Friends and Lovers

Story by Kiyofox on SoFurry

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[A Companion's Heart](%5C)

Friends and Lovers

[Companions Forever](%5C)

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All characters and storyline ©2010 Elton M. Glover.


Friends and Lovers


Elton M. Glover

Chapter 1

Karson eyed the clock, which read 6:25, and knew that she would be home any minute. He sat patiently on the couch and attempted to read the newspaper, but found that he could not concentrate. As he started to read (for the second time) the article on a consumer goods company that specialized in Companion products, he heard the jingle of keys in the lock. He quickly folded the paper and stood with his tail wagging for his roommate and lover to walk through the door.

Rachel shuffled in with a plastic bag of take out in one hand and a stack of office papers in the other. She kicked the door close and her face broke into a smile as she faced Karson. She held out the plastic bag to him.

"Hey sweetie! Would you take care of that for me? I am going to change out of my work clothes real quick!"

"Of course, Rachel."

Karson took the bag, but not before leaning up to give her a kiss. Rachel scurried back to her room to change while he unpacked the dinner. By the time she emerged in jeans and a t-shirt, he had everything all set including drinks. Rachel joined him at the table.

"Thanks Kar. So glad it is Friday. Sorry about the take out again this week, but I figured it would be faster this way so we can get on the road sooner."

Karson smiled and took a bite of his sub. "It's all right; I'm excited to get out of town actually. I have not been out of the city in quite some time."

"Oh, right," Rachel said as she picked up her own sub. "The farm was it? I bet that was nice, but trust me you'll like my hometown. I can show you all the places I used to go when I was growing up."

"I certainly look forward to it."

They finished the dinner quickly and Karson helped Rachel pack; he had already finished earlier that day. They each had a single suitcase and chose to carry a light jacket. Since it was already April, the weather was relatively calm and warm. Karson followed Rachel out of the apartment as they made their way down to the car.

After the suitcases were stowed in the trunk, Rachel briefly pulled Karson into her arms. He giggled lightly as she snuggled against his cheek, and the two shared an intimate kiss. Rachel stroked his ears in that tender way she used to show her affection.

"I'm excited Kar! But I'm also kind of nervous. I have not brought a guy home in years!" They both shared a laugh at her statement. Her tone turned serious for a moment. "Are you ready for this? I don't think my parents really know that we are...well, you know. But if things get weird I just want to say that I love you no matter what, okay?"

Karson returned her gaze and grasped her hand. "Don't worry Rachel, things will be fine. Just for the record, you know that I will always love you no matter what." With both having said their peace, the two kissed again and hopped in the car.

"Riverside here we come!" Rachel declared as she made her way to the expressway.

Four hours and a couple of rest stops later, Rachel exited the freeway and drove down the familiar Ohio streets of her childhood. She pointed out a landmark here and there to Karson as they passed, such as the corner that used to be her favorite spot in summertime to get a Popsicle. The corner had long ago become a quick mart peddling cheap coffee and cigarettes.

As they turned down the last street, Rachel slowed to try and observe what changes had taken place over the last 2 years since she had visited. That Christmas seemed like a lifetime ago and it was before her doomed relationship with Tony. The thought flashed through her mind that if she had not gone through that breakup, Karson would not be with her right now. Rachel gave up trying to take in all the subtle changes to her neighborhood in the dark, and finally turned into the drive of her parents' house.

Karson waved to Rachel's mother Vanessa, who stood on the front porch as they exited the car. She waited a brief moment for the visitors to stretch before she met them halfway up the walk. It occurred to Karson just how much Rachel looked like her mother, save for the gray hair and age lines.

"Rachel! I'm so glad you made it." She briefly hugged her daughter before turning her attention to Karson. "It is so nice to finally meet you Karson," she said and hugged him as only a mother could. His tail wagged instantly at her firm embrace.

"It is very nice to meet you as well, Mrs. Nolan."

She laughed and put her hand on his arm. "Oh, stop it Karson. You can just call me Vanessa."

Rachel started to turn back to the car. "I'll just grab our bags-"

"Come on Rach, the bags are not going anywhere. Come inside and say hello to your father first. Besides you need to introduce your Companion. You know how distracted he can be." Vanessa took Karson by the hand and led him up the walkway back to the porch. "Would you like something to drink, Karson? I was just setting a pot of water for some tea. Rachel tells me that you enjoy some from time to time."

"Yes, that would be lovely, thank you." Vanessa engaged the Companion in more small talk as they made their way in the front door. Rachel paused briefly, inhaled deeply, and looked up at the starry sky as she exhaled.

"It's good to be home," she said and entered the house.

Rachel closed the door just as Karson was answering a question from her mother. "No, this is the first time I've been to Ohio."

"Ah, okay. Well, I'm sure you will enjoy it. Thankfully, the weekend is supposed to have very nice weather. It would be a great opportunity to get out for some fresh air." The rising pitch of the kettle sounded from the kitchen. "The water is ready! Excuse me." As Vanessa shuffled off, she made a significant gesture to her daughter in the direction of the den.

Rachel took Karson by the hand and led him to the doorway opposite the kitchen, across the room from the front door. "Come on, it's time to go say hi to Dad. I have to warn you though, he is a big fan of those crime scene shows, so don't take it too personally if he is distracted." They walked down the three steps leading into the most stereotypical den imaginable.

Off to one side were a small fireplace and two simple, well-worn padded chairs with a square coffee table between. On the other side of the room, Rachel's father sat in an old, but sturdy, leather recliner with remote in one hand and soda can in the other. The chair faced away from the doorway, and her father was watching the not-so-small TV display. Rachel took note that the channel changed every few seconds, and considered it the right time to make the introductions since she knew her father was not currently engaged in a show.

"Hey Dad, we're here!"

He rose slightly from his chair to turn around, and the pair could clearly see his face crease in a smile. "Rachel! Come here and give your Daddy a kiss."

She walked over and stooped to hug and kiss her father. "Dad, I'd like you to meet someone. This is Karson, the Companion I adopted last year." Her father got up from the chair and stood in front of them. Karson extended his hand in greeting.

"It is very nice to meet you Mr. Nolan."

"Gary. You can call me Gary." He took Karson's hand in a firm, almost crushing handshake. He pumped his hand a couple of times before letting go. "Nice to meet you. Welcome to Riverside. You're a second gen right? Haven't seen one of you in a while."

"Dad used to be a car salesman," Rachel commented.

"Yep. Sold plenty of iron to folks with Companions. Always asking if the upholstery could handle fur and claws."

"Karson dear, the tea is ready. Would you like to join me in the kitchen for a cup?" Vanessa stood at the threshold of the den. "It's just through here. You can tell me all about your trip." Karson looked briefly at Rachel, who gave him a reassuring smile in return.

"Of course, Vanessa," he said as he went into the other room with her.

When Karson left Rachel and her father alone, Gary sat back down in his chair. He resumed flipping through channels and took a sip of his soda. Rachel stood for a moment before sitting down on the couch next to the recliner. She watched her father flip through a few more channels before she prompted him.


"Well, what?" He said and took another sip.

"Aren't you going to ask about Karson?"

Gary shrugged. "Why should I? You are free to do whatever you like."

Rachel sighed. "Not now, Daddy. It's been nearly 10 years since I moved out, and I don't feel like having this conversation again. It would really mean a lot to me for you to like Karson. Don't let our past get in the way."

Gary turned off the TV before turning to his daughter. "Rachel, listen. I know it was a long time ago. I am okay with it now, really. I just wanted to give you as much opportunity as I could, but you should know by now that I respect you for wanting to make your own way through life. I'm always proud of your accomplishments, whatever they may be. If you want to add a Companion to your life, who am I to stop you?"

Rachel smiled, "Alright, point taken. But really Dad, Karson is special to me. I just would really like for you two to get along. Trust me; he is one hundred times more interesting than Tony."

Gary laughed before replying, "Well, I should hope so! From what your mother told me, he sounded like a pompous jackass. Glad I never had to meet him."

"Well, anyway, be nice to Karson. He is...different, but in a good way."

He nodded. "Okay, if it will make my little girl happy."

She leaned over and kissed her father. "Thanks Dad."

Chapter 2

"I'm so glad you two could finally visit," Vanessa said as she stirred her tea. Karson took a sip of his own, which was an accomplishment in itself since she did not have any Companion style cups.

"I agree. Rachel had been talking about it for some time, but I told her we would never make it out here unless we did it instead of planning it." They shared a laugh.

"Do you have any specific plans while you are in town? I thought maybe I'd make us all dinner tomorrow evening?" Vanessa raised her eyebrows hopefully.

"I'm sure that would be just fine. Rachel had mentioned maybe a trip to the zoo tomorrow. She said something about showing me some of her favorite spots as a child. Really, I'm just along for the ride so to speak." Karson grinned and took another sip of tea. "This is really nice. Did you add lemon?"

"Yes, I thought it complimented the tea very well. Just add a drop of honey and it is perfect." The two sat quietly for a moment enjoying their tea. Vanessa got up from the table briefly and pulled out a binder from a hidden corner. She returned to the table and pushed the book across to Karson.

"I was waiting for you to visit so I could show you this."

Karson looked at the binder, which was well worn with age. "What is it?"

"It's an old photo album I keep with pictures of Rachel, along with other things. I thought you might be interested in seeing it. Go ahead, take a look." Vanessa smiled as she watched the Companion reverently open the binder.

The first picture that greeted him was Rachel's baby picture. She was wrapped in a white blanket and wore the cutest expression. Karson traced a finger over the photo, which did not escape Vanessa's notice as she watched him over her cup of tea. He flipped through page after page and she filled him in on the details of where and when the photos were taken.

Karson was up to Rachel's high school period when she came strolling into the kitchen. She walked past the table and retrieved a drink from the refrigerator before sitting down next to Karson. Glancing at the current page, she laughed at the picture of her standing in a group of classmates at a bowling alley.

"Wow that was so long ago! I remember I used to go hang out at the lanes every Saturday afternoon. All the preppies went to the mall, and all the misfits went bowling. I can't believe you kept all of these pictures, Mom."

"Ah well, you know how mothers can be."

Rachel shared a few stories that belonged to some of the pictures for Karson, and the three at the table enjoyed reminiscing. After the page with Rachel in her college cap and gown, Karson came across a familiar picture. It was the photo from his first weekend with Rachel. He could hardly believe it had nearly been a year since it was taken.

Karson looked at the photo for a moment and then looked at Rachel. She returned his gaze with a secret glint in her eye and grasped his hand under the table. This also did not escape Vanessa's notice, as Rachel leaned closer to him.

"I remember that day. Those clothes suited you so well, Kar." She turned to her mother and said, "Do you have all the photos I sent you in here too?" Vanessa nodded.

Karson started to turn past the page that had the photo from his birthday where Rachel was kissing him. Vanessa commented quickly, "That is one of my favorites you know." Rachel pulled the page back.

"Oh, I forgot I had even sent you that one," she commented to herself. Karson shifted in his seat. Vanessa giggled in an all-knowing way. Rachel looked at her mother. "What?"

"Rachel honey, you don't have to pretend. It's pretty plain to see even as I sit here. So how long has this been going on, hm?" She smiled at Karson who was looking decidedly nervous. He knew the subject would come up sooner or later, he just did not expect it to be quite so soon. Karson cleared his throat and plucked up his courage.

"Mrs. Nolan, I just want to say that Rachel-"

"Please call me Vanessa, Karson. I just think it is adorable that is all. I don't want to poke my nose into your business, but I'm your mother after all. Does anyone else know?"

Rachel blushed, and said in that not in front of my boyfriend voice, "Mom..."

"Oh all right, you can tell me about it some other time. I will not embarrass you in front of such a gentleman as Karson." The Companion relaxed slightly and Rachel blew out a sigh of relief. Vanessa yawned suddenly and said, "Excuse me! I did not realize what time it is. I need to get your father to bed or he will spend all night flipping through channels. I went ahead and made up your room. I will probably make breakfast around 8:30 or so, if you are up around then."

She rose from the table and hugged her daughter. "I'm so glad to see you." She leaned over and hugged Karson as well. "And you too, Karson. Have a good night, and I'll see you in the morning." Vanessa ambled her way into the den and they heard her address Gary. "Come on lazy bones, let's get to bed."

Rachel and Karson sat quietly at the table for a few minutes, listening to her parents go upstairs and get settled. The house was suddenly very still. Karson grasped Rachel's hand and squeezed. She returned his gaze and traced a finger through the fur of his arm.

After a moment, Rachel barely spoke above a whisper. "Would you like to see my old room?" She squeezed his hand and gave him a wink, and he knew that she was implying more than just sleep. He grinned in return and nodded his head slowly. Rachel jerked her head towards the stairs, and the two quietly crept through the house to the second floor.

She pushed open the door of the small bedroom on the opposite end of the hallway from the master bedroom. It was the typical single child's bedroom with a four-poster bed, chest of drawers, a sitting table with mirror, wide closet, bedside table and various other accoutrements. Rachel pushed Karson in first, and closed the door behind them as she turned on the light.

Karson gazed around soaking in all the details. The majority of the room had been stripped of Rachel's personal possessions, but much of the furniture was unchanged. There were even a few of her old stuffed toys sitting on the bed in front of the two large fluffy pillows. He walked over and picked up a worn and lopsided teddy bear. Rachel giggled slightly as he pressed his nose against the bear and inhaled. Karson closed his eyes and smiled.

"This bear has your scent. I'm guessing he was your favorite?"

Rachel came over and plucked the bear out of his grasp and hugged the plush. "Yeah, I can't believe this poor little guy is still around. I had him since I was about 8 years old, used to call him Mr. Cuddles." She hugged the bear once more before depositing him on the bed and turning back to Karson. "But now I have a new Mr. Cuddles. Or maybe I should spell cuddles with a K?"

Rachel traced a finger around the back of Karson's left ear, and he did not wait to find out what she would do next. He clutched her waist and began kissing the crook of her neck. She responded to his attentions by running her fingers through the fur on the back of his neck and hugging him close. She nibbled on one of his ear tips and mumbled, "Does this mean you feel like cuddling?"

"I think I could manage," he said between kisses.

Rachel pushed him away gently and said, "Hold that thought."

She quickly pushed the plush toys off the bed and pulled down the covers before clicking off the light. In two quick motions, she stripped down to her underwear and hopped onto the bed. She pulled a knee up seductively and curled her finger in a come here motion. Just as quickly, Karson shed his clothing and crawled up next to her.

She pushed him down and combed her fingers through the thick fur of his chest. Karson closed his eyes and sighed happily. "I love it when you do that," he whispered. Rachel giggled lightly and pressed her lips against his in a tender and lingering kiss.

