Claimed in a new life

Story by kizoka6475 on SoFurry

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So i know i haven't wrote anything in a while but i did a story in my spare time and im pretty proud of it

" A wolf, what a find this is. I've never had a wolf anywhere near here before" Kizoka could hear a femmene voice starting to wake up. He had spent hours prior trying to navigate through this unknown forest. He had ventured into this forest to escape his wolf life.

In his old life he was living the same routine day in and day out. He would wake up get ready for work kiss his mate goodbye then head off to work. After work he would come home have a dinner with his mate and one a good night they would spend time being intimate then sleep and do everything again the next day.

One day kizoka had managed to work his way to get off from work early and figured he would head home and surprise his mate. Once he arrived home he noticed a car in his driveway he did not recognize. Kizoka quietly walked into his home and could hear his mate from the bedroom moaning. As he got closer the moaning got louder and louder and he then saw it. His relationship had been in a rough condition and he knew that, he never thought his mate would cheat on him. He saw his mate on top of another male wolf pumping away on his shaft letting out pleasured moans. He walked away from the bedroom door into the kitchen hurt and angry.

This was the final straw for him. He took his keys out of this pocket tossed them on the kitchen counter and started walking down the hallway to the bedroom making little to no effort to be quiet. He would hear his mate panic and scramble attempting to find a place the intruder male wolf could hide. Kizoka swung open the bedroom door and looked at his mate in her eyes, his own eyes glowing red from anger and hurt "Don't bother hiding him i already know and I saw everything." He glared and both of them before he moved himself to the closet pulling out a backpack throwing some personal belongings that meant alot to him before standing up walking out of the bedroom without a word.

His mate was now begging forgiveness with tears rolling down her cheeks as he was walking down the hallway still not speaking a word to her. Kizoka made it to the front door his mate still continuing to beg and plead for him to just listen to her and to work this out with her. He spun around looking her dead in the eyes with a slight growl "you should have thought about your actions before you let that son of a bitch stick his dick in you! I'm done with you go back to your new mate and spew your regrets at him because you are no longer worth my time!" He walked out the front door slamming it behind him so hard a loud crack from the door frame could be heard. He walked into the forest across from his home not taking a second look behind him and disappearing into the trees.

Kizoka had been walking for hours upon hours though the forest not sure where he was but he did not care. He just wanted to be far far away from the hell that was his old life. Suddenly there was a loud snap and everything went dark for the wolf, he had been knocked out cold and laying on the forest floor for at least an hour. Unknown to Kizoka the part of the forest he was in was quite old and some of the trees had a tendency to lose branches from time and unlucky for the wolf he happened to be under one that gave way and knocked him out cold. Still being drowsy and not being able to see clearly from the hit from the heavy branch and hearing the femmene voice he would feel himself being picked up wondering how he was being carried so easily by one person. Shortly after he could hear the voice softly say "don't worry little wolf i will take good care of you." He tried to respond to her but only could manage a slight whine before he passed back out.

When Kizoka came to he found himself in a dimly lit room laying on a bid that in comparison to him was quite large. He looked around the room for any sign of who brought him here but no one was around. He sat up in the bead and his ears would twitch as he could hear soft footsteps heading towards the bedroom. The door opened and in the doorway stood a dragoness "Oh good you have woken little wolf." Her voice made Kizoka slight shudder in delight, her voice was as soft and kind as and angel should have.

She walked into the room flicking on a light switch lighting up the room allowing Kizoka to see the dragoness better. He was amazed once he had more light to see her. She stood about 8ft tall with purple scales that in the light of the room made her scales shimmer and shine. Her eyes were a bright blue looking the wolf up and down, she clearly liked what she saw and Kizoka noticed this making his face slightly flushed in embarrassment. Kizoka could see that this beautiful looking woman in front of him had an amazing figure as well. Her breasts could easily fit an H cup if not slightly larger. She also had hips that would make any woman jealous and make any man turn their heads as she would walk by. It took until now for Kizoka to notice this lovely woman was completely nude which made his face flush even more.She worked her way over to the bed swaying her hips seductively keeping her eyes locked on the wolf's before she would take a seat next to him clearly showing of her round plump rear.

The dragoness began to speak" I am Ruvani, i found you in my forest knocked out. Seems that branch on one of the older trees gave way just when you happened to be under it little wolf." Kizoka rubbed the top of his head, still sore from the hit "Well that explains how i ended up here, Thank you so much for taking me into your home and caring for me because i don't know how to watch for falling branches" Kizoka would let out a slight chuckle with a sheepish look on his face.

Ruvani let a small smile appear on her face "It was no trouble at all hun, What brings you out this way anyhow? Not civilization for miles from here and most would not be able to make it into this forest this far." Kizoka's expression would slightly sadden as he would look down and his ears would flatten against his head. "Well, I...I got tired of my old life. I would do the same thing day in and day out and then earlier today i came come from work early and found my mate with another male in our home and in our bed. I left my home with the few things that mean a lot to me in my bag and disappeared into the forest. Guess i ended up stumbling into your neck of the woods."

A slight huff escaped her maw followed by a growl "Who would want to hurt such a handsome wolf like you, You poor dear." She pulled him into a hug and due to the difference in size between the 2 it would cause his head to land smack in the middle of her cleavage making him squirm and blush brightly. He managed to adjust his head so he could look up at her his head almost completely entrapped in her cleavage "It's alright she can do as she pleases now she wasn't fully right for me anyway" Kizoka meant that in a form that he was pretty sure not many would understand. His former mate was not a very Dominate woman and Kizoka was very submissive. While he loved his former mate the fact that she was never Dominante with him would sometimes leave him unsatisfied in bed. Ruvani could sense that Kizoka was quite the submissve little wolf and that intregued her interest in him even more.

