I'm Home...Joy...

Story by Grizzled Bear on SoFurry

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#4 of Cycled life

OK here's the fourth Chapter...Please feel free to comment and tell me what you think...as long as someone wants the story to continue i'll continue to write, because the story has been fun so far...Oh well, i'll stop boring ya'll and let you read.

Once again criticism is welcome...constructive please, but any is welcome


"How it goes huh?" Lucas asked, as he bit into a sandwich, glancing down and looking at the food. "Umm...I think this is yours..."

Jake laughed as the wolf grimaced about the food. "Yeah, I think it'll be fun socially and nice to see them all, but with internal issues...this is going to be a pain... And what? You don't like my taste in sandwiches?" he asked and pushed the wolf's plate over to him while taking his own sandwich.

"If I was supposed to want to have indigestion after, then it's great!" the wolf said as he drained his glass to get rid of the taste. He looked back up at the bear with a bit more serious face, "Call me if you want to talk bout it, but call me either way," he said with a laugh.

"I will don't worry...I'll probably see if some of my old friends are still around, you know just reconnect a bit...how about you?" Jake said with a small smile.

"I plan to hang 'round my family, maybe talk with some old friends, like your doing..." the wolf said plainly and continued to eat his lunch.

Jake laughed, causing the wolf to jump a bit. "Sorry...it's just our lives sound so boring...while everyone else is going off to parties and what not we'll be home and doing nothing..."

"Well, I think life at the university has been too active. I'm gonna love sleeping in for once...getting 6 hours of sleep on a good night is sad." Lucas said and finished off his sandwich.

"Yeah...we pull all-nighters at least once a week...and on good nights we only get 6 hours." Jake said with a shudder thinking of the long nights. The bear took two large bites of his sandwich and finished it off, then dug around his pockets and threw his keys at the wolf. "You drive."

Lucas caught the keys and nodded. They paid for the meal and left the diner then got back on the road. Lucas had driven Jake's car before and was happy the bear trusted him enough to let him drive. After a few minutes on the road the bear, who was leaning on the window with his eyes closed, began to speak.

"So, what do you want to know about my family?" he asked casually, not opening his eyes.

Lucas was taken back by the question and didn't know what to say, or ask. After a moment he responded, "Nothing...I'm fine not knowing. I don't care if you don't want to tell me."

"Liar...you took too long to answer if you didn't care. Go ahead, I have questions for you too, but I told you I'd tell you about my family." Jake said still leaning on the window.

Lucas stopped and thought about what to ask the bear. Jake was right, Lucas had always been curious about the bear's family. He decided to start with simple questions and see if the bear answered them with more than needed. "How big is your family?"

Jake chuckled, knowing that the wolf had picked a weak question purposefully. "There are a ton of us...but I really only count my parents, siblings and a few others. I only really talk with them, the rest stay away from me-I'm the loner type in my family. I only have brothers, and I'm the youngest of three.

My eldest brother is a freaking genius and is going to marry someone this summer-I also consider her family. He is the one that I can talk to about almost anything...well philosophically speaking at least. He is open-minded to a lot of things and is adamant in his views and can defend them. People say that we're alike, and in a lot of ways we are, but...we differ too.

The middle one is smart, but is militant. He is interesting, but we don't get along due to views on life. He's 'ends justify the means' person...which I believe is seriously flawed. He also always tries to put me down...well its better to say that he doesn't value my input on anything and is arrogant.

My mother is one of the nicest people on the planet...and I don't say that because she is my mother. She is the one who is there for me with encouragement. We are alike in our views...well at least in the optimistic parts, but I differ when it comes to the specifics and how to classify certain cases.

My father...is cool, I guess. I get along with him as a father-son thing, but less than that. Hard to explain. It's not really what you would call a friendship...he's kind of like a coach. He is always the one yelling encouragement such as, 'Try harder, you can do it' but with an or else feel to it.

Then there is Jim...he's not family though. He is my best friend, again. I guess you and I are now more than best friends..." Jake looked over at the wolf for a moment then continued, "Well he is like family to me, we have known each other since birth almost, and I can't really explain him to you...just have to meet him..

OK. There's a brief overlook of my family...good enough for you? You didn't have to ask in such a subtle manner. I've only told you about my immideate family or those that I consider as family...it's kind of weird. We are different from the rest of my family. We're not...bigots, to be blunt, the rest of my family is full of discrimination and they believe in conserving what they believe to be 'natural'. If it was up to them, there'd still be slaves and people like you and me would be burnt at a cross, calling us abominations...so its always fun to listen to them speak...

OK there you have it...well the tip of the iceberg...but the rest of it doesn't really matter. You got the jest of it. Anything else?"

Lucas let out a breath, "Wow...and that's only the tip of the iceberg?" he asked and watched the bear nod. "Hmm...well I guess I have one question; I've just never thought about my sexuality, and my family never asked...but how do you hide being gay from your family?" Lucas heard the bear give a slight grunt, and was about to apologize before the bear began to answer.

