Flora: A Valued Proposition
Out on vacation, Furfur is searching for the perfect thing to bring back home with her. Of course, things will go much easier with a guide and it'll be much more fun too!
Dewclaw was a city of commerce. There were markets that were legal and those that were most certainly not but no one seemed to really care about that. At the moment, the sun and stars shared their light with the city bathed in a blanket of black and blue that mixed together. The people below were still wandering the streets and the night time market had come into full bloom where a different set of merchants took the place of the daytime ones. Stepping out of a hotel building was a figure clad in a skirt that came down to the top of her thighs and revealed the barest bits of a black thong beneath with see-through leggings that stopped before her hooves. The figure was a faux satyrbun imp with white fur and a pink heart on her stomach, four ears drawn back and golden wings folded in. Moonlight glimmered off of the pink tip of her heart-shaped horn and a big smile touched the sides of her face as she looked out into the distance of Dewclaw to see where exactly it was that she could find the best shopping experience. She tapped her digits against a purse at her side and hummed while her ears twitched as the sounds came to her. Furfur could make out value from those little noises and there was so much in this little dirt hole of a town. There were things of sentimental value, of magical and monetary and then some that were combinations of those types and so many more. She had come to this place on her self-appointed vacation in hopes to find something really juicy to bring back. Furfur didn't just want to find the first thing that had the smallest kiss of value but rather, something that would sit pretty in a room as a trophy that sung its lovely tune to her. All she needed to do was search for the right sound but in a place so full of value, it would be hard to pick out the right type of thing she desired. With a shrug, the satyrbun imp began to walk, ignoring the looks of the crowd as her heart-tipped tail swayed from side to side giving anyone who stared a good view of her rear.
Furfur moved along the sidewalk while wondering which market to stop by. There were little side stalls and stores that didn't interest her in the slightest and she moved past them without so much as a second glance or care for the merchants calling for the pretty imp to take a look. On and on she went but she just couldn't find the right sound among this sea of value. It turned out that she might have to just trust her gut and dive right into a random location, at the same time, she could just find herself a guide. There plenty of locals who would probably do anything for a little attention from her and a mind familiar with these little dives could point her in the right direction.
Without even needing to search long, a feline approached her with a grin worn on his face stretching out into a mask that occupied the other half of his expression. He had one golden eye that peered up at her while he waved a similarly colored claw at her, "Hey there beautiful! You look lost but looking for love, am I right? Outfit like that can only mean you're looking for something good tonight and I am most certainly, that something."
Furfur quirked a brow and the side of her mouth as she took a good look at him. He was some sort of turf tiger with grey fur wearing a vest, a golden serpent peaking over his shoulder that tipped his tail. When she looked down far enough she saw that one of his hands was taking hold of a barbed cock poking out of the pants he wore. She liked the enthusiasm even if he wasn't exactly the type of size she enjoyed. Just for the sake of being catty and having fun, Furfur thought of denying him and simply walking past him but then a thought occurred.
"My! You wouldn't happen to be around here, would you?" She mused aloud as she stepped close to reach down and start massaging his shaft.
The hybrid shivered against her touch and he briefly hopped as if he expected her to harm him rather than continue this treatment, "Oh uh. I sure as hell am. Live here, work here and everything."
Furfur leaned down until their noses were touching while she squeezed onto his shaft and tugged it against her belly, "Then you wouldn't happen to know where all the good markets are, right?"
"Fuck uh, yeah lady I know all sorts of places depending on what you want." He grunted.
Furfur nodded with her eyes shut as she hummed and stroked him gingerly, "I'd like something valuable to call my own. A trinket to take back and mount on my walls, y'know, maybe something pretty, something magical, just so long as its worth actually buying."
With a breath, the hybrid reached around to grab her rear, "Well, keep this up and I'll tell you anything you want to know."
Her eyes opened with a flash and she giggled as she pushed her thumb against the tip of his shaft, "How about, you pay me for this and I give you a discount since you're going to be my guide through this town. If you satisfy me, I might even return some of that cash I take from you little guy."
He grunted at the sudden push at the tip of his dick and she expected some kind of resistance with his little confident talk but instead, he huffed, "Heh, fine by me but uh, we might wanna take this off of the sidewalk?"
Furfur grabbed his chin and planted her mouth over his firmly. She dipped her tongue into his mouth to get a taste for the fool as their tongues curled together. When she pulled away, a line of spittle marked their embrace, snapping as she muttered, "You're the guide. Lead me to where you want and I'll follow." She then blinked and giggled, "Oh, right. My name is Furfur."
