In The Club

Story by silversnake on SoFurry

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#38 of Commissions & Gifts

Hello! This time I come to you with a new commission for spikewing with his Pokemon characters. It was a pretty steamy one to make, but I certainly enjoyed it! Fair warning, this might cause a lot of boners fufufu

As always, a chance to remind people I'm open, so feel free to come up and ask me for commissions if you want to get one.

Will, Sylvan and Derrick © spikewing

Music blasting, lights of multiple colors bouncing off the stage and walls, and the constant woo-ing and screaming of the crowd... Those were all things you would quickly grow used to if you frequented a strip club; any strip club, really. They were a constant in the job. And he was rather ashamed to know as much. For what is worth, no, we're not talking about one of the strippers.

Sylvan sighed, looking away from the stage for a moment, crossing his legs to keep his boner from showing off too much. He had never been a fan of these kind of seedy places, and would be the type to judge people for going into them if it weren't for his more than occasional trips, but he wasn't blind either. If a guy pulled everything off until he was wearing nothing but a skimpy banana hammock, swinging his junk around while another dude started touching him from behind, of course there was going to be a reaction, much to his chagrin. And every time his eyes darted back to the stage, sticking to the show for a mere seconds, he felt his cock stir in his pants and a blush creep up to his cheeks.

Of course, this is the part where we give some background. Sylvan, the young man sitting on a couch while dongs were swung in front of his face, was your run of the mill Darkrai; or at least as run of the mill as a mythical Pokémon can be nowadays: Jet black skin, almost gaseous at first sight, easily confused with a cloud in the night, topped by a plume of white hair that only served his ghastly appearance; couple that with the spiked crimson collar that naturally protruded out of his collarbone, and you had a easily concealed face, with only a pair of cerulean eyes visible at all. What did set him apart, however, was the built physique he possessed, which the blue shirt he had chosen for the day couldn't hide in the least; a strong pair of pecs snuggly hugged by the fabric, and arms that left no empty room in his sleeves. He was at least thankful the shirt was loose enough to conceal his abs, or who knew what his fellow patrons would say. He had heard stories of guys being coerced into stepping on stage, getting their own dances and grinds in front of the audience, and those evolving into... something else. And while he wasn't entirely against the idea, someone had to be the more reserved of the duo.

The other half of the duo, you ask? Well, that would be Derrick, the tall, muscular Samurott sitting next to Sylvan, seemingly a 180 from his partner. A powerfully built man, choosing not to wear the seashell helmet characteristic of his species, he was a far cry from the Darkrai, wearing an overly tight black tank that made his prominent chest, thick arms and chiseled abs obvious to any who would give him even as much as a side glance, which happened to be many guys, as he would proudly admit from time to time. Loud and boisterous, with a large mug of beer in one hand while the other slipped a bill into the stripper's underwear, you wouldn't expect someone like him to have come with the shy, quiet dark man he sat next to, much less for them to be a couple.

Sylvan let out a sigh at the idea. How had this happened, you wonder? Why, answering that is precisely why we're here. Derrick was, under most circumstances, just marginally less shy than his significant other; they had fallen for each other precisely because of the warmth they found on just being together in silence, without any need to go out and party like crazy, like many other couples did in their eyes. But even they had those days when a trip to the outside world sounded like an interesting way to spend time together, and it just so happened tonight it was his turn to feel as much.

Of all things they could've done, however, Sylvan wasn't in the mood for a strip club to be one of them. Again, far from the first or only time they had done so; the Darkrai was fairly familiar with how much a guy could move his dick around. It simply wasn't that kind of night for him. But he wasn't about to burst his lover's bubble, and decided to suck it up and deal with his unwanted boner later. That decision had been made early into the night, before they even finished stepping into the establishment, the moment a very excited Derrick proposed the idea, but even having known him for so long, Sylvan could've never predicted the amount of booze he put in his system. In hindsight, he had been talking all week about stress from work, so it made sense if he wanted to wind down for a while; but that didn't change the fact that it took the Dark-type by surprise and he wasn't sure how to react.

The end result of that was this. A very shy, very drunk otter turning into a crash horny mess, as shown by the growing bulge in his tent, hollering for the strippers to remove even more of their clothes, and a very embarrassed, just as horny specter trying to become invisible, biding his time until he could get back home and deal with his horniness on his own terms and privacy, hopefully helped by a sobered up boyfriend. Not like he had much hope in that regard.

"Hey, babe! Why so serious?" Derrick laughed a lot more than the joke deserved, getting another sigh from his lover before he started kissing his neck. He was the only man who knew how to maneuver his snout around the spiked collar, and the Darkrai showed how much he appreciated it every time he did as much, holding back the moans that were starting to be forced out by the skilled lips pressed against his sensitive flesh and the ticklish brush of the otter's thick white whiskers. He could cum on the spot just from that, and precisely because he knew as much, Derrick reached for his cock out of habit, holding it just hard enough to keep it from shooting.

"Derrick!" Sylvan tried his best to keep his moan down, his words a mere whisper, but he was sure more than one guy heard him. Men jerking off during the show wasn't entirely unheard of, but he'd be damned if he ended up one of them. So, gently but firmly, he pushed his lover away, getting a pout in response. "Not now, we're in public. If you want, we can go home and-

"I wanna do it now! I wanna do it while we watch the show, in front of everyone, so they get to see how hot you are!" talk about blunt. "Besides, I can't help myself around you, man. You're so fucking hot!"

The snickers that reached his ears were enough evidence that they were indeed being heard by other guys around, and that alone was enough to get another blush out of the Darkrai. And of course, Derrick felt his silent was an approval and his hands reached for his pants again, groping his length and getting a surprised moan out of him. Sylvan quickly covered his mouth, his eyes tearing themselves apart from the guys that were now hungrily looking at him, silently coaxing his lover into continuing, and deciding to focus on the show instead, hoping the Samurott would catch the hint and go back to it as well.

That's when he saw it. Right in front of him, going at it with surprising intensity, was a tall, muscular avian, body covered in dark gray feathers, accentuated by the earthly red of his back, all of it ending in a thick mane of white above his head. A Braviary, and quite a sensual one, if he had ever seen them. But the most surprising thing was how he had removed his speedo and was now freely swinging his dick around, grinding up and down the pole on stage and letting his length slide in and out a fellow stripper's mouth, a twink Espeon wearing only a tight, neon green thong that seemed ready to burst. Stripping sessions that evolved into something else, yes... he had heard about these 'live sex' sessions before, but this was his first time actually seeing one, and he found himself completely enthralled by the sight. The way that manhood was so easily swallowed made him burst with... strange jealousy, of all things...

