Special Assignments - Chapter Twenty Nine

Story by Billy Leigh on SoFurry

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#29 of Special Assignments

Malcolm wasn't looking forward to starting at college. The University of Beldover was not his first choice. However, the arrival of a new Fox professor might just liven things up.

Chapter Thirty to follow soon...

"So my dear Shep, I promised we'd sample pizza, so we'll do that later."

I looked up from my laptop and grinned.

"That sounds like an excellent idea," I replied, thumping my tail. "Especially after a day of writing."

The storm from last night had gone and it was another sunny day. We were sitting at the back of the villa at the picnic table. I was writing my assignment while Lachlan was marking a PhD student's work. He had promised not to peek at my essay and I grinned at the thought as I drew closer to the conclusion.

"Another fifty words or so and I'm done," I announced.

"Good, remember to get a friend to proof read it, it'd be cheating if I did," Lachlan replied with a wink.

He had shed his shirt and his muscular chest was on display. The sight stirred a rush of adrenaline in my chest.

"We should sit out here in our swimwear, if they're dry," I chuckled.

"I like that idea, want to run and grab them once you're done?" Lachlan suggested. "We can see if the pool is warm enough for a swim. My phone reckoned the weather was going to heat up with more possible storms."

I opened my mouth to reply but my phone buzzed on the table. The screen showed it was a message from my mum. I let out a sigh as I opened it.

Hi Malcolm. Still hope we can video call soon. I'm busy today with some stuff at home right now.

"Everything okay?" Lachlan asked.

"Yeah, just my mum talking about video calling, again. But she's busy, or so she claims. Sometimes I'm never sure what's on her mind nowadays," I sighed. "Anyway, I'm going to get our swimsuits. No peaking at my assignment!"

"Speaking of which, did you pick something for your _special_assignment?" Lachlan asked.


"Your favourite part of Dingo Max?" he grinned.

"Oh!" I laughed. "I know, it's the part where he spots the vixen emerging from the river. I'm imagining you recreating that."

"Once you've finished your essay I'll do that as a reward," Lachlan said.

I wagged my tail as I walked inside to retrieve our swimsuits from the bathroom. Lachlan's black speedo was hanging over the shower rail and I couldn't help but press it to my nose and sniff deeply. I could catch the faint but unmistakable and comforting scent of vulpine on the material.

Thank god our Shep's have sharp senses of smell so we can indulge in such sexy things.

I gave his swimsuit another sniff before grinning to myself as I hurried back outside.

Lachlan had stood up and was gazing at the sky while scratching his muzzle thoughtfully.

"Hmm, I'm afraid to say it looks like another storm might head in our direction," he sighed. "We can go for a swim but I'm going to keep my eye on the sky."

I handed Lachlan his speedo and watched, not bothering to disguise the fact my tongue hanging out, as he stepped out of his shorts and briefs before pulling his swimsuit up his hind-paws. He turned and fixed me a wink followed by an expression of and now it's your turn.

My tail was wagging as I tugged my clothes off and pulled my swim briefs on. They still felt a little damp from the other day, but I didn't care. Lachlan was walking to the pool and once again I admired the sight of his butt in his swimsuit.

God, the way it flexes is ever so sexy.

The pool was at the back of the villa. The water was a pleasant turquoise colour and looked inviting.

I walked over and dipped my hind-paw in.

"Fuck, that's colder than the lake!" I gasped.

"I warned you it wasn't heated," Lachlan laughed. "Here, take my paw. We'll walk in together." The pool had a set of roman steps at one end and Lachlan led me towards them. "Keep holding my paw, you'll be okay."

I held his paw tightly but the water sent another jolt up my hind-paw as I dipped my toes in.

"Okay, here we go," I said through gritted teeth.

Lachlan was about to say something but a rumble of thunder echoed down the valley and lightning flashed somewhere in the distance.

"Well, I think you have a reprieve from the pool," he shrugged.

We dashed back to the table to grab our clothes and laptops before heading indoors.

"Good timing," I murmured as rain began lash at the windows.

"That storm came on quicker that I thought it would," Lachlan mused. I couldn't help but stare at his butt again as he reached over to close the door. "And I'm going to use an expression my mother often uses, I have eyes in the back of my head and I know what you're looking at."

"I can't help it," I chuckled nervously.

"To be fair I was looking at yours when we walked to the pool," Lachlan grinned.

He walked up behind me and I felt his muscular arms wrap themselves around my chest. We stood in silence and watched the rain fall for a minute.

"I feel safe when you hold me like this," I whispered.

Lachlan kissed the back of my neck and reached down to hold my paw.

"Shall we go to the bedroom? We can get a better view of the valley from there. I bet the lightning looks dramatic," Lachlan said.

