The Zodiac: Chapter 5: Rise of the Dragon

Story by Razukai on SoFurry

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#6 of Ancient Stuff

[The Zodiac: Chapter 1: An Unknown Aid](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 2: Strange Feelings and a New Relationship](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 3: Confessions](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 4: Home](%5C)

[The Zodiac: Chapter 5: Rise of the Dragon](%5C)

This is the fifth installment of my series so if your reading this I SERIOUSLY suggest that you read the other four chapters, unless being lost is a fun thing for you. If that is the case be my guest :D. Warning: This story contains themes that may not be suitable for those of you under 18. If you are offended (why are u here??) by anything or you are under the age of 18, it is highly recommended that you press the lovely little ßback arrow in the upper left corner of your browser. Enjoy!

Oh and one more thing for those of you who are fans of the "New World" series I couldn't help but put a parallel or two in here. Just a heads up! =D

'Print'= someone else's thought, " "= dialogue, 'italics' = self thought

The Zodiac

Chapter 5: Rise of the Dragon

By Razukai

Somewhere in the world, some secret organization is plotting, scheming in their underground lab. They are unknown to the world but they have plans to make that change real soon. With scouts on every corner of the globe you would think it's the perfect organization. At least that's what the workers believed. Deep within the hide out you can hear them speak...

"Soon the very first the Zodiac will be reawakened and with their help, we will be able to achieve our goals." The shady figure said as he laughed maniacally.

"Yes master..."

"Snap once, and they'll come out to play...Snap twice, and they'll go away...Snap three times, and you're home to stay..." The figure chuckled again and thought to himself.

'And so it shall begin...'

I was feeling quite happy when I woke up, although I noticed that my ass hurt a bit. After a few moments I remembered why and smiled as my mate was cuddled against my chest. I looked up at the clock and it said eleven o' clock. It wasn't terribly late but I didn't want to sleep in today. Today was a very special day for me since I was turning seventeen in 12 hours, technically speaking. Since there is hardly anything open in this little city worth the time, we decided we would celebrate before I actually turned seventeen.

I slowly put his head on a pillow and pulled myself off of his now soft member. You could hear it slide out with an audible 'pop'. His ears twitched at the sound and he slowly woke up.

'Oops.' I kinda thought to myself. By the time he sat up and wiped the sleep out of his eye I was halfway to the door.

"Where are you going, love?"


"Ah." He quickly got up then and put his paw in my hand. "Takes less time. We have a big day today." I smiled at him and licked the side of his muzzle, knowing full well that's not his real reason. Shrugging it off, we made a dash for the bathroom since we both were naked from the previous night. Closing the door shut, Fumari turned the shower on and waited patiently for me to hop in with him. We hopped in the shower, although Fumari yelped a bit at the cold water. It didn't really affect me since I had scales to protect myself from the cold not furry which also protected from the cold, didn't protect from being cold and wet.

Although we took a long shower, we resisted the urge to continue where we left off last night.

"That's going to have to wait until later tonight. " I reassured him, mind struggling against body. We dried off quickly and put on the clothes that I had brought with me into the bathroom. I had to have Fumari help a little with the hoodie considering it was a bit larger than the other one, making it harder to put on.

'I am going to have to find another way to do this...' After a while we worked the black hoodie over my wings and the rest was easy. I put on another pair of black jeans and a few accessories that I had picked up on the night at the mall; a couple of ear rings and a silver bangle for both wrists. It was obvious I had a tendency to lean towards silver items. No shoes for me though, I liked the idea of my scaly claws walking bare on the ground.

Fumari had put on a short sleeve blue shirt, matching the color of his eyes and he also wore black jeans. Unlike me however he put on black gym shoes. Fumari noticed the smell of bacon coming from down stairs and alerted me to it, or at least tried to, but I was already half down the stairs. I turned back and looked at him and giggled.

"Come on, slowpoke!" I poked my tongue out at him and continued down.

As I walked in the kitchen I greeted Ken who was cooking bacon and eggs and had bread out for toast. "Good Morning, Ken."