The hybrid cleared his throat as Furfur stepped back, "Right uh, my name is Toyle. I'll uh, lead us to someplace hidden or whatever."
Furfur watched as he awkwardly tugged his pants up and started to walk. She looked him up and down, yet again judging him for every inch of his body and she had to at least submit that he was cute. If he had a bigger cock then he'd be absolutely perfect but for now, he would have to do. She just hoped that he could back up his big boy talk with some actual action or else she'd have to take full control and she wasn't really sure whether he'd like that or not. Either way, she'd have her fun.
The satyrbun followed with her hands folded at her front and a big smile on her face. Both of them dipped into an alleyway and kept on walking they turned a corner. Money was exchanged and safely tucked away in her purse before business commenced. Toyle worked his pants down with a few shoves and showed that he was still just as hard as before. She supposed she should start getting out of what little she decided to wear and so she reached beneath her skirt to grab hold of the thong to tug it down and down until it was at her ankles. Turning away from the fool, bent over with tail raised on high to get them off fully and stuff them into her purse. When she turned back around, she saw that his gaze was practically mystified, golden eye wide and the mask matching the expression of his face. Lovely.
Furfur stepped forward knowing that she was an object of worship, a creature of immense value herself and she didn't even need her ears to tell her that. She reached down to grab her guide's shaft and start stroking it again, leaning down to plant a peck on his nose as she muttered, "So, gonna actually do something? Where did all that big talk go?"
Toyle seemed to snap out of it with that little taunt. She giggled as he took hold of his own cock to bring it between her legs and up against her already wet slit. The tip brushed against the entrance, poking and prodding until he got it inside while Furfur leaned over and wrapped her arms and wings around his body. She let her lips rest against his ear and moaned while a smirk touched her features. Slowly, she could feel his cock pushing deeper inside of her cunt and both of his claws moved to grip onto her hips to steady himself. Her tail moved to curl around his leg, her mouth opening to let out little sighs, her digits trailing down his back, anything and everything to get him to let loose and actually show her something worthy of her attention. Whether it was one thing or another did not matter, what mattered was the reaction that she soon received.
The hybrid took hold of both of her hips with his claws, eyes shut as he buried himself all the way with one thrust. It sent a shudder through her body that gave her a pleasant surprise as she realized that this kitten might actually have a little bit of bite. His movements began rapidly and only seemed to pick up speed and strength as time went on. One of his hands moved around to her rear to squeeze and spread it while his mouth was open and letting out little breaths of heated air that brushed against her body. Furfur purred in response and drove her hips down to his, a giggling sigh coming out to let him know he was doing such a good job. The barbs of his cock flared against her inner walls making her tremble as they passed up and down her cunt. Her own meager member like a larger clit pushed and grinded against the hybrid's stomach, grinding out a bit of extra pleasure while he kept on driving himself inside of her.
"Bet you don't think I'm so little now, huh?" Grunted Toyle while his hold got closer to the base of her tail.
Furfur only moaned and kept up the game while she squeezed on tight and teased, "Oh yes, I can see that you might be small but at least you know how to move. Maybe I'll end up cumming sometime tonight."
The squeeze at her rump grew tighter, the claws digging through the fur just a bit more as her toy for the evening began to pound away with more of his strength. She gasped genuinely, controlling the urge to laugh while moaning as she felt her body nearly being lifted by the force of the thrusts. An A for effort and extra credit for being able to make her feel something. Warmth gathered at the base of her stomach like a heated stone pressing against the inside and outside at the same time. She moaned to his ear, stroked through his hair, whispered that she wanted more while her the song of her pleasure continued to coil around his mind. The steady pulse of his member began to grow more violent, more frequent while the digits on her rump trembled. Furfur herself felt her own insides tightening, the first of the evening coming ever so close to breaking down that damn, her eyes flashing with something hungry behind them as she steadied herself for something beautiful.
One last push to her body and hot cum began to pour out into her heat. Furfur's own orgasm squeezed and gushed onto Toyle's cock, the hybrid growling as he hugged onto her body tight and kept on slamming inside of her. Not a drop of sweat on Furfur could be seen as she sighed in delight and reached behind to grab the wall and dig her digits through it to keep herself centered while the warmth of his seed painted her insides. For a runt, it was quite the impressive load and enough to make her want more, enough to edge more hunger out of her.
When he pulled out, he did so with a little huff, "Not so little now huh? Don't think I didn't feel you squeezing on me."
Furfur planted her nose against his with the biggest smile she could manage, "Oh yes! It was wonderful, I'm so proud of you for actually being able to pump out a good load but we aren't done right?"
