Chapter 10: Trade Routes of the South

Story by Naveronasis on SoFurry

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Chapter 10: Trade Routes of the South

The road east emerges from the forest into a vast sweeping rift valley between to mountain ranges. The river north of town meets the road her and cuts its way elegantly down the center of of the valley. The surface glistens as huge sheets of ice like shattered glass stretch as far as the eye can see.

The smooth gradual basin of the valley between the massive gray snow covered peaks of cloud breaking mountains has a surreal and imposing aura. It is here we find the caravan pushing its way slowly along the banks of the river.

The older brother position on the cart in front of Kyra pulls his bare paws from the cart and rubs them gingerly.

"Awe I'm sorry does it hurt?" Kyra mocks him from behind.

"Shut up."

"Back to pushing Korzon!" The cart lead snaps back at him from the steering rod before the cart.

Kyra nearly trips trudging through deep snow still covering the path. The Tanoi had not bothered to clear their way and simply pushed through leaving behind a difficult pack of unevenly trodden snow buried beneath snowdrift. Her ears perk up as the cart comes to a halt. Shouting can be heard ahead. The lead cart is stuck.

"Hurry up, let's dig out and get going." The Airet men grab long poles off the cart to break up the snow and the smaller Rohean and Ieza climb beneath the cart and begin scooping out the snow with their paws. Kyra eager to prove her self is among the first to join them.

She digs frantically pushing the snow aside until she feels something run up her leg lifting her skirt. She turns back to see Korzon's younger brother grinning behind lifting the skirt as he as if "By accident" with his elbow as he climbs under the cart to join them. She returns the gesture with a kick to the face.

He rolls back on his rear end and laughs it off. "Come now how will you land a husband with an attitude like that?"

"I told you I'm not looking to land a husband." She huffs digging into the pack of snow.

"Come now, a pretty girl like you? Sure, you could make good money whoring but you would be better off with me." he grins arrogantly.

"Do you want to end up like your brother?" She upturns her paw and extends her claws.

With a quick snap of his writs, he side arms a snowball into her face.

"Oh, that's it!" Kyra climbs out from the cart and before he can get to his feet she pounces on him and shoves a hand full of snow into his face. He struggles only half heartedly to get away before Korzon comes to his rescue pushing her off of him. His brother lay in the snow laughing. Korzon not nearly so amused.

"Come on Mikal, shes street trash."

"Hey, what's going on over here." Rivaus comes barreling around the head of the cart.

"Nothing sir." Korzon pulls his brother to his feet.

"Nothing is what I'm going to pay you if you don't clear this cart."

"Yes, sir." The brothers answer in unison. "She started it." Korzon adds pointing behind them. He turns only to find Kyra nowhere to be seen. "Where did she go?"

Kyra leans around from behind the cart on the ground. "Me? I'm digging sir. Did you need something?"

Rivaus looks at her, then looks at the brothers with one ear raised in suspicion.

Korzon and Mikal spring into action crawling into the snow to dig.

"Very well then." Rivaus observes a moment before returning to the front of the cart. He calls to the men. "Alright, that's enough, let's give it a push and see if we can shake loose."

Everyone gathers around the forward cart.

"On my mark, one, two, three, PUSH!"

The cart rolls forward and over what remains of the packed snow beneath it.

Rivaus joins the crew around back and examines the path."Excellent, clear what's left and let's get moving."

Kyra brushes the snow from her clothing and fur shaking what she can out of her gloves. She is too preoccupied to see the outstretched leg of Korzon and trips as she passes.

He laughs.

"Can't you just grow up and leave me alone?"

"I thought you were a child, so I'll treat you like one."

The Airet at the back of the cart stand by and do nothing to intervene.

Naron the cart lead echos information from Rivaus. "We are approaching the pass we go through then stop to dry at the lower camp not before."

Some of the men groan in disappointment.

At the end of the valley, the river narrows and begins to cut into the rock its surface drops away from the path. The gentle yet ever increasing slope at the end of the valley whips the once clam body of water into a raging rapid. Even now in the dead of winter, the water's surface does not fully freeze. The sound of crumbling ice breaking against the rock gives the crew an unsettling feeling. The pass filled with a low icy mist rises that clings to the banks. The path starts to wind dangerously downhill to meet the rapids.

Kyra finds her self filled with awe before the might of nature. She reflects on a passage from Miran.

