Bully Problems (Part 1)

Story by frozenthrone on SoFurry

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A piece I got a while back from Arch Fox about a wolf who's having difficulties with a bully who's giving him trouble and his brother who's determined to help.

It had just turned 8 o'clock, the train station was eerily quiet. Barely anyone was thinking of travelling anywhere this late at night. Alone, on one of the platforms, pacing restlessly, was a young white wolf. He was a very small, scrawny example of his species. Small and weak-looking, the teenage wolf, who went by the name Matthew, was often the target of harassment from the bullies at his high school, and with his brother away at the naval academy there was nobody to defend him. That was going to change today though. His brother had just recently graduated as an officer and was given permission to visit his family before being deployed. He'd set the bullies right for him. Make them sorry they ever picked on him.

Matthew checked the time again. 8.05. The train he was on should have been there five minutes ago. The small wolf grew nervous and started wringing his hands together. What if something had gone wrong? What if his brother couldn't make it? Dread started to rise in the pit of his stomach. He was looking forward to seeing him. Not just because he'd most definitely sort out his bully problem, but because he'd missed his big brother ever since he'd left. His mind jumped to the worst case scenario... What if he couldn't make it at all? What if he didn't get to see him? He wrung his hands together, but his fears were quickly put to rest when his ears twitched and he heard the sound of an incoming train. He looked up, his face lighting up as it pulled up at the platform. Matthew started to wag his tail happily. The train stopped, the doors opened and a few people exited. Not many; there weren't many people travelling this late at night, not to a place like this anyway. He looked around, his eyes scanning the area for his brother. Just as he was starting to worry that maybe the older wolf had missed the train or otherwise hadn't been able to make it, he saw him step off, dragging his luggage behind him.

"Aaron!" he called to him and rushed forward, throwing himself at his brother and hugging him tightly.

"Heeey, there's my li'l bro!" Aaron laughed, the huge, muscular wolf throwing his arms around the smaller male and returning the hug, "Shit, I missed you, man."

"I missed you too." Matthew said, looking up at his brother. Matthew had to take a moment to admire Aaron's bulk. He was a lot muscular than he was the last time they'd seen each other. Those muscles of his seemed to threaten to break through his clothes at any second.

"You, uh, you been working out?" he asked.

"Just a bit." Aaron smirked and flexed, his muscles bulging, "I had a lot of time to train myself at the academy." Matthew nodded in reply. This was a good sign... There's no way his bullies would dare mess with him after being intimidated by this big, scary, muscle factory of a wolf who'd just graduated from the naval academy of all things.

"How've you been, Mat?" Aaron asked. Matthew's ears drooped at that and Aaron tilted his head curiously, "What's wrong? Something up?"

"K...kinda..." Matthew said, "I'll tell you when we get home. Mum and Dad are waiting for you."

"Okay. Sure." Aaron said. He was concerned for the smaller wolf. Something was clearly wrong, and Matthew wasn't the strongest wolf around so when things went wrong he never really dealt with it very well. Aaron hoped he'd be able to help somehow.

They left the station and started off towards their home. They didn't live too far away; although Aaron had to wonder why their parents didn't bother to pick him up in the car. Dragging this luggage all the way there was a pain.

"How was the academy?" Matthew asked.

"Tough." Aaron answered with a chuckle, "I guess it has to be tough to, I dunno, build character and everything. But I managed. Can't wait to get a proper night's sleep again though. I can't remember what it's like to get eight hours of sleep anymore." he chuckled and noted the concerned look on his brother's face, "Ah, don't look so worried. You know me, I'm tough. I dealt with it." he smiled down at Matthew who nodded.

"Okay... Good. That's good." he said.

"So, how've you been? You been having problems or something?" Aaron asked. Matthew hesitated before nodding to him.


"Well? Tell your big bro what's wrong, maybe I can help."

"Well, um..." Matthew stammered, searching for the right words to explain his problem. His cheeks turned pink; he was embarrassed to admit he needed help like this. Asking your brother to beat up the school bullies was something you did when you were a kid, not when you were a freshman in high school... Still, he continued: "There's this guy, this elk guy... he's been... bullying me recently." Aaron scowled at that, his ears perking up.

"Some shithead's been bullying you? Want me to go beat 'em up?" he asked.

"I... guess... Maybe talk to them? I dunno. They might stop bullying me if you tell them to. They'll probably be scared of you, y'know?"

"Heh, well I'm a scary guy." Aaron chuckled, "I'll sort him out for you. Where's the asshole usually hang out?"

"The alley... behind the shopping mall..."

"That place where all the tramps and drug addicts hang out? Figures. I'll deal with him, bro, don't worry. Let's get home for now though. Can't beat a guy up when I'm dragging my luggage around with me, huh?" Matthew chuckled in reply and the two continued their walk home until they finally reached their destination. They were barely through the front gate when their parents rushed out of the house to greet them: two big, strong, heavy set wolves rushing out to greet their son, throwing their arms around him and squeezing him tight. Even their mother had a good amount of muscle on her. Matthew was ashamed to admit that he was not only the runt of the litter, but seemed to be the runt of the entire family.

"Aaron, we missed you so much!" his mother said, assaulting his face with kisses, refusing to release her vice-like grip on him.

"M-missed you too, Ma." Aaron grunted.

"Oh, honey, let go of him before you snap him in half." his father said. The she-wolf reluctantly released her grip and gave her son some space. The father smiled and put his arm around Aaron's shoulders, "How've you been?"

"Good." Aaron answered, "The academy was tough, but like I told Matthew, I handled it."

"Heh, I knew you would. You're a strong wolf, a credit to our species." Aaron noticed the split-second look his father gave him. He had only glanced over at the smaller male, but in that quick second his eyes seemed to say "Unlike you" to him. Aaron looked away with a grunt.

"Can we go inside?" Aaron asked, "I'm kinda tired. Could do with a rest."

"'Course, son. Here, let me get your stuff." his father took his son's luggage and dragged it inside. The rest of the family followed and Aaron gave his brother a warm, reassuring smile as they entered their home.

Aaron was shown to his room. It was the same as he'd left it. Posters, CD's, video games. Nothing had been moved or so much as touched from what he could tell. Left to his own devices, the big wolf settled down on his bed, lying on his back and putting his hands behind his head. He remembered what his brother had told him... about those bullies... Aaron would sort them out tomorrow. Nobody bullies his little bro, let alone some prey-species elk motherfucker. A good punch to the face or kick to the nuts would sort this guy out for good. He closed his eyes. He felt so tired; he really could do with a rest.

He hopped out of bed, stripped off his clothes and was about to get back into bed to sleep when he caught site of himself in the full body mirror attached to his closet. He flexed his muscles and admired himself for a moment. He really had changed since he set off for the academy. All that training, weight lifting, benching... it did a lot of good for him. And then there was what he had between his legs... He reached down, taking his heavy sheath and balls in his hand before giving them a good shake and a stroke. Now there was something he didn't need to improve... His cock was huge to say the least; always had been. He remembered the looks he'd get from the other guys at the academy when they got a glance of it in the showers or while changing. He licked his lips as his massive wolf cock started to harden. It had been so long since he'd gotten release. There wasn't much time for it at the academy, and even if there was time, there was hardly any privacy. Sure, he could sneak off somewhere, or even jerk off in the bunks, nobody would mind, everybody did it. They all had needs. But he rarely every did. He was often too tired to even think of jerking off by the end of the day. As was the case now. He'd love to play with his growing, hardening cock, let his pent up load splatter all over his muscular body, but he was far too tired. He'd take care of it tomorrow. Aaron climbed into bed and smirked, imagining the looks on this elk's face when he'd confront him the next day. It was then that he had an idea... Maybe he could kill two birds with one stone. His smirk widened as a cruel plan formed in his head...


"His name's Chris." Matthew told him as Aaron set off towards the front door.

"Chris the elk. Gotcha." Aaron nodded.

"You sure you don't want me to come with you?" Matthew asked.

"Nah, too dangerous. Just stay here, li'l bro. I'll be back soon, once I've wrecked this asshole's face."

"O-okay... Um, be careful."

"Heh, don't worry 'bout me. I can handle this."

"Um, one question though... What's the bag for?"

"This?" Aaron asked, adjusting the bag he was carrying over his shoulder, "Don't you worry 'bout that. Just some stuff that'll help convince our friend to leave you alone." with that, he gave the smaller wolf a wink and set off. According to Matthew this guy liked to hang out in the alley behind the shopping centre. Aaron knew which one he meant. It was a dark, seedy place that decent people don't usually go to. Most people didn't even like cutting through that place. Too many scumbags and creepers there. You were likely to get mugged. Or at the very least, asked if you wanted to buy some cocaine. This Chris guy must be some kinda hardass to hang out there. Maybe he was trying to prove to his friends how tough he was by hanging out in a place most people wouldn't dream of setting foot in. Aaron didn't know, nor did he care. All he cared about was getting this guy to back off his brother.

He arrived at his destination soon enough. It only took him around fifteen minutes to walk there. He looked around the entrance to the alley for a moment before bravely heading in to find this elk that had been giving his brother trouble. He passed a couple of shady looking guys as he walked, neither of which were willing to mess with him. Being a tall, muscular wolf had its advantages. Eventually the alley opened up into a larger square area where a small group of degenerates were hanging around. Smoking, drinking, swearing. The usual stuff. Leaning against a wall was one particularly big guy. Fairly muscular, not nearly as muscular as Aaron though, a pair of developing but already fairly big and intimidating antlers adorning his head. This must be the elk Aaron was looking for. He approached the group, looking them up and down, analysing what kind of threat these guys would be. They were a diverse group. A couple wolves, a fox, even a big, muscle-gut sporting bull. Most of the gang was comprised of prey species, though. There were a bunch of rabbits, a few avians, even a couple of gazelles. Despite a lot of them coming from different species, they all had one thing in common: they all had the body of someone who was used to fighting. Chris seemed to look the toughest out of them however, and in a group that contained wolves and bulls, that was pretty impressive for him. Aaron assumed that's why the group seemed to consider him the leader: he was the strongest. Typical gang thought mentality. Too stupid to respect anything else so they just follow the strongest member of the group. Aaron took a better look at them and tried to discern their age. They all looked to be in their teenage years, around Matthews age. Likely a bit older.

