Gracidea in Bloom

Story by Wolvesatyourdoor on SoFurry

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Spring is the time for new life, for growth and change. On Heonemia Island, just miles from the Flower Paradise and the dwelling place of Shaymin, it is marked by the blossoming gracidea flowers. There is little doubt in Chris' mind that he could date his crush if he was just bold enough to ask her, but she's sick of waiting. The concoction she makes it intended to be taken by a female, but when the recipe goes wrong she could never expect what would happen next. Chris is going to be in for a long day, courtesy of their pokemon and a curious, young legendary.

I intended to have this out yesterday, hence the rabbit themes, but I knew I was rushing it. This is my most optimistic stories yet, with the most characters I've ever played at once. As always, if you enjoy it, please leave a comment ^^ if you have any suggestions on how I can improve my story, please don't hesitate to let me know.

The water lapped gently along the sandy shores of Heonema Island. It was a sound Chris had come to enjoy over the last few months. Being a trainer had gotten rather stressful ever since he beat the Pokemon League. The notoriety that it brought had made it difficult to just enjoy a normal day off. No matter what level their pokemon were, trainers wanted to battle him just to say they had. It got so bad that he eventually moved out to the Battle Zone just so he would have an actual challenge.

He had heard about Heonema Island from a couple of sailors. The island lay just north of the Seabreak Path and north-east of the Battle Zone. Its natural beauty would have made it an instant tourist destination, but there was no infrastructure to accommodate them. The decision was made years ago not to open the area up to tourism; as such, there were no hotels, no formal dock, and only one major pokemon center. Most of the residents here were descendants of wayfarers from the Alolan region, and as such there was a very strong cultural identity.

Just to get out here, he had to charter a personal boat. At the time, he had worried that it was going to just be another letdown, but he had quickly been proven wrong. The first day he landed on the island had been astounding, with very generous hospitality shown to him. Even if the island didn't welcome the idea of large groups of tourists, newcomers were still treated with respect. His intention at first was to simply spend a week vacationing here, however, he had quickly fallen in love with the place. After only a few days, he had dumped the rest of his Pokemon League prize winnings into purchasing a small house outside the small city center.

Chris hadn't regretted a single moment of his time spent here, especially when it came to the lack of battling. The pokemon here were a bit low leveled, and because of that most of the trainers didn't relish the idea of facing him in battle. At first, he had worried that his pokemon might not like the mundane, laid back lifestyle, but he had been happily surprised when he was proven wrong. Being some of the strongest pokemon in the area allowed him to leave them out of their pokeballs. By leaving them to their own devices, they were all able to satisfy themselves.

Life here was truly perfect in his opinion, except for one thing that had been bothering him for a couple of months now. Her name was Kalea, and in Chris' mind, she was perfect. A direct descendant of Alolan islanders, he had met her on his first day when she was out getting supplies. She lived on the far east coast of the island, more so out of tradition than personal preferences. Some of the villagers regarded her as a medicine woman, and others as a priestess. Although he hadn't seen it, he had heard stories about how the medicines she made were able to cure even the sickest of pokemon.

"So, when we get there, you have to give her the flowers, Carbon." Chris looked out of the corner of his eye at his traveling partner, as well as his first pokemon. "I don't want her thinking I'm trying to hit on her...or anything." He pursed his lips together a bit and sighed as he tilted his head back to look at the sky. While he considered her a friend, he knew that she was, well, too good for him. Even now as he thought about her, he couldn't stop himself from biting down hard on his lip.

He considered himself average, a tall man with shaggy black hair. His attire for the day was a pair of white and blue swimming trunks, as well as a dark blue shirt. Although his skin had been a pale shade of white when he first came here, he had already started to develop a nice tan. Perched on the top of his head were a pair of white framed sunglasses, more for style than anything else. In his hand was a bouquet of flowers wrapped up in a lacey, white bow, each bud baring six pink petals, dark towards the edge while light yellow in the center.

They were known as gracidea flowers, and the island was already covered with them. These were supposedly special, however, as they had personally been touched by a shaymin. With the island's proximity to the Flower Paradise, it had become a common occurrence for the legendary pokemon to make an appearance here every spring. The island residents had even started a festival surrounding it, a week of celebration centered around new life. Today had been the first day of it, and with Kalea's urging he had apprehensively attended it.

She seemed a bit distant that day, distracted and eagerly watching the skies. When he finally pressed her on it, she admitted that she had hoped the shaymin would show up. She explained that one of the recipes she was trying to create specifically needed a gracidea flower touched by the power of a legendary pokemon. After a few hours of waiting, she had begun to get worried, making the mention that she needed to get back home to check on the brewing mixture.

They hadn't had to wait much longer after that. A cheer had gone up from the crowd as the legendary pokemon landed in the center of town. It had almost seemed to intimidate the small pokemon, and Kalea had mentioned that it wasn't the normal shaymin that usually arrived. It was a male, as opposed to a female, and seemed rather young at that. While it had been nervous, when it saw the festivities going on, it had happily joined in. Wherever it walked along, if there were flower buds yet to sprout, they would burst into full bloom. He reveled in this, and had quickly started to race through the open, grassy land in the city center.

Kalea couldn't stick around and had asked Chris to grab a big bundle of the flowers for her. He had been more than willing to do this for her, although he was certain the blush on his face was evident when she thanked him with a kiss on the cheek. Although he had always been able to pick up the signals she had sent him, he never acted on them. The fear of proving to her that he wasn't as good as some of the men on the island was ever-present, especially with how many had approached her during the day.

Carbon simply rolled his eyes as he tucked his arms up behind his head, giving a simple shrug of his shoulders. The lucario was a full foot shorter than he was, his blue arms bulging with the obvious muscle underneath it. The jackal pokemon's muzzle turned up in a crooked grin, before he turned and puckered his lips at him rather mockingly. Chris had received him as an egg a year before he first became a trainer. In his town, a strong importance was placed on raising a pokemon from an egg to their final form.

"Oh, shut up, at least I hang out with her. When was the last time you talked to that luxio you liked so much?" He smirked as he looked at him out of the corner of his eye, seeing the pokemon's stone faced glare. It was still a bit of a sore spot, he knew, especially after she had so casually brushed off his advances when he was around. "I'm just joking with you; she seemed super needy anyways. Her owner mentioned she already had two litters in the past year." He noticed the lucario stand up a bit straighter when he mentioned this, and he raised an eyebrow at him.

It took him a few moments to realize it, before he burst out laughing. "Oh gees, really? Come on, Carbon!" He reached over and smacked the steel type on the back, wincing a little from the feeling of it. "What is it with you and girls in heat? Now I'm going to have to help him find homes for them." Chris rolled his eyes a bit before shaking his head in amusement and sighing to himself. "And here I thought that manectric in Jubilife City was the love of your life...or was it that mightyena you met at the contest hall in Hearthome? You're the reason riolu aren't as hard to come by anymore, you know that, right?"

