Chapter 1

Story by Aren19 on SoFurry

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#1 of Something Lost

A turn of the nozzle and water came gushing out. "Ack!" yelped the jackalope, jumping into the air.

Outside the bathroom, a gruff yet soothing voice came from the other room, "Are you alright in there, babe?"

Brushing where his antlers hit the ceiling, he responded, "It's just a little cold water, nothing at all."

"You should have let it warm up Jack."

Jack tested the water and stepped into the waters jets. He let his jet black hair get soaked. "There's still time to join me, Manny."

Manny huffed. He wanted to join Jack, but the lion had other things to attend to. "I have to prepare for class tomorrow." He put on some business slacks and fastened them.

Jack turned around and got his back slick. "You can do that here!"

Manny grabbed a buttoned shirt and placed it over his broad shoulders and plump stomach. "It's a new classroom, new school, and I need familiarize with it. Didn't I tell you?" Manny buttoned the first few buttons.

"No, I didn't know you left your old job." Jack turned around and soaked his stomach.

Manny finished buttoning his shirt up and threw a plaid sweater on top of it. "New place has new benefits. Sorry we can't talk about this more, but I gotta run. Am I going to see you later today?"

Jack grabbed the three in one shampoo and started lathering up his head, chest and stomach. "Probably not; I'm helping Alex move in to his dorm."

Manny grabbed his briefcase and put his brown dress shoes on. "Give me a call next time and maybe we can plan better."

Jack turned around and lathered his butt cheeks, massaging into them. "Will do!"

"I'm leaving, please lock up. Love you!"

"Love you too!"

The front door closes and Jack sighs. He spreads his cheeks, this morning's fun seeping out his hole. He turns his rump towards the water and washes it clean. He uses his fingers to enter his hole and clean it thoroughly. Jack removes his fingers and brings them to his face and saw the fresh semen his companion left him. He sighs and washes it off, and then turns the water off.

Jack steps out of the shower and grabs his blue towel. He carefully dried his antlers and moved down to the white tuff of fur on his chest. He rubs his slightly pudged brown belly and moves the towel to his rump. Jack looks at himself in the mirror and down at his semi-hard cock. The pink member had crept its way out of the sheath while cleaning. Jack shook his desire to masturbate aside and moves down to his legs to dry off.

He steps out of the bathroom and into the master bedroom. Sheets were on the ground from the master bed. Neither Jack nor Manny bothered since they were in a hurry. Jack picks the sheets up and spreads them on the bed. He admires the simple room; a dresser with ties decorating the top, two nightstands and lamps, and a queen size bed with fluffy sheets for sleeping.

Jack grabs his clothes from last night, a simple white buttoned shirt and tan pants. He couldn't find his underwear, but suspects he could just grab another pair at home before anyone suspected. He grabs his briefcase on the side of the bed and made his way to the front door.

Jack looked around the apartment, thinking if he left anything behind minus his underwear. Feeling confident there was nothing remaining, he turns the lock and closes the door. He made his way downstairs from Manny's apartment and into his car.

The ride back home was uneventful except for the Monday rush. Jack managed to get the day off to help his son move out of his house and into a dorm at Stateway University. With a football scholarship, Alex's entry was pretty easy. Jack couldn't be prouder of his son. He pulls into the driveway and exits his car.

Jack admires his blue townhouse. His job in the city as a contractor helped pay for the house, and his actual business trips gave them some comfort. He quickly enters his house.

"Well, look who is home." Jack looks at the couch and saw Katie, his wife, sitting and smoking while watching the morning news. The big screen TV showed the local weather being sunny. Jack notices three empty beer cans on the ground. A case of beer sits on the wooden coffee table with an ash tray next to it.

The calico breaths into her cigarette and exhales the smoke. "I thought you weren't coming home until Monday."

"Today is Monday, Katie," Jack places his briefcase at the foot of the stairs. "Are you day drinking?"

"Ha! Joke's on you; I haven't gone to bed yet." Katie takes a drink from her beer and throws the empty can on the floor, joining the others.

Jack sighs. "Do you want me to prepare breakfast or get you another beer?"

"Nah, Alexander already made breakfast and I'm set until at least noon. It's probably almost done."

Jack smiles, his son's food always made him feel better. He runs up the stairs. He wanted to make sure his problem was taken care of before Alex noticed. Jack swings open the bedroom door, closed and locked it. He tossed his business clothes in the hamper and scurried on loose fitting boxers, blue jeans, and a blue V-neck shirt.

His bedroom was vastly different from Manny's. Pictures of Katie, Jack and Alex hung or were placed on either the dresser or either nightstand with the lamps. In the corner of the room is a picture of a little girl, smiling. She has cat features like her mother, but has antlers sticking out of her head like her father. Jack picks up the picture and holds it close to his chest. He places the picture back in its place and heads downstairs.