And then Derrick recovered his attention when his hand slipped inside his pants, grabbing his cock for real and trying his best to pull it out, leaving the poor Darkrai incapacitated by kissing his neck once again. Sylvan could do nothing but moan, paralyzed by sudden waves of pleasure that invaded him, as he felt his black, hardened rod pulled out of his pants, his cockhead played with by the skilled thumb, while those lips went down his collarbone, lower and lower, until he could feel the hot breath above his member. His eyes opened and he couldn't bring himself to look down at his lover, nor could he see anywhere else out of instinctive fear that any other guy would be staring at the show they were now putting. So, instead, he looked at the stage, and locked gazes with the Braviary, the only other in the entire room who knew exactly what he was going through.

"Yeah, man. Show that Darkrai slut what's good," one of the guys watching said, but Derrick went the other way around, his mouth leaving Sylvan's crotch before even the slightest inch made it past his lips. The Darkrai in question barely noticed, too hot and bothered, too mesmerized by the avian's own actions, until a loud crash reached his ears. His head shot sideways, and his spine froze when he saw another guy, no doubt the same that had just talked, thrown a few feet across the room, and Derrick standing nearby, his breathing growing harder.

"You take that back, fucker!" he screamed, quickly getting the attention of what little people remained unaware of his actions. Had anyone glanced, they would've realized only the Braviary seemed more preoccupied with his cock being swallowed. "That's my guy you're talking about! Take that back right now! Or I'll fucking fist your ass like the bitch you are!"

"Oh, yeah? You and what army, big guy?" another guy said. A Zeraora, and next to him, a very tall and intimidating Torterra, both of them brimming with muscles and ready to start a brawl if pushed to it. Sylvan could vaguely recall them sitting next to their thrown friend, and immediately realized what was about to transpire.

"Like I need army to beat your-

"Hey!" Sylvan jumped between all of them before anything could happen, feeling the angry stare his lover bore on his back. That hardly mattered right now, though; he instead focused on the other two men, who were taking more than a few glances at his still dangling meat. Better still, if the extra eye candy helped ease them, all the better. "I'm really sorry, he's just had a lot to drink tonight and he's been really horny lately. You know how guys can get when they're horny and drunk, right?" he laughed, but the fact that he was the only one doing so showed him how little effect his words were having. Then the thrown guy started rising and a spark of inspiration hit. "Besides, your friend is a Steel-type! He's fine, nothing serious, right? So, why don't you guys go back to the show and I'll take my big lug here and help him with his own business, if you catch my drift."

Talking like that made him feel uncomfortable as fuck, but if it helped avoid troubles, so be it. The Zeraora approached their fallen friend, an Aggron so big he must've been a bodybuilder, and helped him back up. The metallic reptilian quickly dismissed him, with constant grunts of being fine, and that was the last thing they needed to be convinced. Sylvan was about to let out a sigh of relief... when the Torterra walked up to him and grabbed his still exposed member, giving it a few strokes.

"Hmm, well, with a toy like this, he's bound to have one hell of a time!" he laughed, getting much the same reaction from his buddies, before letting go of the Darkrai's member. Derrick was about to step in, but before he could move, a black hand held him back, quickly pushing him all the way to the bathroom, away from any prying eyes.

While all this happened, the song that had been playing stopped. Just as the entire incident did, as a matter of fact, leaving things rather nicely. And with his show over, the Braviary and Espeon stood up, both of them making their way to the back of the stage while a new group of dancers stepped out to take their places. Once in the back, away from the loud noise, bright lights and obnoxious customers, the Espeon sat back on a chair, rubbing his throat while coughing a bit.

"Dammit, Will. You could've gone easy on me out there, man."

"Oh, boy, don't act like you didn't like it," was the Braviary's quick reaction, stepping up to the Espeon and leaning off the wall, towering over him, watching his cock approach and playfully prod the pursed lips. "Like any other ho around these parts could give you such a big, fat sausage, you know you want more."

And the Espeon chuckled before opening up, tongue rolling up and down his hardened cock while reaching for the back, giving the bird's plump cheeks a good squeeze and slowly pushing him forward to get a few more inches of him inside his mouth. It wasn't long before the muffled moans started coming out, joined by Will's own as he gently bucked another inch. Guys around him stopped for a moment to look before keeping up with whatever they were doing, not in the least surprised that the Braviary had gotten yet another guy to unwind himself, and that only excited him further, making him push his length deeper into the Espeon's throat, hearing him choke for a few seconds and loving every moment of it.

"I'm sorry, handsome," he let out and pulled as fast as he could, his cock coated in the Espeon's saliva while the very confused twink stared at the bird on his way out. "I have bigger fish to catch."

"You're an asshole, Will," was all he heard from the Espeon. Like what a rebounded guy like him said mattered.

Ah, but we got distracted, didn't we? A moment of fanservice that kept us away from our main characters and their activities. While I doubt this will be seen poorly by readers, who are here for the steamy scenes to begin with, let us return to these misunderstood lovers at once.

Last time we saw them, Sylvan and Derrick had made their way out of sight, into the club's bathrooms. While a strip club bathroom was far from the nicest place he'd like to be in, Sylvan considered it a far safer option than the outside, where so many other guys were willing to either get beef with his lover or get a piece of him... That last part made him sigh again, and he quickly shoved his boner back into his pants, if anything, to recover some of his lost dignity. Just as he looked in the mirror to do so, he noticed the otter's reflection, staring down on the floor, no doubt starting to realize what he had done. A moment of clarity through his drunken stupor, most likely.

"I'm sorry," he said, getting the Darkrai's attention. It wasn't really a surprise. Sylvan could count in one hand how many times he had seen the Samurott drinking too much, and in the other how many times he had seen him fight someone else for him. They always made him get a nasty feeling afterwards. Somehow, being the reason he fought for made him feel partially responsible.

"It's ok... You know, some guy insulted me and you stood up for me, I'm not getting mad at you for that," he stepped up, hugging his lover and rubbing his back, getting him to look up and hug him. The ease with which he could go from horny to angry, then to sad and who knew what else whenever he was like this would never cease to amaze him. "I'm not happy for it either, just so you know."

"If someone comes and insults my baby, of course I'm gonna stand up for you!" he bawled. Sylvan just patted his back, waiting for him to let it all out. "You should let me go for it too! I'm defending your honor! I wanna make sure everyone knows you deserve respect, and that I won't stand for anything less!"

