Costume Colossus #1: Touchdown and Out

Story by AdventChild on SoFurry

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#1 of Costume Colossus

Worked on this during the Halloween season, tried to upload this before the holiday or at least sometime in November.

Similar to Tennis Ball Teleportation, this is a series of Halloween short MG stories, mainly featuring Veemon but have some others involved in mind.

Halloween was only a couple weeks away as well as Ken Ichijouji's costume party so Veemon took this time to find a costume.

It was in the middle of the day in the Digiworld in a metropolis area. The dragon rookie traversed the crowded streets surrounded by concrete, brick and glass buildings. He passed by many clothing stores, retail stores and restaurants until he spotted what he was looking for, a costume shop.

Costume Colossus, it was called, on a huge yellow banner in red words and colossus indeed as the store was a two-story yellow concrete building esp. for a place that seems to sell mainly costumes. The front of the store had Halloween decorations near the sliding doors like hanging ghosts and bats, wooly spider webs embedded on the wall with a huge spider on it, jack o' lanterns on the side, and a scarecrow propped against a wall with hay surrounding it. Ready for the upcoming holiday.

Veemon went through the double sliding doors and marveled at the interior. It had that clothing store feel, like JC Penny's or Sears. Racks, tables, and shelves along the walls were littered with costumes, ranging from size to gender specifics to costume themes such as horror related, TV/movie characters, superhero costumes, etc. There were an up and down escalator leading towards the second floor that had more costumes. Dressing rooms were in the back of the store next to the restrooms. Near the doorway was a series of check out stations with cash registers. There was only one digimon, a Phantomon, manning a register that greeted him.

"Welcome to Costume Colossus! Have a look at our wide selection! Great deals all around that you'll never get anywhere else!" he said with a strangely befitting haunting tone.

Wide seemed like an understatement to Veemon for a place that has two floors of costumes. He then wondered where a good place would be to look.

He stuck with the bottom floor as it seemed to hold a ton of costumes already. Looking around and checking out the shelves and racks that held costumes in plastic packaging, a variety of options unfolded before him. There were plenty of Halloween/horror related costumes including vampires/Dracula, Frankenstein monster, mummies, zombies, ghosts, pumpkins, werewolves and more, including horror movie villains and monsters such as Freddy Krueger, Swamp Monster, Godzilla, and others.

Another section had superhero themed costumes from Marvel, DC, and others like Captain America, Superman, The Hulk, Green Lantern, Wolverine, etc.

One section had costumes of actual Digimon from Wargreymon to Leomon to WereGarurumon to Machinedramon and more.

Then finally there was a section of miscellaneous costumes. Costumes from various cartoons/movies/TV/video games shows like Power Rangers, Hercules, Mario Bros., etc. There were occupational costumes and uniforms like cops, doctors, lumberjacks, sports gear like football uniforms, and even a Chippendale dancer. Animal costumes like dogs and cats, lions, bears, and elephants. There were pirates, knights and ninjas. And many more!

He wasn't looking for anything specific though and wasn't too picky on which costume. But the big selection was overwhelming for him and deciding what to get was no easy task. While flipping through a steel circular rack of costumes, he came across that was most peculiar.

It was a football player's uniform with gear. It had a blue helmet with a gold stripe, a blue jersey with a gold number 22 on the front and back, a pair of white shoulder pads, a foam football, and a blue and gold jockstrap oddly enough. Odder still that there were no pants to go with it, like it was missing a piece.

Perplexed, Veemon examined the packaging a bit more as it seemed to list all the items of the costume. Looks like it was complete after all. Strange, though nothing that a pair of shorts that Davis has can't fix.

He brought over the costume to the clerk for purchase.

"Oh? Found everything you've been looking for?"

"Yeah, I would like to get this." Veemon placed the costume on the table.

"Ooh, a fine choice!"

"So, how much for it?"

"For you? I'm going to be generous and give this to you for free!"

"Wow! Really?!"

"Yes, of course! Let's just say it what keeps my customers coming back for more. And with the big experience you'll get with that costume, you probably will. So, have fun!"

"Oh um, okay. Thanks!" Veemon said before leaving the store, heading to the tv portal back home. His thoughts went back to what the Phantomon said about big experience for a while but put it in the backburner of his mind for now.

It wasn't long until he flashed from a white computer into a slightly messy adolescent's room with an unkept twin sized bed on the right side of the room with a three-shelf dresser drawer at its foot and an opened mirror door closet on the opposite. A shelf filled with manga and anime DVDs along with some school text books on the side, next to a TV and game console on top of a cabinet with a library of video games on its two shelves.

He kicked some scattered clothing on the floor and placed the costume on the blue covering bed. With a sigh, he cleaned up a bit from his messy partner by putting clothes in the hamper in the closet, wishing his partner had better cleaning habits.

He removed the costume out of its packaging, throwing away the plastic and cardboard into the wastebasket next to the computer. Looking over the pieces lain on the bed, it seemed a bit much yet still willing to wear it.

The clock on the shelf read twelve passed one in the afternoon. Good. He had plenty of time to try it out and probably even return and trade it in for another if there was anything wrong or change his mind before his partner comes home around five.

First, the jersey was on. Then, the shoulder pads, followed by the helmet, and finally, the jockstrap that fit snuggly over his crotch. He checked out his look in the mirror.

