Lore: The Grinder

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#7 of Club Meat Grinder

Information regarding the eponymous machine at the heart of Club Meat Grinder.

_ From 'Club Meat Grinder - A Primer'_

Even before they arrive, many visitors are of course familiar with the titular feature of our famous Club. Well known as being the largest industrial meat grinder in the world, the machine is used primarily as a disposal for the countless number of corpses that are produced by the adult clubgoers, the final resting place of the multitudes of cubs that come every night to have their masochistic fantasies fulfilled. A marvel of industrial engineering, it has a potential throughput of an entire ton of meat per hour, working with an often highly contaminated product to produce delicious ground meat fit for consumption.

Comprised of 12 concentric counterspinning blade rings, the widest of which is nearly two hundred feet across, the uppermost layer or 'face' of the grinder is the only part a living clubgoer will get to see. It provides a lovely show for any adult to watch after they've finished with their fun, consuming the remains of a cub and ripping it into successively smaller pieces until the child seems all but obliterated. Though the triangular sawteeth look sharp from a distance, any close observation will show that the true destructive power comes from the flat vertical front of the teeth catching the carcasses between them as they spin past each other, shearing it apart into smaller and smaller chunks until they slip through the gaps between blade rings.

Of course, this is only the first step that the cub meat goes through in its processing. The wide flat pit at the center of the Club is but the surface of a machine that continues fifty feet further down, cleaning and treating the remains of the children until they're fit for consumption.

Immediately beneath the uppermost blades, the now fist-sized chunks of cubflesh fall through a powerful inductive magnetic field. This catches any bits of ferrous metal mixed in among the meat, a particularly important step. A little known fact about the Club is that every non-metallic toy, weapon, kitchen implement, surgical device, and prop provided for the use of patrons is impregnated with metallic particles, primarily for the very purpose of being captured by this step of processing. This removes most of the solid contamination mixed in with the meat, though it does not catch everything.

After passing through the magnetic field, the chunks of meat and bone land in a bath of water, where remaining heavy contaminants sink to the bottom. The water spins in a slow whirlpool pattern, floating pieces of meat skimmed off the top and edges while bone and other dense waste collects at the bottom.

At this point, the meat chunks that have passed through this process are often still recognizable as pieces of anatomy from a given cub, many pieces still containing skin, even some whole organs occasionally passing through unscathed. This is soon rectified by the meat pieces falling into a pit where they are squeezed through the gap between two hollow spinning barrel drums, which are perforated so as to allow the squished meat to ooze through into their interiors. This mechanically separates skin from flesh, as the skin cannot be squeezed through the holes in the barrel. Organ meat mixes with muscle at this point, the two becoming indistinct from each other.

The skin is disposed of after passing between the two barrel drums, meat collecting in the insides of the barrels and rolling outward to land on a conveyor belt. Here it undergoes another magnetic check, also receiving x-ray sterilization as it passes to the final grinding. This x-ray bath eliminates any pathogens lurking in the meat, as well as serving to denature certain chemicals that the cubs might have subjected themselves to while living.

At this point, the meat is technically edible, though the texture of it must be improved, and lingering bone chips and sinew must be removed. The conveyor belt splits to feed into four typical industrial meat grinders, the same make and model which are also stocked above in the Dolcett area. These chop up the meat and pass it through an auger, which forces it up against a spinning blade with a grinder plate behind it. A special channel in the grinder plate collects bone and sinew that resists being chopped and pushed through the plate, guiding it into a waste tube to be sucked away while the chopped ground chuck oozes out, ready to be packaged for consumption.

Though cleaned of all bone, sinew, skin, and pathogens, the end product of this process still contains trace contamination by feces, sexual fluids, drugs, exploded ordinance, and other chemicals. Given the ratio of meat to contaminant, the FFDA considers it to be of low grade, though still passable.

Despite this official rating, the meat produced from this process is often considered quite tasty. Combined with the fact that the children are often quite relaxed following orgasms just prior to their slaughter, removing any potential stringiness due to fear, the inherent tenderness of the young cubmeat creates a juicy, savory end product once cooked.

As the general population is accustomed to cannibalism as a large source of dietary meat (although typically not from bodies so thoroughly processed), it is not difficult to sell the meat on the open market. Given that it is produced and sold in industrial quantities, the most common buyers include local restaurants, pet food manufacturers, and school cafeterias.

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