"Derrick, I... appreciate the sentiment," he started, trying his best to keep the still present boner away from his lover, lest it stirred his desires again. "But you can't just go around punching people, ok? We could get in trouble if you do that."

"Ok..." his quiet mumbling barely convinced Sylvan that his pleas had been heard, but it was the best he could get out of him in his current state. Tomorrow morning, once he had his coffee and was fighting his hangover, would be easier to deal with it. But we're here and now. And here and now, Derrick went back for his neck, kissing, nibbling, getting more of those loud grunts and moans out of his lover before planting his lips in his face, pulling him into a deep, passionate kiss.

"D-Derrick..." the surprised Darkrai could barely speak between kisses, until the boner he had struggled to get back in his pants was roughly groped and forced out once again. Any sound of protest he could've been thinking of making turned into a sharp moan from the touch, the strokes, the way his tip was pressed between thumb and index to milk out that single drop of pre that refused to come out, until the pressure of his boner alone started to hurt. "Dude... What are you doing?"

"I just really, really wanna fuck you right now," restless blue hands traveled down the black rod's length, playfully trailing veins here and there until they reached the button, and a quick flicker was all he needed to pull the zipper down and let the entire manhood out, balls hanging for a second before he opened up and started sucking on them hard, licking them, coating each one with his drool until Sylvan had to bite his own knuckle to keep the moans down.

"You're not making any sense, you're too drunk... D-Don't stop," slowly but surely, he was falling for the otter's actions, his breathing growing shallow as his body was treated, as that rough tongue made its way past his balls and up his member, a shiver crawling up his spine with every inch that went by until he reached the tip, and in a single second took the sensitive cockhead in his mouth, suckling on it, his tongue teasing the frenulum so much, he thought he would burst right there.

The only time Derrick stopped was to rub his hips, egging him into turning around. Sylvan knew exactly what his idea was, and it definitely wasn't something he wanted to go through with in a strip club's bathroom, but when his tip ended up in the Samurott's mouth again, he had no choice but to give up, turn around and feel his pants being pulled down, his rump exposed and his cock pulled to the back, giving his lover one hell of a picture. The same tongue that started this situation pressed against his head, slowly licking up his length, reaching the base and toying with his balls for a second, before keeping its trip upwards, leaving a wet trail across the Darkrai's taint, getting him to shiver again, until he reached the plump cheeks. Sylvan almost let out a yelp when the rough hands grabbed his butt, one side each, and gently spread them before the familiar brush of a pair of whiskers shot through his body, along with the realization of what would soon happen.

And just as he predicted, a second later, Derrick's face was buried between his cheeks and his tongue was lapping around his hole, fearlessly pushing in and giving him that slight, exquisite spread, that warm, wet sensation that made left him unable to keep his moans and whimpers down any longer, freely allowing them to leave his lips and echo through the bathroom. For a moment, his mind played with the idea of someone coming in just as he was being rimmed like that, and the thought alone made his cock jump, against his better judgment. Derrick had different ideas, however, and stood up from his meal, giving a good, loud spank that made the Darkrai's yelps finally leave him. After that, the only warning Sylvan got was the sound of a zipper being undone, and then, the long, thick shape of a hardened cock pressed between his buns, rubbing against his hole and sending electric signals all through his body. The place no longer mattered; it was all about the bliss that started spreading through his every fiber, through his very being, and he humped back against the massive length, until the engorged head pressed against his awaiting pucker.

Until a creak roughly pulled him back into reality, and his head whipped to the side, where he saw, of all people, the same Braviarty from the stage entering the bathroom. He wore a sparkling pink vest, with a single button done, showing off the muscular, exquisite chest and abs, and daisy dukes that accentuated the already firm ass, and yet he was the one showing the most decency of all three man, something which soon downed on Sylvan and made him hurriedly cover himself up, trying to push his lover's cock away from his ass.

"Oh, buddy! Don't stope over me, keep going," the stripper laughed, but the sound only made Sylvan blush harder while trying to stuff his hard on into his pants for the second time tonight. If he had known that was what he would be spending most of his time doing, he wouldn't have bothered wearing pants at all; and that thought made him go even harder, in turn making the task at hand worse. All through that, the Braviary continued to laugh. "My, my, suit yourself then. I might as well."

And as soon as he said that, he surprised both men by jumping over to the Samurott, arms linking behind his neck and legs crossing his waist with the kind of speed and skill one would truly expect from a pole dancer. And Derrick, out of habit, reached forward, resting his hands in the defined buttocks to keep him up, his shocked eyes locking with the bird's sharp look as they stood there, immobile, until the still exposed cock twitched with need, almost as if it sensed the male stud being held right above him. Their eyes only split apart when the Braviary looked away, his sights landing on the Dark-type watching the event unfolding before him, and the hunger he looked at him with shocked him for a moment.

"You don't mind if I do, do you?" he asked, and the shy Darkrai had no idea how to respond to that. But whether his silence was a sign of approval or a dare, it mattered not to the avian; either way would end up the same, so he reached down to his own pants, pulling over the seams on the back and shocking the other two as they easily came apart, along with the familiar sound of Velcro opening up, and exposing his hole from within the tear, hungry and waiting. The same hand that opened it up reached further down, quickly finding the throbbing cock and lifting it all the way to his pucker, rubbing the tip against it and getting a low grunt out of poor Derrick. "Please, big daddy. Fill up my hungry man pussy. I can take your big cock raw, I promise."

Derrick let his breath out at that, before a grin quickly formed in his lips, and rammed upwards, getting half of his cock deep into the newcomer and a squeal out of the surprised bird that transformed into a loud moan in no time flat. Without any concern, he slowly pulled out before ramming back in, and just like that he was roughly fucking the Braviary that had interrupted his personal time with his lover mere seconds earlier, shaft forcing its way up the avian's hole with each furious thrust pushing an extra inch, until he hilted him with every hit, balls jumping all the way up each time and slapping against the feathery rump. All while Sylvan simply stood there, with a disbelieving expression and a hand slipped inside his pants stroking his own length at the insanely hot scene of his lover fucking the brains out of another guy. He could barely contain himself, whimpers periodically leaving him as he milked himself behind the fabric of his underwear, feeling the pre coating his fingers and staining his clothes.

