A Change for the Better

Story by Drayne_the_Wolf on SoFurry

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#7 of A Change for the Better

AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay, this story was not an easy write, but I finally got it done and I'm proud of how it turned out. Also I am WAY too lazy to look up the White House staff so everyone except Obama and the obvious other people are fictional.

* * *

It was three o'clock in the morning when Scott and I sat patiently in the back of a large, black SUV with the two Secret Service agents in the seats ahead of us. The two of us both managed to find entertainment in simply staring at the passing scenery. The highway at three A.M. was a bleak sight, but it beats the inside of an unmarked government vehicle.

"So where we headed?" I asked the agents.

"We have a helicopter a few miles away that's going to take you to an airfield not far from there. We have a plane waiting to take you back to Washington." Agent Dent replied as Agent Peters drove. "We hope to have you at the White House in a little over two hours."

I nodded and resumed looking out the window, my mind never wandering from the mysterious caller who had addressed me back at the police station. After I had told him about the agents who had showed up he told me that he would figure something out and call me once he did. "So I guess it would be out of the question for me to connect with someone before we go?" I asked the bland agent.

"You mean your sniper friend who called at the police station?" Dent countered as if it was as normal of a question as any.

"Y-yeah... how'd you know?" I asked the agent in stunned surprise.

"He called us." Dent answered. "The agency, I mean. He's been cleared by our personnel and is waiting for you at out base. He'll be joining you on your flight."

"What about Ace and Jordon?" Scott spoke up.

"They've been picked up by another unit. They'll meet us at the building."

The rest of the trip passed in silence. A few minutes later and our SUV was pulling off the highway and towards a pretty normal looking street. We passed through a labyrinth of intricate backstreets until we finally pulled up to an automated gate that bordered a small concrete parking lot that satisfied the space needed for a building complex on the other side. Peters swiped his security card and punched his agency PIN and after a fraction of a second the large steel chain link gate retracted to allow us through.

Peters coaxed the vehicle up to the front of the building. Dent, Scott and I exited the vehicle and Peters drove the large SUV around to the other side of the building. I gazed up at its three floors of modernized steel and tinted windows. It looked just like any other building that you wouldn't want to be taken to.

Dent only took us into the extraordinarily large lobby for a brief moment to get us registered and tagged with VIP authorization tags. We exited the lobby to be greeted by Ace, Jordon, and a fairly large black Humvee.

"Can you believe this mess?" Ace asked. "I thought these two clowns were kidding when they told us the President wanted us."

"So did I." I replied with a chuckle. "But I guess they're telling the truth." I fingered the bland VIP tags that clung to my shirt.

"Guess so." Ace responded.

The previous driver of the military vehicle exited the driver seat and Dent took his place. I got in on the passenger side and Scott, Ace, and Jordon managed to squeeze into the back. Dent released the vehicle from park and took off around to the back of the building. After about a minute of circling the south end of the complex we reached a large concrete field covered in Humvees, SUV's, shipping crates, and a large black military helicopter, a UH-60 Black Hawk, parked in center, its blades whirling in the air.

A man stood in front of the helicopter. His black tee shirt, combat vest, and urban camo cargo pants made him stand out against the bleak, barren terrain of the parking lot. His eyes were blocked by thin sunglasses and his nose-length black hair blew slightly in the breeze from the helicopter. My first assumption was that this was our mysterious shooter. I was right.

When the Humvee pulled to a stop I got out and approached the human man. I was surprised to learn that the man was actually a boy; he appeared to be my age. Choosing to ignore it for now, I extended my hand to the marksman. "You must be..."

"Zach Correaido." The shooter said, taking my paw in his hand and shaking it with a powerful grip.

"You saved my life." I told him.

"I know what I did." He said with a neutral, almost rude tone. "Shall we get underway? We don't want to keep the President waiting."

"Um... sure." I said, somewhat knocked back by his tone. I turned around and looked at my three friends behind me, all of whom simply shrugged. I let out a long sigh and turned back around to face the helicopter. Scott quickly approached me from behind and took my arm, walking to the large UH-60. "You've been pretty quiet." I said to my boyfriend. "You okay?"