Hold always in your heart the natural order. There is no greater example than nature to demonstrate the natural order of the world. The vast flatlands of grass and trees torn by mountains. The might of mountains cut by rivers. Rivers lost in the vast open sea. The sea yields to vast continents of land. To every mighty thing in nature, there is a foe. A great circle of creation and death. You too are part of the cycle. Remember this and reflect on it each time you find your self among nature. For there is no greater example of the holy order of all living things.

Kyra smiles the thought warms her like the sun on a calm summer day. Local workers walk the road clearing snow, ice, and debris. Kyra smiles brightly at them as she passes.

"Let's go, move!" The first cart snags on a large rock just off center of the road. A coordinated push gets over the rock. Panic breaks out briefly as the wooden brakes of the cart groan to keep it from wheeling out of control down the switchback. The workers manage to steady and slow the cart.

Slowly the caravan creeps its way to the end of the descent where the path meets the water. The road cuts between a permanent camp and the river. The rapids churn with the sound of a thousand rainstorms. The river pours from the narrow pass into a large swirling pool. Enormous chunks of ice bob up and down in the turbulent water. They crack and crumble as the smash into one another and grind against the far wall of the pool. On either side of the ravine, a sheer cliff face rises up to a towering mountain above.

Kyra looks down the road to the camp cradled on three sides by the earth. The only escape lay before them. A vast empty sky where the water pours over from the ravine to a valley below. She has reached the edge of a massive shelf formed eons ago by forces beyond her comprehension.

In the center of the camp sits a large square lodge. The foundation built of massive stone scarred from floods and avalanche over the years. A wooden staircase wraps the stone base to an entryway on the second floor. Outside Anorans mostly Airet sit on the ground around a Preceptor lending guidance to weary travelers on the teachings of Miran.

Step by step they push the carts to edge of the cliff. As they near the edge the sound of the water shifts from the bright churning static of the rapids into an ominous soft unassuming rush as the pool pours into a thick fog far below.

"Alright, a short break while I make arrangements." Rivaus dismisses the crews.

Kyra quickly slips away before the brothers can give her any more grief and joins the congregation gathered before the Preceptor.

In a raised tone fighting the sound of the river, the Preceptor dryly delivers his sermon. "Detailed in the modern subsection of writings known as the codex of the natural state of being Miran points out the relationship of our kind and those like us, and to that of the Tanoi and their kin. In plain words, it is our right to take of them in preservation of our kind. To this, I can not in good faith give my endorsement to the agreement between the Arbitor and the Tanoi but I must remind you. Law is to be obeyed. Let us not be so limited by," he stops mid-sentence. "Dear I think your companions intend to garter your attention." He looks down his nose at Kyra.

Kyra glances back over her shoulder.

The brothers stand by the cart Mikal waving and shouting his voice drowned out by the rapids. Korzon wraps his injured paw with a cloth for protection.

Content to ignore them Kyra starts to turn away before catching a glimpse of Rivaus waiting impatiently. She sighs. That was quick. "Coming." She shouts back to them waving her arms.

"Alright, lets put down the first cart. Take your positions." Rivaus orders his crew.

In short order, they move the cart onto a wooden platform extending from the face of the cliff. The railings of the platform are covered in ice. Airet workers from the camp use large wooden mallets to break the ice off. The chunks fall into the mist below. At the end of the platform is a pulley driven lift.

Kyra cautiously walks the platform looking down at the falls. The height of which would make even the brave uneasy. From here the foot of the falls is obscured by mist. Kyra scans the horizon. A long sweeping valley widens out to the east. The road like a narrow line that of a stray hair can barely be distinguished from the river. Trees form green blotches along banks. She closes her eyes just long enough for the unsettling feeling to pass.

Below a wooden staircase strung along a massive scaffold clings desperately to the cliff face beside the falls. Enormous plumes of ice coat everything outside the reach of the worker's hammer. The task of keeping the lift clear and operational is a constant battle between the custodians of the pass and nature.

Rivaus instructs the crew. "Okay, hold, that's good. Rhal, take the girl and boys to the treadmill and let's get this lowered to the first landing."

The mechanical portion of the lift consists of a large double treadmill with the rope spindled upon its axle in the center. The four chosen, Kyra, Rahal, and the brothers Korzon and Mikal walk the snowy path to the treadmill. Set back from the falls it is relatively free of ice.