"Heh, put me in coach." He joked while doing some poses with the football. It seemed to fit him well enough yet still felt like he was a kid trying on grown up clothes.

Before going over towards the dresser drawer for a pair of shorts, he felt a strange tingling in the groin area. He looked down to see his white three-inch dick fully erect, pitching up tent with the jockstrap. Odd, the jock didn't bother him that much when he put them on. His cock throbbed immensely, begging to be tended to and annoyingly and painfully so. Cold water or ice could easily do the trick, but Veemon didn't want to go through all that effort. A jackoff session would do for now.

With a sigh, he took off much the costume until the undergarment was all that's left. He hopped onto the bed and slid the jockstrap halfway down his legs, releasing the twitching shaft from its confinements. As he lied down, he began to stroke in rhythm, fantasizing about Gatomon in the process. After a while, he seemed to be lulled into a near trancelike semiconscious state with eyes half closed. Then, the tingling came back again but now throughout his whole body as it squirmed a bit in response, but still in a relaxed position.

Speaking of which, the sensation had him more relaxed to the point where he finally closed his eyes into a deep slumber while his hand still rubbed up and down his shaft as if it was on autopilot. His dick throbbed and pulsated, badly eager to release. But something prevented it from blasting a load as warm sensations began to course through his body, making him squirm a bit as the jock slid off. A transformation soon took hold of his body.

His legs lengthened with bones cracking until his feet planted on the floor, gaining a couple feet in height. They thickened as meaty muscles develop in his thighs and calves, making them as thick as tree trunks. His feet grew three times their size with toe claws thickening like Exveemon's. In addition, strands of dark hair grew over his legs down to the top of his feet, covering them almost completely.

His tail stretched and lengthened too, extending as it slithered until the tip touched the floor. His butt bloated and tightened to match his changing frame. His dick continued to stir and pulsate as it undergone a growth spurt, extending inch by inch until it reached around a foot in length and around a couple inches in width. His hand now having a hard time wrapping around the girthy white shaft. His testicles gurgled as they swelled from ping pong size to grapefruit size in a matter of seconds, filled with an excess amount of seed. Soon, a forest of dark pubic hair began to develop around his sac and pelvis area.

His spine cracked as his torso stretched and widened to accommodate with the growth, giving him an extra two feet of height. Now slightly over six feet in total. Hard washboard like six pack abs replaced a flat stomach; two meaty cushion sized pecs developed on top. His back became more define with a muscular horseshoe formation. More hair grew as a treasure trail traveled up from his crotch to his chest, covering much of his torso as well as his back.

His arms followed suit just like with his legs as they lengthened, filling up with veiny bulky bowling ball biceps and stocky strong forearms. His hands became meatier with longer, thicker claws/fingers. Now his jerking off hand was able to wrap around the shaft easily as it still pumped away. Following was more hairy growth around his arms and bushes developing in his armpits.

Veemon's neck bulged, thickened as it became sturdy with muscle.

"Oooohhh...ungh...." he groaned in a new deep macho voice as the final stages of his transformation took place. His head grew three times its normal size with his muzzle jutting out, making it more draconian like Flamedramon's. The ivory horn on his nose grew a couple inches. Black stubble of hair grew around the bottom white part of his muzzle.

As the changes ended, his violently twitching meat gained its functionality back as it neared climax with testicles gurgling full of excess seed.


Veemon let out a roar as he came. Cum blasted out of his cock like a volcano, almost an inch from touching the ceiling. Several ropes of semen jetted out, leaving a large puddle on the floor. Soon, it only ebbed to the point where his dick just drooled out of the tip, oozing down the shaft onto the floor like lava. After a few minutes, he created large pool of spunk that reached from the bed to the closet, even managing to the reach part of the football gear he tossed to the side.

His hand went limp as it stopped pumping, leaving the mon half hard and totally unconscious as he slept for an hour in his masculine mess.

"*Sniff.... Sniff... Hnngh...mmmm...*Yawn! ..." Veemon's snout took in the scent of stale sperm and musk and he soon stirred awake as his eyes slowly opened.

As his eyes slowly adjusted, he sat up to come across a realization. Something didn't feel quite right. Did the room around him shrunk? But what caught his attention was his reflection in the closet mirror. He saw a hairy hulking humanoid dragon form, way buffer than Exveemon, with along semi-flaccid cock staring back at him, making him stood up in shock.

"What the-?" he paused catching the sound of his new deep voice and looking down showed that his eyes weren't deceiving him, taking in the detailed sight of his newly developed bod. But he also noticed the sticky sea of white spunk he had subconsciously created earlier too.

"I guess I better clean this up."

After cleaning up and a quick shower, he looked back into the closet mirror, admiring his muscular frame after the initial shock wore off. Even making body builder poses by flexing his biceps and popping his pecs. The hair might be getting used to, but it wasn't too bad and made him look rugged. He felt strong enough to take on a couple of champion levels, maybe even an ultimate. Wouldn't Gatomon be surprised? Well, the others too and really like to see their faces when they catch a glimpse of his new form.

But how did this happen? What caused his change? He realized as he saw his answer lying on the floor to his left side, the costume. Picking up the jock and jersey, it was now too small for him, in contrast from before. He then reeled back to what the Phantomon said when he bought the costume.

"Heh, I guess he was right. I'm going to need a new costume!"


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