Everything You Want Act 2 - City

Story by Bartan on SoFurry

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#4 of Requests/Commissions

Commission for Bunsen.dragon over on FA: https://www.furaffinity.net/user/bunsen.dragon

Act 2 of his commission, and the one I warned you about earlier. This piece is quite story heavy in the beginning, but at the same time... You also get quite the reward out of it as well. Deal with the drama in the beginning, keep an opened mind, and enjoy yourself in this piece.

Bunsen (c) Himself, big thanks for not only commissioning me, but also doing quite a bit of editing too... Again x3 Together, we're unstoppable! Unless we're against earwigs. Just-! No.

Everything You Want (c) Vertical Horizon

City (c) Natalie Imbruglia... Remember "Torn"? Yeah. Her.

Everything You Want Act 2 - City

By Bartan Tirix

For Bunsen.Dragon

The warmth was fading as the rays of orange light were being absorbed by the clouds and the mountainside. Casting a dark shade over the lush green land and telling all those who relied on such brightness to take shelter. For the evening has and will reside for quite some time before the warmth's return, giving all those who ruled the night permission to come out and hunt. Imbuing a threat to the darkness, at least to most.

Dragons were one of those exceptions to all the rules though, and a certain scent clearly marking territory of which not to cross for most prey. Especially with a strong second one in the mix as well, now barely reaching those limits and altering the aroma just enough to signal not just one dragon, but two. Even if they were currently slumbering, it was a risk none were willing to take.

Well, one was slumbering. The other was listening to the deep purrs that shrouded her as she laid still along a bedding the yellow one nearly grew to hate in comparison. Like a series of tangled vines that snared her in this location, just too exhausted to move from it.

But was that really true? The answer, regardless of just how much she argued with herself, was an easy No. Sure, she was a little sore from the afternoon's session, her very first in her lifetime. Yet an entirely different weight left her motionless. Paralyzed. Something more... Mental than physical.

The yellow dragon was just thankful that the stray male was spooning behind her. A dark navy snout still purring above her now, the constant vibration of that red plated neck eventually slipping out from pillow duty. Yet, she couldn't help but feel it was all... Farce. That the embrace that claimed her body was not for her own benefit. A thought that only sank her heart further, now that the fog of heat started to leave her mind and reveal that she gave in. Even when she promised herself that she wouldn't.

And now here '_ Karddika _' was, almost being able to exit her own body and self-reflect. Revolve around herself and the damn male that ensnared her in his embrace. Even if she was just trying to find a way out of this mess... It was just like her sister said: once they got the scent, the idea was stuck in their head, and they were in front of you... There was next to no escape. The only thing you're able to do is just submit yourself.

...That wasn't fair. Feeling that navy paw adjust a bit and come into view with what little light remained in the day. It wasn't this random male's fault. He didn't hunt her down in the middle of Taathing nowhere just to pin her in this makeshift bed and breed her like a helpless bitch... He at least tried to fight it.

Damn instincts. Damn seasons and the like. Just... Damn them. The life of a dragoness though; you grow up, you get egged, and the male takes off to breed another day. All while you're left raising a few hatchlings that you didn't even want. That you avoided. The question currently on her mind was: how long was he going to keep up this charade? How long was he going to act like he cared about her?

Truth be told, that's why the yellow one couldn't sleep. She was just acting like it, giving him the opportunity to sneak away into the night. Never to be seen again, and for the yellow one to return home in shame. Carrying the offspring of some jerk of a dragon that abandoned her... Just like-

That navy paw strained forwards, scraping the air as the rest of his body seemed to tense up in a stretch for a few moments before relaxing. Nearly repositioning himself behind her as a raspy exhale left that red neck, following a few very small coughs before the male got up. All while she remained limp and still, pretending that she was not woken by his movements as he half quietly moved away.

And here it came, just like she suspected. He would get a drink, likely be silent for a minute to see if the yellow dragon would remain sound asleep, then take off into the night. Leaving no trace that he was even there, aside from the mess he made on the floor and the substance in her womb. Even when the female was expecting it... It still sank her heart to hear those wingbeats. Just like that he was gone.

The yellow one exhaled, trying to remove the damp void of sorrow that seemed to take a plague against her body. Draining her motivation and energy she even had to get up and start washing the messy bedding. Wondering if she should just set fire to the damn place and forget this day even happened. Return home with a clutch that was not from the nest, or maybe just submit herself to every male there. Become a plaything for them until they got bored of her small, weak frame.

But such a living structure demanded to be nourished, regardless if her mind thought it deserved otherwise. Knowing that there was still a giant fish behind her and a pile of trees just waiting for a spark nearly begged for her to get up. To just finally eat something after going so long without, her middle still sending calls and pangs of distress every so often. Still being ignored for a few more minutes until the female finally caved in and roused herself.

As much as she didn't want to, she fought against the weight of defeat. Slowly almost struggling to get herself up to her paws without stretching and nearly limp towards the water. Every step still causing a little more of that male's 'Gift' to leak out of her slit, leaving a trail of failure laid out for the dragoness to find her way back to the now less comfortable bedding. One that now seemed to carry the scent of another that already seemed stale and distant.

Even the cool water seemed to lack the same taste of satisfaction, but her instincts sent 'Karddika' on auto-pilot. Going until her neck was no longer screaming at her and just staring at the water after she was done. Barely seeing a shadow of a petit dragon over the constant moving water. Even her reflection looked hollow, echoing how she felt inside. She sighed and just questioned what her next move was.

What was there to do? Return to the nest in shame? Start her life as a parent, maybe make her own nest out in the middle of nowhere? Those rarely worked out, especially without a second guardian of sorts to either do the hunting or care for the hatchlings. It all just felt like so much work, but that was her future now. Regardless of how much she denied it or abandoned the idea.

Abandon... The thought came up earlier, but knowing her weak self... She wouldn't be able to do it. To just have the eggs and leave them out in the wilderness to die off. The near thought of it put her to tears honestly. Yellow seemed to be a rather suiting color for her, now that she thought about it. The shade of cowardice, untrusted. Weak and hopeless. All the negatives to what a parent should actually be-

A sudden crash of wood nearly startled her into the water... Again. Triggering that cautious stance at the edge of the white stone as the navy male landed soon after, fluttering his wings a bit and getting those scales click loudly as the temperature of the air seemed to drop. Much like the now larger pile of small trees that seemed to have grown since her cyan eyes last laid eyes on them. Shifting between Bunsen and his cargo a few times before he gave off a questionable stare of his own. "Something wrong?"

