Pony Training

Story by smith667 on SoFurry

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A dragon is trained to be a pony. No actual sex in this one, though I hope it is still enjoyable.

Rattain walked behind the exercise machine in a stupor. He knew that if the other two dragons attached to it had fought it like he had, then they would have been able to overpower it and maybe break free somehow. But Rattain had apparently been put with two dragons who were further along in the breaking process than he was, and they just walked along, staring at him as he dug his booted paws into the dirt of the circular track and tried to halt the machine's unending rotation.

The strong leather bridle on his face itched under the hot sun, but that was nothing compared to the thick leather wrappings that kept his wings pinned to his back, or the sturdy boots that had transformed his paws into hooves. It didn't help either that the chains attached to his boots, one for his front legs, and one for his back legs, stopped him from achieving his full stride. This was all without mentioning the heavy collar around his neck that had a shiny metal plaque that read "Sunny," or the metal chastity belt clamped firmly over his slit that chafed slightly as he walked.

Everything about Rattain's get-up was designed to hobble, humiliate, and restrain him. Even the track that he was stumbling around and around again was lined with signs that said things like:











Another horrible thing about his situation was that if he looked at the ground to avoid seeing the signs over and over, all he could see were the reins attached to his face hanging slack before they rose up to where they were tied to the exercise machine. Not to mention his booted, chained paws that reminded him that the anthros who had captured him were trying to turn him into a pony.

This was a humiliating position for any dragon to be in. Rattain was mature, his muscled hunter's physique rolling and rippling underneath his rough yellow scales as he walked. The small horn-like spikes along his brows made his furious frowning glares look even more intimidating, and even his nostrils were slightly jagged and spiky. The two proud horns on his head, each surrounded by slightly smaller horns, merged slowly into a row of hard, knobby spines tracing a line down his neck and back until they disappeared partway down his tail. His claws were sharp and powerful, and his toned legs often had enough power to kill his prey with a single blow. Everything about him was rough, sharp, and intimidating. That is, until he had been bound up in his current pony gear.

Rattain wasn't exactly sure of the timeline, but it had been about two weeks or so since he had been ambushed in his cave, drugged, carted down the mountain, locked into his pony leathers, and told that he would be spending the rest of his life pulling carts and wagons for the anthros living in the city.

He had been sure that he'd settled far enough from the city. He'd heard the stories saying that every dragon who went too close to the anthro city was never seen again. Now he knew why. They loved capturing wild dragons and turning them into ponies to work for them.

It had been explained to him by Minnie, a deer and the owner of Minnie's Ponies, that dragons had become popular because they were much stronger than horses, they were smarter and therefore more useful when trained and broken properly, and they lived longer. Plus, dragons were more resistant to extreme weather, so they could be used year-round with little concern. She said that they usually picked up males because they were stronger and they couldn't breed with each other, so it was easier to control the population. She also mentioned that many anthros got a thrill from seeing proud dragons trained and domesticated to be used as ponies. It was kind of exciting to see such a proud, dangerous, potentially lethal dragon pulling a cart of supplies down the road and knowing that it would never hurt them because it had been broken properly.

Upon hearing this, Rattain had been horrified, dumbfounded, and enraged at the same time. He had a name! He could communicate with other dragons! He could understand speech! They couldn't do this to him!

But Minnie just laughed at the emotions crossing Rattain's face and said that he would become submissive in time, just like all the others had before him and all the others would after. Apparently, according to Minnie, it was always worth the extra cost of having to train a dragon instead of just buying a real horse.

Then, Rattain had been renamed to "Sunny" on account of his "gorgeous yellow scales!" and had begun his first day on the road to becoming a pony dragon.

Needless to say, Rattain had tried to escape several times, all of them unsuccessful. Obedient pony dragons were fed better food, received better treatment, and were even allowed out of their chastity belts sometimes! Rattain slept on damp hay, ate slop and leftovers, and hadn't been out of his chastity belt since he had arrived.

Rattain is a bad pony dragon.

Rattain blinked and stumbled slightly as he tried to step further than his chain would allow. Had he just thought the thought "Rattain is a bad pony dragon?" He shook his head and narrowed his eyes, looking slightly ahead at an angle so that he couldn't see his feet and could only read the bottom halves of the signs around the track. He realized that while he had been thinking, he had been passively taking in the signs as he went around and around.

He wouldn't let them make him into one of those submissive, docile dragons he had seen coming and going from Minnie's facility! He was going to fight it and escape! He was a dragon, not a slave, not a pony! He was free and deserved to be so!

