Captured By Her Alpha: Final Draft

Story by WhiteWolfMoonHowl on SoFurry

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A walk home from work puts a Sa'aedoae Royal in danger. Will the gang's Alpha kill her? Or does he have something else in mind?

This is the finished draft of the WIP Captured By Her Alpha. Hopefully it ties up any loose ends left by the original. This may become a series depending on if I have time to continue it, and if so, part two will likely be titled Captured By Her Alpha: Alpha's Girl and be told from Rabia's point of view.

Streetlights illuminate the snow-covered sidewalk in a haze of yellow light. Feeling as though I'm in a trance, I make my way home from work, carrying a heavy case filled with medical equipment. My pace hastens as a particularly icy blast of frigid air blows into my winter parka and I wrap it tightly around my body, shrinking back into the feathery comfort even as my five tails puff out in protest of the winter's breath. Despite being one-third wolf, my thick coat of silver and white fur just isn't meant for weather this cold, and I curse myself silently for deciding to try and be healthier by walking home in the middle of winter. As a feral cat hisses at me from an alley, causing my fur to bristle at the sudden noise, I curse myself again for choosing to take a job as a veterinarian in one of the worst neighborhoods in town. Snow begins falling again, causing my mismatched wolf ears to twitch, and I reach back, lifting the faux fur hood of my parka, tucking my ears and short, red hair into the hood, sighing softly as it warms me. In the low light of winter's early evening, I can barely see, my violet eyes not designed for seeing in this type of environment, but movement catches my eye from a car parked in a vacant lot.

Silently, I creep closer, my tails waving behind me in a sweeping motion, despite my instincts telling me to run. Against my better judgement, I get closer, finally able to see what's happening in the car and my eyes widen. A young cat girl, bobcat or lynx by her facial features and tufted ears, is pressing her face against the glass, appearing to cry for help. Behind her, an imposing black canine pins her down, leaning over her with a syringe in his hand. As I watch, he jabs her neck with the syringe, pushing the plunger and emptying its contents into her vein, causing her eyes to roll back as she slides down the window. I realize what I'm watching and turn to leave, almost escaping unnoticed; almost. My white fur stands out too well in the half-light, and despite the dark colors of my parka and scrubs from work, I know I've been spotted when I catch the mustard-yellow gaze of the male and a fanged grin forms on his muzzle. I begin backing away only to hit what feels like a wall, the cloud of vapor expelled in front of me tells me that this male wasn't alone, and while I was watching at least one other individual snuck up behind me. My ears being covered muffled their approach and with a black tiger on one side, a raven on the other, and whatever's behind me, there's nowhere to run. Wordlessly, with only cruel grins and the promise of unspeakable terror, I feel the pinch of a needle entering my own neck and my vision begins to swim. I open my mouth to scream, but no sound comes out, instead I exhale and allow my body to fall to the ground, surrounded by predators who no doubt mean serious trouble.

"Wow, Boss, looks like we got a rare one here. Caught her spying on you with the cat." One of the males comments, roughly throwing me into the back of a windowless van. Opening my eyes, I look around, my coat and scrubs torn to shreds around me in what looks like a fluffy murder scene. Though unharmed, my head is still swimming from whatever was in the syringe and I begin counting my breathing in effort to calm myself as the gravity of my situation begins to sink in. The male from the car is standing in front of the van's doors, gazing down at me like a hungry wolf eyes a deer fawn. As I meet his eyes again, I notice one is clouded over and a jagged scar runs the length of his right cheek. Something clicks in my brain and I remember a police broadcast to all our offices warning about a group of cub traffickers who escalated to kidnapping young females, led by a scarred black wolf with yellow eyes and a scar on his face. Whatever he has planned for me, it won't be good and I begin trembling.

"You, girl, what are you?" His voice is deep and rich, demanding of respect and every primal instinct in my body wants to obey. I lower my gaze to show I'm not a threat and let out a soft whine.

"I'm a wolfcat, sir. Part of the Sa'aedoae as my parents were." I reply, carefully moving my tails behind me and making sure they're not damaged. My movement makes the male's eyes widen and I remember not many others have multiple tails, making me even more of a target. He looks thoughtful, pausing for a moment before nodding and whispering something in another language to his companions.

"Sa'aedoae, huh? They're pretty rare around here. Shadow people known for their ability to manipulate shadows around them. Hybrids too, a triple mix. What's your name?" He questions, narrowing his gaze as I shiver both from cold and fear.