"Why...?" A slight head tilt from the dark one as his ears perked. "Why are you still here?" The female asked, now realizing just how cold it sounded.

"Because I promised to make you dinner." He bluntly stated, moving some of the trees one at a time, and setting them up in a triangle pattern on the ground.

"But you..." Those twin suns looking over at her, but not driving away from the task. "You left."

"To get more wood, yes." He lightly smirked, almost chuckling. "Should come to no surprise that I wasn't thinking clearly earlier." Those twin blue discs didn't lift off him, even when he gestured the massive tuna. One about the size of the yellow dragon's body. "That's going to take a while to cook, and likely a lot more wood. I thought you were still sleeping, so I went out to start-"

"But you...!" She interrupted, her sharp breath and emotional choke got Bunsen's full attention. "You could've just left! Why the hell are you back here!?"

"Would you rather me just leave?" He almost teased, until he seen the glistening in her eyes. Just before she turned and faced away from him. "...What's wrong?" No response, but he picked up a slight whimper that almost sounded like one. "Hey." The male raised his voice a bit, sounding a bit more stern.

"Just go." A stare in silence as her wings drooped, ones that were rising more as time went on. "Go." Another demand from her, but Bunsen ignored it. Hearing him resume his work only made the yellow one furious. "I said Go -!"

"I'm not going to leave, Karddika-"

" Don't _ Taathing _ Call Me That!!" She roared, hearing many of the animals somewhat nearby scamper into the darkness. Bunsen just stopped and stared at her calmly as she caught her breath. Those light blue eyes nearly glaring at him with retaliation as he finished placing one more piece of wood.

"But that's the name you gave me." The navy one simply stated, not getting a response. "I honestly expected it wasn't real, now that I can think clearly. And it makes sense-"

"Just-!" A sharp breath from the female, as she looked away. A lot of that strength fading from her body as that gaze dropped. Returning to the dark stream below her. "Just go. Leave me, will you?"


"Because that's what everyone else does." She grumbled. "Why would a stranger be any different?" More silence as those navy pawsteps were taken. Sinking her heart once more, until she realized they were just getting closer to her. Pushing her to fly away in order to be left alone but she felt a grasp against her yellow tail before she could take off into the sky. Getting the smaller one to growl as the male just lightly studied the small appendage. Cleaning a few of the hard to reach spots while climbing up to her once again resting haunches. Leading up her back and shoulders, embracing her from behind. "...Please."

"Not until I cook you a meal." Bunsen whispered, nuzzling against her neck a bit and pretending not to feel those foreign tears slide against his snout. "I made a promise, and I keep my promises. No matter how drunk, high, or influenced I am."

"You didn't make any promise." A shrug from those dark wings made her sigh in defeat.

"It doesn't matter. Besides, it's the least I can do."

"For putting an egg in me?" She grumbled, feeling the stare from those twin suns for several moments, then a nudge. Getting her to eventually glance at him, then double take at his curious stare. "W-what?"

"How long have you been in heat?" A slight whimper from the yellow one. "How many nights?"

"Over two dozen or so?"

"Getting close to three?" A shaky nod from the female. "Good, then my nose wasn't lying." Another playful nudge on her neck as he released the embrace and went back to his wood project once more.

"What?" A chuckle from the male, nearly getting her angry. "What are you getting at?"

"It really is your first time, isn't it?"

"Second." She snorted, following him and shoving his dark haunches. "What the hell are you getting at, Bunny-?"

"Bunsen." He corrected, nearly laughing at her frustrated expression. "And it's too late."

"Too late?" She curled her neck, nearly growling at that playful smirk. "For what!?"

"Too late into your season to be pregnant." The yellow dragoness looked at him in disbelief, pausing for a few moments before shoving his behind again for his attention. This time not growling at his chuckle.

"Are...? Are you serious?"


"As in, really, really serious?"

"On my honour as a dragon." A bright smile and a nod from the larger one. She exhaled in relief. Resting that yellow snout at the side of his hip as the breaths got more and more like whines, feeling that wetness again and grabbing his attention.

"Hey, it's alright." The sobs continued as the yellow one started to turn around, attempting to hide her face away from his gaze. Even going so far as to mask it with a paw before he fully turned around and held her again. "Hey... If it means that much to you, just come find me next season and we'll go at it again." Bunsen teased, but the cries got louder, and he then realized it was more serious. "Kar-erm... Yellow female?" A whimper in disappointment as he attempted to look in those blue eyes again, only to get a struggle. "Hey-hey, now. It's okay. There's no reason to..."

She attempted to say something, but it wasn't anything the male could make out. Instead, he just comforted her for a few minutes. When it still didn't seem to stop, the dark dragon slowly walked the female to her bedding. He laid with her as the smaller dragon continued to cry in his winged embrace.

It was both his movement and the sudden alert of smoke that shot her awake, catching the bright orange glow of a large flame illuminate the dark male as he carefully placed down an object in front of her. Not attempting to look in her eyes, but a navy ear flicked towards the yellow one's direction. Trying not to notice and just walking over to supervise the flames, as her snout made out what resided in the shadows.

Water. A small bowl of water, barely reflecting the night sky that was half sheltered by the roof overhead. As much as she didn't want to move, a lot of her body's hydration was now transferred to the soaked furs the dragon laid upon. Her instincts driving her to at least get up and take a few laps, even if it meant risk getting detected. She sat up with the promise of a small sip, but that red tongue kept at it until the bowl was dried.

Some movement away behind her got those yellow scales to click loudly, tracking the pawsteps moving around the fire and not towards the female. Letting her sigh almost in relief as she flopped down on the bedding. Knowing Bunsen had likely seen her anyway, even though he was more focused on flipping the massive fish over.

For several minutes, they stood still. Watching and listening to the flames until she eventually spoke up. "...I'm weak." No response. "I always have been. I can barely survive out here on my own, let alone hunt half decently." More silence as she nearly deflated with an exhale. "Most of my meals either get away, are dumb luck, or I've scavenged from those who've already done the work." Another deep breath. "I'm so worth-"

A slap from his tail was felt against her haunches, enough to get the yellow one to look behind her and gaze at the silhouette. One who was still staring at the flames as the large fish cooked. "...I can't even manage to get a single fish."

"That's because it's a pain in the ass." Bunsen snorted. "And if tuna had teeth, I'd no longer have a tail anymore." That actually got a little smile out of her. "But fish is just _sooo_good-"

"_Sooo_good." They shared a small chuckle, but she still exhaled. "But... I am just such-" Another slap, a bit harder that time. Causing those blue discs to meet a single golden sun, one stern and filled with parental certainty. Almost making her feel ashamed of herself, lowering those frilled ears when he came closer. Lying down with her again and resting his head along her neck.

