First Time Game Master

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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Lucas had been invited to DM for a one-off session of 'Castles & Creatures' by Calvin's friends, the three other nerdy-types that were in the Audio/Video club with the bobcat. The same bobcat that Lucas liked to eat right before going out on the field for football practice. Now, he was refraining from eating anyone to play a game in a civilized manner. Who knew the big tiger defensive tackle had a flare for dramatic storytelling?

This is a sequel to "Pre-Game Warm Up" that I had been wanting to write for a while.

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"You walk into a large, darkened chamber. Your torches cast only enough light to see the floor. The walls are too far away to reflect the light, giving you the impression that you're outside at night. The air is cold and damp. You can hear the sound of something large snoring off in the distance. If all the stories from the towns surrounding this hidden cavern are to be believed, you're about to come across the beast that has been terrorizing everyone you've come across since you entered this particular county." the large, burly tiger said.

Lucas sat behind the game master's screen, grinning impressively wide. His gleaming teeth gave him something of a menacing appearance. Though that was offset by the white t-shirt he wore with the words 'A/V CLUB' written across it in large, black letters. It wasn't up where his chest should be, but down over his rotund stomach. The defensive tackle had proven to be a rather proficient game master, given that it was his first time running a campaign of 'Castles and Creatures'.

"Okay, so this feels like final boss time." said Mark, a skinny, bookish looking squirrel.

He was looking over his character sheet, making a few final checks just in case he might have missed something. If they were indeed coming upon the end of the campaign, he didn't want to be caught with his pants down.

"Nah, can't be. We've only been playing for three hours, and it's the first session. It's way too short to be the end," said a smallish bear sitting just off to the squirrel's side, "But, that said, it does sound like we're coming up on something big and nasty. Better make sure everyone's full up on health and get the usual buffs going."

"If this is the end of the campaign, I'll be disappointed. You've been doing a great job so far, Lucas." said Rick, the chubby grey horse who sat across from Mark, wearing a fake horn on his forehead.

It was part of how he got into character. He always played a unicorn. It was almost always built similar to how he looked in the real world, but taller, and with a long, luxurious flowing mane. No one in the group teased him for his obsession with unicorns, least of all Lucas. He thought it was positively adorable.

"Well, thanks guys. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far. I thought a quick one-off would be a better place to start since I've never GM'd before." the big, chubby-yet-muscular tiger said.

He had really been enjoying the game. Ever since he started playing with Calvin's friends, he had rather gotten into tabletop gaming. It was more fun than video games with friends because it usually didn't have the same kind of trash talking that came with the digital world. That and Lucas preferred single player video games anyway. His little bobcat boyfriend had encouraged him to try to GM, and it had turned out to be something he excelled at, after a bit of coaching to let him know the rules and etiquette.

Calvin was feeling incredibly at ease seeing his nerdier friends get along so easily with the big football player. He loved playing up the stereotype in the bedroom, or even better, in the locker room. But when they weren't satisfying one another like that, it was nice to just get together and have some good, clean, wholesome fun. At least it was clean compared to what Calvin and Lucas enjoyed when alone. There was no end to the dirty jokes and awful puns among them.

"Hey hun, can I get you something to eat? We've all had something but you haven't touched anything but the snacks." the bobcat said.

"Nah, I'll eat something more substantial later. I wanna see this through to the end." Lucas replied.

"Alright. So, we just walked into the big chamber. I suggest that we all spread out. That way our torches light up a bigger area." Mark said.

"I agree," Greg said, "Let's do that."

The bear reached forward over the table and began moving his figurine to separate from the group on the grid-covered map. He was careful not to send his character too far from the others. Calvin, Mark, and Rick all adjusted their pieces to take up a formation as the squirrel had suggested. Soon, they were in a line, evenly spaced, and working their way slowly across the board.

"As you walk deeper into the enormous cavern, the snoring gets louder. Eventually, your torches cast light across a hulking creature laying on the ground, asleep. It's covered in vibrant orange scales with black stripes. Your torches make the creature flinch and groan, rolling over to expose its back to you as though it doesn't want to be disturbed. As it does this, you see a large pair of leathery wings and a long, thick tail. The creature is a dragon, but not like the usual feral sort legends tend to tell of. This one is clothed, but only in a ragged loin cloth. He's huge, looking like he could stand twice as tall as the tallest one in your group. And he's heavy-set, rippling with muscle. He's also fat, no doubt from years of preying on the poor towns he terrorizes regularly." Lucas explained.

"A big, strong, fat, muscle-gut dragon that happens to be colored like a tiger, hmm?" Greg asked, raising an eyebrow at the big cat directing the game.

"What? I'm allowed to take some creative license aren't I?" Lucas shot back, feeling the need to defend his choices in how he built the game.

"Just a little self-insert boss monster huh? Alright, fine, I'll allow it. But what's he doing just... fe-lyin' around like that?" the bear asked, putting on an enormous, open-mouthed grin.

He had punned again. And it had been a bad one this time. Groans filled the room as Calvin, Mark, and Rick either shook their heads, or covered their eyes due to how cringe-worthy this latest one had been. Lucas tried to keep from snickering, not wanting to encourage the bear.

"You make another bad pun like that, and I'll give your paladin the plague." the tiger said while trying to suppress his laughter.

"Whatever. You guys just don't appreciate true comedic genius." Greg said haughtily, not at all sincere about taking offense.

"Right, we'll be sure to appreciate it if we ever encounter it." Mark shot back, quick as a whip.

The whole room burst into laughter and cheers at the impressive quip. Even Greg had to confess it was a rather well crafted comeback.

"Okay, okay. You got me. That was a good one and I walked right into it," the bear said, "Speaking of walking into things, which of us is closest to 'Dragon-Lucas'?"

"That would be Mark. Greg and Calvin are within movement range to be able to walk up in the same turn as taking an action. Rick is the furthest away." the striped cat said.

"Great, our wizard is where the barbarian should be," Rick said with a sigh, "No one make a sound. Maybe we can reshuffle the formation before this guy wakes up."

The tiger lifted a paw, a single finger extended to stop everyone from doing anything. He had read the rules, and seen how the boys played before he joined in. He had a very important rule he intended to keep to.

"Do you actually tell the others in the party to keep quiet out loud? Or was that out of character?" Lucas asked.

Rick grimaced as he was caught in a relatively minor instance of metagaming.

"Sorry, kneejerk reaction," the horse said, turning to look at the rest of the group as he slipped into his role, whispering as softly as he felt he could get away with, "Gentlemen, I think it would be wise if we were to take on the usual formation. And the quieter the better, lest we accidentally awaken the sleeping beast before we're ready to do battle."

"That was pretty quiet. Are you sure your buddies heard you?" Lucas asked, grinning a little.

The stocky horse playing the bard blinked and shrugged. He looked to the other three at the table, gesturing to them to come to his aid. They all shrugged as well.

"I... I don't know. We're not that far apart." Rick said.

"I need everyone except Rick to roll a perception check to see if they heard him. Then subtract one for every two spaces away you are from him." Lucas said.

He had really gotten into the game, having been a little jealous when watching them play as the outside observer. And he had wanted to make sure this first good effort left them wanting him to return. Everyone began rolling their dice, Lucas included. The twenty-sided objects went scattering, finally falling where they might. There were a couple of decent rolls, but Calvin came back with a pretty dismal score. Thankfully, so had the tiger-dragon.

"The beast doesn't hear you try to caution and advise your friends, but only Greg can hear everything you say since he's the one closest to you. Mark only catches a few words here and there. And Calvin doesn't hear anything other than a low hissing." Lucas said.

"Okay," Rick said, taking a breath, "I gesture towards the others to start moving as slowly and quietly as possible so we can form our party for battle."

"What sort of gesturing are you doing? Is it just something you think up on the spot or are you using some sort of sign language?" the tiger asked, impressing the group with how specific he was getting.

"Um... I'm just making it up on the spot. I point at a person and when I'm sure they're aware I'm addressing them, I point for them to move to a specific location, then put a finger to my lips to mimic the 'shh' expression." Rick explained, feeling like he was getting the hang of how to work with this new game master.

"Alright, everyone roll a stealth check. Anyone wearing plate armor takes a negative three to their results. Also, keep in mind that distance to the beast will affect how high you have to roll to succeed. Success threshold drops by one after a radius of two spaces from the creature's head, then another one after a radius of three from there, and another one after a radius of four beyond that." Lucas said.

