Clueless Season Two: Gateway to Gay (Homecoming-out Part 9)

Story by Ellard on SoFurry

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#43 of Clueless

Ah, SF, as much as I detest how your server can't recognize non Latin alphabet characters and FORWARD SLASHES (forcing me to create my own goddamn SF custom ascii art), I really am glad to see you back up ^^

WE'RE FINALLY GETTING THERE! IT'S FINALLY HAPPENING! And in my head I was supposed to be done with this arc half a year ago ._.

Thanks again to Arafor for editing. However, I do not thank Arafor for getting laid significantly more frequently than me. STOP THAT!

...My Fujoshi friends would KILL ME if they read this chapter xD

Please do comment~

Standing before Grovedale High's blocky side entrance steps, Toru stared with transfixed eyes at the booming temple of higher education (repurposed for the night for the gay agenda). Next to the entranced Akita stood an equally arresting entity: the hunky Rottweiler himself, Daren Williams.

A sleek, sleeveless silver hoodie (try saying that three time fast) clung to Daren's muscular frame, his herculean arms on full display for the world. The hoodie was zipped up halfway, revealing his defined cleavage. In the center shown his crescent patch of tawny fur, a sharp contrast to his chestnut brown coat. A pair of red-streaked black nylon pants rounded the 'hotness fresh from the gym' look. It went without saying that Toru had had to try extra hard to keep his eyes from ogling the muscular Rottie on the bikeride to the school.

Twiddling his forefingers together as distant electric beats hit his ears, Toru let out a nervous droning noise. As he did so, other students and alumni passed by the two Canines, swallowed up by the giant bastion of light and music that stood against the backdrop of the dusky sky. The scene was intimidating for sure, almost like a portal to another world...

"You scared?"

Startled at Daren's voice, Toru's ears flicked upward, before he relaxed and folded them down, "A little... okay, a lot. This might be the scariest thing I've ever done. I just can't help but think how different everything is going to be after tonight..."

With a sly smirk, Daren (who had been oddly talkative and smiley on the bikeride here), took out a bottle of cola from his deep pant pockets. "Think some pregaming might calm you down?"

Two and two did not quite connect for the smaller Dog. "Pregaming?" Toru asked innocently.

Effortlessly twisting off the bottle cap, Daren took in a big gulp of the fizzy brown liquid. He then let out a content "ahh" with a few groovy bobs of his head, before restating "Pregaming."

Toru's brows remained momentarily arched in confusion before the rubber duckey inside his head finally quacked with understanding. "D-Did you mix that Coke with vodka or something?" the Akita asked quietly upon recognizing the scandal of a, perish the thought, 19 year-old drinking alcohol.

Daren's muzzle jutted back, lips curling upward in amusement, "Vodka and coke? I really come across as that poor and trashy, huh?" the Rottie asked with a light chuckle. "I mixed it with rum, fam. But yeah, it's spiked."

So that's why he's been a bit more talkative...

"N-No, thank you," Toru politely declined.

"Suit yourself," Daren said with a shrug of his shoulders as he drained the remainder. He then tossed the bottle toward a nearby lidded trashcan, missing the near impossible goal. The bottled rebounded off the rim and careened to the ground nearby in a series of consecutive clacks. "Heh, and that's why I ain't play basketball."

"Aren't you afraid you're going to get caught?" Toru asked with the genuine concern that only an alcohol virgin could produce.

"Nahhhh," Daren said after popping a breath mint into his blocky muzzle, counterintuitively chomping and swallowing it. "Ain't nobody gonna notice. I ain't getting that turnt, just wanted enough to loosen up a bit. I only get to do this so many times a week now that I actually do my homework and have a part-time job and shit."

"Uh, okay..." was all that Toru could figure to say. Worried eyes magnetically pulled back to the terrifying two-story gateway to gay that towered above him.

Daren's now looser mouth curled into a smile at Toru's cute, worried demeanor. who's a good scared little boi, yes you are. "Relaaaax; just cause I'm drinking a little ain't mean I'm gonna forget that this whole night be all about you, fam," he said confidently, lightly wrapping his arm around Toru's shoulders.

Toru's contact jitters led him to tense up with a curled tail, before remembering Daren was *technically* his date, making a conscious decision to relax. For just a moment, he allowed himself to savor the heat coming from Daren's strong upper body, and the earthy musk wafting in...

The Rottie eyed his date slyly. "And as for all this..." Daren began, flexing the bulging bicep of his free arm. Almost hypnotically, Toru's eyes fixated at the mound of muscle, a stirring emerging down in his crotch. Daren gave a cocky smile, a first for him as far as Toru could tell. Daren then traced a finger down his defined cleavage. "...this all yours for the night."

Toru gulped so hard the sensation would linger in his throat minutes later. Toru had never seen Daren's muscles this close, or this exposed. It was... hypnotic... "Uh... Okay," Toru muttered, body heat rising slowly. It seemed unfair for Daren to be teasing him like this, considering they agreed to go as friends... but those muscles...

With a confident gait Daren swerved around to stand in front of Toru, "So ain't nothing to worry about. Just enjoy the night," the Rottie said reassuringly, reaching his paw out for the younger Dog to take hold of.

The uncertainty that had plagued Toru's muzzle slowly melted away as he looked at the outreached paw, and the shining smile that accompanied it. In turn, the nervous Dog's own muzzle blossomed into a gracious smile. He felt... no, he knew that he could place his trust in the Rottweiler. "Alright, let's do it!"

Before Toru knew it, he and Daren were already standing in the green and white tiled hallway before the gymnasium. The head of a massive, winding line stood in front of a glitter-spangled admissions table, money box and all. Along with a few classmates he'd rather not talk to, Toru recognized Allie and Flippy from student council there, smoothly talking down the eager masses from entering before exactly 7:00 P.M. The airspace of the hallway was bursting with the hullabaloo of excited student chatter and pre-entrance selfies. Selfie sticks were a red alert endemic crisis to Grovedale High social functions, and tonight was no exception.

Resplendent rainbow curtains blanketed the entranceway to the gym, festooned with purple garlands of highly reflective tinsel. The fierce, blotchily painted motto "Be gay, break rules' plastered the curtains in white. The illuminating glow of strobe lights and energetic beats thrashing out from the edges. It called to Toru... a frightful yet tantalizing call of freedom.

"Wow," Toru said in breathy admiration, as the pair submerged into in a sea of excited chatter and music. "If that's what they did for the entrance, I wonder what the inside looks like..."

"Shit, this school really do go ham for events," Daren commented as he pulled along the all but hypnotized Akita toward the end of the line, curiously eying a popcorn stand to the side. "C'mon, staring ain't gonna get you in any faster."

Shaking off the spray of colors in his eyes, Toru delighted himself in his rushing heartbeat and eagerness to the what other colorful wonders awaited him for the night. But not far after passing the admissions table, Toru spotted someone far down in the line that caused the Akita to go rigid like peanut brittle.


Wearing an ocean blue button-down shirt, paired with lens-less glasses, white suspenders and bowtie that stole the eye, the concept of The Polar Bear's getup was clearly 'Hottest nerd who ever fucking lived'. The shirt clung so tightly that it revealed all the curves of the Polar Bear's perfectly toned chest. To top off the look, His short hair was fashionably arranged in a crop up hairdo. And that bulge... Toru could immediately feel himself salivating at the sight of the perfect hunk.