"Well...I guess from my actions. I went to my high school prom from my tenth grade year till senior year...so there was one way. I also would joke with my friends about girls...just because I'm gay doesn't mean I don't know how to play the field." Jake said and gave a slight laugh.

Lucas looked over at his friend with a confused look, "OK I got the prom thing and joking, but what do you mean playing the 'other field'?"

"You sound worried...Well, I kind of hate to say it but...you're my first relationship...I've never had a girl friend...what did you think I meant by 'other field'? And what about you...if you have an idea of what it means and you act strange then why?" Jake asked, but kept his composure the same-leaning against the window with his eyes closed.

"Well, I guess I thought you meant that you were..." Lucas stopped and tried to think of a way to say the next part, "...I thought you were saying that you had sex with girls for no other reason than too look straight..." Lucas said and let out a sigh, he looked over at his friend, but Jake hadn't moved.

Jake gave a slight chuckle and tried to explain, "No, no...I guess it's a good thing in some ways...I mean the rest of the world just seems to have gratuitous sex, but not me...You were my first...and I'm glad that you were." Jake felt the blood run to his face, and his eyes twitched a bit waiting for the wolf to respond. He waited for a moment then was about to ask what was wrong, but Lucas began to talk again.

"Thanks...umm, I know this is a weird subject...but ...you were my first too...and I feel the same" Lucas said and gave a weak laugh.

Jake felt his blush become stronger but also found himself smiling, "OK...well I never answered your question when I think about it...the other field question," he said and waited for the wolf to give a reaction.

"Oh...you don't have to...I think I just over reacted to nothing, but maybe it's because of my high school life.." Lucas responded.

Jake moved his head but still had his eyes closed, "What do you mean?"

Lucas laughed weakly and tried to explain, "Well, in high school I had about five girl friends, but it was funny. My friends would usually nag me and I would go out with the girl out of some sense of obligation. I never found them attractive, and some of them, I'm sure, are great people...just not for me. ...I always found some way to get away from them...they always made moves on me, and wanted to 'take things to another level'. It's funny that I never wanted to really be 'with' one. I would be dating a girl, yet I would find myself day-dreaming about a nice big bear," Lucas added this as a joke and watched Jake blush, "...guess it makes some sense now...Well, playing 'other field' that's what it meant for me...what exactly did you mean?

"I meant that just because I didn't find the girls attractive didn't mean that I didn't know what to say or how to act...I could talk with my friends and say stuff like, 'She is a babe' or, my personal favorite, 'I like all the candy at the store'...when I said the other field I just meant that I can act as straight as the next guy. Actually that's not a good way to put it...that's stereotyping people..."

"Ohhh...OK, and what do you mean stereotyping?" Lucas asked.

"Well you know how I always thought that gay was feminine and meant that you're a..." Jake cut himself off and waited for a moment to continue, "I mean that I'm gay..." Jake stopped again feeling strange.

"You OK?...you don't have to try and explain..." Lucas said and tried to comfort the bear.

"I know I don't have to, but it's important to me...saying that, you know, 'I'm gay'...just felt weird...I usually avoid those words like the plague. Oh well, Ok I'll try to explain it simply."

He thought for a moment of how to explain it then began, "I grew up thinking and being told gay was feminine and twinkish, so I figured I couldn't be gay...but I still liked guys. For a long time I hated myself for that, and I still feel guilty when I'm around my parents and family...just cause I'm sure if they found out they'd be disappointed, but I'm getting away from the point...I like guys, and always have, but gay was something that, for my world, meant acting like a girl with balls, but that's wrong. I'm no different from my friends or family. I'm in a relationship with you and I know that I'm gay, but that doesn't mean I have to act like a stereotype. I'm my own person...and so are you...I mean we don't act like any different than a normal couple. We act like guys, you know...we joke around, we play games, we hang out, and all the stuff everyone else does...we just have something more...I mean...What am I saying?" Jake paused and tried to figure out what he was saying now.

Jake looked over at the wolf and saw Lucas staring at him kindly, "You don't have to try and explain it to me...I get it. You're trying to explain your emotions too logically, but that's sometimes impossible. Yeah ...you're gay...and, so am I... ya know I've never said that either...it is strange I guess," Lucas laughed a bit then continued, "We're just different from others...it's not like there's a logical explanation for everything. But I do understand what you're trying to say...and it's hard to explain...its just feeling...you know?" Lucas asked, and watched as Jake nodded his head.

"Thanks...it means a lot to be able to talk with you about this stuff..." Jake changed his personality and leaned back against the window, "well, any other questions?" Jake asked with a laugh. Lucas shook his head and Jake figured he could ask a question now, "So...what's your family like?"

Lucas laughed at how fast the bear had so quickly reverted back to his normal self. He thought about how to explain his family, and stopped. "Jake...there are some things you need to know...but is it OK if I let you decide about my family...I'm not a reliable source...you'll just have to decide.

Jake opened his eyes a bit wider at this and looked over at the wolf. "What do you mean me decide?" he asked, fearing what the wolf could mean.