"Wow, really getting some realistic effects in with noise on this, huh?" Mark asked.

"Hey, it only makes sense. The further you are from a sound, the quieter it is. And it's not like there's gonna be a gunshot or an explosion or something. You're just trying to be real sneaky. So watch your footing." the big tiger said, pleased that he was making a good impression.

Again the dice went to rolling, all of them, Lucas included. The group appeared to turn out rather favorable results until they got to Mark. He was a wizard, and he was closest to the creature. He had intended to back straight up several paces. Given his garb, he should have been able to do so without making even so much as a peep. Unfortunately, he rolled blow the mid-point on the die. Everyone saw his result and winced.

"Mark, as you back up one space, the edge of your robe catches on a piece of rock sticking up through the floor. You had seen it on the way in and avoided it easily. But without looking where you're going, you end up snagging on it and the fabric rips." Lucas said.

Mark's eyes grew huge behind his glasses, hoping that perhaps, just maybe, he hadn't ended up killing the whole group.

"I freeze in place and gesture for everyone to stop!" the squirrel almost shouted, then clapped his paws over his muzzle.

Lucas just chuckled and shook his head.

"I'm afraid it's already too late. The sound of the fabric ripping was too close to the beast's head. He growls low and rolls over, stirring as he wakes. His eyes open and he's startled to find four torches illuminating his cavern. He's fully awake now, sitting up and climbing onto his paws, drawing himself up to his full height. He's massive! He's at least twice as tall as your tallest party member! He's got a strong mix of muscle and fat, suggesting he's going to be too massive for anyone to grapple with and win! The big, striped dragon glares down at you all and roars in fury!" the tiger said, reading off of a pre-prepared script he had written just for the occasion, then put it down and let his gaze wander over the smaller boys, "Roll for initiative."

"Aww man! We didn't even get into formation! We're gonna end up dead!" Greg complained.

The dice went flying again, and an order was established. Mark was first, which was fortuitous. He had already been planning out his escape back behind the protection of the larger, stronger players. But he had only one shot to pull it off. The dragon was next in line after him.

The squirrel took a breath and looked up at the big defensive tackle, who just happened to have quite a flare for storytelling it turned out. It was all mapped out in his head. He was going to go through the pre-determined series of steps, and get himself in position. Maybe, with a little luck, he would be able to give them a temporary advantage.

"I wave my staff and cast entangle on the dragon." he said, already prepared to pick up his little figurine and move it three spaces back as soon as his spell landed.

"Roll to see if it hit." Lucas said.

A couple of quiet cheers came from the other three players, thinking their wizard had made the smart move. Unfortunately, his luck with the dice tonight was firmly entrenched in the realm of 'quite terrible'. The twenty-sided die tumbled to a stop and displayed the most dreaded of all results. A nasty, hateful numeral stared back at everyone. No player enjoyed rolling a one.

"Aww crap." Mark muttered.

Calvin, Rick, and Greg all winced and moaned as they slumped in their chairs. The battle was already starting out badly. Lucas meanwhile just sighed and looked apologetically at the squirrel.

"Sorry dude. You potatoed," the tiger said, "You wave your staff, light coming off it as you summon the mana to cast your spell. Then, with a crackle and a fizzle, it fails to leave your staff and hit the dragon. Instead, it lands on the ground just at your feet. Vines burst out from the stone and wrap themselves around your ankles. It was a weak casting, leaving you unable to move but only for a short while. One turn immobility. Is there anything else you want to do?"

"Yeah, I pick up a rock and throw it at the dragon for all the good I'm doing in this fight." Mark said, then sighed and peered at his little figurine.

He was sure it was going to be tipped over or taken off the board soon. Lucas felt bad for the squirrel, but not all that bad. He had a hard time keeping from grinning as he carried on with the game.

"The rock bounces harmlessly off the striped dragon's big, firm belly. He looks down at you and snorts, almost as if he's asking if that's the best you can do. If that ends your turn-" Lucas cut himself off to look at Mark, who nodded and waved for the big cat to continue, "Then we'll just go straight into the dragon's turn. He looks down at the little wizard squirrel who failed to cast on him, and instead threw a rock. He's annoyed. He reaches out and picks you up by the neck of your robe and opens his mouth wide. Since he doesn't really have any real regard for any of your lives, he drops your wizard into his jaws and tries to swallow him in one gulp. Go ahead and roll to perform an acrobatics check. Use your dexterity modifier."

"Wait, he's trying to eat me!?" Mark cried in dismay.

"Lucas... you're not doing what I think you're doing, are you?" Calvin asked, raising an eyebrow at the big tiger.

"What!? You guys wanted a good game, I'm doing my best here!" Lucas replied defensively.

The squirrel, so clearly in trouble, sighed in resignation, certain he wasn't going to be able to get out of this one. He rolled as he was told to do so and suddenly felt a little hopeful. The dice seemed to be turning in his favor finally.

"With my dexterity modifier, I get a sixteen! Is that enough!?" Mark asked, daring to hope.

"Oh you were so close!" Lucas said, putting on a false expression of disappointment, "The big dragon swallows. His hot, humid, stinking breath washes over you as you get covered in drool. The texture of wet, slippery flesh presses in against you as you slide down his throat. It's dark, too dark for you to see anything, but you can hear his insides as you enter them. Outside, the three others watch as the wizard becomes a big lump in the orange dragon's throat, then it slides down into his chest. His gut surges outward with a bounce as Mark lands in his stomach. Inside, it's just as hot and humid as his mouth, if not even more. The churning gut gurgles and groans around him just before the big dragon lets out a belch. He's got you, and he doesn't intend on letting you out."

"Well crap. We just lost our wizard." Calvin grumbled.

"Am I still able to act inside the dragon's stomach?" Mark asked.

"I dunno, let's find out!" Lucas said with a broad grin.

The tiger reached across the table and grabbed the squirrel by the neck of his shirt at the back, just as he had described the dragon had done with the wizard. The defensive tackle lifted his boyfriend's companion up over the map they were all using and swung him in close. He took hold of the squirrel with both paws once he could, opened his mouth, and began to unceremoniously stuff the small, thin, nerdy, little fellow in.

The other three just watched on, Greg and Rick leaning in to observe with morbid curiosity. Calvin just sighed and leaned back in his chair with his arms crossed. That was how the game was going to be played tonight, apparently. There were worse ways it could have gone, the bobcat thought to himself. And the boys had been expressing curiosity about what he and Lucas got up to. Now they were getting firsthand experience with it.

The tiger worked his jaws around the squirrel. The large, bushy tail sticking out of his mouth flitted about, signaling how surprised and alarmed Mark was. He squirmed about strongly in the maw that was surrounding him, unsure if this was something he should be protesting or if it was just to add to the 'realism' of the game. The hot, damp air washed over him, letting him know just what his character had gone through. Only the tiger's breath wasn't offensive. It was actually rather pleasant. He had used mouthwash very recently, and Mark was sure he had been seeing him eating mints. At least, he thought they were mints.

The grasp of that slick throat took hold of the would-be wizard and pulled him further in. His legs kicked in the air as his waist met Lucas' lips. The tiger, ever careful to not actually harm one of his nerd friends, pushed gently against the squirrel's rump, pressing him deeper still. A firm gulp brought the wriggling fellow in right up to his knees. He was really just a morsel compared to the huge feline. One last stout gulp saw all but his fluffy tail vanish into Lucas' mouth. That too was slurped up as the lumpy swell in his throat slipped down and vanished into his chest.

As the still very surprised Mark descended, he continued to fight, unable to override his natural prey response. He landed in the tiger's stomach with a wet bounce, forcing Lucas' middle to bulge outward. It pushed the 'A/V CLUB' shirt up over his belly, exposing a good portion of the creamy white fur the squirrel was now hidden under.

"Mmm, there we go. So how about it? Think you can play from in there?" Lucas asked.

Mark spun himself about, getting into a heads-up position as he panted, feeling around inside the slick, sticky, slimy walls. He had imagined what this might be like. What he had not expected was there to be a source of air. All told, it was surprisingly accommodating, perhaps even a little cozy. He was starting to see why Calvin was so fond of his big, burly boyfriend.

"Y-yeah... I... I think so. I'm gonna need someone to read my character sheet off to me when it's my turn again. And someone will need to roll for me." Mark said.

