Poem: Flameout

Story by Varg Stigandr on SoFurry

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A terrible poem written... I don't really know why, proof read while half awake and put up here because I don't know what else to do with it.

You have been warned.

It all goes quiet

That's when you know

It's happening again

The nose pitches forward,

So you haul back on the stick

For a moment a response

But it's gone all too quick

Your heart, like your head,

Knows what's below

Knows what is coming

Knows where you'll go.

'Mayday! Mayday!'

You can cry all you want

The replies pour back in:

'We'll help!!' they taunt.

But what can they do?

Follow you down?

Picking up speed

as you hurl towards the ground?

Even if they are there

And you know that they are

The smoke from instruments

Coats the windows with tar

You're alone either way

And they can do nothing

So why bother them at all

You're better of bluffing

'You ok?' they might ask

It's 'I'm fine!' (you're insane)

But telling them this

Will only bring pain

They can't bring your nose up

Can't extinguish that fire

They can't fix your engine

Your brain sinking in mire

Only watch in anguish

As you plummet down

Accelerating constantly

Curving toward the ground.

Stay silent.

No one can help you

You'll only cause them more pain.

Suffer quietly

You might escape this again

Stay dark.

You're alone anyway

In a crowd, in a wilderness

The less that are with you

The less you might crash with

Do you want your friend by your side

If it's a smoking hole in the ground?

If you hit he should live.

She'll get over the pain.

There's a buffet

And you're mashed

Down into your seat

As your brain levels out

Probably over some street.

You hurl on forward

People notice

you can't hide

Not from all of them

Calls come in

You know what they say

'Are you ok?'

'Let us help you!'

The radio's toast

Understanding them is hard

Call back even harder

But they won't go away if you're silent

Where's that damn thing anyway?

You can't see from the smoke

Can't find your checklist, your map

Can't find your instruments, your radio,

Anything, please!

It's so hard to think

'Go away.'

Maybe they'll leave you alone.

They don't.

'Just snap out of it.'

'Do cheerful things.'

'Do fun stuff with us, it'll make you feel better!'

As if you just flying through unpleasant weather.

They mock you

Though they mean well

It's all pointless, hopeless, useless

All is lost; you're in hell

You pull on the stick again

You can roll left or right nice

You bet you can dive

Up, though, no dice

The people are still around you

People who care

You wish they would leave

Why are they there?

They're making it worse

Though not of their tool

If you're alone be alone

In a crowd is cruel

Go away! You're hurting them!

The guilt piles on

Why can't they understand

That they're hurting you too?

So you're mean.

You snap left and right.

You run them away

Through the radio you bite.

You hurt them, you know

But it's momentary

The guilt is there but no more piles on

For now the pain stays the same

For now it's sedentary

Night has been falling

You're own personal dark

You're own personal hell

Will you strike something there

Leave one final mark?

This would be over with

There would be no more 'again'

It's in the black you notice.

In the soot and the smoke

There it is again

...And again

A faint flash of red

The smoke glows, then it's gone

To flash once again.

You wipe grime on the window,

You try to see out.

There are lights off your wings

To the left and your right


There's a flash again

You can make out a tail, and wings.


A cockpit.

There's a figure

Looking at you

The radio stays silent.

He only nods.

To the left there's the same.

The radio, in the black

You fumble, you find it

'What are you doing? Turn back!'


Great. One of these people.

'Go away,' you say.

'Don't you know

What happens out here?'

In the next flash of red strobe

her face looks grim

'We do,' she says.

'We've been here before and

We're here again to go though it

with you.'

You stared out the window

What should you say?

Who the hell

Wants to be in hell?

Who would go through this again?

'Are you nuts?' you say



the other pilot says

'You're worth it.'

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