"Don't worry, I'm not gonna tell em about you and me...though I don't think they'd disown me or try to kill me, but they probably wouldn't like it and I don't want to risk it..." Lucas said assuringly to the bear. He continued after the bear leaned back down, "...but whatever. What I meant is that you should meet them, how about you stay for just a bit and talk with them...not long maybe a few minutes."

"That'd be nice...I'd offer you the same, but one: I'm dropping you off at your house, and two: I don't think there's a point to it." Jake said and let his heartbeat return to normal-the wolf's previous comment scarring him.

Lucas laughed and looked over at the bear, "From what you've told me I think I would like some of them...you know as long as they never found out."

Jake smirked and watched as the road passed by. After a moment he sat up and began a more casual conversation with the wolf, "So, how far are we from your place?"

"Oh,...about an hour." Lucas replied and smiled-the thought of home making him speed up a bit.

"Cool. It'll be interesting to see where you grew up, out in the middle of nowhere it looks like..." the bear said and laughed.

Lucas let out a playful growl, "Better than Hicktown," he retorted and watched as Jake laughed a bit louder, then looked over at the wolf, no longer laughing.

"You know I'm going to miss you." Jake said slightly hesitant.

Lucas kept his eyes on the road and smiled, "You know it's only a week...but I'll miss you too," he said as the bear looked away with a blush. Lucas changed the subject to make the bear feel more comfortable, "So tell me about 'Hicktown'. All you've ever told me is you live in the deeper parts of the South."

"Well, the town is actually really nice. Great place, away from the city and quite well isolated. The town name is Jacksonville...not very original. I live a bit out from the city. We live near the mountains and it can be slightly cold...but the winters are mild at best. That's why I've come up north...love the cold. There isn't much else to say, to be honest." Jake replied as he thought about his home.

The rest of the ride went by peacefully with small conversation and the two joking with each other. After an hour Lucas pulled off the highway and into a small city called Langston. Jake sat up attentive and followed every turn the wolf took, making sure he didn't miss any of the details to the city. After about ten minutes Lucas pulled into a small neighborhood and drove down to the end of the cul-de-sac, and then pulled into a gravel driveway. Jake looked over the house and was impressed; it was a plain one story house with a white picket fence, and a large front yard.

"Wow...very stereotypical...the 'dream house'." Jake said with a laugh and the wolf came to a stop.

"Yeah...its home," he said with a sigh of relief and got out of the car. He went around the back and began to get his stuff out. Jake helped him with the luggage and they got to the front door. Lucas stopped and jiggled the door handle finding that it was locked. "Well...this is inconvenient..." he said with a small laugh.

"You don't have a key?"

"No...but hang on watch this." The wolf responded with a laugh and went over to the patio. He jumped up on the railing and grabbed onto the gutter. With a grunt he lifted himself onto the roof and out of Jake's sight. He heard the wolf walking on the roof and something scrape, then nothing, then a sudden crash in the house. After a moment the door opened and Lucas stood there smiling. "You may enter," he said with a grin.

"You know, most people call that breaking in..." Jake said and entered the wolf's house. He stepped in and let the wolf lead him to his room then Lucas left. After he entered the wolf's room Jake threw the bags on the bed and stood looking around the room, then heard the wolf coming back.

"Well...no ones home...I wonder where they are." Lucas said as he sniffed the air around them. "I can tell they've been here...come on," he said and walked out of the room. They entered the kitchen and Lucas pulled a note off of the fridge. "'Sorry if we're not here to greet you, be back soon.' Well, I guess they're off somewhere...which means they're not here." Lucas said with a slight pause at the end-smiling at the redundancy of his statement.

"Wow you figured that out on your own?" Jake said with a laugh. He looked at the note in the wolf's hand, and then saw some photos behind the wolf's shoulder on the refrigerator. He recognized Lucas, but he stood out-all the other wolves were black furred. Jake pushed the issue out of him mind.

Lucas turned around and smirked at the bear. "Very funny, smart man," he said as he walked over to the bear and pushed at him, but Jake didn't move, instead he laughed and grabbed the wolf-putting him into a submission hold.

"Thank you." Jake replied, and brought the wolf into a hug. He kissed the wolf on the head and asked, "So when will they get back?"

Lucas laughed as the bear began to bite on one of his ears and leaned into the bear. "I don't know, they didn't say...it could be hours," he replied, adding emphasis.

Jake continued to play with the wolf and began to rub his hands across the wolf's chest. "Well that would be a shame, wouldn't it?" he asked as his chest rumbled from a low moan.

"You're a rascal..." Lucas said, and felt the vibration from the bear's chest run through him. He felt Jake turn him around and bring him into a kiss. Lucas broke the kiss and looked at the bear playfully, "Really, we've already played twice today..." he said with a grin.

"Third times a charm." Jake responded changing the cliché so that it fit, then pulling Lucas back to him and kissing his neck.

Lucas pushed away from the bear and began to walk away. He turned around and saw Jake standing there, "Well come on, we can't be out here in the kitchen. My room is this way," he said and walked off leaving Jake.

