Beyond Master and Student (Commission for Taicon)

Story by White66 on SoFurry

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#10 of Commissions

After a few years of peace, an old enemy arises to threaten the hard fought security and prosperity of the city. To defend it, new heroes and old stand firm to defend their home against the enemy that once nearly bested the master and order they serve.

Central to these events is Spark, a former soldier seeking new strength and direction with her life mate and lover Zephry, master of the Auren Dojo. A lot has changed in her life recently, her new lifestyle allowing her to indulge in a few luxuries she couldn't in the military. Which does mean she has put on a little weight despite her intense training. Something she embraces as part of her new life.

The bright morning sun, fresh and barely risen, had just started to peak though the windows that topped the Dojo; the warm sunlight a few shades deeper than the golden sandy hair of the fox it had fallen upon. Feeling more than seeing the glorious natural light that bathed his face, Zephyr allowed himself to drift from he light half sleep he had been enjoying, his piercing blue eyes alert before he even sat up. Something he did slowly, careful not to wake the vixen still sleeping beside him; her hands resting lightly upon his hips, her full breasts swelling out to press against his chest through the thin nightshirt that was the only thing covering her body. Even so, she still stirred as he moved, her long slender legs shuffling a little under the covers, her head nuzzling deeper into the pillow with a sigh of contentment.

It was a sigh that tempted Zephyr to stay with her, as he was often tempted by the adorable sight of his still sleeping mate. Tempted to do nothing more than stay by her side and hold her close, basking in the comforting warmth of her curvy frame. But as much as he was tempted, he knew she wouldn't want to be the one that stood between him and his routine. He could almost hear her words now. My being bound to you shouldn't change who you are, Zephyr.

Did Spark even realise how she had already changed things? Not him, but his life. Him too. Cliched as it sounded, Spark had done more than change him. She completed him, became the part of himself he hadn't even realised he was missing. Just being with her made him feel alive, made each day special somehow. In ways even he wasn't wise enough to fully fathom.

Shaking himself out of his revery, Zephyr shucked his own baggy nightshirt, standing fully naked for a second before slipping into the loose white robes neatly folded in his closet; flowing trousers seated below the robes themselves, the crisp top itself fastened with a delicate sash of yellow silk; a subtle yet pointed mark of his rank within the dojo. His dojo.

A dojo as still as the morning air, not a single sound or sign of movement greeting him as his bare paws padded along the smooth wood beneath them. And why should they, the rest of the dojo's inhabitants, novices, initiates and monks alike were yet to stir. Which left Zephyr undisturbed, silently making his way to the forest that formed part of the dojo, the sprawling buildings built around the trees nestled within it. The perfect place to just sit, think and lose himself in his meditations.

Pausing only to pay his respects to the Shrine, the shrill bell set at the base of the sinuous dragon statue which stood as the only non natural item here still ringing softly around him, Zephyr moved to take his place between the largest tree. Legs crossed, arms folded in his lap and eyes closed, the fox quickly dropped into the rhythm of his meditation, the only outward movement being the almost imperceptible rise and fall of his chest. A stillness mirrored in his mind as well, all distracting thoughts and worries stilled perfectly. Nothing existed to Zephyr now, nothing beyond the rise and fall of his breathing.

Until something flared in his mind. Only the barest of things, like a spark in the darkness. Only reversed somehow. Imagine his mind as pure, unbroken white light. Until something dark flickered within that white stillness, a tiny flash of black. But more noticeable for that. Like a whisper in a silent room. Outwardly Zephyr's brow twitched, his eyes flicking beneath those closed lids. Almost unbidden his mind chased that dark flicker, his thoughts seeming drawn towards it; following the flare as it danced across his consciousness. Furtively it danced, almost like it was purposefully staying one step ahead of him. Yet still Zephyr pursued it, his mind as honed as his body having little trouble keeping up. Until suddenly the dark speck froze and in some imperceptible way turned to face him, suddenly leaping forwards until that blackness grew to fill all of his mind.

With an audible gasp, Zephyr's eyes snapped open, his serene concentration shattered in an instant. Despite himself he was breathing heavily, his heart pounding as he struggled to compose himself. A few slow breathes and Zephyr had steadied himself, on the outside anyway. Inside, buried deep, he was rattled. Rattled enough to allow himself one private muttering that mixed with the rustling of the trees around him. 'Something is very wrong.'

Unaware of her lover's sudden shock and turmoil, Spark was still safely snuggled in both her bed and the warm embrace of sleep alike. At first glance, she and Zephyr were quite alike, in terms of colouring anyway. True, her hair was a few shades more towards dirty blonde than his, the bits she hadn't dyed a vibrant blue, her bangs and the hair that flowed over her neck providing a cute contrast to her natural colour. And her eyes were a deeper shade of blue as well, one that matched her coloured hair. But they shared the same rich red coat of their species.

That however, was where their bodies differed. Of course, there was a gender difference. But where Zephyr was lean and trim, honed by his long years of martial training, Spark herself had put on a few pounds since leaving the military for the more laid-back life of a mercenary. She hadn't skipped on her training, her skills still as sharp as ever. But she didn't feel the need to hold the same figure she once did. Nor did she want to fully let it slide, that being one reason she had enrolled at the Auren Dojo. That and to be closer to her mate, the one who had been her rock during all the recent changes in her life, the one she liked nothing better than snuggling up with at the end of the day, curled up in both his arms and the spacious bed they shared. comfy and warm as it was even without her mentor, lover, friend and confidant, she couldn't stay here forever. She had felt Zephyr slip away of course, that soft motion stirring her still sleeping mind as he began his daily routine. And now she had to start hers as well.

Fighting back a yawn, Spark kicked off the covers to stumble from the bed, luxuriating in a long stretch of almost feline proportions before stripping from her shirt. While maybe a little pudgy around the middle, Spark still had a figure that turned a few heads and drew admiringly shy glances from the novices each time she stepped into the communal showers; her full breasts a seemingly constant source of attraction for both men and women alike. Putting aside the warm thrill from standing naked here, Spark quickly moved to her closet, her paw resting on her uniform. The material was familar, comforting even, but she wasn't used to the look yet. It wasn't as ingrained in her mind as her army uniform had been. She would take to it, she was sure but that day was a ways off yet. Still, she did have to admit she cut a dashing figure in it.

Slipping on the fresh bra and panties she had quickly grabbed from the drawer below her closet, her paws deftly adjusting the waist band of the more functional than fashionable underwear until it sat perfectly around her hips, Spark wasted no time in dressing in the plain black shirt and trousers which formed the majority of her uniform, her paws deftly fastening the clips and straps running around her chest, waist, and just above her knees; straps that gave the tight fit she liked as well as a decent anchor point for any gear she might need to carry. After that it was a simple matter of donning the pure white jacket emblazoned with her specialist insignia and tugging on her sturdy black boots and she was ready for action. Well..not quite action. She'd have taken her sidearm for that, no question. But today, she could happily leave it in the locked box beneath her bed. After all, the most dangerous thing she was likely to encounter was the odd cutthroat merchant.

Back in the military, Spark had been quite the scrounger and trader when she had to be, and she was quite glad of the opportunity to keep those skills in sharp relief. One reason why she had been only too happy to take on the responsibility of ensuring the dojo's stores were checked and replenished when needed. And today it was needed, Spark mused as she made her way down to the dojo proper, her mind running again over the list of things they needed. Food of course, the dojo marched on its stomach as much as any army. Plus a few oils and herbs needed to replenish their medicine stores. The last few she could manage to carry herself, but the food..for that she would need help.