"I'll take care of that," Lucas said, pulling the squirrel's materials over to him, moved Mark's figurine so that it stood just behind the dragon, representing that he was inside the beast, then let out a quiet burp, "Excuse me. Alright, so now it's Greg's turn. The dragon licks his lips and rubs his fat gut. Apparently your friend was pretty tasty and now he's thinking the cute little bear in the shiny armor might be a good second course. 'Don't worry little brother, you'll be joining him soon!' he says in a deep, booming voice that shakes Mark around in his tummy."

Greg, the slender auburn ursine, frowned. It wasn't supposed to look like an unhappy stuffed animal, but then he had a difficult time trying to look imposing. He lifted his chin in defiance and lifted a paw, stabbing a finger at the tiger, ready to deliver some quality role-playing. He signaled to the feline that he was going to attempt an intimidation check and Lucas gestured for him to just say his piece, then roll.

"You've eaten your last meal, monster! No more will you dine on the innocents of this land! You will spit out my friend or I will carve you open like a holiday goose!" the bear shouted.

The dice were thrown again. It was a valiant attempt. The tiger began acting out his part, making the dragon laugh at such a foolhardy claim.

"If you wish to try and take him, by all means! But your sword cannot possibly be enough to cut him free! Soon, you'll be just a bit more girth on my waistline along with your friends!" Lucas said, trying his best to put on what he thought the dragon's voice sounded like.

"Damn dude," Rick said, beginning to fan himself, "Why aren't you writing fiction and getting published? You've definitely got a knack for this!"

"Oh, thank you!" Lucas said, smiling brightly at the horse, "I kinda started really getting into it when I started writing all this out. Calvin helped me get started, but then I just kinda went a little nuts. It was really fun. Are you sure you're not just being nice?"

The chubby equine raised an eyebrow and grinned up at the feline.

"Did I mention I've got a bit of a thing for muscle-chub? And I've got a very clear picture of what this hunky dude looks like." Rick replied.

"Okay, okay, settle down 'My Little Horny On Mane'," Greg said with a laugh, "I failed to intimidate, so I charge and swing my vorpal sword, aiming for the dragon's stomach."

"Hey!" Mark cried from under Lucas' fur, "Be careful! You might end up stabbing me or something!"

The tiger looked down at his tummy and gave it a pat, hoping to reassure his passenger.

"Oh don't you worry lil guy. Big daddy tiger-dragon isn't gonna let that mean ole Paddington Bear hurt you." Lucas said.

"I'm a paladin," Greg said, "But... that's actually really funny. I'm gonna hafta use that at some point."

"By all means," Lucas replied with a smile, "Roll for your hit."

"I swear to god, if I roll too low to hit..." Greg grumbled as he shook the die in his hand.

"If you can't hit him at close range, then we may have to get ourselves a new paladin." Calvin said, putting on a grin as he waited to see the result of the roll.

"This guy's the size of a small mountain. You'd have to try swinging with your eyes closed facing the wrong way." Rick added.

The die was cast and it landed on an encouraging number. Lucas looked over his status sheets and did a little quick math, smiling at the bear.

"You hit. Now roll to see how much damage you do. Also, roll the D-20 for me one more time." the tiger said.

The smallish ursine fellow scooped up his dice again and shook them about. They were tossed onto the table, revealing a series of numbers that didn't appear terribly hopeful. The calculations were made and big-bellied striped game master winced as he came to the end result. The strike had indeed landed, but it had a less than stellar impact.

"Aww crap," Greg said as he slumped in his chair, "This isn't gonna go well."

"Your blade flashes in the torchlight as you swing, hoping to cut deep into the dragon's bulging stomach. He doesn't move, simply letting you land the blow. You connect and your arms are shaken by the jolt of impact like an axe chopping into a tree, but it's accompanied by a heart-sinking snap of metal. In all your efforts to find your way to the end of your quest, your sword has seen more than its fair share of use, and it finally gives out under the strain. The blade breaks and falls to the ground in a clatter. Your attack hasn't even left a scratch in the dragon's stomach. He just glares down at you, not at all pleased that you even tried to harm him." Lucas explained.

"Dammit, do you have any other weapons on you?" Rick asked.

"That was my best weapon. Everything else isn't going to come anywhere close enough to damage this guy. Looks like I'm relegated to healing duty after this. If I'm still able to." Greg said with a sigh.

"Okay, well, it's my turn. I'm gonna try my best to keep you from getting squashed or whatever. That big, scaly monster can't possibly have room for anyone else, not while Mark is in there," the horse playing the group's bard said as he picked up his dice and readied himself for a roll, "I pull out three flash bombs, call out to warn Calvin and Greg, and throw them at the dragon's feet."

"What size flash bombs are we talking about?" Lucas asked.

"Fairly small," Rick answered, sliding his character sheet out of the way to reveal another page detailing information about the equipment he carried, "They do one D-5 damage within a range of a meter and a half. If affected, a target is rendered blind for one D-4 turns."

"And you say you threw them at the dragon's feet. How close were you aiming? Were you hoping to actually hit his paws?" Lucas asked.

For a moment, the chubby little stallion had to think, pondering the possible outcomes of his decision. After a moment, he nodded, finding the idea to be agreeable.

"Yes, I'm aiming to actually hit the dragon's paws. Do I roll to see if I actually hit or if it hits the ground just short?" Rick asked.

"Please." the tiger said, gesturing to the horse.

"Rick, no!" Mark shouted from inside Lucas' belly, "Don't aim for his feet! You gotta let them land far enough back!"

The squirrel's advice was too little, too late. The twenty-sided die had been rolled. This time, there appeared to be some good news. The tiger smiled and lifted a clenched fist victoriously into the air to celebrate the horse's success. However, it was tempered by a couple of facts.

"Excellent roll! You hit the dragon's paws squarely! The flash bombs go off one at a time as they make contact, creating a powerful burst of light and a fire-cracker-like pop, only a lot louder. The dragon's paws and ankles are covered in a thin layer of soot, but his scales are just too strong. His hide repels the attack, and takes no damage. On top of that, because you hit his paws, and his belly is so big, the flash is obscured like the sun behind the moon. Instead, it affects your paladin and barbarian. You had cried out for them to cover their eyes, but neither had bothered to listen. Roll to see if you go blind and for how long." Lucas said.

"What!? Come on! He said he warned us!" Greg complained.

"And I didn't hear any of you say anything about your characters shielding your eyes. Also, Greg, because you were close enough to hit with a sword, you need to roll to see if you took any damage during the explosions." the tiger replied.

After a little computation and some detailing of armor statistics, the group had settled on the action that took place. Lucas could have just said they all were going to go blind from his little scheme. But he wanted to give them a fighting chance, so he allowed for the check to see if they covered their eyes quickly enough. They did! It wasn't much, but it was certainly a partial victory they were going to hold onto. And thanks to the fact that their paladin had been wearing strong plate armor, he managed to resist taking damage from the flashbangs when they hit. In essence, the attempt by the bard had been ineffectual all around.

"Okay, so that's Greg's turn done, as well as Rick. Calvin, you're up." Lucas said as he idly stroked over his gently squirming stomach.

It was difficult for the smaller feline to focus as he stared at the hypnotic bulge of his boyfriend's abdomen. He wanted to pounce it, squeeze it, and massage it until it gurgled loud enough to make the whole dome vibrate.

"I'm the farthest away of the three. I ready my club and I charge, ready to swing when I get in range. I aim for the dragon's stomach, hoping it might make him spit up our wizard. I let out a loud, angry battle cry as I run, hoping that the bloodcurdling roar is at least a little intimidating." the bobcat said.

Dice were rolled, and the smallish feline found he was having just as good of luck as the rest of the table generally was. He landed on a natural one with his hit attempt and dropped his head down onto the table in frustration. The result was a flowery description of the dragon's rather swift counter the barbarian charging him. The bulbous drake turned, showing the barbarian his back, whipping his tail in the process. It connected with Calvin's character, Lucas having rolled just high enough to land the hit. It sent the barbarian to the ground, rolling several spaces away until he stopped, lying prone on the ground. It wasn't looking good for the party in general.

With the round cycling back to Mark, the devoured wizard decided he wanted to attempt something. He wasn't sure how well it would work, but it might give him what he needed to escape the dragon's hold. He summoned up his mana and cast a spell, trying to strike the slimy stomach wall with a powerful fireball. The only effect it had was giving the gluttonous beast reason to belch. A small cloud of flame escaped his jaws as he resisted the damage completely. As it turned out, this orange and black striped dragon was a fire drake.

"Really!? Fire!?" Calvin complained as he locked his eyes on his boyfriend's gut.

