Part Two of Demitri

Story by lostpersonality on SoFurry

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My story don't touch! My characters don't touch! You got to be 18 to read (wow! I didn't know anyone under 18 can't read I blame rap!School! over-protective parents! And Osama whoops I mean Obama!) this or else you'll get a boner and don't know what to do... unless you got a cousin that is smoking hot!


this is 2 months old!!

I woke up in military guy's arms with my arse hurting like hell but, I never noticed how peace full he was sleeping and not talking about guns. I was staring at him so long the I lost track of time but, then he had his alarm set up and suddenly I got a ear full of powerman 5000 I think it was "show me what you got" good song. He seemed to move a little bit then, he slamed on the next button and played "Ddevil" by system.

"ugh!" he said with anger. "I put in the wrong CD! I wanted it to play virgin tea by sys (system of a down) I thought it will be nice reconsidering last night you were a virgin."

"So were you!" I said insulted.

"I am not going reply to that" he said with a grin but, I think he wasn't fazed as much as me.

"You have pretty eyes" He said, "Why do you look like a chick anyway?"

"Because our band was rejects of my neck of the hood like...gangsters of metal we rap and play metal I guess we were the gay gangsters I think." I said and suddenly was met with a wall of laughter.

"Gay gansta?" he said giggling, "butt boy homies? Lil cocksuckers..." He didn't finish cause you know who punched in the face... it was me. "Ow! What was that for?"

He asked. "It was for making fun of my band, do you know how annoyink that is?"

"Annoyink?" He asked. "Shut up I have problems speaking!" I yelled. Okay he was being a dick but I shouldn't yell... or... I could be like my mom that time of the month? "Know what? Lets put this behind us and find another subject" I said but, quickly found it... his morning wood. Yummy I am going to punish him! Maw! Ha! Ha! Ha!

"You know what I am going to pleasure you Johnny like you never felt before." I said with a seductive voice that seemed to make that thing two inches bigger so that makes it 11" so far and I think he isn't very keen on what I said just the pleasure part.

So I started sucking on his little amigos which he liked...A LOT I could tell from he loud moaning so I started rubbing he shaft (he is using pre-cum a lubricant) slowly up and down and stopped sucking and rubbing and looking him in the eyes which I think was making him crazy with lust and made his meat grow another two inches which makes it 13' and by the look in his eyes how was so horny it hurted him. "Demitri...don't...stop..." He panted, "My cock is extremely hard it hurts and I like it!". So I started licking his fellow like a lolly-pop from the base rubbing my tongue around the area of the penis were the head meets the shaft, I heard it is the most sensitive part, and scrapped my teeth gentle around the head which made him moan in ecstasy. "Mmm... I love you taste, It is so fun sucking your dick, it is like a delicious treat." I said it with as much sexiness as I could it made him more hornier, and then I started the teasing of playful tongue licks for about an hour, sucks to be him, and then I started rubbing my asshole around the tip of his cock and started slowly going down as I stroked myself in his face and found out he likes seeing me stroke my cock. " like that don't you?" I said.

"Yes I do!" He said and as he was about to cum I stopped, "what the?"

"No more till lunch and same thing going to happen and the finally dinner you'll have your release so no masturbating kay'?" I said and you can tell he was part wolf when he started whimpering.

"Kay'," he said. And then I looked at the clock and seen it was 4:50 A.M. and we are going to be bored for a long time and they wonder why Marinette county has the highest drunks and junkies percentage there is nothing to do other than get high and drunk that and also there is at least three bars in this area for a town of under 300.

This is going to be a long day I thought to myself. Atleast now Black No.1 by Type O Negative was playing so I relaxed but I couldn't say the same for Johnny. Who feel asleep with a very painful hard-on.

I Forgot all about it so I am going to post it to see if my writing skills got better hell this was from 2 months ago.

A scary story! O_o" well it ain't scary just a creepy one!

Hello I don't know if I am going to make this a Series I've just got done with it today and it is my second story so far plz tell me of any spelling mistakes I have made and it was for school so it is short. This is my story not touchy...

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Demitri Original version, School project

This story was rushed I had four days to complete it I had no one to proof-read. This is the original version of Demitri so it was a school project whichgot an A in two classes tought by the same teach. it is long by...

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Demitri's new school part one

This story is mine and characters also are mine and all that shit you have to do with the story like you got to be 18 to read this (who the hell thinks that is going to...

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