'Well well..look who is up and about. The rest of us have been awake for a good hour you know.'

Spark turned to face the source of that teasing remark, the scowl she fixed to her face barely holding up for a second against the cheerful grin of the lithe wolf it belonged too, her grey fur topped by a freshly tousled mop of white hair.

'Good for you. Good that you have so much energy. Because you just volunteered to come to the market with me, Khali.'

'Well..I guess I have some time to spare. So why not. Someone has to keep you away from the snacks and get you doing something to work off that waistline a little.' Khali grinned good naturedly.

'Hey. I work hard to get this figure.' Spark mock pouted. 'It's a real tough balancing act I'll have you know. Surely Zephyr has taught you about balance. Besides, I could still whip your skinny ass anytime.'

'Sure you could.' Khali chuckled. 'Maybe later. I'll round up a few more bodies and meet you by the gates. See you in five.'

Despite the bustling crowds, Spark slipped through the market as easily as a fish cuts through a stream. The market is always busy at this time of day, folks from all walks of life and species, city folk and outsiders alike, braving the bustle to see for themselves what fresh goods and trinkets this new day brings. It's that mix of species and tribes and nationalities that Spark has come to love about the city, each day a riot of new and unexpected sights mixed in with the comfortable and familiar.

Of course, it's often the familar that brings with it the things you should be wary of, equally if more so than the unknown. Spark has nothing to fear from the pickpockets and lightfingers that still roam the markets despite the city guards, but even do dealing with one will slow her down and that is really what she wants to avoid.

But there is some attention she can't avoid, getting more than a few respectful nods from other Auren she passed. Even out of her initiate robes she still makes for a recognisable face, somehow managing to stand out despite the varied crowd around her. Perhaps not surprisingly. After all, she isn't exactly the usual new recruit the dojo receives, so it's natural she would attract that little bit more attention. Being the mate of the dojo master probably helps with that as well, Spark reflected with a subtle smile.

'So..where next?' Khali slipped away from the pair of initiates guiding the Athripode harnessed to the sturdy cart now laden with the supplies they had collected, the squat grey skinned beast of burden taking the strain with ease, her ears and tail flicking easily as she trundled along seemingly unaware of her surroundings. Or just not bothered with them.

'That's it.' Spark folded the list neatly back into her jacket pocket, idly patting the closed flap with one paw. 'You can head back to the dojo. I'm sure Dylan will be eagerly awaiting his stores. I'm going to look around for a bit.'

'Right. You mean shop around for a bit.' Khali said with a knowing look. 'Don't go pigging out too much.'

So Khali had guessed correctly. Or at least picked up the scene of the food stalls that had been teasing Spark's nose since she stepped into the market and put two and two together. How could she not be tempted though, the delicious smell of the carts of frying meats, sweet treats, roasting nuts and sumptuous dried fruits mixed between the stalls of trinkets and iron mongers and cloth merchants teasing her senses with their glorious aroma. 'I won't. I'm just going to pick up a few snacks. I'll bring you guys back something too for your hard work. What would you like?'

'If you could grab some fire chicken wings, I think they'd go down well.' Khali licked her muzzle with obvious relish. 'And maybe some sugared figs to bring back too. Those would be good.'

'Consider it done.' Spark promised.

It didn't take Spark long to live up to her word, her feet carrying her almost without conscious thought towards one stall identical to all the others. At least, that might have been how an outsider would have seen it. But to her Sven did the best sweet treats in the city and his figs alone were to die for.

'Spark, my dear. How's my favourite customer? You sure do keep an old man in business, that's for sure.'

'Favourite customer?' Spark fixed the stallion who despite a little grey creeping into his mane always seemed full of a youthful zest that couldn't be contained with a fond smile. 'I doubt I can hold that crown. Everyone is your favourite customer, yes?'

'Well..that's true. But few brighten my day as you do, my dear.' Sven chuckled. 'And it does me good to get some proper food into you. I could never survive on those meals they serve you at the dojo. Oh no.'

'We don't go hungry.' Spark replied, taking his ribbing as just that. 'But it can be a bit boring at times, I'll admit.'

'There you go then.' Sven clapped his hands firmly. 'So..please..have a look around and pick out your fancy. Ah..excuse me. Tolen my friend, how's business?'

Having already turned her attention to the sinfully tempting treats before her, Spark was fully prepared to let the reply wash over her. And it might have done, had the next words not crashed into her consciousness like a stone through a window.

'For us, well enough. Others haven't been so fortunate. All morning we've been hearing stories about traders and merchants reporting that they have had wares of theirs stolen, mostly precious gems. So, if you have any, I'd be careful.'

'Ahh..where would I get gems?' Sven chuckled. 'I deal in coin, you know that. Coin is my currency, as my Auren friend can attest. Isn't that right Spark?'

'I'd say it is.' Spark replied, passing Sven a handful of coins from her coin pouch in return for the bag of sticky sweet figs she claimed from the scales before her. ' be careful anyway. Who knows, these thieves might decide coin is good for them as well.'

'Thieves, huh? should keep an eye on your coin pouch then.'

'I always do.' Spark shot Sven a cheerful smile before turning to face the source of that smart remark. 'I hope you've been keeping an eye on yours, Nitra.'

'Ahh...I didn't bring it with me.' The pink furred vixen shrugged, her black hair cut shortish and spiky with a few long bangs flowing over her cheeks that like her fringe was dyed in streaks of blue and pink, the vibrant tips brushing the shoulders of the jacket identical to Spark's except for the engineer symbol on the sleeve. 'I just came here to give Sasha a little company while she stretched her legs.'

Nitra paused at that, jerking a thumb towards the more reservedly coloured vixen beside her, her outfit too matching the pair of vixens from the white jacket and black pants, the later covering a tank top that left her midrift exposed. With her light brown fur flowing to a light grey around her muzzle and over her torso, along with her short cut brown hair that fell in a heavy fringe that covered one eye all the way down to her cheek, Sasha certainly came off as more reserved that her two teammates. And she was, very much a vixen of few words. The strong silent type. But a hell of a girl to have in your corner. As was Nitra, both vixens her long time comrades who she trusted with her life.

'You need stretching too.' Sasha replied shortly. 'These resupply missions not help your waistline.'

'Hey now.' Spark chuckled, one paw patting her midsection softly, feeling the slight paunch of her stomach wobble with that movement. 'I can get back into shape anytime. Anyway, gotta run. I'll see you two back at the dojo.'

Despite the market now bustling with the height of its trade, Spark still made it back to the dojo in good time. Personal indulgences aside, she did have work to do. Thankfully, she is as good at organising stores as she is acquiring them, so it took little more than an hour to check, unpack and add the new purchases to the dojo's supplies. Satisfied that everything was in its place, Spark slipped out of the store rooms to find Zephyr. Not that she had to look very far, for there was only one place to find her mate at this time of day.

Sure enough before Spark had even entered the water grotto that formed Zephyr's preferred training area, her sensitive ears picked up the unmistakable sounds of a fight. Well..sparring anyway. Which really came as no surprise. Only experienced students were allowed in the grotto, new recruits and initiates like herself cutting their teeth on one of the dojo's less challenging areas.

Respectfully making her way towards the expansive pool of clear water dotted with seemingly random rocks that rose half out of the cool liquid and surrounded by a carefully placed ring of stones, both of which Spark's knew to be carefully chosen for the optimal position, the chubby vixen wasn't exactly surprised to see the three figures standing in the Grotto. Zephyr was a given of course, watching the ongoing contest with his usual stoic focus. After all, who else could oversee the training of two of his most promising students.

