Special Assignments - Chapter Twenty

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#20 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Twenty One to follow soon...

The music grew louder as Lachlan opened the door and held it for me.

I glanced around the inside of the barn and I admit, I was impressed. The place had been converted into a bar and a pub. It was lit by white fairy lights hanging from the ceiling and there was a big open fire in the corner. What caught my attention was a three piece folk band playing at one end of the room. I had assumed the music was recorded. The band consisted of a trio of Beagles playing a mandolin, flute and a guitar.

"Hello, I have a reservation for two under the name Ross," Lachlan said to a husky waiter.

"This way please," he said, picking up two menus.

I followed Lachlan through the barn and to a table near the fire. The music was fainter which made conversation easier, but I could still hear it in the background which I appreciated.

"Thanks," I said as the waiter handed me a menu.

"What's your first impression?" Lachlan asked.

"Great so far," I replied as my tail thumped against the chair legs.

The menu only had a few items listed on it per course, but they all looked tasty.

"They change the menu almost every week," Lachlan explained. "Everything here is locally sourced. When I've come in the past I either go starter and main, or main and dessert."

"How about main and dessert?" I asked cautiously.

"Good answer," Lachlan said with a wink, which was far more obvious than the one he had given me in class.

"Have you come here with anyone before?"

"Only with family," Lachlan explained. "Like the gym, this is the first, and hopefully the last time I bring handsome company with me."

I wasn't sure what to say, so I responded with something between a laugh and a wriggle, which probably made me look silly but Lachlan didn't care.

"What would you like to drink?" he asked. "I won't have anything alcoholic as I'm driving, but you choose what you want."

I looked down the menu at the drinks.

"What are you going to have?" I said.

"I'll go for an orchard glow, it's a non-alcoholic cocktail with orange and passionfruit," he replied.

"I'll have one too," I grinned.

The waiter came back and took our drinks orders.

"I haven't been on any dinner dates before," I admitted, not counting the date I'd had with Adam.

"There's no rules or regulations on what to do on a dinner date," Lachlan chuckled. "We can chat or sit in silence and gaze at each other from across the table, or chat."

"I imagine you have more experience in the dating department," I replied.

"Honestly, I haven't been on a date in quite some time," Lachlan shrugged.

"Really?" I said, feeling surprised. "I'd have thought a guy as good looking as you would have students or other staff members throwing themselves at you."

"Not necessarily," Lachlan laughed. "If you commit yourself to military and then post-grad studies you can get shut off from the outside world for a bit, then you come out the other end overcome by culture shock."

The waiter returned with our drinks and I took a sip of mine.

"Like it?" Lachlan asked.

"I do, very much," I replied.

The drink was indeed refreshing and I was glad Lachlan had recommended it.

"I admit, I'm surprised about something," I said, thinking out loud. "I figured that if you'd be into any of the guys in my class you'd like Alex Pryce."

"Good looking, not much of a personality," Lachlan chuckled.

"What about Ian?"

"Nice lad, definitely straight."


"He's your friend," Lachlan replied with a wry smile. "I can see why you two are close. Even from watching up at the front I can sense he's quite protective over you, which is a good thing."

"Are you allowed to say these things about students?" I asked with a grin.

"Probably not," Lachlan laughed. "But you'd be surprised at what's said in the faculty office."

"All bad I imagine?"

"Not always, I always said nice things about you of course," Lachlan said. "I genuinely mean that."

"I'm glad."

I suddenly wondered why Lachlan was so interested in me if we hadn't known each other for too long. I wanted to ask, but I also didn't want to spoil my feeling of happiness.

The waiter returned.

"Have you decided what you would like?" he asked.

"I'll have the salmon please," Lachlan said.

I quickly scanned down the menu.

"Please could I get the wild boar spaghetti?"

"Sounds tasty," Lachlan said.

I smiled and sat in silence for a moment, listening to the band. Lachlan had his muzzle angled in the regal position.

"You look handsome when you do that," I said as I leant in closer.

"Oh, thanks," Lachlan said, looking bashful again. "It's not something I consciously do."

"Well, it looks handsome," I grinned.

"And you look cute when you grin like that," Lachlan replied.

My tail thumped against the chair and I felt embarrassed in case I'd made a spectacle of myself, but again Lachlan didn't care. He replied with another wink and we sat and listened to the music play until our food was brought out.