"I am Kaia Hanazono, daughter of Raban and Sa'aedowyn. My absence won't go unnoticed." I growl, lifting my head and holding it high as I dare, earning a soft chuckle from my captor and a gasp from the tiger beside him.

"A royal? You've gotta be shitting me. Boss, do you know what this bitch is worth? She could easily pay for hundreds of cat-girls." A snarl from the Alpha silences the overeager tiger and a smack across the face drives his aggression home. Turning to me, he clears his throat, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter, lighting one and putting the rest back before continuing.

"So, you're the Shadow Princess among us commoners then, eh? Fair enough. Question now is what we do with you since you could prove to be a lot of trouble for us. Can't let you go because you know what we look like and who we are, can't keep you locked up since your parents would come looking, could kill you, but that would be a waste of a perfectly fertile bitch, and don't think I didn't notice you're in heat either. See, normally we just kill those who interrupt us, but you're more valuable than that scrawny kitten I was with earlier. Maybe I could convince you to produce a couple litters, sell them, and make a mint off you. Then again, I could just sell you outright and make you somebody else's problem. What do you say?" His words should terrify me, make me fear for my life, make me want to beg to be set free, but strangely enough I feel something else deeper within me, an instinctive need to submit to a clear Alpha, perhaps. That part of me is willing to allow my captor to do as he pleases, and I can feel my heat rising.

"Well, if I'm allowed to choose, my Alpha, I choose to be bred by you, I choose to submit willingly." My words shock even me. That wasn't what I had meant to say, but somehow those were the words my mouth formed. The leader chuckles darkly, not having expected my reply. Instead of the expected reaction, he reaches his paw down and pats my head.

"Good girl, Princess. You might not have realized, but there was a little something extra in that sedative I gave you earlier. It's a simple fertility booster, but when combined with this particular sedative, makes the target go from hating you to humping you in about twenty-four hours. I developed it myself after I got this." He motions to his scar and damaged eye. My body begins to feel weak and as I watch, he states something to the raven, who gets out of the van. I catch his gaze as I feel my eyes close and the last thing I hear is his voice before I pass out.

"I hope you enjoy this, Princess. You're going to be mine for a long, long time."

I wake up in an unfamiliar room, clearly underground in a basement somewhere. My clothes have been removed and replaced with a simple camisole covering my chest and a pair of shorts covering my lower half. I reach up to my neck to encounter a welded metal collar with some sort of circuit included, likely a tracking tag in case I escape. Looking around, I can see that the room has a door made of ornate metal bars, woven with a leaf pattern and a heavy lock keeping it firmly shut in the frame. The walls are a sterile white, brightly lit and scented with bleach and antiseptics. There's a bed, metal framed and looking like a hospital bed from a horror movie with plain white sheets and a thick wool blanket. The floor is covered by a plush rug, and a security camera in the corner over the dresser leaves no doubt that I'm being observed. The lack of windows, concrete floor, barred door and sterile light tells me I'm likely underground at some type of holding facility, and I'm not leaving anytime soon.

As my awareness increases, so does the fire burning in the pit of my stomach. I've been in heat before, felt the desire to mate, but nothing like this. This is an all-consuming need to lift my tails for the next male I see, and I can guess which male that will be. Escape is nowhere on my mind, though whether that's from the shock of my situation or the drugs burning through my body, I can only hazard a guess. Frustrated with not knowing my own mind, I decide to pass the time and remove the shorts covering my body. Discarding them on the floor, I move to the bed, my tails flagging behind me as I get on all fours on the small bedframe and aim my back at the camera.

"See anything you like, Master?" I hiss, feeling dirty for exposing myself, but also feeling like I'm on fire. I reach down and begin teasing my lupine spade, feeling the swollen flesh almost burning my paw. My scent is strong, filling the room, leaving no doubt that I'm certainly in heat and at the peak of fertility. Slowly I dip my fingers into my heat-swollen spade and remove a strand of clear fluid, feeling the slippery texture and smelling my pheromones before bringing my paw to my mouth to taste what these drugs have done to me. As I clean my paw, I hear the metal clinking of the locks and turn to face my captor, watching as he enters the room and steps into the light.

