The Chronicles of Vaahn - A New Cycle

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#2 of Chronicles of Vaahn

There was a ten year old Kyyreni in the mirror. Vaahn looked at the boy's face, as he had done for twenty five years, and recognised it as his own. He smiled, showing off his teeth, and tested one with his tongue. As expected, it wobbled alarmingly. The wolf frowned, and without a moment's paused ripped the tooth out with his bare hands. There was no pain, and no more than a few droplets of blood. Kyyreni began shedding teeth at eight, and carried on losing and replacing teeth all their lives. He'd wanted to keep them and make a necklace, but his parents had shot down the idea immediately. Even after all these years, Vaahn still felt strange in his rejuvenated body. It had been almost terrifying at first; seeing the world through four eyes, not three; walking without a limp and free of lightning strikes of pain as shattered limbs were forced beyond what they could manage. The only pain he suffered now was that earned from his spankings.

And there had been a lot of spankings. He'd long since given up trying to keep track of how many times he'd cried himself to sleep. The life he'd been forced to lead was one that actively injured the pride of the prisoner, and Vaahn had not made it any easier on himself. Now ten years old, he was facing yet another rejuvenation, and yet another cycle.

"I hope you're dressed young man!" a sing-song voice came drifting through the door as it opened to reveal his mother. Her name was Joan, a middle aged woman with flame red hair and twenty one freckles; Vaahn had counted them as covertly as he dared.

Vaahn shot the woman a confident grin. "Young? I'll have you know I was serving on starships at eleven. Back home, eleven's practically an old man!"

The boy's tone had been playful, not meaning to be rude or disrespectful, but Joan still raised an eyebrow. Her body took an authoritarian posture. "This is your home now, Vaahn. At least, until we visit the court. Am I going to have to remind you of that?"

Vaahn's ears drooped. His gaze wandered away from the simple mirror built into his wardrobe. She could see the words forming in his mind; see the mental image of the twilight world, Urokon. Vaahn's lips parted, and Joan expected the boy to speak, as he did whenever he was given licence to, of the glory of the House of Tu'ri. Instead, Vaahn merely answered. "No ma'am," and picked up the hairbrush used both to tame both his backside and his short, scruffy mane.

"Well, let's just see that that's the case." Joan answered; satisfied she would have no trouble with the ten year old. She did not want Vaahn's last memory with her to be soured if it could be avoided.

Breakfast was served and eaten quickly. Ron, Vaahn's current and soon-to-be-ex father, headed out to start up the hovercar whilst Joan made a last minute check to see everything was in order. Into her purse she placed her door key, a packet of tissues, and her hairbrush. She made sure Vaahn saw the last item go in. Satisfied all was ready, she took Vaahn's hand and led him away from the house. They stepped out into the world; a clear blue sky above them, blue-tinted grass growing in verges and front gardens in both directions. Vaahn looked at the rows of houses, all low to the ground and decorated in peach and amber. He did not let his gaze linger for long, as he had no wish for today to be any more unpleasant than it had to be.

The hovercar did not take long to reach the courts. Vaahn watched as the low houses changed to taller off-white buildings, then change again to older terracotta structures. Outside of one such building, clearly having been built to a standard design, the hovercar parked itself and the family disembarked. Ron adjusted his belt, the buckle having wedged itself against his slightly too plump stomach, and smiled to Joan to make sure she was following. Vaahn walked through the doors holding his mother's hand, pausing when he realised they were not carrying straight on. His parents had stopped to check where to go, but Vaahn could walk the corridors blindfolded by now. Satisfied they knew the way, Ron and Joan led their Kyyreni charge through a security checkpoint. The guard, as expected, subjected the boy to a thorough search before allowing him past. His parents were searched far less thoroughly.

They were not kept waiting long. Soon enough, Vaahn found himself in the familiar courtroom he'd seen many times before. He even recognised the stern faced judge; a dark skinned man named Taggart. It was a small room, just large enough for Vaahn, his parents and the judge. The three visitors stood until Taggart asked them to be seated. Taking his own seat, he began as always with reading the charges that had been raised against Vaahn so long ago. Vaahn listened to them, feeling a pang of regret as the judge reached the end of his charges, bringing attention to the fact that, where it not for his violent conduct in his initial cycle, Vaahn might have been a Completas by now. 10x5-10 for piracy against Starfleet vessels, with a mandatory four cycles initially, increased to five within three years of his first Rejuve. With hindsight, the fights didn't seem quite as worth it.

