The Zodiac: Chapter 4: Home

Story by Razukai on SoFurry

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#5 of Ancient Stuff

[The Zodiac: Chapter 1: An Unknown Aid](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 2: Strange Feelings and a New Relationship](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 3: Confessions](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 4: Home](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 5: Rise of the Dragon](%5C)

This is the forth installment of my series so if your reading this I SERIOUSLY suggest that you read the other three chapters, unless being lost is a fun thing for you. If that is the case be my guest :D. Warning: This story contains themes that may not be suitable for those of you under 18. If you are offended (why are u here??) by anything or you are under the age of 18, it is highly recommended that you press the lovely little ßback arrow in the upper left corner of your browser. Enjoy!

The Zodiac

Chapter 4: Home

By Razukai

About a half an hour later Fumari met back up with me at the food court. My food practically disappeared considering how starving I was due to my morph. Fumari, my wolf mate, had a huge grin on his face as he saw lounging back slightly with a full stomach.

"Why are you so giddy all of a sudden?" I cocked my head a little bit in curiosity.

"I have a rare dragon as a mate why would I not be happy. Have you bought all the clothes you needed?" he responded changing the topic. I eyed him for a sec and shrugged it off.

"I have but I have to wait a little while so that the store keepers can make adjustments... none of the stores had clothes for my wings and room enough in jeans for my tail. I have been here for about 20 minutes and most of them told me it would take them 30 minutes to fix everything up. If you are ready to go home we can walk to the farthest store and see if the clothes are ready and work our way back...Most of the stores I chose close to where we came in from so we can hit those last." Fumari was amazed at how much I had accomplished while he was away and he was even more shocked about how much he spent in such a short time.

He smiled a little and said "You are almost as bad as a girl. I have never seen anyone shop so much in such a little time." I blushed a bit, pink showing faintly under the scales.

"I guess I know what I want. Besides most of it was casual stuff anyways and casual for me is a hoodie and some jeans."

"I guess. Anyways I'm not in any hurry to get back home... how about a movie?" It had been quite a while since I had been to the theaters and I had heard about some good movies recently.

"Sure, comedy?" I asked.

"You bet!" At that I got up from my seat, food for the most part already digested. I went and throw my trash away and when I returned I looked down at my pants that were in desperate need of a replacement.

"In that case, we should go by a couple of these stores first then... I don't think it will be appropriate to go into a theater half-naked." I said, glad that the pants have held up for so long.

"Aww...but you DID go into a food court half naked." He responded. He kinda had hoped that he would be able to cuddle against his mate's half naked body in the dark.

I wondered about what he was getting at and said "Don't worry. I don't know what's going through your head right now but I'm sure it can wait until we get home."

Seeing no way to win over his mate, he sighed and said "Well let's get those clothes then. Should I meet you at the theater since you seem to be good at getting things done fast?"

"NO..." realizing how quick I said that I blushed a little and continued "No... I'd rather have you with me." That was the truth, I felt kinda awkward walking around the huge mall without him.

"Well, ok then." he said sounded happy that he didn't have to be alone.

With that we walked around the mall until we had gone back to all the stores and paid the clerks. Arms full with bags I went to one of the dressing rooms of the store where I had gotten the outfit I liked best. When I came out of the dressing room I was wearing a short sleeve, charcoal grey hoodie with black jeans. The hoodie kinda needed to be short sleeve since the spikes from my elbows would tear a hole in it anyways.

Checking out the look in a mirror I heard my mate say under his breath "Wow..." I smiled thankful for my heightened senses but passed it off as if I didn't hear anything. I grabbed the rest of the bags and thanked the store clerk and we headed back off to the theater. When we got there Fumari got two tickets to go see "Madea goes to jail". When we went into the theater we were still rather early because no one else was there but we didn't mind it at all. We sat at the top row, that way there were no heads bobbing in the way or some long ears to block my view. All of those were just excuses though to hide the fact that we sat up there so that no one would see us cuddling during the movie.

