Dog Town

Story by Furries R Us on SoFurry

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Posted with Permission from k9k

Ani's tail wagged as he snuggled with his best friend Bay. Ani, the larger of the two, pinned his friend beneath his large, nude body. Ani's black fur contrasted greatly against his friend's white and tan fur. The smaller beagle grinned and craned his neck up so he could kiss.

The muzzles met and tongues twirled as the pair kissed, Ani rubbing his plump black sheath and droopy sack against the snow white sheath and taunt sack of his canine companion. The soft bed beneath the pair granted Ani the ability to grind and rub as hard as he wanted to.

Bay's paws reached out and grabbed the larger dog's taunt black buttocks and pulled him close as Ani did likewise. Just as sheaths shrank to allow out wanting erections, a knock came from the door.

A brown dog head poked in to say "Your appointment is here Bay." Bay smiled warmly at this as did Ani. Ani's life had changed much since he had been first captured by humans. He had been won in a poker game and donated to a temple out in the boondocks of human civilization.

The place was known as Dogtown, because of the large canine population living amongst the humans. Ani's duties at the temple were simple, to serve humans. The temple's guiding mantra was "We are man's best friends." And more often then not, humans required certain services.

In this case, Bay was to help a human boy with his sexuality. A short, brown haired boy entered the room, dressed in rough leather pants and a loose green shirt. Ani climbed off of Bay, grinning as the human's face turned red.

Ani had learned quite a bit about humans and found them quite humorous and strange. Besides having only fur on their heads, their faces were expressive enough they didn't need tails. They were quite warm and soft, and seemed to invoke a kinship in both dog and human.

The boy sat down on the bed, clearly nervous and by his scent, slightly aroused. Bay put a paw on the boy's shoulder and said gently "Hello, I am Bay, this is my friend Ani. What's your name?"

The boy, with emerald eyes, said softly "I am Ejo." Ani beamed as he rubbed the boy's back and said "Hello Ejo, what brings you here?"

Ejo's face turned red as he said "I...I am confused. All my friends like girls but I don't." Ani gently scratched the boy's back through his shirt, Ani had discovered that unlike dogs, humans preferred back rubs and back scratches to tummy rubs.

Bay said with glee "Because you like other boys, right?" Ejo's face turned scarlet as he nodded, eyes on the ground. Ani smiled as he said "Well, I like boys, in fact I like Bay here."

With a smirk, Ani kissed Bay on the lips in front of the shocked Ejo. From the boy's scent, it was clear the scene was arousing him greatly. As the dogs pulled back from the kiss, Ejo asked "How can two males, you know, have sex?"

Ani smiled as he said "I can show you if you wish." With Ejo's nod, Ani gently laid Ejo back on the bed, smiling as he added "Relax, this will feel very very nice."

With Bay's help, Ani slid the human's pants off, revealing pale, hairless legs, the funny human toes and a pair of cotton shorts. The shorts were tented, and a small wet spot was forming near the tip of the tent.

The white dog gently pulled off Ejo's shirt, revealing a pale chest with two pink nipples. Bay gently began to rub the boy's chest and belly, soft paw pads massaging the warm flesh.

With a smirk, Ani pulled off the shorts, revealing a pale, hairless groin; the scrotum had a roe color to it, and contained two orbs the size of large robin's eggs. The shaft was thin, the glans was plum shaped, the end skin bunched up under the crown. A bead of clear fluid was formed on the slit.

A white paw moved down as a black paw moved up. Bay gripped the boy's shaft as Ani cupped the male's sack. Bay gently masturbated Ejo, soft paw pads squeezing and stroking the shaft, thumb toying with the glans and foreskin. Ani massaged and rolled the orbs in his paw, claw tips teasing the teen's taint with each motion.

A happy bark from Bay signaled the next step. Ani bent down and began to lap at the boy's sack as Bay slurped and licked the boy's shaft. Canid maws roamed the pubic triangle, licking and lapping all with in.

Soon the muzzles met in a kiss. Tongues twirling and wrestling around Ejo's erect penis. Paws roamed the boy's body, rubbing and massaging the unguarded flesh. Tongues slid under the loose foreskin, rough flesh rubbing the glans.

With a gasp, Ejo came, sweet and salty seed shot onto the tongues of the eager dogs and on to the bared boy flesh. Paws set to work, stroking the throbbing shaft, massaging the twitching testicles to encourage more seed from them. When at least it would yield no more, the dogs set to work, licking clean the boy's belly and genitals.

Smirking widely, Ani whispered into Bay's ear, earning a grin and a bark of agreement from the pooch. Ani straddled Ejo's chest and said "Relax little one, I will do the work for you."

Ani looked down at his shaft. It was quite beautiful; it was snow white, covered in a gossamer of veins. The head was shaped like the head of a chisel. Its length was long, the knot set far back. One paw moved and cradled the boy's head as Ani cooed "Just relax."

With skillful motion, Ani guided his shaft into the boy's maw, gently humping his face.

With each hump forward, Bay was at work on the boy's cocklet. The advantage of the human's youth was it was easy to re-arouse him and very soon Bay's maw was clamped around Ejo's organ, bobbing his head in time with Ani's thrusts.

Gently removing his shaft from Ejo's mouth, Ani climbed off of Ejo and gave a nod to Bay. Bay grinned as he sat up and turned around, bending over to present his rump to the human. Ani sat Ejo up and got him on his knees.

Ani moved behind the human, paw grasping the boy's cock as he guided him toward the presented rump, cooing in his ear "Relax; just let your body do what it wants."

As the glans began to sink deeper into Bay, Ejo moaned, letting Ani guide his hand around the white dog and to grasp the dog's shaft. Ani used the human's hand to stroke Bay as he said "Keep doing this as you thrust."

Using his paws, Ani grasped Ejo's hips and started a thrusting motion, and once Ejo got the rhythm, Ani moved on to the next step.

Gently aligning himself with the boy's hole, Ani let Ejo's thrusts work the shaft in. With each thrust Ejo made into Bay, a little bit more of Ani slid into Ejo. Ani closed his eyes, savoring the feeling; it reminded him of a warm velvet glove.

Once Ani was half way in, he carefully lifted his leg and turned, as if to tie. On all fours, sack draped over his knot, Ani let Ejo explore.

With every thrust forward or back, the human either sodomized Bay or impaled himself on Ani. Ejo lost count the number of orgasms he had, for Ani and Bay would move back and forth if he stopped.

As the shadows grew long in the room, Bay let out a sharp bark as he came, his seed coating the young boy's palm. This caused Bay's anus to spasm, wrenching a final orgasm from the tired human. As Ejo laid back to rest, Ani's knot slid in and swelled up, causing a yip from Ani. As Ejo drifted off to sleep, he felt the warm, watery jet of dog seed pump into his rectum, the pulse lulling him to sleep.

Ani and Bay laid their heads down to rest, tails wagging. They had done their duty and served man. It would not be the first time nor would it be the last time they helped man, nor would it be the last time they serviced this human.


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Spoils of War

Ani, put simply, was confused. The pup was confused as to why he, a male, was doing in a bedchamber. It all started badly, Ani's tribe had sought to rise up against the humans, the strange beings who ruled over the lands with an iron...

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