The jackal turned and bared his fangs at him, giving a warning growl before pulling one arm back and slugging him in the shoulder. It was a good-natured punch, but it still hurt like hell from just how strong the pokemon was. Carbon snatched the flowers out of his hands when he noticed they were nearing the edge of the beach where the trail veered off into the forest.

Chris grimaced as he rubbed at his shoulder, glaring at his pokemon as they stepped under the canopy of tree branches. "I still can't believe that mightyena went on and did a show and still managed to win. Does that say something about you in bed?" He smirked and reached over to put an arm around the pokemon's shoulder. "Seriously, though...I know you like to get around and all, need to settle down and find yourself a girl. The roaming Casanova type is played out."

The raised eyebrow and incredulous look he shot him made the human's face warm up. With one paw, he easily shoved his trainer a few steps awake from him. He lifted the bouquet of flowers in one hand and shook it a little. Chris didn't need to speak pokemon to understand what he was referring to.

"Yeah, well...shut up," he grumbled unhappily under his breath as he once again brought this up. "It's not as easy for humans." Chris looked away from him a bit before they stepped out of the forested path into a clearing. "Unlike you, if I get a girl pregnant, I actually have to be a father." The look the jackal shot him just made him all the more annoyed, especially when they came into sight of Kalea's home.

Sitting before them was a small cottage, old but more than able to stand up against the elements. There were two small paths branching off from the front door, one leading to a fenced in garden along the side. It was filled with berries and plants that Chris had never seen before, and even though Kalea had tried to explain them all, it was way too much for him. The other path led to the base of a large hill where a natural spring bubbled up from the earth; it was incredibly pure water, crystal clear in appearance. It wasn't very big, but it was enough for the pokemon resting in it.

Drifting along the surface of the water was Kalea's only pokemon, Rahim. He was a large floatzel, his orange and tan fur gleaming in the sunlight. The water type cracked one eye open at the sound of their approaching footsteps, before letting out a soft grunt and closing his eyes once more. To Chris, that was about the extent of their interactions; the pokemon had always seemed very reserved around him. Kalea insisted that if he didn't like him, Chris would have known it by now.

"Anyways, like I said, you give her the flowers." Chris shot a stern look at the pokemon before he walked up to the front door. After hesitating a few moments, he lifted his hand and rapped the door with his knuckles. The door would open after only a few moments, and Chris smiled brightly at Kalea. "H-Hey, we got you those flowers that you wanted." He stepped aside, allowing his lucario to step forward and offer the bouquet with an idle grunt.

Kalea was only a little shorter than he was, her skin a dark tan from a lifetime on the island. Her hair was long and black, hanging around her shoulders loosely but keeping her face free of it. She was wearing the same outfit from earlier in the day, tight tan shorts and a loose-fitting blue t-shirt with a low neckline. Hanging from her neck was a rope cord looped through a hole in a pure white shell. Her blue eyes sparkled a bit in amusement when Carbon presented this gift to her, and she reached out to take it.

"Thank you, Carbon...I was hoping you boys would manage to get me a few, but this is perfect!" Her voice was melodious, a hint of amusement in her tone as she reached out and gently cupped the pokemon's muzzle. "You're a very sweet boy...better watch out, Rahim might think you're trying to steal my affection."

Carbon's tail had started to wag almost instantly when he got this touch, his head tilting to the side when her hand reached up to scratch behind his ear. He looked back at Chris and stuck his tongue out at him a little, before letting out a cheerful bark when she pulled her hand away. As he stepped away from her, he would look at Chris expectantly and growl a little under his breath.

"Yeah, uh...that Shaymin was going crazy...I'm sure the town's going to be covered in flowers by the time he's done." Chris chuckled as he stepped up to the door, crossing his arms over his chest as he leaned in the doorway. The sweet scent coming from the interior hit his nose right away, making him pause as he inhaled it. " that your new recipe?" He recalled her mention that she had to get home to take it off the fire.

The smell of it was starting to make his mouth water, and he cleared his throat a bit. Suddenly, his nervousness about standing before her seemed to fade away, his shoulders losing their tension. "Do you mind if I...come in?"

He didn't know where that came from, and even Carbon was surprised by how boldly his master had asked that. Chris realized how rude it might be to so bluntly ask this question, but he was relieved when Kalea seemed amused. He didn't notice the look of satisfaction that came across her face, even as she gestured for him to come in.

"Of course not, I always wondered why you never asked." She stepped back into the house and gestured for him to join her, her hips swishing a bit as she walked away from him. The inside of the home was very well-lit with the door opening right into a small dining room area. There was a large fireplace against one wall, a metal spit hanging over the top of it that was currently empty. Sitting on the table was a large, metal pot that he assumed normally hung over the fire.

He was about to walk in before he noticed that Carbon was standing rather still next to him. Chris couldn't help but notice the reason for this, and he shoved him hard out of the building. "Are you kidding me, Carbon? What did I say about not embarrassing me!?" He hissed this out under his breath, his face reddening as his eyes drifted down a little. He just hoped that Kalea didn't see why.

The pokemon had never been very bashful before, especially since his blue sheath and heavy balls were constantly on display from his upright stance. That would prove rather unfortunate, as the pointed, black tip of his erection was sticking out. The lucario growled loudly and huffed as he stumbled back a few steps, one of his paws drifting down to cover the front of it. While his ears folded back, he shook his head rapidly and growled, pointing one finger at his nose.

It took Chris a few moments to realize what he meant, before he turned towards the interior of the house and took another slow inhale. While the scent was pleasant, he didn't see how it could have such an effect on his pokemon, and he shot him a stern glare. "Go around the back of the house and cool off...gees, no one wants to see that, Carbon." He shook his head even while the pokemon growled at him and began to walk off, his tail lashing around in annoyance.

The interior of the house was cool, the open windows allowing the island breeze to drift in unimpeded. Kalea had left the bouquet of flowers on the table next to her cooking pot, and he could hear her rummaging around in the next room. After taking a moment to compose himself after dealing with Carbon, he closed the door behind him. "Is this what you were working on?" he asked curiously, walking around the side of the table. There was a book laying open next to it which his eyes landed on almost instantly.

It was bound together by coarse plant fiber, the pages looking weathered and crinkled from years of use. The writing was long and elegant cursive; what little he could read let him know that it was a recipe of some kind. At the top of the page was a rather crude drawing of a humanoid figure, although it had long ears hanging from the top of its head. Next to it was the title with a vague description below it, but all he could make out was 'essence of rabbit'.

"Yeah, but I still need to add the gracidea flowers to it!" Kalea's voice rang out from the next room, and she smiled as she poked her head out of the doorway. "That was all I was waiting's an old recipe of my grandmothers. You wouldn't believe how much latent energy a legendary pokemon can release by accident. I just need to find my scale..." She would retreat back into the room as Chris walked towards the cooking pot.