Scott kept his eyes on the helicopter and his face straight. "I'm just comfortable watching," he informed me. "I never was big on these kinds of situations."

I let him board the helicopter first. A handsome-looking man in a digital camo military uniform took him by the arm and hoisted him into the large bird. I was assisted by a second, equally cute soldier, who raised me into the chopper and began to strap me into a seat. I saw that Scott had already been strapped in in front of me and the soldier who had helped him was now helping Jordon. Once I was secure in my seat the soldier who had helped me helped Ace on board, seating him next to me and securing his harness. Finally the soldier who helped Scott and Jordon pulled the shooter, Zack, on board, sandwiching him between the two who he had previously assisted. With the five of us secure the soldier who had helped Ace and I entered the passenger side of the helicopter while the other handed us all headsets.

Agent Dent poked his head through the door of the helicopter and addressed all of us once we had put on our headsets. "Alright guys," he said, "the trip shouldn't be more than ten minutes. I'll warn you all that it might be a bit bumpy. Enjoy the ride, guys, and we'll have you in Washington in no time." And with those parting words Dent exited the chopper and shut the door and the pilot slowly brought the bird's powerful blades to speed. In no time at all we could feel the great shift of weight as the helicopter raised off the ground, unable to hear anything past the roar of the bird's mighty wings.

Once we were well in the air Zack leaned towards me. "I'm sorry if I came off kind of rude earlier," he said, his voice distorted through the headset, "I've had a difficult time lately."

I smiled at the young sniper. "Haven't we all..."

I had to admit, being in a helicopter was pretty exciting. I looked out the window of the Black Hawk as we passed over I-95. I wanted to try to count all the cars speeding down the highway, but I didn't even try; there were far too many. Everyone was silently enjoying the view of the ground; not a sound was uttered between us. Well, not at first.

I turned to Zack. "So," I started, "what's your part in all of this? I mean, why'd you start fighting for our side?"

"It's personal." He said quickly, never taking his eyes off of the window.

"Oh." I said. "Okay, no problem. I respect if you want to keep it to yourself."

"That's not what I meant." Zack said, his face not once leaving the window. His eyes pierced the air through his dark sunglasses. "You know the husky that Rook took out on television?" This question attracted everyone's attention; all eyes were now on Zack. The shooter's face turned into an aggressive and dangerous scowl as he gazed out the window. "He was my boyfriend."

* * *

Eventually the helicopter touched down at a small airstrip off I-95 where a moderately-sized Gulfstream was waiting for us. The five of us were all in awe at the sight of the small jet through the chopper window; none of us had even seen a private jet in real life this close, let alone flown in one!

Eventually the copilot hoped out of the passenger seat of the cockpit and opened the side door for us. He stepped into the passenger area and began to unbuckle us one at a time. When we were all free from our harnesses we were ushered out of the helicopter by the copilot in the direction of the plane. The six of us boarded the plane, greeting the pilot once we had ascended the boarding ramp.

The jet was even more luxurious than we had imagined. The walls were standard airplane white and the carpeting was a caramel tan. The ceiling was the same white as the walls, spotted here and there with overhead lights. Small adjustable television screens were fixed in the walls wherever there was a seat. In front of us there were four tan-cushioned seats placed around a small wooden coffee table. Behind them were two more seats that faced a large, comfy-looking couch, and behind that was a moderately sized minibar.

After a lecture about emergency exits and safety features we were in the air. Scott fixed us up a bunch of suicides (a bunch of different drinks mixed together) that contained our favorite juices and sodas from the minibar, passed out everyone's drinks, and took a seat on the couch next to me. Ace and Jordon were swiveling happily back and forth in their chairs, gazing lovingly at each other. Zack sat at a table next to us, cleaning a nasty-looking black handgun with a thin tan cloth. All and all, things were pretty relaxed.