"Hello, Princess. Glad to see you're awake. I must say I didn't expect to be treated to such an alluring display though." His words aren't in jest this time, he looks genuinely surprised. Even with him standing there, I don't stop, dipping my paw back into my spade and gently thrusting my digits in and out. Rabia merely watches, his nose twitching as he smells the intensifying heat scent from his newly fertile victim.

"You're such a naughty royal, Princess. I wonder what your family would say if they knew you weren't bothering to try and escape your capture and instead are sitting with a strange male, pawing yourself like a cheap whore." His comment should sting, but it doesn't. At the moment, I'm too far gone to care. I can see his sheath swelling beneath his clothing, the black pants he's chosen not doing a thing to hide the wolf's impressive length. As he watches me, I manage to get a good look at him, a soft growl of approval and need rumbling in my chest. He has a long, blue-black mane, tied back in a low ponytail, the thick fur accenting his yellow eyes. His nose is a deep brown, as are the insides of his ears, the left one bent and torn. He's not wearing a shirt, only a set of pitted dog tags, leaving his muscular arms, broad shoulders, and fluffy chest exposed for me to see. Behind him a long, fluffy tail waves invitingly, tipped with the same blue-black fur as his mane. He's truly an Alpha male in appearance, fierce and imposing, yet demanding of respect. At his waist, I notice a folded tactical baton, most likely for protection should I care to fight him. Overall he's more impressive than I would have thought, and I moan softly as I imagine him claiming me as his mate.

"See something you want, Princess?" He questions, slowly removing his pants to reveal his swollen sheath and heavy seed-filled balls beneath it. Wordlessly I whimper, moving towards him in a fluid motion, my tails waving as I sink to my knees in front of him. Pressing my face against his sheath, I inhale, taking in his musky, virile scent, knowing he really could breed me without any effort. I feel his paws moving through my hair and I drag my tongue over his sheath, tasting him before gently nibbling on a small patch of fur at the edge.

"I'll take that as a yes." Rabia whispers, moving one paw to gently massage his dusky pink length from his sheath, the tip glistening as slow throbs cause it to grow. I lick my lips, the scent enticing me further, my tongue darting out to gather the fluid from the head. As I take him into my mouth, I feel a strange sensation of purpose, as if this is where I belong, sucking my Master's length as he stands dominant over me.

"Good girl, Princess. But this isn't how I want to do this. I'm not going to waste my seed in your jaws when your body is simply aching to be bred like the fertile bitch you are." His growl falls on deaf ears as I keep licking, only stopping when he roughly shoves me to the ground, slapping me across the face hard enough to leave claw marks on my muzzle.

"Bitches should obey their Master when spoken to, Princess. Now get on all fours." His voice is harsh now and I no longer hesitate to obey, moving so I'm on all fours on the rug with my tails lifted to reveal my dripping spade. I can feel the jingling of his tags as he kneels down behind me, the tip of his cock brushing against me, teasing me as his breath leaves a hot trail on my spine and neck.

"Feel this, bitch? I'm going to put every inch of my cock in your fertile cunt and pump you full of my cubs. They'll be sold to people looking for exotic slaves and your daughters might even end up working for me someday. You like that thought, bitch? You like the thought of being the producer of my litters?" Rabia's words should disturb me, they should make my instincts flare and demand I chase him off, but I can't. All I want, all I crave is his knotted lupine length spearing into me and filling me with litter after litter.

"Do it Master. Fill me, breed me, claim me as yours, sell my cubs I don't care as long as you fuck me and make me your bitch!" I yowl my need as I feel the head of his length entering me, spreading my spade wide and making my tails puff out. As his cock pierces further through my entrance, his paws grab my hips and pull me back roughly, causing his deflated knot to kiss my spade and send a rush of heat through my spine again. Rabia notices and begins thrusting, his muzzle buried in the fur of my neck, every thrust sending a hot jet of his breath over me as his length grows and pulses within me.

"You're so tight, Princess. Never had a cock before this, have you? Am I going to be the first to break you in? Did you save yourself for some special male or did you just want an alpha to fuck you raw?" Rabia's words make me blush heavily, knowing that he knows I've never been claimed before. No male had ever been worthy of me and as the last of my line, it was expected that I'd marry and have pups with a powerful Alpha. As his thrusts speed up, I realize I'm being claimed by one and I begin growling my pleasure as my tails wrap around his legs.