"Listen to me, alright?" He whispered loudly, speaking over the crackles and snaps of flames. "If you want to talk, then fine. But_ Nothing _Good comes out of bashing yourself. It only ruins your confidence and fractures your faith. Understood?" A bit of a whimper but she nodded. "You're still young, Kar-..." He trailed off with a breath. "I honestly don't know what to call you."

"...I don't know either." The female mumbled, mostly to herself but she could feel the gaze of those curious eyes on her.

"You don't have a name?"

"...I have a word what others call me, yes, but it's not something..." A shaky breath from the yellow one, getting a stroke from those strong paws to help her stay together. Mend those wounds deep inside her natural armor. "It's not something I would like to... I can't even make a simple thought-"

"Take a breath." He said, taking a few sniffs in the air while she was doing so. Getting up rather quickly and heading for their dinner, making the yellow dragon double take and watch him flip the meal over for a moment. Observing its progress and then looking at the other side for a few seconds. Leaving it turned over but standing by it.

"...Why do this?"

"I feel like I've answered this question already." The male teased, hearing her stutter a bit in grumbles.

"I mean... Why keep flipping it? Why not just throw it on until it's warm?"

"Because otherwise one side gets a lot less crispy, unless you want it softer." He half questioned, getting an indecisive look from her. A shrug from those dark wings as he carefully cut off a bit of the upper side and handed it to her. Once again getting shy and disappointed signals from the yellow one. "Just try it. One bite."

A slight grumble from her, but she did so. Staring at it for a few moments before putting it in her maw, nearly purring immediately at the slight crunch her fangs made on contact. As well as the juices that flowed out, still very warm. Hot even, to the point her tongue was giving off warning signs to be careful with it. "Yep." Bunsen chuckled, stoking the fire a bit. "That's how I reacted too."

The dragoness was still quiet, though now understanding why he was tending to the meal so carefully. Looking over the small structure he built with nothing more than a few dozen branches, acting like a stove that was slowly caving in. Granted, its durability was quickly draining, as the large fish itself started to sink into the flames over time. It was holding though, long enough to cook the fish and provide some warmth.

Bunsen started to move into her ruined shelter, not alerting her until he started moving some things around. Unable to do anything but study that large navy form and ponder what he was up to, while the male cleaned off a large and flat sheet of stone. Then moved two large blocks out of the vine's grasp before setting them by the fire, picking up the flat one soon after and setting it on top. "...What is this?"

"It's a table." Those frilled yellow ears perked at him, as she looked back and forth between Bunsen and the strange series of blocks. Eventually getting him to toss that snout. "It's the best I can do right now, don't judge."

"But... What is it for?"

"To eat off of." Another blank stare. "Because that's what you wanted." That head tilted. "A romantic dinner- How are you not getting this?" A deep blush from the dragoness.

"R-romantic?" She whimpered, seeing the twin suns playfully roll as he judged her with a dark wing from afar.

"Within reason. Not like I could've prepared for it on such short notice." Bunsen chuckled while observing the underside of the fish again. Catching her slumped look again and quietly sighing a bit before moving towards the yellow one. "Hey." He said softly, getting her attention. "I'm not here to tell you how you should live your life. But that doesn't mean that I cannot help you with whatever you're struggling with."

"I-I... Know."

"That also means that I can't read your mind, so you'll need to-"

"Get it straight enough for words." A faint nod from the navy one as she took a breath. Leaning against his side and feeling the paws cup her shoulders, gently stroking them as she took a few more. "...Why do this? You've gotten what you want from me, why are you still here?"

"Because I want to be." An almost hurtful look from those cyan eyes. "And before you think or claim otherwise: You. Are. Worth. It. Understood?" A nod, but those discs still contained disbelief. "I'm here because my mother, who taught me nearly everything about females, placed this magical little voice inside my head that enjoys kicking me in the slit every time I do something wrong."

"But... You haven't done anything wrong."

"I'll take that as: She's Done Well For You Then, Bunsen." A chuckle from her, though a tear was still detected on the side of her muzzle. Getting that pink tongue to lick it up and paint between her eyes. "But I'm here because I want to be. And maybe see if you're alright for another session, even if it means I have to catch that flower in the moonlight." A near guilty look from her, but the large male ignored it. Just holding onto her for a few moments before moving back at the head of the fish. "Alright, move to the tail. This'll be much easier to do with two sets of paws."

The female moved into position and together they slid it off the burning pile of branches and onto the makeshift table. Watching him in puzzlement take a few claws and cut the side up into sections, like a human would do with a cake. Eventually leading to those cyan eyes to study his entire body; the dark navy color that she's never seen in her nest. The crimson that was more accustomed to females from the lands where she came grew up in, and the strange deep yellow pattern that lined the two colors. Tracing around his chest and under those arms. She got to thinking... Maybe he really wasn't from around here. Maybe he really was just... Different. "There. Feel free to dig in-"

"Ukase'fu." The dragoness mumbled, getting Bunsen to double take and look at her with curious eyes. "That's... That's what they called me."

"That's your name?" The question made the female nearly deflate with defeat, those yellow wings drooping and practically lifeless as he caught her chest. "Hey, hey. It's alright." She took a few shaky breaths, not fighting against his pull towards that red torso. Nearly holding onto it as the smaller one gathered her strength. "What's so wrong with it? A little strange, yes, but-"

"Have you-?" She stopped, getting a noise in question from the larger male. A few nudges to encourage the female to talk. "Have you ever just... Hated the life you have? To the point where...?"

"You wanted to change it?" A faint nod was detected against his neck. "Yes and no. I don't think I've ever _hated_my life, but I wanted to change it at one point." A few strokes to comfort the yellow one. "You want to know what I did?" A whimper in question, one that was rather faint between her breaths. "I did so. I just decided to make that change, to get up and leave. See the world outside that was an entire mystery to me. At first, I did just venture out and return home, sure. But one day I found myself drifted out too far, to the point where it was just easier to find a shelter and rest the evening off."

A heavy exhale from the one resting on his shoulder, almost reading her current thoughts before she spoke. "I'm... I'm not strong enough for something like that-"

"Says who?" The navy dragon asked sternly, adding some tense structure to that yellow body with his voice. "You?" No response. "Because I heard this one tale of you standing your ground against the _horniest_of males, demanding that he catch you a meal." He playfully grumbled, feeling a sad smile and detecting a faint chuckle from her. "Let alone, _ Fish _, of all things to eat. Then command that he bathe her _ without _making any moves, all while she was in heat." Again, silence. Even after nudging her a bit. "If that's not a sign of Strength..."