Jake followed after the wolf and found the wolf in his room with his shirt off and pants already unbuttoned. He walked up to the wolf and brought him into a tight embrace, running his hands along the wolf's back. He felt Lucas running his hands across his chest. Jake stood back and quickly took off his pants and shirt then returned to the embrace. Lucas pulled him towards the bed and he lay down with the wolf, feeling his member begin to grow.

Jake kissed the wolf deeply and ran his hands along the wolf's sides. He rolled over, pulling Lucas on top of him and wrapped his arms around the wolf-moaning into the kiss. Jake felt the wolf try move off of him and let him go.

Lucas sat up on the bed and took off the underwear then began to stroke the bear through his briefs. Jake's musk was strong from the restroom, and Lucas pulled the briefs off and tossed the clothes on the floor and moved up to the bear's head. He straddled the bear and then began to kiss along the bear's body. He played with the bear and kissed along Jake's stomach before he started to lick on his half hard shaft.

Jake looked at the wolf's sack that was dangling in front of him and moaned as the wolf began to lick along his member. Jake looked at the sack dangling in from of him and the wolf's already hard cock, out of its sheath. Jake leaned up and lapped at Lucas's sack, teasing the wolf. He pulled on the wolf's sack, and continued to bath the wolf with his tongue. After a moment he felt the wolf shudder above him and could tell the wolf was enjoying himself.

Jake brought his head up and took one of the wolf's balls into his mouth. He rolled it around in his mouth and gently sucked on it-causing Lucas to whine a bit. Jake could feel the wolf's cock beginning to drip on his chest. He placed a finger on his chest and followed the trial of pre to the wolf's straining cock, then slowly circled the tip of the wolf's cock with his finger.

Lucas continued to suck on the bear's cock, and could feel it growing in his muzzle. Every time Jake would pull on his balls or lick along his sack Lucas let out a low growl. He shuddered as Jake teased his cock, and finally growled in frustration. Lucas pulled off the bear's cock and looked at the bear with a playful face.

"You're an ass. You know that?" the wolf said jokingly, running his hands across the bear's stomach. He heard Jake chuckle a bit and continue to tease him for a bit before he stopped.

Jake chuckled a bit and kissed along the wolf's sack, and then grabbed the wolf's hips and placed the wolf's cock in front of his muzzle. Jake let his breath hit the wolf's cock and slowly wrapped his tongue around the tip, and then began to suck on the tip. He heard Lucas let out a moan of pleasure as he ran his tongue along the wolf's tip.

Lucas began to thrust slowly in the bear's muzzle then returned to the bear's own straining member. He could feel the bear suck harder after he began to suck on the bear. Lucas let out a moan as Jake pushed his head up, putting the wolf's cock at the back of his throat. Soon Lucas was bobbing his head on the bear's cock and thrusting his hips into his friend.

Falling into the same repetitive motion as his friend, Jake slowly became used to the awkward position, and pulled his friend closer to him-wanting to have his muzzle full with the wolf's cock. Jake ran one hand down his friends back and began to tug on the wolf's balls. Lucas gave a surprised grunt and thrust into the bear, as Jake rolled his package around in his hand.

Jake moaned around the dick in his maw, and repositioned his hands onto the wolf's hip. He pulled the wolf closer to him, deepthroating the wolf once again. Jake found that he enjoyed having the wolf's entire member in his throat, like it gave him a sense of masculinity for some reason. Jake let out a moan as Lucas's cock spurted a bit of pre onto his tongue. Every time the wolf would pull out of him Jake let out a slight whimper that turned into a moan as Lucas slid back in.

Lucas shifted his weight and began to thrust into the bear's muzzle faster, the bear moaning in approval. He adjusted the bobbing of his head to his own thrust into the bear's muzzle.

Jake gripped at Lucas's hips pulling on the fur as the wolf began to fuck his muzzle. Jake watched as the wolf's balls bounced in front of him, hitting his muzzle with each thrust, and inhaled the scent through his nose. He kept a hand on Lucas and moved another down to the base of his own throbbing shaft.

Lucas grunted as the bear placed a paw along his shaft, stopping Lucas from taking more of the bear into his mouth. He pulled off for a moment but heard Jake give a moan for him to continue, so instead he put his focus on the bear's tip. Lucas tried to keep a steady rhythm, but it was hardly a concern as his mounting climax drew ever closer. He felt his balls tighten, and he began to lose control of his thrusts. He pulled off Jake's cock to warn him.

"Jake...I'm" Lucas groaned as his cock throbbed. He began to buck into the bear's muzzle and Jake pulled him closer.

"Um-hum" Jake moaned as Lucas's cock flared in his mouth. Jake began to paw at his own member, and within a few seconds the wolf began to shoot. Not as much came out as before, but Jake still sucked on the wolf's cock-He didn't want to let it go quite yet; the cock, cuming with it in his mouth was just to, amazing. He grunted as he brought himself to orgasm, the cock in his mouth stopping the roar that pounded for escape along with his climax.