When she broke the kiss, she said, "I know you do, lover. That is why I do it." She leaned down and nuzzled into his neck, which allowed Karson to gently nibble on her ear. Rachel murmured, "I hope you know what you are doing, Romeo." She did not use her pet name for Karson very much, but ever since their first time together it had come to hold a special meaning for the both of them.

"Of course I know what I'm doing," he replied slyly. She moaned softly into his neck fur and Karson felt her hand roam lower. He squirmed as she fondled him intimately.

Muffled by his fur, she said, "Well, as long as we are both clear on our intentions." He nodded wordlessly and ran his hands over her shoulders. Rachel's face was still buried in his neck ruff as her other hand found his tail. Karson let the faintest whine escape his throat as she expertly tickled just the right spots in front and back.

Rachel finally raised her head from her nuzzling and looked into Karson's face. She clearly read the expression of want and she was all too happy to satisfy him. Over the few months the two had been sleeping together, they came to know each other's tendencies in their lovemaking. When Rachel straddled Karson's stomach he knew exactly what to do next, and the two burrowed under the covers as they made love.

The two drew out their lovemaking session, letting their passion smolder rather than ending in a quick flash. They lay together when they finished, with Rachel clutching Karson in her arms much the way she once held her teddy bear. She randomly traced her finger through various patches of fur on his head. Karson was nuzzled against her chest with his eyes closed.

"Have I ever told you that you are the most passionate person I have ever known?"

"Yes, but not lately." Karson's hand stroked the side of her naked hip.

"Well, it is true. Even in the heat of lovemaking, you have the most tender and gentle touch. There are times when it feels like our two souls merge. I've never known that feeling with anyone else. You really are special Karson; I just wanted to tell you that." She emphasized her sentiment by placing a firm kiss on his forehead.

"You mean the world to me, Rachel. I love you more than I will ever be able to express with words." Karson snuggled up closer to her.

She smiled in the darkness and squeezed him. "I know lover, I feel the same way."

The two drifted off to sleep in the comfort of each other's arms.

Chapter 3

Karson's nose twitched as it was greeted with the most wonderful aroma. He yawned and stretched, but his eyes snapped open when he found himself alone in the bed. He looked around the room and saw that their suitcases had been brought in. Quickly, Karson rose and pulled out a shirt and a pair of shorts and got dressed.

He stopped in the bathroom before heading back downstairs to the kitchen and the enticing smells of breakfast. His keen hearing picked up the strands of conversation between Rachel and her mother.

"Well, maybe he should try to get published?"

"That is what I said too, but you know how hard it is for people to take Companions seriously. It is hard enough for people to not treat them like...pets!"

There was a clink from silverware hitting a plate. Karson stood still and waited to hear the next comment. "That is true, but what about a pen name? People have been writing that way for hundreds of years. Also, you could just pretend you're his agent?"

Rachel commented, "Hm, I had not thought of that. Anyway, I'll send you a link of one of the articles he wrote." She giggled softly and added, "Not only is he the smartest person I know, but he is also the cutest. You would die if you saw the way his tongue pokes out when he is sleeping! It is the most adorable thing-Oh! Good morning Karson."

Karson strolled into the kitchen and sat down at the table next to Rachel. He smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss on the cheek. "Whatever you are making smells wonderful, Vanessa."

"Why thank you Karson. It's just simple bacon and eggs with some toast. We also have some orange juice, would you like a glass?"

"Yes, thank you," Karson replied. He turned to Rachel but addressed both women. "So what other cute things have you told your mother about me?"

Rachel blushed slightly but answered playfully, "Oh you know, the usual. Like how you snore in your sleep, and how you have to turn around three times before you lay down. Also, how you like to chase your know normal boyfriend stuff."

Karson laughed lightly and poked her in the side, "Uh huh. But what if I mentioned how you have terrible table manners and you snore as well?"

This time Vanessa was the one to laugh. "Karson, honey, I've known that since Rach was five years old!"

His ears laid back in embarrassment as his comment backfired, but Rachel thought it was cute. "Aw, don't worry about it Kar. Wait till you taste the way Mom makes her eggs. That will cheer you up." She was already eating another bite of her almost finished breakfast when Vanessa placed a loaded plate in front of him.

He sniffed the meal and grinned at Vanessa. Karson took a mouthful of eggs and chewed enthusiastically. "Yummy!" She winked at him and went back to fixing her own plate.

"So I was going to take Karson to the zoo, but I don't think we will be there all day. I also wanted to take a drive by the old high school. What time were you planning dinner?" Rachel finished shoveling the remainder of her food into her mouth as her mother replied.

"I usually plan for 6pm; your father has gotten used to that schedule. I'll make chicken and dumplings since this is a special occasion."

Rachel's face lit up at the mention of her mother's dish. "Oh, you are in for a treat!" Karson nodded and continued his wonderful tasting breakfast.

After breakfast was finished, Rachel left with Karson for the Columbus Zoo. They arrived an hour later and parked before making their way to the main entrance. Since it was early on a Saturday, there were many families there with children and a surprising number of Companions as well. Karson was glad that he would not be the only one there, although he did notice that leashes led the majority of them.

Rachel simply refused to lead Karson around on a leash, not even for the sake of pretense that she was his Guardian. Karson did not mind, but there were occasions where he still felt awkward not having it on. Today, however, was not one of those days. He followed Rachel through the turnstile with a happy smile on his face as she led him to the giant marquee with a map of the zoo.

"I have not been here in so long, but it doesn't look like much has changed. The lions are still in the same place, as well as the elephants. The bears, the wolves, the apes all seem the same as ever. It does look like the aviary is larger though." She dissected the map, making a mental path to the different animals she wanted to see. Turning to Karson she asked, "Is there any exhibit in particular you'd like to check out?"

Karson shrugged and replied, "I'm not sure. I would like to check out everything, since I've only been to the zoo once before. I have of course read and seen videos of many of the animals here, but there are only a few I have seen in person." Rachel grabbed his hand and pulled him toward the nearest path.

"Well, come on then! Let's go check out the lions; they are always fun to watch. Maybe we can catch them feeding the cats." Rachel tugged him along and he could not help smiling at her enthusiasm.

Karson found the lions very interesting indeed, but they did not spend long at their location. Rachel was disappointed when she discovered feeding time would not be for another couple of hours, so she shuffled him along to the next point of interest. They briefly stopped by the cheetahs, the mountain lions, the lynx and many other varieties of large felines. When they passed into the next section of animals, Karson got a chance to see the primates up close.

He found the gorillas and the chimps fascinating. He viewed their appearance and behavior with wonder, considering that a person could make a parallel comparison between a human and a chimp much the same way they compared a Companion and a canine. Rachel noticed his scrutinizing gaze of the primates.

She leaned close to Karson and teased him. "Would you still find me attractive if I had fur like a chimp?"

Karson smiled but turned her question around. "Would you still think I was cute if I did not have fur?"

She giggled and put her arm around his shoulder. "Of course I would. I would just have to cuddle you more often to keep you warm."

He smiled and squeezed her hand. "I think I could handle that."

They moved on to the canines, which included the various foxes, and some of the numerous varieties of wolves. They stopped in front of the Gray Wolf cage and Karson read the plaque silently when Rachel suddenly stiffened and grasped his arm. She whispered loudly, "Karson, look!"

He raised his head and saw one of the wolves staring intently at him from only a few inches away from the other side of the wire barrier. The wolf did not project any threatening body language, but seemed to be curious. Karson returned the stare for a moment and then lowered his gaze and laid back his ears in a submissive display. The wolf sniffed the air with its ears cocked forward. When Karson met its gaze once more, the wolf lay down next to the barrier and rolled over exposing its throat and belly. The Companion could clearly see that it was a female wolf. He backed up slowly and moved away from the cage pulling Rachel with him.

Rachel watched the exchange in awed silence and followed Karson as he shuffled a fair distance away. As he moved by, the wolf walked as far as the cage would allow her, and she huffed in disappointment as Karson moved past her point of view. Rachel squeezed Karson's arm when they were at the next cage.

"What was all that?" She sounded a little unsettled.

"I'm not sure; I've never seen anything like that happen before." Karson seemed to ponder his own actions, and commented further in a slightly embarrassed tone. "Don't take this the wrong way Rachel, but that was a female wolf. I think she was showing submission to me."

Rachel stifled a giggle. "Oh, really? A femme wolf interested in you? You really are cute if a wild wolf is attracted to you."

Karson kissed Rachel's hand and responded, "Don't worry, she is not my type."

She continued to tease her mate. "Just what is your type, hm?"

The Companion poked her in the stomach playfully. "Someone who likes me for my mind, not just my body. That wolf might have thought I was a stud, but I can't carry on a conversation with her."

Rachel made a cute smile at his response. "Smart and sexy!" The two laughed and moved on to the next section of the zoo.

They stopped in one of the many small food stations spread throughout the park for a quick snack. Karson ate the remains of his corndog as Rachel waited, since she always finished before him. She randomly offered suggestions on where they could visit once they got done. As Karson wiped his muzzle with a napkin, Rachel started to gather up the trash but Karson stood up.

"Here let me get that. You can figure out what animal we should visit next." He took the tray with the trash and headed for one of the bins at the edge of the tables. In a corner of the patio a small group of teenagers sat laughing. One of them, a boy about 16, held up a tennis ball and shouted at Karson. "Hey boy! Want to get the ball? Huh? Wanna get it?" He waved the ball like he was going to throw it for him to fetch.

The statement was lost on Karson as he walked by ignoring the boy, not knowing that the comment was directed at him. He cleared his tray of trash, deposited it on top of the bin and had already turned back toward Rachel when the boy shouted again even louder. "Hey! Doggie, I'm talking to you."

Karson blinked and turned to the boy now that he got his attention. The boy pulled a silly face with a stupid grin and bounced the ball several times on the table. "Want the ball?" The rest of the teenagers at the table broke out in fits of laughter when Karson stared at the boy with a questioning look. The boy pointed and said, "The ball? I thought all dogs liked to play fetch?" The boy stood up and tossed the ball past Karson. "Go fetch boy!"

Karson showed no response to the boy's action and simply glanced as the ball went bouncing past him. The table full of teenagers erupted in laughter as the boy looked irritated that the Companion had not fallen for his intended joke. Karson blinked and simply said, "Excuse me," before he walked toward Rachel again.

The boy's face turned crimson as he shouted at Karson. "Go fetch my ball you damn mutt!" The group of teens ooohed at his comment and Karson paused for the briefest moment. It had taken Rachel up to this point to realize what was going on, since she had been absorbed in looking over the map of the zoo. She ran up to Karson and commented quietly, "Just ignore them, come on let's go."

Just as Rachel turned, Karson caught movement out of the corner of his eye. The boy picked up his drink and hurled it in their direction. The Companion could see that it would hit Rachel, and without thinking he blocked the thrown drink. His torso was soaked as the cup crashed into him and exploded in a cascade of soda. Rachel was livid as she turned on the teenager.

"Hey you little jerk! How would you like it if I came over there and kicked your ass?" Her voice rose in volume as she took a couple of steps in the direction of the teenagers' table. She suddenly felt Karson pull on her hand.

"They are not worth it Rachel. It is fine, it is just soda. I will go to the restroom and get dried off." Rachel was steaming mad, but when she looked at Karson's face she saw his pleading look. She knew from past experiences that he did not deal well with conflict, preferring to avoid it if at all possible. The fact that Karson slipped into his formal mode of speaking was a clear indication that he was stressed. She silently counted to ten.

Turning back to the kids, who had grown uncharacteristically quiet now that an adult was yelling at them, she called out to the boy. "You are lucky I'm not in the mood for a fight. I'm still reporting you to security, so if I were you I'd leave before you get kicked out." She swiftly turned her back on the kids and escorted Karson down the walkway. Karson's keen hearing caught the comment of one of the other kids.

"Tommy you are such an asshole."

Rachel's concern grew after Karson came out of the restroom. He managed to get most of the soda dried from his shirt and fur, but he was unusually quiet...even for him. She knew from past experience that the incident affected him more than he would allow anyone to see. He tried to hide his unhappiness as he gave her a thin smile and asked, "What do you want to see next?"

"I'm not sure. I think I've had about enough of the zoo. How about we just go for a drive?" Karson did not object to the idea of leaving the zoo. He followed in silence as Rachel held his hand and led him back to the main entrance. When they were safely in the car, Rachel turned to him.

"Kar, sweetie, I'm really sorry about back there. I did not realize what was going on until it was too late. Just try not to let it get to you. All you have to do is remember that I love you, no matter what." She tenderly stroked his ears.

"I know, and it does mean a lot." He managed a small smile, but Rachel knew he was feeling depressed.

"Tell you what, after dinner I'll groom you. That usually helps you relax." He just nodded. Rachel started up the car and headed back to her hometown. Before long they drove through residential neighborhoods again, and she pointed out several places where she used to visit friends. She navigated down several streets until they pulled into the parking lot of her old high school. She marveled at how little it had changed since her attendance.

"I can hardly believe that my 20 year reunion will be in a few years."

"I never thought about any kind of reunion. I guess it would be almost 15 years for me."

Rachel laughed lightly. "Yeah but at least you don't have to see your friends married to other friends and have them ask 'Why aren't you married yet?'" She pulled a face and Karson smiled.

She patted Karson's shoulder. "Well, I think we've had enough sight seeing for one day. Let's get you home and get some dinner in your tummy; I'm sure that would make you feel better."

Karson nodded. "Yeah, I think you are right." Rachel smiled at him and headed back to her parent's home once again. She had barely closed the door as they entered the house before her mother called to her from the kitchen.

"Rachel, you may as well sit down. Dinner will be ready in just a few minutes."

"Okay Mom," she replied loud enough for her mother to hear. She turned to Karson and said, "I know you probably want to go change shirts. I promise we won't start without you." She kissed him on the cheek and watched him climb the stairs before she turned to the kitchen.

"Would you mind getting the drinks ready? I've got some tea and cold water. I'm afraid we only have diet soda."

Rachel went to the refrigerator and got out the pitcher of tea. "This will be fine. I'm sure Karson will want some water. Speaking of which, would you happen to have a straw? It is difficult for Kar to drink out of normal glasses."

"Yes, there are some in the drawer next to the knives."

By the time Vanessa had finished preparing her side dishes and set everything on the table, Karson walked into the kitchen. He had changed shirts and his expression had brightened a bit. Rachel motioned him to sit down next to her assigned seat.

"Dinner smells wonderful Vanessa, I am eager to taste your chicken and dumplings." He took a sip of water using the straw Rachel had found. The two shared a brief smile as Rachel's mother brought over a bowl loaded with biscuits.

"Thank you Karson, I look forward to your review. Gary, dinner is ready!"

A moment later, Gary ambled in and took his place to the left of Rachel, and Vanessa sat down on his left. Vanessa held out her hand to Karson. "Since you are our guest, you get the first serving."