"Chris?" Aaron called out. The elk looked up at him.

"Huh? Yeah? You work for the mall or something? 'Cos I told you assholes before, we ain't moving from here. This is our spot. And you call the cops again and there'll be fucking trouble." Aaron stifled a laugh. This guy was trying so hard to be some sort of big tough guy.

"I'm not from the mall." Aaron told him, "Name's Aaron. I'm Matthew's brother." the elk's smile faltered for a moment, but he managed to smirk at the wolf.

"Matthew? That little pussy wolf boy?" he laughed, "What, the fucker send his big, scary brother after us? Little bitch can't even fight his own battles. Figures." Aaron let out a grunt and took a couple steps towards the group. The way the elk talked about his little brother like that made his blood boil, but he kept himself calm. He wasn't going to get anywhere by losing his shit.

"I'm here to teach you assholes a lesson." he said.

"Yeah? I figured as much." Chris scoffed, pushing himself away from the wall he was leaning on and walking over to confront the wolf. He looked him over, scoffing as he saw just how big and muscly he was, "You some sort of 'roid freak with a body like that? Heh... Hey, you guys know what they say 'bout 'roid freaks, right? Got big muscles, but them's the only part of 'em that's big." he and his group laughed at that. Aaron just smirked.

"Sorry, no 'roids here." he pounded his hardy chest proudly, "Spent a few years training in the naval academy." the group's snickering stopped and their smiles faltered. Chris seemed the only one able to stay stoic in the face of the wolf. He heard one of his guys mutter behind him.

"Hey, I ain't screwin' with no navy asshole..."

"Yeah, me neither..." another member of the group spoke up, "I mean... look at that guy..."

"Quit being a bunch of pussies." Chris looked over his shoulder, addressing his group before turning back to Aaron, "So... the little pussy's sent his big brother after us, huh?"

"Don't call him that." Aaron growled.

"Aw, what, don't like me telling it how it is?" Chris scoffed, "What, can't you face the truth? You're brother's a pussy. A wimp. A little loser piece of shit. I remember last time I ran into him. Gave him a good punch in the gut and told him I'd leave him alone for the day if he licked my boots clean. Heh, never gotten a quicker shoe shine before in my life." Chris was suddenly thrown backwards as Aaron lunged for him, his fist connecting with the elk's face and crushing his nose. Chris stumbled and struggled to keep his balance, his hand gripping his nose, "Y-you fuck!" he screamed and then addressed his posse, "K-kick his ass!" the crowd hesitated for a moment before doing as their leader commanded.

Aaron readied himself and sidestepped a punch from one of Chris's underlings, countering by burying his knee into the belly of the wolf who'd attacked him. A couple of his other assailants hesitated and faltered, obviously intimidated by the big, bulky wolf. He turned to face them.

"Gonna take a swing at me too?" he growled. There was an unsure pause before a fox took a swing at him, his fist bouncing harmlessly off Aaron's chest, barely getting a grunt from the wolf. Aaron retaliated and shoved his fist into the vulpine's face, sending him hurtling to the floor. He dodged a couple more blows, countering with powerful punches of his own which sent his foes flying, slamming his fists into their faces, his knees and feet into their midsections, even delivering a particularly cruel blow to one of their nuts which had the guy on the floor, winded, his hands gripping at his crotch in an attempt to numb the pain. Chris just watched as his goons went flying, easily defeated at the hands of the wolf. He watched, wide eyed as his men started to flee in terror, picking themselves of the ground and scurrying away.

"Fuck this, I'm getting out of here!" one of them yelled as they bolted down the alley to safety.

"M-my nuts, he hit my goddamn nuts...!" the fox who's nuts Aaron had delivered a swift kick to limped away, whimpering with tears streaming down his face. Chris growled and roared at them in anger.

"You fucking pussies!" he yelled, his gang still fleeing in terror. Aaron turned to face the elk who clenched his fists and tensed his body, staring deep into the wolf's eyes. He seemed unfazed by the bigger male's bulk or fighting prowess, "Whatever." he spat, "It's not like I need those guys to beat the shit out of you." he lunged for the lupine, feigning a left hook which had Aaron distracted for a moment, letting Chris dodge to the side and drive his knee into his gut. Aaron grunted and jumped back, twitching at the hit as if the blow he'd just taken was nothing more than someone bumping into him. Chris took another swing at Aaron's face which was easily and simply dodged by the wolf just moving his head to the side slightly. As big and bulky as the elk was, it seemed all that muscle was just for show. His fighting tactics seemed to consist mainly of rushing for his opponent and swinging wildly. For someone with as much training and raw strength as Aaron had, Chris might have well have been a child throwing a temper tantrum. The wolf grabbed onto Chris's arm and pulled him close before bringing his fist down hard onto his elbow joint. There was a sickening crunching noise that echoed around the alley but was masked by the sound of Chris screaming in pain. He tried to pull away and Aaron decided to show him just the tiniest amount of mercy, stepping away and letting the elk have his arm back.

"You... you bastard!" Chris cried out. He had doubled over and gripped his elbow, pain searing through his arm. Aaron took advantage of Chris's state and went on the offensive. Chris, too distracted by the pain in his possibly broken arm, reacted too late and ended up taking the wolf's fist to his face. He brought up his arms to defend but faltered, unable to keep his injured left arm up for more than a second. He took another blow to the face, and then another, followed by another before taking Aaron's boot to his gut. He doubled over again, gasping in pain as the wolf gripped him by the antlers and drove his knee into his muzzle. Aaron threw him to the floor, the elk going down easily, sprawling out on the concrete and gasping in pain, trying to recover from the merciless beating he'd just received.

"E-enough!" Chris cried out, "S-stop, goddammit!"

"Awr, I thought you were a big, tough guy!" Aaron laughed, "Where's your big mouth now, huh?" he approached the elk and placed his foot on his back, pushing him to the floor, "Maybe I'm not done with you. I don't like people screwing with my bro, y'see."

"W-what do you want me to do? Beg? Apologize? What?!" Chris whimpered and looked up at Aaron who rolled him onto his back. The wolf looked down at him.

"Lemme think... Why don't you get down on your hands and knees and beg for my forgiveness? It'll take a lot more than that for me to forgive you but, hey, it's a start." Chris kept glaring up at him, a look of pure hatred and anger on his face, "Well? You gonna beg or not?"

"F...fine..." Chris spat and forced himself on all fours, wincing at the pressure he had to put on his hurt arm. Aaron crossed his arms and grinned down at him. After a moment's hesitation, the elk spoke up.

"I'm... s-sorry..." he said.

"Good boy. I bet you're wondering what I'm gonna do with you next, huh? See this bag here?" he patted the bag he'd brought with him, the bag he still had slung over his shoulders even after all the fighting, "Let me give to you straight... I'm going to fuck you." Chris's eyes widened, shocked, to say the least, at what he'd just heard, "And inside this bag here is a bunch of fun stuff I brought to make sure it's extra humiliating for you." his smirk faded and was replaced by a menacing, angry scowl, "Nobody screws with my brother." there was a small pause before a malicious smirk spread across Chris's face and he spoke up again.

"You didn't let me finish." he said. Aaron raised a curious eyebrow, "I'm sorry... that you're such a dumbass." before Aaron could even wonder what the elk meant by that, Chris had pulled a syringe from his coat pocket and shoved it into the wolf's waist, injecting him with some strange, white fluid.

"Wha- what the hell?!" Aaron gasped in surprise, leaping back and stumbling over himself. He lost his footing and was sent flailing to the floor, landing with a loud "Oomph!". Chris stood up, his legs wobbling, still recovering from his beating.

"Let your guard down, idiot." he said, "What, they didn't teach you to keep your guard up at the academy?" Aaron was about to leap to his feet and teach the elk a lesson, but found himself collapsing to the floor once again. His legs wouldn't work. They felt weak, like jelly. He could barely move them.

"W...what the hell was in that thing?!" he growled, fear welling up inside him as his vision started to blur.

"Knockout drug." Chris answered simply, "You pick up a lot of shit when you run with a gang like me. I bet you thought I was just some random ass high school bully, right? Some little shit you could beat up without breaking a sweat? I guess they didn't teach you not to underestimate your opponent at the academy either." Aaron heard the elk laughing, footsteps approaching him. He tried to force his eyes to work, so he could at least see what was going on, but he couldn't. His vision darkened, the feeling in his body left him and Chris's voice soon became nothing but a low drone... He passed out.


The first thing he felt when he finally came to was the coldness of the concrete floor he was lying on sending shivers through his body. He managed to open his eyes, the world around him still dark and blurry, but his eyes were steadily focusing. He then became aware of the uncomfortable squeezing around his wrists and ankles... He'd been tied up. As his senses returned he became more aware of the situation he was in. His wrists and ankles had been tied together with rope; presumably the rope he'd brought with him. It was one of the things he'd packed away in his bag. He'd been tied in a sort of foetal position; his back arched forward uncomfortably, his head nearly shoved into his own crotch. That was the next thing he noticed: he was naked. He let out an audible gasp, his eyes widening as he realized. That elk; Chris, he must have done this... He gulped nervously, the fear he felt before passing out quickly returning. He hoped so hard that this was all Chris was going to do to him... Strip him of his clothes, tie him up and leave him there, naked and helpless in the middle of a seedy alley. That would be humiliating enough, right? His hopes were dashed when he heard the elk's voice nearby.

