Raising Sugar - Chapter Three - Confessions

Story by Ruby on SoFurry

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Sugar let her eyes roam down the german shepherd's large body. He was muscled yet still lean His broad blue and black chest was shown off perfectly by the white tank top stretched tight over the muscled and his dark hazel eyes were intense as they roamed her body. She didn't feel disgust at his attention. This was a male she would love to meet off shift and she could feel her body responding to him just from the view. Unconsciously, she arched her back a little more as she moved with the music, rubbing her body up and down the pole.

He moved his chair closer, smiling boldly. "I just bet you're sweet as candy." He licked his lips as she turned toward the pole, her tail waving along with the wiggle of her hips, tempting his paws to touch her but he was not going to rush and scare her. That did not stop his eyes from roaming over her curves as she briefly ground herself against the metal. "So, how much for a lap dance?"

Her body shivered at the low tone of his voice and she murred to herself at the thought of rubbing over that body. He was much more handsome and better built than most of the others customers who came in and he hadn't grabbed at her yet. Not that she would mind being grabbed by a male such as him, she was a healthy young girl that liked sex but it was a nice change to have a customer that didn't just grab without talking price at least. Speaking of which, she looked over her shoulder with an appreciative smile. "Lap dances are sixty bucks a pop, handsome." She let her eyes wander over his well built body. "And it's worth the price."

His eyes roamed her body in return and he grinned in a way that made heat flow through her veins. Maybe if she made the dance good enough, he'd want a hook-up after her shift.

Standing he moved his chair very close and pulled a roll of money out of his pocket. Her eye widened at the amount and he peeled six bills off and held them out to her. It was twice what she'd told him and she struggled to cover up any reaction. "Mmmmm, looks like you're a big tipper, huh?" She smiled t him, taking a chance as she plucked the bills from his hand, folded them small and slid them into the top of one stocking. . He could just as well tell her that he was paying for two dances but she was hoping to lure him into giving her all the money for one dance and maybe paying for another one later. He was sexy and attractive and oh her body wanted him but she had rent to pay and one night of sex wasn't worth getting thrown out on her nicely rounded rear.

The tall male smiled. "I pay what something is worth, no more and no less."

She shivered at the answer, feeling the subtle compliment in the words as he settled himself comfortably on the chair. Moving to straddle his thighs, Sugar began to grind against him, rubbing herself over his body, feeling the pleasure of a strong body against her own. Usually, she didn't like lap dances. The men were unattractive and too many of them smelled badly, coming to the club right after work. This male, however, smelled as good as he looked, a subtle musky scent and she smiled as she felt his body responding to hers, arousal tenting up his pants.

As the music changed tempo, she pulled away just enough to slowly turn, pressing back into his lap, rubbing along his arousal, feeling it press against the cleft of her rear down between her legs until pressing against her wet netherlips and she could not hold back a moan at the feeling of it. Large paws came to rest on her hips and she did not resist or pull away from the grip. It was too close to what she wanted, instead she pushed back more firmly against his body, rubbing against his growing hardness and giving into the enjoyment, not realizing how wet her thong had become or that her movements allowed him to feel her wetness soaking through his pants.

His paws moved slowly up her body to her large breasts, caressing and scratching, stroking the fire in her body into an inferno. "Mmmm, you do feel sweet but I've got some candy too that you might like to suck on, find the creamy center, hmmmm?"

Sugar gasped at the feel of his large paws moving over her, rubbing her soaked thong covered lips over the growing bulge in his pants. "Oooooooh, I like creamy centers and I'm a lot better than any all day sucker." She giggled softly at the continued candy related comments. The silliness felt odd but good at the same time.

He stood up behind her and pulled her body tight against his, turning them both towards the chair. "Oh I bet you're a good little sucker." His voice was rough in her ear as he kept his chest against her back, bending them both over, his paws guiding her to the chair arms. "Now be a good little girl and hold onto the chair and maybe you'll earn a get out of jail free card."