The entirety of the lift is split into two segments along the face. A single crane would not spindle enough rope to make the trip in one go. The process of lowering a cart involves moving the lift platform down by walking the drum of the mill turning the spindle slowly. Once the cart reaches the next platform it is pushed onto the next section of the lift and the process repeats.

Mikal jogs backward facing Kyra, Korzon, and Rhal. "Thank Miran Rivaus chose us for the top. I really didn't want to deal with the ice."

The expression on Rhal's face makes it clear he would rather be anywhere else. One of Rivaus's Airet workers he sees the situation differently. "It's because he doesn't trust you. Your the smallest, and the least experienced. You act like children."

Mikal slows and his expression melts away. "Yes, sir."

Rhal inspects the treadmill. "Okay, you boys take the right the girl and I will take the left."

There is some reprieve here from the elements as a shelter has been built over it. Kyra rubs her paws together to soothe a mild tingling sensation.

"Yes sir." they answer in unison.

Kyra climbs cautiously between the wood of the treadmill into the center.

Once the boys are in Rhal removes the stop and joins Kyra. Rhal signals to the boys. "Okay, Go."

The treadmill creeks as it starts to turn. The tension on the rope causes it to twist and groan as it rolls off the spindle.

"Steady, steady. Now is not the time for speed." Rhal walks the wheel in front of Kyra. "Are you doing alright back there?" Rhal asks Kyra.

"Yes, I'm fine." she says softly.

"This really isn't a job for a woman you know."

Kyra sighs. _Not him too._A moment of silence passes. She closes her eyes to focus on the white noise of the rapids calming her nerves. "You're not going to start in on me too are you."

"No, I don't mean to cause you trouble." He tips his head towards the brothers chattering away on the other wheel. "What I mean to say is, those two, they're idiots, but they aren't wrong."

"What do you mean by that?" Kyra struggles to hide her frustration.

"You would be better off finding someone to marry. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't throw it away pushing a cart."

"You think I should marry one of them? To become some kind of housemaid to an arrogant jerk like that?" She snaps at him.

He laughs. "No, you take it the wrong way. I mean to say we need good women having the children we need to survive. You could have a nice life." He holds his arms behind his back for a moment highlighting his bare writs.

Kyra notices the lack of a bracelet for the first time. "I see. I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I came from a family of hunters. They weren't as ready to give it up as the Arbiter."

Kyra asserts her position firmly. "I see. Still, I won't trade my dignity for my honor and marry my way out. I'll prove my worth and earn my honor back."

"By doing the work of thieves? You won't earn respect pushing a cart."

"Are you a thief?"


"Then it's not the work of thieves is it?" her tone defiant and playful.

Rhal responds in a warm gentle tone smiling. "No, I suppose not. Regardless, this is no place for you."

The wheel creeks along as they walk the tread eventually the rope goes slack.

Rhal cracks his fingers. "I think we hit bottom."

Kyra hops out of the wheel and stretches.

Rhal grabs the stop and wedges it into place. "You two," speaking to the brothers. "go to the edge and signal us when they are ready to pull the lift up."

Korzon and Mikal nod and head towards the cliff face. Only the younger brother Mikal calls back to him "Yes Sir."

The boys lean over the cliff looking for the team below.

Below Rivaus and his team are distant specs readying the cart to be pushed off the platform onto the second lift.

Mikal calls to them but there is no use in trying to shout over the waterfall.

Korzon claws into the wooden support of the lift platform lean over the edge waving to them.

Kyra sits by the treadmill watching the brothers from a distance.

Rhal clears his throat and asks. "So your not going to tell me what happened?"

Kyra looks up at him confused.

"With your family. I told you about mine."

She takes a moment to process the question. "Oh. Nothing happened with them. I'm an orphan."

"Just that?"

"Just that. They weren't criminals if that's what you mean." She says calmly in a matter of fact tone.

His face grows more concerned. "'Nothing' is not how someone becomes an orphan. But if you don't want to tell me that's fine. Either way, you shouldn't be out here."

Mildly frustrated she addresses the assertion directly. "I don't really like being told what I should and shouldn't do."

Rhal laughs. "Don't take everything so personally. I just mean a girl like you really has a chance to do better."

Kyra leans back against the support of the treadmill with a smirk on her face. "So now you don't think I should get married?"

"I didn't say that. I just mean you have more options available to you." Rhal tries his best to come across kindly towards Kyra. He scratches his head wondering if she can understand he only means to help.