By pure coincidence, Derrick glanced to the side, their eyes meeting for a moment, and he saw the Darkrai touching himself at the sight, his breathing rushing from his actions. Yet, the Samurott's reaction was for his grin to falter, slowly, bit by bit, until turning into a frown, and his furious humping to lower in intensity, gaining a curious gasp from the Braviary. Finally, he stopped, getting even more confusion out of the bird before pulling out and letting him down on the ground, quickly rushing to his boyfriend by the sink.

"I'm sorry," was his immediate comment, conveniently ignoring the slightly annoyed face the Darkrai gave him. "You know, I'm drunk and I can't think clearly, my dick is doing the thinking, and I shouldn't have, and you're just here by your own, and I'm just really sorry."

"Wha- No! No, it's fine," Sylvan had to look away to keep his fluster from being too obvious, refusing to take his hands out of his pants out of fear that the pre all over them would do just that as well. "You didn't have to, you... Y-You know I was... enjoying that, r-right?"

"I know, but still," a pouting Samurott pinned him back against the sink, his lips leaving a gentle kiss on him while his cock was squeezed between them, until Sylvan's hand started stroking it out of instinct. "I'd rather do it with you."

"Tch," Will scoffed down the low, watching the two lovebirds going at it again, while his own ass was left gaping and needy. He had to give it to the Samurott, he was loyal; that was hard to find on a man nowadays, and the Darkrai was lucky. But right now he didn't need loyalty, he wanted a fat cock deep in his hole, ravaging him like mad! But instead, he was standing awkwardly, like a freaking third wheel, while a pair of hot dudes got hot and bothered right in front of him. And why, yeah, the Darkrai was definitely no slouch in the stud department. He had gone for the Samurott out of simplicity; it was a lot easier to get a drunk guy to pound your ass, but he was more than open to get some Dark-type dick up in there as well. That's how a spark of inspiration suddenly hit. "Oh, sweetie! I'm so. So. Rry! I had, like, no idea you were gonna be so mad at me! I'm a huge bitch, please forgive me."

"R-Really, I-I don't mind," Sylvan tried to reply, but his voice was too shaky with Derrick's kisses going down his neck, along with the occasional nibble making him hold back a pleasured gasp. As if Will needed them to rub it on his face. "You can keep going, if... if you want, oh fuck... I'll just stay here, w-watching..."

"Oh, nonsense, baby! I have an even better idea!" the excited Braviary then jumped between the two, getting an angry grunt from the Samurott being kept apart from his fun before his eyes landed on the avian's bare chest, seemingly calming him down. Will, on the other hand, put an arm around each of their shoulders, pulling them together until their crotches were almost rubbing one another. "Since your big daddy here clearly wants to get all over your business, and honestly, who could blame him, stud. Rawr!" that was enough to make Sylvan blush again. "How about we all just have our little fun together! A ménage à trois, babies."

"A-A threesome?" Sylvan blurted out, while Derrick, now knowing the meaning of the word in question, reacted rather positively to it. The Darkrai, however, was turning into his usual nervous self. "Wowowow, hang on! This is getting way out of hand! I- We've never had a threesome or anything! That's a bit, you know... I mean, maybe... We could, but, you know...!"

"I say we should go for it," Derrick was the one who finally broke his lover out of his nervous breakdown, his grin a powerful beacon that only served to enhance his horniness. And before he could complain, the Samurott pulled the stripper close and planted his lips on his beak, hands slipping into his shirt and groping his exposed chest while they shared a passionate kiss, leaving poor Sylvan even more flustered. And the second they finished, Derrick pulled him as well and did the same with him, only his hand reached for the growing bulge in his pants. "I can tell how badly you want it, baby, so let's do it! It'll be fun! Hey, Mr. Stripper, I'm Derrick and this is Sylvan. Nice to be fucking you."

"My name's Will, hot stuff. As in, 'you will shove that big tool up my ass'," he said with a wink and a tug at the tool in question, getting a grin out of the Samurott before stepping away from the couple, already headed for the door. "But your first, you say? A seedy bathroom is a no no for that, cuties. Come on, I can get us a better place."

With that, he left, and Derrick excitedly pulled his lover with him, ignoring the constant screams about how his cock was still dangling outside of his pants. The drunken stupor seemed to include a desire to brag about his size, and it was worthy of the bragging, but that only made Sylvan blush harder.

They left the bathroom just in time to see the Braviary walking past the corner, with Derrick following fast enough. Sylvan, on the other hand, took a single moment to look at the club: everything had seemingly returned to normal in what little time they had spent in the bathroom, with new shows going on in the stage, different music blasting, and from the corner of his eye he even saw the Torterra, Aggron and Zeraora from before in a nearby couch, all of them drinking beers handed to them by a Machamp in a very revealing thong. The earlier incident had been completely forgotten, and their presence remained irrelevant, helping to calm him down before he followed the other two.

This side of the club was different from the rest. Soundproofed walls to one side completely blocked the music, leaving only a dry thump to reach the Darkrai's ears while he walked past several closed doors, from some of which he could've sworn he heard quiet moans and screams of pleasure. He had always known strip clubs had rooms for private shows, and that those rooms could be used for things that went beyond simple lap dances, but it was surprising that it seemed to be so... commonplace. That abandoned his mind, however, when he caught a glimpse of his lover and the stripper that had pulled them into the same deal, and he remembered they were about to use one of the rooms for pretty much the exact same thing.

He reached Derrick's side, seeing he not only still had his cock out but was stroking it in preparation, long ropes of pre coming out of his slit, ending between his fingers and coating his length into a slick, glimmering coat... It took all of his willpower to not kneel and lick it clean right then, so he decided to focus on Will, who was leaning against a tall, muscular Rhydon in a tight black shirt that showed off the powerful physique underneath. Again, it took a lot of willpower not to kneel and suck that guy off, now that the Darkrai was so riled up from before.

"Pleeeeeeease? I promise you, we won't make a mess. As a queen, I give you my royal word that we won't, we really won't! We just need a place to party for a while," he whined, despite the smile still present on his beak, but it all did nothing to break the Rhydon, who remained still in front of the door. A sigh left the bird, his grin refusing to falter, and he reached down for the Rock-type's pants, openly groping his length through the fabric. "You know I'll deal with you later, right?"

"Now we're talking," his voice was gruff as he put up a grin much like the Braviary's own, and he finally stepped away, holding the door open for the three of them. "You two got yourselves our best performer. And you, slutty boy, you know how much I like sloppy seconds."

"I'll make it extra sloppy for you," he winked as the others entered the room and the Rhydon closed the door behind them. And just as he did, he pulled out of his vest and dukes, dropping them on the ground before turning over, showing off his completely nude self. "Clothes can be so restrictive, don't you think, studs?"