The first thing he sees and hears when emerging from the stairs is Katie snoring on the couch. The woman is decorated in brown, yellow and white spots along her fur. Her messy blonde hair stretches out across the sofa much like she does in her purple nightgown.

Jack approaches her and touched her cheek. He smiles and reaches for the remote, turning it off. He walks into the kitchen. "Something smells good in here!" As soon as Jack enters, he sees his son from behind, wearing nothing but a kitchen apron. Alex turned around.

"Dad!" Alex throws the spatula he was holding onto the counter and pulled the apron down. Jack's face starts to burn. "Get out!"

"Oh lord!" Jack quickly escapes into the living room and hears laughter coming from the kitchen.

"It's not funny, Rich! Mom's one thing, but Dad's not blind!" Alex grabs his pants from the kitchen table and puts his legs through them.

"I thought it was very funny, and cute. Look, I think your antlers changed hue." Rich points his white fingers at Alex's antlers.

Jack looks inside the kitchen. Alex pulls his pants back up, and his antlers did indeed change from the crystal white he inherited from his dad to a slight pink. Rich is trying to pull Alex's pants down again.

"Rich, stop it! Dad's gonna-" Alex froze and stares at his dad. Jack enters the kitchen and sat at the table. Rich pulls Alex's pants up and pats the calope's butt.

"What's for breakfast, Alex?" Jack sat down at the kitchen table and places a napkin in his lap.

"Uh, um-"

"Bacon and eggs, sir." Rich blurts out. Jack looks up and smiles at Rich. The husky has a black and white pattern adorning his body and piercing blue eyes. He wasn't wearing a shirt like Alex; his well defined muscles are visible despite his furry chest and stomach. Rich sits across from Jack.

"I haven't seen you around before. I'm guessing you're Alex's boyfriend."

"How did you know?"

"It's not every day I see my son wearing nothing but an apron. Well, maybe when he was ten-"

"Breakfast is served!" Alex slams Jack's food in front of him, two pieces of bread.

"This ain't bacon and eggs." Jack looks up at Alex.

Alex furrows his eyebrows. "And I didn't know you'd be home so early." Alex's fur pattern matches his mom's calico pattern of brown, white, and yellow spots all over. The only thing he inherited from his dad is the crystal white antlers that decorate his blonde hair.

"My business conference was marked on the calendar and I don't go back to work until Tuesday. You had plenty of time to prepare."

"Oh, he prepared all right." Rich snickers.

"RICH!" said Alex. Jack chuckled. "Someone kill me now." Alex turns his attention back to the sizzling bacon and the scrambled eggs. They're about done.

"Alex, your mom and I trust you; you're an adult after all. So long as you use condoms-"

Alex turns towards the pair of comedians at the table and points his spatula at Jack. "Eat your damn breakfast, old man!"

Jack munches on his bread while Alex finishes up the bacon and eggs. He places them in front of Rich and takes a seat next to him. Rich reached over and places his hand on top of Alex's.

"So, how long have you two been dating and where did you meet?"

"I showed Alex around the campus."

"I thought we were going to do that together." Jack looks at his son with pleading eyes.

"Dad, this happened during the school fieldtrip to Stateway; you were working."

"Anyway, Alex gets separated from his group and was lost. I thought he was strange looking, being a cat with antlers and a rabbit's tail, but I approached him and-"

"You pulled on my antlers."

"I had to make sure they were real!" Rich reaches up to Alex's antlers and pulls on them. "What other species has antlers except deer, moose, and jackalopes?"

"How about hybrids, like me?"

Jack couldn't help but chuckle again. "You two argue like an old married couple."

"Anyway," said Rich, "I showed him around and he saw his group going into the cafeteria. I gave him my number in case he wanted to talk further. He called me later that night. That would've been six months ago."

"And you didn't tell your mom or me about Rich?"

"Mom's always drinking or smoking or both and you're kind of never around. If I told you, it was in passing."

Jack looks at his plate. His son had grown up without him for a while now. Maybe he didn't need him anymore.

"I'm not making you out to be the bad guy, Dad. Things just happened and I learned to take care of myself. I still need you for a lot of other things."

"You're just saying that so I can help you move into your dorm."

"Only a little, and Rich has work soon."

Rich looks at the clock on the stove. "Shit! I have thirty minutes!" He wolfs down his food. "Great breakfast, love." He gives Alex a peck on the cheek and runs out the door.

"He seems nice."

"I meant for you and mom to meet him sooner."