A heavy lid sat over top of it, small wisps of steam escaping from an incomplete seal. The scent was even stronger than it had been in the doorway, leading him to believe it was definitely coming from this. He didn't even realize he was removing the lid until he felt the cool metal handle in his hand, his face flushing as he removed it. The pot simmered with a bubbling, purple fluid that seemed to writhe and churn constantly, even though it sat far from any heat source. Chris could feel his mouth watering as he breathed in the enchanting aroma; it suddenly made him realize just why Carbon had suddenly started to grow erect.

"It smells...really good," he spoke in an almost dreamy voice before he reached down for the bundle of flowers. Amused laughter reached his ears from the other room as she called back out to him.

"Oh, believe me, that's the point! Just wait till it's done!"

A sense of almost relief had come over him as he stood above the mixture, continually breathing in the fumes. It made the rest of the tension fade from his body, his worries about being in her home already starting to dissipate. "I can just put them in for you. I've always wanted to help you out with this kind of thing!" Before she was able to respond, he reached up and grabbed a handful of buds. They came away easily from the stem before he allowed them to fall from his fingers directly into the bubbling liquid.

"Don't do that!" Kalea's shrill voice made him jump in surprise, even as the bubbling liquid began to writhe faster. The petals simply dissolved into it with a loud hissing noise, a plume of purple steam rising upwards and engulfing his face. He could barely make out the form of the other human through it as she rushed into the room. She stood at the edge of the table, far from the smoky mixture that enveloped him. "How many did you put in? I needed to weigh it out!"

The scent had grown even stronger as it assaulted his olfactory senses, making his entire body go lax. He almost fell over but managed to catch himself on the edge of the table; however, this would put his face even closer to the source of the fumes. "Arceus...that smells goooood..." His words came out a little slurred, but that didn't seem to matter to him. It was like the scent in the town square, thousands of gracidea flowers blooming at once.

"Chris, you can't inhale so much of it! The journal said you're only supposed to breathe in for a few seconds!" Kalea didn't move from her position on the other side of the table, safe from the cloud with the open windows ventilating the room.

He barely heard her, in fact, he couldn't hear anything at that moment. His senses felt dulled, almost like a veil rested over his head. The smoke felt like a wet blanket, smothering his body in oppressive fragrance that soaked into every pore. By now, the mixture had started to stabilize and turn white, the cloud dissipating as the legendary energy burned itself up.

When Kalea finally deemed it safe enough to come over, she grabbed the lid and slammed it over the top of the pot. It seemed she didn't come out unscathed though, as she had to cough a bit as she got a quick whiff of the potion. He could just barely sense her presence as she pressed a hand on her shoulder and shook him a little bit.

"Arceus...Chris, sweetie?" Her fingers snapped a few times in front of his face, but he did little more than shoot her a silly grin. To her shock, she could see small brown hairs beginning to sprout on his face, reminiscent of facial hair but becoming thicker by the second. "Are you okay? only called for four gracidea petals..."

"You should...bottle that stuff...because that was amaaaaazing..." For him, he could feel his body beginning to tingle, itchiness erupting all over his body. He first realized something was wrong when his hearing came back, crystal clear and incredibly sensitive. The sight of something dangling just above his line of sight made him blink a few times, before he slowly reached up to grab it. A sharp pain hit him as he tugged on it, before wincing as it started to grow even longer. It was brown furred on the exterior, with tufted, tan fur on the inside.

"Oh no, no no no..." While she rushed over to her journal, he had his own problems when he realized that they were his ears, growing long and rabbit like. She flipped rapidly through the journal, trying to find some explanation for this, but only groaning under her breath. "It was never supposed to be that potent..." she grumbled to herself, before wincing as she looked up once more.

Chris had begun to shrink in stature, his clothing growing baggy around his shoulders as his ears hung down to his hips. He yelped in surprise when he felt the tingling sensation beginning to center on his nose, and he reached up with his hands to feel it. His face had started to push out into a muzzle, growing softer and more feminine by the second. By now, his face had erupted in the fuzzy brown fur, and he could see that his hands were becoming more animal-like in shape.

He had just enough sense to know that his body was changing, his hands trembling as he slowly turned them over to look at them. Tufts of fur had appeared around his wrists, a light tan in coloration like his ears were. "Kalea...what's happening..." The feminine tone to his voice made him reach up to clamp a paw over his muzzle, his eyes shooting wide open.

"It was supposed to be for me..." Kalea sighed as she shut the journal, biting down on her lip hard as she watched his transformation. He was already a few inches shorter than Kalea, even with his large ears, but this was seemingly the extent to how far he was going to shrink. "Just...a little bit of lopunny get you to notice me..." Despair clouded her face as she walked around to his side, her teeth digging deeper into her lip. "I always follow the recipes word for word; I didn't know this was even possible..."

Chris was about to say something before a sharp cramp in his stomach made him grunt and double over. His paws shook as they lightly pressed against his abdomen. This, however, would prove to be the least of his concerns. His chest was swelling up under his shirt, pressing against the front of it and causing the fabric to strain a bit. With no regard to Kalea, he grabbed the bottom of his shirt and pulled it off, revealing a pair of perky, brown furred breasts, a pair of pink nipples poking out of the fur. His sunglasses clattered to the floor, instantly forgotten as he stared at his growing chest.

"It was, uh...meant to be for females..."

By now his entire body had been covered in a shroud of fur. A sharp pressure appeared at his tailbone before he let out a grunt as a puffy, brown tail shot out above his rear, sticking out above the top of his pants. His entire body had become more feminine, his hips growing a bit leaner while his furry rump began to plump up. "I'm...I'm turning into a girl?!" The feminine voice that met his ears was all he needed to know it was true. With his transformation finalizing, there was still one part of him that was yet to change.

Modesty was disregarded as his new paws scrambled to yank his pants down, allowing the loose-fitting garment to fall around his knees. His boxer shorts were barely clinging on, his thick, furry ass the last thing that was holding them up. Right now, he didn't care that his crush was standing right there, he needed to know for himself; it was with a heavy groan that he finally saw it was true.

Between his legs he could barely make out the last remnants of a furry sheath before it disappeared into his groin. There was a tense moment where he could only stare at his flat groin, before a surge of pleasure suddenly shot through his body, enough to make his furry ears puff up. It was only moments later that a small, pink slit formed between his legs, barely hidden by the brown fur that surrounded it. With his transformation complete, the two could only look over him, his ears shyly wrapping around his body on instinct. "This...isn't happening..."

A shocked look came over Kalea's face when the lopunny said this, making her wince immediately afterwards. "Uh,'re speaking...pokemon." Her voice trembled before she moved around closer to him, looking down at her feminine body in shock. The human's nose twitched a bit as the familiar scent of gracidea flowers, the source seemingly coming from between the rabbit's legs. "Listen, don't freak out...I can fix this, I'm sure of it..."