"Hey, Sleeping Beauty's woken up! I didn't even have to kiss you!" he laughed. Aaron let out a low growl and looked up as best he could.

"W-where are you, you bastard?" he said. Chris stepped in front of him.

"Right here, Navy boy."

"You fu-!" Aaron stopped mid cuss when he saw Chris. The elk had stripped himself off too and now stood completely naked in front of the bound wolf. What's more, Chris's cock stood fully erect between his thick, muscular legs, his big, fat cock standing hard and proud. Aaron was about to demand to know what the hell Chris was doing when it occurred to him... Before Chris had pulled his stunt with that syringe, Aaron had been telling him how he was going to fuck and humiliate him... He knew what Chris had planned. He knew what was coming. Chris was going to do what Aaron had planned to do to him.

"Ha! That look on your face is cute, wolf!" Chris laughed, reaching down and gripping his hardened cock, "You look so surprised! Weren't expecting this, were you? So, you said you wanted to fuck me, huh? Wanted to humiliate me? That what the rope in your bag was for?" he growled and knelt down next to the wolf, "Bet you were going to have a real good laugh at me, weren't you? Ain't laughin' now, are you? Huh? Ain't fuckin' laughing now!" Chris spat on the wolf before gripping his shaft hard and slapping the lupine's face hard with his cock. He laughed at the wolf as he gave his face a few good whacks with his thick length.

"Fuck you!" Aaron growled at him, "When I get out of here I'm going to kick your ass!" Chris just laughed at him.

"When you get out? Who said you're getting out? I ain't planning on untying you. Now, I think I'll have some fun with the big, tough Navy boy." he smirked and shuffled closer to the wolf who grunted as he felt the elk's hands running over his body, caressing his muscles and running over his toned belly.

"Ah!" he let out a sudden gasp, a gasp which was far more high pitched than he'd wanted it to be, when he felt Chris's hand brush up against his sheath. The elk molested him, the evil smirk on his face never faltering as his hand ran over the wolf's fat sheath and heavy balls. He gave his sack a good squeeze which got another surprised squeak from him.

"Shit, pup. I take back what I said before." Chris said, his hand still running over Aaron's huge wolfhood, "No way you're a 'roid freak with junk like that."

"D-don't touch me, dammit!" Aaron grunted and struggled. As strong as he was, however, he couldn't break free of his binds. Especially not in his drugged and weakened state.

"Ah, quit complaining." Chris said, giving the wolf's balls a good squeeze, "Damn, that's a real nice cock you've got down there... Wonder how big you are hard..." Aaron's cheeks turned bright red as the elk continued to molest him. He saw Chris licking his lips as his cock throbbed and twitched between his legs. He knew Chris was going to use that monster of a cock on him sooner or later and he was dreading it. The elk continued talking: "So... looks like Navy boy's got one helluva cock on him... But what about the other side?" he smirked and gripped Aaron's body, pulling him onto his stomach and pushing his face into the concrete below, "Ohh, shit!" Chris growled, the sound of lust evident in his voice. He gripped Aaron's rump, squeezing it tight and letting out soft, aroused murring noises. The wolf's ass was small, petite, but was also fairly muscular, but not too muscular that you couldn't give it a good squeezing, "Big cock... nice, fuckable ass... You must have been a popular boy in the academy, eh?" Chris chuckled and gripped Aaron's tail, pulling it out of the way before spreading his cheeks, "Damn, and check out this fuck hole... Well, ain't you just the perfect little whore? You ever been fucked up here, Navy boy?" he ran a hand down Aaron's crack, teasing his tight little wolf hole and getting yet another gasp from him.

"Ah! S-stop! Get off me, asshole!" Aaron grunted and struggled pathetically. He cried out in pain when Chris delivered a hard slap to his toned ass.

"Behave yourself, pup!" he raised his voice, "Now, answer my question! You ever get fucked up here?!"

"No!" Aaron yelled back, "No, I've never had anything back there!"

"Not even fingered yourself?"


"Oh, shit... One hundred percent pure ass virgin. Fucking amazing." Chris smirked wickedly. He kept teasing Aaron's hole, rubbing his finger against it before pushing it forward.

"Stop! C'mon, you can't- nghh!" Aaron's begging was cut short when he felt his virgin hole stretching around the elk's finger, "Get it out! Get it out, you elk bastard!"

"Tsk, watch your language, pup." Chris said mockingly, forcing his finger deeper inside him. Aaron clenched his fists, his body tensing up. It hurt. Like he said, he'd never had anything back there. The sensation of being penetrated like this was new to him. He whimpered. He didn't like it; it hurt. That finger of Chris's violating him, going in dry and stretching his hole wide. Chris couldn't help but laugh at Aaron's whimpering, "What's wrong, pup? Can't take it? It's just one finger. I wonder how you'd act if I used two..."

"Two...? Ahh!" Aaron wriggled and squirmed as he felt a second finger forced inside him, stretching him further, "Dammit, stop!"

"Does it hurt?"

"Yes!" Aaron cried out.

"Heh, some tough guy you turned out to be." Chris mocked, "Came here acting like a big badass... can't even take a couple fingers up the ass without whining about it. So... you ever suck a dick before?"

"What? No!"

"No? Never sucked any of the other Navy boys in the academy? What about in the showers? You guys had public showers in the academy, right? Lots of hot, naked guys there I bet. Don't tell me you never fantasized about sucking all of them off... Starting a huge fucking gangbang with all of them; with you in the middle, sucking all their dicks."

"Fuck you!" Aaron yelled and then cried out as he felt Chris push his fingers forward, violating his passage deeper.

"Tch, you better start treating me with some damn respect." he gave Aaron's ass a good slap with his free hand, the sound of his hand hitting the white-furred rump echoing around the alley. He started humping his fingers into Aaron's hole, working them in and out, sending waves of pain throughout the wolf's behind, "Mm, getting your cute little ass nice and stretched... Gotta get you ready for my cock after all." Aaron let out a pathetic whimper. He saw no way out of this. He couldn't break free; he was too weak in this state... After a few moments of rough finger fucking, Aaron managed to think of something. He didn't like it, but it was his best bet of getting out of here.

"W-wait! I'll make a deal with you!"

"Huh? A deal?" Chris asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Y-yeah, a deal!" Aaron said, "See, I'm straight... but I'll let you fuck me..."

"Ha! 'Course you'll let me fuck you! As if you had a choice!" Chris laughed and gave his ass another slap.

"Ahh! I wasn't finished... You can fuck me... but, how about we see who cums first?"

"Hm? So where's the deal come in?"

"Well... let's say if you cum first, you let me go, and you stop bullying my brother. Okay?" Chris smirked at that.

"Heh, and if you cum first?"

"Then..." Aaron thought for a moment before answering, "Then I'll suck your dick."

"Oh, please!" Chris laughed in reply, "That's it? How 'bout this instead: you cum first, then you become my little fucktoy for the day. No, not just my fucktoy, my entire gang's fucktoy. I bet they'd love to have their fun with you after the beating you gave them." Aaron didn't know what to say. He was straight, so he was confident he could keep himself from cumming... But what if he couldn't? Chris could tell how indecisive he was and spoke up: "Or we could forget the deal... and you'll be our little fucktoy anyway... And we'll keep bullying your little bro. Maybe we'll make him our fucktoy too... At this point you pretty much have no other choice." he was right. On the off chance that Chris was the type of person who'd keep his word, Aaron would at least have a chance of getting away, and if he won this bet then his brother would be free of their bullying. And there was the threat of what they'd do if he didn't accept... Chris mentioned making Matthew his fucktoy. The very idea made his blood boil.

"Alright. Deal." Aaron said. Chris smirked. This just got a lot more interesting. He liked challenging himself, and now he'd been given the challenge of making a straight boy cum. He was going to enjoy this.

"Good pup. So, let's get you into position." with that, he grabbed Aaron's body and flipped him over so he was on his back before grabbing his legs and lifting them upwards over his head. Aaron grunted, his crotched shoved into his own face and his ass sticking up into the air for Chris to fuck and use. He gulped and steeled himself.

A couple seconds later and Aaron felt Chris's hard, throbbing cock tip rubbing up against his virgin fuck hole. The elk rubbed it all over his taint, smearing it with his sticky pre and making Aaron whimper.

"Heh, awr, don't sound so sad, pup. I'm sure you'll enjoy it." Chris chuckled and rubbed his tip over Aaron's entrance for a few more seconds before pushing forward. He grunted as his cock slipped downwards, just missing the wolf's ass.

"Damn, you really are a tight bitch." he grunted, "Can't even get my dick in you..." he gripped Aaron's asscheeks and spread them wide, repositioning his cock against the wolf's entrance and pushing forward once again. This time he had better luck and managed to get Aaron's taint stretched around his tip. He released one of the wolf's cheeks and gripped his shaft, keeping it in place as he continued to push forward and force himself inside his bitch. Aaron moaned and groaned, whimpering and gasping as he tried to ignore the pain. Chris was stretching him so wide, his cock was so thick.

"Stop!" Aaron gasped out.