Ruvani at this point was letting her tail creep up towards Kizoka's legs under the covers of the bed. She had plans for this adorable wolf unknown to him. Kizoka was none the wiser to the tail moving towards his legs. Ruvani let one of her claws come to rest on his chest after allowing him to lean back slightly from from her hug. She would begin to run the claw up and down his chest slowly and softly looking in his eyes "Sounds like she was a little girl who didnt know what she had and you need a woman who knows what she wants."

Kizoka felt her claws run along his chest making him slightly shiver under her touch. He would continue to fidget slightly before he spoke "You might be right Miss Ruvani, but for the time being i should focus on myself and continue along my way." Ruvani could tell she was getting him hot and bothered seeing that he was clearly starting to melt at her touch. She let her tail slide to him until it was only centimeters away from his legs and knew it was time to strike, this wolf would be hers.

In an instant she shoved him back on the bed pouncing on top of him then throwing the covers off of him and the bed. At the same instant her tail shot up his pant leg straight to his sheath starting to softly stroke him. Kizoka now pinned under the much larger woman was completely caught off guard and yelped in surprise that quickly turned into a moan feeling his sheath being stroked. Ruvani Grinned hearing his moan "you see little wolf i didn't just bring you here to help you. I don't have any males in these parts, at least none that will cater to my will. You though my new little pet i can clearly sense your submissiveness and that you will obey me and become mine." With those words she slashed a claw though his shirt ripping it off him. She placed her claws on his shoulders bringing her maw to his neck giving a long slow lick down his chest then slowly back up to his neck.

Kizoka let out another moan pleasure starting to work it way though his body making him squirm and grasp at Ruvani's body feeling her much larger frame keeping him pinned to the bed. His shaft was now slowly working its way out of his sheath and while it did Ruvani's tal would start to coil around him as he grew more and more now stroking his entire 8 inches "M-Miss Ruvani P-please stop." She giggled at his plea before she would softly whisper in his ear "You don't understand little wolf you don't get to have a choice in this manner. You are in my territory, I captured you and you belong to me now." She instantly bit down on his shoulder breaking his skin and tasing his blood. She was marking him as hers and he would learn to like it.

Kizoka let out a whine feeling her teeth sink into his skin marking him as her property squirming under her. He felt her paws claws grab his paws pinning them above his head as her tail uncoiled from his shaft then quickly taking place of her claws keeping him firmly bound "Now lets see how the main course tastes." Ruvani worked her way down slowly from his shoulder to his shaft licking every inch of his body all the way down. Kizoka felt her her warm breath around his shaft before her tongue would slowly coil around his entire shaft leaving him inside a warm moist cocoon. Slowly he could feel her skill full tongue work as she would slowly tighten from the base of his shaft all the way up to the tip then back down again teasing him.

As she would continue to tease him slowly he would begin to squirm and move trying to find any way to get himself free from what seemed like endless teasing. Unfortunately for the wolf no matter where he twisted and turned the teasing would not stop making him pant and huff the pleasure creeping through his entire body. Growing irritated with the squirming wolf Ruvani let out a slight growl before forcefully pinning his legs in place now making the him unable to move unless she would allow it. After she made sure he would no longer be moving she slowly opened her maw looking up at him in the eyes before slowly closing her entire maw around his shaft. She began to suck on his shaft letting her tongue tease him flicking his tip with her tongue while continuing to suck on him. The taste and secnet of him started to make her more primal mating urges to rise making her suck on his shaft more aggressively.

Kizoka could do nothing but moan as the pleasure would continue to rise though his body. With every lick and suck on his shaft his mind would cloud a bit more and more as his knot would slowly start to grow. Kizoka thought that this would be the extent of the pleasure he would receive when suddenly the pleasure stopped and he felt her tongue slowly slide off his shaft leaving him to stand in the cold air of the room. Ruvani let him catch a small break "I hope your ready my pet because i expect you to drain these balls for me" Ruvani suddenly wrapped her tongue around his shaft again now pumping it up and down along the full length quickly. While continuing to pump him she enclosed her maw back around him she was going to swallow every single drop from her new toy.

This sudden assault of pleasure sent Kizoka over the edge in an instant causing him to reach his climax letting his warm seed flow into her maw which in return she swallowed eagerly. He let out four large spurts thinking that she would finally stop letting him catch his breath but the pumping did not stop making him whine and moan being sensitive from just reaching his climax. Her continued pumping made him squirm as much as he could managed with being held down. He came to the realization that she was entirely serious about milking him dry using him as her personal cum fountain. As this though crossed his mind he let another load flow into her maw. For 2 long hours she milked him never letting up for an instant before she finally let his shaft free from her maw again.

Kizoka panting and slightly exhausted looked down at her and to his amazement still fully erect shaft. Ruvani grinned as a glint could be seen in her eyes as she slowly worked her way up to meet him eye to eye "I can see you're confused as to how your still fully erect and that your balls are still full my little wolf. My bit ewas for more than showing that i now own you, there is a aphrodisiac that coats my fangs. It will keep you fully erect for as long as i want you to be and that is going to be fore quite a long time." She licked her maw with a hungry look on her face before shoving her maw to his muzzle shoving her tongue inside kissing him aggressively. Suddenly she would shove her waist down coating his hard shaft in her juices slowly grinding back and forth along the underside of his shaft. She broke the kiss leaving him in a daze and out of breath " I have many plans for you my wolf and you will learn to enjoy them even if i have to break your mind, body and soul you belong to me."