My dish was indeed very tasty, the meat was very tender and the sauce was rich without being too filling. Lachlan's salmon also looked good. It had been cooked in a cream sauce and was served with vegetables.

"Want to try some?" Lachlan asked, noticing I was eyeing his meal up.

"Yes please," I grinned. "Want some of mine?"

We exchanged some of our food. Lachlan's salmon was indeed very good and I felt glad he had taken me out to dinner with him.

"Do you usually eat out?" I asked.

"Not often, only special occasions," he replied. "I like cooking at home."

"I like home cooking too," I explained. "It's just finding the time or money."

"That's the issue with being a student," Lachlan nodded. "But that gives me a blank canvas on which we can work together."

"You'll teach me new recipes?" I asked.

"Of course," Lachlan replied, fixing me a smile. "I'm trying different styles of cuisine and I want someone to help me."

We finished our main courses and the waiter came over to ask if we would like dessert.

"I'll go with the chocolate fondant," Lachlan said.

"I'll have the same," I grinned.

The waiter nodded and walked back off towards the kitchen.

"Good choice," Lachlan chuckled.

We listened to the band again until our desserts were brought out. They were served with vanilla ice cream and looked delicious.

I was about to dig my spoon in when I recognised the song that was playing. It wasn't a traditional folk song, but a tune my mum used to play. Lachlan cocked an ear and I could tell he recognised it too.

"What song is that?" I mused, and then I realised.

"In Your Wildest Dreams by The Moody Blues," we said in unison before laughing.

"You have good taste," Lachlan said.

"I got it from my parents."

"That's not necessarily a bad thing," Lachlan chuckled. "Our parents may annoy us, but they also shape our personalities, for better or worse."

"True," I replied, swigging the last of my drink.

"So what other music did you learn about from your parents?" Lachlan asked.

"A lot, although it's just me and my mum now," I explained.

I could tell by the look in his face that I didn't need to say anymore. He knew what I meant. Lachlan reached across the table and gave my paw a brief but reassuring squeeze.

"Remember I was telling you about the proposed research trip I was going to do with a PhD student?" he asked.


"Neither of the two PhD candidates I had the meeting with are keen on a trip. I cleared space during the reading week to go away, but I was wondering if you wanted to go instead?"

The question took me aback a little. At least that cleared up why he was going away during the reading week.

"There's no pressure," Lachlan continued. "I understand it's very short notice and you may have made plans with friends."

"I haven't made plans," I replied. "Where are you thinking of going?"


I was tempted, although it also seemed very soon to be going somewhere with Lachlan, but the more I appreciated how regal and handsome he looked (and there was the fact he'd chosen somewhere I always wanted to go), the more I felt inclined to say yes.

"Did you choose Italy on purpose?"

"Maybe I did, maybe it's a coincidence," Lachlan replied.

I couldn't help but chuckle.

"I think it's the former," I said.

"I won't be offended if you say no, but the offer is there."

I nodded as I finished my dessert and I watched as Lachlan cleaned his up.

The band finished playing and everyone clapped.

"Do they usually play here?" I asked.

"They've done once before, I feel they add more to the atmosphere and they sometimes play instrumental folk versions of rock songs," Lachlan explained.

"I like that," I grinned.

Lachlan smiled at me before signalling to the waiter for the bill. I felt the same heavy feeling in my heart that I had felt when we had left the gym.

"This has gone too quickly," I sighed.

"But there will be other times," Lachlan reasoned.

"That's true, but I feel sad," I admitted.

Lachlan reached over and took my paw. He kept holding it until the waiter returned.

"Do you want me to pay for any?" I offered.

"Don't be silly," Lachlan grinned. "I'll get the food, you provide the company."

I watched him settle up with the waiter before we both stood to leave.

My heart still felt heavy was we walked out of the barn and into the cold night air.

"It's gotten colder," I said, rubbing my paws together.

"Winter is finally setting in, let's get to the car where it's warm," Lachlan replied.

We hurried over to the car and climbed in. Lachlan turned the heater on and we sat in silence for the moment as the car warmed up.

"Thanks for another wonderful date," I said, reaching over to take Lachlan's paw.