He looked up briefly and saw the sign:


No! He blinked and tried just to focus on something else, anything else besides the signs, his endless walk, the damn boots that would never be taken off, the wings he'd never use again, the aching in his groin...

Rattain groaned. He had been trying not to think about how needy he had become over the past two weeks. It was near the end of spring, going on summer, and he was supposed to be flying over a mountain somewhere looking for a mate. Instead, his cock was jammed up against an uncomfortable metal plate that prevented it from leaving his slit.

He tried not to think about last night when the dragon in the stall next to him in the stable had gotten his chastity belt removed and had spent most of the night moaning lustfully as he took full advantage of his newfound access to his cock.

Rattain had seen the next day that the chastity belt was back on, but the dragon had looked much happier.

Rattain stumbled again, and out of the corner of his eye he saw one of the workers approaching, a uniformed cheetah carrying a riding crop in one hand. As the cheetah approached and walked alongside him, Rattain watched him carefully out of the side of his eye and growled loudly, bearing his impressive teeth as much as he could with the bridle snug on his face.

"Bad pony, Sunny!" the cheetah said, slapping Rattain over the snout with the riding crop, causing the dragon's eyes to water.

Rattain growled again but flinched away when the cheetah raised the crop once more.

"I'm trying to help you, you dumb beast," the cheetah said, lowering the crop but clearly staying ready in case the pony dragon became aggressive again.

Rattain kept his teeth bared, but lowered his head slightly and looked away, trying his best to suppress the growl rising in his throat.


Rattain closed his eyes and wished to be anywhere but where he was.

"Sunny, if you don't learn how to walk better, you are going to be doing this for a long, long time," the cheetah said, tapping his crop against Rattain's booted legs. "You're going to have to get used to your new hooves and chain one way or another. Might as well try to make it as quick as possible."

Rattain flinched at being touched with the crop and, embarrassed by his reaction, as well as humiliated that he was being trained to walk differently by an anthro that he could kill with one swipe of his claws, growled again. He did his best to hit the cheetah with his head.

"Bad pony!" the cheetah said again, dodging out of the way and delivering two quick, stinging blows to Rattain's snout before the dragon could pull his bridled head out of the way.

"You'll learn," the cheetah said, panting. "You'll learn like they all do. I'll report this to Minnie. I can't wait to see what she has in store for you."

With that, the cheetah stalked off, leaving Rattain to his endless plodding and thinking.

Finally, late that night, Rattain was led back to his stall, being pulled along by a whole team of staff. They didn't actually need so many people to supervise him since he was so tired, but they got him into his stall without incident.

Rattain stood in his stall and stared at the mirror that took up all of one wall. He couldn't help but see that he really did look the part of a pony dragon. He hated how well his bridle fit, and how snugly the boots had begun to form to his legs. They reached almost up to the groin in the back.

At the thought of his groin, Rattain spent a few minutes trying to pull his chastity belt off, but it was impossible with his booted paws. He lay down on the hay and looked at his feet, realizing that he would never grab anything again. If this continued and he didn't escape, he would have hooves for the rest of his life. He'd never feel the grass beneath his feet or dirt between his toes. He could barely open his mouth.

That night, Rattain made another escape attempt.

He was caught less than a mile from the facility, trussed up, and brought back.

In the morning, a large group of staff led him through the various grounds of the facility past areas and fields he hadn't seen before. They prodded him with sticks whenever he stumbled, which was often, and eventually brought him to a large, grassy paddock where two pony dragons were being led by the reins through various drills by a female fox. Something seemed strange about the two dragons, but they were far off in the distance and Rattain couldn't quite put his hoof... paw, on it.

Rattain gnashed his teeth and growled to himself at the mental slip-up and received a warning smack on the haunch.

Leaning against the fence encircling the paddock was Minnie. Rattain was brought a few feet from her and tied securely to the fence. The staff then walked back to a respectful distance and watched the pony dragon closely.

Eventually, Minnie turned to Rattain and looked him up and down.

"You've been a bad pony, Rattain."

Rattain bared his teeth and was about to growl, but something in Minnie's look stopped him.

"You've been a bad pony, but there aren't any drop-outs at Minnie's. Oh no. All dragons, no matter how strong or prideful, are broken and turned into submissive ponies."

Minnie looked over at Rattain who was trying to ignore her and listen at the same time.

"But you, you have been trying the patience of me and my staff. For that, you will be punished."