"You don't need to apologize, Alex, it's your life. Let's just keep your clothes on when outside your room, okay? Even if there's no one or just your Mom in the house."

"God I'm never going to live this down."

"Nope. I really should have gotten a picture of your antlers."

"Were they really a different color?" Alex reaches up and touches his antlers. He grabs a spoon and looks at his reflection, but his antlers are white.

"They were very light pink."

Alex places his head against the table as Jack finishes up his two slices of bread. Jack picks up his plate and starts to clean the kitchen. In the time he finished putting the dishes away, Alex finishes up his breakfast. "I'll take care of the rest of the dishes. Can you load my stuff in the car, please?"

"Sure. It's all upstairs?"

"Yeah, just a few things."

Jack leaves the kitchen and walks past a still sleeping Katie. He walks upstairs to Alex's bedroom. The sheets are on the floor and so are two pairs of underwear, probably from last night. Jack leaves them alone and grabs the two bags at the foot of the bed. He looks around Alex's room.

His twin bed barely held the calope now. Jack couldn't imagine the bed would be comfortable with Rich sharing it with Alex. He sees Alex's wooden dresser with clothes hanging out and on the floor. A standard definition TV sits on top with a Nintendo GameCube hooked into the TV. Jack closes the door to Alex's room and walks downstairs.

At the foot of the stairs, Jack sees a fully dressed Alex, wearing a black shirt to contrast his fur. Jack hugs Alex.

"What is this for?"

"I'm so proud of you." Jack releases Alex.

"How about saving that for when I graduate. It's not like I won't be seeing you anymore. The campus is only an hour away."

"I'll be sure to keep your room the way it is, with a little cleaning of course." Jack winks at Alex.


"Not my fault you and your boyfriend aren't more discreet."

Jack and Alex leave the house and get in the car. They pull out of the driveway and hit the road.

"You're not going to join any fraternities, right?"

"There aren't any frats at this campus."

"Good, good." Jack drums on the steering wheel. "When did you know you liked guys?"


"Alex, you can tell me; I've never suspected."

Alex takes in a deep breath. "It was probably when I started football four years ago. The guys in there aren't shy. I felt funny when they just started taking their clothes off. One of them saw me."

Jack gulps. "Did you get in trouble?"

"No. I thought I was dead meat when the guy saw I was checking out other guys, but all he did was pull me into the shower and pushed me on my knees. Apparently antlers are great for holding onto, who knew?"

Jack was blushing. He most certainly knew. "R-really? I had no idea."

"Well, you've been with Mom for as long as I've been around. Guess she's never-"

"Oh look, we're here!"

Jack stops in front of the dorms. Alex looked outside at the apartment like building. He sees various groups of furs talking and walking around. There's also a group of furs jogging around without shirts on. Alex couldn't help but stare at their sweaty chests and abs. Jack quickly moves the car again a parking garage and parks in a visitor's spot.

"Alex, I don't want you getting distracted here."

Alex places his right hand on his chest and holds his left hand up. "I solemnly swear, Rich is the only distraction I allow, scout's honor."

Jack rolls his eyes and gets out of the car. Alex opens the passenger door and grabs his bags. The pair walk to the front door of the apartment building.

"Okay, the email said I would be in room 23; I think that's the second floor."

"Let's go inside then."

Alex and Jack walk inside the building, climbed to the second floor, and found room 23. Alex unlocked the door and they went inside. It was a single, simple room with a bed and desk.

Jack notices something missing from a typical dorm room. "No roommate?"

"I didn't really want one, and the cost would have been higher. We can have visitors, so Rich can drop by when he wants." Alex places his bags at the side of the bed.

"Just don't be too loud, okay?"

"Dad, we don't always have sex."

"You're a bad liar."

Alex rolls his eyes. "Come on, I want to show you the route I'll be taking for classes."

"You don't have to."

"Dad, I want to."

Alex grabs Jack's arm and leads him out of the dorms and into the school. The walk was only about five minutes from the dorm. At least it was a short walk in the heat. Inside the entrance is a greeting hall with maps being given out by teachers and seniors. Alex grabs a map and examines it. Alex leads Jack down a hallway and stops in front of room 105, English 101.

The classroom is set up like a concert stage. The desks are on five different levels with six desks on each level. The teacher's desk is in the middle of the room on the lowest level with three blackboards behind it. Alex sits down in the first row of desks and Jack sits next to him.

"So this is my English classroom."

"It's nice, Alex." Jack looks around the room. "Very spacious."

"I took this class because the teacher loves to act out the Shakespeare plays. His class is only once per week, but it's four hours. That's plenty of time to showcase one act."

"And your other class?"

"It's math, and it's on Thursdays while English is on Tuesdays. My other days involve football practice."