Scott, having given everyone else their drink, took a sip of his before setting it down on the table next to the couch. A devious grin quickly spread across his face. "You know..." he said, "we're all gay, and we're all alone on a private jet. Anyone wanna-"

"No." I quickly cut him off. He looked surprised at my sudden reaction. "There's a time for everything, Scott, and this isn't the time."

His ears flattened against his head. "Yeah..." he said softly, looking away from me with his hands in his lap.

I looked at my boyfriend with longing. My lips curved into a grin. "Hey..." I growled playfully, wrapping my arms under his and pulling him into my lap, "come here, you!" I swung my legs up and lay down on the couch, him lying on top of me. I interlocked my fingers over his stomach and he closed his paws over mine. He rested his head on my neck and I rested my head on top of his. I don't remember what happened after that; I had fallen asleep.

* * *

I awoke to a soft wet feeling on my chin. I opened my eyes, happy to find that Scott was gently licking at it gently, smiling up at me. I returned his warm smile with one of my own, and he looked up in time to catch it. "We've landed, Hun." He said with a smile.

"Wow," I exclaimed, pausing to yawn, "that was fast..." I stretched widely as Scott lifted off of me. I sat up slowly, cradling my head in my paw as I observed the empty cabin. "Where're the rest of the guys?"

Scott grinned, his tail flicking back and forth as he walked towards the exit ramp. "They're waiting in the limo."

My ears pricked up. Limo? Wow, three vehicles I've always wanted to ride in, all checked off in the same day. Next thing you know I'll doze off in the limo and wake up on a yacht. Then maybe a space shuttle. Then I'd be all set. Hehe...

Five o'clock A.M., and the sun was slowly starting to rise. The limo ride from Washington D.C. Airport to the White House was short and quiet. No one spoke as we were ushered out of the limousine and through one of the many secured entrances to the world-famous building. After going through two security checkpoints and passing more men in suits and earpieces than I could count, we finally were led to the office outside the famous doors. I stared at the gold nameplate on the desk; "Jane Goldwyn: Secretary to the President of the United States." I couldn't help but gulp at the fact that I was about to talk to the President.

Events occurred before me but I don't recall them. I was too nervous to think about anything at the moment. The last thing I recall is kissing Scott's forehead before we were ushered into the Oval Office.

We entered the famous room and I was surprised to see several men in dark suits standing in front of the President's desk, blocking my view of the man I was anxious to see. I was surprised to see that one of the men was a short Jack Russell terrier wearing a pressed jet-black suit. I guess I had forgotten that adults could change as well; I had only met kids.

The three men turned to see who had entered the room, and upon seeing that it was the President's personal guests, had stepped aside to allow their boss to get a look at us. The President of the United States looked up from a sheet on his desk and glanced at the five of us quickly. He shifted his gaze to the three men individually. "Gentlemen, would you excuse us?" he asked them. The trio nodded simultaneously and made their way to the double doors.

We were alone, just the five of us and the President of the United States. I couldn't remember being more nervous in my life. He seemed so tall, so strong, so... I don't even know how to explain it. Seeing Obama on television was a lot different than meeting him in real life. After what seemed like hours of standing there, a smile broke across the President's face, and he said, "You boys look like you've been sent to the principal's office. Relax!"

I released the breath I didn't even realize I was holding. "It's an honor, sir." I said hesitantly.

He smiled. "Oh, stop it. It's not that big of a deal."

I returned his smile meekly. "With all due respect sir, yeah, it kind of is."

"Well," he said, "I'm sure you are all eager to find out why you're here." We all nodded in agreement. "I'm also sure," he continued after a moment, "that you're all dead tired! I was briefed on the assassination attempt. What a terrible string of events. Anyway, our discussion can wait until you're all rested. Agents will take you to your rooms. And don't worry, those of you who are... couples... will share a room."

I smiled weakly. I didn't dare look to see what everyone else was doing. I couldn't take my eyes off of the President. His presence was overpowering.

The President pressed a button on his desk phone and, after a quick beep, said, "Todd, could you come in here please?"