Chris' ears drooped when he heard this, his voice sounding completely human to his own ears. "You're have to be..." Even in his heart, he was failing to convince himself that this was anything other than reality. The scent from before was still hanging in the air, but it took a few moments for him to determine that the source was coming from him. He exuded the potent scent of blossoming gracidea flowers, combined with the primal scent of a rabbit going into the early stages of heat.

Her hands raised up in front of the panicked bunny, before she smiled weakly at her. "I'll...I'll go talk to my mother, she's on the other side of the island, but she should know what to do." Even though she tried to project an air of confidence, inside she was freaking out. While growing up, she had always been warned against mishandling the recipes, and she had to promise to never experiment with them. The panicked stammering of the rabbit made her wince, and she gently reached up to set a hand on her furry shoulder. "Just take a deep breath, okay...we'll figure this out."

There was a loud knock on the door before it swung open rather heavily. Carbon poked his head in, looking around suspiciously as his nostrils flared. He was seemingly trying to hide himself behind the doorway, and even under his blue fur they could see that his face was flushed. "Is there...gees, what was that smell?" His voice came out a bit tense, his ears perked up curiously. When his eyes landed on the rabbit girl, he instantly grinned to himself, his fingers digging into the wood of the frame. "Well...hellllllo there, Kalea's new girl, or something? Never seen you around before."

He didn't seem to recognize the pile of clothing that was surrounding her feet, nor did he wonder in the least where his trainer had gotten off to. Still though, he refused to enter the doorway, knowing that his black jackal cock was already sticking halfway from his sheath. He simply chuckled when he watched the rabbit girl tense up, her paws reaching up to shyly cover her breasts. "Awww, come on, it's nothing I haven't seen before."

Kalea looked between the two of them and swallowed hard, instantly realizing what was going on. " need to go back outside, okay? We messed up one of my recipes." Her voice was stern, a commanding tone to it reserved solely for her pokemon when they misbehaved. "I need you and Rahim to stay out of the house while I'm gone."

Chris shot her a panicked look instantly, her front, buck teeth sticking out as she bit down on her lip. It was strange having his own partner, the one he had raised from an egg hitting on him, but at the same was oddly flattering. He had always respected her as a man, but she also knew how he treated women. She lifted one paw to her muzzle and couldn't resist letting out a nervous giggle, before immediately chastising herself for acting this way. "Kalea, you can't just leave me here..."

The human shot her a sad frown before sighing to herself. "I can't understand you, dear. But let's be honest, I doubt you want to walk around in public like that...and I doubt you want to go in a pokeball." She truly did feel bad about this, but at the same time she was rather upset that he had ruined her potion. It had taken her months to gather the proper ingredients for it; most of them were plants that only flowered at the beginning of Spring. "I'll only be an hour...surely you can wait for me?"

Carbon looked between the two girls as they spoke to each other, a look of understanding slowly coming over him. His red eyes darted down to the pile of clothing around Chris' ankles and then back up to the rabbit herself. The jackal's jaw dropped a few moments later, before he found the words. "Chris...? Arceus, you look...fucking hot!"

While she wasn't too happy about it, the look of begrudging acceptance on her face was enough to convince Kalea. She would give her shoulder one more reassuring squeeze before she grabbed a messenger bag from a hook besides the front door. "I'll be fast. You," she spoke sternly as she waved a finger in Carbon's face, making the jackal's ears flatten against his head. "Stay out of my house, she...uh, he, has enough problems without you embarrassing her."

Something told her that no matter what, it was a very bad idea to leave the two of them alone. The rabbit's scent was already filling the room and Chris was starting to pant a little against her will. "Close the windows, lock the door, and I'll be back soon, alright?" She shot her a reassuring look before using one hand to roughly push Carbon out of the doorway. "Just...hang in there, dear." She smiled at her reassuringly one last time before pulling the door close.

Once she was outside, she glared at Carbon, noticing that Rahim had sat up in the pool of water and was curiously watching the house. His lower body had sunken below the surface of the water; his muzzle directed upwards as he sniffed the air. "Now you listen to me. I expect you to stay out of my house, you understand?"

Her eyes narrowed at the jackal pokemon, even as he bashfully moved his paws in front of his groin to cover his hard erection. The human caught a quick glimpse of it, however, and she could feel a surge of warmth rush through her, her face growing red. "That's your trainer in there, and you better remember that..." As she walked past him, the pokemon would tilt his head to the side, wondering if the scent coming off of her truly was what he thought it was.

Chris stood by the window and watched Kalea as she walked down the forested path towards town. The panic of her situation had faded to the back of her mind, but now she was suddenly left alone with the realization that she would need to find something to bide her time. It seemed improper to leave this room, and with a groan she pulled a chair out from the table and took a seat.

Time seemed to move slowly while she was waiting, the ticking of the clock on the wall signaling the minutes that passed. Her thoughts had raced at first, wondering about how long Kalea was going to take, and if she was even going to find a way to turn her back. The realization that this was her fault, that she hadn't even consulted her before adding the final ingredient was heavy in her mind. If she had simply waited and allowed her to finish it up, she wondered where she would be by now.

The heat gnawed constantly at her stomach, filling it with a dull ache that was only getting stronger by the second. She was growing more agitated by the second, shifting around even faster in her chair as twenty minutes passed excruciatingly slowly. Her body screamed with the constant desire to be touched, her little slit pulsing between her legs. It was embarrassing, but she swore she could feel a bit of dampness beginning to form.

No longer able to resist, her paws timidly pressed down against the bottom of her breasts, causing her to instantly shiver from the simple touch. They were incredibly sensitive, and although she was inexperienced with how to touch a female, she was quickly beginning to realize just where her own sensitive areas were. It felt good, better than anything she would have expected. What began as mere curiosity quickly shifted to an excuse to touch herself, her breathing coming out heavily.

Being in this body wasn't too different from being in a human's, especially with her biped form. It was very, very hard to resist her desires, however, especially with her needy pussy wetting her thigh fur. While she sat there, she could suddenly feel a pair of eyes on her, and she glared up at the open window where Carbon stood. He had his arms crossed over his chest as he looked over her, his head cocked to the side a bit.

"So, you were telling me not to embarrass you? Seems like you did that pretty well yourself." There was no hint of embarrassment in his voice from having hit on his trainer, instead, he seemed very amused by this. His red eyes had a familiar gleam in them, one that reminded her of the way he'd look at other girls. "I always wondered how she made those...I'm not sorry, though. I've never apologized for hitting on a woman, especially one with an ass like that."

Chris shifted uncertainly in the chair, feeling his cotton ball tail grinding against the seat. "I would expect nothing less from you," her voice came out curt, annoyance evident as she crossed her arms over her chest "you can stop staring at me anytime." Their conversation about his inability to resist females in heat, the very thing she knew she now was, was ever-present in her mind.

The corner of his muzzle turned up into a bit of a grin as he said this, his tongue barely poking out. "I saw all that smoke coming out and I thought there was a fire, or something, but Arceus, the smell of it..." His eyes rolled upwards as his nose flared once more, inhaling the potent aroma coming from her. "You know how you smell, right?"