But as good as Scott looked, what truly gave Toru pause was who he was standing next to: Alistair, another guy.

The equally toned Dobbie wore a black dress shirt with the top two buttons undone, and a lose white tie. Faint hints of his cleavage on display, the fur by the base of his collarbone stuck out enticingly. His belt was clamped on his white dress pants so tight that his ass popped out in its perfect peach shape. The sight of him with Scott was almost too much...

"No way..." Toru thought as his pace dropped to a halt, casing Daren to halt and look back patiently. Toru had loosely heard something about Alistair and Scott playing a game of 'gay chicken' to Homecoming, but he never in the Expanded Kingdom Hearts universe would have thought...

Spooked, Toru watched as the two hunks flirtilly chatted up a group of three nerdy-looking girls waiting behind them in line: a Lynx, Hippo and Ostrich. Oddly enough, Alistair seemed to be piloting the conversation, with Scott complementing with lot of unassertive nodding. Just then, Scott's muzzle seemed to kind of maybe tilt toward Toru's direction. Immediately, thoughts started aggressively colliding in the Akita's mind like bumper cars. Scott and Alistair...? Together? Each other's date?! Homecoming??!! BI?! GAY?! TORU!?!?!?!

In a moment of sudden panic, Toru let out a few spurts of gagged stuttering noises, before stealing himself away behind Daren's large, concealing frame. Cue the heavy breathing, and the 'breathing into his paw' calming strategy the Akita was so fond of.

"What's wrong?" Daren asked flatly over his shoulder, worrying that his date had already lost his nerve.

Toru let in and out several measured breaths, placing his paw to support his active chest. He chaotically stirred his noggin's brew of mixed thoughts before clearing his throat, "N-Nothing, it's just... Scott looks really good. And it looks like he's going out with Alistair, who also looks really good! What if I start staring at him like a total fruit? What would he think of me?" You could practically see the complex of different emotions and hypothetical situations churning in his head. "Also I'm excited to see he's with another guy cause that's a good sign that he was serious when he mentioned being maybe bi or something, but does that also mean he broke up with Katie? Or is he just trying to go for the waived entrance fee if you go with another guy? Or is he literally just playing a serious game of gay chicken? Or am I just misreading this whole situation in the first place? What if-"

This was when Daren, clearly indifferent toward the Akita's troubles, put a stopper in Toru's flow of consciousness, "-You thinking too hard about this, fam. You could just ax him what's the tee. And even if you look him up some, ain't nobody gonna care. Scott be such an attention whore that he'd like it, and randos here ain't gonna say nothing, cause this night's all about respecting gay people and shit."

Daren looked over to the pair of popular jocks, incidentally catching the attention of Scott, who waved casually back at the Rottie.

Without exposing Toru to the danger zone of their friend's line of sight, Daren craned his neck back slightly, speaking out of the side of his muzzle. "Yo, Toru, he waving at us. You want to cut in line so we can talk to him?"

"I-I" Toru stuttered, biting down on his thumb nail. At that moment, an unsolicited image of his twin brother screaming 'YOLO' popped into his brain. An irrefutable sign of the Gods it was not, but it was something. "I-I guess, if everyone else in line doesn't mind..." Toru said softly as he timidly stepped out from the Rottie's massive backside cover, actively willing his ears to not fold downward. Daren nodded in agreement with his smaller date, Toru mentally steeled himself for the Sisyphean task of cutting in line like he was one of the cool kids, heaven forbid....

"And so that's how I, accidentally_of course, found myself in a gay bar and ended up getting more numbers than I could remember. Proving that anybody _and everybody, wants a piece of 'Alistair the Great'," thus concluded the Dobbie's not at all homoerotic story.

"Ooohhhh!" the girls behind him resonated, utterly enthralled, the Hippo girl fanning her head vigorously as if in heat.

"Bro, you're so full of it," Scott said with an amused shake of his head, before the presence of two other main characters blipped on his radar. "Oh, hey Daren, Toru. Glad to see you guys," the Polar Bear greeted mildly as the duo made their way over, Toru blushing for the course of the walk. "H-hey," Toru said past a hammering heart.

Despite his nerves, Toru briefly noticed that there was something just a little odd with the handsome Polar Bear's greeting. He was smiling, but there was a distinct lack of spunk in his usual words. Despite his thoughtfully assembled wardrobe for the night, his energy level was more on the side of 'I'm here because I'm supposed to be'...

But at that moment Toru didn't have the luxury to mull over Scott's demeanor: the group of three girls who were previously beguiled with Alistair's story, rounded toward Daren and Toru, gasping with glee. Attention from Scott robbed by the gasps, unease riled through the Akita's body as he realized that they were all wearing the same club T-shirt. Drawn on the shirts' front were two gay anime characters with an obscene age gap making out, identifying the girls as members of the 'boy's love' club. A product off Allie Borgois's dark imagination. They were a total wild card in an LGBT setting like this...

"Yo," Daren replied coolly to Scott, before sauntering on up to the group of girls once he noticed their sudden interest. "Y'all hype for homecoming?"

The girls' eyes widened as their eyes soaked in the sight of Toru and Daren, exchanging gaping smiles with each other while jumping in place, like they had just gotten the Golden ticket to the chocolate factory. "The rumors are true!" The Lynx with obstructive braces said in a lisp rich with the noise of flowing saliva. "Daren does love manjina and dick pops!"

"Awwwww, and he's with my dear sweet cinnamon bagel butterscotch baby boi Toru! And he's dressed to cute in his rainbow colors and Dizney cap, how presh!" the Ostrich (who Toru definitely did not know) said in a warbling cadence, partaking a few joyous jumps and ballerina twirl.

I'm her what?! Do I know her? Toru thought to himself with a horrified frown, stupefied.

"I know, it's so hot... which one of them do you think puts dick up his ass? I think I want to write a real-life friend-fiction about it," The Lynx asked in a captivated deep tone as if it was the question to define a generation.

"Oh, Toru, for sure! He's too sugary syrupy sweet to be a seme!" The Ostrich concluded as if the subjects of their conversation weren't right there in front of them.

Alistair frowned (probably because Daren and Toru stole his thunder), Scott let out of few mildly amused yet slightly off-put laughs, Daren's previous smile grew stank and slanted, and Toru, well... Toru felt his face heat up in embarrassment like an electric teapot. He wouldn't mind crawling into a dark corner for a while...

The Hippo girl in the trio, who had been panting the whole time, went into full-on hyperventilating. "Guys, this is too spicy for me, I think I'm simultaneously orgasming and lactating..."


"Oh yup, clean up on aisle me," the now very sticky mammal said as she began swaying back and forth weakly, fading out of consciousness.

The other two BL lovers exchanged glances of horror, "Oh no, it's like Fujoshicon 2018 all over again! Marietta, go get the smelling salts from my car, stat!" the Ostrich said in a wave a panic as she tossed the Lynx her keys. "I'll drag Gloria to the bathroom and help her with her inhaler!" Hauling her limp, fainting friend by her arms, the skinny yet surprisingly strong Ostrich rushed Gloria out of line to the girls' bathroom.



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"Like I said... respecting gay people... and shit..." was Daren's irony-rich response to the baffling encounter. Of course, feeling perplexed didn't stop Daren from smoothly sliding on over to the newly vacant spot in line.