He passed his plate and she scooped out a large portion for him. Karson waited for everyone to load up his or her plate before he took his first bite. He found the home cooked meal delicious, and in a rare instance he cleaned his plate before Rachel. She giggled at him when he held out his plate to Vanessa.

"Can I please have some more?"

Vanessa gladly took his plate and served him another helping. "Of course dear, there is plenty more."

Rachel was silently relieved when she noticed his tail wag during the meal and hoped that the day's incident would soon be forgotten. As everyone finished eating, Vanessa was commenting to Rachel about one of her neighbors who had just moved in a few weeks ago. She described the family as friendly, having talked to them on a few occasions.

"It seems like a lot of people have Companions now. There is a new family that has a Companion down the block. She is a Golden Labrador who is mainly the housekeeper for their daughter when the parents are away. They frequently get home late or sometimes have business trips to go to. I think she is a...what did they call her dear?" She addressed her question to Gary.

"Fifth gen," he supplied, "one of the new ones." He took a sip of soda before he pointed at Karson. "Her features are a lot different than Karson's. Have you ever met one of the fifths?" Gary in turn had directed his question at Karson.

"No, I have not. I have a close friend who is a second gen like me, but I do not really get much chance to go out and meet new people."

"Ah, I see. Well, anyway the fifths have shortened noses and their ears are not quite as large. Also, they don't have paws for feet. They still have tails though." Karson nodded politely, already knowing many of the details of the fifth generation Companions. He tried to stay current by reading everything the Intelligent Horizons Corporation published.

Vanessa continued her previous thread. "I was planning to go for a walk if you want to join me?"

Rachel eyed Karson briefly before replying to her mother. "Thanks Mom, but I think we will pass."

"Okay. But first, we need to have some dessert. I made an apple pie and I have some ice cream in the freezer."

Rachel smiled at her mother. "Gee whiz Mom, pulling out all the stops eh? Or are you just trying to impress my boy-err, I mean my friend?" She quickly glanced at her father hoping he would not pick up on her unintentional slip. Much to her chagrin, he had.

He cleared his throat in a business like manner, set his utensils down and swallowed his food. Rachel knew his behavior all too well and mentally cringed waiting for the inevitable question. "Rachel, is that true? Is Karson your...boyfriend?" He uttered the last word with an almost disappointed tone in his voice.

Rachel sat silent for a moment and Vanessa attempted to interject. "Gary, I was going to tell you about this later-"

He cut his wife off with a glance and addressed Rachel again. "Are you sure you want to do this? I have nothing against Karson personally, but surely you realize the implications of a relationship with a Companion?"

Rachel blurted out loudly, "I know what he is Dad!" She instantly regretted her outburst when she noticed Karson's reaction as his ears lay back and he stared down at his lap. She turned to her father and said, "I know it is strange and difficult to understand, but I don't care. You don't know him like I do."

Gary looked over at Rachel with concern in his eyes. "Rach, I'm just trying to be practical here. I don't want you subjected to anymore prejudice than you have to be."

Rachel frowned and turned to him. "Oh so now it's also because I'm a woman AND I love a Companion? Come on Dad, I thought we settled this crap a long time ago!"

He sighed and said, "I did not mean it like that. You know I respect you and love you. All I'm asking is that you know what you're getting into. It is your own business what you do with your life or how you live it. But I'm your father; I can't help that I want to look out for you."

Rachel sighed and her expression softened. She laid her hand on Gary's and said, "I know Daddy, and I appreciate that. This is one decision that I'm not going to change my mind on though. I hope you can understand that." He nodded his head slowly.

"Yes, I understand." The table sat in silence for a moment. Vanessa cleared her throat and leaned over to Gary.

"Isn't that new crime drama episode on? It's almost 8pm."

"Oh my goodness!" Gary jumped up from the table and shuffled into the den. As an afterthought he called from the den, "Can you bring me a slice of pie, Van?"

Vanessa winked at Rachel and called back to her husband, "Yes dear." She looked over at Karson who looked decidedly nervous. "Don't worry about him," she told the Companion. "He is a big softy under that grumpy exterior. Now how about that pie?"

The three chatted about the daily experience at the zoo. Karson interjected interesting facts he had picked up about the animals as they were discussed, which amazed Vanessa to no end. He was a veritable wealth of information, and Karson's underlying personality emerged as she listened to him talk.

"I can see why Rachel likes you so much, Karson. You really are the smartest person I've ever met, but at the same time you are probably the most soft-spoken. I find it refreshing though, since you obviously do not feel the need to flaunt your intelligence like so many people I've known in my life. Before I retired, I used to be a grade school teacher."

"I always thought teaching would be a rewarding career, getting to fill young minds with knowledge." Karson pondered the possibility for a moment.

Vanessa replied, "Well, idealistically it is rewarding. But in reality, it is tiring and frustrating. Kids these days have the attention span of a gnat, and they don't care about anything other than gossip and messaging their friends. A lot different than when I was in school."

"Me too," Rachel chimed in. She took the break in the conversation as an opportunity to be excused from the table. "I promised Karson I'd help him groom. All that fur won't brush itself." Rachel stood up from the table.

Vanessa rose as well. "So that is how you stay looking so nice, hm? Okay, I'm going on my walk." She cleared the table as the pair went up to Rachel's bedroom.

After Rachel closed the bedroom door, she pulled out Karson's grooming kit from his suitcase. He had already stripped off his clothes and was sitting on the bed by the time she joined him. She wrapped her arms around his narrow chest from behind and cuddled him.

"How are you feeling, sweetie?"

Karson sighed and replied, "I'm doing better now. I think the dinner helped quite a bit, although I thought your father seemed a little upset."

Rachel nodded and said, "Yeah, he can be pretty blunt. But his intentions are good, and he is my father after all. He just needs time to adjust and besides, I'm not giving you up no matter what." She hugged him and pressed her cheek against his. "Will you be all right?" she murmured in his ear.

Karson nodded and replied, "Yes, but if is okay I don't think I want to talk about this afternoon."

Rachel hugged him tightly. "Sure, no problem Karson." She held her concerns in check and tried to lighten the mood. "Just lie back and let me take care of the grooming." He nodded and lay down on his back across the bed.

She took the medium brush in hand and methodically groomed Karson's neck and chest. Rachel had gotten quite adept at grooming since the two became more intimate, and enjoyed giving attention to the Companion since it was also a way to bond with him. After a few moments, she felt him relax as she continued down his torso and worked on his stomach and abdomen. They both giggled as she briefly brushed his crotch, but did not spend much time there and moved down to his thighs.

When she had finished with his front, Karson sighed in relaxation. Rachel motioned for him to flip over and he gladly complied. She started once again at his neck and alternated between brushing and massaging.

Karson's tail wagged when Rachel began her grooming, but by the time she reached his lower back his tail was motionless. She continued to brush anyway, and finished his tail and lower legs. Rachel knew by how relaxed his body was that Karson had fallen asleep. She smiled to herself and stroked his head tenderly. Karson sighed in his sleep and curled up into his usual sleeping position, instinctively moving closer to Rachel.

Rachel was not yet ready to go to bed, but she did not want to disturb the sleeping Companion. She briefly left the bed and changed into her nightclothes, and pulled out her mp3 player before she returned. Finding a comfortable spot at the head of the bed, she gently pulled Karson up next to her and draped his sleeping form across her lap.

Rachel hummed softly along with her music, and stroked Karson's head lovingly. She recalled many times when she had comforted him in a similar fashion after a rather unpleasant experience like the day's incident. He always managed to come through the ordeal no worse for wear, but she wondered at how much the repeated prejudice wore on his psyche. Just as the thought crossed her mind, Karson flinched in his sleep and grabbed Rachel. She leaned down and kissed his head and whispered in his ear.

"Shh, it's okay sweetie I'm here. Just go back to sleep, everything is fine."

She continued to stroke his head until his breathing became regular again. Rachel left her mp3 player on shuffle and let her mind wander. Naturally, her thoughts lingered on Karson and how much she cared about him. Then random threads drifted by and led her thought patterns to their future together, and she contemplated what it would be like to not have to hide her love for the Companion out of fear of prejudice.

Her longstanding wish was for Karson to be happy, which would in turn bring her happiness. A mind as intelligent as his and a spirit so compassionate did not deserve as much hardship as he received. Perhaps that is how the universe works, Rachel pondered. You cannot have the best unless you experience the worst.

Chapter 4

Rachel awoke quickly when Karson shook her shoulder. "I'm up! What's the matter?" She rubbed her eyes and sat up.

Karson sat next to her and smiled. "Relax Rachel, nothing is wrong. I just thought you might like some breakfast?" It took her a moment to realize that there was a tray loaded with eggs, bacon and biscuits from last night's dinner. Karson was holding a glass of orange juice for her.

"Thank you!" She gladly took the glass and sipped it as he pulled the tray closer. Karson picked up a piece of bacon and nibbled on it. Rachel reached for a biscuit and took a bite before asking, "What time is it?"

"A little after 9. I woke up early, so I let you sleep. I had a nice chat with your Mom; she is such a character." He munched on another piece of bacon.

Rachel scooped some eggs up in her biscuit, and mumbled around her bite of food. "Yeah, that is Mom all right. Anything interesting come up?"

"Oh, just the usual chit chat stuff. I told her I'd email a copy of the article I wrote last month for the newspaper."

"Cool," Rachel replied and finished her breakfast.

A short while later, she was dressed and sitting at the kitchen table with her mother and Karson. They were engaged in a game of Cribbage as Vanessa related a tale of her youth.

"That was actually how I met your father I believe. If I had not borrowed the car from my friend, I never would have had to pull into that used car lot for help with the flat tire. Funny how things work out."

"Fascinating," Karson replied.

"Let's see, that is 14 points for me and the win. Sorry kids, guess I got lucky three games in a row!" Vanessa laughed at Rachel's sour expression. Karson turned his cards in and tickled her under her chin.

"She never likes it when I beat her either," Karson commented. Rachel poked her tongue out at him before she joined in the laughter. They were clearing the board and boxing the cards when Gary walked into the kitchen.

He cleared his throat and said, "Karson, would you mind joining me out back for a minute?"

The Companion stood and replied, "Yes, of course Gary." Rachel looked after him as he left the room behind her father. She turned to her mother with a questioning look.

"I'm sure your father just wants to have a private chat. You know how he gets when it comes to you."

Rachel sighed in exasperation. "Great, now Dad is probably going to scare the pants off of Karson." She suddenly looked depressed and worried for the Companion.

"You worry too much, Rach. You have to be willing to let him stand on his own. You can't always be there to help him up and dust him off if he falls down. He has to learn how to do that for himself. Trust me."

Rachel stared off into the next room. "I know, Mom." She suddenly turned back to her mother. "Wait a minute, did he tell you about yesterday?" Vanessa nodded in response. Rachel sat in stunned silence for a moment.

"Wow," she finally said. "I never thought he would willingly talk about that stuff with anyone else."

"Rachel, honey, I've been a mother for 30 years and a teacher for quite a few of those. I can tell when someone has something they need to talk about."

Rachel stood up from the table and leaned around the corner of the doorway. She caught a glimpse of her father standing on the backyard patio talking to Karson. The Companion was nodding in response.

"Thank you for letting us stay for the weekend," Karson said to Gary. "I know it means a lot to Rachel to be able to visit."

"Sure, no problem. I wish she would visit more often, but I know how crazy life in the city can be." Gary cleared his throat again. "Listen, Karson. I'm not really one for small talk, and you are a bright fellow. I'm sure you realize why I wanted to talk to you?"

Karson nodded. "I have a feeling it is pertaining to my arrangements with Rachel?"

"Bingo," Gary replied. "Vanessa told me more about what is going on. Now before you feel the need to defend yourself, I just wanted to say I do not have a problem with it. I just needed to hear it from you." Gary paused for a brief moment before he asked Karson the question.

"Are you in love with Rachel?"

Karson looked Gary directly in the eye and responded confidently, "Yes, I am in love with Rachel. We are in love."

Gary nodded but persisted. "Are you sure? How do you know?"

Karson blinked and chose his words carefully. "Rachel means the world to me Gary. Rachel is my world. I would do anything for her." Gary smiled as he heard the conviction in Karson's voice and knew that he meant every word. He placed his hand on the Companion's shoulder.

"I believe you. I've seen all sorts of Guardians in my time, and you can believe me when I say I understand how hard it can be for Companions. I just would rather Rachel not have to deal with that if she can avoid it. But she is a big girl and I know it must mean a lot to her if she is willing to put up with the bad stuff in order to get the good stuff."

He shook his head as if shaking off a fog. "Anyway, that is all I needed to hear. I love my little girl dearly, and the last thing I want for her is a broken heart. All I ask is that you make her happy."

Karson smiled and replied, "You have my word, for that is my highest intention. Thank you, Gary. I won't let you down."

"Okay then, you can go back inside now."

Rachel waited in the kitchen doorway as Karson slid the patio door closed. She looked at him apprehensively and asked, "How did it go?"

He smiled at her. "Fine. Your father just wanted to talk to me for a moment." He walked over and took her hand.

"Talk about us you mean," she clarified and Karson nodded. "Well?"

"He understands the situation. He only wants the same thing I do."

"And what would that be?" Rachel sounded a little skeptical of her father.

"To make you happy, of course." Karson kissed her hand and she relaxed.

"Oh," was all she could manage to reply. Karson tugged her hand toward the front door.

"Would you care to join me for a walk?"

She snapped out of her surprised state at the mention of a walk. "Yes, that sounds nice. You want me to ask Mom too?" He shook his head.

"Nah, let's just save this one for you and me."

Rachel smiled and kissed his cheek. "'Kay." She leaned back into the kitchen briefly and was about to tell her mother when Vanessa just winked back at her.

"I know already. Go on, I'll have lunch ready when you get back." Rachel flashed her mother a huge grin and followed Karson to the front door.

Vanessa waited until she heard the door click shut before she gave a light giggle. "Kids."

Rachel and Karson walked down the street holding hands and enjoyed the quiet neighborhood. Rachel pointed out a house or two where a childhood friend once lived. Karson took in the scenery and secretly wished that he could live in such a peaceful place.

Rachel cleared her throat, and Karson could tell that she wanted to ask a question, but she hesitated for several moments. He patiently waited for her to finally speak.

"Kar, I've been curious about something. This may be a touchy subject, so if you do not want to talk about it I will understand."

"By all means, ask away," he replied without hesitation.

"I know you said you had only been to the zoo once before. What did you think about it? I mean since you were face to face with pretty much wild animals, and considering you are a...well, you know..." Her question trailed off.

Karson finished her sentence by saying, "Considering I am a Companion." She nodded and appeared uncomfortable having asked the question. Karson gave her a reassuring smile and continued the discussion.