"Stop? What, is it too much already? I've only gotten the first couple inches in!" Chris ignored the wolf's begging and kept pushing forward. Aaron whimpered and groaned and clenched his teeth. The elk's huge monster of a cock was forced deeper and deeper inside his body, one hand gripping the wolf's ass tight while his other hand gripped his own shaft, keeping it aligned with Aaron's hole as he pushed inch after inch of his member inside him. Aaron couldn't stop groaning. Every inch of Chris's cock was a huge challenge for the wolf. He tried to take it all, he knew what was on the line.

"Mm, there we go. Nearly got it all in." Chris said with a smirk. He tensed up, shuffling about to get into a better position before thrusting forward suddenly, cruelly shoving the rest of his cock deep inside Aaron's body.

"Ahh! F-fuck!" he the wolf cried out in pain. He struggled for a moment but stopped himself. Chris wouldn't be too pleased if Aaron somehow managed to get his cock out from inside him... and then who knows what the elk would do? He might call the deal off, rape him and go on to do terrible things to his brother. Aaron had no choice but to grin and bear it.

"Heh, that's it... All nine inches. I'd like to say you took it well but, to be honest, pup, you took it like a little bitch. Moaning and crying... C'mon, you're pathetic! I thought you were tougher than this!" he slid his cock out from his ass before slamming it back inside him, forcing a loud cry of pain from the wolf.

"G-go easy!" Aaron begged.

"No chance." Chris grunted, ramming himself deep inside his bitch yet again. He started off slow, sliding all but the tip of his cock from Aaron's ass before thrusting forward and burying the whole thing inside him. He fucked him hard and slow, getting loud moans from Aaron every time he thrust forward. Aaron could feel that huge monster of Chris's violating him, stretching his hole wide around its girth. His eyes started to water and soon the white fur around his eyes were damp with tears. Chris gripped his ass tight and pulled him closer, steadily increasing his speeds as he raped the helpless wolf hard. The only comfort Aaron had was that he seemed to be winning the bet. He didn't even feel like he was getting hard, let alone going to cum.

"Ain't hard yet, pup?" Chris asked, "Heh, we'll change that soon enough. Everyone I've fucked ends up begging for my cock sooner or later." Aaron felt the huge elk cock slip from his ass and looked over at Chris curiously, wondering what he was doing. Chris went over to his pants which he'd left in an untidy pile nearby before fishing out his phone. Aaron watched as he tapped away at it before holding it out in front of him. He heard the shutter sound of the camera app taking pics of him.

"H-hey, what're you doing?" Aaron asked, "This wasn't part of the deal!"

"Like I care." Chris shrugged, taking a few more pictures of the bound, naked wolf, "Feel free to call of the deal any time. No skin of my bones, I'll just use you anyway, then move onto your little pussy bro." Aaron growled at that but otherwise remained silent and let the elk keep snapping pics of him. Chris stepped closer and took a few closer snaps of Aaron's huge sheath and balls before taking a few close ups of his face. He smirked, amused by the angry expression Aaron was giving the camera. He then took up position behind him, taking a few snaps of his small, toned ass. Aaron felt a strange, tingling feeling in the pit of his stomach. He felt so exposed, so vulnerable. He almost felt submissive like this, all tied up and naked while the elk objectified him. He tried to shake the thoughts from his mind, but he couldn't. The way the elk treated him sent shivers through his body. The wolf felt Chris's cock rubbing up against his hole once again, slipping inside easily now that he was nice and stretched.

"Think I'll take a video of this." Chris said, switching from picture to video mode on his phone. He started the recording, "I want to save this moment. Maybe post it online for people to see... Mm, I can just imagine the comments it'll get. "Look at that filthy whore, taking cock like a pro!", "What a pathetic excuse for a wolf, letting an elk use him like that!". Heh, you're just a slutty little whore, pup." Chris mocked him, staring him right in the eyes, "A filthy little cock-loving whore." he thrust in deep, making Aaron cry out suddenly, "Yeah, moan for the camera, bitch! The viwers'll love how vocal you are."

"Ah! F-fuck!" Aaron moaned loudly, whimpering like a little puppy as his ass was violated hard.

"That's it, keep moaning, bitch!" Chris laughed, "You love my cock in your ass, don't you? You're my dirty little fucktoy! You're mine to use! And when you lose our little bet, my whole gang'll get a chance to fuck you too!" Aaron could only moan in reply. He wanted to tell Chris to fuck off, to threaten to kick his ass, but he couldn't... He couldn't bring himself to say anything. That strange, tingling feeling was still there, and it only got stronger as Chris verbally berated and humiliated him. "Whore! Slut! Cocksucker!" the elk yelled at him, fucking him hard and recording the whole thing. It was having an effect on him. To his own surprise and shock, he realized that his cock was starting to harden from his sheath. It twitched and throbbed, hardening further despite how humiliated he was and despite how much having Chris inside him hurt. Aaron didn't know why this was happening. Something about the way Chris was objectifying him, recording him, taking pictures, humiliating him... It was making Aaron so hot. Chris laughed when he saw the wolf's hardening dick.

"Aha! See? You are a little cock loving whore! You're even getting hard over being humiliated like this! Shameless little fucktoy, ain't you?"

"Stop..." Aaron whimpered weakly, the elk's words just spurring on his cock to harden further.

"I'm just telling you the truth, puppy." Chris said, "You're a dirty boy. Now, why did you just start getting hard when I started talking dirty to you? You get off on being humiliated or something? You like it when better men tell you how much of a whore you are? Huh?"

"Pl...please... Please, stop..." Aaron cried out. He begged for mercy, but Chris ignored him. He kept fucking him, increasing his speed slowly, still hurling insults at the poor, abused wolf. Aaron's cock was soon halfway to being fully hard and, with the way he'd been tied and the way Chris had him positioned, his own cock was starting to rub up against his face. He grew harder and grunted as he felt his own length entering his mouth. Chris laughed out again.

"Ha! Damn, that's kinda hot, pup! Suck yourself! Go on, suck that big puppy cock of yours!" he thrust in deep, pushing his legs down towards his head and managing to force the wolf's cock further inside his mouth. Aaron kept growing harder and harder, his big, thick lupine cock soon reaching full mast at eight inches, with most of his resting inside his wet, warm muzzle. He groaned as he felt his cock being pumped in and out of his maw, the thrusting and fucking Chris was giving him meant that every time he pushed forward Aaron's length was pushed inside his mouth. The way his body moved while Chris fucked him meant that he soon ended up humping his own mouth, his wolf cock being worked in and out of him. He groaned, the taste of pre-cum filling his mouth, the stuff coating his tongue.

"Suck yourself, whore!" Chris growled, ramming his own cock deep into Aaron's ass, his length slamming against the wolf's g-spot and making him shiver with unwanted pleasure. His cock twitched and shot a hefty glob of warm pre-cum inside his maw. With no other option, he had to swallow the stuff. He felt his cock being forced deeper down his throat, making him gag slightly as he was made to hump his own face. Before long he felt his thick, fat canine knot pushing against his maw.

"You gonna knot yourself, whore?" Chris smirked, "Do it. Shove that fat knot of yours in your mouth!" he ploughed his cock furiously in and out of his ass, his hips slapping against the wolf's body and forcing him to deepthroat his own length. He could feel his jaw widen and stretch around his not. He tried to pull back, tried to stop himself from tying his own mouth, but in the end his struggles were all for naught. He cried out as he felt his teeth rub ever so slightly against his knot as it was forced inside his mouth, stretching his jaw painfully around it. And just like that, he'd tied himself. His cock was stuck in his mouth and he was made to hump his throat as Chris fucked him. He groaned, moaned and whimpered, tears streaming down his face as the elk raped him hard and rough, showing him absolutely no mercy. Things only got worse as the thrusting and fucking intensified. Chris's pounding only meant that Aaron ended up fucking his mouth faster, filling his mouth with his pre and being made to swallow the stuff. He felt his body tense, his balls clench up. If his mouth was free he'd have gasped in shock. He was going to cum. He was going to lose his bet. He was going to be Chris and his gang's fucktoy and his brother was going to keep getting bullied, all because he couldn't stop himself from cumming. He closed his eyes, tried to ignore how good the involuntary sucking he was giving himself felt and tried to ignore the waves of pleasure that shot through his body whenever Chris's dick rammed against his prostate, but it was no use.

"Mm! Mrrph!" Aaron cried desperately around his shaft. His cock twitched, throbbing hard in his mouth before finally passing the point of no return. Within a second he felt the first drops of thick cum splatter across his tongue as he blew his load down his throat, a few drops managing to squeeze their way past his bulbous knot and down his chin. His cock pumped the stuff down his throat and filled his stomach with the thick seed. Chris laughed victoriously. He could feel the muscles of Aaron's ass gripping his huge cock tight.

"I win, bitch! Now you're mine! Mine for the whole day! Oh, me and the guys are gonna have a lotta fun with you!" Aaron could only lie there, pumping himself full of cum, load after load until his orgasm finally subsided. But Chris wasn't done with him. Chris still had his own load to fill the wolf's ass with.

Chris kept pounding him and, as a result, Aaron's cock continued to be worked in and out of his maw. His length refused to soften, despite the huge load he'd just filled his stomach with.

"Mm! Mm! Unnf!" he groaned, his body twitching and shivering. He was being overstimulated. He was still being made to suck on his member and the feeling of his tongue working over his sensitive, cum-dripping tip made him feel like begging for mercy. He would be doing so, if his mouth wasn't currently filled with cock. Aaron kept yelling around his length, trying to pull it from his mouth to no avail. He couldn't handle the way his cock was being stimulated. It was too much for him. After just a few seconds of it he found himself whimpering and crying.