"Yeah, those girls are uh... they're fun..." Scott said noncommittally as Toru shamefully scooted his way into line, hoping nobody around saw him breaking the sacred etiquette of waiting in line.

Realizing that he wasn't the center of attention for nearly a whole minute, a dissatisfied Alistair passed his eyes on over to Toru. "So, Taro..."

Toru's expression sagged at yet another instance of someone mixing him up with Taro, "Uh, actually my name is Toru, I'm Taro's twi-"

"I'm just gonna pronounce it 'Tar-o', because it's easier that way," Alistair interjected.

"Oh okay just talk over me, that's fine."

"So yeah Taro, are you playing gay chicken too? I didn't realize you were in to manly games like that," Alistair cooed with the tiniest hint of an aroused rumble in his voice.

'Manly' games? What?

"...No? I'm here with another guy because I'm..." Sucking in a big breath and sighing it out, Toru readied himself, ", and Daren's my date," he said loudly enough that others in line nearby might even hear. To the Akita's surprise, Daren gave his paw a supportive squeeze from behind, intertwining their finger together. Toru looked up at his date in admiration. Happy butterflies mingled with the terrified ones in this stomach.

Hearing Toru's steadfast declaration and seeing Daren's act of solidarity, Scott focused in on the Akita, with a faint smile. "Hey, good on you Toru. Musta taken a lot of courage. I'm happy for you, man," the Polar bear said gently.

"T-Thanks Scott..." Toru said, blushing beneath his fur as he returned the smile.

But then worry steadily fractured the smile on Scott's face. "Must feel good now that you've got it all figured out... heh..." he muttered, eyes trailing off in the distance, nose twitching something fierce.

As Toru continued to observe Scott's troubled expression, the Akita knew it wasn't just his imagination earlier; Scott was definitely lacking in energy tonight. His posture was hunched forward, paws hadn't touched his hips once since they met for the night, and his smile was missing the usual flashes of teeth. Upon a closer look, those ocean-like blue eyes of his... seemed murky with worry. He wanted nothing more than to ask if something was wrong, but that seemed a rather tactless thing to do while the King of high decibels Alistair was so close by...

Poor Scott, I wonder what's wrong... maybe I should try to be more enthusiastic to cheer him up.

Suddenly remembering a piece of his Brother's advice about 'playing the game' and 'getting your target's competitive side flowing', Toru figured it might do some good to spin the conversation in a bold direction, hoping it might bright out some of Scott's usual swagger.

"Y-Yeah, and I'm really lucky to have someone as big and strong and handsome as Daren to take me out!" Toru said while gesturing to the Rottie, who knowingly cocked an eyebrow and smirked knowingly at Toru. Embarrassed, Toru felt a surge of heat overtake himself, thinking he sounded like a totally fishy fruit.

"Yeah, Daren's good people," Scott replied simply with a casually warm smile.

Alistair's response, however, was not so mild.

The Dobbie's eyes narrowed in on the increasingly uneased Akita, before panning on over to the threateningly buff Rottweiler. "Oh I see how it is, Tar-o. You think he's the hottest guy in school, huh?"

Did that just work on Alistair but not Scott?

Toru tensed up, his focus now unfortunately taken up by the Dobbie instead of the poor hot sad Polar Bear. "That's not exactly what I..." Toru's reply petered out. The Akita watched in alarm as Alistair pointedly sized up Daren from head to toe, the unengaged Rottie sneaking another quick swig from a second spiked coke bottle he dug out from his pockets.

"Sure, he's big... with chiseled arms..." Alistair said in a dark, low tone, eyes lingering on Daren's massive arms before shifting to his chest. "And has deep mountainous pecs that seem to... go down for days."

"Uhh..." Toru said, already regretting his decision as Alistair's muzzle inched uncomfortably closer to Daren's person. Toru then gawked as Alistair took a big whiff of Daren's cleavage, dreading what the Rottie might do at such an invasion of his personal bubble. "Smells manly too..." Alistair intoned in a manner that was hard to not take as aroused.

Daren's attention now caught, the Rottie stared blankly at the eccentric Dobbie right up in his grill. But to Toru's surprise, Daren just responded with an amused, "Damn, and we ain't even passing out drunk at an IHOBIHOP at 3 A.M. yet."

Saved by the alcohol? Toru let out a quick relieved sigh under his breath. But it wasn't long before Alistair recomposed his posture, standing up imposingly straight with his chest puffed out. He was here to make a statement! ...To Toru, apparently, "But the swolness coefficient isn't calculated by sheer size. Muscle definition is the key determining factor! Going by muscle size multiplied by one over BMI, clearly I am the swolest Alpha here in this school!" Alistair proclaimed in a voice that oozed self-confidence, thumping on his chest with his fists emphatically.

As it that wasn't enough, the Dobbie began flexing both his arms upwards. It'd be an impressive sight if anyone other than Daren were standing right next to him. If the Rottie's arms were an A+, the Dobbie's (incredibly developed as they were) would be a B+, maybe an A-.

"The hell kinda formula is that?" Daren asked dubiously, one ear cocked upwards.

But Alistair's attention was focused solely on Toru, the one who doubted his hotness, how dare. The Dobbie's fierce green eyes pierced the Akita hungrily, as if demanding satisfaction. Toru felt prickly chills run down his spine at Alistair's completely unexpectedly passionate response. "Uh... well... you do have a nice body..." Toru offered noncommittally.

Upon hearing the Akita's comment, those sharp green eyes of Alistair's widened with fierce intensity. "Nice body? Nice body?! I have the body of Hercules! I'd strip to prove it, only I don't want another restraining order, so just check out my Instagram instead!" he barked, before all but tearing his phone out of his pockets and shoving it into Toru's perplexed face.

"Here's me shirtless at the beach, check out my god-tier abs," Alistair stated confidently as he pulled up a heavily filtered photo of him suggestively eating the creamy icecream at such an angle that it dripped down onto his erect nipple.

"Uhh..." Toru responded uncomfortably as Scott let out an amused chuckle with a 'there he goes again...'

"Here's me lifting up my shirt after taking first place in a hotdog eating contest. As you might have noticed, even stuffing a hundred hot dogs down my gullet can't stop my beautiful, beautiful abs," Alistair declared, showing the next photo of him at some outdoor country festival, lifting up his shirt to reveal an engorged but still muscular stomach, as he deepthroated another hotdog.

Toru just nodded in discomfort, hoping this oddly homoerotic schtick would end soon. It didn't.

The onslaught continued. "Here's me in my underwear, getting kicked out of a movie theater for doing my own strip tease while the credits rolled. Bastards just didn't like how I was sexier than the guys in the movie!" Toru blushed in embarrassment after recognizing the credits of Magic-ed Mike, a hit male stripped drama. With that the Akita looked down on the ground, cringing shamefully as he realized the skimpy photos were getting him a bit excited in his nether regions...

"Here's me in speedos at the sickest scene in town" was Alistair's next comment as he showed a picture of him twerking dat ass in nothing but orange speedos and a black harness in a crowded, colorful outdoor venue. Toru immediately recognized the scene to be last year's Pride parade in Columbus, to his utter bafflement. This was really getting to be too much; Toru decided to himself to just look at Alistair's paws and pretend he was actually looking at the awkwardly sexual photos.