Minnie whistled sharply and Rattain saw the fox begin leading the two pony dragons toward their side of the paddock.

"You see Sunny, all dragons become ponies, but some need a little extra encouragement. Did you know that each dragon we turn into a pony is rated for a certain level of restraint?"

Rattain began to get nervous, looking back and forth between Minnie and the approaching dragons.

"You are currently wearing the bare minimum of restraint, but we can add more. Once more restraints and gear are added to a pony's tack, it's permanent. You see, no one wants to go through the effort of re-training a pony at a lower level of restraint. It's not really worth the trouble, especially if they perform well the way they are."

By now the dragons were in full view, walking carefully behind their handler. Rattain's blood went cold.

Each dragon was completely covered in a scale-tight mix of rubber and leather. The only scales that Rattain could see of the dragons underneath were around the eye sockets, which were themselves obscured by blinders from the sides. Their tails, legs, chests, backs, necks, stomachs, everything, were completely encased. Their suits were painted to look like the colors one would find in a horse's coat. All along their bodies were straps tied tight to keep them permanently locked in. One of the dragons was panting through a bit in his mouth, and the other one was clearly panting too, but his bondage was even more extreme. His nostrils and mouth were covered by his suit, causing him to have to gasp and struggle for each breath.

Based on the small lumps that Rattain could see on either side of the nearly suffocating dragon's mouth, he was also biting around a bit though it was encased under the body suit.

The two dragons looked for all the world like two malformed ponies. The dragon with the open mouth had a plaque that said "Max," and the one struggling even harder to breathe was named "Midnight." Rattain tried to meet their eyes, but they were both looking submissively at the ground.

"These two," Minnie said as the pair approached and stopped a little distance away, "were troublesome just like you. The only way to even begin to properly train them was to suit them up like you see them. That wasn't enough for Midnight here, and now he only gets his muzzle unzipped for food and water, which are the barest, blandest essentials. Neither of these ponies will ever have access to their cocks again."

Minnie smiled at the fox and waved them off. Rattain felt his legs grow weak as the two dragons were led away once more.

"From what we can tell, those suits are very hot and uncomfortable, especially for a long period of time," Minnie said, turning back to him. "Once they have finished their training, they will be sold off in their current gear and will never be allowed out. Their training will not be rated for any lower level of restraint."

Minnie stepped toward Rattain and he shrank back, terrified.

Completely unafraid, she reached out and grabbed his chin in a surprisingly strong grip and forced him to look at her.

"Do you understand?"

Rattain nodded immediately and vigorously. He didn't even hear the snickers from some of the staff.

"Good," Minnie said, releasing his chin and stepping back. "You are not going to be bound up like them."

Rattain felt a wave of relief flood through his body.

"Still, you have been bad and must be punished. For that, you will now wear blinders and will be given a bit."

Rattain's eyes widened and he shook his head, surprising himself by even throwing in a small, submissive whine.

"Oh, it's too late for that Sunny. I'm upping your restraint level. If you step out of line again, I promise we'll make you a nice suit to match Max and Midnight's. It would be a shame to cover up your beautiful yellow scales, but I'm more than willing to do it."

With that, Rattain was led away. He was taken to a building and his bridle was fitted with blinders and a bit. The bit was bad, forcing his tongue down and making him drool out of his slightly open mouth, but that was nothing compared to his loss of peripheral vision. He had to crane his head around to see anything now, and he was filled with despair at having to live with the loss of more than half of his field of view forever. He desperately wanted to fight, to escape, but he had tried that, and it hadn't worked. If he tried and failed again, he would be stuck like those other poor dragons. Stuck in a full pony suit for the rest of his life.

After that was done, the staff led a destitute pony dragon back to the exercise machine and sent him off walking for the rest of the day to think about his situation.

Over the next few days, Rattain's performance increased substantially. He was beginning to fall into the proper gait and pace, and he seemed less stubborn and more willing to listen to orders than before. There was a slight hiccup when the same cheetah approached him while he was walking again, suddenly appearing out of his new blindspot and surprising him.

Rattain had growled at the shock but had quickly seen the growing grin on the cheetah's face.

It had taken a lot of vigorous head-shaking, his best pleading face, (which was hard to pull off with rough scales, big teeth, and spiky brows) and a lot of pathetic groveling and submissive bowing as the machine led him stumbling round and round in order to convince the cheetah that he shouldn't go off and tell Minnie that Sunny needed more restraining.