A moment later the doors to the Oval Office opened and the suited Jack Russell entered the room. "You called, sir?" the canine asked his employer.

"Yes." was the President's response. "Please show our guests to their rooms."

"Of course sir. Will there be anything else?"

"Um..." The President paused to look over a stack of papers. "Yeah... send Jenny in here. I have to talk to her about this speech."

"Of course sir." The Jack Russell turned to face us. "If you would all kindly follow me I will show you to your rooms."

* * *

Scott and I had been the last ones delivered to our room, seeing as how we were the farthest away from the Oval Office. The three-room loft was incredibly spacious and luxurious. The first room was the living room. Soft white carpet covered the flooring and supported the luxurious black couch and chairs, as well as a forty-two-inch plasma television. The bedroom was large and had an extremely comfortable king-size bed and a thirty-inch television atop the same white carpet. The bathroom sported a large shower and Jacuzzi bath, as well as a double-sink with large mirror. A spacious balcony was connected to the living room and overlooked the Washington Monument.

"There're plenty of drinks in the dorm fridge under the counter and room service is always available." The Jack Russell, Todd, filled us in on a few details.

"Yeah, thanks." I told him with a smile.

He returned my smile. "The phone is automatically programmed to call my cell if you pick it up and dial '4'. Feel free to call if you need anything."

"We'll be sure." I spoke for Scott and myself. Scott was sitting on the couch, staring at his footpaws. I wanted Todd to leave. I loved being in the presence of an older Fur, but I wanted to comfort my boyfriend. I knew something was bothering him. It was blatantly obvious.

"Get some sleep, boys. You're going to need it." He smiled at me before leaving the room, closing the door behind him.

I turned and sat on the couch beside my boyfriend, looking at his eyes. "What's wrong, Scott?" I asked in a very serious tone.

He turned and looked at me, tears forming in his eyes. "You could have died today." He choked. Then a small smile broke across his face. "Well, yesterday." I returned his smile. "But... the point is... oh God, Chris, I could have lost you!"

He was really worked up now. Tears were falling from his eyes. "Shhh..." I shushed him quickly, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him into my arms. "Shh shh shh... it's okay, babe. I'm here." I cradled his head against his chest in my arms, stroking his ear. "I'm right here."

A light smile broke across his face as he snaked his arms around my waist, holding me close. "Don't leave me." He said.

"Not for the world, Hun." I continued petting him. "Not for anything." We sat there for what felt like hours, and for all I know they could have been hours. It didn't matter either way. All I know is that after some amount of time I kissed his forehead and said, "We should go to sleep, babe. It's been a long day."

Scott didn't move. I rolled my eyes playfully before scooping him up bridal style. He nuzzled my chest as I carried him to the bedroom, laying him gently on his back on the soft bed. He grinned and murred as I slid him out of his shirt, then his pants, and finally his boxers. I paused to admire his sexy body. He sprawled out over the bed for me, his sheath stretching between his legs and his balls drooping heavily. I licked my chops. I'd go at him right now if I wasn't so damn tired.

Scott watched with a smile as I worked my way out of my shirt, then my pants and boxers. He smiled at me, or rather, my heavy sac, as I climbed into the bed, working my way under the covers as my mate did the same. He scooted as close to me as he could, placing a paw on my thick sheath. I gasped softly at his touch. "Ohhh... S-Scott...

Scott smiled at me and licked gently at my muzzle before saying, "Hehe... Wolfie wants to cum?"

I smiled meekly at him. "Do you?"

He grinned widely. "You know I'm always one to go for sex, Hun," he said, "but I am pretty tired."

"Me too. Besides," I paused to yawn, "I think all the noise would attract some guards."

Scott smiled weakly. "Hehe. Yeah. No cum tonight, babe." He said, keeping his hand on my sheath.

I wrapped one arm around him and said, "Good night, Love."

He yawned and closed his eyes, resting his head at my armpit. "Love you."

I kissed his forehead. "Love you too."

And we both drifted into our dreams within each other's arms.

* * *



I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and picked up the phone. "Hello?"