Lucas moaned in pleasure as the bear continued to suck on his member. After hearing Jake's moans he felt the bear's seed hit him in the face and along his neck. He could feel the bear shake with the orgasm, and the vibrations in his chest moved to his mouth-feeling the vibrations around his cock also. After the bear removed his paw Lucas began to lick on the bear's cock-cleaning the cum off his shaft. After a moment Lucas licked along the bear's cock one last time and then began to kiss the bear's body.

They lay there for a while. Lucas laid his head on the bear's thighs and gently nuzzled his friend. Jake continued to gently suckle on his friend's cock, and sometimes Lucas would thrust gently into the bear-trying to coax out any remaining cum. Jake enjoyed it, running his hands along the wolf' body and pulling the wolf close to him. He felt Lucas move and the wolf's cock come out of his muzzle with a plop.

"That was fun," Jake said as the wolf turned around and lay next to him. He reached out and pulled the wolf close to him.

"Yeah, now a week without you seems much worse." Lucas said in a slightly joking manner.

"You missed a spot..." Jake responded and licked the wolf's muzzle, cleaning some cum that had hit him. The lick turned into a kiss, but it quickly ended. Jake lay down with Lucas and gazed into his eyes for a moment.

Jake pulled away and looked at the wolf with sorrowful eyes. "I need to go."

Lucas gave a nod and sat up on the bed. "I need to take a shower before the family returns...I guess I won't see you leave."

"Yeah, but hey call me around the evening, you may be the only thing to keep me awake," Jake said with a laugh, but his eyes were sad.

"Will do..." Lucas said, looking at the bear wanting to say more.

"So this doesn't drag on..." Jake said as he pulled on his pants, "Bye!" he finished and grabbed his shirt and ran out.

Lucas was left in the room, and chuckled as the bear left so not to make the good-bye anymore akward. He heard the door shut and then he walked off to his bathroom. He licked his lips holding onto the taste for just a bit longer.

Jake pulled out of the driveway and began to exit the city. On his way out he saw a car pull into Lucas's neighborhood and noticed that all the ones in it were wolves, but their fur was black. Jake shook his head and tried to remember the way out of the city. Once he got back on the road the time passed quickly. Jake occupied his mind with anything he could think of, while still looking at the road. After a few hours he pulled off the highway and went through a drive-thru.

He ate on the road, and around eight he heard his phone ring. He looked at the ID and saw that Lucas was calling him, so he picked up.

"Hey, took you long enough." Jake said as he smiled.

"Yeah, yeah, my family took me out to eat. So how far have you gotten?" the wolf responded.

"Well, I'm about three hours from home...if all goes well I'll be there by 11. Hey, are you supposed to be a black wolf? Sorry that must sound random..." Jake said, thinking about the wolves he had seen before.

"I have something to tell ya...I never really thought about this before." Lucas stopped and the silence came. He couldn't believe that he hadn't told the bear so many things.

Jake heard the wolf breath a bit harder and tried to comfort him, "Sorry dude, you don't have to say anything. I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked."

"No, no. It's OK, I just get nervous talking about this for some reason...either way. So yeah my family is black furred wolves, but I'm not-"

"Yeah you have a melanin disorder...you've told me" Jake cut in, thinking he had finished the wolf's statement.

"Well, yeah, but no."

"What do you mean?"

"I do have a melanin disorder, but I'm still not genetically a black wolf. I'm adopted, but I've always considered them family. My parents adopted me when I was just a pup, and never let me call myself an adopted child...they were really nice." Lucas said and smiled at the memories.

"Oh...sorry I didn't mean to probe."

"It's nothing...It's all cool, they're still family,well, anyways, I'm sure you can meet em someday, and not bad on the observation skill. So what have ya been doing to keep occupied?"

"Nothing much...whatever comes to mind; songs, talking to myself, nothing much..."

"You sing? I'll have to hear to believe that." Lucas laughed as the bear growled at the other end.

"Shut up, you never know...anyway thanks for calling, I was about to go crazy. Being on the road alone really sucks." Jake said with a sigh.

"Yeah, I bet..."

"So, enjoying being back home?"

"Yep, it's great. It feels like I never left. My family came in and we went out to eat, then we ran around the town, and then...after that...then..." Lucas continued to talk.

Jake listened to the wolf talk about his time home and smiled as the wolf's cherry personality seemed to affect him. He was glad to hear how happy the wolf was.

"...And now I'm calling you." Lucas finished the recount of his short time back home.

"Wow...so you're just going to take it easy huh? Sounds like you're going to be busy." Jake heard the wolf laugh on the other end at his response.

"Yeah...but it's not like school ya know?"

Jake nodded his head then realized that the wolf was on the phone and responded, "Yeah I get what you mean."

They talked for awhile and enjoyed the conversation. After an hour and a half Jake listened to the wolf's breathing become slow and shallow, and knew the wolf was falling asleep. He talked to the wolf, and eventually heard the wolf's breathing become completely steady. Jake chuckled and brought the phone from his head-looking at the phone. He quietly mouthed a good night and closed the phone.

The road was quiet and dark, the only company was the hum of the wheels on the street. Jake looked over at his clock and saw that he was moving slower than he thought, at this rate he wouldn't be home for another hour. He sped up, but only to find a quick hindrance.