It was a solid strategy in theory, but Toru underestimated the extent to which Alistair's eccentricity would catch his attention. "Here's me butt naked dropping the soap at a public shower on the day that a bunch of Eastern-European body builders were in town. It took a lot of convincing to let my girlfriend into the men's shower room so she could take this one for me!" A poleaxed Toru let out some puttering 'uhhhhhh' noise at the Dobberman's explanation and scandalous photo. He then inadvertently looked at the screen, dammit. To the Akita's aroused dismay, he saw a group of naked, randy bodybuilders in a shower room looking at Alistair's butthole. No rest from/for the wicked.

I'm getting hard to a (closeted?) guy showing me his Instagram photos! I haven't felt so shamefully aroused since operation fake gay makeout! Toru bemoaned mentally, evidently jinxing himself because the doozie was yet to come. In shock, Toru's tail curled up tightly upon seeing the next obscene picture. "Oh my god!" the Akita blurted out, covering his eyes in reflexive embarrassment, only to apprehensively peek out at the picture once more through the middle crack in his fingers.

Alistair snorted in amusement as he remembered quite the funny anecdote, "Oh and this motherfucker I'm fucking in this picture, funny story! So I snuck into this like, men's club bar place that only lets in the manliest of muscular men in. I think it was called 'The Flaming Manhole'? Anyway, so this prick said the pink tanktop I was wearing was gay, so I reasserted my heterosexuality by fucking him up the asshole. I sure showed him."

Oh Sora, Riku and Kairi the mightiest, please send me the strength to last this gauntlet of awkwardness...

Meanwhile, Daren and Scott were having a little chat as Alistair and Toru bonded over the Dobbie's Instagram.

It didn't take a refined gay-dar to pick up on the implications of Alistair's Instagram feed. "He, gay?" Daren whispered in a high pitch, pointing and retracting and pointing his finger again at Alistair, whose comments progressively got gayer and gayer despite a distinct lack of self-awareness.

Nose twitching, Scott sucked on his teeth loudly, as if to say 'difficult territory'. "Yeah, but somehow he doesn't really...?" the Polar Bear said with shrugged shoulders and upturns paws.

"Ah, gotcha," Daren said in awkward understanding. The two stood there quietly for a few moments, letting the excited chatter and muffled techno music take over. A couple of seconds passed, Daren started bobbing his head to the music and Scott let out a brief cough. Then, in the awkward position of being more in a mood for conversation than Scott of all people, Daren came up with a brilliant ice breaker, "Oh hey the line's moving up."

"Oh, cool," Scott said as he drudged on up with Daren. The Polar Bear then checked the time on his phone before pocketing it with a sigh. With that Daren realized something was fishy, and it wasn't just the fashionable twinks that came out tonight, "Yo, Scott, you seem a little spent. What's up?" The Rottie asked with a hint of concern.

As if reflexive, Scott brought out a wide smile to respond to Daren's comment, "Spent? Me? Naw, man! I'm hype as fuck for the dance. Just tired from the long game tonight."

Daren didn't buy it for one second. "Girlfriend pissed at you?" He asked flatly, yet with a quirky smirk.

Scott recoiled at the comment as if a bruise of his had just been poked at. You could easily read, 'how did you know that?' on the Polar Bear's face. Daren answered the unspoken question, "I mean you is at a school dance with another guy and not your girl. Kinda sus, you know?" Daren shrugged.

Scott let out a quick succession of chuckles that slowly died down into an awkward huff of air, "I mean, she wasn't happy about it when I told her I wanted to go with other dates for homecoming, but I don't think it's a huge deal? It's just a one-night thing, just get it out to the world, you know? Homecoming out! She'll get over it, right?" he asked with a beseeching smile, as if trying to convince himself as well.

Daren's slanted frown and raised brow did not imply that he shared the same opinion.

Hope began to slowly evacuate from Scott's expression, like that moment where you realize 'oh fuck I'm screwed' on a test. "But like... I dunno man, that's not even what's _really_bothering me." Half of Scott's statement seemed as if he were trying to shove festering thoughts of his girlfriend in a drawer and deal with it later. The other half seemed like he had something to get off his chest...

Daren's floppy left ear immediately cocked upward. "Oh yeah?" the Rottie encouraged, eager and waiting.

Scott's smile had entirely evaporated by now. Honest to God sadness rippled across his muzzle. His vocal pitch, usually neither high nor low, dipped down to something lethargic and discomfited, "Earlier today when I told Rob I was going to Homecoming with Alistair... and that I was... bi..." for a moment Scott looked ill and his voice choked up for a few words, "I don't think he took it well..."

"For real? Rob?" Daren asked with wide eyes, more exasperated at Rob's alleged behavior than surprised at the Polar Bear's declaration of bisexuality.

Scott started wrinkling his nose in worry, "Yeah... he just got all weird suddenly, and... I dunno, I got bad vibes from him. We're such close bros, I didn't think he'd act like that..." Daren stared backed sympathetically at Scott, who continued with a drag in his voice as if he had just been walloped in the gut, "He just got really loud and said something like 'You wanted to fuck me this whole time?'. I dunno, man... I was a fucking dumbass to tell him when I did, but... it really got to me. I thought he'd just crack a joke about it and that would be that, you know? Like, I don't know if he even wants to still be friends with me, and I hate it more than anything..."

Sympathy mingled with vexation on the canvas that was boozed-Daren's muzzle, "Imma have words with that Panther..." The Rottie grumbled bitterly as he stared at his drink. Taking another swig, he readdressed Scott with pursed lips, "He probably was just being a dumbass. I bet it ain't nothing."

"Yeah, maybe..." Scott conceded, still unconvinced. The Polar Bear let out a throaty huff of air before putting on a seemingly unbothered face. Scott then looked back to the other two members of his crew who were straggling behind in line, "Hey my dudes, line's moving up!"

Alistair finally got around to letting Toru move up in line when he finished up his final Instagram campfire story. "Aaaaaaaand last but not least we have me shirtless at a tour of the fudge packing factory. I packed way more fudge than anyone else when they let us do the demo!" Alistair snorted.

Toru, on the other hand, looked so awkward that it wouldn't have been strange if his soul had ascended from his body. The Akita felt like he could use a citrus bath... and or a spiritual cleansing. "So, now that you've seen all that the thicc Alistair express has to offer, you still on team Daren?" The Dobbie asked with a predatory grin.

Slowly rotating his stiff neck to look his oblivious tormenter in the eyes, Toru dug into his deep reserves of willpower to muster the energy a response, "I mean, sure, you're hot, but..."

Toru was silenced by the rapid transformation of Alistair's expression. The Dobbie's pupils contracted wickedly as rage became the new law of his eyes. He bared teeth in a vicious snarl, staring at the tinier Akita as if he was about to tear the pup apart and cannibalize his carcass. Toru felt his butthole clench so hard it now had a negative circumference.

Heck in a basket! I accidentally said a backhanded compliment! That was the other part of Taro's advice, wasn't it? Oh no, Why is it working so well on Alistair and just Alistair?!

"HOT, 'BUT'? 'BUT'?!! 'BUT' MY BUTT I am the hottest brofomofo in all of Brovedale Grovedale High and I will prove it even if I have to take your thick juicy footlong cock up my ass!" Alistair roared, not quite loudly enough to cause a scene, but enough to garner the attention of a few students in line.

What the fuck?!