I nodded and allowed him to lead us to the bedroom.

Rain was pouring down the large window that was opposite the bed but I could see down the valley. The dark clouds were rolling down the hills and lightning flashed in the distance.

"Wow, this makes me grateful to be indoors," I murmured. "It looks so ominous."

"It does, but we're safe in here," Lachlan said, wrapping his arms around me and kissing the back of my neck. "But if you look closer you can also see calming aspects."

I followed his arm as he pointed over my shoulder and saw a chink of sunlight starting to break through the clouds in the distance. I smiled and hugged against Lachlan's arm as he wrapped it back around my body. The unmistakable feeling of his bulge pressed into the seat of my swim briefs.

"I'm guessing you didn't just bring me in here to watch the storm," I teased, sticking my tongue out.

"Well, I did originally, but having you close to me has, ahem, a certain effect," Lachlan grinned before giving my neck another kiss.

I returned the grin and rubbed my butt against his bulge which prompted a thought to enter my mind.

As I said to Hudson... Hudson? Man, I need to contact him. Anyway, as I was saying to him I want someone special to do this to me for the first time. Now seems like a great opportunity.

"Um, Lachlan sweety?" I said.

"Aww," Lachlan replied. "No one has called me sweety before."

"Heh, well I'm glad to be the first, I was wondering if you'd fuck me?" I asked. Lachlan hesitated, looking slightly taken aback. "Sorry, I hope that wasn't a silly way of asking?" I sighed, feeling embarrassed.

"No, not at all babe," Lachlan replied with a warm chuckle. "There's no other way of popping the question. Do you feel ready?"

"I think so," I said.

We watched the rain fall for a second before Lachlan gave my paws a squeeze.

"Here, why don't you lay down on the bed?"

I nodded and gave his arm another hug before letting go. I sat down on the bed before positioning myself on my front.

"Are we going to do it right now?" I asked nervously.

"Heh, not quite, I was thinking a massage might help you feel more relaxed," Lachlan replied. "If that'd help?"

I nodded and Lachlan gently straddled himself over me. I felt his claws gently rake down my back before he caressed my thighs. I let out a low groan of appreciation as he continued to rub my thighs and butt before working my shoulders.

"That feels nice," I whispered.

"Good, it's to help your muscles relax," Lachlan replied, giving me a kiss before gently raking his claws down my back again. I opened my mouth to reply, but a rumble of thunder caused me to jump. "It's okay, I've got you," he whispered, working his way down my back to massage my butt again.

"You've got to teach me how to do this," I grinned.

"I will," Lachlan chuckled as he hooked his paws over my speedo and eased them down my hind-paws.

I arched my butt and felt Lachlan's paws massage my back.

"Do you need to freshen up?" he asked.

I shook my head. I had in fact prepared myself earlier.

"I used the stuff you'd brought with us," I explained.

"Good," Lachlan replied, leaning down to kiss my neck.

I felt him climb off me and return a second later.

"Just relax babe," Lachlan whispered as a glob of lube hit my tail hole. "If you don't like it, say so and we'll stop."

"A... are we doing this raw or with protection. I mean, I'm safe and all to do it raw, but I feel nervous," I stuttered. "I mean we could try protection, then raw, I don't know."

I splayed my ears and felt like I was ruining the mood by babbling.

"No pressure to do anything you don't want to, I brought protection just in case."

I instinctively raised my tail as he used his fingers to apply the lube. I instinctively tensed as I heard the sound of a condom packet open, but the reassuring touch of Lachlan's paws returned to my thighs and butt and he gently massaged both again.

"Relax my dear Shep," he repeated.

The tip of his cock pressed into my hole and I couldn't help but grit my teeth and let out a small groan as he slid further in.

I couldn't describe the feeling. It wasn't as pleasurable as I thought it would be, but it didn't feel bad either.

"I... I don't know if I like this or not," I moaned.

"Do you want to stop?"

"N... no, try again," I said.

Lachlan withdrew slightly and pressed back in. The second time felt slightly better, even though the sensation was still weird.

"How does that feel?" Lachlan asked, gently nibbling the back of my neck.

"Better, I think," I moaned.

I felt Lachlan press in again, and then he settled into a rhythm. I couldn't help but moan and yip out loud as he continued to thrust into me. His motions weren't rough by any means, but I could feel his cock going deeper and I wasn't sure if it felt good or not.

Fuck, this feels weird.

"Huuh, haah!" I panted into the pillow.

"You okay?" Lachlan whispered into my ear as he thrusted in again.

"Y... yeah," I moaned.