"You should have gone with ice! Always assume a dragon that isn't blue, green, white, or gold can resist fire! And even then, the other colors might as well be able to resist too!" Rick cried in dismay, slapping a paw over his eyes.

"I'm sorry guys, I panicked. I didn't know what to do other than fireball. It's the strongest attack spell I got." Mark whimpered.

"Well, all you managed to do was give him heartburn." Greg said, waited a couple of beats, then let his muzzle pull into a huge grin.

A couple of groans followed and then Lucas decided it was time for him to go ahead and take his turn.

"The dragon reaches forward and grabs the adorable teddy bear who broke his sword against the big, fat belly holding his friend. He starts trying to remove Greg's armor piece by piece, dropping what he can actually snap off him onto the floor like peanut shells at a ranch-style steakhouse. He grins at the bear and begins trying to stuff him into his mouth." the tiger said.

There was a roll of the dice to see if the paladin would be able to somehow avoid being shoved into the waiting jaws of the greedy dragon. The bobcat didn't bother to wait to see the results. He had a sneaking suspicion of what was going on and why. Without needing to see the dice, the tiger's boyfriend just sighed and resigned himself to the fact that he was about to lose a second party member. If he had looked, he would have seen how close it had come to success.

"Looks like we really are gonna need a new Paladin." Calvin said with a frown.

Greg complained loudly, disappointed that he had been so completely ineffectual. But at least he hadn't failed by virtue of a bad roll like Mark had. The dragon was just overpowered. And it was beginning to look like Lucas had made him that way on purpose. The tiger cleared his throat and went about describing what was happening in the scene.

"The big dragon pushes you into his jaws. He's so much larger than you that he can fit your head and chest in his mouth and you only just barely bump against the back of his throat. He swallows wetly, slurping you up until you're in up to your knees. He's not really interested in taking his time with you. He's still hungry even though he just ate the squirrel down below. You're forced down his gullet and land in his belly with a wet bounce, just like the wizard you almost fall directly on top of. His gut stretches larger and he rubs it with a huge sense of satisfaction. He's enjoying adding all of you to his waistline." Lucas said.

"Lemme guess," the small bear said, "You're gonna eat me now, too. Just like you did Mark."

"That's the idea! Gotta add to the realism of the game, make it immersive and all that!" the tiger said with a smirk.

He reached over and took hold of the small bear. The striped cat ran his tongue up one of Greg's cheeks, then opened his jaws wide. Just as he described what the tiger had done, the tiger pushed his second meal in. He managed to reach past the bear's shoulders without any trouble. A stout gulp saw his throat bulge just like before and he pulled the smaller lad's stomach into his jaws. Rick and Calvin just sat there watching. The chubby horse just leaned in and propped his chin up, elbows on the table as he stared on in wonder. Calvin meanwhile crossed his arms and sighed.

A somewhat rude sound escaped the tiger as he slurped around the bear in his maw. With a push of a paw, he managed to cram Greg's rump in until it was pressing against the roof of his mouth. He was past the point of no return now. Unlike Mark though, this one wasn't squirming or struggling nearly as hard. The squirrel had likely just been too high strung to keep still. And while Lucas had enjoyed those squirms, he was a little grateful for a more cooperative partner this time. Greg had seen how Mark had gone down, and how he was just sitting there in the tiger's gut. There didn't seem to be anything terrible happening in there. So he didn't feel quite so anxious.

With one more good gulp and a shove on the bear's paws, Greg was sealed away behind the defensive tackle's teeth. Lucas clapped his jaws shut and tipped his head upward. The bulges in his throat glided downward out of sight just as his belly surged outward. His shirt was hiked up just that much higher, making it a little difficult to make out what the text on the front said. The striped cat sighed happily, ran his tongue along his lips, and massaged his bigger stomach. That made two, and the remaining couple had a feeling he intended to add them to his growing collection.

"Mmm, there we go. And if you'll hand me Greg's character sheet, I'll be reading and rolling for him," Lucas said, then lowered his gaze to his wiggling gut, "You two comfy in there? Still good?"

"Damn boy," Rick said with a laugh, "You let me know if things between you and Calvin don't work out. Hell, you let me know if the two of you are interested in adding a wannabe unicorn to your little arrangement."

"Rick," the bobcat said, sounding a little annoyed, "Take a drink. You're thirsty as hell."

"He can be thirsty. I got no problem with that. Now, if everyone's settled in there, I believe it's Greg's turn. Anything you wanna do?" Lucas asked.

"Not much I can do in here. I guess I start casting healing spells on myself and Mark. Then hope that our hopelessly horny bard and our barbarian who can't seem to catch a break can get us out of here." the bear replied, his voice softly muffled by the tiger's layers of muscle and fat.

"Hey," Mark interrupted, "About that... if they do manage to get our characters out of the dragon... does that mean you'll spit us up too?"

"I suppose I should," Lucas said with a sigh of resignation, "I mean it only makes sense. But we'll see what happens. I'll go ahead and roll for your healing spell and mark it down on the sheet. Rick, you're up."

The tiger began working on what he had said he would handle while the horse thought for a moment, looking over at the bobcat gazing back at him, waiting for him to make up his mind. He thought for a brief moment, considered everything he was able to do, and came to a conclusion he thought might end up going pretty terribly, but then it could go really well if he played it right.

"Is it possible for me to wait until after Calvin's taken his turn? Just a little shuffle of the order?" Rick asked.

Lucas narrowed his eyes at the short, stocky stallion, wondering just what he was up to. He couldn't think of any reason to object, so he just shrugged.

"Sure, fine by me. You trade spots in the initiative order. We'll call it a minor action," the tiger turned to look at his boyfriend, "I'm guessing you're going to take your turn rolling over so you're not lying prone on the ground?"

Calvin nodded with a sigh, slouching in his chair, unable to do anything at the moment. He'd be able to get up on the next turn and then he could actually get back in the fight. For now, he was frustrated that he was rendered so helpless. He was hiding how he really felt about the matter. He knew Lucas was playing an overpowered dragon, and he was doing it on purpose, to push the four of them around and have his brand of fun with them. In spite of the bobcat's appearance of dissatisfaction, deep down inside, he was enjoying seeing his boyfriend being a different kind of bully.

The guys would probably invite him back to participate in the future. If that happened, he'd have to insist that his tiger keep the teasing and pushing around to a minimum. After all, that wasn't quite the spirit of the game, but it was allowed this time as means of letting Lucas demonstrate his ability to GM. And he had taken to the whole thing extremely well. Calvin could only imagine what it would be like to have the tiger actually on his side. A kinky little thought occurred to him, making him want to play a wizard and Lucas a barbarian. Lucas would eat him to keep him safe inside, and he would keep Lucas buffed and healed from within him. Depending on how certain spells worked, he might even be able to throw in the odd attack here and there through his belly.

All his daydreaming was brought promptly to an end when the horse just off to one side of him finally spoke up to take his turn properly. And it was a bit of a doozy.

"I attempt to seduce the dragon." Rick said.

Both cats blinked at him, taken aback by his choice of action. This was something Lucas wasn't prepared for. He wasn't even aware that such a thing could be done. He glanced over at Calvin quickly, feeling a hint of panic start to creep into him since he had no plan for this.

"Can you even do that?" the tiger asked, diving into the tome he had kept on hand just in case he needed to review a rule or action.

"Yeah! I've got lots of charisma! I'm a bard after all! I wanna try and seduce the dragon!" Rick replied, sounding terribly confident as he crossed his arms and grinned.

The horse suddenly felt like he might have caught the gluttonous feline off guard, and maybe he'd be the hero of the party after all. Lucas was frantically flipping through his manual, trying to find anything he could about seduction. He couldn't let it stop here, and if he couldn't come up with a ruling on the matter, it might very well require them to pause. And that would kill his momentum. Calvin could sense his panic and sighed, opting to step in and offer his help. It was still the tiger's first GM after all.

"Honey, think about what you did when you were trying to win me over." the bobcat said.

"Yeah?" the tiger looked up from his manual as he spoke, recalling that moment, "When I was trying to win you over. Huh. If I remember correctly, it was one of those rare moments where you were more interested in cuddly Lucas rather than bully Lucas."

"Right, right. So, what does that look like in terms of a stat check?" the smaller cat asked.