That thought still fresh in her mind, Spark turned her attention to the closest figure. Even to one who knew her such as Spark the grey furred wolf that was Natsumi still made for an imposing sight. With her grey hair pulled back into a tight ponytail and the skintight outfit in pure black except for the long flash of purple over her spine, butt and further down her inner thighs, as well as a couple more along her arms, Natsuki very much cut the impression of a ninja; certainly with the matching black half mask pulled up around her muzzle. And she certainly moved like one, her glowing red Eyes not breaking away from her oppenenf who she was circling slowly and with focused readiness to attack, even armed as she was only be a small knife and the enchanted slips that are her preferred weapons.

Which an onlooker could have been forgiven for thinking was somewhat of an unfair advantage over her opponent. But that onlooker wouldn't have known Kiyoko that well to have thought that. While it's true the light brown furred wolf with the fiery red hair topped with tips of vibrant blue was unarmed; clad only in light tan tunic that left her arms and a decent portion of her cleavage bare to the air, deep red trousers complete with loose flowing skirt that was there as much for protection as her sturdy grey brown boots that encased her legs just up to below her knees; it was a lack that didn't bother her in the slightest. Not as she matched her opponent for this semi friendly contest of skill step for step.

As Spark slipped between the students gathered just shy of the stones that marked the boundary of the grotto, both fighters were still circling each other warily, both canid's clearly looking for an opening. It would be Kiyoko who attacked first, of that Spark was sure. As fiery and bold as her hair, she wasn't one to hold back. Which was why Spark wasn't surprised in the slightest when Kiyoko suddenly raced forward, driving a sweeping kick at Natsuki's feet which the grey wolf easily leapt over.

Something Kiyoko had prepared for. Barely a second too late Natsuki saw the feint in her eyes, Kiyoko having calculated her kick to miss as she rose and with barely a seconds pause launched not one, not two, but three fireballs at her opponent in quick succession.

Despite having seen Kiyoko's magic dozens of times before, it was still impressive to watch. As was her control and the variety of castings she had mastered long before arriving at the dojo. As easily as Spark could switch from punches to kicks, Kiyoko could conjure small fireballs like she had now to sweeping waves of fire to impressive jets of flame Spark knew she wouldn't want to get hit by herself.

It was much harder to tell if Natsuki was impressed though, the always cool masked wolf seemed unbothered as she ducked, crouched and twisted her way through the fiery barrage to retaliate with a kick of her own.

A kick that Kiyoko caught easily against her forearm, driving the strike down before lunging forward to deliver a fierce punch that Natsuki barely managed to block. Still, the force of it drove her back a few steps, forcing her to leap up onto the rock behind her less it send her tumbling into the water.

Undeterred, Natsuki slipped a paw into her tunic to a mumur of excitement from the crowd matching the one when Kiyoko had unleashed her magic. Even Spark managed a slow smile. Natsuki was about to release her secret weapon. Sure enough, Natsuki drew out a handful of her trademark slips, each one decorated with a neatly written series of symbols that were anything but decorative. While Spark couldn't read the language, she knew each one had a different effect based upon the enchantment written upon them. And in the heat of battle it was almost impossible to tell one apart.

Kiyoko had clearly worked out the danger too, leaping back a few steps to ready herself in a defensive stance, even as Natsuki whispered a short incantation under her breath. The effect of which was as rapid as her next movement, Natsuki flinging one charm after another at Kiyoko like a ninja might throw a handful of shuriken. Only these were more dangerous.

After all, each one could blind or paralyse or slow her reactions simply on contact. So Kiyoko took no chances, her paws flashing out like lightning, each strike launching a pinpoint burst of flame that incinerated each slip in turn until nothing was left except tiny flakes of ash drifting down to settle on the still water.

'Impressive, aren't they?' Spark had missed Zephyr withdrawing from the groito to stand beside her, bit that didng stop her returning the affectionate nuzzle he offered most tenderly. 'Did you have any trouble getting the supplies.'

'Nope.' Spark grinned. 'Brought back everything we needed.'

'Maybe you brought back more than that.' Zephyr replied, his paw lightly, pointedly and teasingly resting on her bulging midsection; prompting Spark to blush a little.

'Maybe.' Spark whispered before turning her attention back to the fight. Kiyoko seemed to have rallied from the failed charm attack and had pressed the fight to Natsuki who was now dancing backwards in the face of the kicks and fireballs being thrown her way. 'Looks like Kiyoko has her on the ropes.'

'Wait for it.'

'Wait for..'

Her own question was answered when Kiyoko, in her hastily pursuit of her foe, leapt up onto the rock she had mere moments before defended herself from Natsuki's slips. A rock she might have leapt off again had she not felt more than heard the crinkle of paper beneath her boot. 'Crap.'

That single word was all Kiyoko got to say before a sudden spray of water so violent it could almost have been called an explosion struck her in the face with enough force to send her stumbling backwards. It wasn't a hard hit, more a powerful shove and while Kiyoko tried to fight against it, she really could do nothing to stop herself toppling into the water behind her. When she surfaced barely a second later spluttering and bedraggled it was to find Natsuki standing over her with her blade pointed at her face, her mask unable to hide the look of triumph plastered across her muzzle.

'And that..' Zephyr said, stepping into the grotto where Natsuki was already helping a soaked Kiyoko back to her feet. ' why you should always keep an eye on the whole battle. Always be mindful of everything around you? Do you understand?'

'Os Sensei.' Came the reply from the assembled students, of which Spark's voice was one of many.

'Good. Dismissed. Remember. Afternoon lessons start in two hours.'

'Some of the new students have promise.' Zephyr turned from the view out of the window of his chambers, his eyes falling where Spark lay at her ease on the expansive bed where they had cuddled scant hours ago. 'But somehow I don't think you want to talk about the students. What's on your mind?'

'Am I that obvious?' Spark asked, rising up to rest her head on her one paw.

'Only to me.' Zephyr replied with a chuckle as he joined her on the bed, Spark scooting quickly into his arms. 'I wouldn't be a very good mate if I couldn't see you had something on your mind.'

'Well..I have been thinking of something.' Spark began slowly. 'When I was in the market today, I heard a few of the traders talking about a rash of gem thefts happening recently. Not traders I know maybe, but I have no reason to doubt their word. But I was wondering if maybe this was something we should look into.'

'You say you don't doubt their word. And neither do I.' Zephyr replied. 'But what you heard could be just simple street gossip. Or traders passing the blame for some slow trade to save face with competitors. Or just some petty thieves. Certainly not business for us. Until the city asks for our help, we can let the city guard deal with this.'

'I guess.' Spark replied. 'No. You're right. I'm just feeling restless I suppose.'

'Well..I have the answer to that.' Zephyr answered with a grin more suited to someone much more youthful.

'Trying to get more training out of me?' Spark asked with a grin of her own.

'Oh no. Training can wait till afternoon classes.' Zephyr replied. 'What I had in mind is a lot more fun. And best done in private. Don't you think?'

'Oh, I do.' Spark turned to place a kiss on her lover's muzzle. 'I do indeed.'

Haaaaa. Zephyr exhaled slowly, fully emptying his lungs before drawing in an equally slow lungful of air almost without thinking about it. Such was the routine of his meditation that he could slip into it without real conscious thought. And yet, part of him was distracted. Not seeking the dark presence he had felt yesterday, but certainly alert for it. Ready for it, perhaps. Ready to do what, he wasn't exactly sure. It had been such a fleeting contact that he had been able to do little more than register its presence. Which might have been a blessing in disguise. Had the feeling been stronger, perhaps he could have chased it, driven his mind to catch up with it as best he could. Only to find himself trapped like an eager hunter following a wolf only to end up being hunted himself. After all, didn't he teach his students prudence and considered thinking in everything. So he could do no less himself and..