"That is something that I have often thought about since the first time I saw a canine. Especially after the first time I met a German Shepherd, which I am obviously modeled after. There have been many debates in publications and on the web about the Corporation that created Companions, ranging from religious implications to the scientific process of creating us.

"I know that I am not completely an animal or human, but somewhere in between. That means that the only group I really belong to is Companions. Therefore, I am judged by the same standards as the rest of my kind. I know that not everyone in this world is as open minded as many of the people I've had the pleasure of knowing."

Rachel smiled and squeezed his hand and he continued. "I'd like to think everything is intelligent in its own way. But I suppose there will always be people afraid of things they do not understand. I have come to understand from reading history that there is an inherent fear people possess from things that are different. I expect that I would still encounter the same misunderstandings if I was human but my only difference being I was bright orange." Karson chuckled at his outrageous analogy.

"Yeah I suppose you are right." Rachel pondered his reasoning as he went on.

"I may have fur and a tail, but I am no closer to understanding how a dog thinks than you are. I only wish more people could see past my exterior, instead of thinking that since I have a tail I like to play 'fetch'." Rachel distinctly heard the bitter tone of his voice as he said the word fetch.

Rachel put her arm around the Companion's shoulder and leaned close to him as they meandered down the sidewalk. "This world would be a much better place if there were more people like you in it, Karson. I thank my lucky star that you came into my life."

"Me too," he said. "But really, I try not to let it worry me. Whenever I have the misfortune of meeting undesirable people, I just remember that there is always a balance in everything. You can't have the good without the bad. Darkness can't exist without light. For every smart person there are at least ten stupid inconsiderate people."

Rachel turned to Karson suddenly. "That doesn't sound very balanced-" She saw his serious expression crack and he winked at her. Rachel burst out laughing at his jest. "Oh my goodness Kar! You nearly had me there, I really thought you were serious."

"Well, you are pretty easy to lure into a joke." She gasped in mock outrage and swatted him on the shoulder.

"Oh, you are just asking for it now!" She attempted to curl her arm around his neck in a headlock, but he easily squirmed free and skipped out of her reach. Rachel laughed and said, "So it's like that eh?"

"What's the matter, am I too fast for you?" Karson taunted as he hopped around her.

This prompted a playful round of tag between the two. Rachel chased Karson up and down the sidewalk and sometimes into the street. He always managed to dodge out of her grasp at the last second. Rachel made a lunge at him and finally caught his legs as the two went rolling into the grass in front of one of the houses.

"The hound always catches the fox!" Rachel tickled him mercilessly, and Karson squealed in laughter.

The Companion was practically crying from the onslaught, but soon realized that his assailant was no longer attacking him. He slowly uncurled from his defensive position. "Giving up so soon?" Karson did not realize that Rachel's attention was no longer on him.

"Hello there! I'm sorry; I did not realize we were on your lawn." Rachel addressed a young little girl standing several feet away.

The girl laughed at the pair but said to Rachel, "You have a Companion too! I never get to play tag with mine though." The girl looked to be about 8 years old. "If you meet mine, can I meet yours?" Without waiting for an answer, the little girl yelled, "Daisy! Come here, I need you!"

Rachel stood up and pulled Karson off the grass. They dusted each other off as the girl walked right up to Karson and touched the fur of his arm. "Oh, you are really soft, but not as soft as Daisy."

Rachel laughed and spoke up. "Hi, I'm Rachel. What is your name?"

"That is Bridget," called a female Companion from the front door. She quickly walked up and put her arm around Bridget. The new Companion was a female Irish Setter who thrust out her free hand and said, "Which would make me Daisy. I look after Bridget when her parents are busy."

Rachel took the offered hand. "Nice to meet you. Sorry about landing on the front yard, I guess we got carried away. This is Karson by the way."

"Nice to meet you," Karson said as he shook Daisy's hand. He knelt down in front of Bridget and held out his hand for her. "Nice to meet you too, Bridget." She giggled and shook his hand in an exaggerated fashion.

"Bridget, I have lunch ready for you. Go on in, it's on the table. I'll be there in just a minute." Daisy waited until the girl had gone inside before speaking again. She looked Karson over and asked, "Second gen right? I have not had a chance to meet a second in person. I'm a fourth, but most of my school class was fifths."

Rachel nodded her head. "How long have you been in the neighborhood, Daisy? My mother Vanessa lives down that way a couple of blocks."

"I've been Bridget's sitter for 2 years now. I think I've probably talked to your mother once or twice. She likes to take walks in the evening?" Rachel nodded. "Yes, I'm certain I have. Very nice lady." Daisy smiled at Rachel and turned to Karson. "It would be interesting to have a chat sometime, but right now I need to look after Bridget. Will you be around later?"

"I'm very sorry, but we will be leaving later this evening." Daisy looked disappointed, but only for a moment.

"Speaking of which, we should probably head back and get our own lunch," Rachel said and took Karson by the hand. "It was very nice to meet you Daisy. I'll tell my Mom to stop by when she goes for a walk."

"That would be nice. A pleasure to meet you both, have a nice day!" With that she turned and made her way back inside the house. Rachel pulled Karson back onto the walkway.

"She certainly was perky," Rachel commented. They both giggled softly when Karson's stomach growled loudly. "Maybe we should hurry up? I don't want to have to carry you all the way to my Mom's house."

Karson feigned fatigue. "But what if I can't go on? Save me Rachel from my terrible hunger pains!"

She laughed and said, "Oh put a sock in it fuzzy buns! You eat more than me, and I don't know how you keep from gaining any weight."

Karson winked at her. "I have to keep up my figure to make sure you cuddle me enough." Rachel walked backwards in front of him and put her arms around his neck.

"You don't have to worry about that. I can't resist that cute little butt of yours." She planted a kiss squarely on his nose. "Come on, let's pick up the pace. I'm getting hungry too!" She turned back around and trotted off down the sidewalk ahead of him.

Calling over her shoulder, she said, "Race ya?" Rachel broke out in a run. Karson grinned and joined the chase as the two ran back down the block to Rachel's house.

Although Karson had the lead for most of the way, he slowed and let Rachel win. She grinned and panted as he followed her inside. "You didn't have to let me win."

He laughed and said, "I know."

"Welcome back, I've got sandwiches for you on the table," Vanessa said as they walked into the kitchen.

"Thanks Mom!"

"Yes, thank you Vanessa." Karson and Rachel sat and ate while Vanessa joined them with some tea. The two recounted meeting the other Companion. Vanessa nodded after hearing her description.

"Yeah, I've met Daisy before and Bridget is a pretty little girl. I'll have to stop by and say hello again." The three continued their small talk for a while longer. Vanessa was clearing the table when Gary yelled from the next room, "Everyone come in here quickly!"

He turned the volume up on the TV as they all came into the den. The news announcer was reading a new headline.

"We've just received word of a breaking story from New York. We take you to Tom Henderson with a live report."

"Thank you Bill. The crowd you see behind me is the scene of the precinct in which a Companion has been taken into custody for the alleged murder of another man. As you can see this has sparked a flurry of activity for Companion rights groups. Unfortunately, details on the actual incident are sketchy at this time; we will try to get more information as the story develops. This is Tom Henderson, Action 4 news. Back to you Bill."

Everyone was silent as the news report sunk in and the anchorman continued. "We will continue to keep you up to date with this late breaking story. If you are just tuning in, it is reported that a Companion has been involved in the murder of another man. We do not have any firm details of the incident, but it has been confirmed that the Companion has been taken into custody. The victim has not been identified yet, and the Companion's identity has not been released to the public. This is reportedly the first time a Companion has ever been involved in a crime of this nature. After this break we will be speaking to one of our Special Correspondents to Congress on the subject of Companion Rights-"

Gary muted the TV and turned to Vanessa and Rachel. Rachel turned to Karson and said, "This does not sound good, Karson. I think maybe we should get back home before things start getting crazy. I really don't think you should be out in public."

"I think you're right Rachel." Karson was very subdued, and Rachel looked very nervous.

Vanessa briefly broke the tension when she said, "Come on Rachel, let's get you all packed up." Rachel followed her mother up the stairs leaving Karson standing in the den with Gary.

Gary cleared his throat and spoke like a concerned father, not only for his daughter but for Karson as well. "Will you be all right?"

"I believe so, but thank you for asking Gary. I suppose the best course of action will be to just stay at home and see how the story develops." Karson was somewhat at a loss for words, knowing that the outcome of the situation could have a significant impact on his life.

"You are welcome to stay here any time you need, just remember that." Gary turned the volume back up on the TV and changed to some other news channels trying to find more information. Karson sat on the couch taking in all the information available.

A short while later Rachel and Vanessa came down with the luggage. Rachel tossed Karson his jacket as she walked into the den again. "Anything new? We are all packed and ready to go."

Karson shook his head. "Unfortunately, no. All anyone knows is that a man was shot and a Companion was at the scene with his Guardian. We will probably have to wait a few days to find out what happened, since the police are trying to keep a tight lid on the situation to prevent riots breaking out." He sighed heavily and slipped on his jacket. "We should go ahead and get going."

Gary stood up and embraced each of them. "I'm so glad you could visit, Rach. It was really nice to meet you as well, Karson."

Vanessa had her turn next. "Call me when you get home, okay? And you can call me as well Karson if you need to. Take care you two, I love you."

The parents saw the pair out the door and stood on the front porch as they pulled away. Karson waved from the passenger side and sighed when the house disappeared from view when they turned the corner. Rachel reached out and squeezed his hand. "Some weekend huh?"

He nodded. "Indeed."

Chapter 5

Rachel and Karson got back to the apartment a few hours later. Already they had passed more than one group of people gathered on a street corner holding homemade signs. Protestors from both sides of the issue shouted their views to everyone around.

Rachel seemed a little more at ease now that Karson was safely home. He took his suitcase to the second bedroom to unpack as she checked the messages. In particular, there was a message from Molly Becker. She had obviously heard the news story and was calling to check on her and Karson. She extended an invitation for the two of them to come to dinner at The Grinning Bulldog.

Rachel picked up the phone and dialed up Molly. "Hello Bobby. Yes, I heard. No, Karson is just fine. How are you doing?" Karson walked back in to the living room and listened to Rachel's conversation. "That is good. Can I speak to Molly please? Thanks." She turned to Karson and whispered, "I'm just checking in with Molly."

Rachel walked over and put her arm around the Companion and squeezed him affectionately. Just then Molly picked up the phone. "Hi Molly, I'm just returning your call. We are fine; I took Karson down to see my parents but we just got back. Yeah, I think dinner would be good, how about Tuesday? Okay, good, we can catch up then. I'm not sure, I think we will just have to wait and see what develops. All right, you take care. We will see you on Tuesday. Goodnight."

Rachel sighed and hung up the phone. "Molly says hello, as well as Bobby. You should probably talk to Bobby tomorrow." She walked back over and put the phone back on the receiver. Karson heard her sniff while she had her back turned to him.

He walked over and put a hand on her shoulder. "Rachel?"

When she turned back around, she was crying quietly. The Companion was full of concern as he asked, "What's wrong?" She threw her arms around him and buried her face in his neck.

"Karson, I'm scared! What is going to happen for you; for us? I don't want to lose you." She sobbed on his shoulder and Karson stroked her back.

"I don't know Rachel. I wish I could tell you. We just have to believe that everything will be all right. Don't cry sweetie, I'm still here." He spoke soothingly and hugged her until she stopped crying.

She sniffed again as she broke his hug. He smiled and brushed away a leftover tear. She tried to smile back at him, but her chin dropped. "I just don't know what I'd do if I had to give you up." He raised her chin and looked her in the eye.

"I'm not going anywhere Rachel. Come on, how about I fix you a nice hot bath to soak in?" She smiled and sniffed again.

"I think I'd like it more if you took a hot shower with me."

Karson laughed lightly. "That is the Rachel I know. I think I will join you, since you asked so nicely. I'll go get it ready." Rachel nodded and let him go and heard the water start a moment later. By the time she joined him in the bathroom, he was already stripped and steam poured out of the shower.

She shed her clothing as well and stepped under the spray. The water was hot and relaxing. Karson closed the shower door as he stepped in after her. Rachel hardly waited until he had turned around to face her before she pushed him against the wall in a passionate kiss.

Karson murmured against her as she pressed her body against his. He wrapped his arms around her torso and exerted his own force against her. She broke the kiss and smoothed her wet hands over his face. He playfully nipped at her fingers as she tapped his nose.

"Someone is feeling frisky," he said with a wide grin.

"Shh, no talking," Rachel said and pressed him against the wall in another kiss and Karson did not resist.

The pair slowly washed each other between bouts of kissing and caressing. Rachel hardly spoke a word to the Companion and embraced him as if he would vanish at any moment if she let him out of her grasp. Karson guessed that it was in reaction to the unknown future of Companions, somehow fearing that he would be forcibly taken away from her. The Companion did his best to put her fears at ease and return the love she gave to him.

They spent a long time just holding each other under the hot shower. Rachel was feeling more like herself after the tender touching and embracing. Her good spirit returned in full when Karson said to her, "I think I'm going to need to get out soon sweetie, otherwise my fur is never going to get dry."

She laughed and replied, "You are right. Besides, I don't want my sheets smelling like wet dog." He poked his tongue out and blew a raspberry at her. Rachel swatted his behind as he stepped out of the shower. "I'll be out shortly."

He laughed at her and gave his own retort. "Good, 'cause wrinkly skin is not very sexy."

She laughed loudly and called back to him, "Hey! I resemble that remark." He blew her a kiss and closed the bathroom door as he left. Rachel stood under the shower for another minute before turning off the water.

She went to the bedroom and slipped on her nightclothes before joining Karson in the second bedroom. She found him sitting in front of the fan checking email. Pulling up the second chair she had finally got for the room, Rachel brushed her hair and inquired about Karson's messages.

"The forums were flooded with messages once that news story spread. My inbox is overflowing. It will probably take me all day tomorrow to sift through everything and get caught up. Good thing I don't plan on going anywhere." He chuckled dryly.

"Hopefully things will not be too crazy at work tomorrow," Rachel commented. "I only have one project left to finish this week, so I don't think I'll have any overtime. Let me know if I need to pick up anything from the store." Karson nodded as he continued to sort through his email.

Rachel stood and hugged him from behind. She kissed him firmly on the cheek and said, "I'm going to watch a little TV. Love you!"

He reached a hand up and stroked her cheek in return. "Love you too. I'll come to bed when I dry a bit more, okay?" She nodded and went to her bedroom, leaving Karson alone at the computer.

When he felt dry enough, Karson shut down the computer and turned off the fan. He quickly made his way around the apartment and made sure the lights were off and the door locked before heading to the bedroom. He crept into the room, which was lit only by the glow of the TV.