"Good Morning, Kai. I hope you're hungry." He smiled as I licked my lips; the bacon was really starting to smell good.

Fumari who had quietly snuck down the stairs so he could sneak up behind his mate, was also unaware that I had heard him step on stair wrong making it *squeak* and also his Dad ear twitched when that happened. I let him sneak up on me and I noticed that his target was my slowly swaying tail. I heard him leap for it and I moved my tail up making him miss and caught his leg and pulled him backwards so he didn't keep sliding. Fumari yelped at the sudden surprise and looked at me with widened eyes.

"How in the world do you know I was right there?"

I laughed and said "You made the stair squeak." Ken laughed as he started making the plates for breakfast.

"You heard that?!"

"Yup!" We both answered simultaneously. My tail unwrapped around his leg and he got up with flattened ears and walked into the kitchen. I could help but feel bad for him but I had sharp senses and they tended to be even sharper in the morning.

"Maybe another day." I said still smiling. When both sat down, Ken came over and served us our plates and sat down himself soon after. It was a quiet breakfast and Fumari perked up a bit after eating some food. I was trying to eat slow, ignoring the odd instincts to wolf...err gulp, everything down.

Ken then addressed both of us as he said "What are you two doing today?"

I looked at him then to Fumari after swallowing a piece of bacon.

"Only Fumari knows. He told me he had today planned so I have not a clue. All I know is that if I had to judge I would say that we will be back an hour or so before its time."

Fumari giggled and said "It's going to be a complete secret until we get there."

"Well then, sounds like you have a day full of surprises coming up." He chuckled. "Have fun. I have a few things to do today but I will be home before you." He looked at his watch. "Speaking of which, I have to go. See ya guys." He hurriedly finished his food and put it in the sink and waved us good bye as he put is coat on. The sight of the wolf trying to hurry and leaving left a huge grin on my muzzle. Fumari wasn't done eating yet so it left me time to kinda think to myself.

I had a tendency to randomly think about things that I otherwise couldn't care less about and this was one of those moments.

'I wonder what's going on everywhere else right now...'


"Get squads 1, 2, and 3 ready! Hurry up!" The boss barked at the commanders who were trying to get their teams ready. His plan was to strike first and make sure that no one knew what hit them.

Annoyed at their persistent sluggish pace, he himself started pacing voicing out his thoughts to his personal servant who ever present.

"This operation shouldn't take any longer than a week...unless those idiots down there continue working at this pace..." The boss snarled. A scratchy voice came through the intercom.

"We are ready, boss." The Boss eyed the teams down there from the tower.

'Finally...' "Good. You all know your specific missions, get it done." It was a simple command but that's all they were capable of complying with.

A sinister chuckle came from the boss as he snapped his fingers once as he thought 'Snap once...and they'll come out to play..."

The servant not having a clue what was so funny about snapping, laughed in its own crazy manner, much to the agitation of the Boss.


With that the servant cowered and bowed its head. Now without the annoyance of the servant he could clearly think.

'First the green tiger, the ox, and then the gold dragon.' The boss smiled to himself, satisfied to see everything was going smoothly so far.

Fumari and I had a day of fun. The first thing we did was to the track, go kart track that is. We both felt like kids again, as we raced a few times around the track. In the entirety neither of us came in first place out of the whole race but just between me and him we eventually tied up the score. After the races we still stayed there awhile and talked a bit mainly about random stuff.

Eventually we left the track and headed up to the mall. We walked around for a couple hours. We didn't go there for any particular purpose although after going through one store Fumari did look like he was hiding something in his pocket but it could as easily been his hand since that was where it was. After a point I stopped trying to figure it out and just casually walked with my mate. At this time it was about 4 o' clock so we stopped at the food court to grab a bite. We both decided to choose something that was somewhat healthy, in relativity to the McDonalds and other restaurants there, and chose Taco Bell. The fact that it was a personal favorite between the two might have had a slight effect on their decision but it really didn't matter. It worked for what they wanted it for.