The movie lasted for almost two hours, the parts that I listened to were funny but during that time me and Fumari's bond got a bit closer since we never really spent any time when it was just the two of us together. Closer to the end of the movie Fumari snuggled against me and quietly fell to sleep. 'Aww... he is so cute when he is asleep. I guess he's tired from all the excitement.'

When the movie was over I waited for more people to leave before I woke him up. We left the theater hand-in-hand as we walked back toward the entrance. On the way back we passed by the spot where my morph had occurred. There were some furs there trying to repair the damages to the ceiling. We passed through a couple more stores, now both mine and Fumari's arms full of stuff. We got back to his car and put all the stuff in the back seat. He got in and started the car and waited patiently while I tried to figure out how to fold my wings completely down so I don't tear a hole through anything. With a grunt I locked them in place and got in. Fumari drove back home seemingly like in a hurry. The fact that we got home in about half the time reinforced the idea.

We walked through the front door, struggling with the bags a bit, and Fumari called to his Dad, K "We are home." As I walked through the door I banged my head a bit as I had many times before, still not used to being so tall.

Fumari looked back at me and laughed as I told him "Its going to take me a while to get used to the height." Ken came down the stairs and skipped a couple of steps as he saw this huge dragon closing the front door to his house.

"Razukai?" he asked trying to confirm that the huge dragon was me.

I turned around and looked at him and smiled and said "yep."

"Wow... I feel honored to have such a rare and powerful person in my house."

"Powerful?" Fumari and I asked simultaneously with an expression of a confused cub.

Ken looked at us quizzically and then asked us "Did you not cause the city wide power outage?" I just stared at him mouth wide open. My town wasn't the biggest that existed but to make the whole city to power down wasn't something in the range of what was expected.

"City-wide? We were in the mall and everything in the mall went out but I just thought that was because of the violent storm." It was Ken's turn to look at me with a curiosity that a cub would show.

"Violent storm? It rained yes, but that's all it was no thunder or anything." Ken said still looking at us with the same look of curiosity.

Fumari spoke now saying "Just rain? While we were in the mall it wasn't just rain, it was like a torrent and the thunder was so loud it make the whole building shake and the lightning came through the roof where me and Kai were standing...twice!"

The last part seemed to unnerve Ken a little bit but he said "Well I'm glad that you both are alright. I don't feel like making something for dinner, so do you guys mind if I just order pizza?"

"Not at all." Was the answer that came from both of us.

I followed with "We will be upstairs. Fumari still hasn't given me the grand tour of the house yet." I looked at Fumari and smiled.

Ken smiled and said "Alright. I will call you when pizza man is here." After Ken said that, Fumari and I finally had a chance to relax at home.

The tour didn't last long; the fact that neither of us was that interested might have had a small part in that. Soon enough we were upstairs and we both went to my new room. It was a nicely sized bedroom with a queen sized bed. It had no TV, that didn't really bother me much since I didn't watch it but it did have a computer so all was well for me. I laid all the bags of close by the dresser that was backed against the wall next to my bed.

By the time we had left my room to go to his room, the pizza already here. Ken called us down and we ate a dinner that was full of laughs....mostly. My laughter soon faded as I remember Ken's request that he made me before we had left to go to the mall. He had asked me to explain to him how the whole thing happened with my parents. I was ready to tell him now. Ken and Fumari noticed my serious expression and turned their ears to listen. There was no need for me to say anything or for anyone to acknowledge what I was about to say, the request had been made and they were prepared to listen when I was ready to speak. Knowing that my audience was ready, I began with my story starting from 4th period on that first day. I explained the personalities of the three boys and how they chased after me in school leading to Fumari. Then explained the first half of what happened in the hospital. I paused after a second debating if I should tell him about Fumari and myself. Fumari gave me a nod and I continued telling him about the promise I made to him to be his mate. The story continued with my friends in school and then came down to the day I returned home. I bit my lip remembering all the details as if they happened yesterday and could feel tears forming in my eyes but I continued to explain what happened. When I was done, the dinner table was quiet and both Fumari and Ken sat quietly taking everything I had told them in. Tears had begun to run down my face and I excused myself from the table and went up to my room.