Karson gently took the remote from Rachel's hand and turned the set off. Even in the darkness, he saw her curled up with Romeo, his German Shepherd plush she got for him such a long time ago. He went around to the other side of the bed and crawled under the covers.

As soon as she felt his presence, she roused sleepily from her dozing and pulled him into her embrace. "Finally decided to join me, hm?" She planted a kiss on his forehead and promptly went back to sleep.

Karson snuggled into her arms and sighed contentedly. He briefly pondered what the future would hold for him. A few minutes later his breathing was soft and regular as he slumbered next to his friend and lover.

Chapter 6

The next day was a typical Monday morning. Rachel hurried off to work and left Karson to his own routine. The two messaged back and forth on one of her breaks and had their online chat during lunch. For the most part, the day was uneventful. Karson managed to go through all his accumulated email and scanned a large portion of the threads on the forums resulting from the new story.

At 4:58 the phone rang and Karson picked up when he saw it was Rachel calling. She did not even wait for him to speak. "Karson! Quick, turn on CNN. They are about to broadcast a public statement from the New York police chief regarding the murder story. Every TV in the office is turned on."

Karson rushed into the living room and turned on the TV and pulled up CNN. "I'm watching now."

Rachel said quickly, "Okay, I gotta go! I love you!"

"I love you too," Karson replied and hung up the phone just as the police chief was taking the podium. He listened intently as the chief began his speech.

"At this time I would like to give a prepared statement regarding the incident from the previous day. We will not be taking any questions at this time.

"On Saturday morning approximately 10:30am, the individual Christopher Larson was shot and killed after an attempted assault on Beverly Augustus. It has been determined that Larson had followed Augustus and her Companion into a parking garage. Larson confronted Augustus with a gun intending to rob her. Augustus fled when her Companion Jefferson entered into a struggle with Larson.

"The assailant temporarily subdued Jefferson and chased Augustus, and wounded her with a gunshot to the leg from a second handgun. According to Augustus' statement, Larson was intent on killing her. From details corroborated from the victims' statements, Larson was shot from behind when Augustus' Companion saw that she was in mortal danger.

"The Companion expended all remaining rounds from Larson's dropped gun, killing him at the scene. Beverly Augustus is in stable condition at a local hospital and is under guard for her safety. Her Companion Jefferson was taken into protective custody to await trial."

The police chief paused briefly to pull out another document and the press erupted into a chorus of shouts and questions. The chief held up his hand to quell the outburst. "Quiet please! Again, I will not be taking questions at this time. However, I have a prepared statement from Beverly Augustus that she requested be read on her behalf.

'I want to go on record and say that Jefferson acted swiftly and bravely without regard to his own safety. If he had not been with me, I know I would not be alive this day. Jefferson acted in self-defense and I support him in his actions. I only ask that he be judged in that context, as any one of us would be if we were put in the same shoes.'

The police chief cleared his throat before continuing. "This concludes our press conference, thank you for your patience. We will disclose more information when it becomes available." The crowd erupted once again as the chief left the podium, and the news caster cut back in as the live feed ended.

"New details involving the shooting of an attacker by a Companion. If you are just tuning in, once again the Companion Jefferson of Beverly Augustus is being held in custody from the incident on Saturday-"

Karson turned the TV off and sat on the couch in silence as he let the new information soak in. The news was not quite as dire as he feared, but he also knew that the outcome of the trial would set the precedence for every other Companion. He would have to keep a sharp eye out for any new information from Congress or the Corporation.

When Karson returned to the computer, he already had several new emails waiting for him. The first one he noticed was from Rachel. He opened the note and saw she expressed the same relief he had immediately felt. The rest of the emails were from other users on the forums he frequently talked with, expressing their own opinions about the unknown outcome of the trial.

He opened a new browser and went to the Intelligent Horizons main page and searched through all the available documentation pertaining to Companion's and their inherent legal status as outlined by Congress.

Karson had been through this material a number of times in the past, especially after he had gained free access to the web from living with Rachel. In his searching, he had come to understand the ruling on Companion rights as sentient beings. Since Companions were considered the intellectual property of a corporation, they did not quite fall under the same jurisdiction as "people" in the eyes of Congress. However, since Companions were intended to be free thinking beings capable of speech and designed for a variety of tasks, the government was reluctant to consider them "property".

Ultimately, the initial ruling was to give the Companions very limited civil rights. This basically provided the Corporation a means to continue to develop and produce the Companions for private use, but not held responsible for the actions of an individual Companion. Congress decreed that each Companion was subject to the local laws under which their Guardian was subject to. The Companion would be protected from such things as abuse and mistreatment, but were not given such things as the right to legally earn money or own property (land or possessions).

This decision fueled a long lasting debate from both sides, and the government was under constant pressure by various lobby groups petitioning for rights to either be granted or taken away. With the newest development and the looming trial of the Companion involved in the shooting, the public knew it was just a matter of time before Congress would be forced to make a new ruling on the ultimate rights of all Companions.

Karson was surprised when he heard the front door open and Rachel calling for him. "Karson? I'm home." He glanced at the clock sitting on the desk that said 6:20pm. The Companion shook his head and blinked rapidly as he went to greet Rachel.

"Hello," he said and kissed her.

She chuckled lightly and said, "You okay? You look a little dazed."

Karson rubbed his eyes. "Yes, I'm fine. I've just been doing a lot of reading on the computer and time got away from me. How are you doing?"

She made her way into the bedroom to change, but called back to him. "I'm good. The office was buzzing today after that press conference; we hardly got any work done. There are protestors everywhere!"

"Do you want me to fix dinner?"

"Yes, actually that would be nice." She came back into the living room and flopped down in the recliner. "I just want to sit here for a little while, maybe listen to some music."

"Okay, you sit back and I'll take care of dinner." Karson went into the kitchen and started preparing the food. A moment later he came back and handed Rachel a glass of white wine. "Here, you seem like you need a drink."

"Thank you sweetie." She took a sip of the cold wine and sank back into the chair. When Karson disappeared back into the kitchen, she turned on the stereo and dialed in the soft jazz station.

A short time later, Karson set out place settings on the table. "Come sit at the table, dinner is ready." Rachel left the music playing and took her usual seat. Karson brought the main dish and placed it between them before sitting down.

"Mm, garlic chicken and rice." She scooped out a large portion and took a bite. "Oh my goodness, this tastes great Karson! Thank you for fixing dinner."

He smiled across the table at her and replied, "My pleasure. Would you like another glass of wine?"

She held out her glass to him. "Don't mind if I do."

The two enjoyed the quiet dinner, and though the current events were on their minds they avoided discussing it. When they finished eating, Karson cleared the table. He spoke to Rachel as he packed up the leftovers and rinsed the dishes.

"Would you like to play cards or another game?"

Rachel frowned and shook her head. "No, I'm sorry Kar I just don't feel like games tonight."

He finished putting the dishes in the washer and sat back down at the table. "That is fine, is there anything you would like to do?"

She smirked at him and replied, "Well, I can think of something, but honestly can we just sit and cuddle tonight? I know it sounds kind of silly because we cuddle all night long, but right now I just want to hold you."

Karson stood and went over to Rachel, and he bowed from the waist as he thrust out his arm. "It would be my pleasure, milady."

"Oh my, what a gentleman," she said and placed her hand upon his arm. He in turn covered her hand with his, and she rose from her chair and Karson escorted her over to the couch. They each got situated comfortably as Rachel reclined back across the couch and had Karson lie down next to her.

She hugged him close and buried her face in his neck fur. Rachel relished the feel of his soft fur against her cheeks and inhaled his scent. Karson stroked his fingers down the back of her neck. The two had spent many evenings cuddling on the couch, but this time the atmosphere was subtly different.

Rachel clung to Karson as if it was the last evening they would have together. She sighed deeply and her hand stroked his side. Karson spoke barely above the jazz music playing in the background.

"I can tell something is on your mind, and I'm guessing it is more than just that trial?"

"You know me too well, Kar. I just can't shake this feeling of worry. I'm sure things will work out for the best, but it is scary not knowing what will happen."

Karson nodded and ran his slim fingers through her hair. "I know it is Rachel. I don't think I ever told you, but I was really scared that first day you brought me home."

She pulled away from his neck and stared him in the face, their noses nearly touching. "You were? Why?"

Karson smiled and kissed her nose. "Well, put yourself in my place. I had just spent the previous 15 years of my life living with the same person. You tend to get used to the routine; you know what to expect and you can read all the subtle signs from a person. I could almost tell what Kara was thinking just by the way she would cast a gaze or draw a breath to speak."

Rachel looked away for a moment. "I never thought of it that way."

He nodded, "When you showed up at the agency, I was feeling depressed. I had been plucked out of my safe, secure and predictable world and dropped in a sea of uncertainty. I had no idea what kind of a person you were, or would be. But you know what made all the difference?"

Rachel laid her head on his chest and said, "What?"

Karson smiled and closed his eyes as he recalled the afternoon when she had talked to the Companion in that tiny little room. "You asked me if I wanted to be your friend, and in return you said you would be my friend. I knew at that moment that everything would be okay. Those few words showed me that you were not expecting me to behave like a...well, you know. It was much different than when the Carlson family picked me up."

After a moment of silence, Rachel ventured the inevitable question. "Would you tell me about it?"

Karson could tell from her tone of voice that she was intensely curious about it, but he knew she would not pressure him if he declined. Not that he intended to, but it gave him a reassuring feeling to know that Rachel always offered him a choice. He stroked her head as she listened to his heartbeat.

"I was barely matured by the time I finished the training school. You could say I was pretty naive since the only people I'd interacted with were the teaching staff or other Companions. The staff was polite but distant and I was very submissive, even for a Companion.

"When I had my first interview it was very formal, and Kara's father was only concerned that I would obey any rules he set down and of course any commands that pertained to me watching over his daughter. They did not even pick me up in person; I was dropped off at their estate. I did not meet Kara for several days after I arrived, since her father wanted to make sure I could adjust to the way the house was run. It was an extremely awkward time in my life."

Rachel reached under his shirt and rubbed his stomach. She mumbled into his chest, "But you did adjust. What was it like living there? You obviously cared about Kara."

Karson chuckled lightly and squirmed under the fingers combing through his fur. "Yes, I adjusted and yes, I cared about Kara. I really had no choice actually, but as you know I came to care for her deeply as the years passed. In a way she helped me learn how to think for myself, and develop an independent personality. Many Companions end up closing off their free will because they are instilled with such a strong obligation to please their Guardians.

"I have come to realize that it is possible to do both. Companions are capable of providing their service for Guardians, but they do not have to sacrifice their own personality in the process. I count my blessings that you value my thoughts and feelings and actually encourage me to express them." Karson hugged Rachel and kissed her head.

"I would not have it any other way, especially now that I can share my love for you as well. You know, maybe you should write a book? I'm sure there are plenty of people who could benefit from your insights."

Karson kissed her head again and said, "Perhaps. I'll have to give it some thought." He felt Rachel's hand stray down the back of his shorts and stroke his rump. While she fondled his backside, he tickled her behind the ear.

"What do you think you're doing, hm?"

Rachel giggled softly and replied, "I just can't keep my hands off your cute little fuzzy butt."

He nodded and said, "I can tell, but you are dangerously close to Mr. Fuzzy Tail and you know what that leads to."

"You bet your little black nose I do." Rachel pulled her hand out of his shorts and grabbed the base of Karson's tail. His body stiffened suddenly in surprise as her hand pulled slowly down the length of his tail. He could already feel the firmness in his crotch and shifted under Rachel when she repeated the motion.

He stuttered slightly when he muttered at Rachel, "Y-you are such a te-tease."

She rose off his chest and pressed her nose to his. "You know you like it." Rachel kissed him while she stroked his tail a time or two more. "Is this winding you up, lover?"

Karson had since closed his eyes but nodded his head vigorously. She grinned wickedly above him and let go of her grasp on his tail to trace a finger down his chest. "I think I need to take you to bed so I can give you some extra special attention." His eyes popped open and he nodded again.

Rachel quickly got off the couch and tugged his hand. "Come on Romeo, the bedchamber lies in wait." Karson grinned and hopped up to follow her into the bedroom.

Clothes flew across the room as the two stripped down and jumped into bed. Rachel stirred up the fire of Karson's passion, and he lavished his attentions back on his lover. He was not rough, but his actions carried a sense of urgency not usually present in their lovemaking.

Karson pleasured his lover in many ways, and she rode the waves of passion with him as they steered a course through the night. Sometime after midnight the pair lay sprawled across the bed absently stroking each other's body.

Rachel propped her head up and held Karson's right hand as she brushed her lips across his fingertips. He in turn circled a finger across her chest, under her chin and down to her navel. The two had not spoken a word for some time, only expressing their feelings through touch.

Karson sat up and held out his arms, inviting Rachel to lie across his lap. She shifted position and sighed up at him. He stroked her cheek and spoke softly to her.

"I love you."

"And I love you, Karson."

He smiled down at her and said, "As much as I would love to please you all night, perhaps you should get some sleep? I would not want you falling asleep during work tomorrow."

She frowned and replied, "I know. You are right." Rachel procrastinated getting up from his lap until he lightly pinched her bottom. "Hey! Don't make me have to tickle you." He deftly squirmed out from under her and pulled back the covers from the bed.

"Come on miss contrary, bedtime. You can tickle me under the covers." He slid into bed and held the covers up for her. She reluctantly joined him, still nude. Rachel did not mind since she liked feeling his fur against her skin. Karson had to admit that he also liked when she pressed her nude body against his.

She snuggled up against him and once again buried her face in his chest. Karson stroked her head and only a few minutes passed before he noticed her breathing was light and regular. He kissed her head and hugged her close, but sleep was far from his thoughts as he contemplated his future.

Chapter 7

The alarm clock jolted Rachel from her slumber and she quickly sat up. Her muscles protested as she stretched and remembered some of the vigorous activities from last night. Glancing at the clock she cried, "Shit!" It was already 8:30 and she was supposed to start work at 9.

Rachel flung back the covers and scampered out of bed quickly into the bathroom. She ran to her dresser and threw on the first set of clothes she could find. Rachel normally rushed through her morning routine, but this time she really was in a rush.

By the time she was dressed and took a few seconds to run a brush through her hair, the clock read 8:40. She grabbed her purse and briefcase, quickly checked to make sure she had her keys and was grabbing her jacket when she glanced back at the bed. Karson's nose barely peeked out from under the covers and Rachel could not help pausing for a moment.

She smiled and crept over to the bed, and briefly pulled the cover back from his head. He looked adorable in his usual curled up sleeping position, and Rachel longed to stay and stroke his ears. She sighed softly and pushed those thoughts to the side as she reminded herself that if she were late she would have to work late.