"Are you crying?" Chris asked, "Goddamn, you really are fucking pathetic! C'mon, Navy boy! Man up! Shit, I've been with plenty of guys who don't whine and bitch as much as you." the fucking continued, and with the fucking came Aaron's forced humping into his own mouth. He struggled desperately to get his cock from his mouth but all his attempts proved fruitless. Aaron didn't know how long this went on for but it felt like hours. It went on for so long: his ass being raped and his cock overstimulated, his body twitching and shivering at the torment his mouth was giving his cock. Eventually, Aaron degraded into a whimpering, sobbing mess, crying and groaning on the floor. His sobbing only spurred Chris on to humiliate him further. Aaron was called pathetic, worthless. A slut, whore, cocksucker. Chris threw every insult he could think of at him, his pounding getting harder and faster until he was wildly fucking away at his hole.

"Mm! G-gonna blow, whore!" Chris growled. True to his word, the elk soon felt his climax building up until he could no longer hold it back. He let out a loud roar of pleasure as he thrust in deep, shoving as much of his cock inside Aaron as he could and shooting his thick cum inside his body.

"Mmm!!" the wolf let out a muffled cry. He could feel Chris's seed filling him up and coating his insides with the stuff.

"Ohh, fuck yeah!" Chris yelled in pleasure, "Take my load, you slut!" he kept fucking him, blowing six hot, thick loads of cum inside the wolf, filling his bowels. His thrusting eventually started to slow, much to Aaron's relief. Chris pulled out with a grunt, his cum dripping from the wolf's abused and stretched ass.

"That's an amazing ass you've got on you." he said, "You're one helluva fuck." he chuckled and let go of Aaron's body. He knelt down in front of him and rubbed his cum-covered cock against Aaron's face, matting his fur in the stuff. He ended the recording he'd been taking and started tapping away at his phone, "Now, let's get those group of pussies that I call a gang back." Aaron watched as he called someone. Now that Chris wasn't fucking him he was no longer being forced to deepthroat himself, and as a result he felt his cock finally starting to soften. Before long he managed to slip his length from his mouth and take a large gasp of breath. He looked up at Chris who had his phone up to his hear.

"Hey. Yeah. Yeah, I get it, you can't handle yourself in a fight, whatever. I don't care. Just get the boys and bring 'em back here. No, he's still here. I got him taken care of, don't worry. Heh, oh, you'll love this... I'll show you when you get here. Yeah. Later." he hung up and returned his phone to his pocket before returning to Aaron's side. He looked down at him.

"I hope you remember our deal, pup."

"Yeah... yeah, I remember."

"You lost. The "straight" Navy boy came first. You know what that means. You're our slave for the day." Aaron nodded in reply.

"Yeah, I know."

"And you're gonna keep your end of the bargain. Yeah?" Chris asked. Aaron hesitated before sighing. It wasn't like he had a choice.

"Yeah." he said reluctantly.

"Good pup."

The rest of Chris's gang arrived soon after. They seemed reluctant to return, no doubt afraid that the big, tough wolf that beat their asses was still hanging around. Their demeanour changed when they what was happening, however. Their leader stood there, his cock standing proud and erect, the wolf tied up and helpless at his feet, mouth and ass dripping with cum.

"What... the hell...?" one of the gang members, a rabbit, spoke up.

"Come closer, boys!" Chris said, a welcoming tone to his voice, "C'mon, don't be shy! He can't hurt you even if he wanted to!" he laughed and watched as his group drew closer, all of them eyeing the used lupine. Aaron whimpered nervously. He was their slave. They were all going to use him... and after what he did to them, they weren't going to be gentle.

"Lemme explain the situation here." Chris said, "Now, our little Navy boy here made a bet with me." he smirked and Aaron grimaced as the elk explained what had happened between them, "Basically, we made a deal. I'd fuck him, and if I came first, I'd let him go... but if he came first, then he agreed to be our little sex toy for the entire day." he looked at his guys with a wide, evil grin on his face, "He came first." the group took a second to digest what their leader had just said before erupting with laughter. Aaron looked away, unable to face his tormentors, "Anyway, since our friend here agreed to our slut, I don't think we need these ropes anymore." he knelt down next to his coat and pulled a switchblade from it, slicing the ropes apart and freeing the wolf. He gave his limbs a stretch, glad to finally be free of his binds. The relief was short lived however. The gang were all looking down on him with hungry, lecherous eyes.

"Well... have at the slut, boys!" Chris said and took a couple steps backwards. The gang, which consisted mainly of prey species, stepped towards him. A few were unsure of what to do, but the majority of them immediately started stripping off. As they watched their comrades pull their clothes off the unsure members of the gang decided to follow their example, gaining a boost of confidence as the other members took the lead. Before long, they were all naked, their hands on their cocks, stroking themselves in anticipation. Aaron could only watch as their lengths hardened from their sheaths and they readied themselves to take their new slut. There wasn't a small cock to be seen; they were all huge. The smallest cock there was around six inches long and was fairly thick. None of them matched Chris's nine incher though.

"Alright, let's get this thing started then!" one of the gang members, a goat, said, clapping his hands, "Hey, you know what? Don't he look like a li'l puppy, lying there on the floor, all helpless? I think he should act like one! Go on, puppy! Get down on all fours!"

"Y...you can't be serious... C-c'mon, guys, just... just fuck me and get it over with!"

"Shut up!" the gang member growled and delivered a swift kick to his gut. Aaron cried out and clenched his fists. He considered fighting back. Leaping to his feet and giving these bastards a beating... But his legs still felt numb. Whatever Chris had injected him with was powerful. There was no way he could fight like this. Whimpering softly, he forced himself to get on all fours, like they wanted.

"Now bark, puppy." the gang member smirked.


"Oh, come on! You can do better than that!"

"If you don't start trying we might have to pay your brother another visit." Chris chimed in. Aaron glared at him. The threat to his brother was enough to get him to behave.

"Arf!" he barked, "A-Arf! Arf!"

"Hahaha! Good puppy!" Chris laughed, "Ain't he a good boy, guys?"

"Damn right he is!" the goat who stood over Aaron laughed, "Hey, you're a good puppy, ain't you?"

"Arf! Y-yes! I'm a good puppy!"

"That's right. You're a little puppy who needs a good fucking, ain't that right?"

"Yes! I'm just a puppy who needs to be fucked! I need a good cock up my ass!" the goat gang member stepped in front of him and gave his face a good slap with his hard cock.

"Beg for it, puppy."

"Arf! Please let me suck your cock! Puppy needs a big cock in his mouth!" the crowd laughed at the poor, defeated wolf who was willingly degrading himself for their amusement. Aaron felt, to put it lightly, humiliated. He came here expecting to beat the crap out of these punks and save his brother from their bullying... Instead he was forced to crawl on the floor and beg for cock, barking like a little puppy the whole time. The goat gripped Aaron by the ears and rammed his cock into his mouth, getting a surprised, muffled moan from him.

"There you go, puppy! Nice, big cock for you to suck!" he laughed and started pounding away at his maw.

"Mmm!" Aaron whimpered around the dick in his mouth as his mouth was violated, the taste and smell of the goat raping him flooding his senses. He could sense someone taking up position behind him. It was a bull. A big guy, almost as big as Aaron was, sporting a big muscle-gut and a big cock.

"C'mere, slut!" the bull said and gripped Aaron's ass tight. He pulled him closer and rammed his cock up his ass, making the wolf cry out around the shaft in his mouth.

"That's it, boys, give our puppy a good fucking! You should've seen him earlier. He blew his load right into his own mouth. Cum-hungry whore."

"That right?" the bull laughed, "Would've loved to see that." Aaron's cheeks turned bright red with embarrassment. The taste of his cum was still fresh in his mouth. The bull and goat both fucked him from both ends, ramming their cocks in and out of him furiously and mercilessly, making him whimper and moan as he was ruthlessly violated. The rest of the gang, including Chris, started stroking themselves to the show, throwing out jeers and insults at Aaron as they watched. Aaron groaned as he felt his cock slowly starting to harden again. He couldn't stop it, as much as he wanted to. Soon enough, he was at full mast, and it didn't go unnoticed.

"The whore's hard!" one of the foxes watching laughed and pointed at him.

"What, you enjoying this or something?" Chris joined in the laughing. All Aaron could do was make sad, defeated noises, still forced to deepthroat the goat in front of him. The fucking only got harder, faster. The bull and goat using Aaron like some sex object who was only there for their pleasure. As if he only existed for them to fuck.

He let out a gasp when he felt something warm and thick splatter across his back. One of the gang, a red fox, was blowing his load across his body, pumping at his cock furiously, panting and gasping as he climaxed all over him, matting his fur. More laughter followed. More humiliation. The goat in front was the next to cum. He rammed his entire cock down Aaron's throat. He could feel it throbbing inside his mouth before filling him with his tormentor's seed. He swallowed the stuff obediently, the goat keeping his cock lodged inside him as he came. After shooting a few ropes of cum into him, he pulled out and shot a few more streams across his face before gripping his shaft and giving himself a few good strokes as he covered Aaron in the stuff.

"Heh, you look like a cute little pup covered in my jizz like that!" the wolf laughed, looking down at the cum-covered bitch.

"Ahh!" Aaron cried out, able to moan and scream properly now that his mouth was free. The bull kept fucking him from behind, stretching his ass nice and wide around his girth and making the bitch cry out every time he thrust forward. He leaned forward for better leverage and Aaron could feel the grip on his ass tighten. He barely had time to brace himself before the bull filled his ass with his cum. His hips slapped against Aaron's ass as he pistoned his length violently into him, blowing several loads inside him and making the bitch moan under him. Aaron panted as he felt the massive bull length being pulled from his ass. The bull's cum, mixed with Chris's from his previous fucking, starting dripping down his ass and onto the cold floor below.