Catching his mind wandering, Zephyr focused on his breath again. Or at least he tried. Something else was clamouring for his attention now, something more earthly. True, Zephyr could have ignored the rising voices outside the Dojo, letting his mind drift away from them if he chose. But he chose not too. After all, those voices were coming not from the street outside or even a few streets away. No, they were coming right from the main doorway. So it was with focused purpose that he rose, straightening his robes before striding out to find out exactly what the fuss was about.

As it turned out the fuss was more a commotion. Although that distinction couldn't have mattered less to the young city guard trying desperately to keep the peace with a growing crowd of citizens, traders, merchants and the odd upper class fox all clamouring for attention and really only succeeding in creating a powerful din.

'Quiet. Please.' Zephyr's powerful voice cut easily across the assembled crowd, much to the obvious relief of the guard who now that he stepped away from the mass of bodies Zephyr was able to recognise, his fiery red hair standing in deep contrast to his plain tan jerkin and green leggings that formed his subtle yet recognisable uniform. 'Platus, my dear boy. I do hope you don't mind my intervening. But you seem to be having a rough day today.'

'That's certainly one way to put it, sir.' Platus turned to Zephry like a man being thrown a literal lifeline, his face breaking into a warm smile in defiance of the strained expression it had held previously. Even through that, the young guard was as unfailingly polite as Zephry had come to expect. With others it could have easily been an act, an affectation they put on with the uniform. But not Platus, his unfailing politeness ran deeper than that. Just one of a dozen reasons why Zephyr had taken a shine to him. 'Although, I'd say it's not really me having the rough day today. Not as rough as these good citizens anyway.'

'Things did seem to be getting a little heated.' Zephry nodded slowly. 'Perhaps you can tell me what is going on?'

'I'll tell you what's going on.' A noble fox clad in robes of deep blue trimmed with elegant gold lace cut across Platus' soft reply. 'Daylight robbery is what it is. Perpetrated by these sc...'

'I didn't speak to you, sir.' Zephyr fixed the outspoken fox with a stare so firm his words trailed off before Zephyrs' words could do the same. 'I was speaking to my friend here. Or a member of the city guard. Take your pick. Please, continue Platus.'

'Well..he isn't exactly wrong.' Platus replied, idly resting a paw on his shoulder pauldron. 'There have been a rash of thefts around the city, most of them unexplained and with no real witnesses to these alleged crimes. Gems, gold, silver, valuable spices and herbs. Even valuable works of art and antique possessions. But..that's not the worst of it.'

'And what is the worst of it?' Zephyr asked, aware of Natsumi and Kiyoko exiting the dojo behind him, the pair no doubt drawn here by the commotion as well.

'The city's water supply seems to have dried up.' Platus replied in a half whisper, obviously cautious about this information spreading further than any who already knew. And with good reason. If it became public knowledge, the city would find itself on the verge of panic. 'At least in several key buildings in the city centre. So far it seems to be contained to one district but these citizens have come here to ask the Auren to look into the situation.'

'You do control and maintain the water source in the mountains, do you not?' The fox who had spoken out earlier seemed to have regained some of his fire, even if that quailed again when Zephry glanced his way.

Thankfully for him, Zephry was more curious about this development than his current lack of manners, the stern glanced being the only rebuke he offered. 'That we do, sir. And you can rest assured I will send two of my best Auren to investigate this personally. For now, I would ask you all to return to your homes and business. Once we have developments, I will contact the district councillors and ask them to relay my findings. Good day to you all.'

'So..someone is down for a trek into the mountains, master?' Natsuki asked with a toothy grin.

'Indeed.' Zephry nodded, turning to face his two students. 'And I can think of no one better than the two of you.'

'What?' Natsuki's grin faded to match the shocked expression on Kiyoko's face.

'You two know how to fight each other.' Zephyr replied. 'It would do you well to work together as well. So, get your gear together then meet me back here. I will get a list of locations from Platus for you to visit.'

'This is going to be fun. Don't you think?'

Natsumi raised her head slowly from her inspection of the items before her, the slight furrow of her brow a sure sign of her disapproval of that comment. 'Don't you think you should be focusing a little more on our mission , instead of treating it like some kind of field trip?'

'I can't do both?' Kiyoko turned away from her locker, idly patting the belt now re-secured around her waist, the pouches already bulging with the aether crystals she always carried under her tunic. 'Lighten up a bit, Natsumi. I'm taking this seriously. It's just fun to get a bit of a change of scenery.'

'You do get how serious this for...'

'For the city.' Kiyoko finished steadily. 'Yeah, I do. The last thing we need now is any water rationing. Unless we want the city to turn into a tinder box. I get it. And I'm set. I've got my Gauntlet. Plenty of crystals. My trusty cigars. And my wits. Like I said, I'm set.'

'Set until those things blow you up.' Natsumi shook her head even as she slipped another roll of charms inside her tunic. 'I don't get why you smoke them. You know the reaction they can have.'

'Never happened yet.' Kiyoko replied. 'Besides, those charms of yours could do the same if someone got hold of them, right? It's the same thing.'

'I suppose.' Natsuki paused. 'Do you think I have enough?'

Kiyoko was the one to pause now. While she and Natsumi weren't exactly the best of friends, she was one of the few at the dojo who knew her best. And she knew an olive branch when she was presented with one. 'I've seen you win a battle with just one. So, yeah, I think you've got enough. It's not like we even know we are going to run into trouble. And if we do, we can just turn that trouble around.'

'You're right.' Natsuki swung her locker shut firmly. 'Let's go see Sensei. I'm sure he has that list ready for us.'

Natsumi was right on that score, Zephry having provided both girls with a list of places all around the city reporting a sudden loss of water; from taverns and inns to public gardens to bathhouses. Even a number of the cities smithies. One of which both Auren now lingered outside of, weighing up the scene before them.

'Doesn't look like it's working.' Natsumi replied thoughtfully. 'I'm no smith, but surely we'd see smoke coming from those chimneys if they were forging today. And you need fresh water to quench forged metal don't you. So...'

'So..we should go in and see for ourselves.' Kiyoko mused.

'Yeah..cause that worked out well on our last stops.' Natsumi remarked. 'You'd think we were the ones who caused the problem, the looks we were getting. Would it be too much to ask for someone to pleased to see us.'

'Well..some of those ladies in the bathhouse were pleased to see us.' Kiyoko allowed herself a soft chuckle. 'Very pleased to see us, I think. Even if we were seeing more of them than they did of us. Not for lack of trying. I'm sure those artic fox triplets were undressing you with their eyes.'

'Do..don't be silly.' Natsumi stuttered, uncharacteristically flustered for a second before she rallied. 'Besides, it was the mature vixen next to them who had her eyes on you. Given how she whisoerdd to her friend how she'd like to coax you into the shower with her. Maybe you'd like that? A little friendly attention from a sexy experienced vixen?'

'Or is it you who'd like that? Jealous maybe?' Kioyoko teased. 'Anyway, come on. Let's get this done.'

Kiyoko made good her promise, striding inside the all too quiet smithy. The large workshop absent the sound of ringing metal or the roar of the forge. 'Excuse me. Is anyone here? We represent the Auren Dojo.'

'Ahh..yes. Good morning friends.' Proclaimed the heavy set bear who emerged from behind a row of tall barrels. 'If you are after some fresh forged swords then I'm afraid luck is against you. The forge is closed today.'