"Love you, sleepyhead," she whispered to Karson and kissed his nose. Then she was off and rushing out to her car and on to work. The apartment was still once more as Karson snoozed under the covers.

Around 10 Karson came awake and crawled out of bed. He made a trip to the bathroom and got some water, and went about his routine of eating and exercising. By the time he finished it was nearly noon, and he decided to check his email and try to catch Rachel online.

He had the normal amount of forum notifications waiting for him and the usual advertisements, but there was nothing from Rachel. Karson was rarely disappointed when she did not email him, but he always enjoyed getting a note from her. As his thoughts centered on his lover, the familiar doorbell chime of the messenger rang.

He opened the waiting chat dialogue and Rachel greeted him.

"Hi sleepyhead. :D"

He typed back, "Ya, sorry about that. I guess I stayed up pretty late. You didn't seem to mind tho ;)"

"Certainly not, Mr. Kuddles. Before I forget, I was 30 mins late to work, so I prob won't be home till 7"

"Do you want me to fix dinner again?"

"No, silly, we are eating at the Bulldog tonight remember?"

Karson had forgotten about the dinner plans. "Oh, right. I'll be ready to go when you get home then."

There was a pause from Rachel's side before she typed another message. "Shoot! Sorry sweetie, I have to go. There is an unexpected conference call I have to attend. So much for lunch! TTYL LOVE YOU!!"

Before he could even type a response she dropped offline. Karson sighed in real disappointment, but brightened at the thought of dinner later. It had been a few weeks since he had seen Bobby or Molly. Since he had eaten a late breakfast, Karson decided to surf through some of the major news sights.

After pulling up the first sight, he was immediately confronted with the headline: Companion Trial Date Set, Congress Still Silent. Karson clicked the link and quickly read the news story. According to the article, the prosecutors had convinced the municipal court judge assigned to the case to proceed with the trial in spite of the fact there was no announcement regarding Companion Rights.

With the trial date set for the following Monday, Karson had a feeling that it would be a long week. He sincerely hoped there would not be any further incidents to complicate matters. The article also went on to state that Beverly Augustus and Jefferson were under a gag order from the court preventing them from making any further public statements. Karson knew that speculation would run wild on the forums and the news until the trial started. The final bit of news he gleaned from the article was that the trial testimony would not be broadcast.

He returned to the familiar forums after scanning the rest of the headlines of the day. Karson responded to a few threads, chiming in with his opinions on the topics. He tried to be objective whenever he wrote anything in a public forum, but given the circumstances his views tended to have an optimistic slant.

Since there were a number of known Companions on one of the forums he visited, it was a common occurrence to find a large number of hateful posts from anti-Companion users. After reading a particularly scathing post from one such user commenting on a Companion's description of the intimate relationship she had with her Guardian (similar to Karson's relationship), he actually felt rising anger and had to exert all his restraint to not post an equally inflammatory response.

It was very rare for Karson to let his emotions get beyond his control, and he could feel he was dangerously close to the edge. He decided he needed a quick distraction before his temper got the best of him, so Karson hopped up from the computer and went about straightening, dusting and cleaning like a furious tornado. After a considerable time and several rooms later, he felt more in control.

He still felt brief twinges of annoyance as snippets of the post flashed in his mind. He could not help remembering statements like "this is an abomination against nature" and "Companions are no more than talking animals." Karson shook his head and had the fleeting thought that he was glad Rachel had not read the post.

The Companion kept a close eye on the clock and got dressed as it neared 7. He decided to wear something a little nicer than his daily attire and picked out a long sleeved white button shirt to go with his black pants. He pulled out a dark forest green vest Bobby had given him for Christmas to complete his outfit. As an afterthought, he also grabbed the cabbie hat Rachel had given him.

Karson was standing in the small bedroom brushing the fur of his face and neck when Rachel entered the apartment. He grinned at himself in the mirror when she called out, "Hey Romeo, your sweetheart is home!" Karson donned his hat and strode out of the bedroom.

Rachel nearly dropped her purse and bag when she saw the dressed and groomed Companion. Her mouth hung open and she gaped at him in silence. Karson tugged the tip of his cap down across his eyes and said, "Evenin' mate! What do you think?" He twirled around for her to see his ensemble.

"I think we might have to go to dinner more often. Wow, Karson. You look...magnificent." Karson crossed the room and planted a kiss on her cheek.

"Well, you don't look too bad yourself." He grinned at her and wrapped his arm around her waist. Rachel suddenly felt self-conscious about her appearance and squirmed out of his grasp.

"Maybe I should change quickly? I just threw this on and it's been a long day-"

Karson grabbed her by the hand and pulled her back into his grasp. "Rachel, even on your worst day you look as radiant as the sun. I think what you have on is fine. If you think I'm overdressed I can go change really quick, it is no problem?" She blushed at his compliment and cracked a smile. He started to walk back to the hallway but she stopped him.

"Don't you dare change! You are so handsome in that outfit I need a picture." Karson laughed and let her snap a few quick shots from her digital camera. She stuffed the camera back in her purse.

"Just let me change my shirt real quick and then we'll go, 'kay?" She dashed into the bedroom and emerged just a moment later in a sea foam blouse that complimented Karson's vest. "There! Now we match. Let's roll, I'm hungry!"

Karson held out his forearm for her and said, "Lead the way, milady!"

A short drive later, Karson followed Rachel into The Grinning Bulldog, which had now become a favorite hang out of the pair. Karson had even spent a few afternoons there with Bobby apart from Rachel. She had, in fact, encouraged him, deeming it important that Karson be social outside of their relationship. Bobby had appointed himself Karson's "Best Friend", and the two were quite inseparable when they got together.

Rachel had likewise treated Molly as the sister she had never known. She enjoyed having a female friend she could relate to when it came to all things Companion, especially now that Molly and Bobby knew of her relationship. Molly and Bobby were open about their relationship, but Karson and Rachel had chosen to keep their own love under wraps at first. The four friends became considerably closer after the new couple had shared the news with the older couple.

Bobby was stationed at his usual table when the pair entered the pub and he called out cheerfully as they caught his eye. "Well, well! Look at this fine young couple." The boisterous Companion hopped off his stool and trotted over to give each of them a friendly hug.

"You are as lovely as ever, Rachel my dear. And who is this dashing fella you brought tonight? Better watch out, Karson might get jealous."

Karson laughed heartily at Bobby's jibe as Rachel hugged the beagle. "How are you Bobby? I'm sorry that we have not been able to stop by lately."

"Oh, I'm doing just fine; Molly too. She will be happy to see you both." As if on cue, Molly turned up and flung her arms around Rachel.

"Rachel my dear, how very nice to see you again!" The two hugged briefly, but Molly gasped when she saw Karson standing there in his finery. "My goodness Karson, you look so handsome!"

Bobby jabbed his Companion friend in the ribs and said, "See? I told you she'd be jealous!" Karson grinned at Molly as she wrapped her arms around him.

"It's so good to see you again. The both of you look wonderful. Hope you're hungry, the fish 'n chips are just about ready. Just let me nip back to the kitchen; beagle boy here can show you to the booth." She gave a playful wink at Bobby when he poked his tongue out at her, and then she disappeared into the back.

The pair followed the Beagle Companion and sat down to await Molly's return. They chatted for a moment about what had happened since last they met. Molly stuck her head out of the kitchen and called over to Rachel, "Mind giving me a hand?"

Rachel kissed Karson and stood up. "Behave you two." She strode back into the kitchen and heard the two Companions erupt in laughter just as the door swung closed. She shook her head and went around to the counter where the food preparation was.

Molly smiled a little sheepishly as she confessed to Rachel. "Sorry lass, I just needed an excuse to get you alone for a second. You've obviously heard about that news story by now? So what do you think?"

Rachel leaned against the counter, crossed her arms and sighed heavily. "Honestly, I'm a little scared. Who knows what kind of a ruling Congress is going to make about Companions. A lot of crazy thoughts have gone through my mind lately, thinking about what we'll do if things go bad."

Molly prepared the dishes distractedly, but could not hide the same apprehension from her voice. "I understand, and I'd be lying if I said it did not worry me as well. But we just have to trust that everything will work out for the best. Besides, if things do turn out the way I'd like, I might have a little surprise to tell you."

Rachel's eye lit up and she prodded her friend for more info. "Oh yeah, like what kind of surprise?"

Molly looked around to make certain they were alone and dropped into a secretive whisper. "Well, I was going to wait, but what the hell. Bobby and I are getting hitched!"

Rachel gasped in surprise and the two girls squeezed hands together excitedly. "Oh my goodness, Molly that is wonderful! When did this come about?"

Molly still spoke in a hushed tone, but her voice was strong and full of affection. "Well, we've talked about it a number of times, and we think that when the ruling is made we are going to make it official. Keep your fingers crossed!" Rachel giggled with her for a moment as she thought about the possibility. Molly quickly interjected, "Don't tell Karson yet, though. I want it to be a surprise and let Bobby tell him."

Rachel nodded solemnly. "Of course, you have my word."

Molly smiled and said, "What do you say we feed the boys before they cause too much trouble, eh?"

Rachel laughed and picked up the large serving tray with plates as Molly picked up the drinks before replying, "Aye!"

Bobby was finishing a joke as the girls came to the booth. "-so he says, 'That's not my tail!'" Karson laughed at his punch line as Rachel sat next to him. Bobby kissed Molly as she sat down. "Another fine meal you've prepared my dear!"

Molly smiled and raised her glass of ale and said, "To good friends!" The other three repeated her toast as their glasses clinked together. Everyone began eating and complimenting Molly on the fish and chips. Dinner talk was light and cheerful even though the Companion situation was at the back of everyone's mind.

Molly nudged Bobby and said, "Did you tell Karson about your newest hobby?"

Bobby's eyes popped open wide and he shook his head while he finished his bite. Molly grinned and raised her eyebrows at Karson. His curiosity got the better of him and he asked Bobby, "What are you up to now?"

The Beagle stuck out his chest proudly as he proclaimed to the table, "I'm going to start making me own brew!"

Rachel and Karson ahhed and he continued. "I decided to try experimenting with different types of beer, to find something a little more specifically suited to a Companion's palette. I'm actually close to finishing my second batch of a brew. It turned out wonderfully the first time, so I had to try it again. If it is just as good, we may actually try selling it here at the bar."

Bobby raised his glass and took a drink. "My brew is what we are drinking right now." Karson nodded his head and sniffed the drink again.

"I thought this tasted a little different. But I dare say it is even better than the wheat ale I usually have here."

Bobby winked at him and clinked glasses with his fellow Companion. "Exactly. Molly has had a lot of experience with beverages and she really thinks this has a good chance of catching on, especially since we have a number of Companion customers here."

Rachel raised her glass and said, "To Bobby's Beagle Brew!"

Molly laughed heartily at her toast. "You hear that bucko? Rachel just gave you the perfect name!" They all touched glasses and laughed. Dinner continued as they speculated about how to market the new brew or how the public might receive it.

A while after the foursome finished eating, one of Molly's servers walked up to the booth looking a little anxious. "Molly! I think you should turn on CNN, I just heard that the government has made a press release!"

"Oh my goodness, Bobby hit the tube!" Molly exclaimed, everyone in the pub gathered around the bar to watch the large 60" screen. Bobby quickly dialed in the channel and all present listened to the anchor.

"-just tuning in, Congress has in fact released a new ruling on Companion Rights. The statement will be available to see on our website shortly, but for now we will give you a breakdown of the new information. According to the newest charter, all Companions are now subject to the federal laws for the state in which they reside. Companions are considered to be a full citizen after 1 year under Guardianship, and it is now legal for Companions to earn wages and be employed. In addition, it is now legal for Companions to own property, meaning both land and material possessions.

"All current adoption contracts are open for conversion to the newest charter for Guardians. At the census last year, approximately 200,000 new adoption contracts were filed with the Intelligent Horizons Corporation bringing the estimated Companion population to nearly 4 million. Further statistical breakdowns can be found on our website as well. Again if you are just tuning in, Congress has just released a new Companion charter granting citizenship rights. When we come back from break we will be speaking to Companion analyst-"

Rachel turned her attention away from the TV and faced Karson, who wore the largest grin she had ever seen on his face. "I think that sounds like good news. What do you think, Kar?"

He nodded and replied, "Definitely. I can be free to pursue my writing now." Rachel smiled at him.

"I think that is wonderful! Technically, we still have about a month before you hit your 1 year, but I can go down to the agency and talk to them about your contract. In the meantime, come here." She hugged him close and, amid all the commotion and excited talking in the bar, she spoke softly in his ear. "I love you."

Karson hugged her tight as he was a little too overcome with the elation of the ruling to find words to reply. He merely squeezed her and kissed her. After another moment, the pair broke their embrace and Rachel turned to where Molly stood.

Molly was no longer standing next to Rachel, but was now behind the bar passionately kissing and hugging Bobby. She ignored the world for the moment in the arms of her Companion lover and Rachel could not blame her. When Bobby's hand slid over Molly's rump, someone at the back of the crowd yelled out, "Hey you two get a room!" The crowd laughed good-naturedly and the couple broke out of their spell.

There was a round of applause as Bobby bowed and Molly waved a bar rag like a handkerchief. "Alrighty boys and girls, a round of drinks on the house!" Molly yelled at the top of her lungs and the crowd cheered in response. Rachel imagined there would be similar celebrations going on around the country as she handed a drink to Karson and held up her glass for the latest toast that was shouted out.

The patrons of The Grinning Bulldog had a lively time commemorating the announcement. Molly made last call around 10pm deciding to close a little early. As everyone trickled out, they called farewells to Molly and Bobby.

When the clock hit 11pm, Rachel decided that she needed to be getting home as well. Molly motioned for her to get Karson, and Rachel suddenly remembered her secretive announcement. Bobby was unaware Molly had leaked the surprise and he sat at his favorite stool with Karson by his side. He was just about to launch into another joke when Molly called out to him.

"Bobby, it's time." Bobby immediately perked up recognizing that tone in her voice. He hopped off his stool and took Karson by the arm, escorting him over to where Rachel and Molly stood by the bar. Karson looked a little confused, but waited patiently as Rachel leaned casually against him. Bobby took Molly's hand and asked, "Do you want to tell them, or should I?"

She smiled sweetly at the Beagle and said, "I think you should tell them."

Bobby nodded and took a deep breath. He looked right at Karson and said, "I'm going to marry Molly. We were waiting for the ruling to be released, and this makes it official. Karson, I'd like for you to be my best man. Well, Companion in this case." He chuckled at Karson's shocked but pleasant expression.

Rachel just smiled knowingly as Molly gave her a wink. Karson walked over and hugged Bobby and patted him on the back. "Congratulations my friend! This is certainly a momentous day. I am so happy for you both. I would be honored."