"Alright, who's next?" Chris asked. The gang rushed for their slut, all wanting a go at his ass. Another goat grabbed Aaron and lay on the floor, pulling him onto his cock and shoving it deep inside him. Aaron moaned out, his hole suddenly stretched around the goat's cock. It was then that a fox stepped up to him. Aaron recognized him: it was the fox he'd kicked in the nuts during the fight.

"Remember me, you li'l fucker?" he growled, "I'm the guy you kicked in the nuts earlier. Yeah, that's right. I'm gonna want some fucking revenge for that. Hey, there any room down there?" he asked the goat who chuckled in reply.

"I think I've got the puppy's ass pretty full already, but go ahead and try. He could use a good stretch." the fox smirked in reply and knelt down before gripping Aaron's legs and lifting them up. He positioned his vulpine cock next to his entrance which was still being fucked by the wolf's length.

"W-what are you doing?" Aaron asked, "Hey! Stop, I can't handle two- ahh!! Oh fuck!!" he cried out in pain, tilting his head backwards as his screams of pain echoed through the alleyway. The fox and goat shoved both their cocks inside him and poor Aaron could feel his hole stretch so painfully around them. He started begging again: "Stop! Oh fuck, stop, please! Please, it hur- mmph!" his cries were cut short when a large rabbit stepped up next to him and gripped him by the ears before ramming his dick into his mouth.

"Ah, shut up!" he said, "Here, suck on this, slave! Maybe it'll distract you from the pain!"

"Nggh!" Aaron grunted in reply. He could feel the goat and fox below him forcing their aching cocks deeper and deeper inside his body, uncaring of any pain they were causing him. The two of them were soon pounding away at his stretched and abused fuck hole. A few more of the gang members blew their load across his body as they watched, covering his white and grey fur in the thick stuff until he was a complete mess of cum. Muffled, pained moans filled the alley as the two males below him fucked his ass hard. The goat gripped him tight and humped into him, managing to move Aaron's body up and down his and the fox's dicks.

"Fuck he's tight..." the fox gasped.

"Damn right he is." the wolf breathed in reply. The two never slowed down. They kept steadily using his ass, their tempo increasing until their pounding reached a fever pitch. The rabbit was having his own fun with Aaron's maw and was wildly pounding away at his face, his cock pouring pre-cum inside him which he swallowed like a good slave.

Aaron kept screaming around the cock in his mouth. The cocks of the fox and wolf were tearing him apart and his poor, wrecked ass was in agony. What was once a tight, virgin hole mere minutes ago was now a stretched, used and cum-filled slut hole. The three big, strong males kept ramming their cocks into his respective holes with increasing fervour, showing him absolutely no mercy, making the whole thing needlessly cruel and painful for the once proud wolf. Before long he felt the rabbit cock in his mouth shoot the first of the lapine's many ropes of hot cum onto his tongue. A second later and his mouth was full of the stuff. The rabbit gripped him by the fur of his head and pulled him close, shoving his nose into his pubic fur and pumping several thick loads down his throat.

"Thirsty, pup?" the lapine growled, "Here, drink up. Swallow it you little fuckslut!"

"Mrrph!" Aaron could only moan in reply, the taste of cum flooding his mouth, the rabbit's musk assaulting his nose.

"I'm getting close too, man!" the fox gasped, "Heh, fucker's got a helluva ass!" Even with two of us stretching him out he's still nice 'n' tight!"

"Regular li'l cock warmer, he is." the goat gasped, his own climax building up quickly. Aaron could feel the fox picking up speed as the rabbit pull his cock from his maw and rubbed his dripping tip all over his face. Aaron gasped, cum dripping from his mouth onto the floor below, his face fur being matted with the rabbit's seed.

"Whore." was all the lapine had to say, pushing Aaron away as if he were just some worthless object. The two males at his behind were raping him furiously and it wasn't long until the first of the two, the fox, felt his balls clenching as he reached climax and filled Aaron up with his cum. He pumped into him, still fucking him rough and hard while he blew his load. Aaron could feel the stuff filling his body.

"S...stop..." he groaned weakly, his voice barely audible to his tormentors. Having finished up inside him, the fox pulled his cock from Aaron's hole, cum spilling out before his entrance tightened around the remaining cock inside him. The goat who was fucking him threw his arms around Aaron and threw him to the floor, pinning him down and furiously pounding at his hole. He was going to town on him and was showing Aaron what he could really do with his cock now that he had his ass all to himself. Aaron cried out in pain.

"Ahh! S-stop! Too much, too much!"

"Shut up, whore!" the gang member yelled down at him, "Just take my cock up your ass like a good fucktoy! You're nothing but our fucking property now!" he raped him harder, pounded him faster and faster. Aaron wished he'd just blow his load already and get it over with. Luckily for him, he didn't have to wait long. A few more moments of fucking was all it took to milk the goat of his first drops of cum which he shot deep inside Aaron's ass, pumping him full of the stuff before pulling out suddenly and shooting a few last streams of his seed over Aaron's body. The used and abused lupine collapsed to the floor, exhausted.

"Hey, Chris..." he heard one of the gang members speak up. Chris turned to the one who'd spoken: a beefy looking mouse, who whispered to the elk. Chris smirked at what he said and Aaron couldn't help but gulp nervously. They were planning something. Chris approached him.

"Alright, fucktoy." he said, "How 'bout another bet? You'll get another chance to win your freedom."

"Y-yes!" Aaron gasped, "Anything! What's the bet?" he'd had enough. He couldn't take much more of this rape and torment. He'd do anything for it to be over.

"Well..." Chris said with a chuckle, "I'm gonna call your li'l bro over here, and you're going to beg him to fuck you."

"What?" Aaron asked, his eyes wide with shock.

"You heard me. You beg him to fuck you, and if he goes through with it... then we keep you. Forever. Not only that, but you gotta beg to stay with us. Heh, your poor bro will think you've changed sides, turned into a little willing cum dump for us. But, if your bro refuses, then the two of you can go. And as an added bonus, I'll even stop bullying the little pussy. But you can't resist, or I'll fuck the two of you myself. Got it? Beg him to fuck you, really put your heart into it, like you can't live unless you get his cock in your ass. And if he starts fucking you, let him. Don't you resist. And no telling him about the bet, that'd be cheating. Well?"

"I... I can't..." he stuttered. His mind raced. He didn't know what to do. He needed to get out of there; there was no way he could handle any more of their fucking... But could he do this? Beg his own brother to fuck him.

"What's that? You can't?" Chris asked, "Shame... Guess we'll just keep having our fun with you. Next time I see your bro I'll let him know how his big, tough brother couldn't stop us from bullying him-"

"Wait!" Aaron gasped, "O-okay... Okay, I'll do it." he let out a loud whimper.

"Good boy." he turned to his gang, "Have your fun while I call this guy's loser brother." the elk went over to where he'd thrown Aaron's pants and rifled through them as his boys set upon Aaron once again, their cocks filling his holes in seconds.

Chris fished out Aaron's phones and tapped through it, taking a second to curiously go through his texts and laugh at the sentimental familial texts he'd been sending his brother recently. He found Matthew's number and called it.

"Aaron?" the younger wolf answered after a couple of rings.

"Try again, pup." Chris answered. He could practically hear Matthew's eyes widen in horror at the sound of his voice.

"C...Chris? Why is it showing Aaron's number?"

"Your bro let me borrow his phone. Hey, puppy, I want to talk to you a bit. Wanna apologize for being a shit to you all this time. Why don't you come down to our hangout? Me and your bro have something to show you."

"R-really?" Matthew asked. Chris had to smirk a bit at the hope in his voice. He was looking forward to seeing the look on the wolf's face when he saw the state his brother was in.

"Oh, yeah, totally." he said, trying hard to keep the sarcasm out of his voice, "Your bro really taught us a lesson. Kicked one of my boys in the nuts 'n' everything, really showed us the error of our ways. So, what d'you say, you coming down here or not?"

"Sure!" Matthew said, "Lemme grab my coat. I'll be there soon!" he hung up. Chris dropped Aaron's phone and let out a loud laugh which was nothing short of evil.

"Ha! What a dumb fuck!" he turned his attention to Aaron who was busy with a cock in his mouth and another two cocks up his ass, "Hear that, pup? Your bro's on his way. Can't wait to see his face when he sees you! His own brother taking dick up the ass! Heh, this is gonna be good!" Aaron groaned around the cock in his mouth. He was dreading letting his brother see him like this... Chris approached as the rabbit who was busy fucking the wolf's maw suddenly pulled out and blew his load over his gasping face.

"Pathetic little wolf pup." he spat and slapped Aaron's face, laughing mockingly as he stood back and let his leader step towards their bitch. Chris just watched, his hard elk cock standing upright and erect. Aaron was ready to take his hardness into his mouth, assuming that's what Chris wanted. He was surprised when the elk just stood there, staring at him, a wide grin on his face. He seemed to have other ideas for now.

"You're a mess." he said. Aaron grunted and looked up at him, "I think you need to clean yourself up. Won't do to have you looking so messy when your little brother gets here, will it?"

"S-so what d'you want me to do...?" Aaron asked. He tried to keep his voice strong and defiant, but it was clear he was just one more double penetration away from completely breaking down and begging for mercy.

"Clean yourself." Chris said, "Lick that cum from your fur. You're a mess, gotta clean you up somehow." Aaron nodded slowly. He didn't relish the idea of licking up a ton of cum from his fur, but it was a lot better than letting Chris and his goons rape him some more. Reluctantly, he leaned down and started licking the cum from his fur. He groaned, winced and gagged on the stuff.