She was certain that he was rock hard on the other side of the window. While it repulsed her that her supposed best friend felt this way about her, she had to admit...the heat that had built in her stomach was only growing stronger. Her heart had started to beat a bit faster as she shyly turned away from him, trying to think of something that would dissuade him. "Hey, what did Kalea say? You're supposed to leave me alone."

His paw waved it off instantly, his teeth showing as he grinned at her. "She said to stay out of her house, but uh...well, what's stopping you from coming out here?" He shrugged his broad shoulders, before taking a small step back. The pointed tip of his black cock was sticking up above the window frame, the pokemon rather boldly showing it off. "Girl in heat like you, bet there's only one thing you can think of..."

The callous disregard to her situation combined with that smarmy grin on his face made her feel all the hotter inside. She wondered if this was how the pokemon in heat he mated felt, this building warmth in her stomach getting almost impossible to ignore. It was jarring, making her stomach cramp up as she shifted around a bit. "Carbon, are you fucking kidding me...?"

"No, I'm not. You should know by now that I'm not picky." His eyes narrowed in amusement before he growled and gestured with his head towards the door. "Come on, come out won't regret it..." Even while he said this, the sight of his hips rocking against the air made Chris' mouth go dry. His fat, canine prick was glistening in the sunlight, her paw pressing against the front of her muzzle as she simply stared at it.

It was hard to deny her natural instincts which screamed at her to approach the viable male. Lopunny were always regarded as symbols of Spring fertility, and now she was beginning to realize just why. She had gotten up from her seat before she realized it, making it feel like someone else was guiding her motions as she approached the door. Kalea hadn't even been gone for half an hour, and her ears drooped down in shame as she reached for the doorknob.

"That's's so damn hard to suffer through it, isn't it? Wouldn't it be easier if you just let me take care of your problem?" He cooed softly under his breath to her as he leaned against the windowsill, watching her paw take a hold of the doorknob. "I promise, you won't regret it." With his own mind clouded by her pheromones, so strong from the over dosed rabbit, he would say anything to get to his goal.

Chris couldn't think straight, but that didn't stop her from opening the door and taking a few steps outside. She could instantly see Rahim's head darting up from his place in the pool, his nose twitching as he picked up on her scent. The sinking realization that she might have two men to deal with was banished from her mind when she felt a pair of strong, muscular arms wrapping around her from behind.

"There we go...," the voice was soft, dripping with masculinity and the hint of a growl. She could feel something hard, hot, and slick pressing between her thick, furry ass cheeks, drawing a gasp of desire from her. "Little slut bunnies like just can't resist..." His breath was hot and humid against the back of her neck, layered with the sound of his pants.

Rahim had started to get up from his place in the water, the stern look on his face replaced by one of conflicted desire. With Carbon grinding up against her from behind, she could see the weasel pokemon stepping out, water streaming down his furry body as he approached them. Her eyes couldn't move away from the fat sheath between his legs, a pointed, pink tip already starting to poke free of it.

"Hey, fish breath, you see something you like?" Carbon chuckled when he noticed the normally reserved water type approaching them, his cock pushing further from his sheath with each step. He reached around and grabbed the bottom of Chris' breasts, growling loudly into her ear as she hefted them up. "And here I thought you were too good for girls in heat. Isn't that what you always bitched me out for?"

He snorted at the nickname, before narrowing his eyes at the lucario. "I told you already, I do not believe in making a woman carry eggs unless she wants to..." He was much more interested in Chris' form than arguing with the lucario, and he stopped a few feet in front of her. His head tilted to the side before he sighed as he looked over her overheated body. "You messed up her rabbit recipe, huh?" He asked this rather judgingly, but his pink cock was already sticking half-way out of his sheath. "I always knew you'd mess something up in there, it was just a matter of time...I had to search for weeks to find the right kind of seaweed for that. She was soooo damn excited to try it out with you..."

The weasel reached up when Carbon's hands fell away from her breasts, his own water slickened paws taking their place. This allowed Carbon's paws to move down to her furry rump, molesting and squeezing her thick ass. His shaft had started to grind incessantly between her furry ass cheeks, overloading Chris' mind from the twin stimulation. "W-Wait, boys, I...please stop..." She tried to stammer out some kind of denial, that she wasn't really enjoying herself, but it fell on deaf ears.

Whenever she had touched herself as a man, it had never been like this. Her head tilted back against Carbon's shoulders as she looked up at the sky, her mouth dropped open in a silent moan. It drew a loud cry from her when Rahim's paws took a hold of her sensitive nipples, lightly grinding the sensitive nubs between his fingers.

"Stop? I may not breed females in heat as often as the mutt, but I know that's the last thing you want..." The water type's voice came out in a thick purr, his long, slim ten-inch length pressing against the front of her crotch. It wasn't as thick as Carbon's was, but he definitely had two inches on the knotted jackal cock. "What do you think, cur? Should we stop?"

The laughter from behind her signaled his response, his paws suddenly leaving her firm bunny buns. It caused them to squeeze up around his shaft, making her feel every throbbing inch of it as he ground it between her ass cheeks. "I don't think we'd be able to call ourselves men if we just stopped now..." His hands had moved to rest on her flank, gently rubbing her soft stomach before they began to slip lower down. "At least you're not dumb enough to pass up an easy lay. I thought I was going to have to listen to you complain the entire time."

Chris bit down hard on her lip, her buck teeth showing off a bit when the lucario's strong fingers pressed just above her groin. Her resistance had practically faded away under the talented paws of the two men. It was hard to think with them all over her, their musky odors combining in her nose and making her body react against her will.

The floatzel had leaned down closer to her chest, his nose twitching as he examined her perky breasts, before he opened his mouth. He made sure she was watching as his long, pink tongue ran out, pressing against the bottom of her breasts and slowly dragging around her nipple in a circular pattern. It was a teasing action, one that drew a whimper from the poor, overheated girl. "By the smell of her, I bet she'd go crazy if we left her alone...I wouldn't be able to relax if I had to suffer through it..."

Before Chris could prepare herself, the jackal pokemon pushed his fingers lower, tracing along the top of her pussy and sending shivers down her spine. The touch was electrifying, drawing a low, husky moan from her lips. It made both of the men smirk and it emboldened Carbon as he pushed his fingers through the wet brown fur surrounding her cunny. When she jumped, he grinned in victory when he realized what he had found, his finger tips rubbing along the pink bud at the top of her cunny.

"That's it...moan for us...your body knows what you want..." The manipulative tone of the lucario was like music to her long ears. He knew all the right things to say, all the right places to touch to make her melt in his hold. She felt the blunted tip of his chest spike pressing against her back, but her thick fur prevented most of the discomfort.

"Oh Carbon, nnngh!" She found herself raising up on her tiptoes between the two taller pokemon, her large ears fluffing up. The touch was driving her wild, sending pleasure shooting all throughout her body. It eroded any resistance that she had left, making her tilt her head back to the sky as she pushed her hips back against him.