"Good morning, Mr. Ellis." I heard a female voice say to me on the phone. "The President has requested your presence in the Oval Office in a half hour."

"I'll be there."

"Thank you, sir. An agent will be by in a half hour to escort you. You will find fresh clothing in the top drawer of your dresser. Have a good day."

We hung up. I returned the phone to the receiver and sat upright, getting prodded in the chest by my large morning wood. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself as I stared down at my incredibly hung eleven inches. I loved being so well endowed, but sometimes it just got in the way. I smiled when I saw that Scott's paw still rested gently on my knot. I licked my lips. My boyfriend was tempting, but we couldn't do anything. Not now. We didn't have the time.

I shook Scott's dormant form. "Morning, sleepy head."

Scott growled playfully and opened his eyes. A light grin spread across his face. "Nice wood, babe."

I couldn't help but murr. "Under normal circumstances it'd be all yours, but we've got to shower and get dressed. Obama wants us there in thirty."

Scott groaned. "But I wanna taste you again, Wolfie!"

I kissed his forehead gently. "Sorry sweetie." I swung my legs out of the bed and stood up, flexing my arms over my head. My wolfhood easily reached the tops of my upper abdominals. Some guys thought that this would be too big to manage. Personally, I couldn't get enough of it. I loved being so well endowed. I didn't understand what their problem was. Then again, it didn't really matter.

Somehow, my morning wood slowly but surely retreated as I stood in the shower with my boyfriend. Nothing was said as we washed each other with care, gently reaching our soapy hands over each other's fur. When we were finished we dried off and dressed in the plain tan pants and dark blue shirts that were found in the drawer. We managed to finish everything with a few minutes to spare. We simply spent the time on the couch in each other's arms.

The agents showed up right on time and took us to the Oval Office. The President stood waiting, alone. I was surprised to find that only Scott and I were present; Ace, Jordon and Zack were nowhere to be found.

The President read my mind. He smiled and said, "Bet you're wondering where your friends are."

I opened my mouth to speak, but Scott beat me to it. "Yes please, sir." He said. I shut my mouth into a gentle smile. I shifted my stance to a very official one; feet shoulder width apart and fingers interlocked behind my back at the base of my tail, which swayed gently.

"I'll be honest," he replied to us, "Zack, Jordon, Ace, and even you, Scott, are only here for your personal protection during this event. The real man I need is you, Chris."

I felt my heart sink in my chest. My shoulders slacked slightly at the thought of being the only one of importance in our group. My ears pressed against my head; I didn't want this. I wanted everyone to have an equal role. I wasn't a leader; Scott should have just as big a part as I do. I gulped subtly and asked, "What do you need me to do?"

The President let out a disappointed sigh. "Boys... this country is in a state of civil turmoil. People are afraid, and... well, humans..." he paused to sigh again, "Humans are clubbing at every Fur they can get their hands on. There have been over a hundred deaths so far. Local police forces are overwhelmed. I've stationed some National Guard in major cities of concern, but frankly it's not working. I'm on the verge of imposing martial law."

I returned to my serious face. This was bigger than I thought. "What do you need me to do?"

"You're probably unaware, Chris," he said strongly, "of just how important you have become in all of this."

I cocked my head to the side in confusion. "Sir?"

He chuckled softly to himself before saying, "You are one of the most important pieces in all of this. You have become a role model for every Fur in the world. Everyone is looking to you for an answer, both humans and Furs alike." He chuckled again. "Insiders have even informed me that a group of Furs and humans have started their own little cult about you."

My face went grave. "How many are in this... cult?"

He smiled. "I'm told that it could be up to two thousand." He informed me. "They all suspect that higher forces are at work here, and you were chosen to be the first, to spread this 'Holy Change' across the world. You're their leader, Chris: their idol: their Abraham: their Mohammed: their Jesus."

I felt like a car had been dropped onto my back. The weight of my importance of things fell onto my shoulders with a thud. My eyes were wide and staring at the floor. I couldn't believe it. "What..." I started to ask, stammering. "What d-do you need me to do?"

