Senior Year, day 2

Story by rovean on SoFurry

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I know it's been a bit since my last story, been trying to balance things... not doing a great job, but I digress. Plus that whole bit about how this story is not meant for minors, yadda yadda, so on and so forth.

Rovean was, for all intensive purposes, in a great mood. He at least got his foot in the door with a really hot chick, got a good work out in, and even remembered to get all his books this year. "Wow... senior year, never thought high school'd fly by this fast," he mumbled to himself as he walked into the cafeteria. Of course there they were, his friends, all sitting around and having a good time. Of course the center of it all would have to have been two of his three best friends, Matt and Jack. Matt was tall for a wolf, and had an odd coloration- in reality he was only half wolf, his mom was a lioness and so he was a wolf with golden blond fur, and he might even have a mane for all they know he always cut his hair short. He was certainly taller than Rovean... all of them were, but that didn't mean much. Matt was about 6"3' and was not overly muscular, he ran track and was extremely good at it. He had greenish-blue colored eyes that always made it look like he was happy, which for most of the time he was.

Jack on the other hand was a tiger, he was tall- short for a tiger- about 6 foot even, and was blessed with the fact that he was a predator. He was the guy who didn't have to worry about staying in shape, his body did it naturally. He was a very laid back guy though, always cool and calm- the opposite of Rovean. The big wow factor for him was that he had two different color eyes, one more of a hazel color, the other more blue.

About the time Rovean was pulling out money to buy the breakfast of champions, Mountain Dew and a bag of Cheetos, he felt a giant paw slam down on his back and the annoyingly cheerful, for this early in the morning, voice of Matt, "How ya doin shit head?" Rovean just looked at him through slitted eyes and sighed, "dude... too early for this much talky, me needs ma DEW!" On their way towards their group of friends they both spot the same girl. Of course Rovean only knew her first name, he was bad with names to begin with, so he figured knowing peoples first names was good enough. She was, of course, Alex's girlfriends, and both metaphorically and physically a stone cold fox and her name was Catherine.

About this time the hulking form of the bear in question starts pushing his way through the rapidly filling cafeteria. "Hey Smokey, what's up?" Jack said as Alex reached the table and started making out with Catherine. Of course Rovean was a bit jealous, in his mind who wouldn't be? Catherine was average height for a fox, around 5"4' give or take an inch or two, but she was built. She always wore skimpy clothes that made men practically drool over her; she had D-cups, and a perfectly toned body. Of course Alex didn't mind rubbing it in Roveans face that he was plowing such a perfect creature, and the stories he would tell... "Man, I'm not kidding, she wanted me so bad she jumped me then and there."

His girlfriend was great, he had good friends, and a full tank of gas, things were looking up for Alex. He opened the door to let her in, and immediately she slid into his jeep and leaned over to kiss him. After breaking her lip-lock on his face he couldn't help but look at her, in his eyes she was perfect. "My mom and dad are out of town for the next couple of days. What do you feel like doing?" He thought he would die then and there, but then he had to think, "is this a trap, or should I go for it?" So of course twenty minutes later at her house, he parked his Jeep in the driveway and followed her into the house.

"Wait right here, I have a surprise for you." Alex couldn't fight it anymore, he wanted her, then and there, but he had to be patient. So he simply flopped down on the couch in her living room and turned on the tv to calm himself down. About half an hour later he heard a noise behind him, so he looked and there she was. She had taken off all of her clothes and was sitting in a chair quickly and quietly thrusting a 12 inch vibrator up her ass, Alex nearly lost control... and his pants.

She looked at him pleadingly, he had known that she had always wanted to try anal, but never really thought much about it. At the sight of this however he sprang up from the couch and dropped his drawers in the blink of an eye, and there he stood with his 12 inches already starting to get hard. He walked over to her, pulled her muzzle up and kissed her hard, and passionately, god he wanted her. As they kissed he could feel her hands reaching behind her, and of course they came up with a condom, he barely felt her grasp his now rock hard shaft, and put it on him. She then broke the kiss and whispered in his ear, "I want you to do me here and now, any way you want." He couldn't help thinking, jackpot. He had a hot nympho fox that was crazy about him, and he was gonna take advantage of that fact. He slowly guided himself to her entrance, and then moved his hips extremely slowly to tease her. Catherine looked at him with pleading eyes and simply thrust her hips forward, taking in more than half of his shaft. Alex grabbed her by the ass and lifted her in the air and pushed her against the wall of her dining room. "God Alex, you have no idea how bad I've been wanting this the past few days. I am gonna fuck you raw by the end of tonight." Alex ad no objections, so he reached up and played with her nipples as he thrust into her. Then the phone rang, "Shit, why's it always have to be at the worst times?" As Alex said it, he carried her over to the kitchen, to where the phone was.

"H...Hel...Hello, who is it?" said Catherin who was trying desperately not to moan from the pleasure Alex was giving her. "Catherine, its dad, are you all right? You sound kind of funny, and what are those noises in the background?" She looked at Alex, and the look said it all, so Alex slowed his pace, "I'm fine dad... really, I'm just sitting at home watching tv, and I forgot to mute it when I came to the phone." That sounded believable, right? "What kind of show is that, it sounds more like an inappropriate movie young lady?" He was getting annoyed, this wasn't good, and then suddenly she had the perfect alibi. "Oh no, it's a horror movie that's on tv." Please, oh god please! Let him believe that. "All right, anyway, I was calling to say that your mom and I are in California, the plane landed, we got our bags, and to remind you to not stay up too late. We'll be back in 4 days, see you then." "Bye dad, tell mom I love her, I love you to... bye!" She quickly hung up as she felt the wave of pleasure cascade through her body. "You are such an asshole, but you're my asshole." It was at this point that Alex picked up the pace and started to slam into her. She was so close to coming again, when suddenly he pulled all the way out and set her down, "Why did you have to do that, I was so clo-" she was turned around, and forced over the counter. Alex now had a perfect view of her swollen pussy, and her tail hole. So, obliging her fantasy he lined up his throbbing member with her tail hole, and eased it in.

"This is great" he thought, "I can die a happy man now." He slowly picked up the pace, and he could feel her body tensing up again as she came, and it was at this time she clamped down on him. He felt the build up, and he forced himself out of her, pulled off the condom- he hated the things anyway- and rubbed his shaft vigorously as he commanded her to turn around. Just as she faced him, he exploded, and with a primal roar of triumph covered her face and chest in his seed. He sat down gasping as he looked at her slowly cleaning herself off, "you're good to go again right?" God he loved her. Of course he would play it up a little more to his friends, it was only natural. You know, standard stuff, like a blowjob in the car, and cumming in her asshole as well as all over her face. He couldn't wait to see the look of jealousy he would get from Rovean when he told him this story.

Senior year, day 3 1/2

Ok, I had a little bit of writers block, plus I've been wicked busy. This is the first story I've ever written with a gay character, and this character is Levitas's. I hope you enjoy, and blah blah, nobody under 18 should read it, and so...

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Senior Year, day 3

Ok, this is the third story I've written, and this one is using characters of my creation, and the character of Vampire Panther, enjoy. I also know that it's a bit longer than usual, but please endure...

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Senior year, it only gets better from here

Okay, this is my first story, so some of you can be overly critical... but be gentle I guess. And note, these characters are ones that basically just popped into my head, if you wanna use them feel free to. Te hehe. She was on top...

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