"So you mean more options of who to marry then." Kyra says with playful defiance.

"You're words, not mine." Rhal smiles.

Kyra does not respond she simply stares off into the distance. But then her ears go flat and she slowly rises to her feet. Her attention no longer on Rhal instead her eyes are fixed beyond on the lift. Kyra stares in horror as Mikal lay on the ground leaning over the edge. Korzon nowhere to be found. Her eyes go wide and Rhal finally takes notice.

Rhal spins around and upon seeing Mikal starts for the cliff. Just as he breaks into a run Mikal pulls his brother up over the ledge back to safety.

A fight breaks out, the two of them shouting, pushing one another, exchanging words. Korzon points furiously towards the treadmill and clenches his bandaged paw into a fist shaking it in his brothers face. Their voices are drowned out by the sound of the raging river and ice.

Rhal walks over to the boys and breaks up the confrontation. The two of them face him and plead their cases. Mikal is somewhat collected but Korzons still furious. He holds up his injured paw and points at the treadmill. Korzon and Rhal exchange words. Rhal a much larger older Airet without warning grabs Korzon by the shirt and pushes him with ease back to the ledge.

Kyra stands with her mouth ajar and clasps her tail in her paws her ears still plastered to the top of her head.

Rhal lets Korzon hang with his feet barely on the edge and his body leaning over the cliff face. Korzon flails frantically as Mikal pleads with Rhal. Eventually, Rhal relents and throws Korzon into the snow behind him. He leaves the brothers behind and returns to Kyra.

Mikal helps his brother to his feet and they walk in shame back to the treadmill together with their heads held low their tails nearly dragging in the snow behind them.

Rhal waves them to hurry up and approaches Kyra. "Back to work. Time to pull the lift up."

Kyra nods silently unable to summon the courage to ask Rhal what happened.

The four of them get back in the treadmill and walk briskly to raise the empty platform.

The next couple of hours pass with little to no conversation. At first, the silence bothers Kyra. Even as they stop to move the second cart onto the lift the brothers say nothing to her, Rhal, or each other. By the time they begin lowering the second cart, Kyra becomes comfortable with the situation. An odd catharsis overcomes her. The simplicity of her work walking the treadmill, the breezy cold air, the loud yet soft white noise of the rapids all work in unison to soothe her.

The rope goes slack.

The time has come to descend the cliff face. The Airet continue to hammer away at the ice as they pass. Their claws indispensable tools for clinging to the scaffold. The moisture of the falls begins to penetrate their fur. Kyra crosses her arms trying to hold the warmth in. This lasts only for brief moments before her claws are needed once again on yet another flight of stairs. They carefully make their way down to the exchange between lifts.

The narrow end of the ravine above looks like a crack in the face of a rock when compared to the towering mountain on either side.

By the time they reach the landing where the lift for the second half of the descent the first team has already lowered their cart and departed for the bottom. The second cart awaits them still resting on the first lift platform. The exchange between lifts rests on a massive stone outcrop beside the falls. Here there is plenty of space for several carts. A rope strung between some poles marks the area where the first lift has landed. There is a small indentation in the rock provides shelter for the second treadmill assembly.

Kyra walks to the edge while Rhal inspects the lift rope and treadmill. She peers over into the abyss below.

The first team can barely be made out in the mist. They have already begun to push their cart away from the mountain. The road though far below is still far from the base of the falls. It cuts along the face of the cliff gradually down to meet the river beyond the mist.

Kyra's observation is interrupted by loud cracking echos from above. To hear such a sound over the immensity of the falls alarms her. Her fur stands on end and her ears go flat as she cranes her head upward. A massive chunk of ice the size of a building tumbles through the air from the top. It hurtles past the platform and vanishes into the mist below. She scrambles for the edge peering into the valley below. The cloud of water vapor ripples from the shock wave left behind by the ice. Without a sound, an enormous plume of water bursts forth from the mist. The first team catches some of the spray.

"If they weren't wet before they're wet now."

Kyra is startled to find Mikal at the ledge next to her. "Yeah, I guess so." She looks to the top of the falls. What remains of the large sheet of ice dangles over the edge not yet far enough to fall.

"They better hurry or they are going to get it again," Mikal sizes it up the ice on the edge of the pool above using his fingers "Hard to tell but that looks like an even bigger piece." Without his brother to egg him on Mikals politeness is a welcome change.