The cheetah had finally walked off with a huge smirk, and Sunny... Rattain no longer felt anger like he would have before. He was too scared to be angry. His heart didn't stop banging away in his chest for two more circuits.

By the afternoon of the next day, Rattain had managed to make it several tens of circuits around the circular path without kicking up too much dirt or stumbling at all. His hoof boots were beginning to feel more and more like his actual feet, and he had learned how to breathe around the uncomfortable bit in his mouth, though he felt humiliated at having to have his tongue out and panting most of the time like a dog. He knew he was going to have to get used to it, no matter how much it infuriated and humiliated him. No one was ever going to risk retraining or using him without his bit and blinders, so they were his to enjoy permanently.

Sometimes he would catch himself looking up to the forested mountains in the distance, wistfully thinking about his life before the pony-making facility. He'd been powerful and free and proud and dangerous. Now, he was bound up like a pony dragon and was being praised for learning how to walk without stumbling.

Besides the mountains and thoughts of his old life, it was only the constant burning need in his groin that distracted him from the constant burning shame of his position. He needed to cum. He needed to get hard and feel something against his shaft. He had been locked in chastity for about two and a half weeks now, and he didn't know how much longer he could take it. Only the thought of the two dragons stuck in permanent chastity kept him from doing anything drastic.

A couple days later, after Sunny... Rattain had spent the whole day walking mindlessly around the track, no longer even thinking about the strange pace and gait that the chains forced him into, the usual group of staff approached him as the sun was setting. Only this time, one of them was swinging a key on a short chain.

"Minnie thinks you ought to be rewarded for your good behavior and for mastering walking," the staff member said as they stuffed him into his stall.

Rattain craned his neck all the way behind him so he could watch as the staff member walked towards his hind legs... and unbuckled his chastity belt! Rattain felt the uncomfortable metal belt slide off his hips with such a feeling of relief and horniness that he couldn't contain it. He was at full mast even before the staff member had exited the stall.

Sunny slept very little that night, spending much of his time letting out small gorans and moans of pleasure as he climaxed again and again. Finally, sometime near sunrise, he fell asleep sprawled on the floor, the evidence of his pent-up lust splattered all across his stall.

When the staff came in the morning to drag him groggily out of his stall and into the training yard, he considered fighting them to avoid his chastity belt going back on. No true dragon would ever allow themselves to be so shamefully bound and controlled. But, Rattain gave in, knowing that if he struggled the belt would go on anyway and his level of restraint would increase too.

This was his life, he was slowly starting to realize. He couldn't escape his fate. He just had to obey and make the most of it.

Wait! He shook his head. He frowned at himself and told himself that he was just playing the long game. He wasn't submitting, just biding his time.

"Sunny!" a female voice called, and Rattain immediately looked up to see who had called for him, the first time he'd ever responded to his new name on the first call. He saw the fox who had been working with Midnight and Max approaching. Worry squirmed in his gut.

"Hello darling! Who's a good pony dragon?"

Rattain flinched at that, growling very softly at the disgusting words.

"Ah, ah! Wouldn't want to make things harder for yourself, not now that you've finally made some progress!" the fox said cheerfully, patting Rattain on his rough, scaly cheek.

The blinders made it so that he couldn't look away, and despite the cheery voice of the fox, he could see danger in her eyes.

"Come on, darling!" she said, yanking on his reins as she walked away, forcing him to stumble as he tried to catch up with her. He didn't like being led around by the face, especially now that the reins were attached to his bit as well. He felt silly and humiliated, drooling around his bit in front of this fox. It was a far cry from the proud dragon he used to be.

"My, you are a beautiful pony!" the fox said, looking back. "What a nice color! You look so cute with your tongue out like that!"

Rattain just looked at the ground, trying to ignore what she was saying.

"Today we are going to start teaching you how to trot! You've mastered walking now, but dragons never learn how to trot in the wild. It's not useful for them. They have their own gaits, and they have wings. But you're not a dragon now, you're a pony! And trotting is something every pony needs to learn, especially if they are going to be pulling anything behind them!"

Thus, Sunny's day was spent on a long stretch of cobblestone parallel to the road, learning how to trot and listening to the clip clop of his hooves as he went up and down, up and down with brief breaks to learn how to respond to reins pulling against the bit in his mouth. Fortunately, the cues were easy to learn, since it hurt whenever he did the wrong thing.

Rattain was abysmal at trotting. The rhythm made no sense to him, and he kept falling on his face. It didn't help that he now had the occasional bystander from outside the facility watching him as they made their way down the road, coming to and from the facility.