Toyle blinked and looked down before looking back at Furfur with a smirk, "Of course we aren't."
The imp stepped back and away from the other's touch, hand flicking to the side to get a few stray fragments of concrete off of her digits. She moved to plant both of her hands against the wall, her tail lifting high and one hand coming back to grab onto her rear and spread it wide, "Here! You can fill this hole next if you're actually able to get it up again."
"Of course I can get it up again!" Grumbled the hybrid as he took his place behind her.
Furfur rolled her eyes and giggled but gasped as she felt his mouth on her puckered hole. She sighed and pushed her hips back against his face while he dipped his tongue into her rear, "You know, I have lube. You don't have to do that."
Of course, she didn't mind the tongue at all but more than that she just wanted to tease and taunt him. She knew that he was probably stalling for, then again, maybe he just liked ass that much. With no answer to her offer of lube rather than tongue, she purred happily while she felt that tongue work itself deeper and deeper into her rear. Warm spittle filtered into her rear making her inner walls nice and sticky. He kissed and kissed away as if her rear were a lover's mouth and she could feel herself beaming as she was worshiped. She had herself a guide and a genuinely good little worshiper so maybe she'd keep this one for a little bit. Of course, every good moment had to have something sour about it, didn't it?
Her purse vibrated and she heard the chime of her compact begging for her to answer. With a small frown, she reached into her purse and pulled out the compact to see that it was Beleth calling of all people. That nerdy puppet would no doubt be pestering her about work but she was on vacation and didn't have to answer but...She could make this fun, couldn't she?
With that same bubbly smile returning to her features, she wrapped her tail around Toyle's head to keep him in place while she tapped the display of the heart-shaped compact to answer, "Hello~?" She asked in a singsong voice.
From the other end, Beleth's voice came like nails on chalkboard to her precious ears, "Where the hell are you! You just disappeared, AGAIN!? We need to plan for things like-"
Furfur groaned, "Blah blah blah, my duty, my work whatever, I'm on vacation. Oh, and please tell me somethin', why are you keeping tabs on me anyway? I don't need a babysitter."
Beleth huffed, "Amdusias told me to check in on you and you're not here. What was I supposed to do?"
The imp's tail tightened on Toyle's head while she answered, "Maybe you should've just sent me a text like a normal person or something. I've got my own things to do and chase."
"What?! What could you even be doing?! An attack could happen at any moment and sure, whatever, vacations are a thing, you're your own person but we need to know where you are!" Beleth said with a little growl.
Furfur rolled her eyes but then blinked, a big smile crawling up her features as she replied calmly, "Relax nerd. I know you're obsessed with watching my every move like the voyeur you are, so, I'll let you in on what I'm doing."
A pause touched the conversation before Beleth muttered through the line, "Really now?"
Furfur ignored the suspicion in the voice and tapped the screen to turn on the video. She then put the feed at her rear where Toyle was still working diligently despite having a tail wrapping around his head. Just for good measure, she used her other hand to spread her rear just a bit more. When she brought the compact back, she got a good look at the feline puppet's face. The ears were drawn back and their dumb mouth was left open a word or two about to come out before Furfur decided to cut them off.
"Ah, see? Did you get a good eyeful of my ass on someone's mouth? Keep interrupting me like this and my fat ass is going to be sitting on your face, you got that?" Furfur said with a grin.
"E-excuse me?! That's not what I want at all?!" Beleth squeaked
"Yeah? Whatever. I know what you like and I know you'd like it if I sat on your dumb face and used you like the toy you are." She then leaned in close and kissed the screen before whispering, "I know just how much of a voyeur you are too."
Beleth face would have blushed if there were any blood there but Furfur settled for the satisfaction of watching their fur frizz up and their mouth open and close rapidly until they huffed, "ENJOY YOUR STUPID VACATION!" And hung up.
Furfur resisted the urge to laugh and instead opted to remember she had someone technically tied to her ass. When she turned her head and raised a brow, she saw that and felt that Toyle was still working his tongue but one of his claws was squeezing onto her rear rather tightly. Slowly, she loosened her tail and he pulled his mouth away, gasping for air as strands of spittle and drool stuck to his mouth from her ass.
"Sorry about that dear. Had to take a business call." She said with a giggle.
Toyle slowly brought himself up and grunted, "Well, I'm not complaining."
Furfur tossed her compact back at him and to his credit, he caught it and blinked, "Here! Take a picture of my ass for my coworker! And you can go ahead and get started afterward."