After we finished eating I noticed Fumari fidgeting a little bit. I gave him a quizzical look. He noticed the look and stopped, blushing a bit. I took the bait.

"What's wrong? You have been fidgeting and squirming for the last five minutes"


I knew he was lying but since he is my mate, ill give him the benefit of the doubt or at least that's what I told myself. The day has been a blast but I was starting to get a tad bored so I offered a suggestion.

"How about we go see a more recent movie?"

"What did you have in mind?"

"Don't know until we get there."

That made him smile and he got up from his seat and walked in the general direction of the theater and he beckoned for me to follow. I got up and threw the trash away and in a couple of strides I was next to his side. I took his large paw in my hand and we walked to the theater. Carrying on in more random conversations until we got there.

Upon our arrival I took a glance up at the board; "Book of Eli", "Avatar 2-D" and 3-D, "Legion" and the list continued. He motioned that he hadn't seen "Book of Eli", so I bought two tickets for it. In the theater we walked into now, there was a middle section where the bulk of the seats were, but then there were areas with only two seats which were perfect for us. We sat down in one of the mini sections and talked quietly amongst ourselves. It never ceases to amaze me how none of my spikes ever caught on to anything.

The amount of people in the theater had grown significantly as the time for the movie came closer, among them a green tiger with a game over shirt on. I haven't seen a tiger of this color so I just watched him for a sec. Another thing I noticed was that he had a really long tail. I wondered about it briefly before returning my attention to Fumari who looked like he was getting ready for a nap.

"Taking a nap so soon?"

He yawned then pasted a lustful smile to his face and quietly replied "Only getting ready for tonight."

I looked at him, noticing all the lust that was in his smile present in his voice. Having a general idea I asked anyways to confirm the thought.

"What else are you planning, Mari?"

"You'll see." He said with a chuckle.

The movie soon began and Fumari had his ears up listening to the movie, purring ever so lightly while I scratched right behind his ears. Roughly two hours later the movie ended. This time I actually watched the whole movie. Fumari whose intention was to take a nap on my chest actually sat up about a half an hour in the movie and watched as well.

As me and Fumari were getting ready to leave, I noticed the green tiger again as he walked out. For some reason I had the thoughts that we were connected somehow. I couldn't really explain the feeling though. He briefly glanced over in my direction but soon returned his attention to whatever he was doing. Fumari had stopped cleaning up for a second and was staring at me.

"What?" I asked him with a curious tone.

"Your stripes..." His eyes reflected the aqua color that made me appear to glow all over. All the aqua colored stripes pulsed, giving off more light when they did, seemingly at each heart beat.

I looked back at Fumari and shrugged. "I don't know."

Like me he shrugged and we walked out of the theater. We exited out of the theater and Fumari took me around to multiple places where his friends hung out. They all seemed friendly enough although I noticed some of them eye both me and Fumari with jealously.

'Must want to be in our position' I chuckled on the way back to the car. Although he only took me around to five places the process, actually took a little over three hours. Now we were headed home which was about a thirty minute ride from the last spot. When we pulled up in the driveway I noticed that there were a few more cars there.

"Must be friends of your Dad, eh?"

Fumari nodded and smiled. "Guess so."

He stuck his key in the keyhole and opened the front door. When I walked in my ears were assailed by the sound of everyone present yelling "Surprise!" I recoiled a bit at the sudden burst of noise but quickly relaxed as I scanned the faces of who was there. I saw Matt and Talmari, Ken, and another collection of close friends from school.

Fumari turned around and hugged me and whispered so that it was only in my hearing "Now we are even." He backed up with a grin that went ear to ear on his face.

I laughed and said "I guess we are." I redirected my attention to the whole audience and said "I don't know what to say guys..." I was overjoyed by the fact that all my closest friends were present. This time Talmari and Matt went up and hugged me. I hadn't realized before that I haven't talked to them since yesterday and they haven't even seen my new dragon form, although it only happened yesterday.

