An Unlikely Pairing, Part 1

Story by Wolfie Steel on SoFurry

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#1 of An Unlikely Pairing.

An Unlikely Pairing.


An Unlikely Pairing.

Writen by Wolfie Steel.

Part 1

Authors Note: This story will contain bad language, violence (Mild) and homosexual acts, if any of these cause you the reader a problem such as being under age or easily offended, then do not read on. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED!!!

Acknowledgements: I would like to thank all of the furs that have agreed to appear in this story, including my new mate, Rion Kagemon who for this story stars as Daniel Kanon. Guys, thanks from the bottom of my heart.

Monday morning, the start of my first term at Hilton Fur Academy, today is all about getting myself settled in, finding my dorm, getting my lesson timetable and maybe even meeting any new roommates I might have. By the way, let me introduce myself, my name is Tyler Winthrop III, sure go ahead and laugh if you want, but that is my name and yes I am what you might call well off, thing is though, I'm also a scrawny Dalmatian, 5 foot zip of pure nothingness, I'm also gay which earned me the nickname of Tig, (Tyler Is Gay), yeah I know not very original, but hey that's junior school kids for you.

As I cross the foyer heading towards the reception desk, I'm searching my rucksack for my admittance letter; suddenly I come to an abrupt stop as I walk into something quite large and most definitely furry, I look up at the brick wall that I have just collided with and find a huge Sabre-toothed Tiger looking down on me, and let me tell you, this guy was not happy "Hey you Dalmatian dead beat, why don't you watch where you are fucking going" I quickly begin to apologise but that is not enough for this guy as he quickly lands a huge blow to my face.

I hit the floor with some force and stay down fearing a good kicking, but it doesn't come, I look up and see the Sabre-toothed tiger being held back by a massive black and white Stallion, the Stallion speaks to the tiger "Lay one more paw on him, or even think about it, and it will be the last thing you do, you have already made your point by making his nose bleed, but remember this, I wear hooves, so my punches come a lot fucking nastier". The Sabre-toothed guy walks off still grumbling under his breath and I see a huge but gentle looking hoofed hand lower down to help me up. I take hold of the hand and I'm gently raised back to my foot paws, the horse speaks again "Word of warning, watch it around that guy, you just caught him on one of his good days"

I stand there and look at this god before me, seven feet of black and white loveliness wearing a tight denim button down shirt, and even tighter black jeans, to say this guy was ripped would be the understatement of the century, the horse takes a look at my nose "We'd better get that looked at by the nurse, can't have you doing your induction day with a bloody nose" the horse walks to the desk "I'm going to take this Dalmatian to see the nurse, he's just had a run in with Manolo"

The receptionist called over to me "What's your name sweetie?" I reply "Tyler Winthrop III ma'am" the receptionist looks through some files and finds mine including my room key and hands them to the horse, he then returns to me and leads me to the nurses office. Whilst we walk he looks at my key "Seems as though fate has thrown us together, you are my new roomie, my name is Daniel Kanon" Geez what are the odds that my new roommate turns out to be this herculean stud? Maybe I should buy a lottery ticket.

We arrive at the nurse's office; the nurse looks at my bleeding nose "Let me guess Manolo the Sabre-tooth did this?" Daniel nodded his head she continues to talk as she takes care of my nose "I thought I recognised his handy work, mark my words, one day that guy will feel what it is like to get hurt, and I hope I'm the nurse that has to deal with him". The nurse finishes patching me up and me and Daniel head to what will become our shared room.

We arrive at room number 211 and walk inside; I see that Daniel has already chosen his bed so I drop my rucksack on the other available bed, Daniel looks at me "So, I guess we had better get the rest of your stuff huh?" I giggle as I reply "This rucksack is all I have, I'm going to buy everything else brand new" Daniel's eyes light up when he hears me say this "Tyler, to get everything that you need brand new, that is going to take some serious money" I giggle and make my reply "Daniel, I would have thought that my name would have pointed to the fact that for me money is not an issue, the issue for me is that........" I tail off as I realise that I was about to tell this gorgeous stallion that I was gay, something that I was sure would be a bad move, it seems though that Daniel had other ideas.