It took the big, round-middled feline a moment to think, trying his best to apply the rules of the game to how he and Calvin first hooked up. And then it clicked. Rick had mentioned he had a lot of charisma. He hadn't been meaning that as a personality trait. He meant that he had a high charisma rating in the game. The tiger grinned and snapped his fingers, turning to look back at the horse. Already he was beginning to see a way to work with this unorthodox tactical shift.

"Alright, you wanna seduce the dragon. Fine. Roll a charisma check and let me how know you plan on making this work. I can't wait ta see what you got up your sleeve." Lucas said.

"Alright, and I figure this is the best shot I can take. I'm about as strong as Mark in physical attacks. I have some magic but nowhere near strong enough to match Mark or Greg. So, use what ya got. If I screw up, then at least Calvin's ready to hop up and hit you with a big stick next round." Rick said.

The dice were rolled. The bobcat covered his eyes, not out of fear but out of the feeling that this particular campaign had gotten pretty out of hand. Two of his friends were trapped in his boyfriend's stomach, their characters eaten by the dragon he was playing. And now his rather lecherous friend, the only one left not eaten other than himself, was actually about to try and charm his way into both Lucas's and the dragon's good graces. Probably even aim for into their pants too. When the dice landed, it became clear that it probably was indeed the best choice for the bard.

"Well... how about that. You succeed your charisma check," Lucas said with a laugh, "Alright, tell me how you intend to seduce the big, mean, hungry dragon who you've barged in on."

"I pull out my lute and start strumming away, attempting to make up a song on the spot about the dragon. I compliment him on his rugged good lucks, his strength and fierce prowess. I sing of legend and myth that will be told about him for generations to come." Rick replied.

"Not bad, not bad. You get the dragon's attention. He halts his attacks and crouches in front of the odd little unicorn playing the weird stringed instrument, listening as he's flattered by the song. He's not the most well read fellow so he doesn't seem bothered when some of the lyrics don't quite rhyme. When the song is over, he applauds, then burps and gives his gut a pat," Lucas explained, then changed his voice to speak as the dragon, "That's an interesting song of yours. Did you write that just for me?"

The unicorn nodded up to the big scaled fellow, keeping his tremors nicely in check. He had managed to calm the beast from trying to dole out anymore punishment, at least for the moment. Now he had to close the deal.

"Why yes! Of course it was written just for you! How many other dragons are there that can possibly match your extraordinary self? You put the rest of them to shame. I've met more than just a few and believe you me, they don't hold a candle to your greatness! Why, just before I met with these companions of mine, I had encountered a curious blue drake who was obsessed with hospitality. He ran an inn of all things! A dragon! Running an inn! How absurd! Dragons do not do such things! They conquer and claim for themselves whatever they lay their eyes upon!" Rick the bard said, putting his oratory skills to the test.

Lucas the dragon couldn't help but grin, enjoying having his ego stroked a bit. He rest his paws on his knees as he crouched, entirely delighted by this little pony's efforts to appeal to his vanity. He knew that's what he was doing, and he was eating it up. It wasn't often one of these little creatures came barging into his cave and wanted to spout such things. Usually they just hit him and he ate them.

"I do pride myself on my ability to lay claim to that which I desire. Tell me, if you've seen so many other dragons, what is it about me that you think places me so much higher in the pedigree than them?" the burly drake asked, testing the horse to see if he could talk his way through that one.

"Oh but how can you ask me such a thing when there are so many reasons to choose? Your great stature! The shape, the line of you! You are a god among dragons! Your strength is unparalleled! You could crush those who stand against you, but if you so chose a more benign path, you could no doubt win the hearts of any who set their gaze upon you! I only regret that I lack the knowledge of the dragon tongue to be able to extol the virtues of your perfection in your native language!" the unicorn cried, falling to his knees as he lifted his arms overhead, doing all he could to shower the beast with praise.

"Oh stop it." Lucas said, reaching out to slap against the horse's back.

The action had been meant to be gentle, but gentle for the dragon was quite different from what it was for the stallion. Rick was sent to the ground, face first. He sputtered a little and tried to climb back to his hooves as quickly as he could without appearing too indignant. He had a job to do and that was to continue lavishing the dragon with praise.

"It's true, my lord! Why, it is a terrible crime that more cannot partake in the wonders and splendor, the turbulence of your magnificence! To think that I came here hoping to negotiate a peaceful agreement between you and the various towns within your territory, it was unbelievably presumptuous of me!" the horse dropped to his knees once again and bowed, almost dropping his nose to the stone floor, "I humbly beg your forgiveness, O Great One!"

Lucas turned his head, putting on a haughty air of magnanimity. He knew it was only an act, but it felt good playing along, so that's what he did. He lifted a paw and gestured for the unicorn to stand back up, ready to grant him some sort of favor.

"You are forgiven. But I must ask that you go back and tell those who sent you that I shall expect tribute from them. If they can do that, then I may choose to look more kindly upon them." the dragon said.

"I will, my lord, I will!" Rick said, scrambling back up onto his hooves, "Before my barbarian companion and I leave, I hope I might ask for one small favor, such a little thing, it should be easily within your power to grant."

Calvin sat there on the ground, staring between horse and dragon, utterly shocked that words were actually winning the fight rather than actually fighting. He had never seen such a thing in all his life. How on earth had it come to this? What spell had the bard put on the monster they had come to slay? And why was he saying they were going to leave? They couldn't! They had been sent to put a stop to his evil reign! But to speak now might break whatever enchantment had been cast.

"What favor is it you seek?" Lucas asked, reaching down to curl a finger under the unicorn's chin, peering down into his eyes sternly.

"If... if it is not too much trouble, my lord... could we have our other two companions back? The two that you have devoured and are filling your vast, glorious, perfect belly?" the unicorn asked, suddenly just a little weak in the knees feeling that claw run harmlessly along the underside of his muzzle.

"You wish for me to release two that I have used to satisfy my hunger? I fear I cannot, not without something to take their place. Unless you have somehow concealed a feast in that little pack of yours, they will not be leaving my stomach," Lucas said, then grinned, "Though I do think it delightful that you find my belly so pleasing."

"Yes! It is! It is a wonder all its own! Why I could spend hours caressing and massaging it! I would lavish it with praise and affection for the rest of my days were I so lucky to be permitted to even so much as touch it!" Rick said, really trying to lay it on thick, "A beast as handsome and dashing as yourself should never go without another to tend to the needs of his most prized feature!"

That seemed to solidify something between the two. The dragon grinned as his cheeks brightened softly. It was difficult to tell in the torchlight, but he was blushing. He scooted a bit closer to the stocky little unicorn and leaned down towards him further. His gut sagged between his widely-spread knees, almost pressing against the uneven ground beneath himself.

"You really think I'm handsome?" Lucas asked.

The stallion blinked, not having expected the question. He fought the urge to glance over at Calvin, who had clapped a paw over his face in frustration and disbelief. The seduction had indeed worked. And it had worked perhaps a little too well. Rick wasn't about to answer negatively. He was sure to ruin everything he had built up so far. That and it didn't hurt that he did indeed find the big tiger-striped drake incredibly alluring.

"Well... I would be lying if I said no, my lord. And I fear I cannot lie to you," the unicorn said, "You are the most glorious creation I have ever been blessed to bear witness to."

The dragon leaned forward, silencing the bard with an act the shorter fellow had not expected. Their lips met and a powerful rumble sounded in the drake's throat. A vast, strong paw curled around the unicorn, scooping him up as the scaled beast stood once more, keeping the two of them pressed in a moment of intense intimacy.

Calvin sat at the table, looking across the map and the figurines atop it. Two had been moved behind the dragon, pressed up against it to suggest they were inside it. Across the gaming area from him was his boyfriend, the big tiger football player. And sprawled on top of his stomach was Rick, the short and stocky horse leaning up to the larger cat's muzzle.

They were making out quite strongly. It was quite a sight. They had been going back and forth with their role-play, inching closer to one another the whole while. They had let themselves get carried away. Were he a different sort of person, Calvin might have been genuinely offended. But instead, he just crossed his legs and watched quietly, trying not to feel at least a little jealous that he was left out. The tiger growled low in his throat, breaking the kiss to finally say something once more.

"Since you are so fond of my gut, perhaps you would enjoy adding to it. I can think of nothing more fitting than for you to spend your days tending to the very object of your affection from inside it, where you will never be parted from it ever again." Lucas said, still pretending as though he was playing the dragon.

The horse he had wrapped his arms around and mashed against his wriggly tummy found he couldn't keep still. Rick squirmed there in the big cat's grasp, panting softly and moaning as he reveled in the delicious bit of 'role-play' they were neck deep in.