I sat on the edge of my bed which was positioned to be right next to the window. I just stared outside, my mind reviewing everything that has happened. Fumari had quietly entered the room but I was too engrossed in my thoughts to notice. He sat on the edge on the bed right next to me, his paw rubbing my back. At this point I was gazing at him, a bit confused of my own feelings. Fumari felt my uncertainty and took charge. He leaned in close and kissed me.

It wasn't long before he broke the kiss and he moved his maw closer to my ear and said "Don't worry, none of us will ever do anything like that. You are safe here."

Somewhere in my consciousness, I knew what he said was true the whole time but I guess I had to hear it from him because the words renewed my spirit. I didn't feel so down anymore and I gazed lovingly into his eyes. He returned the gaze and kissed me again. I felt is tongue poking against my lips and I opened my maw so that his tongue could get in. The feeling of his tongue exploring the inside of my maw made me purr. I was a bit shocked at the sound. I have never known that dragons could purr. Fumari seemed to be happier and he kissed harder now knowing that his mate was enjoying it as much as he was. The kiss seemed to last forever which was fine by me. He finally broke the kiss and gazed at me with eyes full of love and compassion but there was something else that I had not seen before. I didn't have to wait long to get my answer.

He proceeded to take off my hoodie. Getting the message I folded my wings so he could remove it easier. When the hoodie was off he leaned back as if to get a better view of the upper half of my body. My white and grey scales glittered in the moonlight and the aqua stripes all over were softly illuminated. Awestruck at the sight before him he pushed me on my back, being a bit careful so that I didn't go back on my wings wrong. He then kissed me on the side of my muzzle and continued downward, stopped at my chest to encircle each nipple with his tongue. This got a moan out of me and he continued downward kissing softly on the way.

Before he went any further and I sat up a little so that I could take his shirt off. This was the first time I had seen him without any clothes and I couldn't help but stare. He was beautiful, with his slate grey fur and his blue eyes looking ever so lovingly at me. I rolled him to his back and kissed him full on his muzzle. I used one of my clawed hands to unbutton his pants and pull them down. I wrapped my arm around his stomach and lifted him up slightly so I could get them all the way down.

Now I started going lower and just as he had done before I spent some time encircling his nipples with my tongue. This also elicited a groan from the wolf. I continued my trek downward until I reached his tented boxers. I smiled and pulled them down having him raise his hips so I could pull them all the way down. I took a clawed hand cupped his balls and played with them a bit. The extra stimulation made way for a bead of pre to form at its head. I used my tongue to lick the bit of pre off. The taste was a bit salty but in a way that made it pleasurable. I sniffed the air and noticed that it was thickly permeated with the wolf's arousal. The smell hit home as I felt my hardened member leak a little bit of pre. I took another look at the awaiting 8 inch member and soon engulfed it with the warmth of my muzzle. I heard him groan as the full length of his cock was in my throat. Wanting to please my mate, I slowly started to bob my head up and down with my tongue wrapping around his head. I continued this for a few moments and noticed that he had slowly started to buck his hips. I increased the pace a little in which he moaned a bit louder. Not wanting for it to end to soon I slowly lifted my muzzle off his member. I went back to his muzzle and kissed him, allowing him to taste his own pre. The taste of his own pre must have excited him to a great height because the smell in the room was a lot stronger than before.

This time he broke the kiss and rolled me over again to my back. His paws worked quickly to unbutton my pants and I raised my hips a little so he could pull them off. He had also taken my boxers off when he gasped at the sight of 9 ½ inch of dragon cock. He didn't waste any more time and I groaned as I felt my member completely enclosed by the wolf's muzzle. He bobbed his head rather quickly up as he fondled my balls with a relatively big paw. At this point I had already started thrusting in rhythm with his bobbing. All of the stimulations my body was receiving were really starting to send me over the top. Now I could do was pant as wave after wave of pleasure pulsed through me.