Molly embraced Karson after he finished hugging Bobby. "Thank you very much, Karson." She kissed him on the cheek, and then turned to Rachel. "You will of course be my bridesmaid won't you?"

Rachel nearly squealed with glee and said, "Hell yes I will!"

Molly laughed with her and the four gathered in a group hug. The air was full of their shared love and compassion as each of them wanted to hold on to the moment as long as possible.

Unfortunately, even the elation from the evening's special news could not forestall Rachel's fatigue, and she yawned hugely when the group hug broke. Molly nudged her friend and said, "You should go ahead and head home. I will call you in the next couple of days so you can help me with some planning." Rachel nodded but even her yawns could not wipe the grin from her face.

"That sounds good Molly. Thank you for the great meal!" The two women hugged again and Rachel patted Bobby on the back. "Congratulations, you lucky devil! I'll see you again soon."

Bobby winked at her and wrapped his arm around Karson's shoulder in a brotherly fashion. "Guess the two of us guys are going to spend a lot of time together since the girls will be busy with wedding stuff, eh mate?" Karson grinned and nodded.

Rachel pulled him by the hand away from his buddy and playfully joked with Bobby. "Don't make me have to separate you two. Karson is only on loan." Karson jumped in surprise as Rachel lightly swatted his rump. "Come on, Kuddles, time to go."

Karson's ears blushed slightly as he said in that not in front of my friend tone, "Rachel..." She laughed at his embarrassment and kissed him sweetly on the nose.

Rachel leaned close and spoke to him softly. "You know I'm just teasing. Come on hot stuff; let's get home so we can cuddle in bed." He nodded.

"Okay, you two behave and I'll talk to you soon Bobby." Karson waved as Rachel pulled him out the door.

"Bye!" Molly called after them and locked the door as she turned out all but the lights over the bar. Bobby gathered up all the empty glasses left over from the various toasts. Molly swaggered over to the end of the last booth and leaned against the side seductively. She waited until Bobby had set down an armload of glasses before she caught his attention.

"Psst. Hey, beagle boy."

Bobby played along. He looked left and right, and gave her a questioning gaze as he pointed to himself. "Who me?"

"Yeah, you. Come here stud, I want to tell you something."

Bobby stalked over to her and put his hands on his hips. "Say your peace lass, I don't have all night."

Molly curled a finger under his nose and said, "Come closer."

The Companion leaned closer till his nose almost touched hers.

She leaned past his muzzle and whispered in his ear. "I love you, Bobby Beagle"

Bobby broke character and wrapped his arms around Molly and squeezed her tight. "I love you as well Molly Becker. I can hardly believe I'm going to get married!"

Molly laughed and pressed her nose to his, but she continued the charade. "Oh really? To who?"

Bobby shook her playfully in his grasp. "To you, you silly maid! I'm going to marry you!"

She patted his cheek. "Oh go on, you can't marry me without a ring."

Bobby's ears drooped and he slackened his grip on Molly. His tone turned a bit serious. "I know, and I'm working on it. I promise."

Molly suddenly stroked his cheek in apology. "Aw Bobby, I'm sorry! I was only playing. I didn't mean anything by it."

He nodded solemnly. "I know sweetheart, but I also know that it means a lot. Trust me; I'll get it straightened out."

She kissed him firmly. "I know you will. You always do."

Her kiss brightened his mood and he swatted her behind. "What do you say we leave off cleaning up and go upstairs?"

"Ooh, you handsome devil, always straight to the point."

Bobby took Molly by the hand and led her up the stairway in the back corner of the pub to the loft on the second floor. It was not their main home, but they spent enough time at the bar to use it frequently. For their purposes it would suffice for the evening.

Chapter 8

The next few days passed relatively quickly for Karson and Rachel since they resumed a more normal schedule after the federal ruling had time to disseminate through society. Karson wrote during the day and the two played games after dinner each night.

The weekend was the usual affair, and Rachel and Karson visited The Grinning Bulldog again on Saturday after spending the afternoon in the park. Karson noticed there was a larger number of Companions out and about since the last time they visited. He took it as a good sign that Companions were able to move about more freely. Karson also noticed that he rarely saw any Guardians using a leash.

During their visit to the Bulldog, Karson took the opportunity to approach Molly for a special request when Rachel made a trip to the restroom. He knew that she would most likely tell Bobby about the proposition, which did not bother him, but he strictly wanted to keep it a surprise from Rachel.

Quite simply, Karson asked Molly for a job. She was curious as to why he would want to keep it a secret from Rachel, but did not persist when he told her that he needed a way to make some money. Molly knew Karson was very reliable and trustworthy, and did not hesitate to say yes. They agreed that he would work part time during the middle of the day, which would allow him to get home before Rachel and still give him time to write during the evenings.

Karson also wrote the occasional article for one of the newspapers and did some ghost writing for a new magazine targeted at Guardians and their Companions, in order to make a little extra money. Now that Companion rights had changed, the magazine was also changing its format to accommodate the newfound readership. He wondered if the editor would allow him to publish anything under his own name.

Monday arrived in its usual fashion with Rachel rushing off to work. "Have a good day sweetie! Talk to you at lunch?" She kissed Karson, and he nodded before she disappeared out the door.

He went about some chores before he settled in to write. After a nice chat during lunch, he took a break during the afternoon to look online at the possibility of getting a bicycle for travel to the Bulldog. It was roughly 6 miles away, which was not a considerable distance, but Karson did not want to spend his new income on public transportation if he could avoid it. He figured the better investment would be his own transportation.

The selection of bicycles that would accommodate his body type was severely limited, as well as expensive. Feeling a little disappointed, he pondered how me would manage the commute when an advertisement on one of the web pages caught his eye. It was for inline skates made specifically for Companions. When he visited the sight, it had the inventory of skates available for sorting by different criteria, "body type" being one of them.

He selected "Second generation" and was presented with a page of 20 different models of skates. They ranged in price from $40-200, and he looked at them all. He was reluctant to spend $200 on a pair of skates, but he also knew that they would be getting a good deal of use.

He finally singled out the "Sprinter" model because of the reviews, pointing out that the skates were very comfortable and quite durable. Karson made note of the model number and color (Speed Demon red), but would have to wait until his first paycheck to make the order. He was satisfied to see that with shipping the skates would only cost him $75, and he deemed it to be an acceptable expenditure.

Karson spent the rest of the day writing until he heard the familiar jingle of the door locks opening. He continued to work knowing that Rachel would step in on her way to the bedroom to change clothes. This time however, she called excitedly from the living room.

"Karson, did you hear the news? I bet there is a story on right now, come here." He was unaware of any breaking news since he had been absorbed in his work, and he rushed to find out what Rachel was referring to.

"What has happened?"

"The trial is over! It only lasted for 2 hours, can you believe that?"

Karson's reaction was stunned silence. Rachel flipped through TV channels trying to find a news report and finally landed on a local news station. "Here we go, let's see what they have to say about it."

He focused his attention on the feed as the reporter conducted an interview with Augustus' attorney. "My client is very happy with the outcome of the trial. Jefferson accepted his assigned community service willingly and has been absolved of all charges. He will be able to join Beverly Augustus when she is released from the hospital at the end of the week."

The reporter asked another question of the attorney. "What does this mean for Companions from a legal standpoint now?"

The attorney faced the camera and gave his best smile as he replied, "My firm will gladly accept cases to give legal representation for Companions. We will work hard to make sure you get a fair and equal ruling. Contact the law offices of-"

Rachel began flicking through channels to try and find more coverage and landed on CNN. The anchor was in the middle of the report.

"-Companion to Beverly Augustus was found not guilty to charges of murder, however a sentence of 40 hours of community service was given. In a statement taken from Jefferson after the proceedings, the Companion told reporters 'I am just thankful that Beverly was not severely hurt. I will gladly do my service and I look forward to joining my brethren as a proud citizen of this country.'

"Stay tuned to CNN for continuing coverage of the latest developments in Companion rights. Later this week, we have an exclusive interview with Jefferson and Beverly Augustus, as well as all the up to date information on world affairs. If you are just joining us, again the Companion Jefferson has been found not guilty in the trial-"

Rachel punched the mute button and looked at Karson. He appeared to be processing the new information and was lost in thought. She reached out a hand and grasped his fingers. "Is everything okay, Kar?"

He blinked and snapped out of his daze, and he smiled at Rachel. "Yes, I think everything will be fine now." He squeezed her fingers back and said, "Would you like me to fix us dinner?"

She tugged his hand and shook her head. "Not just yet. Come here and sit with me." He let her pull him down and sat on her lap in the large recliner. Rachel hugged him close and rubbed her cheek against his affectionately. "All this good news is almost overwhelming," she said softly.

Karson nodded his head and stroked her arm. "I know what you mean. I'm glad I have you around."

Rachel giggled softly in his ear. "Funny, I was about to say the same thing. I would have never given you up, even if I did not have a choice. I love you so much, Karson."

Karson sighed happily. "I love you as well, Rachel." The two enjoyed the moment of closeness. The quiet spell was broken when Karson's stomach growled and Rachel laughed.

"Maybe we better get dinner going? You have to keep your strength up you know."

Karson flicked his ears and said, "For what?"

She kissed him firmly and grasped his tail briefly. "For later tonight!" He knew exactly what her vague innuendo referred to and he grinned back at her. Rachel pushed him off her lap. "Come on Kuddles, I'll help you make dinner."

The pair had fun preparing dinner and joked with each other at every opportunity. Rachel teased Karson constantly and he loved every minute of it. They ate their dinner hastily and could not keep their eyes off each other. Karson had scarcely wiped his mouth after his last bite before Rachel pulled him away from the table.

It took several minutes for the two to make their way down the hall and into the bedroom as they engaged in kissing and caressing. They left a trail of discarded clothing on the journey to the bedroom.

Once Rachel noticed that she had backed Karson up against the bed, she pushed him down and crawled over him. She was everywhere at once, kissing and fondling, and Karson did not resist in the slightest. His lover pressed her lips to his muzzle and kissed him so passionately he did not notice her hands were busy tugging on his tail.

When she got the desired result, Karson gasped as he felt her intimate grasp. A thin whine escaped his throat. Rachel giggled and said, "You like that Kuddles?" A shaky nod was his only response.

The two lovers playfully took turns administering to each other's needs. After an intense bought of lovemaking, Karson lay in a daze next to Rachel as she absently ran her fingers through the fur of his chest. When she raised her eyebrows at him in an unspoken question, he smiled back at her. "I think I need a little time to recover."

She giggled and lay across his chest, and nuzzled into his neck the way he loved so much. Karson wrapped his arms around her back and stroked her neck, and she reached up and stroked the tip of his left ear.

Rachel mumbled into his fur, "Just don't take too long, I might not be able to wait. I'll have to take matters into my own hands. You wouldn't want me to tie you up and make you watch?" Karson gave a playful growl and tickled her side.

"What if I tied you up and teased you until you couldn't stand it?" He grinned and imagined what it would be like. She nipped at his neck and squirmed on top of him.

"Forget about teasing me, you're already doing that! The feel of your fur against my skin is driving me crazy."

Karson rumbled at the sensual female and said, "My goodness, you are wild tonight! Sounds like I don't have much of a choice."

Rachel grinned wickedly at him and took hold of his wrists while she straddled his stomach. "No, you don't." She rolled over with the Companion on top of her and the two were once again in the throws of passion.

The morning arrived with Rachel rushing off in her usual fashion. Karson kissed her as she departed and Rachel affectionately stroked his cheek. "Have a good day lover," she said tiredly but with happiness.

"You too sweetie, I love you!"

"Love you! Bye!"

Karson waited until the door closed and yawned. He figured he should get some breakfast since he was up, even if he felt like going back to bed. "That woman will be the death of me," he said with a devilish grin, "but oh what a way to go!"

Chapter 9

Days passed in a flash as Karson and Rachel once again settled into their usual routine. He wrote during the day, did his chores, and got used to working at The Grinning Bulldog. Molly and Bobby were of course happy to see him frequently, and somehow the three of them managed to keep Karson's part time job a secret from Rachel.

After the second day on the job, Karson had explained to Molly about getting skates for transportation and right then and there she gave him an advance to cover the cost. She insisted that he order the skates and send them to the bar, and two days later they were waiting for him when he arrived at work.

Since he only worked three days a week at the Bulldog, he figured he was making about $75 a paycheck. Molly paid him in cash every Friday and it was not long before Karson opened a savings account at a local bank, now that banks were legally obligated to accept Companion customers.

Life continued at a happy pace for Karson. Rachel helped Molly plan the wedding ceremony and reception, and the two often asked the opinion of their Companion counterparts when it came to food or clothing or flowers. As the date approached, Karson saw Bobby become nervous and anxious. During work one afternoon, he sat down with his friend and asked him about it.

"Is everything okay Bobby? You seem a little on edge lately?"

Bobby sipped his glass of water. He had cut back on his drinking recently and it did not escape Karson's notice. The Beagle replied, "Aye, but I'm okay. I just can hardly believe it's actually going to happen! I had dreamed of the day when I could call Molly my wife, and now...well, it's like a dream come true." Karson smiled at his friend.

"I know what you mean. I'm so very happy for both of you."

"Speaking of which let me show you something." Bobby reached into his pocket and pulled out a tiny clamshell box. Karson's eyes lit up when Bobby popped open the lid and showed the ring he intended to give Molly. "Cast your peepers on that!" The ring was a thin titanium band overlaid with an intertwining Celtic weave pattern; in the center was an imbedded diamond stud. Karson tentatively reached for the ring but hesitated.

"May I?" Bobby nodded and let him pick up the ring. Karson held it in the light and it sparkled brilliantly. He also noticed the inscription inside the band, which read: Love always, BB. Karson placed it carefully back in the box and said, "It is a lovely ring for a lovely bride."

Bobby beamed as he replied, "Thanks mate," and quickly stuffed the box back in his pocket. "I'm going to show Molly tonight. I know she does not let on, but I can tell she is nervous since it took me so long to get the ring."

"Where did you get it?"

"There is a place about 2 miles from here, Franklin Jewelers. I had them make this specially for me, so it is a one of a kind just like Molly!"

Karson giggled, "How poetic." He made a mental note of where the jeweler was for future reference.

As Karson prepared dinner later that evening, the phone rang. Rachel picked up and after a brief pause exclaimed, "Really? Tell me all about it!" She winked at Karson and ran into the bedroom. He shook his head with a grin and continued dinner, having already guessed who was calling.

Rachel returned to the kitchen a short while later as Karson waited on the casserole in the oven to finish. She stood next to him and planted a kiss on his cheek. He could tell she wanted to share her news and prompted her. "Who was that?"

"Molly called and said Bobby 'officially' proposed to her and gave her the ring." She laughed at her own statement. "Well, he did not give her the ring yet, but he showed it to Molly. She said it was wonderful and she sounded really excited. I can't wait until next weekend! It's going to be a great ceremony."