"Swallow. C'mon, be a good puppy." Chris said. Aaron whimpered and did as he was told. Licked up the cum from his fur, swallowed. Lick, swallow. Lick, swallow. He suppressed his gag reflex as best he could.

"There we go, pup. Clean it all up. Gotta get your fur nice and clean and shiny for when your brother shows up. Don't want to be all dirty when he gets here, do you?" Aaron just groaned in reply and continued to clean the cum from his fur. It was then that some of Chris's guys started talking amongst themselves.

"Bet his ass is a fucking wreck by now." a rabbit spoke up.

"Yeah. We stretched the little slut's hole to hell and back." Aaron heard someone laugh.

"Why don't we have a look? I want to see the damage we did to the whore's ass!" an elk, much smaller than Chris but still fairly bulky, gripped Aaron by the shoulders and hurled him on his front. Aaron landed with a surprised "Oomph!", the wind suddenly knocked from him as the elk set upon the canine. He gripped his ass and pulled it upwards, spreading his cheeks wide and laughing at the site of the stretched, cum-filled ass which had turned red and sore with the amount of fucking he'd gotten.

"Goddamn. Is that an asshole or a cave?" one of them laughed.

"Little slut's been wrecked!" one of the rabbits said, obviously impressed with the work they'd done.

"Hey! Did I tell you to stop licking?!" Chris growled, noting how Aaron had stopped his cleaning to weep into the floor his face was pushed against. With a whimper, the wolf started cleaning himself again, running his tongue slowly over the fur of his arms, and obediently lapping up the stale cum from his fur. Chris stepped back and watched, smirking at the stretched, cum-filled hole that was Aaron's ass. The whore's brother should be there any minute now...


Matthew arrived around twenty minutes after he'd gotten the phone call. He arrived with a smile, striding into the alley happily. That all changed when he saw what was happening. The gang had moved on from admiring Aaron's wrecked and abused hole while forcing him to clean himself and had decided to get back to actually using their fucktoy. They had him down on all fours, a rabbit fucking his ass while a bird rammed his cock deep down his throat. Matthew froze up, staring at the site. His big, tough brother, who he thought was going to beat these assholes up... was no letting them breed and fuck him... He looked a mess: his body was covered in cum, as was his face, the fur of which was covered in a mix of cum and tears. Chris's gang was surrounding him, all of them naked, their cocks in their hands, stroking themselves, waiting for their turn with the bitch. A couple of them blew their loads while Matthew was watching, adding to the already huge amount of cum that covered his big brother's body. It took Chris a second to realize that Matthew had arrived, but a wide grin spread across his face when he did.

"Hey there, Matt!" he said cheerfully, approaching the scrawny wolf and swinging an arm around his shoulders, "How're you doing, little buddy?"

"W-what... what's going on here?" Matthew asked.

"Well, your bro there came here to teach us a lesson. Said he didn't like how we were bullying you. And, well, long story short, he bit off more than he could chew and ended up losing a bet. Now he has to be our little slave."

"S-slave?" Matthew asked.

"That's right. Slave." Chris said with a smirk, "A pretty talented slave too. Just look at how he's taking my boys' cocks. Like a regular ol' cock slut, eh?" Matthew just stared at the show in front of him. Aaron managed to look at his brother, their eyes meeting before the older wolf looked away, his cheeks turning bright pink. His brother was watching him. Watching him pleasure these other men; these big, strong men who were humiliating and abusing him, treating him like some worthless object. A moment ago Aaron wouldn't have thought he could feel more humiliated... but now his little bro was watching, he felt more humiliated than he ever had before in his life. Matthew gulped as he laid eyes on the huge cocks between the gang's legs...

"Enjoying the show?" Chris asked, a wide smirk on his face as he grabbed the smaller male's crotch. Matthew gasped as he realized how hard he was getting. He shook his head. This was wrong; his brother was being raped in front of him, he shouldn't be getting hard over this...

"D-don't... touch me..." Matthew whimpered.

"Hey, don't sound so afraid, Matt." Chris chuckled, "Look, I called you down here for a reason. There may be a way for you to help your bro there."


"All you have to do... is fuck your brother up the ass, and then he can go free. We'll forget this ever happened." Chris said. He knew what he was doing. As far as Aaron knew, the bet was that if Matthew didn't fuck him, he went free... But now, as far as Matthew knew, the opposite was true. If he fucked his brother, he would go free. Chris started to grow impatient waiting for an answer, "Well, pup? You gonna fuck your bro or not?!"

"N-no!" Matthew gasped, "That's my brother, I can't! T-that's disgusting!"

"Your cock doesn't seem to think so." Chris gripped Matthew's bulge hard which got a sudden loud squeak from him, "Besides, maybe he wants it." Matthew gave the elk a curious look, "Hey, fuckslut!" Chris called out to Aaron, "Get that cock out your mouth and look over here." the bird who had been fucking Aaron's mouth pulled out with a grunt, cum spilling from the wolf's maw. He looked over at the elk and his brother.

"M-Matthew...?" he whimpered.

"You want your bro's cock up your ass, right?" Chris asked. Aaron hesitated nervously, stammering, unsure of what to say, "Ain't that right?!"

"Y-yes!" Aaron gasped out, "Yes, I do!"

"Well? Beg for it then! Maybe your bro's a bit nervous, maybe he could do with some motivation! C'mon, whore! Crawl over here and beg!" Chris looked at the bunny who was currently busy fucking their whore. The lapine grunted and reluctantly pulled out, freeing Aaron from his grasp and letting him crawl over to his brother.

"Aaron... Is it true? Is this what you're really like?" Matthew asked, "You really want me to... have sex with you...?" Aaron hesitated for a moment, but remembered his end of the bargain. He had to beg for this...

"Yes!" he cried out, now sitting on all fours at Matthew's feet, "Yes, I need it bad! I need your cock in me, Matt! F-fuck me! Fuck me hard!" Matthew stared, wide eyed at his horny slut of a brother. He never thought he'd see him like this, so submissive and defeated-looking. He looked and sounded like a completely different person to the big, strong wolf he'd met on the platform just the day before.

"You... really?" Matthew asked.

"Yes! I'm a dirty little slut Matthew and I need your cock deep in me! F-fuck my ass, Matt, I'm begging you!" the two brothers stared into each other's eyes. Matt shook his head.

"Aaron, I can't... T-this is crazy!" Aaron looked to Chris whose gaze seemed to spur him on to beg harder.

"Please, Matthew!" Aaron whimpered. Chris couldn't remember the last time he'd heard a voice so pathetic, "I need it so bad! Fuck my needy little slut hole, Matt, I'm begging you!" Matthew was about to answer when, to his surprise, the bigger wolf lunged for him, grabbing his trousers and tugging them down.

"A-Aaron, what are you doing?!" he gasped.

"Puppy needs cock, Matthew! Pound my ass, Matt, please!" Chris was smirking, his arms crossed, his eyes trained on his pathetic little slut. Aaron tugged down Matthew's pants and freed the smaller wolf's cock from its confinement. Matthew's cheeks turned bright red as the gang got an eyeful of his hard, naked length.

"S-stop! Aaron, what the hell has come over you?!" Matthew pulled himself away from his brother and pulled his pants up.

"The poor boy just wants a good cock in his ass." Chris laughed, "What's wrong, puppy? You don't want to help your shameless slut of a brother?" Matthew looked Aaron, to Chris, and then back to Aaron. He was so confused, he didn't know what to do...

"Please..." Aaron whimpered, a pathetic, submissive tone to his voice.

After a few moments, the smaller wolf slowly nodded his head. It was what Aaron wanted, and this way he'd be helping him. Chris said if he did this then they'd let Aaron go, and Matt would do anything to help his brother out of this situation.

"Yeah? You gonna do it, boy?" Chris asked.

"Y-yes..." Matthew answered.

"I'm gonna need a bit more conviction than that! Louder, like you mean it!"

"Yes! I'll fuck him!" Matthew yelled. The gang chuckled, a wicked, evil look in their eyes.

"Yeah, that's better. Go on. Strip off first. Your pants, your shirt. Everything."

"Everything? B-but why-?"

"Shut up and do as I say! I could just call the deal off and keep him, you know. Could keep you, too. It's not like you'd be able to outrun us if we decided to add you to our list of fucktoys."

"O-okay, okay, I'll do it." Matthew gulped.

The gang and Aaron watched as Matthew slipped off his clothes. He kicked off his shoes and socks, shivering slightly as his naked paws came in contact with the cold alley concrete. Next was his coat, followed by his shirt, leaving him topless in front of the group of males. He felt so self-conscious, his scrawny white-furred body on show for the whole group... But he kept undressing, for his brother's sake. His pants soon joined his shirt on the floor, as well as his underwear. Chris whistled at the tool Matthew was packing.

"Not bad. Not bad at all. Not as big as your brother, but still, a damn nice cock you've got down there. Ain't that right, boys?" the gang laughed and cheered in reply, "Heh, I'm sure your bro is gonna love having it inside him." he reached down and ran a finger over Matthew's tip, making him gasp and shiver before the elk gave his shaft a playful flick, "Well? Go on, get to work. He's waiting." Matthew nodded with a nervous whimper and approached his brother. Aaron stayed on all fours and lifted his tail for the smaller male.

"F-fuck me..." he whimpered. Matthew took up position behind him and pushed forward. He gasped when he felt his cock make contact with his brother's stretched, cum-covered asshole.

"Holy shit, he's doing it..." a nearby elk said.