'We had a feeling it might be.' Natsumi replied. 'We are here investigating the loss of the cities water supply. Could we check out your Crystals please?'

'My Crystals.' The bear nodded; all citizens were aware of the crystals that controlled and directed the water throughout the city, crystals similar in nature to the ones her companion carried, only water in nature. 'Of course. This way.'

'Well..I'd like to say that's unexpected.' Kiyoko said, her eyes fixed on the pedestal of elegantly carved stone that stood between the low cut channel that should have fed the pool of clear water at its end. A pedestal painfully absent the small blue crystals it should have housed. 'But it's not.'

'No. Just like the others.' Natsumi mused. 'No damage, just missing its crystals.'

'No damage to the runes either.' Kiyoko said slowly. 'Again, just like the others.'

'So..I'm not the only one.' The bear nodded. 'I'm hoping you can do something about this.'

'So do we. We have one more place to check, then we will report to the district councillors who will be liaising with businesses. Good day, sir.'

Having one more place to check didn't exactly mean it was going to be a quick errand though. Not when that one place was one of the city wells. Had Zephyr chosen one of the multitude in the city centre or market district that would have been a whole different thing. They could have been done and back at the dojo within half an hour. But Zephry wanted to see how far this mysterious water shortage had spread. Or that was Natsumi's guess on his thinking anyway, the grey furred wolf surmised. A thinking that lead them out to the Southern Hills and along well walked but seldom used tracks that lead up from the city to the squat red brick building that housed the highest of the cities wells.

'I'm not seeing any sign that anyone came up here recently.' Kiyoko's sudden musing dragged Natsumi out of her own and back to the present. 'As much as I can from these paths. And it's too open up here for any scent to stay around that long.'

'I know.' Natsumi agreed. 'Still..maybe that means no one has made it up he...or maybe not.'

'What do you..oh.' Kiyoko trailed off, stepping around her companion to see what she saw; the door of the well which should have been secured shut standing almost forebodingly ajar. Foreboding enough for both girls to ready themselves for trouble, the pair stopping just short of arming themselves. After all, it could just be a patrol of city guards on their rounds and they would hate to startle them, especially if that resulted in someone getting hurt.

That caution didn't stop Kiyoko going first; one paw easing the door fully open to allow her eyes to scan the inside, the gloom from the enclosed structure revealing no real answers but seeming safe enough for her to enter fully. Aware of the soft footfalls behind her that stood as a clear sign Natsumi had followed, Kiyoko generated a small ball of flame from her now upturned paw which immediately filled the room with a low light casting dancing shadows onto the walls.

'Would you look at that.' Natsumi muttered, her eyes falling on the raised pedestals that surrounded the deep well that dominated the centre of the structure; a deep pit with its depths exposed purely by the absence of the water that should have filled out. 'Someone cleared this place out as well.'

'No kidding.' Kiyoko sighed. 'There should have been twenty crystals in here at least. No wonder the well is dry. I..did you hear that?'

Natsumi certainly had given the way she had already spun with sword quickly in paw, no doubt responding to the soft scrape of a boot on stone that had erupted behind them. 'We are Auren here on the cities bequest. Show yourself, slowly.'

'And carefully.' Kiyoko retorted, her small fireball swelling as her emotions rose. 'I don't think you'd like to see what a fireball at close range can do.'

'No..I don't think I would.' A cool voice answered, one that trickled with an icy familiarity into the minds of both Auren.

''s you.' Kiyoko muttered softly.

'Is that anyway to greet an old friend?' The light grey furred fox asked as he stepped from the shadows that had concealed him. True his subdued clothing helped; with his deep brown tunic and even deeper brown belt hung low around him waist, tan pants and fingerless gloves somewhere on a shade in between, he could almost become nondescript and part of a crowd anywhere even with the crimson scarf adorning his neck one that hung loose in two strands that flowed around his back.

'I'd hardly say we are friends.' Natsuki said warily, eyeing the small lithe serpent resting upon the foxes shoulder, the red fins that adorned his head and sides flexing and relaxing as he observed her in turn. 'Working together a few times doesn't exactly make us friends.'

'As if we would be friends with someone as mercantile as you, Reverter.' Kiyoko scoffed harshly, putting an equally harsh edge to his name.

'Mercantile?' Reverted took on an expression of mock indignation. 'Me? I just make the best of the talents I have to find my way in this way. Besides, aren't the Auren the same? Offering your skills to the highest bidder. So why shouldn't I use my skills the same way. Besides, my success shows how in demand my skills are. I bet even the Auren could use them here.'

'Why should we need your help?' Natsuki asked with the same caution Kiyoko had in her voice. Disagree as they might, they both shared the same distrust of Reverter. At least they could agree on that, Natsuki thought with a slight smile that she quickly quashed. She wouldn't want the grey fox to think she was in anyway agreeing with him.

'You forget, I'm a tracker.' Reverter said, softly petting the head of his serpentine partner. 'Thanks to my friend and colleague here. We can track anything. And maybe you could use a tracker. After all, someone seems to have gone to a lot of trouble to steal the Crystals that were here. And they have been busy throughout the city I here. That's a lot of Crystals to have in one place. Easy for a newborn Jotun to find, never mind one as skilled as my pal.'

'I thought your 'pal' could only track more mundane objects?' Kiyoko countered.

'He usually does.' Reverter shrugged. 'But he is a quick learner.'

'Well..thanks but no thanks.' Kiyoko wasn't convinced and one glance at Natsuki told her she felt the same. 'We will be fine on our own.'

Reverter shrugged again, moving to slip out of the well without a glance backwards. 'Suit yourself.'

'I see. So the problem is not limited just to the Central District.'

While Zephry seemed inscrutable both in voice and mannerism upon deliverance of the news Kiyoko and Natsuki carried back to their master, neither of them could miss the undercurrent of genuine concern in his words. While both apprentices understood his reaction, that didn't stop them being surprised by his response though.

'Perhaps then it would be wise to enlist the help of a Jotun after all.' Zephry mused thoughtfully.

'You can't mean we should accept Reverter's help Sensei.' Kiyoko asked, her voice making it clear exactly what she thought of that idea.

'His advice, perhaps.' Zephry let the outburst of his student pass with a slight smile. 'I have my own doubts about his intentions in this. Those doubts do not extend to the Adventurers Guild however. They are as much a part of this city as we are. I'm sure they can be convinced to lend us aid on this matter. Either way, we have a duty to report our findings to them as much as the rest of the city council. Perhaps though, it would be better to carry this information to them privately.'

'I'm sure they would listen to what yiu have to say, Sensei.' Natsuki chimed in, drawing another smile from Zephry.

'I'm sure they would. Just as I am sure they will listen to the words of my loyal students who carry my trust with them. So I see no reason not to entrust this assignment to you. It was yours to start, so it's only proper you be allowed to finish it.'

'We won't let you down, Sensei.' Kiyoko replied in time with a firm nod from Natsuki.

Only once his students had departed did Zephry let the mask of composure slip from his face. As much as he had hid that from his students, he cannot hide his concerns from himself. After all, it would be foolish of him not to believe that the fate that had befallen so many buildings in the city couldn't befall them here. It was with that very concern that Zephry made his way to the very centre of the dojo, to the dragon statue that sat coiled above the low stone base that formed a perfect ring. One he was very glad was intact. Why was immediately revealed as, with a series of touches on the hidden mechanism known only to a few in the dojo, the base opened to reveal a collection of shimmering gems. Only a small number compared to others in the city but best they didn't fall into the wrong hands. Which was why he couldn't leave them here.

'Do you really think you should be handling those, sir?'