"...You don't know me, stray." She exhaled, starting to turn away. "That says more about you than it does me-" But his hold on her shoulders got her attention. Nearly whimpering when she caught those twin suns again, staring at her with a confidence.

"Doesn't that make me the perfect judge then?" Those cyan discs morphed into surprise. "Because the female I met earlier today was definitely strong, especially for her size. Yet, the one that I woke up to..." That sorrow returned in the dragoness' expression. "What changed? In those few minutes that I was gone, what happened to your strength?"

That gaze finally fell, avoiding the navy paw that attempted to lift it back up and she sighed. "It left. It left with you."

"And it didn't return?" No response, and Bunsen took a breath. "Look. There comes a time in every dragon's life where they need to make a change. They need to be strong enough to leave the things that bother us behind."

"You can't escape the past-"

"But you can start over!" He growled a bit, being a bit more assertive with his paw and forcing the yellow one to look into his eyes once more. "Even if it means with a brand-new name." A few tears squeezed out of her eyes while she closed them.

"You don't know me-"

"But that doesn't mean I wouldn't like to." A heavy sigh from the dragoness as she looked away, however, returning to his chest a shoulder as Bunsen held her frame tightly. "Don't push someone away just because you think they're not going to like you." A deep breath was the only response he got, but at least the female was composing herself. "It's easy to find a weakness about yourself, but it often takes others to recognize your strengths. You're not_defined_by either." A bit of silence, but a nod was eventually felt. "Now come, I nearly lost my tail to this thing, I don't want it getting cold." The navy one playfully snorted, getting Karddika to chuckle.

"It... Does smell good."

"I imagine it tastes pretty good as well." He reached over and cut out a cube with a single claw, tossing it in his mouth and purring a little at the crispy outside with a juicy center. "Acceptable. I'm not a great cook yet, but I've been trying."

"I've... Never really had it like this before." A noise in question from the larger one, as his embrace unlaced. "-Please... Not yet?" The male attempted to stare in question at her. "Just a little longer?" He nodded, once again holding her tightly and rocking her back and forth. As if to slow dance in the glistening moonlight and the warmth of the bonfire.

"That was..." The female purred loudly, resting on the smooth stone and rubbing her belly in comfort. "Delicious...!" She nearly moaned, hearing the male return from disposing of the leftovers. Making a noise of agreement as he tended to the fire for a few moments. "So worth risking your tail for."

"Hey!" Bunsen playfully growled. "I'll have you know this tail saved lives!" The yellow one stared at him for a few moments, eventually getting him to double take and share a look. "...Yes, specifically my own. But other lives as well." An overdramatic snort got her to chuckle.

"I'm pretty sure you could live without it." A strike of slight remorse was nearly felt when his expression changed, staring into the flames. Making her slowly get up and quietly ask. "Did...?"

"A friend of mine, actually." Bunsen mumbled, taking a breath. "Only about half of it, but..." It got those cyan discs to study her own yellow one for several moments, trying to imagine not being able to move it. "He can live, yes. But can't fly well anymore without it."

"What do you mean? Unless his wings...?"

"His wings are fine, and he can fly in a straight line, sure. But the moment you need to turn, it becomes that much more difficult." The female got up, not getting his attention but seeing the navy one open a wing to invite her in. Taking it and leaning against his strong frame while they were mesmerized by the fire for several long minutes.

"...I grew up with my sister." Karddika mumbled, nearly feeling that dark ear flick towards her, but all Bunsen did was nod and wait patiently for her to finish. "My mother was around for a while, but after we were able to hunt by ourselves, she left. I never knew what happened to her, why she abandoned the nest without a single word."

A noise in confirmation from the male, but that wing held her close. "I grew up being neglected by everyone else but Viv'itara."

"Sister...?" That yellow head slowly nodded, and he gestured her to continue.

"I followed her everywhere because I had no one else. The nest seemed to badmouth strays, but almost treat us like ones at the same time. We were just ones _allowed_to stay in their territory."

A few moments of silence as she continued. "...Whenever a female was in season, it... It sounded like a group of savage animals from afar. I was much smaller than everyone else, and my sister honestly thought that when it was my turn to..." A heavy breath from the dragoness. "She honestly thought that they would end up killing me."

"To be fair, it does cloud a lot of our judgement." Bunsen stated slightly awkwardly. "We can't reason well, let alone control ourselves without a lot of practice."

"...Back then I thought she was looking out for me when my time came, and Viv dragged me out here. We escaped into the night, nearly two territories out and away from the nest. Spent what felt like year out here, but the entire time she kept telling me: Uka, you need to learn how to survive on your own. I can't take care of you forever."

"...She's not wrong." A deep sigh from the dragoness.

"I know, but I just couldn't get the hang of it alone. I still needed her to help hunt my prey, I needed someone or something to keep me warm at night." She gazed over towards her bedding. "I didn't make that. It was here long before last year, and I have the feeling that our mother made it for Viv. Not wanting her to have the same life she had." Another deep breath. "But it was after we returned home, Viv started seeing another nestmate. Spending more and more time with them, and I was left alone. Before this year's..." She fought to hold back her tears, but just couldn't. Feeling that large wing hold her a little tighter and Karddika leaned into the male again.

"Nobody wants someone so small. Nobody wants someone so weak and pathetic-" A large tail was felt assertively landing on her own, nearly slapping her farthest haunch from him. "Hit me if you want, I'm just stating fact. I've been barely surviving out here on my own, and I'm pretty sure no one in that nest wants me back there. I've been fighting with myself ever since I came here, trying to convince myself that I'd be better off being _ anywhere _else...!" A shaky breath. "But I can't do it... I can't make it on my own out here, but I can't go back."


"But I won't burden you, Bunsen. I'm my own responsibility, not yours. So please, I'll ask you one last time: Go." Some silence between them. "I promise I will not blame or hate you for it. But... Thank you. For..." A heavy breath left her as she turned away, pushing away his large wing with her two own before tucking them close.

For several moments, the yellow one could feel the male's gaze over her. Nearly being able to tell when those twin suns looked off into thought as it seemed the air grew colder. Only returning with that warmth when his tail and wing once again shielded the dragoness, nudging for her attention and getting it after her shaky breath. Letting that navy paw guide her sight and muzzle back up, just inches away from his. "Come with me." Those frilled ears perked at such an option. "Come back with me. I'll teach you, everything I know." All Karddika could do was stare at him for several minutes, nearly able to read what those cyan discs were thinking, as if it were a window into the female's mind.