Traffic was suddenly piled up for as far as he could see-at least in the dark. He heard beeping horns and sighed, realizing that any hope of getting home by 12 was shot now. He picked up his phone and went to the contact list. He pressed the send button and put it next to his ear. After a few rings the phone picked up.

"Hello?" a rough tired voice on the other end answered; obviously he had just woken up.

"Hey! How's it going dad?" Jake said with a cheery smile, slightly acting, and with some authenticity. He heard a higher voice from the other end and heard the phone exchange hands.

"Jake, how are you, where are you, you should be home!" the higher voice said.

"Yeah, yeah Mom...sorry, but traffic is really bad." Jake laughed at his mother's tone.

"Well be careful"

"I will yall go ahead and go t'sleep, I'll be in late." Jake said. He was surprised that his accent came out.

"I can't sleep till I know you're safe."

"I'm calling you, therefore I am safe, therefore you can sleep-besides you'll wan the energy to beat me after I hang up on you so you can sleep..." Jake put the phone away from his ear and laughed then closed the phone. He heard it ring beside him, but paid it no attention-he knew that they would go to sleep eventually.

After about two hours of heavy traffic Jake saw the reason for the delay. An eighteen wheeler had tipped and was blocked half of both sides of the interstate, not to mention it was leaking fluids. Jake looked over the crash and was happy it was only that bad-realizing how easily a fire could've ignited. He finally passed the wreckage and the pace returned to normal. He drove in silence for another hour and a half before finally pulling off the interstate.

He drove through his small town and rolled down his windows, letting the scent come back to him. He smiled as nostalgia washed over him-looking at the sleeping town as he drove silently. After a while he got out of town and drove a few minutes off to his home. It wasn't too far out, but it was a good distance.

Before pulling into his driveway he shut off his car and put it into neutral. He slowly cruised down the driveway and pulled into his old spot he used to park in-still undisturbed. After getting out he stared at the house, dimly lit in the starlight. That was one good thing about out here; the stars could always be seen. The house was dark, and he knew his parents would be asleep.

Jake looked back at his car and decided not to get any of his bags; they could wait for a few hours. He walked up to the front door and tried to open the door, but found that it was locked. Sighing he walked over to a column and felt around in the dark for a hidden latch. After finding it he opened it and pulled out a key-at least some things never change.

He slipped quietly inside, the old house sleeping also. Jake looked into the pitch dark and smiled. He walked into the house and easily navigated his way through the living room and up the stairs. He found his bedroom-still locked. Jake had locked it before he left after Christmas break, he was surprised that it hadn't been opened. He gripped the knob and pushed hard on the door-opening for him. He was the only one who could get into his room like this.

"I'm home..." Jake said with a tired voice to the empty room. He walked over to his bed and flopped down on it. The last thing he thought about was how Lucas had fallen asleep on the phone.

Jake woke the next morning sweating. Sitting up he looked around his room and let out a sigh. It was almost noon. He walked downstairs to greet his parents-the change in temperature very noticeable.

"Hey, I'm home," he said as he walked past his parents and into the kitchen. He got to the door before they replied.

"We saw, but didn't want to wake you. How did you sleep? When did you get in?" his mother asked in a sweet voice.

"...It's like an illegal sweatshop upstairs, but it wasn't bad. I got in at about three last night. Traffic was bad." Jake said lazily and dug through a cabinet for a glass. He walked over to the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of milk. He opened it then sniffed it to see if it was good.

"Don't worry, its good." his mother responded, referring to the milk. "So what do you plan to do while your home?"

Jake poured a glass of milk and drained it quickly then looked over the kitchen. It hadn't changed at all, a good thing. Jake loved his home for the fact that it never changed, it was always 'home', but that was why he hated it also.

"I don't know...I may just hang out here. It's Jacksonville...so that narrows my options already, but I think I'll go hiking one day...maybe relax for the rest of the time and-" Jake was about to continue when he was interrupted.

"So the scrubs home?" A harsh voice said, then his brother walked in.

"Nice to see you too, Bryan...How's life" Jake said, ignoring his brother's insult.

"Good, and you? Like it up north, with all the radicals?" Bryan was taller than Jake and had an air of arrogance to him. He walked over to Jake and patted him on the head, making Jake grit his teeth.

"Not bad...and it's better than being a dog that does as told, besides the freethinking of one age will be the common sense of the next-pawn." Jake added the last part to annoy his brother, who hit him lightly on the back of the head.

"Now that's enough you two, try to get along." Jake's mother stopped the fight, and gave both the children 'the look.'

"Sorry....So what are you doing here? Shouldn't you be back at school?" Jake asked.

"I'll be heading back tomorrow...some idiots thought it would be funny to break the AC, but not before pumping the place full of gas. They were expelled." Bryan responded casually.

"How'd they break it, and what type of gas?" Jake asked, thinking of the possibilities.

"Oh, they just jammed stuff into it...and I guess it isn't broken just stalled at the moment. They pumped in laughing gas...nothing big, and no, no one knows where they got it." Bryan said, finishing before Jake could ask his next question. He didn't stick around and headed into the living room.