"Footlong c-c-c... aren't you escalating things a bit much here?!" Toru protested in a new crisis of panic. The chatter around Toru's immediate area began to ebb, leaving him particularly exposed. As nervous as he was, if he didn't deescalate this quickly, who knew what kind of embarrassing outcome would ensue!

"Playing hard to get, huh? Well, I bet you my asshole is leagues tighter than his!" Alistair pointed aggressively back to Daren, who looked back over his shoulder with a confused look. "And it smells like lilac and beef jerky! BEEF JERKY! IT'S PROTEIN!" That one got everybody in the immediate vicinity started staring.

"U-U-Uh, didn't you just say you had girlfriend?" Toru reasoned, desperately trying to wriggle out of the captain of the way too much team Dobbie's line of fire.

"Do you want me to leave my girlfriend? Is that what this is about? CAUSE I'LL DO IT IF THAT PROVES IT TO YOU!"

"N-No, Alistair you are_hot, so you _don't have to break up with your girlfriend!" Toru reasoned, paws outturned to appease, trying his best to hold up against the stress and not whine. Because oh boy, having to turn down this insanely hot but insanely insane Dobbie was really ramping up his cortisol levels.

"MIXED SIGNALS?!" Alistair screeched, paws crazily gripping at the bases of his ears. Fuck, I can't take it anymore! I need you to fuck me right now! Let's do it in the bathroom, bareback, no lube, items off, Final Destination, Fox only, LET'S GO!"

Toru was now officially on his last legs. "Help me," the Akita squeaked with pleading eyes directed at Daren and Scott. Fortunately, his two other friends picked up on the dire circumstances.

"Alistair, bro, you're really freaking out Toru," Scott stated resolutely, attempting to restrain the wild untamed force that was Alistair's libido. Alistair craned his head around with a barbaric sniff. "Yeah, he kinda be my date, fam," Daren added with unamused eyes.

Alistair confronted the two with a legendary snarl from over his shoulder, impassioned nerve blazing in his eyes. He was not about to step back on his territory, oh no. In response, Scott let out a deep sigh, as if forced to continue a game he was very very sick of playing, "Plus, you know what we said, first one to get out of line loses gay chicken."

Some unfortunate realization seemed to click in Alistair's brain, as his territorial expression deferred to poutiness. His knifey, cropped ears folded down in a way that was remarkably peeved. "Fentonator you are one devious cockblocker, you know that?" Alistair said as he turned to face his gay chicken rival, the massive tent in the Dobbie's pants on full display for Daren and Scott's eyes.

Daren's eyes popped open at that, oh yes sir. "Damn, is that what Rob's friends packing? Shiiit, maybe I should join the football team," Daren said excitedly, finishing off the rest of his rum-coke in one satisfied glug.

Alistair's ears twitched upon hearing the magic buzzword 'football'. "Oh nice, bro, you're interested in joining the football team?" the Dobbie asked amicably, the previous conversation all but forgot.

Daren's expression shifted uncomfortable once he realized his comment was actually taken at face value, "Uh, I dunno, I'm a senior and isn't football season almost over? Plus I ain't know the rules anyway."

"Oh bro no broblem problem, bro. BrNobrody_actually_ bros knows the rules to broball football. We just bro throw balls, say nonsense play calls and bromp bump into each brother and the score gets settled by the end somehow."

Thus started the conversation that went nowhere...

Said conversation afforded Toru (who was shook down to the nervous system) a moment's reprieve from the onslaught of a spurred Alistair. He clenched his chest and began breathing deeply, cursing how well his brother's advice worked on the wrong guy.Toru made a solemn vow to never mention anything sexual around the Dobbie again. Luckily, a mention of football, the sport he had been pidgeonholed into playing from birth, had saved his tail. Of all the darndest things...

Scott, clearly not feeling the two Dogs' conversation, looked over to check on Toru. Noticing the Akita's discomfort, the Polar Bear pleasantly placed a paw on Toru's right shoulder, warmth radiating outward from it. "Hey sorry about, Alistair. He can be a bit intense sometimes," Scott offered kindly.

"I'm fine, it's just he was kinda loud, heh," Toru understated, looking up to Scott with a shaky smile. It hadn't been the first time he'd been unpleasantly terrousified, but it was still a winding experience. Seeing Scott next to him though... looking so handsome... The Polar Bear's attention on him and him alone... in a way he did feel fine.

Toru didn't want the moment of affection to end. He wanted just a few more moments of Scott's paw on his shoulder, even if it was in a line for a school event, "Hey Scott?" he asked timidly, uncertain of what to say next.

"Yeah?" Scott replied, a flicker of curiosity in those beautiful blue eyes.

"You..." the Akita hesitated, mentally weighting his verbal options.

Enough of 'playing the game', I'm just going to say how I feel...

Toru wetted his lips, and swallowed his spit, "You look really good tonight," he finally said, heart on chaotic autopilot.

"Oh yeah?" Scott responded, a little bit of that mischievous glint back in his eyes. He squeezed Toru's shoulder lightly...

Toru's full body began heating up. Embarrassed, he placed his left paw behind his head, playing with the plastic connectors on the backside of his cap. "Yeah... You look, really handsome, like wow," he said unevenly in earnest admiration, immediately worrying if 'handsome' was the right word to use.

Scott's light smile curled into a familiar sexy grin. It looked so good on him, and it was so good to see it back, "Thanks. Gotta say Toru, you look really cute tonight too..." the Polar Bear said smoothly, eyeing the Akita slyly. This dispelled Toru's fears, a warm buttery feeling filling him up in place.

"R-Really?" Toru asked excitedly, his curled-up tail wagging back and forth in its limited range.

"Yeah..." Scott replied in an almost whisper, gazing at the eager pup intently. What the Polar Bear did next moved the Akita viscerally. Scott took his paw from Toru's shoulder and brought it to the side of his muzzle, thumbing his cheek slowly, gently caressing his fur...

Toru's eyelids and jaw lowered dreamily at the warm, tender sensation. It was one of those magical moments that would replay over and over in the Akita's head. Everything and everyone else seemed to fade into their background, time losing its traction. His eyes locked with Scott's, staring at the Polar Bear dreamily. He was so perfect... so handsome... Toru wanted to kiss him so badly, to be able to call him his boyfriend... He even thought he saw a little of that desire back in Scott's gaze. An elemental surge of happiness raced from Scott's fingers, across all edges of Toru's being.

Oh God... I think I'm in love...

Intense as it was, it was a fleeting moment; the Polar Bear soon looked around cautiously at the crowd around him, and then the empty space up in front. He retracted his paw from Toru's muzzle, "We should probably move up in line."

"Y-Yeah," Toru reluctantly agreed, ears folding down slightly as he followed his greatest desire. He was a little bit sad the affectionate moment had to end, but a thousand times happier that it happened at all.

The posse were now in close range of the colorful entrance. Toru's heartbeat began to pickup again as he realized there were only two pairs of students ahead of his group. Close as he was, Toru could now make out Flippy and Allie behind the booth, collecting money or otherwise taking photos of the cute queer couples as 'proof of gay' for the student council blog. It was so close to happening...

Scott gave Toru a light punch to the shoulder, smiling genuinely. It warmed the Akita's worried heart; and smiled shyly at Scott, grateful for the attention. The Polar Bear spoke with a humorous flare in his voice, "And now that Daren seems to have Alistair under control, nobody else should be here to scream in our ear-" Scott started before being interrupted by the shriek of a scorned banshee.