Questioning. Confusion. Fear. The emotions seemed to change like stilled frames. Adventurous. Excitement. Warmth and Love. One that even made the male smile at, but only for a moment. Shame. Sorrow. Regret. Self-Loathing. Anger. Aggression. And finally, Strength. "No."


"No." A puzzled look from the larger one. "If... If I go with you, I'm just going to... Just going to remain being weak." She nearly whispered, almost exhaling heat but the male knew the anger wasn't directed towards him. "I... I need to change. I want... I need to become independent."

"That's fine, but you shouldn't do that until you know-"

"I know, but..." She trailed off, taking a deep breath and looking towards his chest. "I'm afraid."

"Of what?"

"I'm afraid that I might not be able to let go of whatever life you're willing to give me." Another deep breath from the dragoness as she closed her eyes. "This way... Right now, I'm still strong enough to make the decision for myself. I... I don't want that to be taken away from me." As much as Bunsen didn't like that answer, he slowly nodded. Adjusting himself to once again embrace the yellow dragon, who accepted such a thing.

"At least let me tell you where I live." A worried look from those cyan discs. "I know how hard it can be, especially when you're first starting out. If things get so bad for you out here that you might perish, come to the northwest, over the red mountains." His other wing gestured into a direction. "Keep heading over there until you come to a dense forest, one with a very, _ very _large tree in the center of it."

"...Tree?" The navy one nodded.

"Yep, that's where I live." A blank stare from the dragoness, making him tilted his head and perk his ears for a moment.

"...You... You live in a tree?" That made him chuckle a bit.

"Yes. I got the idea from some of the humans. My mother let me play with them when I was a hatchling, and they ended up building this large house in a tree." A sigh in reminiscing. "I loved that treehouse. It even got me over my fear of heights when I was younger."

"What? How?"

"By falling out of it." The two chuckled. "After I hit the ground, I realized that it didn't hurt that bad." Another small laugh. "As much as my mother hated that thing, it did make it much easier for me to learn how to fly."

"Why did she hate it?"

"Because it was so difficult to get me out of it when we had to leave. She told me that if I wanted one, I could make it when I got older."

"And you did..." A slow nod with a smile. "...Tell me about it? Please? I... Like hearing you talk." Those twin suns looked over her in thought, then looked a bit back towards the bed. Almost shaking his head slightly while still looking around got her a little puzzled. Eventually following his eyes towards the waters once again. "What?" The male looked at her again, this time with almost a clever smile while half taking her paw. Leading her towards the small river. "What?"

"Come here." A slightly nervous whine left her, but Karddika did. Following him to the edge of the water as he took a drink. "I never got to finish washing you." He mentioned, hearing her whimper a bit but got a hold of her forearm before the yellow one could retreat.

"No-no-no!" She playfully giggled at his sly look, especially when he started to lean his large body over the edge. Keeping a firm grip on her own and yelping loudly as they both broke the silent night with a loud splash. Reaching the surface and nearly gasping at the slight shock the cooler temperature had against her core, aiming for the ledge where they entered as Bunsen embraced her from behind. Pressing those larger paws against her sides, just under her wings and near instantly stabilizing her breaths into a deep rhythm.

"When I left home..." He started, almost whispering in that frilled ear while she purred, nearly dancing in his hold. Grinding against that red underside and almost getting him too excited to tell such a story. "I went on a vacation to scout around for a good spot to live. Honestly, when I found the place, I was thinking of it more as a summer home. This large, abandoned treehouse that was big enough to hold a few families." A blissful whimper in question as the navy paws started up her back, hearing the yellow one claw at the smooth stone and rock ahead of her. "I stayed there for a few days but left to find somewhere else to live. However... My love for the scenery of such a place brought me back within a year or so."

"S-so... You...?" Another enthralled whine as she nearly begged. "G-go back there. Down just a bit please...!" It made the larger dragon smirk and nuzzle the back of her neck.

"I did, however..." A few licks got the female to whine in question. "My first morning back, I ended up falling through the wooden floor." A double take from her, accidently bumping her muzzle against his and blushing deeply from it. Feeling that pink tongue lick it a bit and they kissed for a few moments. "Apparently the wood was rotting far longer than it looked from above and it needed to be replaced. I was at least lucky enough not to be harmed by much during the fall and was actually caught by a few of the branches of the tree. It's as if it wanted me there, but..."

"W-... What did...?" A long purr of pleasure as his claws carefully dug under her scales.

"I knew I couldn't do the work on my own, so I ended up visiting a nearby human city. Making a deal with some of the carpenters there and having to fly them out for a few months to get everything fixed and situated for a dragon to live in. At least they had a foundation to work on, even if they ended up replacing the entire thing." His paws slowly made their way around her hind legs, tending to her lower sides and belly as he leaned up against her yellow shoulder. "I had to work for them for a couple of years, still do from time to time. But they do make repairs when needed." A chuckle from the male when he spotted her pawing reflexes on the edge of the pool. "It's good to make little deals like that with other species. My mother always said it's better to have more friends than enemies."

A song of whimpers as Karddika grinded against the male's lower region, feeling his soft tongue lick just under her ear before whispering towards it. "Now, I don't want to come off as manipulating you, but would you like another session for the ev-?" A sudden squirm as she attempted to turn around, accidently bumping her own muzzle against his navy one and making him lightly yelp. Only to feel her latch onto his maw and drive that red tongue between Bunsen's fangs. Kissing him deeply as she continued to rotate her body until it was facing the male's own red underside, her back against the marble ledge and that tail thrashing in the waters below.

For several minutes they wrestled with each other's tongues, nearly gnawing at their snouts as a certain blue tip pressed against her lower area. The tip lightly rubbing against her yellow and red lower lips that were flush with arousal and warm to the touch, inviting such a tool inside, even if it was nearly too big to house it. However, he didn't enter just yet. Instead, moving away while continuing the kiss until they had to part. Lapping at her jaw and going down along her neck, feeling those yellow paws grip against his own plated armor along that collar as Bunsen started to submerge into the waters.

Of course, expecting the strange look again, as he made a series of nudges along her chest, belly and the gripped along those slender haunches. Tickling the base of her tail as the navy paws massaged around it, still getting her to cry out into the night as that pink tongue lapped at her folds. Slipping inside and almost hearing the female yelp at the cool waters that entered with it as that maw playfully chewed and lapped against her sex. Feeling quite the difference between the earlier afternoon's session in terms of volume within that fleshy tunnel, though still getting those reflex-based squeezes from time to time.