"Pleasure," he replied, angling his muzzle back into the regal position and fixing me a warm smile.

I wanted to kiss him, but was it too soon?

Do it!

I held Lachlan's paw as I gave him a quick kiss on his cheek fluff before pulling back and splaying my ears.

Lachlan didn't look at all bothered, in fact the warm smile remained on his muzzle. His paw gently tightened around mine and I leant over for another kiss, planting it on his mouth. I closed my eyes and pushed my tongue between his lips. Lachlan opened his mouth slightly and allowed me to explore the inside of his muzzle. I felt his tongue brush against mine and push its way into my mouth. He gently caressed the surface of my muzzle as he pulled me in closer.

His kiss was romantic without feeling too intense.

"Wow," I breathed as we finally broke away.

I noticed Lachlan was fixing me his bashful expression.

"Would you like to come back to mine?"

I hesitated, wondering again if doing that was too soon. But the thought of having the sensation of a heavy heart as Lachlan dropped me back at Aunt Ruth's was also an awful prospect.

"Do you need to get home?" Lachlan asked. "I'll drive you back to your aunt's."

"No, I want to stay with you."

The words were out of my mouth before I had a chance to register what I had just said, but I didn't care. The warm smile returned to Lachlan's muzzle.

"I'm glad to hear that," he said, gently caressing my paw. "I don't live too far away."

He started the car and we pulled off.

Adrenaline coursed through my body as we drove. The country roads outside were dark, but the warm interior of Lachlan's car felt safe and reassuring.

Up ahead, I could see the lights of a town ahead and Lachlan drove towards them. I realised it must be Durington Green, but just before we reached the town Lachlan turned off the road and down a tree-lined drive.

My ears were cocked as I realised we were driving up to what looked like a country house.

"Heh, I wondered if you lived in a manor."

"I do, kind of," Lachlan grinned. "Not the whole house though, it's split into apartments. It was actually a hunting lodge and stables back in the day for a nearby country estate."

Gravel crunched under the Audi's tires as we pulled into a covered parking space near the entrance. My stomach was churning with nerves and excitement as I climbed out.

Lachlan glanced upwards and sniffed the air.

"Rain is coming, we'd better head in."

He locked the car and we walked to a doorway.

"I have a duplex, so it has its own entrance from the ground floor," Lachlan explained as he unlocked the door.

The front door led into a small entrance hall with a staircase that led up.

"Up you go," Lachlan chuckled as he gave my paw a squeeze.

The stairs were thickly carpeted and felt nice under my hind-paws. I climbed up as Lachlan turned the lights on. The stairs led straight into a living room. I glanced around, tacking stock of my surroundings. The walls were painted a faint yellow colour, which was bright without being too garish. Paintings of various historic scenes hung in wooden frames around the wall while one corner was taken up by a television and a stone fireplace. Two small statues of lions stood either side of the hearth. The living room led to the kitchen which, by contrast, was more modern with steel and marble fittings. I couldn't help but chuckle as I noticed another Dingo Max poster in the kitchen hanging beside an Agent Shepworth print.

The apartment was also lined with large, arched windows (not unlike the window in Lachlan's office), but these looked over views of open fields and countryside. As Lachlan had predicted, clouds were starting to cover the night sky.

"Would you like some wine?" Lachlan asked as he walked into the kitchen. "I also have beer, water, lemonade."

"Wine please," I replied.

"You're welcome to sit down," Lachlan said, gesturing at the sofa.

I sat down and watched as Lachlan pulled out a bottle of red wine from a rack on the kitchen counter. He opened it and got out two glasses.

"This place is cool," I murmured.

"I'm glad you like it," Lachlan said as he walked over with the glasses.

He set one down on a coffee table before joining me on the sofa. I picked it up, sniffed at the liquid and took a sip. It had a pleasant, smoky taste. Lachlan sipped his.

Rain was starting to fall outside and it pattered against the windows. Lachlan stood and closed the curtains.

"No need to see dreariness after a nice day," he said as he sat back down and sipped at his wine. "That feels good after a day at the office," he chuckled, unbuttoning the top part of his shirt.

I took another sip from my glass as I eyed up his muscular chest which was partially exposed. I felt an urge to cuddle up to him.

Go on, you've already kissed him.

