CH 3. Confrontation

Story by Naomi_sunstrider on SoFurry

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******Naomi is forced to confront last nights encounter with Kade. This is pretty clean, just some making out.*******

Kade drove quickly, adeptly weaving in and out of traffic. He sucked down the camel and stopped abruptly at the red light. 10 blocks to Naomi's. Thoughts flashed in his head, last night, Naomi on the cam. He had never seen this side of her. They had been friends for well over 4 years, and not once had she ever hinted at something like this. Of course, when they were drinking the two were overly flirtatious, Kade shrugged to his internal monologue.

He was always flirtatious. He shifted the truck into 1st gear and took off at the green light. _What am I expecting, going over there like this? I'm just going to clear the air. She's my best friend. I have to straighten this out. No sexuality. _ "No sex." He said out loud, trying to convince himself. He wasn't so sure he could abide by his promise. He pulled into the driveway. Things were always bad between him and Sara lately, and his thoughts often trailed off to other women, however he never acted upon it...until now. Kade walked up to the front door of Naomi's house. He flicked his smoke into the grass. His paw quivered as he reached out to knock.

Naomi jumped up off the couch. She straightened the short black silk robe. It fell into place around her tail. She pulled on her black thong quickly, and walked to the door. She sighed, relaxing her tense body and opened the front door. There stood Kade. He was wearing jeans, too tight in just the right places, ripped at the knees. His faded black t-shirt was tight across his chest and she could see his cut pecks underneath. His brown eyes were war, and his snout wore a look of concern. "Come in," said Naomi.

Kade really had to try and keep his arousal in check. Naomi was wearing a short, black silk robe. It clung to the soft curves of her body, and was tight around her beautiful round breasts. The 'V' of the robe dipped down, and he could see her tan cleavage. It was lovely and the thought of them bare flashed in his mind. She asked him to come in and stepped back; he walked through the door and sat down on the couch. "Ok, so we need to talk." Said Kade.

"Sure" said Naomi, taking a seat across the couch from him.

"About last night," started Kade.

"Me first." Naomi interrupted. "See, well. I'm so embarrassed to say this. I was in the shower, I kinda got to feeling yiffy, and pawed off...for the first time."

Kade eyes grew wide, she was making this hard, "First time?"

"Yes, you're my friend, I feel comfortable telling you this."

"I'm not uncomfortable," said Kade with a grin, "you look ashamed."

"I am"

"You shouldn't be. Everyone needs a little self exploration now and again. Besides, it's a great stress reliever." Said Kade with a grin.

"I know. Anyway. I was talking to you online and you started this massage thing, next thing I knew I had the urge again, and I was 2 seconds away from starting again when you terminated the feed." Naomi sighed with relief.

Kade smiled, "It was the hottest night I have ever had. I assure you that Sara has no clue."

"I'm not worried." That's when Naomi should have stopped. "She treats you like crap anyway." Not so awkward silence filled the room. Kade looked at her with those aching brown eyes. "I know" he said quietly.

"You can talk to me, Kade, were friends." Naomi reached out and touched his thigh with her slender paw. Electricity shot through her and she was sure Kade felt it too, as he ever so slightly flinched.

"Ever since she got pregnant again, all she does is boss me. I haven't yiffed in 8 months, and to make matters worse she gets pissed if I paw off." Said Kade. "I can't satisfy myself and she won't do it. Plus to make matters worse I was drinking, and you know how I get."

The two continued talking for hours, their bond as friends strengthening, and secretly their lust for each other. "Kade, its 4 in the morning, I need to get some sleep." Said Naomi.

"Uh-yeah, I had better-get, uh" Kade stammered.

"Do you need to stay here?"

"Yes, I told Sara I was out with the guys."

"No prob, I have an extra bed."

After showing Kade to the guest room and telling him good night, Naomi slipped into her own room and shut the door. She peeled the silk robe from her body. She decided to leave the thong on tonight and slipped into the cool covers. As she slowly slipped into slumber she heard the door open, in the darkness she felt a pressure on the bed behind her. She rolled over and Kade was there, in the darkness she could make out his naked form. Before she could speak he pushed his snout onto hers, and she felt his rough tongue penetrate her mouth. An electric feeling washed over her and she pushed harder against his mouth, licking and sucking his tongue. Her paws moved to his chest and she smoothed his rough fur, tracing the lines of his musculature. She said nothing as Kade quietly slipped under the cool sheets with her.

CH 4. Bonding

\*\*\*\*\*\*Kade and Naomi bond for the first time. Adult content, adult themes..etc...\*\*\*\*\*\* Kades warm body pressed against Naomi. He kissed her deeply, running his calloused paws over her soft fur, caressing her stomach, back...

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CH 2. Self Discovery

\*\*\*\*\*This chapter continues the story of Naomi and her budding sexuality. Adult themes, situations language..etc...\*\*\*\*\*\* Naomi woke early and stretched, it was too early for sunrise. She yawned and moved to the side of...

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CH 1. First Time

\*\*\*Ch 1. is about Naomi, her self discovery and the aid of her bestfriend. This is an adult story , with adult themes and language. You have been warned.\*\*\* _What a day._ Thought Naomi as she drug her heavy work bag...

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