It was like playing a musical instrument, one organic and occasionally attempting to rake his shoulders. Enough for him to slightly struggle against it before pushing off the barely reachable ground to resurface for some air. Taking a few breaths as Karddika begged in whines. "Enjoying yourself?" The male dragon coyly asked, only to feel those paws grip his strong shoulders and push his head down under once again, as if demanding that his work continued. Not arguing against such a thing, but this time adding a couple of digits in with his tongue. Massaging and attempting to stretch out her slit a bit more with slow pulls until those instincts warned him once again.

Almost immediately getting a grip on the top of his head when breaking free from the water, even feeling claws scrape his navy armor as the female nibbled at his neck. "Y'know, this would be a lot easier if you just laid on-" But she pushed him down again before he could finish. Loving the aggressive bunts and slip of that soft tongue, even if it was more focused directly below her this time around. Making out a few presses that caused her bob up and down in the water, while the pink appendage continued half tease her.

After a bit, the larger dragon pushed off from the bottom of the pool, forcing her body to completely resurface and fall backwards onto the smooth marble. Keeping her hind legs and tail slightly over the edge as Bunsen once again reclaimed his air. Though, still keeping those hind legs spread so he could gnaw at those lower folds once again, this time above water.

The female cried out in bliss, her voice echoing through the trees at the work of that soft tongue. Sliding within her time and time again, it's strength and texture causing her to squeeze it out of reflex while leaking out those precious juices. Ones that still contained such influencing scents of her season, nearly causing those navy nostrils to flare up and the male to almost lose himself to those instincts once more.

However, he remained in control. Still giving his bestial side a satisfying desire with every deep inhale towards her sex, doing his best to make her release the clear fluids again and again. No matter how badly those hind claws were raking into his shoulders or how much that yellow tail thrashed in the waters below. Nearly swatting that cyan tool in the process as it throbbed within the cool waters of the evening. Wanting to penetrate the dragoness so badly and growing more and more impatient for its turn.

Those whimpers of the female were growing in pitch, becoming more and more frequent along with her jerks and squirms. Her forepaws needily reaching down and attempting to force that entire snout inside her tunnel, but the heavy waves of bliss interrupted her time and time again. Unable to lean forward enough before those wings forced Karddika to arc her back and moan loudly into the night.

Relief came for a moment as the tongue withdrew but was soon replaced by the work of a single paw. Driving digit after digit into her slit and stretching that sex out with such powerful limbs, all while tender licks and nudges were climbing up her hamstring. The other paw prying that hind leg off his shoulder and keeping it still as Bunsen made his way to the pads, giving them a few kisses and nibbling her toes a bit to tickle them. Loving the playful struggle that possessed them with as he washed them with that silky appendage before locking his paw's digits between those yellow pillars. Taking the time to scrub and tease them before moving on to the next set.

At this point, the dragoness was nearly spent of all fight within her. That red tongue just lolling out the side of her muzzle as she huffed over and over again. Her chest expanding out like a large bubble with every one of her body's movements and every new note her whines created. A deep blush invading her yellow color as those forepaws playfully scratched at the air while the male continued to make sure she was cleaned. Smirking deviously at her own drunken smile, with a twinkle of euphoria in her cyan eyes. Unable to barely make out the starry sky above her.

Yet, such a color reminded Bunsen of someone that was being rather patient with the two, still throbbing within the waters and nearly willing to attempt to pierce through that teasing tail in order to get some action. Giving the yellow dragon a few moments to catch her breath, the larger one started to slide her back into the pool. Expecting the few whimpers from Karddika as she leaned forward enough to brace up against the large navy and crimson body, her back once again pressed up against the ledge as the two faced each other. Sharing breaths from afar, until the dragoness got a burst of energy to latch onto that muzzle and kiss it deeply. Loving the sudden pin of his instincts against her form as it was finally unleashed, after all that teasing and inhaling her heated scent.

The beast of a dragon growled in pleasure at her submission, bracing her against the marble and soft dirt that was underwater as that weapon pressed up against her tail. Following it up to one slit that made her whine, clearly too small for such a thing and soon finding the other. The one with practice and experience, if only recent. Pressing that lubricated tip against her sex and letting that blue tip part the yellow and pink folds, banishing the heated and muffled breath from Karddika as she held tightly against his body, almost pushing herself down to accept such a thing.

It was huge. Much larger than she remembered or that she was used to. Separating her walls to what felt like their limit as the female whined at her body's warning. But she could take it! She was able to last night, for Taath's sake! After getting a concerned stop and nudge from the navy one, she nodded rapidly. Requesting for him to continue regardless. Ukase'fu wouldn't be able to take such a beast... But Karddika could. Karddika was strong enough... Just like earlier this day, Karddika was strong enough to don this male!

A few more thrusts from just attempting to keep his head above the surface lead to those navy paws grasping the ledge. Slowing down the momentum, which honestly made the yellow one angry. As if the male was halting due to her smaller size, causing the dragoness to become a bit rougher with her kiss as she grinded over that flare. Bunsen felt her sex stretch out, little by little, and that tip start to squeeze through the warm, wet tunnel slick with both of their lubricant. Already leaking its precious foggy liquids that felt so hot against her flesh compared to the surrounding waters. "Careful-" Bunsen started, but the female squirmed on top of him a little bit more.

Not even a moment later, that tip slipped in. Stunning the yellow dragon to the point where she let go of the kiss, only for the male's instincts to push forwards and advance on her muzzle's retreat. Once again making Karddika moan loudly in bliss as the large tool twitched inside her with a spurt of lubricant, nearly becoming strangled by her contracting sex. However, it remained strong and solid against such reflexive attacks. Even going so far as to advance forwards within her tunnel and meet up with some of their fluids from the session before.

That girth felt so deep inside her, making the smaller one sing loudly within the navy muzzle as he slowly moved her up and down his length. Once again letting those folds take time to get used to such thickness before slipping out and back in just a little further. Every twin set of bumps that reached out from that weapon's sides acting like milestones of pleasure, barely squeezing through her gaping slit. Such a taut feeling sending waves of bliss through her heated body, the two nearly causing a fog along the surface of the water as it rippled wildly.