"Well, you've had quite a good cycle, all things considered." Taggart's eye drifted across the data pad before him once more before focusing on the young Kyyreni. Vaahn looked back calmly, though only for a few moments; he'd learned holding a stare tended to be received unfavourably.

"I have read your file carefully, Vaahn. There have been a few incidents, but nothing particularly serious. By and large, you have served your cycle as well as can be expected. Tell me, how do you feel your cycle has been?"

Vaahn closed his light-eyes and answered, "slow." Feeling the silence opening, he added. "I... miss home."

Taggart noted the emotion on the edge of the boy's voice. He returned his gaze to the information in his hand. "Your studies are acceptable, and progress has been excellent. The counsellor notes you still have issues with aggression, but believes with suitable outlets it will not be an issue. Do you think they work?"

Vaahn gave this some thought, recalling the handful of sessions to holosuites within the city. They had given Vaahn a chance to let out his aggression without directing it at a fellow Penitatas, and he'd be lying if he said he hadn't enjoyed it.

"It was good, but holograms aren't the same as the real deal; part of the thrill is knowing one mistake could kill you. Once you realise you can't be hurt, holosuites lose some of their appeal."

Once more, Taggart turned to the pad. "Is that why you continue to pick fights with your classmates?"

Visions of various playground scuffles rose to the front of the Kyyreni's eyes. "I... I have been trying."

"And that's enough, is it? Do you think 'trying' is justification for picking fights?"

"I don't, sir." Vaahn slipped the final word in after just a slight pause, ears low and muzzle dropped toward his chest.

"You leave me in a tricky situation, Vaahn. I do believe you have changed, or are at least trying to change, but you are far from reformed yet. I have consulted many people in making this decision. I hope that you do not betray my trust. Your sentence has been corrected to 5-10 Soft Time, with a possibility of returning to Hard Time cycles should progress not be made. I am also placing you into a family unit alongside a fellow Rejuve; a Voluntaras who believes he will be able to help with your reform. Thank you, Mr. and Mrs. Ryder. Would you like to accompany Vaahn to the Rejuvination clinic?"

The Kyyreni boy stood up with his parents, caught off guard by the sentence. They thanked the judge for his time, and following a brief tap to return his focus Vaahn echoed the polite thanks. With both parents smiling, Vaahn was led away.

"Well, Vaahn, this is where we say goodbye." Joan told her charge. Vaahn turned to his father, who smiled and ruffled Vaahn's head fur.

"You behave yourself, you hear?" He chuckled, and Vaahn nodded in acknowledgement. The Kyyreni noted wetness in his former mother's eye, a sign that she had truly cared for him during his time with her.

"Well... thank you. Goodbye then." He shifted awkwardly, deciding it was better to get on than make a fool of himself. Besides, Vaahn reasoned, Joan and Rob would probably be seeing him again soon to ease the transition. He didn't really see what the point of getting emotional about it all was. He entered the lab and undressed as instructed, settling into the rejuvination chamber and closing his eyes. He felt the strange tingling sensation build in his extremities as the machine powered up, and in a few moments he slipped into a deep, deep sleep.

When Vaahn next opened his eyes, he found himself resting in the arms of a tall, strong Human. He let out a long yawn and tried to fight down the queasy feelings left post-Rejuvination; the experience had always made him feel sick. The man carrying him noticed the Kyyreni boy stirring, and gave him a gentle pat on the back.

"Nice to have you with us at last!" He chuckled, shifting his grip to make Vaahn more comfortable. Vaahn buried is head in the man's chest and tried to think calm, relaxing and above all stomach-soothing thoughts. After a few moments, the man added. "I'm Matt, by the way. I'm going to be your father from now on."

"Just... don't talk to me... I feel really..."

Matt chuckled once more. "Yes, I was warned about this. You just take deep breaths now."

By the time the pair had reached the outside of the building, Vaahn was starting to feel better. Fresh air helped considerably, and his new parent let him down to test his footing. Never letting go of Matt's hand, Vaahn spent a minute swaying gently in the warm breeze and gulping down lung-fulls of air.

"How are you holding up?"

Vaahn smiled weakly. "Fine now, thanks. Shouldn't my new mom be with you?"