Her breasts were getting just as much attention as her clit was, the floatzel roughly groping the breast he wasn't lapping at. His head had tilted to the side, his warm breath billowing over her pink bud as he swirled his tongue around it. The slightly sour scent of his breath hit her nose, reminding her of Carbon's comment about it. Any complaints she might have voiced washed away when he opened his muzzle wider and drew it into her mouth, sucking on it firmly.

The two men contrasted greatly in their motions. Carbon wasn't gentle, rubbing and teasing her clit with no regard to her pleasure. If anything, he was more worried about touching her than pleasuring her. Rahim on the other hand was deliberate in his actions, showing a surprising amount of experience as he sucked on her nipple, his lips wrapping around it tightly. After a few moments he would switch over to her other breasts, his stern, blue eyes constantly watching her.

Carbon hadn't stopped thrusting and grinding against her furry rump, allowing her to feel the slick length each time it ground against her slit. He could feel how wet she was, and that was all that mattered to him. "I don't think I'm going to let her turn you back after said I needed to settle down with a female, right...?" The mirthful chuckle that met her ears would make her wonder if he was being serious or not, and that was what pushed her over the edge.

Her vision seemed to darken in the corners of her eyes as her body suddenly jerked forward against Carbon's hand. Her hips rocked a few times before she groaned as she shamelessly humped against it, feeling his fingers jabbing against her puffy lips. Pure euphoria exploded in her mind seconds later, her head tilting back to the sky as she signaled her climax with a sweet cry of pleasure. Her body was rigid, pressing up against the two of them and ensuring neither pulled away.

Her pussy twitched under the jackal's fingers before spraying it with her warm, musky fluids, her hips continuously bucking forward against it. It practically knocked her for a loop as she collapsed in the strong pokemon's grip, one of his arms quickly needing to wrap around her waist to prop her up. Rahim would smirk in amusement as he released her nipples, giving them one last lick with his talented tongue before winking at her.

"I think she liked that...I bet you couldn't make Kalea feel even half of that." Chris shuddered when his paw reached up to caress her cheek, his fingers surprisingly gentle. "Don't feel too bad, any female in heat would have trouble controlling herself..." She opened her eyes and giggled a little air headedly as she looked into his eyes, her head tilting to the side as she opened her mouth.

"Is that...really what it feels like?" Her voice quivered with lust, her chest raising and falling with every heavy breath that she took. "I had no idea..." She could feel Carbon's paws running back up her stomach, before he moved away from her. Immediately after, she felt his hands pushing down on her shoulders, making her drop to her knees before them.

"Heh, yeah, I have that kind of effect on women." The cocky tone of the lucario signaled his amusement as he walked around in front of her. His hard, black shaft was throbbing between his legs; the canine was very clearly worked up, his breathing thick and heavy. The scent of his groin nearly bowled her over by how strong it was, her position on her knees putting her in close proximity to it.

His manhood stuck out eight inches from his blue sheath, a pair of heavy balls hanging below it which he couldn't resist reaching down to play with. "Like that? Gees, I wish you had been a female when you caught me. I've always wondered what it would be like to breed a human. Maybe now that you're stuck like this, Kalea-" He trailed off when a very loud, very angry growl from behind him hit his ears.

"You don't even think of touching her, cur. She would never debase herself like that." Rahim walked around the two of them, his blue eyes gazing down on the lopunny prostrating before them. "Your trainer seems made for this kind of treatment, but even she deserves some respect."

Carbon's response was to roll his eyes, his paw moving away from his balls and instead grabbing the base of his shaft, giving it a few good pumps in front of her face. "What's wrong? You got blue balled by her too often to even let another man look at her, right?" He noticed the way Chris was eagerly watching her, her muzzle hanging open a little, and he smirked as he stepped closer to her. "Arceus, you two just don't understand that some woman WANT to be taken. Like this one here."

His actions had seemed so out of character, but it made Chris realize just how little she knew about her partner. She had never seen how he treated his mates, but now that she thought back on it, it made sense why he never stuck around them. Her ears folded back as she looked at his gleaming, ebony shaft, and she found herself unable to resist. With a shaking paw, she reached out, hesitantly touching it with the tips of her fingers. The stern growl that reached her ears let her know that wasn't enough, and her paw slowly wrapped around his length.

The lucario's canine prick was incredibly hot to the touch, throbbing in her hand and making her gasp as her paw ran down the slick length. She could feel the larger male shivering under her fingers, her paws incredibly soft as they gripped him. "Wowwww..." Her mouth had begun to water from excitement, and she was so focused on him that she jumped when she felt a pair of paws landing on her shoulders.

"You're so uncouth. You have no idea how to treat a woman, do you?" Chris could feel Rahim's paws beginning to trace down her arms, before his foot nudged her knees farther apart. "Stand up straight for me...if we're going to do this, I'll be the one to at least make sure you're ready for it."

It confused her a little when she felt him getting down behind her, and she jumped up a bit, gripping Carbon's cock even harder. The tip of the fur on Rahim's head had brushed between her legs, and when she looked down, she could clearly see the weasel boy's face mere inches from her wet slit. She shifted a bit awkwardly, but there was enough room for him to comfortably rest there with his hands taking a firm hold of her ass cheeks.

"Don't think I'm giving you any special treatment; I would do this for any female that I intended to breed..."

The floatzel's head lifted off of the ground, his eyes locked on her own before she felt it. His slick, talented tongue pressed against the bottom of her slit before slowly dragging to the top of it. He had been able to show off just a trace amount of his talent on her nipples, but now he had his chance to shine, and he was going to take it.

The water pokemon's tongue ran along the full length of her wet slit, his nose trembling with the scent she was giving off. He had always loved the scent of Kalea's flower garden, and she seemed to radiate the scent of Spring. It reminded him of when the local forest pokemon would go into heat, and he forced himself not to pursue them. With her crying out in pleasure, it egged him on to go even faster. His hands slowly rubbed and massaged her plump rear, being much gentler than Carbon had been.

Chris' mouth hung open as she tilted her head back, her paw drifting down to the base of Carbon's shaft and squeezing it tightly. She could feel a thick bulge beginning to grow near the base of it, swelling up a little already from her attention. Her moans came loud and husky, her hips already beginning to rock against Rahim's tongue. It was astounding that anything could make her feel this way, her head clouded by lust.

"Arceus...what a show off..." Carbon's hand would land on Chris' head, pulling her gaze back up to meet his eyes. "Don't forget about me. I got you off already, remember?" He ignored the floatzel when he paused in his actions just long enough to give him an annoyed look. The lucario would immediately shoot him a glare back, the two men's temporary companionship forged solely by the horny female between them, but still incredibly fragile.