They both backed away and Talmari put on a cross look and said "You know... you can call every once in awhile. Especially if some big happens like, I don't know, morphing into the most rare creatures but I don't know... it's just a suggestion." Not able to keep up the stern look she and the rest of the group laughed. I joined in, although my reason was probably different than everyone else. I've known Talmari long enough to know that she can't keep a stern attitude to save her life. The laughter soon died down though as it was just good feelings through out the room.

"I'm sorry guys; I guess being a dragon is a busy business." That results in another round of laughter from everyone. Everyone in the room knew that if something involved more work for me to be busy that I wouldn't bother doing it. I took a look at the clock hanging on the wall it had 5 minutes until 11. Everyone, except Ken and Fumari, kinda looked at me all asking the same question. I guess they all were aware of the weird thing that I do when it's around this time on the night of a full moon, like it was tonight.

Matt then looked at me and then asked "Ready to go?" Apparently no one told Ken and Fumari so Talmari explained.

"For some reason every time there is a full moon, Kai here loves to go out and look at it around eleven o' clock in the evening. None of us really know why and to be honest we don't think he knows either."

"I guess I can't argue with that, since I don't know why I like to do it but it's just something that seems necessary to me. Normally I watch the sun too but school hasn't really allowed me to do that in quite a while. But anyways I'm ready." I opened the front door and stopped thoughtfully.

"This would be better from the balcony on the second floor. There's a better view and the loft is right there so you all can sit if you don't want to come out with me."

This idea received nods all around and I went back inside and closed the door. I raced up the steps two at a time and Matt, Fumari, and Ken quickly following. I waited for the humans to come up and led them to the loft. I walked out side with Fumari, Matt, and Talmari by my side. When I was on the balcony, for the first time since my morphing I sat on my haunches, which was strangely comforting. I heard someone's watch beep as it signaled that it was 11:00. I heard the whole group say Happy Birthday but I was mesmerized with the moon. Something was different about it, besides the fact that it was the last full moon for a while. I heard many gasp as the stripes on my body began to gently glow brighter and brighter until I was completely enveloped in the aqua light.

I barely saw my mate and my closest friends go back inside as the familiar cackle of electricity that I heard while I was morphing. This time it was different though, almost as if I could control it myself. Still kinda in a trance by the moon, I didn't notice that my wings were flapping raising me high enough to the point where my feet were a bit above the door way. The light that had been allowing me to shine the brilliant aqua was now changing into a royal gold. The cackling of electricity at this point where it was extremely loud as the power that I felt increased. Also at this point my wings were no longer flapping and I was mystically levitating by some unnatural force. The color of the aura changed slightly so that my scales were shining gold but the gold was outlined in the aqua light although it was a bit darker than before.

'What is happening to me?' was the last signal of rational thought which became rare as my gaze was still transfixed on the moon. Soon the gold glow soon faded but the aqua outline remained. From the start of when I heard the cackling electricity up until this point I had semi consciously closed my eyes. Now the power of the electricity has manifested and had to be released. I opened my eyes, gave a final flap of my wings, and let out a roar that is only known for dragons to make and the power of the electricity was released. To my, and everyone else's inside, immediate surprise it all originated from me and the spark reached out to all parts of the city that were in my field of vision as a shockwave a blue sparks. Noticing that the aqua light had faded, I found that my strength was fading and I fell rather quickly back done to the balcony. Luckily I wasn't that far up so I wasn't hurt and the balcony wasn't damaged.

My head was leaning against the house and I was still looking at the moon when my eyes became heavy with exhaustion. I soon fell asleep but not before hearing Fumari, Talmari, and Ken calling my name.

Before completely succumbing to my exhaustion I manage to feebly say "I'm fine... I... just need to rest." After that I was sound asleep.

*Meanwhile somewhere nearby...*

"We have secured the tiger, and he hasn't realized his abilities yet." The shady figure spoke into the communications system that was in his coat.

"You have done well I-"The rest was broken off as a huge shockwave of electricity short circuited every electronic within the city, possibly beyond. The shady figure looked at his partner.