"She's at home with our other Rejuve." Matt answered. Vaahn nodded, recalling the judge's words. He had to admit, he was curious who this Voluntaras was, and why they would volunteer to spend their time with a Penitatas, even if it were only a Soft Timer.

The hovercar was not far away, but Matt kept hold of Vaahn's hand. Upon reaching the vehicle, the five year old Kyyreni was hoisted up and placed securely on the back seat. Vaahn could tell from his strong grip Matt kept himself in top physical condition; it was something he could relate to. He was lifted into the vehicle and strapped in, relaxing into the soft fabric as the hovercar piloted itself toward home. The journey was over in just a few minutes, such was the speed the modern hovercars could operate at, and soon Vaahn was stood at the door to his new home; a modular building with real oak and mahogany worked into the outside. Fresh flowers lined the garden and filled window boxes. Matt helped the Kyyreni out of the car and led him toward the house.

"Nervous?" He asked. Vaahn flicked his ears idly.

"Not really."

"I bet you're glad there'll be no welcome spanking this time?" Matt opened the front door and waved the boy through.

This at least got a reaction. Vaahn smiled at the comment and answered, "That's a good thing? And to think I was going to complain about that."

"Oh I can tell you're going to be trouble!" This voice was female. A young woman, looking barely twenty five with long chestnut hair, stepped into view through the door leading to the kitchen. "You're back early, dear. I'm Chloe, your new mommy."

Vaahn nodded in greeting. Chloe was fair of face with long straight hair and eyes that spoke of many, many years. In contrast, she appeared biologically to be in her early twenties.

"Your father and I want to get to know you, but there's someone I think you should see first." She held out a hand for Vaahn to take. "Come on, sweetie."

Vaahn was guided to the bedroom by his mother, who knocked twice before pressing the button beside the door. It slid open with a faint hiss revealing a much larger room than Vaahn was used to. There was not much extra space, given the room was stocked for two. What caught his eye straight away was the rejuve; an Aspatrian boy lying on the top bunk of the bunk bed reading comics from a datapad. Seeing the visitors he climbed down, eager to greet his new roommate.

"I'll let the two of you get to know each other." Chloe excused herself, closing the door behind her.

"Long time no see, Vaahn." The Aspatrian said with a smile. Vaahn cocked is head, taking in both the Aspatrian's physical appearance and his heat signature. He was slightly taller than Vaahn, but despite being a year older he looked the more childish physically.

"You... I know you... Jas?"

Jas grinned, nodding eagerly to confirm his friend's questioning. Vaahn seemed frozen in place, his face a mask of shock and disbelief. Jas went to hug his friend, and was caught off guard by a ringing slap across the face. Before he could react, the backhand sent him reeling.

"Twenty five years!" Vaahn barked, fighting to keep his voice from failing him. "Twenty five years and you never even told me you were still alive?"

Jas let out a pained yelp, rubbing his burning cheeks. "I wanted to tell you, Vaahn. I really did..." He sniffed, shocked at just how much the blows had hurt. "I've not been allowed contact with you. I had to work hard to set this up, and even then I had to wait until you made Soft Time! Vaahn? You okay?"

Vaahn did not look okay. His eyes were wet and his breathing ragged, with his ears flat against his head.

"I thought you were dead! All this time I t-thought you w-were..." He gulped down a lungful of air, unable to do anything but sob as his long-buried pain rose to the surface. "I'm s-sorry!" Jas found himself with Vaahn's arms locked around him, and returned the embrace.

"I'm fine, Vaahn." He whispered, placing his muzzle on Vaahn's shoulder. "You saved my life that day. I guess I'm here to return the favour."

It took Vaahn a few minutes to calm down, and he refused to let go of the Aspatrian until his ragged sobs had faded. The two shared a smile as the embrace was broken, with the Kyyreni immediately going on the offensive to distract from his weakness.

"So, what in Rega's Realm inspired you to bunk up with a Penitatas?"

Jas chuckled. "Who said I was 'bunking up' with you?"

Vaahn glanced sideways at their sleeping arrangements. "Bunk. Bed. Oh, I'm getting top bunk."

"You wish! I was here first and I've called it!" He saw Vaahn lining up a reply and added in a more serious tone. "Besides, I'm pretty sure mom and dad want you on the bottom bunk."

Vaahn gave an exaggerated sigh, throwing his arms theatrically into the air. "Fine! I never wanted it anyway! Screw you!"