She moaned at the feel of his large body over and against her own, feeling so small and weak next to him but not afraid. Squirming, she continued to rub against him in need, pressing her rear against his large caninehood. "Oh, yeah, handsome, I can be very good." His paws were roaming her body again, sliding under her skirt and rubbing over her wet thong then under it to pet her bare cunny. She knew she should stop him, call a bouncer, something, but it felt good and she just wanted to forget the rest of her life for a little while.

His voice was a low growl in her ear. "Oh, I'm sure you can be very good and good girls don't get in trouble do they?"

Sugar panted softly as his finger gently spread her netherlips, prodding gently. "Mmmmm, you're starting to sound like a naughty cop but at least I know you don't expect your dances for free." She rotated her hips back against him, her tail caught between his stomach and her lower back as he ground himself into the cleft of her rear.

Her movements caused his finger to slip inside her tight wet heat as he licked along the edge of her ear. "Well, I've been hearing that there are things being sold here other than dances, illegal things. Maybe I should check you for anything illicit." Marko's paw slid out from under her skirt causing her to mewl at the loss. His grip was firm but gentle as he took her wrists and guided them to the small of her back and she played along as she rubbed her hips back against his arousal. Then she felt metal cuffs lock in place and she felt a tinge of fear, beginning to struggle. A muscled arm wrapped around her waist and held her secure as he turned the chair around so her stomach pressed against the back of it, keeping her safe from falling. His sharp teeth nibbled along her ear as he murred, "Shhhh, not going to hurt you, just need to do a cavity search to make sure you're not hiding anything, hmmmm?"

Her heart pounded in her chest from nervousness and arousal. She decided to go ahead and play along with it. It might be a fun scene to play and she still wanted to feel him inside more than anything. "Oh come on, mister, I haven't done anything wrong. I just do what I gotta do to eat. I'm not hurting no one."

There was a low chuckle as his teeth nibbled along her ear again and she could just barely hear the sound of a zipper being lowered then his paws were on her body again. One paw stroked along her spine, urging her to lean her full weight on the chair while the other one smoothed her skirt up over her hips, bunching it around her waist. His foot paws spread hers a little wider and she felt his paws move down again, one steadying her hips as the other one pulled her thong to the side, she could feel the head of his canine hood pressed against her soaking cunny and she wanted to push back over it. Unfortunately, her position didn't give her the leverage to do what she so wanted. He was leaning over her again, his muzzle nuzzling through her shoulder length pink hair to her neck. "You are a sweet little one. Maybe we can make a deal. What do you think?"

Whimpering in need, she trembled as she felt him slip a little deeper inside. "Hey, cops are supposed to be the good guys." He slipped another inch inside and she moaned louder as her tight channel stretched around the hard veined flesh. "I just do what I have to so I can eat, no reason to pick on me." His teeth were nibbling along her neck now, so close to a bite and she was having a hard time figuring out if he was playing but somehow not as afraid as she should be.

"Oh, I think you've been a naughty little girl, very naughty. I've been watching and you're taking in more money than you need for food and rent and your boss is driving a car a lot nicer than legit bar owners can own. So why don't you tell me what's going on here, baby?" He had slid forward slowly until his growing knot was pushing against her stretched cunny lips. His lips moved up to her ear again. "If you talk to me, I can protect you. Being a cop's marked bitch can have its advantages." His teeth nipped at her ear again. "Though the prostitution would have to stop. I don't share."

Sugar stiffened a little bit even as her tight wet channel tremble around the thick shaft moving easily in and out of her still soaked cunny. "Now you're really sounding like a real cop." Nervousness mixed pleasure as he pushed deeper with each slow stoke, slowly preparing her to take the large knot at the base of his caninehood.

His voice was a low growl right into her twitching ear, his paws gripping her hips tight. "Yes, I am, little girl, and I'm going to bring this place down. Maybe if you tell me the truth, I can get you a lesser sentence...maybe house arrest under my personal supervision."