The President's face remained stern this time. "I need you to present a televised speech." He said. I looked up at him in surprise. "It's not a joke, Chris. I want you to go behind that podium in the room down the hall and tell the entire world just what this whole situation is all about."

"I..." I looked over at Scott. His face was emotionless but I could tell he felt left out. "I wouldn't know what to say!" I exclaimed.

"I know, Chris," He said. "which is why I had my staff prepare this speech for you." He produced a standard manila folder from his desk. "This is the collaboration of everything that we think could help bring the peace. All you have to do is say it."

"Just say it..." I repeated.

"Well, you know, with passion and force, but yes, just read it aloud to the cameras."

I turned my head to Scott again. I saw his eye flick over to look back at me, then he twisted his whole head slightly to get a better look into my eyes. "Do it, babe." He said.

I thought long and hard about it. Could I do that? Could I get in front of all those people? "I'd like to review the speech." I finally said.

"I figured as much." The President replied with a smile. He approached me and handed the folder to me. He hit a button on his phone and Todd entered the room, tail swishing behind him. "Todd, please escort our friends to their office."

* * *

The speech was just as I had expected it to be: less than desirable. However, the President was asking me to read it for him, so after making a few minor changes, I agreed. I was told that the press conference would begin in an hour. I was surprised; it was a tight schedule, but on the other hand, the situation was urgent. Time was spent preparing. Scott ran through the speech with me at least seven times, making minor changes as we went. Eventually I was ready. The conference started in ten minutes.

* * *

Sixty seconds to show time, and I was shaking in my sneakers. I was so nervous. The magnitude of what I was about to do was building in my stomach and threatening to have me throw up. I held it back. I squeezed Scott's paw in my own and gulped down hard. I was so nervous I couldn't stand it.

I had to swallow my fear. An important looking man in a jet black suit with similar hair had just introduced me to the cameras. I kissed Scott gently on the forehead before I stepped into the room from the doorway and approached the podium. I did my best to keep my tail out from between my legs as I stood before more cameras than I could count and just as many reporters. One fur, a small arctic fox, stood amongst the humans. I looked around the crowd for a moment before I started my speech. Everyone was dead silent. I cleared my throat.

"Several weeks ago, I woke up in my bedroom, like I do every day, in the body you see before you." I read off the script. "I was told by doctors that I was fine, and I could resume school." I paused to look about the room. Everyone was still staring. I looked back to the script. "Since then, I have become aware of many things."

I stopped to think about things. This didn't feel right, didn't feel like me speaking. I thought for about thirty seconds. The crowd stared at me confused, wanting me to resume. I sighed and flipped the script over, staring at the blank page. I gripped the podium by both sides and leaned over it slightly, staring directly at the crowd and cameras.

"This world is full of hate." I said, not caring what the script said. "People hate everyone. People desperately need something to hate, something to take all the crap in their lives and throw it on. Nazis hate Jews, the K.K.K. hates blacks, and now the H.S.C. hates Furs. Hatred and racism have become so rampant and common on this planet that no one notices it anymore. It can't go on like this.

"I don't know what's going on. Be it a government experiment, the work of God, natural evolution, or whatever you want it to be, the point is that it is what it is. People are changing, seemingly randomly, across the world. Whether we like it or hate it, no matter why it's happening, it's happening.

"I don't have your answers, can't answer your prayers. But I can tell you this; violence is pointless! Fear isn't necessary! To all the humans out there, believe me; we are just as afraid of us as you are! We have no idea what's going on; no one does. There's no need to kill us, out of fear, anger, or whatever your motives are. We've seen in the past that violence doesn't do any good. And to those of you Furs who are afraid of yourselves, don't do anything stupid! Life is a beautiful thing, in whatever form it manifests, be it a human, tiger, fox, dog," I stopped to gesture to myself, "or a wolf.