He raised a brow at her but obeyed as she grabbed onto her rear and spread wide, hearing the satisfying snap of a picture being taken of her lovely form. Furfur received her compact before tucking it away and planting both of her hands on the building, hips raised to offer her rear again. The hybrid finally took hold of her ass to spread it and plant the tip of his cock against the wet puckered hole before pushing inside. Once it was inside, he grabbed the base of her tail which curled around his neck and squeezed firmly just to warn him not to forget who was really in control. Despite the press of her tail around his neck, he tugged at the base just as he pounded every inch of his shaft into her rear. Furfur would give him a pounding of another sort for tugging her tail later but for now she sighed happily as she felt his barbed member grinding against the inside of her ass.
Back and forth he moved his hips while leaning forward, eyes shut and panting as he drove himself in her rear. Furfur delighted in how quickly he was moving, in how much energy he was expending just to please her but it wasn't enough. The imp brought her hips back firmly and her fat rump met with his hips with a slap that echoed out against the walls of the buildings surrounding them. Again and again, the noise echoed out while Furfur let her pleasure be known to the world with the song of her moans. She could feel his body shaking behind her, feel the subtle twitch of his digits against her tail letting her know that he was weakening but still he kept on moving to satisfy her desires. He wanted to impress, he wanted to show her that he was big. Furfur would certainly have to give him some sort of reward for trying so hard even if she knew that he wouldn't last, well, not without a little help.
There was a moment where she thought that he might collapse against her as his body jolted forward and his chest touched her back but all he did was adjust himself with an arm coming around her belly and soft kisses being planted along her shoulders. It was a cute way of giving himself a break while his hips stopped moving and she had to admit the little pecks were a nice distraction. Again he started to move and she felt her rear being stretched wide by his cock. She had taken so much larger but the strength he put behind this fucking was almost enough to make her wish that he actually had the stamina to keep on going without the extra incentive. The throbbing inside her rear began to grow hotter, the pressure in her gut from his pounding steadily climbing as he thrust and thrust with the intent to get himself off and nothing else like a dumb animal.
The heart-shaped tip of her tail poked beneath the chin of the hybrid trying his hardest and she purred, trying a bit of sugar, "Come on, you're doing so well back there I might just pop from having you inside. Don't slow down, don't stop, not even for a second. No more breaks!"
He grunted and bit down on her shoulder causing her to grin and gasp as his hips moved like little pistons to obey her command. Obedient to a fault! She could use that easily enough. Back and back her hips moved to add to the strength of those thrusts, her own power nearly pushing him back with every movement. Furfur tempered herself, feeling that little bit of her own mind slipping as she wanted so badly to go all out right now but there was a moment for that, the right moment where it would be the most fun to do so. Her digits dug into the building, cracking the material while she felt his cock swelling and those barbs flaring out against her rear's inner walls. Furfur sucked in a breath as she suddenly felt hot cum filling her ass. She cherished the noise of the hybrid gasping, loved the way his body shook against hers as he gave her every single drop of his being in the form of his seed. Warmth billowed within her like a burning light that threatened to cast away the shadows around them as she dug her digits into the building deeper and shut her eyes tight to take in every little bit of his orgasm.
To Toyle's credit, this load was just as thick of the last and in just the right amount. It filled her properly until she felt herself wondering if she was going to get fat with it and when he finished she sighed happily and let go of the wall.
"See?" Began the turf tiger while panting, "I can rock your world easy."
Furfur remained quiet for a moment, shuddering in what must have seemed like exhaustion but was only excitement. She kept her head lowered as she muttered, "Can you go again?"
Toyle blinked, "Uh, w-what was that?"
Furfur brought her head up and breathed out to ask pleasantly, "Can you go again?"
"Oh uh, fuck...Give me a little bit lady and maybe I can get it up again but shouldn't we be heading out to where you wanted to go?" Said her precious guide who did not understand what he had agreed to.
Furfur allowed him to pull out of her rear and her tail curled around his body before she brought him forward against the wall. She let go of him to step in front and put a hand on his chest while leaning down to meet his eyes, "Take a seat."
Toyle opened his mouth to say something but she pressed against his chest firmly and he soon crumpled to obey her. The heat in her body was immense, the hunger was growing, the desire to abuse her power was right there at the cusp and about to spill over. Was it an abuse when all had been agreed to? Furfur blew out a breath and brought out a pill from her purse. She took the capsule in her mouth and bit down on it so it split in half. The imp leaned down to capture his cheeks with both of her hands and drag him up to meet her lips where she dipped her tongue into his maw to slip half of the pill into his mouth. She made sure he swallowed before she pulled her mouth away and swallowed her own. Furfur brought herself down on her knees to take hold of his already twitching cock, squeezing it while ignoring his little curses and groans. She planted her lips on the tip before letting go of his shaft to dip her head down all the way to the balls, tongue curling around the member as she felt it growing in her warm mouth. When it was fully erect she pulled her mouth away and stood all the way.