"SCOTT FENTON YOU MOTHERFUCKER!" resounded the unholy sonic wave that silenced the chattering masses, nearly shattering all glass objects in the vicinity.

"Oh..." Scott began with ears sagged, letting out a guttural sigh. He begrudgingly looked over to confirm the source of his impending doom; his girlfriend encroaching from the school's side entrance. "...good."

Toru watched in vicarious horror as a tall Vixen, dressed in a beautiful red-lace dress, stomped her way up toward Scott. Struggling to catch up to Katie, was a troubled-looking skinny Cow, who Toru indirectly knew to be Stephanie (thanks to the endless hetero lockerroom chatter about hot girlfriends he was forced to listen to).

"Hey babe..." Scott said hesitantly as the 7.9 magnitute pissed Vixen strutted up to her prey like a pillar of sentient knives. Close quarters achieved, she wasted no time in clocking the Polar Bear in the gut, knocking him a few steps back. "Ow fuck! I told you to stop hitting me already!"

Scott's request wasn't even acknowledged. "I can't believe you had the nerve to take out fucking Alistair over me! It's bad enough that you're going with someone else, it's even worse that it's with a guy, but Alistair?! WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?!" She screamed, once again silencing the hallway in a way that not even Alistair had accomplished.

The indignation in Scott's eyes fleeted once he realized he was center stage of a scene, curious eyes sticking to him like glue_._ "But you said 'Sure, just go with another guy then' when I texted you a few days ago!" Scott insisted in a tone desperate to appease.

"I was being sarcastic!" Katie countered, head violently darting back and forth so profusely that her cheeks seems to flap.

"This grapefruit girl?" Daren asked a too-scared-to-do-anything-but-watch Toru on the sidelines of war, who replied with a timid "Y-Yeah..." Toru replied, hoping the incensed Vixen didn't overhear that sensitive detail. Poor Scott, was this what he was worried about? Was... was there anything Toru could do to help him against that brutish force of nature?

At that moment Stephanie, who had been struggling to catch up in her poofy white gown and high heels, gently maneuvered her hands onto the Vixen's shoulders. "Oh Katie, it's not such a big deal! They're just having a little bit of fun! I say we let boys be boys!" the Cow said in that airy, vacuous sounding voice of hers.

"I am not a goddamn cuck, Stephanie! Unlike you, apparently!" Katie asserted dominantly, before getting back to barking at her boyfriend.

Unable to alleviate Katie's explosive confrontation, Stephanie started a little side conversation with her oh-so perfect boyfriend, Alistair. "Hi darling! Are you enjoying your game of gay chicken?" the Cow tweeted with a goofy trill of her fingers.

"Yeah babe, looks like Scott's about to crack! You wanna give me a kiss when I slay his ass?" the Dobbie said, walking up to her and placing his paws on her waist. She of course gently swatted his paws off of her, giggling in amusement. "Oh you silly, you know I'm doing the virgin lips thing! It's what the book of Mormon tells me to do!"

Alistair started nodding in approval, grinning from one side of his muzzle, "Aw yeah, pure, untouched and virginal just like a woman should be. You know that's why I chose you as my girlfriend!"

Stephanie swooned romantically at the *compliment*. "Oh Ally-boo, stop it, you're too sweet!" said with a giddy laugh.

"Mmmhmmm... that situation ain't a dumpster fire waiting to happen," Daren said wryly, taking advantage of the commotion to sneak out of line and get some popcorn from the nearby popcorn stall. Toru felt substantially more exposed with the massive Rottie out of line... All of heck was breaking loose right before his eyes!

"Rabble rabble rabble angry!" thus concluded the second round of Katie's harangue. At this point, students all around were staring with amused 'oooh, drama is going down' muzzles at the heated encounter. They whispered and speculated among themselves, evidently unwilling to step in and tell them they were holding up the line.

Toru's gut sank painfully low as he watched poor Scott be emotionally tortured after an already hard day, "Katie, babe, c'mon I told you about what was going on with me and stuff. We can still do a dance together and everything, and you're still my girl, it's just I finally wanted to announce... you know. And Alistair was just the easiest guy to ask out, so..."

"Bro, you didn't exactly ask me out, we're playing gay chicken," Alistair swiftly corrected.

"Sure bro, that's definitely all there is to this situation," Scott dryly replied, deeply sarcastic.

Frustrated and impatient, Katie began cruelly stomping her Dr. Martens boots that were illegally made out of Marten furs. "Look, I don't care about gay chicken or whatever! I will not have my boyfriend playing around with his sexuality. You are straight! There is no point in you 'experimenting' or 'letting people know' because we are together! You're not going to be messing around with anyone else anyway!" she bellowed, her boobs bouncing around as she gesticulated wildly.

Exasperation met distress in Scott's face, "Oh come on, it's not like I'm cheating on you or anything! We can still hang out some and dance during this, we even get to save on the entrance fee this way! Are you seriously not going to let any of this fly? It's just this one night! We'll still have homecoming senior year!"

"No, because I, for one, am committed to this relationship. UNLIKE SOMEBODY." The Vixen yelled, Scott recoiling his head backwards at the noise. "So you can either get over this bisexual bullshit right now, or we are breaking up because I will not date a guy who likes other men!"

At that final comment, Scott's mouth gaped open, devastated.

Toru found his own jaw dropping at just how awful Katie was being. Didn't she realize how amazing Scott was? Why did it matter if he was bisexual?! For a gay guy like Toru, even the tiniest bit of bisexuality in any guy he thought was attractive would be a godsend. Didn't she realize how unfair she was being?! He wanted to set her straight, but what could he possibly say?

A shameful thought filled Toru's mind.

...Was it really in his best interest to stop this argument?

...If he just let the argument play out, they would undoubtedly break up...

Then Scott and he might...

But no, no, no! Scott was in need of help and nobody else was standing up for him! He had to at least try!

"Hey, Katie, I think you're being really hurtful, and-" Toru started, except his comment was drowned out by a much more assertive and confident voice.

"Being a little offensive there, girl?"

The voice came from Flippy, of all people, who had left his seat at the admissions table to address the commotion. The whiteish pink Pig, who was a good five inches shorter than the already not-so tall Akita, looked at the whole brouhaha with irritated eyes. He was dressed in a snazzy white tuxedo and rainbow bowtie, yet looked like he was ready to lay down the law.

Half relieved, half blueballed, Toru sighed to himself.

Looks like there's going to be an interception after all...

Turning to glare wickedly at the Pig, Katie scowled at the incoming distraction. "What do you want Flippy? Can't you see I'm yelling at my boyfriend?" the Vixen asked snootily.

"More like, holding up the line." Flippy quipped, thumbing backwards to the empty space between them and the admissions table. "Listen girl, I don't give two shits about you and Scott's relationship... unless you're looking for a third, but regardless, I don't need you making no scene here, and this is not the place to start talking about 'bisexual bullshit'. This is 'homecoming out', you dig?"

With a pronounced roll of her eyes, Kaite let out a disgusted 'ugh' at the inconvenience of Flippy's statement_._ "Whatever. If I don't want to date a guy who also likes other men, then that's just my preference."