I shuffled along the sofa and put an arm around Lachlan. He let out a soft noise that sounded like something between a purr and an aww as he nuzzled me between the ears. I put my arm around his shoulders and buried my nose into his neckfluff to drink his scent; distinctly vulpine with a hint of aftershave that smelt like sandalwood. Lachlan unbuttoned the rest of his shirt and I kept my arm around him while using my other paw to feel his chest.

Lachlan's chest felt perfect, with no trace of fat at all. I was slightly envious of his body, but I kept my paw on him, appreciating the feeling. Lachlan nuzzled me between the ears before he took my face in both of his paws. He grinned before kissing my lips and giving me a gentle lick on my nose.

"My dear Shep," he whispered.

"My dear fox," I replied, kissing him back.

We continued cuddling and kissing on the sofa, pausing every now and again to sip our wine. Lachlan spread his hind-paws and gestured for me to sit between them.

I obliged and felt his strong arms wrap themselves around my chest. I reached up with one paw and began unbuttoning my shirt as I held my wine glass in the other without trying to spill it.

"Here," Lachlan laughed as he began unbuttoning my shirt for me.

I leant back against his muscular chest and I felt his muzzle between my ears again.

"I don't know about you, but I feel like getting under the covers," he said softly. "If you'd like to?"

I paused.

"I can make the sofa up?" he offered.

"We've crossed a lot of lines already so going to bed together won't make much of a difference," I grinned.

Lachlan chuckled as he nuzzled my neck and gently patted my butt for me to stand. I got up and Lachlan shed his shirt, exposing his toned body. He drank the rest of his wine and I drained my glass too.

"This way," he said, taking my paw.

I followed Lachlan through the apartment as he led me to the bedroom. We walked down a small hallway that was lined with more prints; a mix of more historical scenes and vintage movie posters in foreign languages.

The bedroom was smaller than I expected, but it looked cosy with another fireplace and a four-poster bed.

"Nice," I said, eyeing it up.

"Family heirloom," Lachlan replied as he closed the curtains.

He removed his trousers and I noticed he was wearing an almost identical pair of briefs to mine. The sight make my cock stiffen.

"I see you share my taste," I joked.

"I figured you had a thing for underwear when I saw you at the gym, so I decided I'd dress accordingly. I figured these were what the cool kids wear nowadays," he grinned, thumbing his waistband.

"Cool gay kids," I laughed as I shed my clothes.

Lachlan climbed into bed and held up the covers for me. I slid in next to him and the he wrapped his strong arms around me again. I could hear rain tapping at the window, but it made cuddling in bed feel all the more special.

My cock was fully erect and trapped within my underwear, and the feeling became even more intense as Lachlan's bulge ground into mine. I couldn't help but groan as Lachlan ground harder.

"You like that?" he grinned.

"Yes," I moaned.

"Good, I'll keep doing it."

Lachlan straddled over me and continued to grin while gently pinning me down by my wrists. I glanced up at his muscular body with his toned chest and tattoos and felt an urge to do more.

I reached out and gripped his bulge.

"Show me," I said.

Lachlan gently eased his underwear down and angled his cock at me. It was as thick as I imagined and glistening at the tip. I sniffed the air and caught the scent of his pre before looking down and realising I was leaking into my briefs too. I reached out and wrapped my paw around his shaft, feeling how thick is girth was.

"I'm just imagining that in me," I grinned.

"There's condoms in the nightstand," Lachlan growled playfully.

My playful bravado suddenly faded.

Wait, am I ready for being fucked?

"Is something wrong?" Lachlan asked, his eyes were filled with concern.

"I don't feel ready," I trailed off, feeling embarrassed.

Lachlan wrapped me in his arms and held me close.

"We'll only do that when we're ready, please don't feel bad."

I could feel my body shaking and Lachlan held me close.

"It's all right," he whispered into my ear.

My shaking gradually subsided as Lachlan held and nuzzled me.

"I want this to be fun and romantic, not bad," he said firmly.

I nodded.

"When I first saw you I said to Hudson about letting you have your way with me in bed," I tried joking, but I realised my voice was still shaky.

"In that case shall we cuddle and listen to the rain?" Lachlan suggested.

I nodded again and snuggled up to his muscular chest. The rain was still pattering on the glass, but Lachlan's arms made my feelings of anxiety slowly disappear.