The more intense their kisses got, the rougher they were against each other. Eventually feeling the larger one hold her back for a moment, both taking several breaths as a thick tip throbbed and lightly released within her. Those twin suns glowing in the darkness, reflecting the embers of the fire behind Karddika and nearly causing her to fall in love with such a confident stare. Even if it was thinking up crazy ideas, and she could almost read them. "Hold your breath." A slight whimper from her, but the dragoness trusted the stray... She trusted him. She actually-

Found herself being dragged to the bottom of the pool, still in his embrace. Almost wanting to yelp at such a change but feeling him land sent a small shockwave up his body. Causing her to accept such a thing, directly on his blue spire and feel it make a little more progress deep inside her. The ridges underneath that beast of a weapon almost locking its progress inside her sex, as Bunsen took a hold of her body. Slowly slamming her frame against that tool, getting the female to grip his neck and attempt to assist until she couldn't hold in her cries. Coming out as bubbles that gave him a warning sign to resurface quickly.

Breaking the liquid to air barrier was nearly as violent as their roars of bliss, sucking in breaths for a few moments while straining against their body's reflexes towards such an act. Releasing their own forms of fluids into the waters they bathed in as foggy streams, trying so hard not to climax and release everything they had just yet. Especially when they've only made so little progress inside her, she wanted the entire thing! To prove to herself that the yellow female was strong enough to take something his size!

Thick streams of pre-cum started to build up in her fleshy tunnel, making her whimper and release a bit more while giving that flare a tight squeeze before feeling it slip out. The build-up of juices flowing out as well while the male adjusted himself, taking deep breaths and getting her to do the same before holding it. Latching onto each other's muzzles again as they submerged back down to the bottom.

Her sex got the full force of that flare, giving it a head start to drive deep into her body. At least this time it felt a little easier, as the two worked together to make further progress down that length. Reaching another set of bumps while a little bit of pressure was felt inside. A cooling liquid, like the waters were being pumped in with every motion until his girth sealed that yellow slit.

A quick resurface once again left them panting, this time parting with a bit more of their body's contents and sending it down the river. Taking a few breaths while wrestling tongues, Bunsen sank to the bottom and quickly launched off the river's bed. Sending the dragoness against the wall still, a bit higher up while taking the full force of that sturdy tool. Another jump, this time harder and feel the flare drill in deeper, nearly leaving her breathless. Let alone sending Karddika almost up on the ledge before dragging her back down one last time.

The underwater leap was grand, really showing just how powerful the dark male's body was as he took the weight of both dragons and pushed both of them over the white marble ledge. All while making the yellow dragon take the full length until his hilt, feeling every inch of that length throb and twitch within her while Kar's yellow body squirmed in both bliss and accomplishment. Leaving the instinctual mess of a dragoness laying on the stone floor, her tail still over the edge and thrashing about over the waters as Bunsen dragged her a bit further. Using nothing but his length and loving the songs the smaller one was making.

He gave the younger dragon a few moments to catch her breath and enjoy such a thing before pulling his equipment out. Letting her sex take a small break before pressing that tip against it once more, now getting a greeting of a kiss from those lower pink lips as the first half slipped inside quite easily. Adding a few easy motions before forcing the female to take his entire length once again, until their slits were rubbing against each other and Karddika pawed at his stout chest. Attempting to claw at it in reflex and feel one of his own paws grapple her wrist.

However, it was not even a form of self-defense. Leading the yellow scaled appendage to his very snout and tongue as it moved away from her muzzle to meet it. Giving it several soft licks and nudges along the soft pads while continuing with his mating motions, growling once in a while when she couldn't help but squeeze that blue beast with contractions. In return, getting several thick sprays added to her inner walls, almost flooding her body with such things as they continued the routine. Like practicing a dance over and over until it was made much easier for her to memorize.

But the deeper that tool went, the closer that tip came to penetrating her womb. Pressing up against it with the occasional thrust and checking in on how it's previous release was doing. Even causing a few new leaks as the tool continued to prod her. Then the motions got harder as the male started to gear up, taking the time to release a rumbling purr through his throat as he braced himself. Still lapping at her paws before meeting her yellow snout, sharing a deep kiss of both acceptance and permission before he drove that weapon deep into her body. Lubricating her walls with its pre-cum and letting them leak out upon exits.

It was rough, yes, but it never felt so good to the smaller one. Singing constantly and squirming around to really get a feel of that tightness such a tool was giving off. Swearing through the faint emberglow that she could see its progress when it disappeared into her pelvis. Like a bulge sliding back and forth with every hard pound he hammered into Kar, until a heavy spray of torrents caused the male to stop and take a breath. Stuffing her sex full of seed, only to soon realize it was still just pre.

Bunsen kept at it for what felt like dozens of minutes, making sure the young dragon was completely broken in for future sessions. Not submitting to his instinctual demands to just fill her completely with his own juices until he could easily slip in and out of her sex. Panting heavily while trying to maintain control, the dragoness could tell it was almost time. Giving that navy muzzle a lick to get the attention of those golden discs and witness her nodding. "You sure?"

"P-please...!" She nearly begged, coiling her tail around his base as if to anchor herself into position. Submitting herself to another powerful deep kiss as the larger dragon growled and grunted, jerking his hindquarters a bit as the pressure within her sex seemed to grow. Specifically towards the end of the tunnel, up against her womb. The tip of the flare prodding against it and stretching the entrance of such a thing wider and wider, all while...

Another bulge was felt, this time at the very base of the weapon. Trying to keep her own folds against his red ones as the protective slits started to transfer that monster of a knot. The warning signs flashed within her body, sending it into squirms and rapid climaxes. Contracting again and again as if to tell her that such a task was impossible for her! But Karddika kept her hold, clawing into those dark shoulders and pulling herself towards the blue beast that resided within her. Feeling her sex stretch out again and again with every pulse of the male's body.

But it was too much! Feeling those folds get caught around its girth and push her back with its unsheathing progress. Getting her to whimper that she couldn't do it... However, those navy paws grasped her shoulders as well. Allowing the two to take a moment to look at each other and exchange breaths. "Are you sure?" Bunsen nearly gasped between his grunts, the contractions almost building up within his lower area as it prepared to release half his body weight in juices. Getting a solid nod in response and a determined look from those cyan discs. "Okay, on three... One... Two...!"

And the two pressed down against the knot together, getting a heavy struggle in the process and several warnings from both their bodies but they ignored them! Roaring together as they grasped each other harder, squirming their lower ends until that bulge plopped inside. Sending the yellow one into almost shock as that flare slipped into her womb in order to fit it all in. Almost causing her pain, but so much pleasure at the same time. Letting her roar again and again in pride as she came over it... Until...

She started to feel another pulse. Then another. The warning still coming as the navy male continued to growl a bit. A heavy tight feeling, and she realized it: the knot was still growing. Pulsing on the other side of her folds and completely locking itself in her, making the dragoness whimper a bit, but she... _ Loved _it so. The bulge. The taut feeling of being stuffed to the brim. The inability to escape any longer! All that was left was...

