length dragging against the slicked-up tunnel of the horse's innards. All the transparent ooze leaking into his belly seeped down along the dark intruder, lubricating their work. It made the experience that much more enjoyable. But eventually, the moment they were waiting for finally arrived.

Aron arched his back as he felt the spurt finally hit him. Slowly, felt himself stretch out across the bed little by little. His form grew thicker, muscle rapidly developing, and yet he continued to possess a curiously consistent and alluring softness about him. Instead of showing intense detail of fiber and sinew, or veins bulging from his limbs, instead he kept only subtle definition. No one would question his strength, but there would be nothing grotesque about the density of his physique. And that growth was not limited to his height or his mass. Gabe gasped loudly and tipped his head back as he felt the sleek, thick, black intruder expand inside him. His anus was forced to stretch further than he had become accustomed to. That was what he had hoped for.

Neither bothered to hold themselves back. The slow grinding quickly turned into an urgent hump. The drake used that new strength of his to move the stallion just as easily as the stallion had moved him from the couch earlier. Two voices filled the bedroom, reaching their height as a surge of warmth flooded the horse's bowels. Gabe clenched hard around the invading spire as he practically convulsed. His own shaft bucked, his own spunk being spilled and adding to the rather large, sticky mess on the floor Aron had made earlier. His belly began to surge outward, filling with gallons and gallons of the dragon's essence. His middle groaned and creaked as it stretched, slowly taking on a domed shape that made him look not unlike the beast beneath him.

It had been precisely what both had hoped to accomplish. With their goal achieved, Gabe began to lift himself off the dragon, feeling very unsteady. He hadn't felt such unsure footing in ages, and the fact that the thick monster slipping out from between his cheeks had done that to him made him a little dizzy. The final lewd slurp of the evening sounded as Aron slipped out of the horse's grasp, and the now bloated Gabe dropped back onto his back next to his boyfriend.

"Holy shit... so... that's what... Stacy felt like." the stallion said through his gasps.

"Probably... yeah..." Aron said, similarly breathless.

"God I'm jealous," Gabe said, "You get to keep her under your skin, not just her, all six of them. They keep you company. And then you managed to stuff Blake in your balls with Jessie. That's gotta feel amazing."

"It does, but I think this latest bump in size made it a little less overwhelming. The bigger you are, the smaller everyone else is." the dragon replied.

"Still, I wish I could fit two people in me like that. When am I gonna get a chance to try hauling Blake around?" Gabe asked, rolling onto his side to press his stomach against Aron's, leaning in to nuzzle the dragon's cheek.

That pressure from another huge gut made the green fellow purr deep in his throat. The rumble in his belly was finally gone once more, making him wonder if it would be coming back and when. And just who it would pick. He wasn't even sure he'd have room to fit anyone else in. He was so massive now. If he got too much bigger, people might run from him fearing he was some old foreign monster-movie villain. As soon as that thought struck him, he grinned, realizing just who he was going to be able to dress up as when the holidays finally approached.

"I dunno. Blake seems awfully attached to wanting to dive into me lately. I don't know if he'd be okay with letting anyone else stuff him down their dick. And I'm fairly sure I'm going to have a difficult time convincing him to come out come Monday morning. I might need your help in facilitating that little endeavor." Aron said with a chuckle.

He tried to reach down past his gut to fondle his churning scrotum. It would have required him to bend and flex to reach, and he just didn't feel like it at the moment. So, instead, he lifted one of his lets and pressed a foot-paw against the heavy, gurgling bulge. That massage felt quite nice; strangely, better than he could have given himself with a hand-paw. The green fellow sighed and continued to caress over his still swaying middle. Stacy was captured, made part of the family. She had 'gone to a better place', and Gabe had helped put her there. So much was going to change in the coming days. He was in charge at the garage now. He'd need to hire a foreman, a manager to help him handle the paperwork, and probably have Stacy's office renovated to accommodate his enormous bulk more easily.

Maybe Jessie could help with that. She had been looking for a job. And if she worked for him, then he could easily excuse any time she might need to spend squirming around in between his legs. Need being the operative word. Blake would still insist on sticking to working at the gym, so he would have to look elsewhere for additional help. He sighed and closed his eyes, drinking in all the sensations running through him, including Gabe's affection. He turned his head and pressed his lips to the horse's, hungry for a kiss. The stallion happily provided, and returned the offering in between moments where he tried to speak.

"Well, if Blake isn't interested, then I guess what I'll have to do is find myself another bodybuilder his size that I can be greedy with and hog all to myself. It's pretty wonderful feeling Henry wiggle around in there, but he's not as big as feather-duster-butt. And I'll bet those feathers are incredible when he's on his way in." Gabe said.

"You have no idea," Aron replied, continuing the efforts to remain lip-locked with his stallion, "But that does sound like a good idea, get you someone you can fill and who can fill you."

The big horse chuckled and groped over the drake's active stomach, picturing all the fun the 'kids' were having in there.

"My laundry bill is going to be ridiculous. And we're going to need someone at the gym to just go around mopping everywhere all the time." Gabe said.

"And someone to do that here, though they might not have to all the time. Just once a day." Aron snickered.

He could feel moisture trickling down from the end of his rod, signifying he was already on his way towards another climax. But then, that wasn't the only place he was feeling a sense of moisture. The green drake furrowed his brow and tipped his nose downward to peer at his chest. The thick, black nipples adorning his pectorals had grown just a bit further as was normal. He was beginning to think it might be interesting to get them pierced, but that wasn't what drew his attention to them. He could feel something damp on his scales, and when he spotted the source, he could see something white dribbling from the 'little' peaks, both of them.

The mystery lingered for only a moment until he dabbed a finger into the liquid and brought it to his lips. He blinked as he tasted it and realized what it was. It was milk. He was producing milk. He was lactating!

"Well holy shit..." Aron said, still too shocked to really voice his surprise.

"Hmm? Everything okay, honey?" Gabe asked, then brought his gaze to look where the dragon was staring.

"That's something new... but... I've been pregnant for a few years at this point. I suppose the question isn't 'why am I leaking milk' but more 'what took it so long'." the drake said.

Gabe just grinned as soon as he realized what was happening and leaned in, dragging his tongue across the dribbling source of sweet, creamy nourishment. He lifted his chin, then ran his tongue across his lips, humming in delight.

"Mmm, if I'd known dragon milk was that tasty, I'd have tried to find me a source sooner. And now I got a boyfriend who just makes it automatically." the horse said.

Aron was rendered quietly breathless from the lick, reaching up to run his fingers through Gabe's mane. It had been a rather satisfying experience.

"Do that again." the dragon said.

"I'll do more than that." Gabe replied, then lowered his head back to his boyfriend's chest.

The horse wrapped his lips around the fat nipple producing the delicious cream and he began to suckle, even gently dragging his blunt teeth across the unbelievably sensitive flesh from time to time. Aron was left to shudder and gasp anew, wrapping his arm around his lover more tightly, pressing his muzzle down against his chest to encourage him to drink as much as he might wish.

If this was to be the new normal, then it was a marvelous new normal. Again, the dragon asked himself in the back of his mind that question that came up sooner. It wasn't why had he started lactating. He knew the cause.

"God... why the hell didn't this start sooner?" he breathed out in a moan, content to lay there, nursing the stallion for the rest of the night.

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