"Oh, fuck yeah they are!" Derrick reacted, quickly pulling off his own shirt and showing off his muscular torso, flexing a bit just to show off before his pants followed the same path, leaving his blue-furred body completely exposed and for the taking. And taking was exactly what he did when he stepped up to will, kissing him again and rubbing their cocks together, just so his Darkrai could see.

Said Darkrai, however, had only been getting redder as everything went in front of him, to the point that you could mistake him for a shiny version if you looked at him now. From the bird's liberal way of just taking it all off to the show being presented to him, it was enough to make him feel out of place. The room had a few couches for patrons and a single pole for the strippers to use, but this Braviary had no need for one to give him a spectacle.

"Rowdy," Will moaned, more than saying it, as their cocks continued to rub together, but ended up shoving the Samurott away, watching him land on one of the couches while he turned around. "But we already had our fun. I'll work that pole, no question, but I think someone else needs a bit of a polishing."

"What? Are you talking about me?" the very surprised Darkrai said, feeling the incoming freak out as the bird approached him, and desperately trying to force himself into stepping back, away from him, despite his painful tent telling him otherwise. "You're wrong! I'm a pretty passive guy. I'd rather start by watching you guys and maybe reaching out from time to-

"Non. Sense. I like making cute guys get what they deserve. And a smokin' hot guy like you deserves to make a bitch yell for more cock," and with that, he turned around, ass grinding against the Darkrai's bulge, the poor Dark-type going stiff while his hands were pulled forward, one resting in the Braviary's loins, feeling the large length stirring into life, while the other was left on his chest to wander as much as it wanted. "Don't you wanna give a show to your big boy over there? Go on, touch all you want."

Sylvan looked over the stripper's shoulder, watching his lover on the couch grip his own cock harder, squeeze every drop he could out of it, pulling against it, thumb pressing against his tip and a pleasured moan escaping him. It wasn't long before his other hand reached for his chest and started tweaking his own nipple, his voice growing louder as he twisted the nub in synch with his strokes, while more pre came out, coating his length and creating more moans. The sheer amount of fluids coming out of him... It was clear that he was a Water-type, and Sylvan wanted nothing more than to reach over and have a taste of him, swallow everything, drown himself in his juices. And just knowing he was the one causing it to happen was enough to get him going harder; it was all the inspiration he knew.

Soon enough, it wasn't just Will grinding, but him humping back, the tent in his pants pushing against the exposed hole, getting a couple grunts out of the bird. He was experienced, no doubt, so if he could get him to make those sounds, he was definitely doing something right. He blushed at the thought, but it still gave him enough of a boost to squeeze his length and grope his chest, explore his chiseled abs and slowly make his way up, to the thick, tempting neck, feeling the need to kiss, nibble and own it, to use his flesh...

But as we said, Will was the more experienced one here. Hot or not, he wasn't about to let a shy, passive, most likely bottom guy get the upper hand on him. So, he turned over and led Sylvan all the way to the pole in the middle of the room, the Dark-type's back against it as the avian's beak found its way past his collar and pulled him into a hot kiss that he had no way, nor desire, to escape from. But the bird wouldn't end things there; his hands, hungry as much as his mouth, reached beneath the Darkrai's shirt, feeling his body much the same way his own had been mere seconds ago, almost trembling at the power that the muscles seemed to exude. Shy, yes, but hiding a lot of sex appeal underneath his clothes, as he was now happily finding out.

Their kiss only broke in order for the shirt to pass over his head, brushing the billowing plume of white hair on its way, and a sharp breath escaped Sylvan as he realized his chest was now completely exposed. Soon enough, he would be just like the other two men in the room, and his nudity would be taken advantage of, just as the Braviary started doing by biting on his chest, getting blissful yelps out of him. Everything, from the tongue to that harsh beak, explored and abused every inch of chest they could find, from the nipples to the cleft, making sure every single bit of flesh received the proper treatment. Gasps and sighs were the only sound Sylvan could make as his body was so promptly used, but the only got stronger when he felt the skilled mouth start to go lower, taking its sweet time tasting his abs, pressing against his defined stomach, while the restless hands slowly undid his zipper. His breathing started to rush and he trembled at the idea, unsure of whether to keep along with it or stop, until a loud moan from his lover caught his attention: Derrick was gripping the couch hard, his stroking having stopped, and his eyes shut tightly. He had seen that look before, of course; it was the face the Samurott made whenever he tried to hold his orgasm back.

The pants finally fell off and his black obelisk once again stood proudly, this time with a hungry Braviary staring at it. Just knowing his lover was enjoying the show enough to threaten to cum so early was exhilarating, but now that he felt the air of the room all over his naked body, a sort of reality check happened: He was in a strip club, about to have his cock swallowed by one hell of a hot stripper, while his boyfriend watched him and waited for his chance to jump in. It was so surreal, like out of bad fanfiction, yet here he was. And he surprised everyone when, instead of waiting, he grabbed the Braviary's head and slowly pushed him against his cock; as for Will, slutty as he was, he caught on in a single second and opened up, allowing the thick, throbbing meat to make its way inside his mouth and reached the back of his throat when he swallowed it whole in one go. Sylvan couldn't help but moan loudly at the sensations, the warmth now spreading all over his length from the bird's insides, his hot breath covering his skin as the tongue started playing with his tip, slowly rolling down the shaft and trailing a few veins on its way down. Skilled indeed.

Will retook the initiative and pulled out all the way to the tip before, sucking the cockhead for a while, looking up to watch the Darkrai as he screamed, his eyes closing and his whole body shuddering. Bit of an amateur if this was all it took to make him whine like that, but even he had to admit his cock was nothing to laugh about; tasted great too. Will couldn't wait to have more of it, so he rolled back down and swallowed the entire rod again, feeling the tip rub his throat; there were few things he loved as much as that feeling. A second later, he was already bobbing up and down on the length, while Sylvan could barely focus on humping from time to time, his sack swinging with the motions, but never quite slapping the avian's chin. A shame, to be honest, but one he could live with as long as that cock kept going into his mouth and the pre continued to flow down his throat, slowly filling him.