You see," I smiled, "we are all on a journey here, everyone on this planet. This is just a curveball that the universe is throwing at us, and so far we've been pretty poor at coping with it. Riots, robberies, executions; it has to stop! We can deal with this! Keep your faith and your strength, in me, in your government, in your deities, and most of all, yourselves. This is a big change, and I don't know what's going to happen, but I do know one thing; this change is definitely going to be,

"A Change for the Better."

* * *

I stepped off the stage without answering any questions despite the hundreds being thrown at me by reporters. I pulled Scott into a tight hug as soon as I got out of the room, pressing my muzzle deep into his mane. I felt his arms hug me close with surprising strength. I pulled away after a quick moment and kissed him gently on the lips before moving to leave the room. I didn't get very far before I was stopped by an angry-looking man in a dark brown suit. "What the hell were you doing!?" he hissed at me. "You were supposed to read the script, not go off on your own little speech! Why, you'd better hope that..."

The man was cut off when the President approached me with Todd beside him, both smiling widely, Todd wagging his tail. "That was brilliant, Chris!" the canine exclaimed.

"I agree," the President said, "that was outstanding. It was original, and from the heart. You did a great job, Chris."

The angry man looked even angrier and hurt as he stormed away (I bet you he had written the speech). I put an arm over Scott's shoulders and held him close to my side. "Thanks, Mr. President, it means a lot."

"I don't know how I'll ever be able to thank you for what you've done today." he said. "You've probably saved a lot of lives right there."

I grinned sheepishly. "With all due respect sir, there is one thing you could do to repay me."

The President smiled at me. "Oh?" he said. "And what would that be?"

I squeezed gently. "Well," I said, "think you might be able to get my friends and me all in the same college?"

* * *


There ya go ladies and gentlefurs, the end of A Change for the Better! Have no fear, however, for this is not the end of Chris, Scott, Ace, Jordon, Zack, and yes, even Rook; my next series, Autumn Tactics, will take place with the college life of our heroes and villains. This exciting series will include new characters, new relationships, scenes of intense action and violence, large and small firearms, fiery sex scenes, both gay and straight (but predominantly gay), big explosions, and a whole lot of bad-ass. A word of caution, however; this series will most likely contain scenes that may be considered disturbing to those with weaker stomachs and heavier hearts, including terrorist massacres, severe betrayal, and blood (really, it's not that bad, and nothing like that in the sex scenes, I promise). Those who cannot stomach such things are advised to leave this story where it stands now.

Anyway. I'd like to apologize for a few things. First off, for taking so long to put this story out. Have you ever played a videogame where you love playing it, and every level is a great, fun challenge, but there's just one level that you hate, that one level that is an absolute pain in the ass to deal with, but you have to finish it before you can move on? That is how this story has been for me, but I'm happy to have finally finished it. It may seem rushed, but I'm happy with how it turned out.

Second off, I apologize for centering this story mostly on Chris, and I promise to make it up to people who have and will have characters in this story by including them heavily in the next story. I plan to use a method of narration showed to me by the fantastic writer and outstanding friend Ace Wolf, where the first-person narration changes between characters in the story in order to cover multiple angles.

Third, I'd like to apologize to those of you who aren't fond of action stories, and are going to stop reading this story due to the shift in genre. I appreciate your fondness of my story and I'm sorry to be losing your attraction. Thanks for all your support, and I hope that you won't be too angry at me :)

Lastly I want to apologize to those of you who were hoping for yiff in this chapter. I have received several comments from fans complaining that I have too much yiff in the series, so this chapter is yiffless to please them. To those of you who wanted yiff, I'm sorry and I promise to have plenty in the new series. To those of you who wanted me to tune-down the yiff, congratulations, you got what you want. Hope you're happy.

Thanks for putting up with my laziness, and for listening to my spiel, and for reading my story, and I promise to not disappoint with the next series. I wish everyone great lives in the arms of those they love, especially you, Ace, and you know who you are. I left you so you could be with him because you loved him more, and I'm so glad I did. I've seen how happy he makes you, and it's more than I did. I have no regrets about leaving you. I only wish that we could have stayed friends. Guess it wasn't meant to be.

Thanks for reading, thanks for being. Until next time.