"Oh, honey, you should go see Jim. Jacksonville tech is on spring break too." His mother said.

Jake's ears perked up and he looked over at his mother. He nodded and ran off, recently he had stopped responding to his parents-instead choosing to nod and get to work. He went up the stairs and took a quick shower. He got dressed and grabbed his phone then called his old friend. After a few rings he heard the phone pick up.




"How's it going"

"Good. You?"

"Not bad, I heard your on break also. I got in yesterday, we should catch up. Want to meet somewhere?" Jake said.

"Sure, hey, would you mind if I crash at your place?" Jim asked.

"No problem...family?" Jake asked, knowing that Jim's family liked to fight.

"Yep. Hey have you eaten luch yet? If not I'm gonna head out and grab a bite, wanna join me? My treat. Cya at the Shack." Jim said then hung up on his friend-not waiting for Jake to respond.

Jake smiled as he closed his phone, it was pretty amazing. All this time had passed, but to their relationship hadn't moved a bit. They both seemed to be the same-well from what he had just done. Jake ran down the stairs and told his parents he would be back-not bothering to tell them where he was going. He ran to his car and jumped in then rode off to the Shack.

The Shack was just a small diner that Jake and Jim had found one day after school. It became their unofficial place to meet. Jim and Jake had been best friends throughout life-until college, but they kept in touch. They had a friendship that never seemed to deteriorate, and Jake still considered him his best friend. Jake reasoned that now that Lucas was his boyfriend, Jim was still his best friend.

Jake pulled into the small diner, and walked inside. After a moment of looking around he saw his friend, a large gorilla. Jim had never been very strong looking, nor weak. Even when they were just kids the gorilla had a stomach to him. Jim had black fur, and had chosen to dye parts of his fur red. Jim looked like the couch potato stereotype; Jake waved at his friend and walked over.

"Hey, it's great to see you. Been awhile. How you doing?" Jake asked as he sat opposite of the gorilla.

"Not bad, and you?"

"Ehh...What have you been up to?" Jake said and shook his hand in the air.

"You seem happier. Well, I'm almost done with my first year, and I plan to transfer to a university next year. How do you like your school?" Jim replied and picked up a menu, glancing over the lists.

"Happier?...Whatever. I like it, the school is good. The classes are a pain though...I thought high school was a pain..."

"I told you to take it easy."

"You know I can't do that." Jake said slightly seriously.

"Yeah, Yeah. Take care of your family, yada yada..." Jim said and waved a waitress over.

The waitress took their order; Jim got a milkshake, and Jake choose a plate of fries. After the waitress left the conversation flowed again.

"So, any cute girls up there?" Jim asked and snickered.

"Umm...I guess,... I haven't really looked around the candy store." Jake said and let out a sigh.

"Haven't looked...oh well, I'm already taken, I can't say anything." Jim said, and looked at his friend for a reaction.

"Taken? What do you-woah...Did you finally propose to Jules?" Jake said with a smile. The gorilla nodded with a huge grin. "And she said YES!?" Jake added the last part for humor.

"I'm an amazing person what can I say...but yeah, I finally asked her."

"When?" Jake asked, in slight shock.

"Yesterday...That's why I asked you out here...well family too, but I have a question for ya. Can you be my best man? Don't worry the wedding won't be for a while, we're waiting till we graduate from college." Jim said and watched his friend for a response.

"Umm..." Jake stuttered as he looked for the words, "Yeah...thanks that'd be an honor."

"Well, I'll be your best man, and you'll be mine." Jim said with a laugh.

Jake choked on one of his fries at this part and looked up at the gorilla. Once again the feeling like he was betraying everyone swept over him. Jake looked down at his plate and gave a simple nod, "Yep..." he said trying to sound believable.

"You OK?" Jim asked, referring to Jake's change in behavior.

"Jim...I'm happy for you, and I'd be honored to be your best man...I'm not sure you'll be mine though...I mean I've never even had a girlfriend." Jake said, choosing his words carefully.

Jim chuckled and looked at his friend, "No biggie. I'm sure you'll find the right girl one day...Sorry, I know you hate these subjects, but on the topic of relationships...made any new friends? You know replace me yet?"

Jake let out a coy laugh and tried to maintain a normal composure. Jake's ears perked up when he asked about friends though and he became more cheerful, "Yeah, tons! I was amazed how easy it was...and no you're still my bestfriend. How about you, replace me yet?"

"Ha, I'm not that lucky and you know it! But yeah I've made a lot of friends too...but you're still the best. Anyone stand out?" Jim asked and finished off his milkshake.

"Yeah, Lucas. He's cool; we hang out all the time. And it's amazing, we like the same games, movies, music, and have almost the same schedule. He and I get along almost as well as you and me." Jake said and tried to keep his voice the same, but knew he was more excited.

"Wow, you found another bio-freak? That's good I'm happy for you...I'll have to meet him. Hey, you ready to get out of here?" Jim said and got up to leave.

"Yeah, let's go, and I'm sure you two would like each other..." Jake said and followed the gorilla out.