"If it please my lord." the bard replied.

The tiger opened his jaws and pushed the stallion in. There was no rolling necessary. He wasn't trying to devour this one against his will. The success was guaranteed. Rick closed his eyes and leaned into the waiting maw. A quiet little moan escaped him as he felt Lucas' lips wrap around his chest. The tongue that had felt lightly over the other two began slathering its way all over the horse. A strong coating of drool covered the bard as he was sampled. All he could do was nuzzle into that slick, inquisitive tongue.

A gulp sounded in the stallion's ears and he was shoved into Lucas' throat. The tiger's neck swelled just like it had two times earlier. The horse grunted and moaned, moving his fingers to his shorts to try and unfasten them. They were unclasped and unzipped in seconds, then pushed down his legs. His boxers followed, shocking Calvin just ever so slightly. Was Rick actually trying to get his boyfriend to service him on the way down? Lucas opened his eyes and looked to the bobcat, almost as if he were trying to ask if such a thing was permissible.

Calvin shook his head with a roll of his eyes, then gestured with his chin for the big tiger to hurry up. He wouldn't get a chance to play with the horse too much, not this time at least. But, perhaps, another time. When they didn't have Greg and Mark down below waiting to get coated in 'white rain'. They didn't seem to be quite ready to make the leap just yet. Lucas read the gestures and understood. He lifted his chin and gripped the stallion in his jaws. He gulped hard and pushed Rick down into his gullet with great haste. He wished he could have taken his time. The chubby fellow tasted quite lovely.

Lucas wasn't the only one lamenting the quick passing. Rick had hoped he could have snuck in that little bit of added play. He knew it was a long shot, and he knew how aware both cats were of his lusting after the defensive tackle. When it came to bedroom antics with Lucas, Calvin had to approve. Otherwise, it could result in a less than pleasant discussion. The tiger swallowed and suckled, pulling the stallion's legs into his jaws, pursing his lips around the chubby fellow's knees. Rick was certainly trying his best to get what satisfaction he could, grinding against the undulating passage working hard to drag him down.

The tiger didn't let him linger too long. Instead, he pushed those hooves into his mouth and gulped them down. His throat saw the distentions disappear into his chest just like the other two, and his belly bounced and swelled. A hearty belch filled the room and the tiger reclined in his seat. A happy sigh rose out of him as he massaged his gut, now that much bigger. It more than filled his lap at this point, spilling over the edge of his chair and forcing his legs apart.

"Mmm, that's three. Just one more to go. Congratulations, Rick. You seduced yourself right into the dragon's belly. Doubt that you mind too much." the tiger purred.

"I stand up, move into range, then swing my club." Calvin said with a deadpan voice as he rolled, not giving his boyfriend much time at all to get used to being so full.

Lucas hiccupped and scrambled to try and respond properly. It was difficult for him to lean forward and actually address the table, at least not without compressing the three boys squirming about in his stomach. That had likely been Calvin's aim all along, to sort of scold him for being so greedy.

"You hit and deal only two damage. Your club hits the dragon along his back." Lucas explained.

"I start casting resist-acid continuously to protect myself and my friends." Mark called out from inside the tiger's gut.

"And I'll be healing whatever acid damage actually gets dealt." Greg said, realizing it wasn't his turn, but he thought it was good to go ahead and get his action out in the queue.

"And I spend my time rubbing the big handsome dragon's belly from inside." Rick said, sounding a little lust-drunk.

"The dragon would ordinarily be displeased with the attack, but he's still riding high from the pleasing little interaction with the bard. He attempts to grapple with your barbarian and pin him to the ground under his huge gut." Lucas said, rolling away.

Calvin whimpered a little as he rolled, finding he just couldn't contend with something so big pushing down on him. The tiger hoisted himself up onto his paws and waddled his way around the table towards the bobcat, the only player still sitting in his chair. The smaller feline looked up at the mountainous stomach hovering just next to him, leaving him to guess what his boyfriend was thinking. It wasn't hard to figure out, and the notion sent a shiver up his spine.

"Since... since I can't do anything... because I'm pinned, my barbarian has to skip the turn. What does the dragon do next?" Calvin asked.

"The dragon has come to a decision about your group. If you'll surrender to him, he'll let you all live." Lucas said.

"O-o-okay... I... I surrender." the bobcat said, trying very hard to resist the urge to lean into the big, creamy-white belly so very close to his face.

"And with that, the dragon lifts himself up off you and decides he needs to tend to a need that hasn't been addressed in quite some time. And thanks to the silver-tongued bard, he's in quite a good mood." the striped cat said, running one of his paws along the vast bulge he was enjoying.

He reached out and cupped one of his large, heavy palms against Calvin's head, dragging him in to press against his stomach. He knew the little cat had been wanting to, and now that Lucas had all but demanded it, he could really start working on his short boyfriend. Calvin shuddered anew as he was forced to press against the dome housing his friends. A pitiful little mewl escaped him and he closed his eyes, basking in the warmth radiating out from the huge swell.

"The dragon wants the barbarian to help with that, otherwise he'll get eaten just like his friends, won't he?" the bobcat asked.

"That's right. So you better get to work down there, and it better be a decent job." Lucas said with a bit of a growl in his throat.

His shorts were already straining to keep him contained, and Calvin was having a hard time getting them unfastened. The great girth of the tiger's sagging belly was getting in the way. As he worked about the clasp and zipper, he was forced to press more firmly against the defensive tackle's active middle. He could feel his friends under the tiger's skin as they squirmed about. It was almost too much for him to contend with. There had been talks of this happening, the big bully teasing and 'threatening' him with exactly what he had just done. And he had managed it within the context of their game night. Lucas wasn't the only one struggling to fit in his shorts tonight.

When it became clear how much trouble Calvin was having, the tiger decided to heft up his gut to give him a little more access. That ultimately did the trick, permitting the smaller cat a chance to accomplish his task. The fact that the big, burly fellow had to do that--and that he could do that--left Calvin blushing hotly. Once he was finished unfastening those shorts and pushing them down, along with Lucas' boxers, the gut was dropped right back down, landing squarely on the bobcat's head. It bounced softly against the tiger's legs, which could have knocked his little boyfriend to the ground. Instead, it just mashed his face against the bulging groin he had just uncovered.

A hearty belch was jostled out of the big fellow, filling the room with the rude noise. Again, Calvin shivered, partially just from the sound, but also because he could actually -feel- it rippling through the heavy dome mashing him against his lover's crotch. Since he was trapped there, he decided to put that close proximity to good use. He nuzzled and licked softly at the swelling shaft, basking in the heat and scent that was so powerful around him. All the motion on top of his head only stirred his loins that much more.

"Mmm, that's a good boy, get me good and ready. Don't forget to take your pants off too. I'm not gonna bother messing with them so you better be ready when I say." Lucas said.

That sent Calvin's paws to working on his own clothing. He didn't have near the obstacles to contend with as he had with the tiger, so he managed to swiftly uncover his lower half. The shirt stayed on, displaying the university's mascot across the small cat's chest. He saw no reason to bother with taking it off. The effort would only get in the way of what he was trying to do. He was actively trying to slip Lucas' pulsing length into his lips. It was his interpretation of what the tiger wanted. But then that wasn't what Lucas had in mind.

Just as Calvin was about to begin, he was stopped. The tiger stepped back and arched his back, unpinning the bobcat's head under his gut. As soon as he was free, the smaller feline tipped himself back to peer up out from under his boyfriend's stomach. It took him leaning back quite a ways to finally see Lucas' face. There he spotted a wry grin and a gesture with one of the big fellow's paws, directing him to turn around. Calvin gulped quietly, his form beginning to tremble, as he came to understand what it was the defensive tackle wanted from him.

The bobcat climbed back to his paws and turned around, then leaned forward over the table. His little stubby tail twitched about. Had it been any longer, he might have felt it necessary to lift it out of the way, but such was not needed. The tiger stepped in close, making the warmth of his presence spill across the smaller fellow's back. His stomach weighed down on top of Calvin, making him tremble that much more. It was only in part because of anticipation. It was also because the big fellow's belly was just that heavy, forcing him to strain to try and hold it up. He wouldn't need to work too hard in a moment.