I'm sure you're all saying by now, wasn't this a threesome story? What happened with Derrick? Indeed, Derrick sat on the couch, pumping his own meat at the show in front of his eyes, grinning like a fool at the way his lover's hips moved with the Braviary's motions, pushing his member deeper into him. But soon enough, it was the bird who caught his attention in his drunken state. Will could seemingly detect his needs as well, and quite appropriately, had gotten on all fours and was waving his ass at him, tail raised for him to get a perfect view of the tight hole, and the not-at-all-modest package hanging between his legs, full balls included. Admittedly, the Samurott wasn't sure where to go at first, taken aback by such a delicious sight, but as his cock continued throbbing in his hands, he felt it necessary to let it do the choice for him.

And so, somewhat wobbly but still strong, Derrick stood up from the couch, his member still in his hand, giving it a few good rubs as he stepped towards the two hunks enjoying one another in front of him. Sylvan opened a single eye when he heard him, his own moans growing louder at the sight of his lover, and he could feel his own cock shiver inside the bird's mouth, the excitement making him hump harder against it, really smack those lips with his rod. Derrick, however, ignored him, his mind completely focused on the tight pucker in front of him. With his hands still around his girth, guiding his cock towards its objective, the head pressed against Will's ass, forcing a sultry moan that vibrated around the cock between his lips, and that only got louder as the length pushed deeper inside him, spreading him wide and pushing him deeper against the Darkrai's own.

The Samurott waited for nothing and no one, and his cock went all the way in after a single thrust, hilting the Braviary, already rubbing against his prostate and making his eyes roll backwards into his skull out of sheer pleasure. And Will responded to that pleasure by reaching back, grabbing Sylvan's buttocks and pulling him deeper, almost gagging in his cock as the Darkrai screamed louder at the sensations. There was something familiar with this scene, but unlike earlier, he let his voice ring out freely, filling the room just like both, him and Derrick, were filling the avian on every side.

Unlike his boyfriend, Derrick went full force against the stripper's ass, pounding away with the kind of strength you would expect after around an hour of spreading someone ready; not like Will cared, based on his gasps and moans: the otter hit every spot just right, making him clench his ass hard to keep that cock inside him as long as possible, milk it of every drop of cum that those heavy balls had, just as they slapped against his butt; and that same thirst showed in his lips, as they sucked harder down the length, tongue coming out to take a good lap at those heavy, swinging balls.

Finally, Sylvan could no longer hold himself back; the stripper was simply too skilled for him to fight down the urges, and with one hard thrust he felt his load shooting out of his cock, hitting the back of the Braviary's throat before rolling down to his stomach, hungrily swallowed, his cock sucked to get the second, the third and so on- every single shot out of his system as soon as possible, until his beak overflowed with the fluids, little drops trailing down the sides. It was so wasteful, letting those away from his lips, but the look the Darkrai gave him when he saw them was more than enough to make up for it.

And of course, right then, the already spent otter started slowing down, his own thrusts turning harder, rougher, until he followed his lover and let out a massive jet of hot, sticky seed loose inside the Braviary's ass. A legit Hydro Pump, if he had ever felt any, more than enough to make him cough the last bit of cum from Sylvan's cock just out of sheer surprise, followed by loud gasps and grunts at the way Derrick filled his hole, his own howls mixing with his voice into a powerful symphony of pleasure that reached their ears for the long minute that his cock continued shooting rope after rope inside him. Will had to hold his stomach just to check if it was bulging out from the sheer volume of cum being shot inside him, but at the same time felt himself coming close as every hump hit his prostate hard.

But against all odds, he held back, feeling the building pressure in his testicles, painfully so. He had to clench his beak when the Samurott pulled out, taking along with him a sizeable amount of cum out of his ass, but what left his lips after was a pleased, grateful sigh, before his tongue licked to the sides to take any remainder of that exquisite, sweet cum the Darkrai had rewarded him. He fell on his knees, surprised at their libido, unable to remember the last time any guy had managed to get him this exhausted, yet already wanting a second go. But sadly, the Samurott had returned to his seat, panting as well.

"Huff... Sorry, pal. I was jerking it when you were going at it. Got me real close a few times, fuck!" the otter breathed out, clearly trying his best just to stay awake. "You got such a hot ass! You said it was a bitch ass? Can't blame you! Definitely a slutty hole! Got me going fast! Too fast, even!"

"I'm sorry," Sylvan said across his lover's laughter, and Will looked up at him. While the blush was still very present, he seemed to be growing more comfortable as they kept going. That much was to be expected, however. "He didn't mean that, he's drunk. I'm really sorry about it."

"Oh, hun, he's not lying. I'm the sluttiest guy around. I love me some cock, gotta keep the man-pussy fed, after all. I know that; I know me. No shame, no pain," and he snapped his fingers just to show how little he cared, right before going up for one long, quick suck of the Darkrai's slick cock, keeping it from going limp. "And you, boys, are tasty meals."

"Hey, come here. I love me some cock too," Derrick repeated the bird's words, getting a bit of a chuckle from the other two as Will stood up, and the two of the together walked over to the couch. Before they had the chance to sit, the Samurott pulled them down, each one on one leg while his still stiff cock stood between them, rubbed by the other two in the process. "You didn't cum, handsome? After that pounding? I can't have you go like that, I got rep to keep."

"Rep with whom, exactly?" the Darkrai wondered, trying his best to sound upset, but the otter argued back by pulling him closer and letting his meat slide down his mouth, much like the bird had done earlier, and giving it a good suck that made Sylvan tremble. Will had to laugh at that, quietly wondering how sensitive the poor guy's cock must've been by now, yet everyone in the room refusing to stop playing with it.

But right as that was going through his head, he almost let out a yelp of his own when his cock followed suit, being swiftly swallowed by the otter's hungry maw. It had been a while since he had received a blowjob, so the warm tongue rolling against his length and sending shivers up his spine was openly accepted, sending the long forgotten jolts across his body and almost instantly getting his tip to start shooting quite a few good, heavy globs of pre down the Samurott's mouth. He wanted it bad, and he wanted so much of it, but just as he was getting used to the feeling, just as he was about to start humping back, the lips abandoned his cock, leaving it victim to the cold air of the room, and leaving the bird yearning for more.

"Can't really choose which one is tastier, you guys," Derrick insisted, sensually licking his lips and getting both men above him bothered. And to make matters even worse, he reached around one another and rubbed their buttocks, getting a blush from his lover and a compliant grin from the stripper. "So, I guess I'll just have both at once, if you don't mind."

"Two cocks at once? Can you really open that wide?" the Darkrai asked, with apparently genuine concern in his voice, while caressing his lover's cheek, but all he got was a booming laughter out of the Samurott and a lick across his fingers that made him shiver.