"Hey, how about you ride with me? We can come by later and pick up the car...no use in wasting gas, and we can talk in the car." Jim suggested as he stopped at the sidewalk.

"Sure sounds cool." Jake responded and followed the gorilla off to his van. On the trip to Jake's house they talked casually and joked with each other. They pulled into the driveway and walked inside. Jake could hear his parents and yelled in their direction.

"Hey! Jim's gonna stay t'night!" he yelled into the house then shook his head, as if to clear it.

"What was that about, and are your parents cool with me staying?" Jim asked and mimicked the bear.

"I don't know...it's like I only have an accent when I'm back home, and I don't think my parents care if you come over anymore-it's a common habit." Jake said with a laugh.

The two talked as the night passed, and enjoyed each others company. They hung out like old times and talked. Sometimes the talks were serious but they could quickly switch to joking with each other. They played a game and Jake poked at Jim for not being able to survive. While on a boss Jake heard his phone ring and paused the game. He looked at the screen, and saw Lucas was calling. Looking over at Jim, mouthed a 'ready?' then unpaused the game, then answered.

"Hey, what's up?" Jake asked, the sound of him pressing buttons rapidly on the controller loudly in the background.

"Not much. I'm just calling to talk and see ho-" Lucas was saying before he was interrupted.

"Oh come-on...How? I mean really! How do you die to the whelps? Sorry, Lucas." Jake said to Jim then Lucas over the phone, with a laugh.

"What are you doing?" Lucas asked with a chuckle.

"Nothing, just hanging with Jim...hang on I can put you on speaker." Jake said and put his phone on the ground, then pressed the speaker button.

"...No, I can call back. I don't want to interrupt." Lucas was saying, but didn't realize that the bear had already put him on speaker.

"Yo! I'm Jim, and I guess your Lucas." Jim yelled at the phone.

"...Yeah...nice to meet you...sort of. Anyway, Jake has told me about you." Lucas said with a nervous laugh.

"Don't believe him." Jim joked.

Jake interrupted the two quickly, "Hey, I'll be right back, got to take a break...you two talk get acquainted," then left the room.

There was a silence as Jake left the room, and it lasted for a moment after he had left. Jim was the first one to speak.

"So...how long have you and Jake been together?" Jim asked.

"Say what?!?...We'r-" Lucas was stuttering as the gorilla corrected himself.

"Sorry, I didn't mean like that. God no...," Jim laughed a bit then continued, "I mean, how long have you two been friends? It seems like ya'll get along very well."

"Oh..." Lucas let out a sigh of relief and was thankful the gorilla couldn't see him over the phone. "Well, I guess we connected instantly. We both have the same plans for life, and enjoy the same activities...but I guess the reason we get along so well is because of how different we are..."

"What do you mean...I get what your saying, but how are ya'll different?" Jim asked and gave a grunt as he tried to move his character out of harms way.

"I'm more social than Jake. And our views can differ greatly, which is always a source of debate-each of us trying to prove the other wrong. And well, Jake is...isolated in some respects. He has an intimidating look to him, you know, but is like a gentle giant...most times. He doesn't like to let people close to him...you know...I would think you know him better than me...Jake is a really cool and kind person and..." Lucas responded and let the words trail off.

Jim thought about how to respond for a moment, "Yeah...but who knows? Like you said Jake can be pretty distant sometimes...I'm no idiot though. I can tell that since he's gone off to college he has become happier, and I can tell you seem to be one of the main sources. I'm sure he has told you some things he won't ever tell me...I don't know why, and I don't care. I'm just happy that he found a friend like you, and...well, thanks for being there for him." Jim chuckled a bit at the end, realizing that he was being serious with a person he had never even met, yet was talking to about personal matters.

"Thanks...that means a lot coming from you." Lucas said with obvious emotion in his voice.

"So...aside from something serious...What are you like? We've been talking about Jake...so what about you?" Jim asked, returning to a casual conversation.

Lucas laughed on the other end and thought for a moment on how to respond. "Well, I'm sor-" he began before he was interrupted.

"He's sort of a pesky wolf who likes to jump you in the beginning of the day and annoy you for hours on end." Jake cut in, as he returned to the room.

Both Jim and Lucas greeted Jake and then Lucas talked again.

"Thanks...you do me too much honor," he said in a joking manner.

"No, but in seriousness, Lucas is someone you have to meet to know...like you and me...I couldn't really explain you to Lucas, and I doubt you could explain me to someone..." Jake said referring to himself and the gorilla.

"Just more of the reason I should meet him..." Jim said with a laugh.

The three talked for about an hour before Lucas told them that he had to go. Jim said goodbye and told the wolf it was nice to meet him, even if only by phone. After Lucas hung up Jim and Jake continued to play their game and joke around. Around midnight they began to slow down, Jim began asking the bear about his college life, or better to say said what he thought.

"So, Lucas is interesting...seems like you really trust him..." Jim said, with subtlety.

"Yeah, I do..." Jake said, and began to grow tense at how Jim was talking. Jake began to tense up and grow more defensive, "Why? What do you mean?"