"That's my good girl. Can you feel what you're doing to me? My knot, do you want it inside you?" Rabia's voice keeps me clinging to the edge of release, afraid to take the leap into the abyss, but needing him to extinguish this need roaring within my body. As he begins pushing his knot against my opening, I can feel my heated walls gripping him, pulling his length further inside as his hips drive him in and out in steady thrusts.

"Please, Master, breed me, I want your knot inside me, I want to feel you cum inside me, filling me until I can take no more." I moan, my voice breathy and shallow as I feel the tapered head of his length brushing over my cervix, teasing it open with the aid of my drugged heat. As his hips pull me back, pushing his expanding knot into me little by little, I feel as though I'm being split in half and wedged open all at once. Finally, with a single hard thrust, Rabia bites my neck hard, accenting my collar with punctures from his fangs above and below. I shriek as his knot slips inside me, feeling something snap deep within my body and I fall over the edge, my fluids rushing out to meet his knot and ease its way in until his heavy sheath and balls are flush against my thighs. I feel him throbbing inside me, his knot continuing to expand until his pulls against me no longer allow him to retreat. His thrusting speeds up, short jabs that electrify my body and make me moan, gasp, plead and beg for him to fill me, but with a chuckle, he just continues thrusting, reverting me into a whining puddle of cum and heat on the bed, unable to stop cumming as he continues his treatment. Finally, I feel his movements become erratic and his claws gain a desperate sharpness, digging through my fur and into skin, drawing small drops of blood. His cock throbs angrily, oversensitive from the thrusting and I feel a rush of fluid with every pulse, drawing his balls up against his body as they expel their contents into my fertile womb, filling me until I can feel myself expanding from the sheer volume. The sudden fullness makes my vision explode as I reach my peak a final time, my eyes clouding over and my vision darkening as I lose myself to the pleasure and sedative pumped in me by my new Alpha. My last action before I let the darkness claim me is to let out a contented purr and lower myself into a more comfortable position, allowing Rabia to use me to support his body as his knot ties us together.


Three months have passed since my capture and subsequent breeding. Rabia trusts me completely now, of course, I never gave him reason to worry. Honestly I am content with my new role in life, lifting my tails for him as he requests, feeling the tiny kicks and butterfly sensation of his cubs growing inside me, triplets if his doctor can be trusted. Though I know two of them will be sold into a similar life as I have, I managed to convince him to allow me to keep one daughter, to be raised and trained to take on my role.

Roughly a month ago, I was allowed to contact my parents, letting them know I've decided to quit my job and travel, as well as informing them that I'm expecting their granddaughter in the near future. To say they were displeased with the news would be an understatement, my father's snarl was felt more than heard, and my mother's sobbing will haunt me until the day I die. However, they are happy that after two months of me being missing, I am still safe and well, and the news of their impending grandchild is welcome, especially after finding out that my father is terminally ill. Maybe someday I'll visit them if Rabia allows me to.

Since my capture, I've become friends with the tiger, found out his name is Rahul, and he's actually a really nice male. The raven, Rooker, is still a jerk to me, believing I'll one day bring the downfall of the gang. I believe I shocked him when I assisted Rabia in the capture of another girl, though unlike me, her fighting resulted in a near overdose of heat-inducing sedative. Watching Rabia breed her like he once bred me is truly the most enticing sight. I could hear her begging for him for hours after he once again joined me in my room, now decorated with shadowy colors and a larger bed to show my improved status.

Though I still wear Rabia's collar, he's adorned it with a gemstone the same color as his eyes, the name Princess engraved into the steel band. My outfit now is similar to his, a tight, formfitting black tank top to show off my pregnancy, black combat boots, a tactical baton, and black pants. I look fierce, and other members of his Pack respect me almost as much as they respect him despite my status of breeding slave. About a week ago, I found out why when he declared me his mate to the rest of them. I can honestly say I've found my place, and my purpose, as my Alpha's girl.

Captured by Her Alpha: Rough Draft

Streetlights illuminate the snow covered sidewalk in a haze of yellow light. Walking quickly, I wrap my coat closer to my body, despite my thick coat of silver and white fur, the winter air still chills me to my bones. Silently, I curse myself for...

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A Different Type of Lesson

The sound of flesh being smacked echoes through the single classroom schoolhouse. At the teacher's desk, a young canine sits in his chair, calmly glaring at the writhing female in his lap. The young woman in question is one of his students, a silver...

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