"Shit, we gotta record this or something..."

"Already on it." Chris said. Matthew looked over and saw that the gang leader had his phone in his hand and was busy recording the two of them. Matthew scowled, not happy about the thought of their being video proof of this happening... But he just ignored it and turned his attention back to Aaron. He didn't want to anger Chris, lest he cancel the deal.

"Ohh fuck..." Matthew breathed, his brother's warm ass enveloping his shaft. He slipped in fairly easy. Aaron's ass was certainly in no shape to resist any further penetration after the punishment it'd been getting from the gang. Stretched as he was, Aaron could still feel his brother's cock being forced into him and let out a soft, pained whimper as he felt his ass burning with pain. Matthew stopped.


"Keep going!" Chris yelled, "He can handle it, come on!" Matthew whimpered, but kept going. He pushed himself deeper inside his brother, clenching his teeth as he felt the abused hole clenching around his length.

"Sorry!" Matthew gasped, "I'm sorry, Aaron!"

"It's okay, man, just... just keep going..." Aaron gasped out. Matthew was doing it, he was actually fucking him, and he knew what that meant. Once this was over, Aaron was going to have to beg Chris to stay with him, beg to be his slut forever. He buried his head in his hands and took the fucking his brother was giving him. He felt the final inch of Matthew's cock being shoved inside of him and could feel his hard, thick knot pressing up against his hole. Matthew started to slide his cock from Aaron's passage and was soon fucking away at him.

"Unf! Mm! Oh fuck!" Aaron cried out as the smaller male pounded away at his rump. He buried his cock deep in his ass, forcing out a loud moan from his own brother as he used his ass. Aaron couldn't help but instinctively clench down around the shaft in his passage.

"Oh... oh damn..." Matthew gasped out, his thrusts becoming faster and harder, "This... this feels so good..." he'd never taken another man like this before. The warmth, the surprising tightness of Aaron's stretched hole, it was better than Matthew could've ever guessed. His cock throbbed hard inside the bigger wolf's passage, drooling thick pre-cum inside him while he fucked away at that slutty hole of Aaron's. The gang watched, their hands working over their cocks. They were all enjoying the show. A few of them had already cum, their seed splattering across Aaron's body, some of it even landing on the fur of Matthew's legs.

The younger wolf gripped onto his brother's rump tight, holding it firmly as he cried out in pleasure, his hips soon becoming a blur, ruthlessly working forward and back.

"Ah! O-ow! Matthew...!" Aaron whimpered out loudly.

"S-sorry, I can't... can't control myself... Oh fuck!" he clenched his teeth and closed his eyes. His self-control had completely gone and he was now wildly and madly pounding away, his thick wolf cock working and out of the slutty passage, "A...Aaron... I have to knot you...!"

"Huh? Wha- nghh!" he clenched his teeth and let out a loud, muffled roar of pain as he felt Matthew push forward. With a powerful thrust of his hips, Matthew buried his cock inside his brother, his knot stretching his sore passage around it and tying the two together. He felt his brother's cock slam against his g-spot, sending shivers through his whole body and making his cock throb harder.

"N-no...!" he cried out as he felt the inevitable building up inside him. He was about to cum. He tried so hard to stop it, but he couldn't. As he felt his own brother's cock forced inside him, that fat knot stretching his passage wide, he couldn't help but blow his load all over the cold floor. The gang erupted in laughter. They all pointed at him, throwing jeers and insults at him.

"Holy shit he's cumming!"

"His own bro's cock made the whore cum!"

"Fucking shameless bitch!" tears streamed from his eyes as he heard the gang yelling and mocking him, his cock still shooting his hot wolf cum from his wet, aching tip. After what felt like an eternity, his orgasm subsided, but his torment was still far from over. Matthew kept humping into his brother, forcing out a loud sob from the bigger wolf every time he pushed forward. Aaron could feel the throbbing cock and big, fat knot of Matthew's rubbing up against his insides, the knot tugging at his hole but refusing to leave. Aaron's own cock bobbed between his legs along with Matthew's thrusts and he could hear his brother moaning out loudly.

"So close! Oh god, Aaron!" he cried out, pushing forward and letting out a loud howl of pleasure which echoed around the alleyways, a howl so loud that a couple of the gang members actually had to cover their ears from the sound. Aaron felt Matthew's cock twitching inside him as the younger wolf reached orgasm and blew his load, filling his own flesh and blood with his hot seed. Matthew gasped, tears streaming down his face. That was it: Matthew had fucked him. He'd lost the bet. He was Chris's property now, forever.

Matthew kept pumping into him, shooting several hefty loads of wolf cum inside Aaron until he finally felt himself calming. He stayed inside his brother, not that he had a choice with his knot keeping them together, gasping and panting. Chris approached them, placing a firm hand on Matthew's shoulder.

"Haha! Not bad, not bad! You fuck better than some of my boy's even!" Matthew just glared at him hatefully before looking down at Aaron.

"I-I'm so sorry, Aaron... C'mon... I'm gonna pull out gently and we can go, we can get out of here..."

"Heh, yeah, about that..." Chris's grip on Matthew's shoulder tightened and pulled him back, forcing his still softening knot from Aaron's rump. The bigger wolf cried out in pain as his ass was suddenly freed of the huge meat, "Well... why don't we ask your brother what he wants?"

"What he wants?" Matthew asked, "W-what do you mean? He wants to come back with me..." he looked down at his used brother, "Right? Aaron?" Aaron remembered his part of the deal... He had to beg. Beg to Chris to let him stay with them. That was part of the deal. The deal he'd lost. He had to honour his part of it... Who knows what Chris would do to Matthew if he tried resisting? He had no way of knowing that Chris wasn't going to do all manner of horrible things to his little bro either way, but at least this way there was a chance... If he did as Chris said, behaved himself, made him happy, maybe he'd leave Matthew alone... He looked over at his brother.

"I... I want..."

"Yeah? You want what, pup?" Chris asked. Matthew gazed at his brother, fear in his eyes.

"I want to stay..." Matthew's eyes widened at that.

"That right, pup?" Chris grabbed Matthew's arm and dragged him in front of Aaron so they could look at each other better, "Look into his eyes and say that." Aaron did so, gazing into his brother's eyes before speaking up.

"I want to stay." he said.

"S...stay? Why?!" Matthew asked. Aaron looked at Chris who shrugged at him.

"Don't look at me, it's you he's asking. I'm sure you have a good reason for wanting to stay. Ain't that right?" he glared down at the slut. Chris wanted Aaron to come up with his own answer, and Chris had told him not to mention the bet they made to Matthew...

"Because..." Aaron hesitated, "I'm a slut... I'm a dirty little slut... And I want to stay here and suck on Chris's cock..." Matthew could only stare in horror, his mouth opening and closing as he searched for something to say. Chris took a step closer and slapped the bigger wolf with his hardened elk cock.

"Good boy! This is what you want, right?" Chris laughed, "You want this cock of mine in your mouth?"

"Y-yes... Please let me stay and pleasure you..."

"Heh, I don't know... maybe we don't want you anymore. Maybe you should beg to stay." Aaron whimpered in reply. Chris was an evil bastard...

"Please, let me stay! Let me stay and pleasure you!"

"All of us?"

"Yes! All of us! P-puppy needs cock so bad, I need you to fuck me! I need all of you to use me like a dirty fucking slut! Please, Sir, let me stay! Plea- ummf!" his begging was cut short when Chris shoved his cock into his mouth and started pounding away at him, gripping his ears and forcing him down on his length.

"Haha, good little whore!" he laughed victoriously, "The whore really knows how to beg! C'mon boys, you heard him! He wants some good cocks up his ass!" he looked to his gang who all rushed to Aaron's side, pushing past each other and arguing over who would be the next person to fuck the wolf's ass. Eventually, a large, muscle-gut sporting rabbit pushed past the crowd and rammed his entire cock inside Aaron's hole, making him cry out suddenly around Chris's cock. The elk turned to Matthew who was staring aghast at what was happening in front of him.

"What're you still doing here? Go on, fuck off. You heard him, your little slut of a brother wants to stay with us. Oh, don't worry about him. I got your number from his phone, I'll be sure to send you plenty of pics and videos showing you how he's doing!" he and the gang all laughed wickedly, "Well? Piss off, kid!" Matthew gasped and whimpered at the anger in Chris's voice, and he bolted. He turned and ran, scooping up his clothes as he ran past them, but not bothering to change into them. He just wanted to get out of there. He'd change further down the alley, or run naked all the way back home, he didn't care which. He just didn't want to watch his brother being used and humiliated by his school bully and his gang of thugs... He could hear them moaning and grunting as he left, could hear the wet slapping noises of their cocks being worked in and out of his ass. Aaron watched him go out the corner of his eye. He felt terrible. So useless and humiliated. Was this going to be his life now? He'd agreed to be Chris's slave forever... That meant this would happen to him every day... His holes filled, his body covered in cum, laughed at and humiliated... And there was nothing he could do. Surely if Aaron somehow did manage to overpower them and escape, they would do terrible things to Matthew... Aaron knew what they were capable of now, and the thought of his brother being in the same situation as he was in now made him sick to his stomach. And so, he resigned himself to being their slut. That's all he was now. A slut. A fucktoy. A worthless little cockwarmer who's only concern was pleasuring Chris and his gang, letting them rape his ass and mouth whenever they wanted.

This was his life now. Once a strong, proud wolf who'd gone through the naval academy; now a used little cocksucker made to pleasure his brother's bullies. He felt Chris blow another load of cum down his throat. He'd taken so much cum inside him that day, from both ends... And it wasn't going to stop anytime soon...