Delight and excitement poured within her in equal measures until she could hold herself back no longer. She reached up and touched the sides of her horn, eyes shut as she brought up the heart shape and tore it free. Rainbow blood spilled from the fresh wound, her fur blackened, her body bulged with extra muscle, her leggings tearing as she continued to transform. The tip of her tail cracked open like a maw as it reached down and around the turf tiger's own serpent tail. When she opened her eyes, they were a deep crimson and her body trembled in such delight as she held the spear at her side and jabbed it into the ground next to the hybrid who was staring at her with wide eyes.
Furfur opened her mouth, voice coming out with joyous hunger, "Let's enjoy the night until the rock beneath us breaks."
Toyle opened his mouth to say something but the words were lost to the wind as Furfur reached between them to grab hold of his and edge the tip against her cunt. She could feel the aphrodisiac working its magic inside of her, the heat just enough to drive her movements but not enough to control her. When she smoothed the tip inside of herself, she dropped her hips all the way to sit on his lap. Her toy's claws moved to grasp at her thighs as she began to bounce on his lap, one hand on her spear and the other reaching to cup his cheek while she watched his pathetic expressions play out.
Fear and lust mixed together on that face in the perfect cocktail. The mask on the hybrid reflected bliss while his face showed dreamy eyed confusion and hunger. She grinned as she leaned in to peck at his mouth and listen to his little moans flow out of his lips. Awe had once colored his every interaction with her and now it was only fear but both were just the same to Furfur. They were both types of worship and she would gladly take either or. Back and forth her hips moved while the ground itself began to groan from her movements. Toyle's digits curled and twitched, mouth opening wide to pant as she moved her mouth over his to capture it and let their tongues meet. Furfur could feel herself getting closer and closer to the mark that she desired, the pressure in her body building as the heat of the pill was washed away by the constant grinding of the cock inside of her. The barbs flared and pushed against her velvet inner walls and she could feel the throbbing of his member growing more intense already.
When their mouths separated, Toyle gasped for air but that breath was cut short as Furfur grabbed his neck. She squeezed and squeezed figuring he was the pathetic type to enjoy being pushed and abused if he had allowed this to go this far. He made no move to show that he hated what she was doing and she could feel his little hips moving up to meet her bouncing. His eyes were half-lidded now, body shaking while she kept on curling her digits around his neck. Down and down she went and with one last squeeze of the neck, hot cum began to pour out inside of her heat. Furfur gasped and laughed aloud, dragging her hips down over and over again to keep on grinding it out until finally she felt her own orgasm strike her in the gut so lovingly. When she looked down, she saw that her dear guide's eyes were closed. She let go of his neck slowly and passed a thumb over his mouth to make sure he was breathing. Furfur had planned on going for just a bit more but it seemed as if the limits of her guide had been reached.
Standing up, she could feel his cock slowly slipping out of her cunt until it did so with a wet pop. She sighed happily and yanked her spear from the ground while looking down at the spent hybrid. It would be rude to leave him hanging out here in a cold alley for anyone to come on up and do what they wanted to him. More importantly, she still had uses for him as a guide and so with a grin, she decided to take him back to her room.
Back at Furfur's hotel room, the imp had just finished showering and stepped out of the bathroom with a towel around the shoulders. Her horn was back on her head and her fur was back to that lovely peachy white. She hummed as she moved to sit at the edge of the bed and giggled as Toyle sat up with a start, pushing aside the covers and looking around rapidly.
"What? Where am I?" He asked with a bit of rasp.
Furfur rolled her eyes and gave his head a tap, "You're in my hotel room. Figured I'd bring you back after you checked out. I was planning on doing some more but there you were passing out! Anyway, feel free to use the shower. I left your clothes in there and if you want something different, I'm sure I have something you can borrow."
Toyle rubbed his neck and muttered, "What's the catch?"
The imp tilted her head and with a perfect smile simply said, "No catch. I figure I should treat you well if you're going to be my guide for this little vacation of mine. Our business isn't over, you know?"
Toyle sighed and leaned back against the pillow, "Okay. So uh, tomorrow morning we'll go out to the markets"
Furfur leaned in while grabbing his chin, nose to nose as she muttered, "Sound perfect...And please, improve your stamina just a bit."
A spot of color touched the hybrid's face before he cleared his throat and slipped away to hobble to the bathroom leaving Furfur on the bed to grin and giggle. Her vacation was shaping up perfectly!