The two laughed together, relaxing and settling down on the bottom bunk. Talk jumped back and forth between topics ranging from Jas' life after his rescue to memories of life on Urokon. Though Vaahn seemed happy throughout, Jas could see his home was a raw subject. Accepting Vaahn's desire to avoid talking about himself, Jas focused on his own life; the years spent adjusting to life on a Federation colony, working toward a career in the correction's council and spending his holidays exploring the stars.

A knock on the door signalled the return of their mother. "Boys, come on down to the living room. It's time we had a formal introduction."

"Yes, mommy." The boys replied in unison, Jas letting his Penitatas room-mate go first. The two boys were led into the living room and asked to sit down on the sofas, Jas with his father and Vaahn with his mother.

"Well, as you already know, I'm you're new father." Matt introduced himself. "You will be the first Penitatas Chloe and I have raised, but I warn you that we both passed our exams with flying colours, and we know exactly what is expected of a Penitatas in our care. Since you're a Soft Timer you will not have any unearned spankings, but if you break the rules you'll be punished just as hard as ever. Do you understand?"

Vaahn simply nodded. Chloe placed an arm around his shoulders and the Kyyreni boy shifted a little, trying to get comfortable with the unfamiliar touch of his new parent. "What about... Christmas?"

Chloe gave Vaahn an affectionate squeeze and answered, "You won't have any special punishment days. Christmas will be something for you to look forward to from now on."

"Now, on to Jas." Matt continued. "You are both Rejuves and as such treat us both as parents, but you need to understand Jas is a Voluntaras. This means he will be treated differently to you; Jas has much more freedom in what he is allowed to do and how he behaves. If there's any dispute between the two of you, we will take his word over yours. He is also expected to tell us when you misbehave, and may even play a part in your punishments."

"In other words, Vaahn, I have to treat you as a Penitatas first and a friend second."

Vaahn nodded once more. "Don't worry, I understand."

"Then is there something you'd like to talk about?"

The Kyyreni boy rolled his eyes, knowing full well what his mother referred to. "No there isn't." He sighed.

He could feel Chloe tense, preparing herself for having to deal with her wayward charge. "Vaahn, please stand up."

On his feet, Vaahn now faced his father who had likewise stood up. Matt's powerful build was an imposing sight; Vaahn couldn't help but feel intimidated at the thought of being on the receiving end of his punishments.

"Vaahn, we know you hit Jas earlier. This is not acceptable!"

The Kyyreni boy sighed; ears flat and tail hanging limp against his backside. "I didn't mean... You don't..." he sighed in frustration once more. "I know what has to happen; please just get it over with."

Vaahn made no attempt to protest as his father pulled the boy's pants down to his ankles, and positioned him over his mother's lap. Chloe was unfamiliar to him, and he found himself missing the familiarity of his previous family. He sensed his mother's hesitation at having to deal with a son who possessed a tail, but she rallied quickly and pressed Vaahn's long, bushy tail against his back carefully.

"This will be fast and hard. It will not be over quickly." Chloe told the boy sternly. Her hand brushed across the corn-blond fur across Vaahn's rump, smoothing it out as well as assessing how much padding it may provide. She knew just from looking that the Kyyreni's fur was much thicker than that of her Aspatrian son, and she made a mental note to apply more force to compensate.

The first blow smacked down hard at the very top of Vaahn's rump, striking across his tailhole with a soft pop. Vaahn barely made a sound at the strike, jumping more from surprise than pain. The second strike came almost immediately, landing slightly below the first. The third, fourth and fifth followed suit, each spank coming fast and hard to give Vaahn no time to adjust to them. The Kyyreni boy's teeth were gritted against the growing pain of his backside and his eyes were clenched shut. A dozen swats had landed by the time Chloe's hand reached the base of his rump and she reversed direction without pause, working back over the already swatted flesh back toward Vaahn's tailhole. Beneath his fur Vaahn's skin was becoming hot and red, filled with an ever growing sting delivered by his mother's hand. The boy's breathing became increasingly frantic, interspaced with gasps and yelps as tears formed in his eyes. No Penitatas, no matter how strong willed, could hold back the tears for long.

After four dozen such strikes against his backside, his mother paused in her work. This was not intended to give Vaahn any respite, merely to up her arsenal. "Honey, would you hand me Vaahn's hairbrush, please?"