"Tyler, I have a feeling that what you were about to tell me is that you are either gay or bi, and judging by how you tailed off I'm guessing that my size and muscle structure has put you off telling me, well don't let me frighten you, sure I can look after myself and handle pretty much any situation, but the truth of the matter is, I am bi with a liking for guys. It's a good job that you were concentrating on your bleeding nose earlier, because when I realised that you and me were going to be roomies I had one big problem, in fact I still have the problem"

I looked at him with curiosity trying to work out what he was talking about, and then suddenly it became all too clear, this stud was sporting a serious erection, the sight of which caused a stirring way down in my groin. "Daniel, you are right, I am afraid of you but I'm also attracted to you and now that you have told me that you are bi I at least feel a little easier in telling you that I am gay" this information seemed to make matters worse for Daniel as his erection grew a little bigger and was now visibly snaking down his left leg. It's true what they say about stallions they are extremely well hung, and Daniel was no exception. I wanted nothing more than to take this stallion's horse meat into my muzzle and suck it clean, but I had only just met the guy so with a lot of will power I tore my eyes away from his godly package.

I finished unpacking my rucksack and decided that I needed to get some air, so I put on my jacket and headed for the door only to be stopped by Daniel. "Hey hun, if you're going into town, might I suggest that I tag along, you know to show you where the best bargains can be had, and maybe we can have a bite to eat before our taste buds get assaulted by the school cafeteria food" I nod my agreement and Daniel grabs his leather jacket. Daniel heads towards the bus stop until I stop him "Daniel, I don't do bus travel, especially not when I have a perfectly good truck to drive" we head out to the parking area and I get my keys from my jacket pocket, Daniel seems to be scanning all the vehicles to see if he can pick which is mine, he settles for an '05 GMC and heads towards it.

"Daniel, where are you going, that isn't my truck" he looks at me and replies "Well the only other truck in the lot is that 2010 Ford Lightning" a smile creeps across my muzzle as I press the button on the key to unlock the doors, the indicator lights flash and Daniel's maw drops open, he stands stock still as I get into the driver's seat, I lower the passenger window "Well Danny boy, ya coming or do I go into town without ya?" Daniel comes back to his senses and quickly gets into the passenger seat of the truck, as he does so I get a sneak peek at that oh so gorgeous looking rump and I knew that someday soon, my miserable excuse for a dog cock would find a new home nestled deep inside that glorious horse butt.

I fire up the truck and we head out of the parking area and onto the main highway into town. We eventually hit town and I begin my day of purchasing my new items for school. The final item being a top of the range Sony Laptop, Daniel begins to drool "Well that is gonna put the lappy I bought last year into the shadows" another smile hits my muzzle as I approach the sales guy again "Sir, I have changed my mind, I now want two laptops" Daniel rushes to me "Tyler, what the fuck are you doing, I was joking about my lappy, it works well for what I need" I take his hoofed hand in my paw and reply "Call this a thank you for being a good friend and who knows maybe more"

We leave the computer store and head to a cafe, we find a quiet secluded booth in which to sit, the waitress comes to take our order and then hurries off to complete the order, with the waitress now gone Daniel begins to cry, I look at this huge hulking sexy stud horse, whom could no doubt take on the best of fighters, I feel humbled just to be in his presence, and yet the fact that a dog, no not a dog, a whelp like me, all five foot zip of me could reduce this goliath to tears by showing kindness made me gasp in wonder. Daniel finally gets his emotions back under control "Tyler, I vow from this day forward, that no one shall ever beat upon you again, I will defend you no matter what, even if it means the loss of my own life"

Daniel then takes my paw in his shaking right hand and places the softest most gentle of kisses upon it. Just six hours ago, I walk into a new school, I walk into a fur brick wall called Manolo, and then I walk into the life of the horse that anyone would kill to even breath the same air as, suddenly I hear the six words that I never thought I would ever hear "Tyler Winthrop III, I love you".