"It must have been the dragon. It won't be quite so easy getting him now..." he said.

"Regardless, our orders were to bring the dragon back to HQ along with the other two." They both agreed and a third figure teleported himself and the tiger back to HQ.

*At HQ*

"Here is the tiger, Boss." As the henchman dragged the limp tiger, the Boss chucked.

"So Ryan Den, is one of the reincarnated members of the Zodiac, oh it brings me joy that I can mess with his head again as I had done at 'The Eternal Door'. It will be interesting to see how things have changed. And where is the dragon?"

The henchman's face went pale as he tried to figure out a way to explain to the Boss what happened.

"Well you see... uh when we were capturing the tiger...the" The henchman's gaze was directed to the floor as he expected to be yelled at by the Boss.

"All the more interesting then..."


"It was starting to get boring at having the victims come in all limp without fighting back. Once a reincarnation realizes his true purpose, all the powers of their ancestors comes back as long with the knowledge to use it. Hmm..." The Boss thought for a second. "More measures may have to be taken to bring him in. We will see how your companions do... Meanwhile tell the other teams to set out for their next targets. We can't let anything get out of control. "

"Yes, sir." And with that the henchman scurried off to deliver the Boss's orders.

'Two down...ten to go. This is going to be a walk in the park.' The Boss laughed, again satisfied that things are running so smoothly.

*A half an hour after passing out*

My eyes opened and I felt that I was in my own bed. I could hear someone, I couldn't identify who it was, alert the others.

"He's waking up! Hurry up!" Soon I could feel the presence of about four others.

"How are you feeling, Kai?" It sounded like it came from Talmari.

"Still feeling a bit weak, but I will live." They all looked at me wide eyed and with mouths agape. I chuckled at the sight.

"What?" Then I realized that I didn't open my mouth to speak. My eyes widened as I just realized what happened.

This time I made sure that I opened my mouth and asked "Did you all just hear that?" Getting a few nods.

I tried again but this time kept it as a thought. "That?" More nods.

"Wow that could come in handy one day." I said out loud.

Fumari came by my side and looked worriedly into my eyes and I could tell what he was thinking without the new found abilities but I gave him the time to actually ask me.

"What happened out there, Kai? He asked the worry in his eyes evident through his voice.

"I am not completely sure... All I know is that I have some kind of control of that electricity thing."

"Ahhh... so you meant to plunge the city into eternal darkness." Ken said laughing.

" but... ugh." I gave up trying to explain it and everyone laughed. "Hey what is all this stuff?" My vision was completely focused on the two rings on my fingers and the necklace around my neck.

The first ring that caught my eye was silver and with an Onyx stone placed in the middle and on the side engraved was Talmari and the picture that appeared to be a gryphon. Next Matt's ring caught my attention for more reasons than one. His ring was silver but it had an antique finish to it and the color was reddish orange much like the color of the fur closer to his back. Also it was engraved in the same fashion as Talmari's ring except that it had his name, Matt, and on the side an engraved fox.

"The rings came from me and Matt. Sort of as a birthday gift but also as a token to what your friendship means to us." This had been explained by Talmari as I blushed a little.

"I'm sure that you have figured this out but the necklace is from me. I though you were going to pester me at the mall when I had gotten it but your trust in me is astounding, as I have figured out..." The necklace he was referring to was silver, go figure, and had the shape of a cross. The beautiful thing about it though is that it wasn't a regular cross that you would find on some regular person's neck, human or fur or scaly. The cross was designed as two limbless, regarding arms and legs, dragons. Their wings were out stretched in a different direction than the other and there necks were slightly bent inward, allowing there to be a perfect crevice for a stone. The stone color matched with Fumari's eyes, like the rings were matched to Talmari and Matt, but it was icy blue; a touch lighter than his eyes. The overall design of the jewelry was beautiful, so beautiful that in fact I hadn't noticed the gold surrounded it all.

'Ok... what's the deal, I remember being a silver dragon not gold.' I commented on my head not realizing that I had said it out loud to all their minds until Ken looked up at me.