Zephry wasn't surprised to hear the voice behind him, after all he was the one who had asked the pink furred fox to meet him here. While not a student, Nitra was a companion and compatriot of Sparks. Which went a long way on the trust scale as far as he was concerned. Even if it was her expertise he needed now. 'Probably not. But I'd rather no one else did either. Which is why I want to leave them in your safe keeping for now.'

'Won't that mean the Dojo runs out of water, sir?' Nitro asked, her black hair with pink tinges waving in the breeze that tickled the trees of the grotto. Ever the soldier, Zephry had never quite gotten her to drop the formalities around him. Then again, he knew how strong instinct could be.

'Run low, certainly. We will just have to rely on what nature provides for a little rather than what we direct our way.' Zephry shrugged easily. 'Better safe than sorry. I'm sure you will have heard about the Crystal thefts in the city. I will not allow hubris to add to the collection these thieves have acquired.'

'I heard a thing or two.' Nitra replied, her usual cheeriness shining through despite the serious topic at hand. Zephry always appreciated that about her. She was a positive thinker, a trait he admired. 'If they have a lot of Crystals stored in one place, that could be a dangerous situation.'

'My thoughts exacrly.' Zephry nodded. 'Whivh is why I'm going to arrange a mission to find and retrieve them. I'd very much like it for you to come along. I can't think of anyone better suited to checking they have been stored correctly and to make them safe if they haven't.'

'You can count on me, sir.' Nitra said with a genuine smile.

Kiyoko took a deep breath, something that did precious little to help quell the anxiety bubbling in her stomach. It wasn't the idea of talking to the Adventurer's Guild that set her nerves on edge, although that didn't help. No, it was the trust Zephry was putting in her to speak to them on his behalf. There was no way Sensei would blame her if they failed to be moved by his request of course, but that didn't stop her not wanting to let him down.

'I'd ask if you wanted me to do this for you, but honestly I'm not sure I'd be any less nervous.' Natsuki said in a low whisper that Kiyoko caught anyway.

'Well..I wouldn't ask you that.' Kiyoko almost snapped, biting her tongue at the last second. 'To do that, I mean. Sensei gave this assignment to me. I can't shy away from that.'

'Good. Because I think you are up.' Natsuki's continued in that same hushed voice as a figure in plain tan robes beckoned them over.

Drawing another deep breath, Kiyoko strode forward, oddly comforted to hear Natsuki's footsteps behind her. A feeling of comfort that lingered even as she stepped into the expansive room that lay behind the small antechamber. Easily as large as the central grotto back at the Dojo, the wide space created an almost stifling feeling of closeness; packed as it was with shelves filled with ancient scrolls and books and tomes in languages neither Auren could recognise, let alone read.

Yet it was towards the impressive circular table intricately carved with a map of the city and surrounding realms that the pair advanced, a table surrounded by the guild council who sat with hands resting on the delicate silver tracery that picked out the contours of coasts, mountains and borders alike.

'Greetings, students of Zephry and honoured Auren.'

That softly spoken welcome came from the elderly grey vixen whose rapidly greying hair matched her robes threaded with delicate patterns of black thread cast in the shape of long thorned stems which weaved out from the elegantly embellished collar marked with a collection of floral petals.

'Thank you for welcoming us, First Elder.' Kiyoko replied with a deep bow that Natsuki copied in perfect timing with her. 'Our Sensei regrets not being here in person today but he...'

' doubt has more important things on his mind.' Kiyoko almost stiffened, that remark easily one that could have been taken for a rebuke but for the genuine humour flickering in the elder vixen's eyes. 'If I know Zephry, he has his hands full with the City Council. Still..while those self serving indolents bicker, know that the Guild stands ready to offer what aid we can.'

'Thank you, Elder.' Kiyoko's eyes scanned the other five assembled elders for any sign of dissent or argument but found only steady agreement and nods of understanding. 'Our Sensei requests your help with locating not just the Crystal's stolen from the city but those who stole them as well. It is well known your Adventurers and their Jotun have tracking skills that surpass even our vulpine senses.'

'Then he shall have it.' The Elder replied with a nod that was mirrored around the table. 'I shall place the Sandstone Division shall be under your command. They can be ready to leave within the hour.'

'Then so shall we.' Kiyoko said firmly. 'We thank you for your assistance.'

'Well...' Kiyoko hesitated in the archway of the courtyard where the division the Elder had promised was busy collecting and checking the gear they would need. 'I...wasn't expecting this many.'

'Me neither.' At least Natsuki sounded equally awed, a revelation that made her similar feelings a little easier to bear. Who would have thought her rival would prove to be the source of her encouragement. Still, she didn't have time to dwell on the irony of that. 'Ten maybe. Fifteen at the most. Not fifty.'

'Guess we shouldn't complain.' Kiyoko sighed deeply. 'Come on, let's find the one in charge of this group.'

'I thought that was you.'

The teasing response to that remark was lost as the two Auren slipped into the assembled throng. And away from the figure who had been lurking in the next archway around the bustling square. Still safely ensconced in the shadows, Reverter allowed himself a sly smile directed as much to the Jotun on his shoulders as himself. 'Try to cut me out of the action hmmm? To bad they don't realise how much they need me. Still..they will. Come on, Spikes. Let's get in there.' Tugging up the hood on the tan robes that perfectly matched the ones worn by the assembled guild members, Reverter slipped into, and was quickly lost among, the crowd.

'Down there, huh?' Reverter whispered, getting a soft hiss from the Jotun coiled around his shoulders as he lay hunkered down atop the ridge of the sand dunes that over looked the wide mouthed cave below. 'Good place to hide. I..wait a..look there. A Jotun. It can't be.'

But it was, the single grey scaled reptile lacking the pronounced fins of his black scaled companion slithering along the sand making a beeline for the cave Reverter had been spying on for the last 10 minutes. One that, more worryingly, was carrying a Crystal securely between its jaws.

'Come on, we need to tell the others.'

'Found them. Spikes here tracked the scent to a cave just below that ridge.' Reverter said without preamble as he moved up to join Natsuki and Kiyoko; the latter of who met him with a frown.

'I still can't believe you snuck along.' Kiyoko sigh making no effort to hide her frustration, frustration Reverter easily shrugged off.

'You should be glad I'm here. And of my help. I'm the best tracker you could want. And because of what I saw. Whoever these guys are, they are using Jotun to steal the Crystals. I just saw one enter the cave clutching a Crystal. And who knows how many more arrived before we got here.'

'Then we can't wait.' Kiyoko said over the murmur of shock from the assembled Adventurers. 'We have to go in now. Let's go.'

True to her word, Kiyoko lead her impromptu team inside; the interior of the cave littered with rocks and stalagmites and small tunnels that provided a multitude of hiding places. More disturbing though, Kiyoko noticed even as the Adventurers moved to take what cover they could find was the collection of robed figures surrounding odd vehicles the like of which Kiyoko had never seen. Surely they were beyond any technology known to her. But that was a mystery for later.

'Look. Jotun.' Natsuki whispered, her paw clutching Kiyoko's arm urgently. 'Dozens of them. Reverter was right.'

'Of course I'm right.' Reverter whispered back as several of the robed figures collected the Crystals the Jotun had delivered, loading them into the vehicles. 'And if I'm right again, those guys are Antari.'

'I think your right. The last thing we need is those trouble makers getting away with those Crystals.' Kiyoko mused. 'Nitra, if we create a distraction, can you disable those vehicles?'

'Easily done.' The perpetually cheerful engineer whispered as she darted over to join the other three. 'A machine is just a machine after all.'