Kyra looks at him devoid of a response. She thinks back to the events that transpired earlier. "We should get to the treadmill."

Mikal nods.

Outside the treadmill, Korzon is re-wrapping his paw. The strip of cloth is soaked through with his blood. Pushing the cart without protecting his paws has taken a toll on him. He glares at her and Mikal but says nothing.

They push the cart onto the platform and step into the treadmill. After a time Kyra finds the courage to ask Rhal. "So what happened?" a moment passes before adding. "At the top with the brothers."

"The older one fell off the ledge like a fumbling child."


Rhal chuckles a bit to himself. "He blames you. Says that without the bandage he would have never lost his grip. He's lucky."

Kyra stares into the tread. "Oh."

"Ah don't feel bad he deserved it."

Shocked she quickly replies. "To fall off?"

"No no. The cut you gave him."

"Oh." She wraps her tail around the front of her to hold it subconsciously but she needs her arms to balance in the wheel. Slowly it falls away back behind her. "You saw that."

He laughs. "Everyone saw it. Anyway, I took care of it. I don't think he'll bother you again."

"Thanks, I guess." Not meaning to sound ungrateful her words trail off self consciously.

The rope goes slack.

"That does it, let's get moving." Rhal jumps out of the wheel back to the ground and extends a paw to help Kyra.

The second half of the scaffold extends down the cliff further to the side from the waterfall. Kyra stares into the mist below. It looks like a cloud. She thinks to herself letting her mind wander. Just what are clouds made of?

Her hind-paw slips on one of the steps. She claws into the wooden bean nearest her preventing a fall.

Rhal looks back over his shoulder to check if she is okay.

Moving forward Kyra traverses the wooden scaffold more carefully holding onto the railings and support beams with her claws. As she approaches the mist it becomes less and less like a solid wall. Instead, it takes the form of an ever increasing feeling of cold wet encroaching discomfort.

Deep in heart of the mist, the rapidly accumulating ice makes the climb even more treacherous. Kyra'sclaws no longer penetrate through to the wood. The moisture sinks into her clothing and fur freezing anywhere far enough from the body. Both her coat and clothing are stiff and miserable.

As the mist intensifies so does the sound. The once loud white noise of the rapids at the top seems in comparison like a whisper to the thunderous roar of the falls at the bottom. The ledge alongside the river, carved from the solid rock of the mountain seems to shake with the intensity of the sound.

At the bottom, the other five members of their cart team have managed to move it off the lift and are waiting. They huddle around a small fire being whipped by the ferocity of the turbulent wind struggling to stay lit.

"Let's go let's go!" Naron calls to them.

They rush to the poles and begin to push.

"It's not far, just out of the mist and we get a break. Let's move!" Even a few feet away he sounds distant lost in the roar of the falls.

Kyra marches onward the weight of her wet clothing and fur pull down on her. She keeps her head up, fixed on the lodge ahead. Only a little further.

The wheels of the cart begin to move. The wood cracks and shudders from the ice.

From here Kyra can see the back of Korzon, his paws spread on the bar in front of him. The blood soaked bandage, in particular, catches her eye. She can't help herself but feel concerned. Her own paws sore from the hard work.

"Hurry up just line it up over here then we can take a break!" Rivaus waits impatiently outside the lodge showing them where to park the cart.

The lodge at the basecamp is a match for the one at the top. A tall square three story building with a stone base and wrapped wooden staircase. Its tall pointed roof relatively free of snow and ice.

An old spotted Ieza keep waves them in from the door. "Come in, come in." But as Kyra passes he puts his paw out into her chest. "Just hold on a minute." he looks down at her his eyes fixate on her bare wrist.

Kyra looks back at him. Her expression of relief melts from her face into one bordering on fear. Fear for what will become of her if she can not dry herself.

His eyes follow his paw as it brushes up the fur of her arm over her sleeve and onto her shoulder. He smiles "Good to see one of my kin around here. You're not letting these Airet be a bad influence on you, are ya?"

"No, sir."

"Good, move along then."

Kyra moves quickly inside before he can change his mind. They file past a staircase into a large dry sauna. Everyone disrobes and hangs their clothing to dry above the coals on lines strung across the room.

Kyra hesitates to join them. The context of the situation is fine but it's not the context she worries about. Nor is it the fact she is the only female in the group. It is the expected commentary of Mikal and Korzon that cause her to hesitate. She watches them from the corner of her eye.