"Baby, you've seen me eating. A pair of hot dogs are nothing to me, you know that," and to prove his point, he held them closer to one another, until their cocks collided, and opened wide to take both lengths in his mouth, halfway down the shaft, with his tongue licking every space it could find between them. Will and Sylvan ended up whimpering and screaming in bliss at the sudden action, and soon enough shifted around in the otter's hold to improve his own position, both of them getting an extra inch swallowed as a result. It wasn't long before Derrick started bobbing as well, only this time he did so with surprising calm, a far cry from his earlier humping; he took his time to let the cocks out, just as much as he did to swallow them back in, letting the length reach the back of his throat and the double girth spread his lips apart.

Will was nothing short of impressed; even he had issues with more than one at a time, yet here was this hunk of a Water-type, taking him and another fairly hung guy with no problem at all. And even when he took more than he could handle, the gaging noise he made would've been enough to get him to drop on his knees if he had been standing up. And yet, the Samurott refused to stop; his sucking was constant, his tongue was always somewhere around one of their cocks, lapping at them inside his mouth, playing with his cockheads while they could do nothing but moan and lose themselves in the growing libido of their actions.

Before long, Derrick pulled them out, taking in a deep breath while his hands reached up, stroking the two while pointing their tips at his mouth, licking the heads before shoving them in again, sucking on both, playing with their skin, their slits, swallowing every bit of pre that came out while his hands squeezed and milked them for all their worth. You could see the hunger in his eyes, the hot desire to have those thick members deeper in his body, to let them empty and feed him... Both men recognized that expression as one they surely had made at some point in their lives, and seeing it now in such a masculine hunk made them go mad.

Driven by the powerful libido, Will decided to look up, tear his eyes away from the Samurott and instead look at Sylvan, take in the magnificent, sculpted body while it was equally played with by his lover. One of his hands reached forward, rubbing his chest, immediately getting his attention and going down his abs, the same exquisite muscles that he had tasted before. For a shy guy, he was insanely ripped, and the bird felt the growing need to reach down for another taste of his body, his beak brushing against his flesh and causing sharp gasps to leave his mouth with every bite he took, sucking his nipples just to see him shake under his touch, and finally crossing the wall his collarbone created, pulling him closer and sharing a hot kiss with him, their tongues wrestling one another while a third wrestled their cocks.

The sight was enough to get Derrick throbbing again, and in his excitement, he challenged himself, taking in both cocks almost in their entirety, his jaw quickly feeling sore, but the juices pouring out from them and the muffled moans from the two men making the pain completely worth it. And between Will's edging and Sylvan's sensitive member, the two found themselves at their climax together, hot loads shooting out of their heads in jets of thick, long ropes that crashed right down onto the otter's stomach, quickly filling him up and making his chest rumble with delight. They broke the kiss when the pleasure was simply too much to keep screaming into one another's mouth, and the Samurott in return gently pulled their cocks until only the heads remained, giving his tongue the perfect position to taste their powerful seeds together, overwhelming himself with the flavor, the smell, the force with which they continued to shoot in his mouth while they could do nothing but yell and hold his head in place, rubbing his ears to show appreciation.

Finally, their orgasms died out, and the two men were left a panting mess that almost fell on Derrick's arms. The otter, however, pulled their cocks completely, watching them drip the last few drops of hot cum with pursed lips, eyeing them with the same hunger as before. Sylvan was too sunk into his afterglow to notice, but Will did see just how little the Water-type's hunger had been satiated. He wanted more. And with that feeling, he pulled his lover down and put their lips together in a passionate kiss, which, as the Braviary saw with surprised eyes, was quickly soiled by trails of cum going down Sylvan's mouth, no doubt pushed in there by the Samurott's own. When it broke and the Darkrai was left panting, with seed clinging to his chin, Will quickly found himself in the same position, a pair of strong lips pressed against his beak, white whiskers tickling his face and more than a few mouthfuls of hot, fresh cum being shoved into his mouth, recognizing the mix of the Darkrai's taste and his own, trying hard not to lose control of himself in his bliss.

The kiss was simultaneously an eternity of pleasure and over too quick, and Will had no idea when he had swallowed the load shoved down his mouth, but he loved every second of it. And now, with his mouth free to breath again, Derrick took a moment to suck each of their rods again, cleaning them of every bit of cum left and pushing any remaining moan out of their owners. But because that wasn't enough, he immediately proceeded to lick across the Braviary's chiseled abs, his tongue going up the middle line and sending shivers up his spine, making him tremble and pull the Darkrai for a kiss of their own, their tongues once again dancing around one another, sharing the powerful essence of their mixed cum, each one looking for any remaining bits to drown on the masculine flavor for longer. And just like that, they fell, each to one side of the otter, their hands absentmindedly rubbing his chest while he put his arms around their shoulders.

"Fuck... You guys are so much better than I expected..." a very tired Will managed to say, mildly distracted by the thick blue fingers rubbing the back of his neck.

"You know what they say about shy guys, handsome," Derrick said before planting a kiss on his lover, causing him to blush harder than he already was. "This one here never gets enough! You should see how long he can go when he gets real thirsty. He does some pretty kinky shit," that garnered a slap on the chest from the Darkrai, but his only reaction was to laugh more. Will found the two strangely endearing, all things considered, before a hand fell down his back and groped his buttock. "Say, how's your pussy? Because you told that Rhydon you were gonna get it real sloppy for him, and I could go for round 2 in there!"

"It's tight," and he clenched his hole around the Samurott's hand just to show how much he could do it, getting a loud spank in return. "Mmmf, not full yet, though. Could get a few more loads in; wants them in, even," and he started stroking the Samurott's still hard cock, wondering how it could stay stiff through all that.

Until a new idea sparked in his head. Derrick showed some disappointment when the feathery fingers left his length unattended, but as the bird crossed over his legs to plant another kiss on his lover's lips, his curiosity piqued and he simply sat back for a moment, watching as the bird pushed the Darkrai away, pinning him on the couch, while Sylvan put no resistance whatsoever, simply letting the pleasure coursing through his veins tell him wat to do. And as soon as the kiss broke, a single look was all it took for the Darkrai to turn around, presenting his own tight, still clean pucker to the Braviary. Derrick saw all of this happen with growing shock, which slowly turned into delight when Will's length pressed against the hole and started making its way in, getting whimpers out of Sylvan.