"That was another little change that occurred in your performance about 40 minutes or so ago now." The shock of now being gold quickly faded as some random knowledge came to mind.

'The scales of some rather special dragons changes depending on the sun and the moon. In the last 3 stages to a full moon; half to third quarter and to the full moon, the color of your scales may be silver/gray. But after that time your scales are gold.'

Even though this thought was my own, I felt if someone was telling me this kinda in the same way that I just told everyone in the room just then.

The other thought that came to mind is how Ken said it has been 40 minutes since the color change, meaning that Christmas had to have been about 5 minutes away. I heard a beep from Ken's watch signaling the midnight hour and that Christmas has arrived. I jolted out of bed and went to my dresser I pulled out four separate boxes. Each of the boxes was a different color.

"Choose one."

I said as I held both my hands out for everyone to grab one. I looked at the color each of them had and somewhat in a trance like state I snapped my fingers and each of the boxes changed color to represent the person who was holding the boss. 'Snap', the sound echoed through my head.

I looked at their puzzled faces and smiled "You can open them now." Their expression quickly changed from one of confusion to awe as what they held were customized rings to who they were. Each of them had a degree of similarity especially between Fumari and Ken considering that they were father and son. Each ring was colored to their tastes based on what I know about them.

Talmari's was black and silver much like the rest of her jewelry. But the stone centered on here ring was white sapphire and along the base of the ring were the aqua colored stripes in paper thin bands. In fact all the rings shared that characteristic.

Fumari's ring had a key difference that I made sure to include to differentiate between him and Ken. Fumari's ring was gold and grey and the stone was the icy blue. On top of the stone was 'K' as a lovely reminder of who was always there for him no matter the situation. Like the other rings, it had aqua stripes through out although they were a bit wider than every one else's.

Kens was a look a like to Fumari's but his wasn't gold and didn't have the 'K' on the stone. Lastly Matt's was special the ring was gold and crimson gold; to match my scales and his fur. The stone was the same reddish orange/ scarlet that was on my ring and his still had the aqua stripes.

Soon I was immensely surrounded as Fumari, Matt, and Talmari hugged me tight. Ken pretty much did all the talking for them.

"These are amazing, but how in the world did you do it?"

I looked at him and flashed a smile. "My methods are only safe within me." He couldn't help but laugh but was cool about it.

"One more thing for me to wander in ignorance about." I laughed at him.

"And more fun for me to think about what your expression is trying to figure it out." My grin had stretched so that it went ear to ear.

Soon my attention went back to Fumari who was gazing deeply into my eyes. There were a lot of emotions expressed through his eyes... predominantly worry and sadness. On my own I couldn't figure out the reason for worry but as for the sadness I can imagine he had something else planned.

Feeling a bit sad at seeing him like this I almost started to say something but then Talmari's phone rang. After a few moments she had hung up.

"Mom says that I need to return home and that Matt's mom called saying that he also had to go home." She said putting her phone back into her pocket. I still had one trick up my sleeve though.

"Before you all go, I want the four of you to place the ring on the finger you are going to wear it on." After giving them a few moments, again more like in a trance, I said some string of words that were unknown to me but had a familiar sound to them. Somehow I knew that the purpose was as I looked at them all with piercing aqua eyes.

"I feel that something bad is going to happen really soon, and if it should involve me somehow you four are likely to be the first to be targeted. So..." I paused making sure they understood the connection before continuing "I have charmed these rings so that it alerts me if any one of you is in severe danger. I am not trying to scare any of you or say that something bad is gonna happen but its better to take a unnecessary precaution than to completely ignore the feeling. If you find yourself in such a situation, snap and call my name through your heart and I will be there... Understood?"

I was happy that it didn't sound too weird to everyone as they eventually nodded.

"Oh! If you are ever in danger, do not take these rings off or let anyone take them off. They act something as a mental link between my mind and each of yours, if the ring is removed than the link will soon disappear as well. Ok?"

I hugged both Matt and Talmari as they prepared to leave and thanked them for the gifts. They left my room and Ken followed.