"Come on Korzon, let me see it." Mikal grabs for his older brothers paw only to be pushed away.

"It's fine, leave it be." Korzon holds his paw away from Mikal. "What are you looking at." He snaps at Kyra.

She looks away from him and grasps at her tail nervously.

Korzon not dissuaded insists upon her. "Hurry up and get undressed, I don't want to wait around all day for you." After which he returns to arguing with his brother.

Kyra hangs her clothes with the others, relieved to find Korzon wants nothing to do with her. Mikal too is more concerned with his brother than Kyra.

A few hours roll by. As the travelers dry the inn keeper brings them each a bowl of stew. Kyra pats her self down as if she were reaching for her pockets and realizes she left all her money with Minetz. "I-" she starts but is cut off.

"Don't worry, it's been taken care of by Rivaus." the old keep smiles at her.

Kyra smiles back and eagerly takes the bowl from him.

Late in the afternoon and at long last dry they dress for the last leg of their trip. The sun setting behind the mountains behind them to the west. The top of the falls glows orange and the mist a dark purple. The shadow of the gorge behind them stretches through the valley as the black night sky approaching from the east.

The rest of the trip is easy. Slightly downhill along the river to the delta at the coast. Night falls and the air chills a faint glow at the roads end slowly approaches. They have arrived.

The village of Cuno Bay has few buildings over a single story tall. Its streets are wide and paved leaving plenty of room for carts. Comprised of a dozen or so buildings the town stretches along the shoreline. Its streets lit by hundreds of lanterns, on posts, on the face of buildings, hung from trees and carried by residents. Mills line up along the river their water wheels lifted from the surface for the winter. Long past watchers rest the streets are still busy with men carrying all manner of goods to their destinations and loading carts. This is a town that never sleeps.

A large ship sits in the harbor. Carefully constructed of curved and twisted wood intricately woven together and sealed with tar. The aesthetic extends from the slight rearward curve of the mast to the railings of the deck. Everything that can be is made from distorted trees and branches. It gives the vessel a natural and swept look as if everything is bent back by the wind. To top it off, even in the dim light any true Anoran can see every part of the ship is either carved or elaborately painted with the symbols of the Tanoi people and their religion. A royal ship of the high seer.

Through a gap in the clouds out over the sea Kyra watches the pale blue stripped moon crest the horizon. The light stretches across the ocean rippling into the bay. Kyra closes her eyes and raises her nose into the cold steady breeze rolling in off the coast. She takes a long deep breath. The scent of fire and freshly cooked meat fill the air.

A long hall and bunkhouse sit by the river stretching parallel to the ocean. A large flagstone area full of parked carts sit ready to be loaded or unloaded by Tanoi workers.

Rivaus and Naron choose a spot overlooking the river bank along the road. They steer the carts into position.

Naron drops the steering rod at the lead of the cart and stretches. "Good job, rest up for the night. We head back at watchers light."

Wearily the workers disembark the carts, removing the push rods as not to snag passerby's and securing them. They groan and stretch once the last bit of work is done and head for the Inn. All except for Kyra.

Kyra carefully pulls her hood over her head and sneaks off across the yard towards the docks. She sticks to the shadows and waits for guards and workers to pass by. She hides her face from them. Down along the coast from building to building she moves until she reaches the dock. She takes a seat on the pier on the tallest support. She waits a while and watches the moon. Its soft pale glow illuminates the sea. She studies the moon's surface as it slowly changes over time. She closes her eyes. Recalling the words of Miran.

The nature of the world is change. The nature of those within the world is to change with it. Remember this as you learn to walk. Remember it when you move beyond the protection of your parents. Remember it when you find love. Remember it when you have children of your own. They too will see change in the world and find their own path. Remember it when you let them go. All things must go. Some by our hands. This is the way of nature. Some must die so that others may live. Your day too will come and as you lose grip on the final grains of your time in this world, look to the sky. Look to the clouds and remember. Change is the nature of the world.

The moon slowly rises above the surface of the ocean. _That should be long enough._Kyra hops down off the support and walks carefully to the far edge of town. A pair of Tanoi guards stand at the edge of a wooded area. She carefully avoids them and sneaks into the forest from another direction further up the road. Her eyes adjust to the dark. Before long the black veil is lifted and she finds her target. A tall horned figure. Enozen.

"You're late." He says crossing his arm in an overly stiff and sarcastic tone.