Something caught fire in the Pig's eyes, who wasted no time in retorting, "Naw girl, that ain't a preference, that's discrimination. You're just being elitist and brainwashed by the bullshit masculine ideal you've been spoon-fed your whole life. Strong headed girls like you always talking about finding a physically manly guy in touch with his feminine side, but the moment that guy mentions any sort of interest in other men, you turn tail and run. There is literally nothing about being bi that makes a guy any less boyfriend material. You saying you won't date some guy who's bi, is like saying you won't date a Bird or a Reptile; it's just another fucked up way to deny people who ain't privileged," He preached as if he had the retort written on the back of his hand.

"Damn, that Pig woke as fuck," Daren (now back in line and holding a rainbow popcorn bag) commented through a mouthful of popcorn.

This was also when the two conscious Boys Love girls peaked their heads out of the bathroom a hundred yards away and cheered out an enthusiastic "WOOOOOOOOOOO SPEAK THE TRUTH!" before getting back to trying to revive their unconscious Hippo friend.

Katie scoffed at the realization that Flippy's statement was gaining traction with the people around her, then clicked her tongue when the first thing she said wasn't enough to get what she wanted, "Why do you even care, Flippy? we all know you're gay, not bi, anyway."

Flippy's face ignited like an atom bomb, savage intent blazing in his eyes. "Leave," was all he said, cold and level, finger pointing to the exit.

The disbelieving Vixen let out an indignant laugh as if to say 'excuse me', before saying "Excuse me?"

He looked so imposing despite his short height. He didn't back up an inch. "I won't have no bi-phobia at this homecoming out, and I won't have you fucking gaslighting me and telling me what my sexuality is. You're on the fucking blacklist. Out."

Katie scoffed, before an angry smile formed on her muzzle. "I'm head cheerleader! I'm one of the nominees for Homecoming queen! People will revolt if I'm kicked out, especially if it's by some faggy Mexican midget!"

Toru cringed at Katie's vicious words, suddenly feeling very fortunate that he wasn't on the receiving end of that mouth. But as harsh as the words were, Flippy faced her with stone-cold resolve. "Don't care," the Pig pulled his arm back just to emphatically point out to the exit again. "Hit the bricks bitch."

"Uh!" Katie gasped, jaw agape in exasperation. "Stephanie, back me up here!" she indignantly demanded of her friend.

Clam as her expression was, reluctance was easily readable on the Cow's pursed lips, "...I don't know what this 'bisexual' word means, but Katie, it is somewhat inconsiderate to be making a scene in line like this... And you don't seem to be having fun, so maybe it would be best if you-"

"-Ugh, you're such a pussy!" Katie exclaimed before surveying the immediate area for anyone else that might come to her defense. She happened upon her other cheerleader pall, Ashley, standing idly about ten people back in line. "Ashley, what are you doing just watching over there! Tell Flippy you'll call ICE on his ass if he kicks me out!" she roared with untamed frustration, strutting over in Ashley's direction.

Ashley, who looked awkwardly at her date (oh right that's who Taro was taking out) seemed very ill at easy. She looked back at the Vixen with bulging eyes, clearly not jiggy with the notion, "Yah, Katie... sorry but I'm like, kinda uncomfortable with getting involved in like... that whole situation over there, mkay?" the Tigress called back, swirling her spread paw out to Katie's generally vicinity.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Katie exclaimed, twirling around to angrily look at each and every one of the students in the area that weren't joining her cause. That was when the march of despair showed its first sign on her wavering expression. Strutting back to her previous spot, Katie's eyes met with her boyfriend's. "Scott?" she asked hopingly in a complete about-face, the vitriol in her voice overtaken by uncertainty. From that moment alone it would be hard to believe that she had just been screaming viciously in his face.

Scott bitterly looked aside rubbing his sore gut, refusing to address her.

Katie began stepping backwards, "Ah! Why is nobody... what is wrong with you guys?! Don't people have any respect for cheerleaders anymore?!" the Vixen yelled out to the entire school.

This was when everyone's favorite, wildly-inappropriate socialite made her cameo, "Oh please Katie, you mean to tell me you haven't noticed?" Allie commented, skulking on over from the admissions table with a shit eating grin.

"What're you talking about! Noticed what?" was the Vixen's disgruntled reply.

The Squirrel looked upwards pointedly, opening her mouth wide to make her look mockingly vacuous, "That you aren't actually all that popular..." the Squirrel revealed with an elongated nasally voice.

Stark disbelief wracked Katie's face. "W-What?! What do you mean I'm not popular?! I'm literally ranked as the most popular girl in school on Socialite!" she contended, arms practically flailing at the notion.

"Lemme spell it out for you!" Allie said cheerfully, procuring a mini whiteboard, dry-erase marker, and pair librarian's glasses out of her sequined dungaree pocket of holding +5.

With amazing alacrity, Allie drew a series of 1-5 prongs on a line representing the top five most popular girls in school Katie L., Pesto G., Stephanie F., Allie B. and Dra'nakyuek-Destroyer-of-Worlds S. At number one was stickfigure with fox ears and huge tits to represent Kaite, and off to the side next to it was a very poorly drawn husky with 'Francesca' written next to it. The two were connected with a pair of double-sided arrows.

Library glasses now on, Allie gloriously presented the diagram to as if it were a money chest on a quiz game, "You're just a placeholder for Francesca in the popularity ranks. Only reason she's not on it is because it'd be bad optics for her as head of student council. In other words, you're just a convenient figurehead. A hot cheerleader who seems like she might be popular... except she's not because she's actually a hyper-competitive, biphobic, aggro mean girl who fucks up the dicks of every boy she's with!" she said flourishing her assessment with a sassy twirl and jazz hands.

"W-What?!" Katie spat out.

"In other words, you're a tool, and nobody likes you!" the Squirrel said with a million-dollar swiveling smile. The final blow was dealt when Allie readjusted her Liberian's glasses, causing the Vixen to step back with wobbling legs.

Katie looked as if she were about to throw up. "Has everybody just thought I was nothing but a mean bitch this whole time?!" she asked as if doubting reality itself, eyes darted around at the expressions of everyone around her. Her whole body darted to Stephanie as if demanding an answer to her dilemma. "Stephanie, is this true?!"

Contemplation mingled on Stephanie's face as if looking for a kind Mormon way to tell somebody they're a piece of shit, "'Bitch' is such a nasty word, but I did feel bad seeing how hard it was for you to make friends. I figured befriending you and showing you the way of our lord and savior Joseph Smith would be the perfect way to help you with controlling your caustic outbursts!"

You could quite visibly see the moment where Katie's pride went crack. "...That's why I've only every had two friends and one time..." the Vixen said with sunken eyes as if the whole world just got pulled out from under her feet. "My... my whole highschool career has been a lie. Has everyone secretly hated me this whole time, and just listened to me because they were afraid of me?"

"Ding ding ding ding," Allie said swirling her marker around in the air, and Flippy continued to stare unsympathetically at the Vixen with crossed arms.

Horror surfaced hysterically on her muzzle, as Katie clutched onto the sides of her muzzle for dear life. Stormy emotions undoubtedly brewing inside her, Katie began breathing laboriously. "But if I'm not actually popular, then..." He maw sank... into despair. "Then I'm just a super-hot, insanely talented cheerleader with a 4.0 and natural C-cups and a tight ass that tastes like wild berries! No wonder my boyfriend doesn't want me anymore! Who could ever love somebody like me!" She cried out, before breaking into tears and dramatically running out of the building.