Karson wrapped his arm around her waist and smiled at her. "I'm sure it will be. I can't wait to see you in that bridesmaid's dress." Rachel gave him a playful shove.

"Oh stop it!"

The stove bell dinged and Karson pulled out the casserole to cool. He indicated to Rachel to go ahead and sit down. When the table was set and they began eating, Karson seemed a little distracted as Rachel talked about what would happen at the wedding reception.

"After the bride and groom cut the cake, there is the first dance. I can't really dance, but I'm sure my two left feet can manage for one quick song." Rachel noticed Karson had stopped eating but pretended to be listening and lost in his own thoughts. She grinned and said, "Then all the Companions will have to wear hats and dance around in a circle. Won't that be fun?"

Karson nodded and replied, "I'm sure it will be fun."

Rachel's brow furrowed as she laid a hand on his arm. "Karson, what is bothering you? You've hardly been listening."

He sighed and attempted a weak smile and said, "Oh, nothing. I was just thinking. I'm sorry I got distracted."

Rachel held his gaze. "Kar, I can't help you if you don't talk to me. There is obviously something on your mind. You know you can talk to me about anything." He looked away, which caused Rachel to fill with genuine concern, but she waited for him to speak his mind.

"What if I'm unable to be successful with my writing? I don't want to be a burden to you, Rachel, but I don't feel like I really contribute that much to our situation. Lately, I guess I've been feeling a lot of uncertainty since I have not gotten any fruitful leads through my published articles. I know you love me, but will that be enough? I want to be more to you than just a stay at home lover."

Rachel immediately knelt down by Karson's side and gently pulled his shoulders around so he was facing her. She reached up and held his face in her hands, tenderly staring directly into his eyes. "Listen to me carefully, Karson. I love you with all my heart and soul. Yes, I love you physically, but that is not the one and only reason you hold a special place in my heart. I love your personality, I love who you are and the way you think. I want you to do what makes you happy, and I know that writing is a big part of that. It does not matter to me if you make one dollar or a million, I will still love and respect you. It takes time to be successful and I just know that it will come along, you just have to trust in yourself the way I do."

Karson's ears perked slightly even though his eyes were still downcast. "I know, and I truly appreciate your belief in me. I just want to prove that I am deserving of your love and support."

Rachel felt her eyes well up with tears and she hugged him close as she buried her face in his chest. "Karson, you silly, sentimental, wonderfully brilliant and compassionate have proved yourself a dozen times over to me, so get this absurd notion of having to 'prove yourself' out of your head." He stroked her hair and kissed her head.

"I don't know if I am deserving of such a wonderful partner."

Her tears of happiness dampened his shirt as she replied, "See? Just when I didn't think I could love you any more, you go and say something like that."

Karson stroked her neck and spoke softly. "I'm sorry Rachel. I did not mean to upset you; I just had a moment of insecurity. But once again your love and support has set me right again." He lifted her chin off his chest and continued. "I love you so much. Thank you." He pressed his lips to hers in a tender kiss.

After a few moments, they each regained their composure and cleaned up the remains of dinner. They decided to curl up in bed and snuggle instead of engaging in the usual after dinner game. Rachel's reaction to Karson's concerns further strengthened his drive to focus on his writing and his determination to get published.

The remaining days passed more quickly than anyone could have imagined and finally the wedding date arrived. Rachel dropped Karson off at the sight of the ceremony and went to join Molly in getting prepared. When he caught up with Bobby, the Beagle was a bundle of nervous energy. Karson found it amusing that Bobby was so flustered that he could scarcely concentrate on getting dressed, and had to help his friend get organized.

Karson first helped Bobby get prepared before he slipped into his own outfit. Bobby was decked out in a fancy black tuxedo with a bright green bow tie and a white vest under his jacket. Karson wore a similar outfit without jacket, but his vest was light green and he had a black bow tie. The pair looked quite handsome and they got a number of compliments as Karson escorted Bobby to the staging area.

The church in which the ceremony took place was a small hall that could easily accommodate several hundred people, though this day there were only about 50 people in attendance. Molly invited many of her friends and Bobby a fair number of Companions he knew. There was no real family to speak of since Molly was an only child and her parents had passed many years before.

As the congregation got situated and the organ came to life, Bobby took his place at the altar with Karson standing at his side. Bobby's tail instinctively tucked slightly between his legs as he waited for the ceremony to start. Karson put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and whispered to him, "Buck up mate, you will do just fine." Bobby nodded and smiled at him and blew out a sigh to try and relax.

A moment later all in attendance rose and turned to the entryway. Rachel appeared in the doorway and Karson's breath was briefly taken away when he saw her wearing a beautiful sea foam green dress. The sleeves ran down her arms with white lace, and the front was cut in a gentle curving V that swept up to her shoulders. The rest of the dress seemed to flow down her body and was form fitting but regal. She held a bouquet of lilies at her waist and proceeded up the aisle at a measured pace. When she reached the altar, she curtsied in front of Bobby and discreetly winked at Karson before taking her place opposite the men.

There were quite a number of hushed gasps and exclamations when the wedding march started and Molly appeared. Karson heard Bobby mutter under his breath, "What a sight!" He had to agree with his friend, Molly looked positively radiant. Karson quickly glanced over at Rachel and saw her smile back at him with just as much brilliance.

Molly walked up the aisle slowly and nodded at many of the faces that gazed upon her with love and friendship. Her gown was similar in design to Rachel's but with much more flourish. The white satin of her dress shimmered in the light when she moved, and there was more lace and a number of bows adorning the sides of the gown. The train trailed a pace behind her, and the veil could not hide the happiness in her smile or the love gleaming in her eyes.

Once Bobby saw Molly walking up to the altar, his tail gained a life of its own and wagged furiously, much to the amusement of a number of guests. Molly giggled softly and he shrugged with his charming smile. He lifted her veil and the minister proceeded with the rights. Bobby took the ring from Karson when he produced it, and slipped it onto Molly's finger after repeating the vows, "With this ring, I thee wed." Rachel sniffed and shed tears of happiness for her friend.

Likewise, Rachel produced a ring for Molly when the time came, much to the surprise of Bobby. He stared in open-mouthed shock when Molly grasped his hand and slid the ring on his finger when she repeated, "With this ring, I thee wed." The minister declared the union complete and gave permission for the couple to kiss. Molly threw her arms around the Beagle and kissed him firmly.

The congregation erupted in cheering and clapping as the wedded couple trotted down the aisle. Karson thrust out his arm for Rachel and said formally, "Milady?" She took his arm graciously, but not before planting a kiss on his cheek. The two followed the happy couple outside where a rain of rice pelted them.

Everyone in attendance had a good time at the reception. Karson and Rachel greeted many happy friends and enjoyed the antics of the new husband and wife. When it came time to cut the cake, Bobby was modest and fed Molly a piece she could easily handle. Molly on the other hand was not as gracious, and crammed a full slice into Bobby's muzzle. He took it in stride and licked his face after she smeared icing all over his nose, much to the amusement of the party.

Then came the chance for the new couple to have the first dance, and they paraded around for a minute before everyone else joined them on the floor. Karson took his turn with Molly and she hugged him close. Just before they parted Molly spoke in his ear. "Thank you so much Karson for being there for Bobby, I really appreciate it."

He kissed her on the cheek and replied, "It is my pleasure, Molly." Then she was whisked away by the next dancer. He took the opportunity to stand back and watch the crowd mingle. Rachel sauntered up to him and held out a glass.

"Almost time for the toast. You know, as best man you are supposed to give the first one."

Karson took the glass and nodded. He sniffed the contents and asked Rachel, "What is this? It does not smell like champagne?"

She grinned at him. "It's Beagle Brew remember? Bobby said he would have a batch ready for the wedding and here it is. It is good too!" He took a taste and agreed that it was very nice.

When the song ended Karson muttered, "I guess that is my cue. I'll be right back." He kissed Rachel and made his way through the crowd to the small stage that had a microphone set up. "May I have your attention please? It is now time to make the toast to the happy couple. Everyone, please take a glass. This evening marks such a special occasion; it is one for the history books." Karson held up his glass to Bobby and Molly. "This evening will forever be remembered, as the night of new experiences and something that has never occurred before. Let's give a cheer and raise a glass to commemorate the first public appearance of Bobby's Beagle Brew!"

The crowd clapped out of reflex but the applause quickly died away as everyone looked around confused. Karson let the confusion spread for just a moment longer before he added, "Oh yeah, and it is also Bobby and Molly's wedding!" Bobby's laughing guffaw could be heard over the entire party and Karson held up his glass to his friend. "Sorry, I could not resist a small joke. When you hang around with a Companion like Bobby, you cannot help but make the best of every day you are given."

The crowd quieted down as Karson turned serious for a moment. "Molly and Bobby mean a great deal to me. They have been the greatest friends a Companion could ever have and I feel blessed to know them. The way they care for each other and show compassion to everyone they meet is rare in this world. To Molly: may your kindness be returned to you tenfold and your love never ending. To Bobby: may you never run out of stories or a joke to always cheer your friends, and in return may you always be cheered. My friends, I love you both and wish you nothing but the best in life! Cheers!"

The crowd drank from their glasses and applauded Karson's toast. As soon as he left the stage, other guests made their way up to give individual toasts to the couple. Karson returned to Rachel and could see that her eyes watered. "That was a lovely toast, Karson." Before he could respond, Bobby appeared and slapped him on the back.

"Nearly choked me up there, mate. Those were fine words and I thank you for them."

"You are welcome my friend."

"Take a gander at this ring, eh? I was completely floored when Molly pulled it out to put it on my finger. That sly girl, she told me that she was not going to get me a ring. I should have known that she had something up her sleeve." Bobby held out his left hand for Rachel and Karson to see. His ring was a flat band of intertwined silver and onyx-inlaid platinum, creating a black and white kind of look to the ring. It stood out against the white fur of his hand.

"That is lovely, Bobby," Rachel said.

"Yes, quite nice," Karson commented.

Bobby looked over at Molly who was chatting with another couple. He sighed happily and turned back to Karson and Rachel. "If I loved that girl any more I'd have to marry her twice!" Rachel giggled and kissed him on the cheek.

"Congratulations, Bobby. I'm going to talk to Molly, you boys behave!"

The guys watched as the girls talked across the room. The women laughed and covered their mouths as they conversed, but it was plain by the looks they were giving that Bobby and Karson were the topic of conversation. Bobby laughed and put his arm around his best friend.

"Gotta love those girls! The world would definitely be a boring place without them, eh?"

"Indeed. So, how is the Brew doing? I almost forgot that you were bringing it along to the party."

Bobby brightened even further at the mention of his Brew. "Oh you would not believe how popular it is! I've already had many people ask me where they can get it, and not just Companions either. I got a business card from another bar owner asking if he can sell my beer. Can you imagine? Selling my brew! I tell ya, things are looking up!"

Karson patted his friend on the back, genuinely happy for his success. "That is great news! I am really happy for you. And you know...for getting married as well." Karson winced as Bobby laughed so loud and hard he nearly fell over.

When he had regained his breath, Bobby grabbed a glass of his brew and sat down. "Oh goodness Karson, you should consider being a comic! You kill me with that wit of yours." The two Companions joked and laughed and talked about a number of things before the girls joined them.

Molly came up between the guys and laid an arm across each of their shoulders. She leaned over to Karson first and said, "That was the best toast I've ever heard, Karson. It really meant a lot to me, thank you." Karson ducked his head in embarrassment, but accepted the compliment. Molly leaned over to Bobby, "So how much longer do I need to wear this ridiculous dress? I'd kill to have a pair of jeans and sneakers right now."

Rachel laughed at her friend's comment. "Better live it up while you can, never know when you will wear that dress again. When are you two going on honeymoon?"

Molly blew on Bobby's ear as she replied. "Well, we are not going to take a real honeymoon just yet. Bobby has several potential leads to get his new brew out and about and it is best to take advantage of the situation. We will take an extended leave when we see how things will turn out. Until then we're just going to have a three day weekend at the Windsor Hotel downtown." Bobby blushed and shifted in his seat when she added casually, "I don't think we will be leaving the room much or getting very much sleep though."

Bobby cleared his throat and said, "Come on love, I don't think these two want that much information." Molly laughed and sat in her husband's lap.

She turned to Rachel and said, "I don't know what he is talking about, but I plan on soaking in that Jacuzzi every chance I get and ordering the massage treatment. I hear room service is the best there."

Rachel and Karson could clearly hear Bobby mutter to his wife. "I thought you were talking about shagging all weekend? Are you really going to sit in that hot tub the whole time?" This caused Karson to unsuccessfully stifle his laughter, and in a few seconds all four of them laughed uncontrollably.

The party eventually wound down and the wedded couple said goodbye to everyone as they departed. Rachel and Karson were the only ones left when the catering staff began clearing and cleaning. They stayed until Molly insisted that take their leave. Bobby pushed Karson toward the door and said, "Go on you silly boy, we've kept you away from your girl long enough. You two go have a nice evening. As soon as we are done here, it's off to the hotel and shagg-" Molly jabbed Bobby in the ribs and he quickly recovered. "...Uh, relaxing for the rest of the weekend."

Rachel bade the couple goodbye and pulled Karson after her as he said his farewells. When the two arrived at Rachel's car, she briefly pushed Karson to one side and pressed against him. "You look so sexy in that suit Kar. I think you might need to keep it." He smiled and ran his hands down her sides.

"I could say the same for that dress. It looks magnificent on you." Rachel laughed and kissed his nose.

"That's too bad, because I don't plan to be wearing it for much longer."

Karson grinned at her. "Can you wait until we get home?"

She sighed in mock exasperation. "I guess if I have to. But promise me you'll give me a massage when we get home?"

"Consider it done, milady."

"That's what I like to hear, Romeo!"

The two kissed briefly before getting in the car. As the sun set, Rachel and Karson recounted their favorite moments from the wedding. Each of them secretly hoped that one day they too would experience such a wondrous day.


Scratching the Itch

This is a work of fan fiction set in the World of Warcraft universe. All materials pertaining to WoW are ©Blizzard. This story involves graphic scenes of sex, you must be 18 years old to view this material. Story copyright Elton M Glover,...

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A Companion's Heart

A Companion's Heart [Friends and Lovers](%5C) [Companions Forever](%5C) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ All characters and storyline ©2010 Elton M. Glover. \*Note: This story has undergone a re-write from the version I posted previously. The body has...

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Rivals and Lovers

This is a work of fiction using the characters from DreamWorks Animation's "Kung-Fu Panda". Tigress and Po are © Dreamworks You must be 18 years old to read this material. It depicts adult situations and scenes of sex. All the usual...

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