'Good.' Reverter replied. 'Here is what we do. I will draw the attention of the Jotun handlers and get them to follow me into the tunnels around the edges. There the Adventurers and I can fight them with our Jotun. Meanwhile, you and Natsuki can set traps with those charms of hers. Play a hit and run game until Nitra is done.'

'Agreed.' Kiyoko nodded. 'Give us two minutes then start distracting.'

Two minutes wasn't much time and Kiyoko wasn't going to waste a second of that; even if she wasn't doing much more than watching Natsuki's back as she started laying her little charm traps. Sealing charms, that is. They both had the same idea on that. Explosive or fire based spells would have done as much damage to their side as the enemy.

'We are almost out of time.' Kiyoko hissed, hoping her words came across more as a reminder than a criticism.

'Good. Because I'm almost out of charms.' Natsuki stood, a very small bundle of slips clasped in her paw. 'I want to leave some for my own use. I...'

'Hey there! You pathetic excuse for Jotun handlers! I'm going to have to ask you to surrender if you know what's good for you!'

'Let's hope you left enough. Get ready.' Kiyoko motioned her teammate to get back, as the sound of chaotic shouts that followed Reverter's challenge started to grow louder. Barely had Kiyoko wondered which route he would take when the grey furred fox dashed past her, Spikes wrapped tightly around his arm; facing behind his partner where he could keep an eye on approaching threats.

'All yours ladies.'

That shout was almost drowned out by the footsteps thundering closer and closer. Footsteps that quickly manifested into a crowd of ten Antari. So intent were they on chasing Reverter that it took them all of a second to notice they weren't alone. Which was a second too late. With a feral grin of triumph, Natsuki triggered her first charm; the explosive release of magical energy whipping through both vixens fur like a gale. Luckily the effect was more pronounced on its target, the five closest Antari dragged towards the charm and held there immobile like they were being sat upon by something invisible and very heavy.

Which did still leave five active. And it was against those five Kiyoko struck. Her first fireball knocking the closest off his feet before she had even closed on the second who, despite his shock, swung at her with a wild punch. Almost lazily Kiyoko slipped under it, swept his feet out from under him and felled him with a hard elbow to the temple.

There was nothing lazy about the way Kiyoko leapt back to her feet, ready to take on the other three. Only to find that Natsuki, Reverter and a few of the Adventurers had already dispatched them with the same ease.

'Well..that was easy.' Reverter smiled smugly.

'Too easy.' Kiyoko amended. 'We still have to take care of the others otherwise this distraction won't really work.'

'I don't think you have to worry about that.' Natsuki said softly.

'What do you..oh.' Kiyoko raised her head to see the tunnels around her suddenly filled with another 20 or so Antari. 'Well..that makes it easier.'

And with that, the battle was fully joined. Kiyoko didn't have much more time to think anything beyond that fleeting thought before instinct took over and she moved to meet the charge of her nearest opponent. Part of her haste came from a desire to protect those around her. Of course, she trusted Natsuki and Reverter to take care of themselves but the Adventurers were an unknown quantity too her and she wanted to do all she could to protect them. In hindsight, she needn't have worried.

For by the time Kiyoko had taken down two of them with a series of savage kicks, the assembled Guild Members had taken down another six and were quickly on the way to adding that number again to the growing piles of unconscious and groaning Antari. Which was a good thing, since more and more of thier kind were flooding into the tunnels, no doubt trying to use numbers to drive them back.

And it might just have gone that way had Natsuki not fallen back to trigger her charms one after another, each triggered seal cutting down the odds against them. How she kept watch on all the tunnels and triggered the charms with such perfect timing Kiyoko had no idea but this was no time to ask and certainly no time to be impressed. For she, Reverter and the Guild Handlers had no time to do anything else but capitalise upon the advantage she gave them. With the battle in full flow, the Guild Jotun had now thrown their numbers into the fray, binding and biting the opposing handlers before they could give orders to their partners. And those that did get into the fight, Spikes was easily dealing with; slipping around the twisting mass to strike and bite and sometimes literally leave the reptiles tied up in knots. At least long enough for Kiyoko to strike one with her flames or an unoccupied Guild handler to trap one.

Things were moving so fast that Kiyoko really couldn't focus on more than that, her vision now focused to what was in front of her. Then just as suddenly as it began, the frantic hive of activity ceased to leave Kiyoko momentarily disoriented and confused.

Natsuki was the 1st to break through that confusion, if she even felt it at all. Certainly it didn't slow her down from giving chase, sword in hand and hot on the heels of the Antari who had fled. Perhaps they were simply running. Or perhaps they hoped that out in the open of the cave proper they might have more of an advantage. It was a very bad call. For Natsuki was the one to take advantage of the open space; her sword flashing as she effortlessly jumped, dived and weaved her way around the stragglers, quickly dispatching each one with a blow from the hilt of her sword. Until only one remained, one last lingering foe who made a break for the vehicles in a desperate bid to escape. He never made it though, Kiyoko catching up just in time to catch him in the back with a fireball.


That sudden explosion rocked the cave and for a horrible second Kiyoko feared she had triggered the stored surplus of crystals with her shot. But the explosion hadn't come from there, but rather from skilfully placed charges set against the vehicles treads. One by one in almost perfect sequence, the assembled machines crashed to the ground, the force of the blast utterly destroying the tracks that had been supporting them.

'Haha..told you. A machine is just a machine.' Nitra cried above the crackling fire that slowly burned around the disabled vehicles. 'Just have to know where they are...arrrghhh.'

That scream cut short her words as it did her dash from cover, a sudden blast of black energy lancing through her shoulder to send her tumbling to the ground with another scream of pain. Pain that didn't stop her struggling back to her knees, fingers pressed to her shoulder even as she eyes the figure that shot her. 'Who..are you?'

'Kezeal.' Kiyoko and Natsuki muttered at the same time, the dark grey fox cloaked in heavy black robes trimmed with deep read that matched the characters emblazoned on his belt easily recognisable to them both. After all, they both knew the animosity that sat between him and their Sensei.

'You Auren always show up where you are least wanted.' Kezeal sneered with pure malice. 'And yet here you are, without your precious teacher to protect you.'

'We don't need him to protect us.' Kiyoko said coolly. 'We can handle you. Reverter, get the Guild out of here. Leave this to us.'

'Don't have to tell me twice.' Reverter replied with a shrug. 'Alright, everyone out. Now. Move it, unless you feel like tangling with a dark knight. Shift it.'

'Well..I could do with some sport.' Kezeal sneered coldly.

'I'll show you sport.' Kiyoko retorted even as she leapt the short distance between them, fist already drawn back. And unleashed the second she landed, her feet braced firmly to convert all her power into that one strike. A strike that failed utterly and inexplicably against thin air, until that is a shield revealed itself by flickered almost lazily into life , the slowly rotating magical circle cast in deep crimson stopping her punch an inch from his face.

Undaunted, Kiyoko retreated a few steps, answering the unspoken taunt that was his infuriatingly casual block with a hail of rapid fireballs, each one cast in a new direction from the last. In a wide net and with pin point accuracy, the dozen of separate shots raced towards their target, only for each one to splash against a dozen equally well placed shields that perfectly intercepted them all.

Switching tack again, Kiyoko advanced, throwing a fresh hail of fireballs before her as she raced towards her opponent. True, she didn't expect any of them to get through but that wasn't the point. Even as her robed foe vanished behind the rain of fire, Kiyoko jumped, that single effortless movement carrying her over the unsuspecting Kezeal's head. Legs tucked she braced herself for the impact, fully ready to leap forward with a strike at his head. Instead it was her that was struck. Or rather, struck something. With a ragged gasp more akin to a dog bark, Kiyoko felt all the air driven out of her lungs as she collided with the shield that materialised below her. Clutching her chest, the black furred vixen tumbled to the ground, struggling to draw in one sharp gasping breath after another.