"So you only have the weekends off."

"I do, but so does Rich. We're going to use that time to just relax and help each other out."

Jack places his hand on Alex's shoulder. "It sounds like you've figured everything out."

"Not everything is going to work out, but I hope so."

Alex and Jack stand up from their seats and exit the classroom. As Alex examines the map to find his second class, Jack looks down the hall and sees a burly lion. "No, it can't be."

Alex lifts his head up and looks in Jack's direction. "What can't be?" Alex sees the lion walking towards the pair. "Do you know him?"

"I think so." Jack places his hands on Alex's shoulders. "Go to your next class and I'll catch up with you."

"How come? I want to meet your friends."

"Alex, I'm not sure it's him. I'll let you know in your math class. What room is it?"

"It's room 110, down the hall."

Jack nods. "Okay, I'll see you soon." Jack and Alex part ways. Jack walk towards the lion and Alex walks into room 110, only a few doors down from 105. Jack approaches the lion and his suspicions are confirmed. "Manny?"

"Jack! I didn't think I'd be seeing you today."

"I'm helping Alex move in to his dorm and he wanted to show me the school."

"I didn't know Alex got accepted here, what a surprise."

"Manny, just please."

"I know, I know. You're not ready to leave Katie and I can't meet your son, but it's been six years already, Jack." Manny looks around. Students, their parents, and other teachers are walking around within earshot. "Let's go to my classroom, it's better in there."

Jack nods and follows Manny into room 105, Alex's English classroom. Manny sits at his desk and Jack sits on his desk, placing his paw on top of Manny's.

"Jack, we can't keep doing this forever."

"I know."

"You have to tell them about us."

"I know."

"Especially now that Alex is-"

"I know, Manny!" Jack sighs and takes a deep breath. "I'm sorry, you didn't deserve that."

"I didn't." Manny places his other paw on top of Jack's. "I hate seeing you like this. You're so happy when we're alone, but when the fun is done and the real feelings need to come out you shut down, refusing to talk about this. It's not fair to you or me."

Jack reaches up and touches Manny's cheek, stroking it. He pulls the lion into a short kiss. "Manny, I just want this to be a secret a little longer."

"Jack, I love you and you love me, but this is going to blow up if you don't take care of it yourself. Please." Manny stares into Jack's blue eyes.

"I just need the right moment. Alex is starting his new life today and Katie is, well, Katie. I can tell Alex once he's settled down. As for Katie..."

"There won't be a right moment for the woman you spent 22 years with. Promise me you'll at least tell Alex."

"I'll tell him before the month is up."

"That's all I ask for." Manny leans into Jack and they kiss again. Manny opens his mouth up and snakes his tongue into Jack's mouth. Their tongues dance. Manny pulls away. "You know what we use to do at my old job? When you brought me lunch on Fridays?"

"You ate your lunch and you, um, provided me with my lunch?"

"Yeah, and my new desk is missing some antler scratches."

"Well," said Jack, taking off his shirt, "we should fix that." Jack gets up and places his paws on Manny's chest, feeling his nipples through his buttoned shirt. Manny growls and Jack travels further.

"You better get under that desk pronto."

"Yes sir!" Jack crawls under the desk and Manny rolls up to it. He reaches down and unzips his pants. Jack looks through the lion's fly and sees something familiar. "So that's where my underwear went."

"I wanted something borrowed for my big day," said Manny. Jack chuckles and reaches into Manny's pants and fishes out the hardening lion cock. He leans into it and licks under it. Jack's antler's scratch against the desk. "That's it, let's make this our desk."

Jack grins and takes the lion meat into his mouth. He swirls the head and licks the underside. Manny grips the desk, indenting his claws and making marks of his own. Jack works his way down, resting Manny's cock inside his mouth. He moves away from the lion's pubic region and makes the scratches in the desk deeper.

"Jack, I'm pretty close."

Jack takes the cock out of his mouth and strokes it. "Already? Even with our romp earlier today?"

"There's something about seeing you under my desk that just works."

"Maybe you like the idea of being caught." Jack licks the slick head, making Manny shiver. Jack takes the dick back into his mouth and curls his tongue around the head, moving his tongue back and forth.

"Jack!" Manny grips his desk harder, his claws denting his desk. Jack feels the warm cum shoot down his throat. He moves his head down to the base and lets the lion cum shoot directly into his throat. Many leans back in his seat, pulling his cock free from Jack. Jack leans forward and cleans up any remaining cum as the cock retreats back into its home. Jack looks up at Manny and smiles.

"Hello? Professor Manifold?" Manny straightens up and Jack hides under the desk.

"Yes? And who might you be?"

Jack peaks out from under the desk to see the student in question. It's Alex.