"I will have to drive them home, I will be back in about a half an hour or so." He called from the top of the stairs. I started to leave the room to see their way out but felt a firm paw pulled me back. Fumari blurred past me and closed the door ever so quietly so no one would hear. He then whirled around and locking his eyes with mine and with a child-like yip he ran up to me, while I was sitting on the edge of the bed, and pounced pushing me onto my back.

Panting slightly I looked at him at licked the side of his muzzle. "What are you planning you naughty little wolf?"

He smiled mischievously and in the midst of taking my hoodie and his shirt off he said with a lustful smile "You had your turn yesterday, now its mine."

I proceeded with taking off what was left my shorts and all the jewelry, except the necklace, but everything else; the rings, the earrings the bangles and, oh my gawd all I would have needed was a purple suit then I could be the first draconic pimp the world has seen.

Once I was done Fumari followed suit and he laid me back down on my back as he took the first lick of my throbbing member making me shudder. Pleased by my reaction he engulfed all nine and half inches into his warm muzzle. Sending signals of ecstasy all through my body and making me moan in pure pleasure. He continued in a mixture of bobbing and licking the underside of my member with his rough tongue, until he thought it was ready.

I pulled him up and turned him around so that he was lying on his belly. I crouched down in between his legs as he raised his tail to enable me to view my prize. His puckered tailhole was calling me so I decided not to keep it waiting much longer. Before plunging in, however, I took a whiff of what was becoming the vodka that I under aged to get any of. Intoxicated by the scent of my mate's arousal I pushed my long serpent tongue against the white furred area around the awaiting hole.

He whimpered at the teasing but those simply became moans as I pressed my tongue against his tail ring. Relaxing a bit his tailhole opened up to allow my tongue to explore its deaths. His moaning was sustained in between breaths as I worked my tongue all inside his tailhole carefully exploring his inner walls. I could hear him speak in between his pants.

"Please Kai...t-take me. I am whatever you will tonight. I am yours for now and forever..." In deep apprehension I took my throbbing member and probed around his tailhole for a bit until I heard him whimper. Keeping my dragon hood where it was, I positioned the rest of my body so that I was holding myself up right above and I whispered into his ear which twitched after feeling the warm breath on each individual fur.

"Are you ready for this?"


I slowly began to push my self in and stopped after a couple of inches to get use to feeling the large dragon meat stretch him out. He still tensed a little at the pain but quickly relaxed and nodded for me to continue. I continued going in a couple inches and stopping for adjustment until all nine and a half inches were in. As the tip of my head rub against his prostate he moaned in exquisite pleasure as it sent shiver went through his body like the ripple effect allowing me to feel the pleasure he was having.

"Ready to continue?"

"Bring it."

With that I pulled out from his whole leaving only the tip inside, leaving him whimpering until I pushed back in with a quicker pace than the initial thrust. The passage was smooth as my cock enough pre to lube his ass nicely so nothing is overly rough. I gradually picked up speed his ass tensing every time I was completely inside, sending new waves of pleasure through me. Soon I reached a tempo in which I was thrusting at a good pace without my mind completely losing the battle with my instincts. Or at least so I thought until I heard him mutter between pants.

"Don't go slow on my account; I can take you and more. Give it your best sot, love."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the challenge and I continued to whisper in his ear "You think so? I guess only one way to find out. You might want to take a handful of the sheets in that muzzle of yours. I'll show you how a dragon does it." I rearranged myself and pulled out once more so I could get a better angle to claim my prize.

I put my hands on his shoulders and began again this time much faster but a lot deeper than before. He yelped at the change of pace as it took him second to get use to it. His yelps of pain quickly became moans of pleasure as my head rammed against his prostate. Before long I could hear his breathing becoming rather choppy telling me that he was getting close. I continued to slam my cock into his tailhole and soon he whispered.

"I'm so close...join me."

