YCH Story Auction (Over: Autobought)

Story by lunarrush on SoFurry

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See the story text for info, thank you for your time :3

Thank you to everyone who participated in the auction. The story has been bought and will be worked out / posted soon hopefully.

YCH Story

So, I had a 19k word commission fall through during payment, and don't think I'll be seeing money from the commissioner as they've blocked me. Due to this, I plan on auctioning the story off to the highest bidder.


  1. The starting bid is $40.00 USD (considering the original value of the story this is a minimal amount). The minimum bid increase is $5.00 USD. All bidding should take place on my FA journal, or through me as a proxy (via note/discord)
  2. Bidding will end 02/27/19 at 3 PM Mountain Standard Time. If there are any last minute bids each will reopen bidding for one extra hour to give a chance to respond to the other bidders.
  3. The Auto Buy for this auction is $200.00 USD. However, if someone buys it for this price as thanks for bidding above and beyond I will add a priority 10k story commission at no additional charge to my story queue. (As my thanks for helping me make money off this otherwise doomed story, the 10k priority story will be completed as soon as editing is complete on my current story project. Bonus story is subject to the same terms of what I will / won't write.)
  4. I will complete necessary edits to the story (IE: Change your characters to be in there instead of the current ones, make necessary changes to the situations and the grammar, change around colloquiums), but since most of this work is complete, I'd rather keep content edits to a minimum.
  5. The auction winner must be ready to pay for the story when they win. I will note you to ask for payment details as soon as the auction is over and as soon as your payment clears you will gain immediate access to the story.
  6. The winner of this auction cannot be the person who flaked on the commission.

The basic premise as it stands right now: Discord the dragon captures Rainbow Dash and has her compete on his ab/dl game show. Ultimately, this results in a string of humiliating diaper costumes being tried on by our contestant, and an attempt to win a grand prize including a bunch of cash. The contests include: a game of hide and seek with a bunch of grabby monkeys, a game of basically wipeout with devious diapering traps, a game of tug of war with a giant living plush, and a babying contest where our contestant must baby others without getting babied themselves.

Because Rainbow Dash is capable of flight, if your character is not I will modify any scenes that rely heavily on flying to suit the character in question. Discord can, of course, also be replaced, however, any character that replaces him should have reality bending magical powers because...otherwise the amount of edit will be very significant.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in the comments below. Thank you very much for your time :3

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