Sometimes Rattain would look up to see various anthros watching him as they walked or rode past, and his cheeks would burn and he would do his best to block them out. The blinders actually helped in this regard. The worst was when a cart or a wagon would pass by, and Rattain would get a glimpse of his future in the docile pony dragon hitched up to the front. He saw a few dragons who could have been powerful rivals to him in the wild, but who had now become ponies in the service of the anthros. If he hadn't had his bit and bridle on, he would have been able to talk with them.

It was a long day, and it was followed by many more long days as the fox slowly forced the pace and form of the trot into Sunny's muscle-memory, making it a part of him. Even if Rattain had gotten his chains off now, he would have gone right back to either the restricted walk or the trot without even thinking about it.

As Rattain became more obedient, his stall improved, and he received better food. Sometimes he was even let out of his chastity.

As spring ended and summer progressed, Rattain learned how to canter and then to gallop, his chains being lengthened to facilitate the new forms. The gallop took him the longest to learn, since it was so far outside the natural movement of dragons. He would have resisted it the hardest if he hadn't been playing the long game so well. Slowly, Sunny's draconic instincts for how running ought to be done were re-written by the fox, time, and the threat of further bondage and humiliation. He had submitted and was now following orders, though he always told himself that he would find a way to fight back and escape when the opportunity presented itself. He wasn't really a pony, though he looked and acted like one. He was still a proud dragon.

He was still prone to bouts of pride and stewing anger that slowed down his training process somewhat when he was reminded of how different his life could have been if he hadn't been captured and forced to become a pony, but overall he was making quick progress. Minnie in particular was pleased with how well her scare tactic had worked, and even gave him a day off at one point, letting him wander around the facility with his new handler, the fox. He got a bath too, and though he would have said that he hated standing there covered in soap and water being told he was a pretty pony while an anthro scrubbed him down, inside he couldn't help but feel a bit of pride at how good a pony dragon he was making.

The transition into learning how to walk, trot, canter, and gallop while being harnessed to pull carts and wagons was rough, however.

Rattain even snarled when they first hitched him up to a cart, earning him a sharp smack on the muzzle and an entire day walking in circles around the exercise machine, reading the signs that he had come to memorize.

Eventually the staff got him hitched up without any trouble, though he still frowned and glowered the whole time, his pride smarting at finally being truly used like a pony. He made for quite the unhappy pony dragon as he pulled his cart up and down the practice street for days while the staff introduced him to different weights with different carts and wagons at different speeds. His hooves had now become second-nature to him, and the clip-clop they produced on the cobblestones was a reassuring, normal sound.

Carrying the carts and wagons and even carriages around all day tired him out, and as late summer came around, his stamina for pony labor increased drastically. He no longer ducked his head or tried to hide his slobbery panting around the bit as he worked in the hot sun either. Lots of pulling on the reins to force his head into the right position had done as much training in that area as the slow progress of time had. Sunny's constant humiliation at being turned from a flying, powerful dragon into a docile, submissive pony had slowly quieted down until it took a permanent back-seat in his mind, shoving his ideas of escape even further back.

The sound of squeaking wheels accompanied Rattain through most of the day, and the flick of reins against his back became a familiar, guiding sensation. He became quick to follow vocal cues too, and the bit tugging lightly at the corners of his mouth told him where to go. His working trot improved, and as the reach of his chains became ingrained in his body, his speed and power improved alongside his form.

Sunny was now being fed the standard pony dragon diet, and he was usually rewarded at the end of the week by getting his chastity belt removed for a night. Still, the metal belt was a constant presence, though it no longer chafed nearly as badly as it once did.

Finally, one early autumn afternoon saw Sunny hitched up to a supply cart with two staff members in the back and the fox sitting up front with her paws on the reins. They were facing the main gates of Minnie's Ponies, and Rattain's first ever real job began as the gates opened and the fox flicked the reins, making Sunny pull against the cart and begin to trot down the road.

He had heard the staff members saying that they were going to go pick up a food shipment and return. Real nice and easy. As he trotted down the road, he realized that he was outside the facility for the first time in months! He looked at the grass and the trees and the open road and realized that if he wanted to, he might be able to escape right now. He looked down at his booted feet rising and falling in front of him, looking for all the world like the legs of a pony. He felt his trained body going through the rhythms, his tail and butt bouncing slightly with each beat as he clopped forward relentlessly, never tripping up. He felt his harness pulling against this shoulders and hips, and the bit firmly set in his mouth. He heard the cart behind him, though it would be difficult to turn and look at it while trotting because of his blinders. He realized he was a true pony dragon. He had been broken and trained. His body had been bent and forced from the role of a frightening free dragon into that of a docile pony. He had hooves now instead of paws, and he hadn't used his wings in months.