'Need a hand there? No no. Don't get up. I've got this guy.'

Careful. He's dangerous. That thought ran through Kiyoko's head, the scowling fire Mage still too winded to force those words up to her muzzle as warning to her teammate who stood with sword in a ready guard. She just had to hope her scowl was warning enough. Then it was too late, for Natsuki charged forward with singleminded focus. Focus that really did her no good at all. For each swing of her sword was met with an unyielding barrier.

Damn him. Kiyoko managed to mutter, watching as Kezeal toyed with her friend as he did her. He didn't even raise a finger to direct the twin shields that swung this way and that, solidly blocking each thrust and slash Natsuki unloaded against him with little more direction that the sheer force of his mind. He wasn't even moving to attack, that was the frustrating thing, just taunting them with his unbreakable defence. Which was as frustrating to Natsuki as it was her, Kiyoko could see that. But not as frustrating as what happened next. For Natsuki countered with a heavy overhand swing that wasn't so much blocked by the shield as glanced off it, leaving her overbalanced and vulnerable to the pressure wave that caught her by surprise and dumped her unceremoniously beside Kiyoko on her butt.

'Maybe it's you that needs a hand.' Kiyoko retorted, purposefully mirroring Natsuki's earlier taunt. And winning a scowl from the sprawled vixen.

'Hey. You didn't do any better.' Natsuki snapped back.

'But maybe we can together.' Kiyoko replied. 'I'd be more than happy to oneup you any other day, but right now I can't handle this guy. And neither can you.'

'Fine.' Natsuki climbed back to her feet with a firm smile. 'But only cause this guy is bugging me. After this, I'll go back to proving why I'm the best and leave you in the dust.'

'Fine.' Kiyoko nodded. 'Go!'

The fervour with which Kiyoko spoke that single word showed in no uncertain terms the conviction she had that together they could win. A conviction that lasted barely a couple of seconds. Perhaps now seeing them both as somewhat of a threat or just bored with toying with them, Kezeal moved to meet their attacks. Hands extended and with shields cast around them, he didn't so much block as knock aside the strikes both vixens threw at him. No matter if Kiyoko went high and Natsuki went low, or if Natsuki attacked up close while Kiyoko looked for an opening for a clear shot, or if both Auren attacked him head on with a flurry of strikes and slashes. The end result was the same. Not one attack even came close to breaking his guard.

Leaping back to regain her footing, Kiyoko dived back in with a sliding kick that surely would have felled Kezeal had he not at the last second leapt over it, meeting the high roundhouse kick Natsuki threw his way with a powerful parry that sent her flying backwards to land again in a sprawled heap. The same fete that befell Kiyoko ad she lunged desperately at his head, her outstretched fist caught and used as a lever to toss her around like a leaf in the wind.

'You two are skilled. But you are outmatched here.' Kezeal said with a whisper of quiet malice. 'I have no wish to kill you but I will if you force me.'

'Or I'll kill you.'

That defiant cry came not from the two downed Auren but from Nitra who had made it back to her feet, one paw pressed tightly to her wounded shoulder.

'You?' Kezeal released a sharp bark of laughter. 'You lack the strength to best even one of these foolish Auren. What makes you think you can kill me?'

'Because I wasn't just laying explosives on your vehicles.' Nitra growled, her other paw raised with a sleek silver detonator clasped in it. 'I've rigged this whole cave to blow. I press this button and I'll bury you under 500 tonnes of rock.'

'Your bluffing.' Kezeal's eyes narrowed to slits even as he grinned. 'You'd kill your friends too, even if you are brave enough to die yourself.'

'Really? Bet your life?' Nitra grinned, depressing the end of the detonator with a soft click. That sound was the only sound for a long second before the air was shaken by a low rumble. Not just the air either, Kiyoko gasped as the ground beneath her began to tremble, tiny columns of dust pouring from the ceiling.'

'You..' Kezeal's eyes widened in genuine fear, fear that didn't stop him racing towards the closest vehicle. Somehow despite the cave shaking all around them and absent the dread they could be crushed at any moment, Kiyoko and Natsuki raced to catch him. Both Auren close enough to grab his cloak just as Kezeal snagged a handful of the stored crystals before vanishing in a flash of light.

'Great. Just great.' Natsuki sighed. 'Bad enough I'm going to die, I'm going to die a failure.'

'Or you could live to undo that failure. Okay, Reverter, that's enough.'

'What!' Both Auren rounded on Nitra as the shaking slowly subsided, the cheerful engineer beaming proudly as Reverter sauntered out from one of the tunnels to join her.

'Please. Laying enough explosives to level this place?' Nitra chuckled. 'I'm not that crazy. While you two were fighting, Reverter and I came up with a distraction. By getting all the Jotun to tunnel under the cave, they caused vibrations to simulate a cave in. I figured it might freak him out enough to make him run. Certainly a better idea than actually bringing the roof down.'

'Agreed.' Kiyoko said, hoping it wasn't obvious how much Nitra's ruse had shaken her. 'Come on, we should get back and tell Sensei what happened.'

To say that the air in the city was one of celebration wouldn't have been an exaggeration. Everyone from all walks of life were celebrating the restoration of the cities water supply and heaping praise upon the Auren for this fete. And nowhere was that celebratory atmosphere more poignantly felt than in one of the cities most famed taverns where was being held a celebratory feast organised by the Auren of Evrasi. A feast that Zephry watched over with no small amount of pride, pride that prompted the nigh eternal master and teacher to stride from the balcony from which he had been watching the festivities and down into the throng.

'Sensei.' Natsuki said from where she was sat at the bar nursing her second mug of ale beside a visably relaxed Kiyoko who was on her third already. While Zephry was sure this didn't mean an end to their rivalry, it wasn't surprising they would wish to share in this victory together. 'Can we help you with something? Because I'm not sure this one is up to walking even.'

'So I see.' Zephry said with a smile as he eyed Kiyoko who was swaying on her stool even as she focused her attention on him. 'No..I just wanted to say I'm proud of you both. You did an admirable job and performed superbly under pressure, not to mention facing down our most dangerous foe and living to tell the tale.'

'Only because he didn't see us a threat.' Kiyoko said with a soft chuckle.

'Then I'm going to have to do something about that.' Zephry smiled. 'Starting next week, I'm really going to push you girls. But for now, enjoy the party. You've earned it. By the way, has anyone seen Reverter? I'd like to thank him too.'

'I think he's getting enough thanks.' Natsuki said with a glance behind her. 'From the look on his face, the Elder of the Adventurers Guild is offering him a job. And maybe flirting with him as well.'

'Then I should go and both thank him and save him.' Zephry said with a chuckle. 'My congratulations again. Both of you.'

Idly munching on a plate of fried chicken wings, Spark watched as Zephry neatly directed the Guild Elder towards an very animated Platus who was holding court across the tavern before he made his way towards her, greeting her with a soft kiss on the cheek.

'Seems like everything went well.' Spark said with a grin. 'The water is back, we have some great chow here and all our friends are here to share in it. And yet, still you worry.'

'How can I not?' Zephry sighed. 'Kezeal is back. I knew he would be one day, but I hoped not this soon.'

' stopped him once before and you can do so again.' Spark said firmly. 'Now..take your advice and just enjoy the party.'

'You know..I think I will.'