I saw his ears twitch and could feel his entire tense up. After a sharp gasp he shot his wolf seed into the sheets and on furry muscular chest. His hole tensed up around the base of my thick shaft and I heard him yelp as his shaft shot load after load of hot sticky wolf- seed on the bed and onto his furry muscular chest.

The stimulation of feeling my lover experience such an orgasm that made his rock back slightly was too much for me. I thrusted into him as deeply as I could and I reached my explosive climax. He moaned as he felt his insides being filled with his mate's seed. Shot after shot of hot sticky fluid flowed into him, so much that as much as he wanted it to his hole couldn't keep all of it inside as a good amount flowed out of his now red tailhole.

My body was utterly exhausted from the events of the day and from the mind blowing orgasm as I collapsed on top of him, both of us panting extremely hard. He turned around and kissed me on my muzzle letting his tongue explore my mouth. I closed my eyes as our tongues mingled with one another, both of us being careful to watch our teeth so that no one gets hurt. Fumari soon feel asleep. However I couldn't, there was something in me telling me that something was wrong.

About an hour after Ken left the feeling intensified. I slowly pulled out of my mate while he was still asleep and went down the hall and took a quick shower. I figured that it would have been rather unsightly if someone needed my help and I had the scent of my mate all over me. I got out of the shower dried off and quietly crept back in the room. Apparently I wasn't as quiet as I had thought as Fumari was up, blue eyes gazing intently on me.

"Something is wrong, isn't it?

I looked at him and sighed and nodded my head slowly. I was going to explain what I was thinking but we both heard an urgent call in our minds.

'Kai, help us! We are being taken away.'

_ 'It has started...'_

We were dressed almost as fast as the message came into our minds. The stripes on my body began to glow radiantly. I looked at Fumari hesitantly.

"It would be better if you stayed here; someone needs to watch the house."

Fumari began to protest keeping his gaze to my eyes, which looked at him with an authority previously hidden. He lowered his ears at the thought of being separated from his mate. He then growled and said "No. We are mated and meant to be together through ALL things. No matter where you go, I will follow."

I growled but not wanted to waste any more time I relented and said "Ok."

I quickly searched out with my mind so that it reached the minds of the others.

"They are headed to the docks so that's where we are going."

"How? It would take forever to get there if we drove."

"Yea you're right... if we drove that is. You forget that your dragon is special."

I let the power take its course and we were gone from the confines of the room, only sound the cackle of electricity resounding throughout the room.

'I am on my way...'


'Ugh. My head is ringing..."

He was bound up against a wall in some sort of cold metal. He could feel that his fur was rippled but for reasons that were hidden to him.

"Where am I?"

"You're in our testing room..." A voice said although I thought as everything I saw was black. "We had to bind you in such a state, since you were in quite a rage after your dormant abilities reawakened. Not that you remember any of this since, we had to give you some...medicine so you wont remember what happened. Now that you're awake we can run a few tests..."

"Who are you?"

"Aww...You have hurt my feelings, Ryan. I find it sad that you don't remember the one who you had so much fun with finding "The Eternal Door". I suppose I could refresh your memory... I am the one who set the trials in place and even equipped you to perform the tasks that were at hand."

"What?! You're...?

"Indeed I am." He said in a warm gentle voice sounding as if trying to act as a friend. His voice changed to be harsh and commanding as he said "Fire it up to 250!"

"Yes, sir!" came a voice from behind.

I didn't have time to query who it was as I felt extreme pain that threatened to take out my consciousness. I screamed at the pain and could feel my body spasming as I felt each new wave. It wasn't long before my consciousness gave out.

'Soon, we can proceed to the next part of our plan...' The shady figure chuckled to himself as he left the testing area leaving the specimen there.

'So much to do so little time...'

So there you have the fifth chapter...finally. ^^ The sixth one shouldn't take as long as this one did but I hoped you enjoyed it.

I also would like to point out that everything associated with "The Eternal Door" and the character Ryan was contributed to the story by the user Zelosh. So if there is anything that you wanted to comment about, that pertains to anything with "The Eternal Door" or Ryan, address them to Zelosh. Thanx ^^