The smaller one couldn't help but grin shyly, latching onto Bunsen's muzzle while he was still grunting against the tightness. His breaths growing deeper and slower, like a countdown timer to warn her. But Karddika welcomed it, even when the bulge grew thicker, the shaft becoming denser, and the first heated torrent was felt. She felt pure bliss, as hot seed once again entered her womb. Quickly filling it up and causing her yellow underside to bulge in pulses, those scales rounding out like a ball blowing up.

But the warning signs returned as discomfort, still feeling that beast of a weapon continue to expel all contents into her spherical lower end. Making her whimper against it as those scales grew tighter and tighter. The heated fluids pushing up against her tunnel walls and soon leaking out of her slit after enough time. Placing a paw carefully against her lower belly as it never felt so tight before, then-!

The knot was suddenly pushed out. Giving both dragons yelps of relief as a white river rushed out of her lower end. Still feeling those torrents spray against her haunches and tail before Bunsen took a step forward. Making the female yelp loudly before getting sprayed by thick ropes of white, painting her underside completely and drenching her with several torrents. Eventually taking that step back and sliding that tool back into her stretched slit, embracing her in the process and not minding the mess in the slightest. Purring while nuzzling her neck.

Granted, the female was still in shock at being hosed down, not even noticing the strange taste on her tongue until quite a bit after. Soon piecing it together what it was and scraping a glob off her underwing for a second taste before making a bit of a face. Only for the male to kiss her deeply, unaware of what just happened and growling loudly at the detected substance. "Why." He grumbled, attempting to scrape it off his tongue.

"Don't blame me, that was your doing." She playfully snorted, resting on the marble and enjoying the few dense twitches from that cyan weapon inside her. Still clutching it tightly with her folds, even after Bunsen started to withdraw a little. Getting the yellow one to pull on that knot while she squirmed in reflex and making the large male growl in the process. Giving another deep kiss, regardless of the taste they exchanged as he took a step back.

With a bit of effort, he pulled the smaller dragon up and purposely fell backwards, making Karddika yelp loudly within his muzzle as they fell into the waters once again to get cleaned off. The cooling river creating a bit of a shock against her body as they made contact, being so used to the warmth of the nearby fire and causing the yellow one to pull on that swelled bulge a bit more. Sending a few more waves of bliss through the navy body until he surrendered those last torrents into her sex.

The two resurfaced, panting heavily while embracing each other. Once again leading the small female's back against the ledge and starting to clean her off while Bunsen's senses started to become a little woozy. Yet still sharing a kiss while those strained paws went to work, washing the foggy fluids off her scales and making them glossy in the moonlight. Nearly enough for him to see his own reflection before releasing a heavy breath.

"Let's..." Karddika panted. "Call it a night, shall we?" He nodded without argument, letting go of her enough to turn around and climb out. Flashing that sex still dripping with his seed and nudging it with his snout, just to catch the scent of that addictive heat once again. Giving his body the energy to follow that tail closely and lay in bed with it, covering the dragoness with his body and wings as they soon fell asleep on the... Still dirty bed. Something she'll have to tend to eventually.

The cloudy morning masked the sunlight for quite some time, giving the dragoness a chance to finally rest and regain all that spent energy. Though still waking up feeling almost slimy, it was a good rest regardless. Stretching her body out and curling her back until it couldn't move any further, then rolling over, Karddika yawned loudly before realizing just how thirsty she was.

It took a few more moments for her body to finally give in and start moving, glancing around the area she resided for the past few weeks. Unable to really concentrate on much until she took the satisfying laps of cool water, gazing around once more at the vacant area.

There was still the mess, of course. A near satisfying reminder of the two sessions the dragons had, ones that nearly made the female giggle at such a feeling and rub her lower belly. Still retaining quite a bit of that gift, but it was being released within time. The charcoal remains of the bonfire that cooked their most delicious meal, as well as the makeshift table of where they had their first 'date', so to speak. It almost all seemed so distant now that the navy male finally left, yet... The yellow one still couldn't help but smile at the memory, the thought of his portrait and those twin suns.

However, something seemed out of place. Some of the old pots and bowls were moved around a bit on the far side, making her purr a bit in curiosity and take a closer look. Only to discover that one was missing. (What would a stray want with an old bowl?) She thought to herself, scanning around the area just to see if maybe she replaced it. Instead, discovering strange markings in the marble. Strafing around it to find a message written in black dust, much like that of the charcoal from the embers.

An old human once told me:

If you love a flower, don't pick it up.

Because if you pick it up, it dies and ceases to be what you love.

So if you love a flower, let it be.

Love is not about Possession.

Love is about Appreciation.

(Flower...?) Another quick look around, and something caught her cyan eye. The faint glow of a blossom. White and nearly exhausted of all its illumination for the day. Somewhat poorly dug up and placed within the missing bowl, placed within view of the female... If she didn't happen to roll over in the morning, that is. Such a thing nearly brought a tear in her eyes as she approached it and gently lifted its sepals, almost seeing it smile at her sheepishly before it started to fold up for the day.

Karddika's suspicions were true then; the glow on the mountain tops were such flowers, likely gathering the dense moonlight and radiating brightly in return... And the navy male got her one, just like she requested. Though the tears were still falling, there was at least a bright smile over her yellow muzzle. Almost wanting to head northwest to follow him, see the red mountains for herself. As well as the odd phenomenon that was a dragon living in a tree.

Yet... She just couldn't. Not yet. Looking over her gift again, the flower gave her strength. No... It mirrored Karddika's own strength. Able to somehow survive out in the harsh mountains all on its own, and still proceed to become something beautiful. Especially towards the evening. That's what she wanted. That's what the dragoness _ needed _to become.

Taking a close hold of the potted plant and carrying it towards the river. Watering it while getting her own quick bath and refreshment. Still swearing that she could taste that male's release on her tongue, something the yellow dragon knew she would long for eventually. And perhaps someday soon, she would pay that navy male a visit. But promised herself that's all it would be: A Visit. She would survive out here somehow, mostly on her own. She may make new friends, like he did, but her survival was her responsibility. Not anyone else's.

With one final glance around the small shelter here, Karddika took a deep breath. Planted pot in paws with the flower enclosed, as if preparing itself for the take-off, the dragoness took a deep breath and launched into the sky. Away from this place that housed her failures, away from her damn nest and its customs. Away from where Bunsen likely flew off to return home. And away the best memory she's ever had.

But that doesn't mean there can't be more... All it takes is a Change.