Thoughts were starting to come harder as Chris began to rock her hips against Rahim's muzzle. His tongue had pressed up against the center of her slit before wiggling up into her, constantly dancing along her inner walls. It swiped along every corner, drawing her sweet juices out and coating his tongue with it, his muzzle glistening with her juices. Her eyes opened a crack when Carbon gave another impatient thrust, and she giggled in response as she reached up with her second paw. "Ahhh, c-calm down...Carby..." Her paw squeezed tightly around his black length, before she started to eagerly stroke his throbbing length.

Even while she rode the weasel boy's tongue, she was barely able to remind herself that she had a job to do. "F-Fuck...Rahim don't stop...please..." Her lips trembled as she stared at the dark, black length before her eyes, her paw gliding effortlessly along his length. She could see the pearly white pre beginning to leak from his tip, reducing the friction her paw created on his shaft. At the same time, her paws danced along the underside of his weighty balls, rolling them between her paws and letting her know just how dense they were.

"That's it...come on, just like you would do for yourself..." His long, pink tongue poked out of his muzzle before falling to the side as he began to pant heavily. The lucario's blue furred haunches bucked forward, thrusting against her clenched paw as his face began to curl up. It seemed he wasn't the only one that was pent-up, and he groaned as he started to thrust a bit faster. "S-Squeeze my knot, slut, I'm about to blow. That scent of yours is getting to me..."

Chris didn't have much of a chance to respond to this, her breath catching in her throat before her paw drifted down to the base of his shaft. Her paws wrapped around the bulging knot as the lucario let out a loud groan. His shaft jumped in her paws, dangling right in front of her muzzle before the first spurt of white fluid fired into her face.

At the same time that he climaxed, Rahim's tongue finally found what it was digging for. The rabbit's g-spot was larger than most female pokemon, ensuring she would feel pleasure far more often than others, and he gave her her first experience with it. He could feel her bucking upwards, bouncing all the faster on his tongue. His nose pressed deep into her soaked crotch fur, making him snarl lustfully around her cunny as her pheromones flooded his brain. Her juices sprayed all over his muzzle like they had Carbon's fingers, coating his mouth in the musky fluids.

Her climax was much stronger than the first one had been, tearing through her body and making her scream out in lust. She barely registered the hot ropes of seed that were painting her face, matting the brown fur down with it. With almost pinpoint accuracy, the lucario's final shot landed directly in her open mouth. The taste was like ambrosia, a delicacy that made her react instantly.

Carbon groaned loudly when the lopunny's mouth closed around the pointed tip of his shaft, taking him by surprise as he felt his balls twitching with the last of his load. "Oh, oh fuck, Chris! Why didn't you do that before?!" He bared his fangs in annoyance at the thought, taking a few deep breathes as he tried to catch his breath. "If I knew you were so cock hungry, I would have shoved it right in." The lopunny's mouth opened after a few moments, strings of saliva and semen connecting his tip to her mouth before she shyly broke it and giggled under her breath.

"Rahim, your tongue damn good..." She looked down at the boy between her legs and let out a rather feminine giggle. It surprised her that the normally aloof weasel had been willing to do that for her, but it certainly was appreciated. At that moment, being stuck as a girl didn't seem that bad, especially when he gave her cunny one last long swipe before pulling his tongue away.

"No problem...heh, like I said, I'd do that for any female." He let out a huff as he pulled himself out from under her, his own shaft as hard as a rock between his legs. His face was red under his fur, his tongue constantly running along his lips to taste the remnants of her juices. Unlike Carbon, he had enough control to want to take his time with this, his tails swishing around as he looked down at her. "Did you like that, at least? I think that should have earned me the chance to go first..."

She didn't have a chance to answer this before there was a loud crashing sound from overhead. A few broken branches and leaves landed around the three pokemon, before a small, white and green form dropped down a few feet from them with a loud yelp. The two men instantly turned to face the new arrival before they stepped in front of her.

Rahim's paws landed on her shoulders rather possessively, the weasel's hard cock pressing against her back and unintentionally grinding against her. It made a shiver run down Chris' spine; it wasn't meant to be a sexual touch, more like he truly was worried about her. Carbon was different, he looked actually angry at having their time disrupted, and he bared his fangs right away.

"O-Owwww...that hurt..."

The voice was masculine, but clearly young, and as Chris' senses came back to her she realized who it was. It was the shaymin that had been present at the festival, still in its sky form, but its furry coat was filled with leaves and twigs. His white hooves were dyed green from the grass he had been running around in, making him seem less regal than his lineage would suggest. It shook itself a bit to try to dislodge the debris, but it froze when it realized it had two very large, very intimidating males glaring down at him.

"Oh...ummm, h-hey there...hehe..." He shrunk down a bit as he spun around to look at them, before taking a few nervous steps backwards. His face was clearly flushed, his hind legs trembling as he looked between the two men. "Sorry to drop in, heh...just ummm...I thought I smelled gracidea flowers...and it suddenly got so strong...I'm still getting used to flying..." His voice broke as Carbon reached down and roughly grabbed him by the scruff of the neck.

For a legendary pokemon, he certainly seemed apprehensive about showing the power he was renowned for. He would yelp as he was easily lifted from the ground, with the jackal pokemon glaring directly into his eyes. "You're interrupting something, so why don't you just get lost..." He trailed off when he noticed the green erection pushing out of the young pokemon's sheath, and he let out a laugh of amusement. "Hey slut bunny, you going to yell at him for getting a hard-on?" Carbon turned and presented the young male to the two of them even as he tried to use his hooves to cover his groin.

The mocking laughter made his muzzle curl up as he shifted around in his hold, growling at the larger pokemon. "H-Hey, shut up! I just...I don't know what it was, but I smelled it all the way from the village. I'm supposed to help the flowers bloom, and-" his eyes centered on Chris, who had moved to stand next to the large floatzel male. The gears turning in his head were almost audible, before a look of realization came over his face. He blushed much harder as his flat, green cock tip pushed his hooves out of the way allowing them to see the small white balls that hung below it. "It...wasn't the flowers, was it?"

With the three men surrounding her, Chris' desires were building out of control. She wasn't happy with the sudden lack of attention to her body, and she signaled it with an unhappy scoff. "Carbon, put him down, now." Her eyes narrowed at him, traces of control coming back to her as the jackal pokemon eyed her apprehensively. Even with the cum coating her face, when she spoke to him like this, his ears flattened against his head. "You're still going to get what you want."

He reluctantly set the smaller pokemon down, who immediately ran up to hide behind the rabbit girl's leg. It only served to put him closer to her intoxicating aroma, however, and he took a deep breath and sighed to himself. "T-Thank you, miss..." He whispered, shifting on his hind legs to try to hide his growing, green erection.

"What, are you going to fuck him too?" Carbon demanded this as he crossed his arms over his chest, rather annoyed at the thought of having to compete with another man. He wasn't at all happy, although Rahim only watched on in amusement. "Is two men not enough for you? Arceus, you really are a slut."