Vaahn did not react to the words, having no intention of displaying fear at knowing his punishment was about to worsen. His rear was sore and the urge to rub the sting away was strong, but all knew a Penitatas would not receive such reprieve. The Kyyreni opened his eyes long enough to glance over at Jas, sat on the far sofa. The boy watched as their mutual father handed over the new instrument of punishment and settled back in his seat. Jas made himself comfortable at the man's side, both Vaahn and Matt able to see the Aspatrian was not entirely at ease seeing his friend be subjected to such hurt, even if he knew it was deserved.

As before, Chloe gave the Penitatas no warning that the punishment was about to begin. The back of the brush made a much harsher pok against Vaahn's rear, and delivered a much more urgent sting that was made all the worse from being warmed up by hand. The initial strike made Vaahn yelp and curl his toes, legs squirming involuntarily from the strike. As before, he was given no time to settle, with his punishment being delivered fast and hard as promised. Now the boy's quiet whimpers became vocal sobs of misery, with tears flowing freely down his muzzle. After just a few swats Chloe could see a painful redness forming under Vaahn's ruffled fur, and his increasingly vocal cries convinced her that the boy was now being subjected to the level of discipline he really needed.

"I do not want to hear you have been fighting again, young man!" Chloe's stern words were delivered loudly over the unrelenting sound of a brush striking buttock. She worked around the outer edge of Vaahn's rear and thighs, making sure no part of the Penny's rear was spared.

As the brush paddling continued relentlessly building the burn in his rear, Vaahn lowered his head toward the floor and let loud a long, undulated whine of pain. His jaw trembled as he tried to cry and pant at the same time. He kept his tired, bloodshot eyes kept focused on the floor, unable to do anything but endure the burning swats still being delivered without slowing.

If took Vaahn a few moments to realise Chloe's spanking had ended, such was the burn in his rump. His mother placed the hairbrush to one side and gave Vaahn a chance to calm a little, waiting until the boy was composed enough to listen to her instructions. Even then, Vaahn was still panting hard and struggling to keep down the hiccupping yelps that the burning in his rump still caused.

"You took that well. Maybe you won't be too much trouble after all." Her eyes met those of her husband, and she glanced to the corner of the room. Nodding in understanding, Matt went upstairs and returned with the hard wooden stool from the boy's bedroom.

"Since we don't want to keep Jas from his things, you'll be spending your corner time down here. I expect you to sit facing the wall, and no rubbing either!"

Vaahn nodded, feeling too weak to argue. Whining softly, he let his father lift him to the stool and settle him into place. He yelped as the hard surface touched his painful backside and he was forced to put his weight upon the tender flesh. To make sure he kept the proper posture, and not shift his weight onto less sore areas, his father secured him to the stool with small leather straps attached to the seat for just such a purpose.

Leaving the boy to whimper in the corner, Matt and Chloe took Jas out of the room to speak to him out of earshot. "Not a promising start."

Jas shook his head sadly. "He didn't hit me on purpose, mom. I know that doesn't make sense, but he didn't want to hurt me."

"Even so," Matt cut in. "You know we can't allow that sort of behaviour."

The Aspatrian nodded in agreement. "Don't worry, I don't think Vaahn will be picking any fights with me. This was a one-off."

Chloe and Matt seemed satisfied with this. Jas' mother gave him a gentle pat on the head and said to him "You know, it isn't just Vaahn who is going to need guidance now and then. Living with a Penny isn't easy. Make sure you come to us if you need anything."

"I will, mom." the Aspatrian replied happily, and padded to the stairs so his parents could return their attention to the sniffling Penny in the other room.

Jas looked up from his toys at the sound of the door opening. Vaahn entered without saying a word. His expression spoke of lingering ache and bone-weariness as he settled down on his bed, wincing and gasping whenever his tender rear brushed against the sheets. He lay on his stomach, muzzle buried into his pillow with sullen sighs escaping from his lips.

"Rough start to the cycle, huh?"

"I've had a lot worse." Vaahn muttered, not lifting his head from the pillow.

"I know. I've had to clean the wounds a lot." Jas tried to revive the friendly banter they'd shared earlier, but the Penny was reluctant to so much as turn to face the Aspatrian.

Jas turned once more to the toys at his feet. He was sat cross-legged with a pair of old fashioned starship models in front of him. He picked one up and offered it toward the Kyyreni. "Why not play with me for a while? It'll make you feel better."

Vaahn's reply was muffled by the pillow. "Our parents told me I'm not allowed to play with any toys."