I felt Lachlan pull out, place his paws around my hips and ease me back. He pressed slid his entire shaft back in. The change of angle felt nicer and my body seemed to relax itself. I closed my eyes as for the first time a wave of pleasure crashed through me as Lachlan thrusted in and out.

I was half-aware of the fact my moans were getting louder but I didn't care. I buried my face into the pillow as Lachlan's pace quickened. The weird sensation came back and I tensed.

"You okay?"

"I dunno... I felt good for a second, and then I'm not sure," I panted.

"Let's try this position," Lachlan suggested.

He pulled out and rolled me onto my back. I panted and looked up as he held my hind-paws and hilted back into my hole.

I closed my eyes as Lachlan resumed. He was going hard but not too rough, and I could feel him going deeper to the point where his balls were almost touching me. The feeling of pleasure came back and having him inside me started to feel nice rather than strange.

The room was filled with the sound of our moaning as Lachlan began to thrust hard again.

"I feel like I'm getting close," I said through gritted teeth.

A surge, something between an orgasm and a rush of adrenaline, crashed through my body and without touching my cock I shot my load over my chest and stomach.

I felt Lachlan pull out and shoot his over me too and some of his warm seed hit my muzzle.

He collapsed and panted beside me.

We both lay still, basking in the afterglow.

"Was that fine, was I fine?" Lachlan eventually asked once he had regained his breath.

"Yeah," I breathed. "It felt better towards the end, I wouldn't mind doing that again. W... was I okay. I hope I wasn't too awkward?"

"You were fantastic," Lachlan grinned, before he leaned over to kiss me and lick a glob of cum off my muzzle. "I love you Malcolm."

"I love you too."

I could feel some of the cum starting to slide from my fur.

"I should probably get in the shower," I chuckled.

"No so fast Mr," Lachlan said. He took my face in his paws and kissed me on the lips. "I wanted to do that first."

I smiled and kissed him back, gently pushing my tongue into his muzzle.

"I love you," I whispered. "It sounds so wonderful to say, I love you."

"And it's wonderful to show love too," Lachlan replied, giving me another kiss. "Now, whilst you're in the shower I'm going to arrange us a surprise."

I grinned and tried getting to my hind-paws, but I felt wobbly. Lachlan put out a paw to steady me.

"I wonder what this surprise could be?" I asked, giving his paw a squeeze and fixing him a grin with my tongue hanging out. I knew full well what the surprise would be.

"It's cute when you make that face," Lachlan said.

"It's my I've just taken cock for the first time face," I laughed. "Actually, don't tell me what the surprise is. I want to be _surprised_by it, even though I think you gave it away earlier."

I hurried to the shower and as I turned the water on, I thought I could hear Lachlan talking on the phone.

I cleaned myself as quickly as I could, teasing the cum from my fur and smoothing conditioner over myself before rinsing it away. My tail hole felt a little funny, but I focused on the feeling of happiness at having been bred for the first time by someone special.

"Who were you calling?" I shouted as I turned off the water.

"That's the surprise, and it's coming in the form of dinner," Lachlan replied. "I'll hop in the shower and then tell you."

I grabbed my tail and walked out to the bedroom. Lachlan gave my paw a squeeze before he hurried to the bathroom. I pulled on a clean pair of underwear and sat on the bed. The giddy sense of excitement was still sweeping through me and I wanted to message Hudson and tell him I'd done full-on fucking for the first time, but I thought better of it.

Just enjoy the moment.

The storm had faded outside and the sun was now shining through the clouds. My smile grew wider as I admired the sight.

Lachlan emerged from the bathroom with a towel around his middle.

"So, I'm sure you've had takeaway pizza in the UK?" he asked. I nodded. "We're getting the Italian equivalent. There's a restaurant in the town that lets you take pizza home, and I just ordered us some."

"Awesome," I replied, thumping my tail.

I feel overwhelmed by his kindness.

Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around Lachlan and buried my face into his damp chest fur.

"Hey, you okay?" Lachlan asked with a soft chuckle.

"Yeah, just feeling clingy," I replied, fixing Lachlan a smile, although I could also feel all kinds of emotions rushing through me. "Thank you for doing that with me, I wanted to keep it for a special guy, and now I have."

Lachlan tightened his hug around me.

"I'm glad to be of service, and it makes me happy you enjoyed it," he whispered. "That's a vote of confidence in me too."

I grinned and looked down at my stomach.

"I'm waiting for it to rumble," I explained.

Lachlan laughed and put his paw against my stomach.

"Let's go and feed it. I elect we go and pick up the pizzas before watching more Shepworth. Perhaps the next special assignment should be for you to pick out your favourite part of tonight's instalment?"

Rather than use words I let my thumping tail and wide grin say _yes_for me.