"I am getting...really close..." I managed to say in between pants. That didn't make him slow down any, it actually made him increase his pace. Soon enough all the muscles in my body tensed and my balls had pulled up all the way to the base of my cock as I had the most intense orgasm of my life. Shot after shot of dragon seed filled the muzzle of my wolf mate and from what I saw he didn't let any of it escape.

After a satisfied gulp, Fumari licked his lips and looked at me. It appeared he had something else planned as his member was still rock hard. I was going to ask what was next but he quickly answered it when he had bent over and reached under the bed, coming back up with a bottle of lube. He rolled me over so that I was lying on my stomach and stood between my legs so that they were spread far enough apart for what was coming next. He applied a bit a lube to his hard member and applied a good amount to my tail hole. Not initially aware but I realized that I had already raised my tail in preparation.

He then bent over slightly to the side to avoid the spikes along my back and whispered into my ear "Are you ready for this, love?"

My answer came quickly. "I made a promise that I would be your is the time that I fulfill it. Make me yours..."

Fumari needed no more words of encouragement. He slowly inserted his throbbing wolf hood into my waiting hole. There was a bit of pain and I gasped and my tail hole closed down on the intruder invading it.

Worried that he might have hurt his mate he asked "Are you ok? Do I need to stop?"

"I'm fine...just give me a second to adjust." I relaxed my breathing and tried not to focus on the pain. I gave him a nod and he continued to push his wolf hood in my tight hole. He paused another second as his cock hilted, giving me time to get used to the feeling of his wolf hood inside of me. After a few moments he began to slowly pull out until only the head remained within me. Then he re-entered not as slow as the first thrust. He continued in this fashion gradually picking up speed. The feelings of pain were turning into pleasure as each thrust of is member hit against my prostate elevating the amount of pleasure. Soon he picked up a good rhythm in which after I time I bucked back against it. I moaned every time his wolf hood hit against my prostate and I could tell that he was receiving as much pleasure as I was by his panting. Soon his pace quickened, showing the he was ever becoming more aroused. Soon his knot was beginning to swell a bit as it demanding entry.

Fumari wasn't sure if he should try to get his knot in. He really didn't want his mate to be uncomfortable with anything.

Sensing that he was unsure about it, I turned my head so that my eyes met his and said "Go ahead... tie me with you. I wouldn't want it to be any other way. You are my first and my only..."

Glad that his lover's profession of love had been made he bit down on my neck, forever wary of the spikes there, and he thrusted harder and faster trying to get his knot to slip in. Unlike before, his thrusts were short but deep resembling something like a jackhammer. After a few times of his knot popping in and out, it finally went in making me gasp as my tailhole had never been stretched to such a limit. His grip on my neck tightened a bit as he came hard with his intense orgasm. Though his muzzle was still clamped to my neck he still managed to let out a muffled howl. Feeling my lover fill me up with his intense orgasm and the stimulations of my mate putting me in a mating bite was enough to send me over the edge as I cam with my lover, my dragon seed spurting all over the sheets of my bed and on my stomach.

After a minute or so his orgasm had stopped and he let go of my neck licking the spots where he somehow managed to draw blood. Knowing that he was tired from his intense orgasm I rolled to my side so he didn't have to support his weight and could lay on the bed.

I turned my head around and kissed him still tasting about of my own seed on his tongue. We remained in this position for several moments. He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes and said "I love you."

Knowing that there was no possible way I could be any happier, I gazed back at him and said "I love you too." He smiled wearily as the side effects of the orgasm took hold. Soon he was sound asleep. It didn't take me long to follow after him but I fell asleep with the thought 'This is how everything should be...I am home.'

Well this is my fourth chapter and my first real yiff chapter. I hope you all enjoyed it =D. As some of you might notice, I took into consideration some of your suggestions about the format. It's going to take me a while to get used to it but please tell me if you still see something wrong. Thanks for reading. ^^