"And don't come back, bitch!" Flippy yelled out to the defeated Vixen.




Clap clap clap

The clapping came from Daren's oily paws, the most satisfied look pervading the Rottie's face. You could read justice has been served on that muzzle. Inspired, Toru found himself clapping along with his date, and then it caught on to the students around him, a lot of them cheering Flippy on victoriously. Then, students in the back of the line, who probably had no idea what sort of conversation even went down, joined in with the clapping.

Noticing that he was the star of everyone's attention, Flippy smiled and dorkily tightened his rainbow bowtie. "Haha, thank you, thank you, I'll be here all night."

Scott, who had been painfully silent for the second half of the conversation, was not clapping. He groaned, looking at his crying girlfriend. He seemed... sorry for her? "Kaite, wait!" Scott finally yelled out as he slowly worked his way out of line, arm stretched outward ruefully. "Fuck, now I feel bad... better go after her," he said bitterly, to Toru's dismay.

After all she said to him, how can he...?

Once again it was Flippy who took the initiative. With skeptical eyes, the Pig maneuvered in front of Scott and stopped him in this tracks, hand outstretched to the Polar Bear's chest. "Scott, you don't owe her nothing. She ain't never going to accept you. Just text her that you're dumping her ass and enjoy Homecoming."

"I-I..." Scott stuttered with more uncertainty Toru had ever imagined possible from the Polar bear. Scott looked at his friends uncertainly, as if seeking another opinion. Toru smiled hopingly at Scott. Daren shrugged. Alistair... never mind.

Pain wracked the Polar Bear's face as he let out a frustrated huff. "I know but..." he said conflictedly as he took a few steps out of line. "I gotta say something at least. I'll be fine, don't worry! Have fun at the dance!" he said as he began backpedaling out of line towards the exit.

Toru opened his muzzle to protest, but Alistair cut him off. "That means I win! I am the gay chicken champ!" Alistair yelled out triumphantly, gaining a peeved stare from the Akita.

"Yeah Alistair... you're the champ. Gratz..." Scott called back unenthusiastically as he broke out into a run after his disillusioned girlfriend.

"Damn, this like a fucking soap opera," Daren said, shoveling a fistful of popcorn into his muzzle. "And I ain't even watch soap operas."

Toru started veering out of line himself, cupping both paws to yell at Scott, "Wait, Scott, she's not worth-" before stopped by a Rottweiler paw to his shoulder. Toru looked back at his date, wondering why on earth he had just stopped him.

It took him a while to finish chewing, and he had some kernels stuck in his teeth, but Daren's words rang frustratingly true, "You should talk with Scott at some point, but I think what he need now is a private conversation with his girlfriend. They gotta lotta shit to sift through."

Toru found himself relenting to the Rottie's words. "Yeah... I just... feel so useless..." said with folded ears, hurting for Scott.

"Just give 'im a bitta space for now. Won't be long till he back," trying to get another drop out of his drained coke bottle to wash down all the salty oily goodness. Toru sighed and nodded with Daren's cool-headed assessment.

Once again, a certain Dobbie ruined Toru's train of thought. "I AM THE GAY CHICKEN CHAMP!" Alistair declared to the heavens, once again trying to steal the spotlight. "WOO!" he screamed out triumphantly, a few students started clapping awkwardly along with his enthusiastic girlfriend. At least it was preferable to the hostile scene from a few minutes ago...

"Must be a breeze when you like dick," Daren said dryly as the brief clapping died down, clearly miffed by Alistair's persistence loudness.

The Dobbie tensed up aggressively. "You calling me gay bro?" Alistair accused Daren, sparks flying from his assertive eyes.

"Well I ain't calling you straight," Daren replied saucily and fearlessly to the Dobbie head on. He looked ready, and even eager to take on any of Alistair's bullshit.

There seemed to be a critical processing error in the Dobbie's mind as he looked at the Rottweiler with very large arms, "Oh snap, nice comeback!" he said with a humorous, throaty laugh. His expression then shifted to something curiously excited, "Hey do you have a boyfriend?" he asked with a wagging tail, causing Daren to furl his brows at him like he was the most un-insightful piece of shit in the world. Right then Alistair's oblivious girlfriend walked up, taking him by the arm. "C'mon Ali-boo, it's not right for me to cut, so we need to go back to the end of the line. It's what Joseph Smith would want!" Stephanie said as she dragged as disappointed looking Alistair away, away, away...

With all of the line shenanigans finally, FINALLY out of the way, Toru and Daren tried to mentally put aside the quagmire of drama that transpired before them, exchanging knowing glances before breaking out into awkward laughter. Oh hey, it was their turn to enter. And it only took... six minutes and over 9000 words to get there.

After giving their condolences for being caught in the scene, Flippy and Allie let the Dogs know they had to take a quick, 'gay-looking' photo for the student council's blog to get the discount. It caused a moment of pause for Toru; what if he parents read the blog? They could easily piece together that he was gay from it. But he then realized it might actually be a blessing in disguise: it would probably be a lot easier for his parents to stumble upon evidence of him being gay than him bringing it up to them himself... The two Dogs decided on hugging each other with one leg thrown up in the air for the photo.

"Ya look beautiful darlings," Allie said in a pseudo-British accent as she took picture from way too many angles.

"You ready for this?" Daren asked after the photo session, partway lifting up one of the rainbow curtains. To Toru it was almost like he was a butler holding open doorway to an enchanted carriage. Romantic as the initial thought was, Toru's mind immediately began doubting itself. He started racking his brains if there was any last excuse, any little reason he hadn't considered for him to run back, have Allie delete the picture of him and Daren, and go back to his closeted life...

...No results.

Toru spared one last glance over to shoulders toward the students behind. More than half of the student body were same sex-couples, even if a lot of them did seems to just be straight girls going together as friends... Remarkably, he made it all the way to the front of the line (even if he did cut, oh god so risqué) dressed as flamboyantly as he was... only Alistair and the Boys Love club had really commented on it. And their comments were... positive?

Then Toru thought about Scott.

His heart went out to the Polar Bear who seemed to so have so much on his plate to deal with... but he knew he couldn't support Scott if he couldn't even support himself. There was no doubting that.

Was there really any doubt at all? Was there really any going back after the Boys Love Club had already found out about him and he told his three Vlog followers that he was going? Certainly not.

If there was any night to do it, this was the night. This was his night.

"I'm ready," Toru stated with resolution that surprised even himself, passing under the curtains, and stepping into the gayest scenery he'd ever seen...

Clueless Season Two: Toru's Life Tour (Homecoming-out Part 8)

_Toru's life Tour: How I learned to stop worrying and love being gay._ _First entry: Coming out..._ _October 11th 2018 (plus or minus 5 years)._ \*unknown entity clicks play button\* The video begins with an adolescent Akita, paw still lingering on...

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Clueless Season Two: Black vs Pink (Homecoming-out Part 7)

_Back to our regular scheduled programming_ Exhausted from my manic dancing, there I stood sweating and panting on the football field, the setting autumn sun adorning me with a shadow tens of yards long. Standing there in a dull haze, I almost laughed...

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Clueless Season Two (Homecoming-out Intermission)

Side plot, woop woop~ _T minus one week before homecoming_ As it was in the beginning, is now, and even shall be, the cafeteria was fucking loud. Sandwiched between two thrilling conversations, Ellie picked at her half-eaten lunch unenthusiastically....

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