But that could all change! Rattain looked over the wilderness on the outside of the city, and his long-dormant thoughts of escape rose up again. He seriously considered it for a moment, slowing down to a halt and looking at the open land to the side of him.

He didn't realize it, but the soft talking of the fox and the staff members had stopped. He weighed his options. Could he outrun three anthros over open ground with a cart? Maybe, if it wasn't off-road. Could he kill them? It was possible, but unlikely. If he failed, he would be locked up in a body suit forever with no hope of escape.

After a moment, Sunny shook himself out of his train of thought and began pulling the cart down the road again. He could always escape later, right? Of course.

Behind him on the cart, the fox smiled a wide smile.

Sunny continued his training until late autumn, when he successfully carried an empty cart into the city by himself, patiently waited for the anthros working at the leatherworker to load him up, and then trotted back to the facility, all without direct supervision.

Sunny's graduation from pony training was impressive, and the day after he was sold off to the highest bidder at the pony auction. He posed for the audience in his shiny new bridle and hooves, showed off his training by walking, trotting, cantering, and galloping around expertly despite having the physiology of a dragon, and listened to commands flawlessly, expertly executing each task they had him do, no matter how demeaning or embarrassing it was. When the potential buyers heard how prideful and problematic he had been in the early stages of his training, they all congratulated Minnie at breaking such a proud, dangerous beast down into a useful, submissive pony for society. It was truly amazing what great results capturing unwilling dragons from the wild and turning them into demeaning beasts of burden could have!

Sunny didn't just have a pretty color and fine training. He was finally safe to be out in public, joining the other pony dragons clopping and hoofing down the street, thoughts of their old lives free in the wild mostly forgotten and buried alongside the indignity of being a sentient, intelligent dragon being forcibly turned permanently and inescapably into ponies to serve their masters for the rest of their lives, never to roam free, fly, or have any say in their situation again.

Sunny fetched a high price and was sold to the owner of a brewery. He now spends his days panting around the bit in his mouth as he carts barrels of various beers to the bars and taverns in the city. Because of his distinctive color, he quickly became one of the more easily recognizable pony dragons around the city, and received a lot of attention from everyone, especially young anthros wanting to pet him and poke at his booted legs. He took it all in with the grace and patience of a docile pony, a far cry from the furious dragon he had once been.

Capturing feral dragons and turning them into ponies continued to be a lucrative business for a long time. Experts eventually estimated that as much as 50% of the dragon population now lived as ponies working for their anthro masters. This made the wilderness a safer place to travel, and resulted in the rapid expansion of the arts and sciences, as well as a population and homesteading boom.

Sunny would never know it, but he eventually featured in a newsreel all about pony dragons. He is in a shot for a few seconds, trotting by the camera, carrying a cart laden down with barrels, the calm expression on his rough, scaly face nothing at all like that of a true dragon.

Alternate ending: (mpreg ahead, read at your own desire. I didn't tag for mpreg because this isn't really "canon" and can be skipped with no consequence.)

Sunny fetched a high price, and due to his physique and coloration he was sold off to a science firm known for experimenting on dragons. They were trying to develop a serum that would allow them to breed dragons in captivity without females. This would allow them to breed for desirable traits while still being able to easily control the population by introducing the serum to only a few dragons at a time.

Sunny's coloration was much sought-after, and he was deemed an excellent candidate to be injected with one of the first trials of the serum.

The serum worked beautifully. Not only did it allow Sunny to bear healthy clutches after being inseminated by another male, his resistance to the idea was eventually overthrown by an unprecedented side-effect: after he had been bred a few times, he seemed to enter a state of permanent heat in which he was always fertile and tried, even demanded, to be bred at every opportunity.

Eventually the scientists gave him his own paddock and introduced infertile males into his territory at standard intervals to keep the pony dragon's lust sated. Every now and then they would introduce a virile male, and Sunny would swell up again, his belly swaying with his latest clutch as his various mates would relentlessly fuck him, breeding him like the slutty pony dragon he was. Sunny came to love every second of his new life and mothered many clutches of beautiful yellow hatchlings. He never did escape, though by the end he didn't want to.