The throbbing mast that had almost seen the bobcat's oral affections mashed against the smaller feline's rump. Lucas growled low in his throat, already relishing the contact. He reached down past his squirming middle and took hold of his lover's hips. He knew just what the little guy liked, and he was going to give it to him. The tiger bucked forward, letting the head of his length pop in under Calvin's tail. It was quite a stretch the smaller fellow had to accommodate, but it wasn't the first time he had done it. Each and every time, Lucas worried he was hurting him, but he never once heard a complaint rise out of the bobcat.

What he did hear was a long, loud yowl. Calvin's toes splayed across the short carpeting underneath. His fingers spread wide across the map the group had been using to play, desperate to find something for him to gain purchase on. He wouldn't find anything. Instead, the table itself stopped his forward motion as Lucas pushed him towards it. With the bobcat neatly pressed into a place he couldn't slip out of, the tiger's length sank deeper. There was nothing Calvin could do to help. He was trapped. And he could scarcely find the words to articulate just how much he loved it.

A grand lump formed in the bobcat's stomach, growing larger and larger with every step the striped feline took. A quiet, wet sound came from between them as every inch of the big mast disappeared into the rather stretchy yet diminutive fellow's grasp. The walls wrapped tight around the grand intruder and undulated away, massaging the foreign object. Every detail of the tiger's rod dragged against the smaller cat's interior. Calvin knew them all.

Soon, Lucas' forward motion stopped. His hips came to rest against the bobcat's rear, leaving no air between the two of them. The entire monster was buried in the little cat, and he was drooling, almost able to taste it. He could swear he could feel it pushing up into his throat. Such a thing would have been impressive, but then it would mean he wouldn't have near the chance of containing the tiger's capacious unleashing. With what little processing power he had available to him, Calvin counted his blessings that his boyfriend didn't reach quite that far into him.

"Mmm, just as tight as always. How are you enjoying feeling your friends squirming around on top of you while you ride?" Lucas asked, putting on his best bully voice.

It was a little more difficult to stay in character at the moment. Neither of them had managed to pull this off before. A full belly and a warm bobcat rump wrapped around him was a combination Lucas wasn't sure he'd get to try out. Calvin was unable to properly respond. He just moaned and mewled pitifully, squirming along with the three hidden away in the gut keeping him pinned on the table. He wouldn't be able to tell his boyfriend how much he was adoring this until after it was over and he had caught his breath.

The fact that Lucas had not heard the bobcat say anything about stopping encouraged the big cat, permitting him to carry on. He grinned and pulled himself back, needing to grip the smaller fellow's hips to accomplish the task. He could have just left him on his shaft, right where he was, then walked around the room with Calvin dangling under his fat, writhing stomach. He was tempted to try that, but it might be best to attempt it when he wasn't so heavily laden. He didn't know how much of a strain it was putting on the bobcat's spine.

When the void left behind by the enormous shaft eventually came, resulting in a room-filling slurp, Calvin whined and worked his legs about, trying to find reason to keep Lucas from escaping. The growing part of him that was left empty strengthened the sense of desire to push back down on the departing rod. He couldn't let it get away. He needed it, all of it, inside him. Thankfully, the backward progress stopped at what he assumed was halfway down the massive shaft. There, the bobcat was left to wriggle away, trying desperately to return the huge thing back to the world of his environs.

Lucas left his boyfriend to complain and fidget, delighting in how needy he was being. He could only assume how badly Calvin had gotten hooked on the stretch and swell he could give him. The stories of his life before college were certainly spicier than the tiger's, but by the bobcat's own admission, he had never bedded anyone nearly as big as Lucas. It gave the big jock a certain sense of satisfaction. After drinking in Calvin's complaints of emptiness and efforts to push back down on him for a few moments, the tiger decided to end his 'pain'. He dragged himself forward with a firm jerk.

It was a stern enough motion that it sent his scrotum swinging forward. It slapped the bobcat's stomach with enough force that it could have knocked the wind out of him. Thankfully, Calvin had his boyfriend's monster shaft stretching his abdomen to protect him from the blow. It did however make the feline's eyes bulge. Though it was difficult to tell if it was the blow from the tiger's sac, or the sudden re-entry. Both could have done the trick.

That was only the first good pump Calvin would be made to endure. Soon, the sound of the generous member slurping its way back out of him filled the room, only to be followed by the wet slap of flesh meeting flesh again. Those two sounds repeated again and again, filling the room with their lewd echoes. The bobcat's voice joined the soundtrack as he was rocked about, his breath stolen away each time Lucas shoved back into him. He huffed and gasped, letting out a cry of elation whenever he could manage it. The tiger meanwhile simply growled and humped, rutting away into his little kitty.

"Gonna be hard... ta make it last... with these three... bouncing away... in there." Lucas said between grunts.

His answer was another yowl from the bobcat. Calvin wasn't bothering to control himself. He thrashed about as much as the giant gut atop him would let him. His own length was twitching away, pulsing with intense strength. He was nearly to the end of it, and he didn't care. So long as he got his usual filling, he would be satisfied. He didn't have to wait long.

A roar filled the room as Lucas slammed home one last time. A powerful gush gave the bobcat's stomach reason to stretch further. Calvin practically screamed as his own length spasmed and made its mess under him. Pump after hearty pump saw the smaller cat's belly surge outward little by little, swelling until he was able to feel it pressing lightly against his thighs. By the time the growth had stopped, Calvin's belly swayed and sloshed under him, creaking and groaning as it was made to hold so much, just like always.

Lucas grunted and stepped back away from the table, slowly pulling the bobcat off him. The lewd slurp that it created was all that could be heard now. As soon as he popped free, Calvin moaned and slumped to the floor. The smaller feline held his stomach and panted for breath. His shirt was stretched by his new tummy, distorting the mascot printed across the front. He looked down and marveled at the bulge, feeling over it as it gave under pressure. The sensation that brought left him shivering.

"I... I don't know... how you do it... I think... I'm even bigger... than last time." Calvin said breathlessly.

"My secret?" Lucas replied "I stuff a few nerds like you in my balls from time to time, melt'em down so I can shoot'em into you."

The tiger offered a wink, signaling that he was only kidding. Though now that the notion had been brought up, both wondered if that was at all a possible addition to their fun. A noisy rumble came from the striped cat's middle. It was still churning away, revealing a paw print or a distorted face from time to time. After a moment, the rumbling built up until it escaped as a loud, crass belch.

"You sound... pretty full." Calvin said.

"Yeah, sounds that way, doesn't it?" Lucas asked with a grin.

"Does that mean I'm gonna be able to escape the dragon's lair?" the bobcat replied, slowly climbing to his paws, unsteady and leaning on the table for support.

"Now what ever gave you that idea?" the tiger shot back.

Lucas reached out and gripped the bobcat by the scruff of his neck. With almost no effort, he hoisted his bloated boyfriend off the ground and brought him to rest on top of his belly. The whole way, Calvin curled his legs up, looking a bit like a kitten being carried by its mother. It was an adorable response to the 'manhandling' that the tiger couldn't get enough of. He leaned down and ran his tongue across the bloated dome he had given the smaller feline. The act made the bobcat shudder. He knew just how to get his little kitty riled up all over again once he was good and spent.

"Ooh god... do you really think... you've got room... in there for me too?" Calvin asked.

"I've always got room for you. Now, quiet nerd. I'm enjoying my dinner." Lucas answered.

He opened his jaws wide and began feeding the bobcat's paws in. The smaller feline squirmed, not to get away, but because he could not contain himself. The heat of the tiger's interior washed up over him, that hot breath sending a tingle up his spine. Those teeth closed in on him, ready to bite down and hold him. But they never sank in. He could feel them graze over his skin harmlessly, then press against him, but never hard enough to pierce. Lucas was always delicate with his meals.

A rumble of a belch rose up out of the big fellow, forcing a gust of hot air up over the bobcat once again. He could swear he could detect the scent of his three friends on the tiger's breath. He would be joining them soon. He and the rest of the party would be sealed up in his boyfriend's middle. The notion forced a pathetic mewl out of the bobcat. He hadn't even noticed that his legs had sunk in all the way up to his hips during that release of pressure. There was a very warm, very moist grasp wrapped around his groin now, and it left the smaller cat shuddering. His swollen tummy was pumping against Lucas' nose. The glutton was making good on his promise.

Squirms from down below prompted the tiger to grope at his stuffed belly, feeling over where he felt the three other boys pushing out from inside of him. It was a distraction, a lovely one, but a distraction none the less. He brought his focus back to Calvin and tried his best to hold it there, no matter how badly he wanted to fawn over his huge stomach. It would be a good bit bigger in just a moment, and he would have all the time in the world to enjoy it then. He snaked his rough tongue out and cupped it under the bobcat's rump. The act forced a sharp intake of breath from the tired, gurgling kitty.