She laughs and pushes him. "It took so long this time. They didn't have room and I had to push.

"You? Push? No wonder it took them so long." he smiles at her.

It's Kyra's turn to cross her arms in disapproval. "This is what I need." She hands him Kota's list.

He looks it over and scratches his head. It's not in her handwriting. "This is paid order for a shopkeep. I see that it gets to the people responsible but you really don't need me for this."

"Well..." Kyra looks at the ground and shuffles her paw in the pine needles.

"You know I'm glad to help. What do you want? Just name it."

"Can I have some lichen? For Elons?"

"For Elons or for you?" he tilts his head to the side and flicks his ear suspiciously at her.

"For me I owe him."

Enozen sigh's "Okay, fine. It will be done. Are you sure there is nothing you actually need for yourself?"

"No nothing." she says quietly as if ashamed.

"Okay fine, but you know what the price is."

Kyra looks up at him "Oh no, I just had a bath."

"After a day like this you need another one anyway." he smiles devilishly.

"You aren't afraid they the guards and your family will find out?"

"Hah, in a place like this? We all smell like Anorans right now. Besides we don't have the gift of your kind when it comes to scent. You all smell alike to us."

Kyra crosses her arms and rolls her eyes. "Fine, just get it over with."

Enozen steps forward and hugs her tightly. Slowly she uncrosses her arms and hugs him back.

"Alright, that's enough" Kyra step's away from him.

"I don't imagine I will see you again until spring."

"I imagine not." Kyra looks over her shoulder as if expecting to see someone sneaking up on them but finds only darkness.

"Well then don't go freezing your self to death in the meantime. Stay warm and safe."

"Okay, well you better get going."

He waves and walks away towards the road. Kyra leans against a tree and waits for the coast to clear. He has to know I don't like him that way I've told him enough times._She looks to the sky the moon largely obstructed by the trees. She takes a deep breath. _Don't be stupid, you know he only does it to annoy you._The cold from standing still starts to set in. _That's long enough.

Having returned to the inn Kyra finds her self stopped at the front door by the guards. Two armored Rohean men. Strong adults no doubt from years living by the shore.

"Hold it, you're not allowed in." He holds his spear across her chest barring her entry.

"I'm with Rivaus." She politely informs them.

"Yeah right, and I'm with the Tanoi envoy." He grabs her wrist tightly with his paw. "Now get out of here I won't ask again." He pushes her away violently.

A jovial Ieza bursts through the door unexpectedly behind them leaving the entryway open, laughing and drunk.

Kyra stumbles but catches her balance before falling and marches defiantly back up to them. Through the door, she can see Mikal, Korzon, and Rhal sitting at the bar. "Those guys there, ask them. They will tell you." She points past the guards barring her entrance by crossing their spears.

The first guard nods to the second who takes off for the bar. Kyra waits patiently with her arms crossed.

Inside the second guard approaches Korzon and they exchange words. Korzon leans back on his stool and looks at Kyra through the open door. He shrugs and returns to his drink. Soon the second guard returns.

"He's never seen you before in his life. Now get out of here before I get mad."

"B-but." She stammers.

They draw their spears on her.

Kyra throws up her paws and her ears lay flat. "Fine, I'll go." With a huff, she storms off into the night but only a few paces away her pace slows and her confidence gone.

She talks to herself. "Stupid Kyra, why did you leave your money behind." She kicks a small clump of packed slushy snow left in the road no doubt by a cart. To her satisfaction, it bursts into small wet pieces that fly off in all directions. She walks along the road brushing her paw along the side of the parked carts.

Kyra looks to the sky. The moon now covered by encroaching overcast moving in from the sea towards the mainland. She sighs. "More snow." She reaches their cart. She puts her paw on the forward pushrod strapped alongside the cart. She can make out the faint smell of Korzon's blood. He must have torn it open when he fell there's no way I did all this._She shrugs fowl mood makes it difficult to pity such a miserable excuse for an Anoran. _No wonder he finds himself pushing carts when he still has his marks of honor.

She bends over and looks beneath the cart. The ground below is clear and about as dry as it's going to get given the situation. Kyra searches the cart for a spare linen cloth tarp like the one used to cover the goods from the snow and uses it to make a bed on the ground. She crawls beneath and curls up as tight as she can to keep the cold out and closes her eyes in hope for at least some kind of sleep.

End Chapter 10