"Well then, buddy?" Derrick got out of his stupor when he deduced that the avian was referring to him, staring him in the eye as he turned to look at him, his cock buried half into his boyfriend's surprisingly loose ass and his tail rising up to present himself for the second time in the night. "Are you waiting for an invitation?"

The grin on Derrick's face was priceless, but even more impressive was the speed with which he stood up on the couch and headed for the two men, his cock throbbing painfully until it too pressed against the stripper's expectant hole, head spreading him open, pushing his ring apart and at the same time forcing him further into the Darkrai's own. In a second, the room went for nearly silent to full of pleasured yells as both men found themselves torn open by large, hot rods, and both men humped back on their respective ones, wanting more of them in, wanting to feel them all the way down to the balls.

Will was in heaven, of course, being in the best position possible, but if Sylvan's screams were anything to go by, he was close behind, his still unused hole clenching around that length as hard as it could go, sucking it in, desperate to be filled by him. And as if his lover heard his pleas, he kept pushing himself deeper into the avian, even after his nuts reached the plump buttocks, making his cock go all the way inside. In a matter of a minute, they were both balls deep into the other hole, and three men found themselves sharing such intense bliss, none of them wanted to break the moment by moving.

But of course, someone had to. And that someone was the still very drunk, very horny Derrick, who clearly didn't have enough with his own cock buried deep into the bird, but grabbed him by the hips and gently pulled up with him, getting inch after inch of the avian meat out of Sylvan and receiving loud yells from the Dark-type beneath them. And just when the tip was left inside, he left the Braviary in place, repeating the same process with his own length, pulling out halfway through, before ramming all the way down; all the way not just until he hilted Will, but until the force of the thrust made him hilt Sylvan as well, resulting in both of them moaning as hard as their voices would go. Derrick didn't, however, instead just grunting at the sensation and already wanting a repeat.

The three arrived at a silent agreement at that moment, and Derrick started humping Will as hard as his hips would allow him, with the bird following suit in the Darkrai's own ass. While erratic at first, it didn't take long for their humps to synch, in no small part thanks to Sylvan's whimpers helping guide the pace, and they had already reached the perfect speed, cocks going in and out of asses in a blur. Derrick loved every second of it, admiring the image of the two hunks beneath him being bent by his weight and his magnificent cock, squeezed tightly by what was easily one of the best asses he had ever had; and Sylvan found himself defenseless and enamored by the idea, almost able to feel the strength of both of their dicks inside him with each hump, as if they were both in his hole at once.

As for Will? Like we said, he was in the best position, and was making the most out of it. It was only thanks to his experience as both, a sex performer and certified slut, that he could clench his ass around that mighty tool without missing a beat in his own pounding, and through all that he felt every single nerve in his body light up at the sensations slowly overriding his brain. His hole almost set on fire from the speed, the strength, the friction caused by the monster cock being shoved inside him, while his own member almost turned into an illusion, a mirage from how fast it was swallowed by the black hole that was Sylvan's hungry ass, made him shiver in pure, absolute euphoria.

Balls slapped against rumps with dry thuds, a chance the avian took to teach the Darkrai how a proper thrust was done, and their voices joined in loud screams as their climaxes soon approached. It was fast, straight to the point; how not be, with such examples of virility and sexual energy going at it all together, unbound. It didn't take long, and it was Will who gave the first shot, filling up Sylvan's hole to the brim in a matter of seconds, already filling his own cum burst out from what little cracks were left between his girth and the ass, quickly coating Sylvan's taint in white.

And between his powerful, still ongoing shots, and the clenching his ass went through with his orgasm hitting, both Derrick and Sylvan were suddenly filled with the same extreme sensations, and in unison, their own loads pushed their way out of their cocks, Derrick's once again turning his cock into a Hydro Cannon, easily overflowing the Braviary until his cum exploded out of the hole, the sticky seed practically forming a network of thick threads of semen linking Will's ass and his crotch; all while Sylvan let out an almost ear-shattering scream while his body started trembling, rope after rope being shot out of his cock and landing on the couch beneath them, quickly forming a puddle of hot seed, most likely like the one that was being poured straight into his stomach, leaving his balls completely empty as another pair slapped against his butt furiously, eager to finish shooting in him.

It went on for a while, loads being deposited deep in their assholes, filling their insides, and making them scream for it stop and beg for more, all at the same time, claws digging deep into any flesh they could find as they drowned in their libido, until finally their orgasms started dying out, their screams taking lower pitches, turning into grunts and soft moans as the last few drops were forced out of them, and once they were devoid of energy, their three bodies drop on the puddle of seed made under them, turned into a pile of heaving flesh and little more.

"Fuck..." was all Will could muster. How long had it been since anything, even a threesome, had left him this satisfied? So much energy taken out of him, yet here he was, enjoying every second of the afterglow.

"Yeah..." Sylvan followed, feeling the cum churn deep inside him, warming his body as the bird's cock throbbed inside him, not going down in the least; his sex drive was something to look up to! "That was nice... I'm glad you convinced us..."

"Oh, man, you looked cute, but trust me, I did it for myself. But hey, you're welcome," he couldn't help but be smug about it, but his tone and the way he reached around to hold the Darkrai, leaving a soft kiss on the back of his neck, was enough evidence that he was mostly bluffing. "How about you, big daddy?" he asked, but the Samurott on top of him had finally fallen victim to both, the exhaustion and intoxication, and was now snoozing on top of the two other men. Hardly the first time he had a drunk hunk fall asleep on top of him, so Will's only reaction was to laugh. "Guess we'll be having fun on our own until he wakes up, then?"

"Ah... If... If you want," the Darkrai blushed again, quickly going back into his shier persona, and Will had no choice but to crack a smile at that, and how fun it would be to push him out of it again.

"Will," the door opened, and in came the Rhydon from before, pecs strained against his shirt while he groped his very obvious package through his pants. Predictably enough, Sylvan tried to cover himself, and failing, but the Rhydon didn't give him more than a passing glance and a grin, very obviously pleased with what he saw, before going back at the stripper. "Man, I thought I was gonna hold it, but you was loud! Got me goin' good. Imma take those sloppy secs now."

"Oh, baby, you were always such a go getter," the Braviary winked at the Rock-type as the door slammed behind him and his shirt came off, showing off the stacked pecs and abs before quickly going for his pants. Will broke away from him just for a moment to look at the Darkrai, and was pleased to see his eyes were unable to tear themselves apart from the muscular body being presented to him. The chance was simply too delicious to pass, and a quick whisper in his ear was all it took. "Well then, how about we turn this into a foursome then?"