That was something Calvin enjoyed seeing more attention directed to. Were it another night, without Greg, Rick, and Mark, he might have insisted his big stripy cat let him sit there in his jaws and be fondled. But they'd already perhaps done a bit too much for the preference of at least two of those already eaten. Rick probably had been cheering them on and he just didn't hear it. The brief, single little lick would have to do. The opportunity to continue lapping at the bobcat's well-used backside passed as Lucas swallowed. The sound of his throat dragging the smaller feline in drifted through the room, to say nothing of how quickly it was picked up by the three down below.

A new squirming claimed the tiger's middle. They were all struggling to make room. Mark had been first, so he knew the dangers of another being added to the group better than the other two, though Greg had learned that lesson a little as well. They took up their positions and waited as Calvin's rounded stomach was squeezed into the tiger's throat. With that pressure and the constant motion of muscle dragging him deeper, the bobcat's eyes crossed and a breathy moan passed his lips. He was lost to the pleasure of being eaten. And his tiger knew how much he loved it.

Lucas reached up and gripped his boyfriend's shoulders with both paws. With better than half of him trapped now, he didn't have to worry about the embarrassment of letting his boyfriend accidentally fall out of his mouth. The plump, sloshing tummy he gave Calvin worked very well as a sort of cork, one he would stuff down in a few moments.

With a stout twist, he rotated the bobcat lodged in his throat. Now, Calvin was no longer facing the tiger's muzzle, he was looking away from it. That would permit him a slightly more comfortable time on the way down. It also meant when he looked back up through the big cat's jaws, the tongue would be on the right side.

Calvin's arms were tucked in on either side of him, stuffed into the possessive gullet that wanted to claim him completely. And it was doing a pretty good job of it so far. A steady series of smaller swallows pulled the bobcat down little by little, making him gasp and groan each time his belly was compressed and squeezed along. Soon, his shoulders were resting just within Lucas' lips and he was panting.

"I... I didn't expect... tonight to... go this way." Calvin said.

He didn't expect a response either. It was rude for someone to talk with their mouth full after all, and Lucas certainly had quite a lot in there. A paw reached up and stroked along the side of the bobcat's cheek, bringing him to nuzzle back against the palm. Then it shifted position to pressing against his nose. The tiger pushed on his boyfriend, slurping him up until he could feel the smaller fellow's chin resting on his tongue. There was the view Calvin had been waiting to see; the last glimpse of the world beyond framed in those all too familiar jaws.

One last shiver raced up the bobcat's spine just before Lucas closed his mouth, pushed with his tongue to ease the bloated feline to the back of his throat, then gulped. That was the last of Calvin, nothing more than a lump in the tiger's throat. That lump slid downward, vanished into the football player's chest, then added to the mass in his gut.

The huge dome surged outward once more as the three already present greeted the last member of their group. They had been wise to make room, finding the bobcat's new belly to be an 'interesting addition'. There would be discussion about that while they were contained in the dark, squishy confines of the tiger. Lucas licked his lips and sighed, resting both paws on top of the enormous swell. He'd never eaten so much at once before. It was usually just Calvin, swollen or not. Now, he had four in there, and his stomach was angry at him.

There was a profound sense of discomfort, a powerful complaint that he had overindulged. It had been building ever since he swallowed Greg, his second course in this banquette. Each addition compounded that bellyache, and he was absolutely loving it. A new belch rumbled up his throat and escaped, shaking the walls of the room. The deed done, Lucas shuffled his way back to where he had been sitting, which was a big, comfortable love seat. Usually he shared it with Calvin, regardless of whether or not the cat was in his lap or in his gut. Now, it was being put to the test.

"Ooof, and there we have it. All four members of the party were eaten by the dragon." Lucas said, reclining a bit in his chair.

"Ya know, even though we got eaten and everyone died in game, I really enjoyed this session." Mark said.

"Yeah, probably the most fun I've had dealing with a party wipe." Greg added.

A deep, reverberating chuckle surrounded the group. Calvin usually found the sound to be comforting. Mark and Greg were a little startled by it. Rick meanwhile was simply basking in what was very nearly his idea of heaven. The bobcat reached out and pressed a paw against the slick chamber wall pressing him against his three friends, waiting for the tiger to explain what had amused him.

"What makes you think you're all dead?" Lucas asked.

"Well... we've been eaten. That kind of comes with a certain finality. Eventually, we're gonna run out of mana so we won't be able to keep casting resist-acid and healing spells. After that, we start taking damage. Our clothing and armor melts away and we take even more damage. And then, eventually, we die. It's how digestion works." Mark explained.

"Oh yeah? You think so? Well let me just give you the closer I've been waiting to use." the tiger replied.

"You've been waiting to use?" Greg asked, "You've been planning this whole campaign to end with us all getting eaten, haven't you? You said earlier you were gonna eat something more substantial. I guess we qualify."

"Just settle down in there and lemme finish the game for us. I'm gonna hafta modify it just a little bit because Rick decided to change the game on me," Lucas said, cleared his throat, then continued, "All four of your party have been eaten by the big, gluttonous dragon. He lies down on his back. His enormous, very satisfied stomach stands up on top of him. Thanks to the silver-tongued bard, he wasn't nearly as interested in giving up this feeling as he had been when he started eating everyone. His priorities shift and he plans a different fate for the four adventurers sealed away in his belly. The group was never heard from again, but while rumors circulated about how they had perished, they had in fact survived. The dragon permitted them to continue to live on, squirming about in his bloated, greedy gut, keeping him full and pleasured for the rest of all their days. And thanks to the dragon's nature, there were quite a few days to be spent under his scales."

There came a soft applause from under the tiger's fur as the group approved of his storytelling ability. He massaged his bloated gut, turning to laze across his chair from arm to arm. He more than filled up the love seat now. The change in posture shifted the boys around in his middle, giving him a turn to feel a shudder run up his spine.

"So that was the plan all along," Mark said loudly, almost as if he was complaining, but the tone wasn't quite right for it, "You made a monster so strong we couldn't beat him, all so you could have him eat us, and then you would do the same."

"Yeah, we were his 'snack'." Calvin said.

A hearty burp shook the over-filled chamber, causing it to compress in against them a little more. The pressure of the defensive tackle's paws mashing in against the group resumed.

"You caught me. I had planned to eat you all by the end of the game all along." Lucas said.

"Pretty sneaky, pretending that you would 'just eat later'." Rick chimed in.

"Oh, actually... I didn't know if I was gonna be able to pull this off. None of you said no, so I just pushed forward with it. If you hadn't agreed, I had a backup plan for dinner." the tiger replied.

In that moment, the doorbell rang, prompting the big cat to groan and climb to his paws. It was a bit of a struggle with the added bulk and weight. He thought he could handle all four with the same ease he had with just Calvin, but he was sorely mistaken. And he was quite enjoying it. The bloated tiger waddled his way to the door and opened it. His vast stomach was the first thing the wolf standing outside happened to see. His 'A/V CLUB' shirt was too bunched up against his chest at this point to really be legible. Had the four inside his stomach been able to see it, they would have understood why Lucas had worn it--to signify that he was acting as their 'clubhouse' now. The lupine let his gaze wander up to meet the cat's, slightly in awe of his size.

"Um... I've got an order for... Mr. Lucas Hobbes?" the wolf asked.

"Yeah, that's me. It's what... twenty-eight fifty?" the tiger asked, pushing a folded up stack of bills into the wolf's paws.

"Yeah, um... lemme run back to the car to make change real quick." the delivery fellow said, holding out the three large pizzas Lucas had ordered.

"Nah, just keep it. You're actually earlier than I expected." the tiger said, giving the lupine a good looking over.

"Oh, thanks," the wolf said, then leaned to one side to peer in at the table where the group had been playing, "Hey, you gettin' ready to have like a game night or somethin'?"

Lucas grinned broadly as he stepped aside to permit a better view of the setup. It wasn't in the best condition, largely thanks to his railing of Calvin before devouring him.

"You've got sharp eyes. You like 'Castles and Creatures'?" the tiger asked.

"Yeah. Don't get to play it very often since it's hard to find a group that meets regularly." the wolf said.

"Well, you're in luck! Come on in!" Lucas said rather enthusiastically, licking his lips as soon as he was sure the delivery wolf wasn't looking.

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