After a few moments of silence, Jas stood up and moved himself to the bed. "Move over," he said, sitting on the edge of the bed and shoving the Penny over. Vaahn wriggled up against the wall, careful to keep his backside from coming into contact as Jas settled down beside him. The look of mild confusion on Vaahn's face made Jas giggle, enjoying a rare moment of having the advantage over his former master. The Aspatrian breathed in deeply, savouring the Kyyreni boy's scent - a scent he had almost forgotten.

"We can still talk together. We have a lot to catch up on."

Vaahn grinned playfully, running a hand gently across Jas' cheek. "So you often lie in people's beds just to talk with them?"

Jas shook his head. Vaahn gave a playful chuckle in reply, stroking the Aspatrian's cheek again. "Oh? So just your master's then?"

"You aren't my master anymore."

"Yes I am." Vaahn answered, eyes drifting downward. "You're still wearing my collar."

Jas' hand moved to his neck. There was, of course, nothing there.

"It's under your skin." Vaahn explained as if reading Jas' mind. "I can see it in your eyes, I can even smell it; everything about you screams 'slave' to me. You are mine, Jas."

Jas rolled his eyes, but did not deny the claim. "Fine," he said after a pause. "Fine. I still care about you. I've listened to counsellors for years who told me my feelings for you were nothing more than Stockholm syndrome, or me desperately clinging to the only person who didn't treat me like some stray dog. In the end I stopped listening; I haven't forgotten the things I saw on Urokon, or the things I suffered through. I haven't forgotten what you were like either."

Vaahn noted the bitterness in Jas' voice. "If you hate me so much, why come back?"

"Because I don't hate you, not entirely - you can be a cruel and terrible man, Vaahn, but you are also kind and loving when you want to be. I wanted to save the parts of you that are worth saving; the part that loved me, and I loved back."

"Sorry to disappoint, but it's all one person. The good and the bad are all a part of me. What you claim makes me cruel, I say makes me strong; life is hard, and people who are not strong enough to control their destiny will be controlled by others. Maybe you've forgotten that."

Jas moved closer, pressing his body against Vaahn's.

"You're hurting." He whispered softly, running a hand across Vaahn's flank. "You can hide it from the Humans, but not from me. You don't have to give the tough guy speeches here."

Vaahn did not reply right away. He seemed content to savour the closeness the two boys shared, nose pressed against Jas' neck. His breathing slowed, becoming deeper, his nostrils filling with the smell of herbal shampoo that clung to Jas' fur.

"I am hurting," Vaahn admitted. "But I've been hurting for as long as I can remember. I learned to put up with it."

"I didn't mean 'hurting' as in 'pain'. I meant-"

"I know what you meant." Vaahn interrupted his voice low and soft. "It's nice to have someone looking out for me like that."

Jas smiled faintly. "Want to talk?"

"Not really. Not yet. There'll be time for that. For now, just... just be here."

The Aspatrian chuckled and let Vaahn snuggle against him. He let his eyes close, enjoying a sensation he'd almost forgotten; the wordless familiarity shared between two people who had shared an intimate relationship for years. His hands moved without conscious thought, tracing across Vaahn's back as he had done so many times before. Jas felt Vaahn return the gesture, the gentle touch against his side drawing a gentle sigh from his lips. It was a soothing moment, tinted with an edge of erotic promise born from memories of years gone by. Both boys enjoyed the feeling of contentment the other's company gave them, giving simple, soothing contact to their partner until Vaahn's fingers slowed and his breathing became deeper. Jas' eyes peeled open reluctantly when he realised the Kyyreni boy had drifted into sleep. He watched Vaahn sleep for several minutes more before slipping out of the Kyyreni's grip and slipping out of the room. His parents were sat in the living room watching the holo, though the volume was turned down so they could easily hear anything happening upstairs.

"You to have been quiet." Chloe chuckled. She added in a more serious tone, "Vaahn has been behaving?"

Jas nodded, standing next to the sofa as his parents wordlessly made room between them. Without so much as a grunt of effort, Matt lifted the boy into place and let him get comfortable against his mother.

"Vaahn is fine. He's sleeping off his spanking." He shifted position, using his paw to catch a yawn that forced its way past his muzzle. "I think he'll be fine." Jas added, grinning at his own private thoughts as he snuggled against his parent and drifted into a quiet, contented nap.

The Chronicles of Vaahn - The Old Life

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