Muzzle open in a panting whimper, she tried to push back against him. Pleasure and nervousness were warring in her chest. However, there was no actual fear. She knew she should be afraid. He was a cop and she hadn't been the most law abiding citizen but for some reason she wasn't afraid of him, even as his teeth nipped the base of her skull. Still didn't mean she had to admit it. "I came by the money fair and square and I didn't sleep with anyone to get it. I'm no hooker." His knot finally pushed into her tight channel, spreading her even wider. "Oooooh, yessss, right there." Pleasure burned away any other thoughts and she wiggled her hips, moaning at the increased sensations.

His small bites increased slightly in pressure making her whine in need, his hips still driving his cock deep into her cunny, the head pushing against the entrance to her womb. "Mmmm such a sweet little liar you are. Are you gonna tell me you don't want this next?" Another bite was placed on the side of her neck. "You have the right to be knotted. Anything that you say can and will get you spanked." There was a different feeling now and it took her a moment to realize he was grooming her shoulder and she whined at the sweet feeling of it combining with his large knot moving inside, fucking her deeper and deeper. One large paw was rubbing over her exposed rear. "If you lie again, you won't get to cum. Only good girls get to cum, get to feel me cum inside them. You want that don't you?"

"I'm not lying!" Sugar's voice took on a note of desperation as her body demanded she find release, threatening to lock his knot at any moment.

He pulled back, his knot popping free making her whine and whimper. "Oh really. Then how are you getting money, baby girl? You're good and I bet you do a lot of dances every night but..." He let his voice trail off. "Can't work in a pit of crime like this and stay pure, can you?"

She bucked up against him with whines of need. "I'm not a hooker. I'm not lying. I'm not!" Tears of frustration were gathering in her eyes as she struggled to hilt herself on him again, needing to cum, needing to feel him knotting her more than anything. "I'm not a whore, I'm a thief."

His answer was to push deep and hard into her body, breaching the entrance to her womb, grinding himself against her as his grip pulled her firmly against him. She could feel his deep moan vibrating through his chest. "Mmmm, now that wasn't so hard was it? Why don't you tell me the rest?"

She was panting with need, wanting him to ride her faster, needing to cum so bad she ached. "If a guy offers me money for sex, I drug him and just steal the money. The boss don't care long as he gets a cut."

His pace sped up and he began licking at her neck. "Mmmmm, so the boss is into bad things is he, my sweet little bitch?"

"Yesssss, he is, please fuck me, lemme cum. Oooooohhh, please, please please." The demand in Sugar's body took full control and she whined and bucked against his body, pressing back as best she good as her channel tightened around his knot.

For an answer, he wrapped his teeth around the back of her neck and bit down, marking her as he pushed in hard, his knot locking inside her shaking body. The pain and pleasure of it was too much and she cried out her pleasure, shaking from head to foot in ecstasy as he marked her inside and out, teeth pressing into her neck as his seed filled her empty womb, spurt after spurt until she felt her tummy swell and she slumped over the chair breathing hard.

His teeth carefully pulled out and he softly groomed her fur as his paws stroked over her body. His voice was a reassuring cooing. "Yes, that's a good girl and I'll make sure you stay a good girl. Won't that be nice?"

She wasn't sure what he meant about it but she hadn't felt this good and this safe in a long time. Even though she was handcuffed and pinned over the back of a chair, it just felt right.

Raising Sugar - Chapter Two - First Impressions

Marko sat in the corner watching the club, studying the bouncers and the girls, making mental notes about who was talking to whom and if anything looked like it was being exchanged. They had a tip off that there were drugs and other illicit...

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Raising Sugar - Chapter One - Same Thing Every Night

The pounding music in the main part of the club could easily be heard in the dressing room where Sugar was getting ready for work. She changed as quickly as she could because the bouncers and the owner had a habit of showing up in the supposedly...

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