She reached down with one hand to gently pet the top of the small boy's head, her fingers trembling a bit as she touched him. "What if I am...? I'm letting you do it and compared to how Rahim has treated me..." temporarily snapped out of her lustful trance, she had just enough of a mindset to remind him that she was still technically his trainer. "I'm tempted to just let these two use me, unless you're a good boy and wait your turn." In truth, the thought of giving herself up to so many men was making her incredibly horny.

Lopunny were known for taking multiple partners normally, indiscriminate of species. For one in heat, it didn't take much more than a smile in their direction to get them interested. "You boys wanted to know who's going first? He is." The shocked look on Carbon's face as well as the shaymin's made her giggle, before her free paw reached down and wrapped around Rahim's slick, pink cock. "And since you insisted I'm so 'cock hungry'..." Her face grew red as she looked at the weasel pokemon, wiggling around playfully as she alluded to her intentions.

The weasel groaned in surprise at the sudden touch, his mouth opening a bit before he shot a grin over at the lucario. "Mmmph, jealous yet? Looks like she likes me more." His hips pressed forward against her paw, the incredibly soft fur sending shivers of pleasure down my spine. "Shouldn't have, ahhh...pissed her off. Treating a woman with respect has its perks. What's your name, kid? If we're going to share a female, might as well get to know each other..."

"It's...Silvanus, but my friends all call me Silv..." To say he was shocked was a complete understatement. He was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that her scent had drawn him all the way out here. He was more than old enough to be considered of mating age, but he had never been around a female in heat before. His green cock was the shortest of the bunch at five inches, his lack of control leading to his hips bucking a bit against the air. "A-Are you sure it's...okay?" He looked at Carbon out of the corner of his eye as he said this, shrinking down under his harsh gaze.

To say he was pissed was an understatement. Carbon's ears were flat against his head and his tail was raised up high behind him. "You heard the lady; she wants you first." With both ends taken, he would move and sit down with his back against the house, his eyes locked on the lopunny. "You better be ready for me when they're done with you."

For Chris, it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to her as she moved back down onto her knees, giving the nervous grass pokemon a reassuring smile. One of her paws pressed against the ground keeping her balanced as she got on all fours. The floatzel's crotch still smelled strongly of male musk, even with how much time he spent in the water, and the scent was absolutely intoxicating to her. His orange furred balls were dense, but they clung tightly to his groin. The shaymin, for his part, simply swallowed nervously as he looked up at her large, furry ass.

"I've never...done this before..." He sounded timid, but in truth he was more than eager to give her what she wanted. His father had told him that when a female was ready, they would present themselves like this. From his position behind her, he could clearly see her wet folds, the brown fur surrounding it practically soaked.

"Just, jump up on her ass, kid..." Rahim had stepped up closer to Chris, allowing the lopunny full access to his groin. Any shame she had left disappeared when she got his cock in her paws, her fingers slowly tracing along the thin length. "That's it...your paws are so soft..." He reached down and rubbed her head between her ears, eliciting a giggle from the eager female.

Chris smiled as she looked over her shoulder back at him, her feminine instincts completely taking over. To her body, all that mattered was that she was in heat, and there were three hard cocks to satisfy her. "It' f-first time, too...just listen to Rahim...he knows what to do..." The hand on the back of her head patted her gently, even as he blushed at her suggestion he was experienced.

"Hey cur, do you want to watch your 'girl' suck me off?" She could see the cocky grin he shot the jackal's way, his pointed dip dragging along the corner of her muzzle. It smeared a bit of his potent smelling pre on her lips, which she found herself eagerly licking up. His taste wasn't as salty as Carbon's had been, but the musky flavor quickly coated her tongue. At that point, her human lifestyle was so far away that she didn't care if she ever got her body back. Her lips pursed as she used her paws to guide his shaft to her mouth, before she allowed the first few inches to slide in.

"Piss off, fish breath. She knows who she belongs to."

She could hear Carbon growling when the thin cock filled her mouth, making her eyes rolled upwards at the taste. It was hot, salty, and undeniably masculine, flooding every corner of her mouth with the taste. The floatzel let out a happy sigh, his large body shuddering a bit before his paw pressed down harder on the back of her head.

"Come on, the mutt who you like more..."

His hips pressed against her mouth, making her take in half of his thin length. It tickled the back of her mouth, making her nervous about just how much he was making her take. At the same time, she felt a timid tap against her hips, before the small form of the shaymin clambered up behind her. She would grunt in pain as his hooves dug into the back of her legs while he tried to get into position, his flat tip aimlessly pressing between her thick ass cheeks.

Although she initially gagged on it when the pointed tip entered her throat, she was shocked to find it wasn't very uncomfortable. If anything, she wanted him to go further, and she expressed this by tightening her lips around his slick shaft. The tip was producing pre almost constantly now that he was being stimulated, eluding to his water typing as he spread his legs out wider. Taking the initiative, she would lean forward and slip a few more inches into her mouth, her tongue tracing slowly along the bottom of his shaft.

"Oh wow...I would have, mmmph, let you take your time, you know..." He chuckled under his breath and inhaled deeply, unable to take his eyes off of the rabbit girl. After all the attention he had given her, he was happy to see she was more than willing to return the favor. "Watch your teeth, and make sure you relax your throat..." His hand let up on the grip he had on the top of her head, content that she was willing to do the work.

"Oh Arceus, I can't believe I'm really..." Silv breathed in heavily at the same time his tip pressed against her wet, incredibly hot entrance. For the young pokemon, it was more than he could handle, his grip tightening up around her flanks. His hips pushed forward suddenly, making him groan as her welcoming entrance spread around his short, thick shaft.

The warmth of his pre leaking into her made her back arch upwards, giving him a better angle to press into her. There was a momentary sting of pain when he took her virginity, the thin barrier no match for the horny legendary pokemon. She was so worked up that the satisfaction of being filled washed away the brief sting of pain. Once he felt no resistance, he began to eagerly push into her until his white balls slapped against her clit. "Ah, ah! Arceus! It's so hot!"

Even though he was inexperienced, he pulled back a bit, almost slipping off of her big ass. His hooves dug deeper into her flanks to stop himself from falling off, making Chris groan in discomfort from the feeling. She could feel his chin digging into the small of her back, the sounds of his moans ringing in her ears. The smaller pokemon's sudden eager thrusting made her body rock towards Rahim's crotch, pushing more of his thin length down her throat.

She could see the base of it was broader than the rest, and she was momentarily shocked when she realized just how much she had already taken. The last thing she wanted to do was stop before she took it all in. Rahim had always given her the cold shoulder as a human, but as a female, he had certainly proved himself a gentleman. Her eyes turned up towards him, her muzzle wrapping a bit tighter around him as her heart pounded in her chest. How had she never realized that he was so...attractive...

Rahim stood stock still, his hips trembling as he resisted the urge to thrust down her throat. With Silv's eager thrusting, she was practically being pushed forward, allowing more of his shaft to slip down her throat. He seemed content to let the young male work her for him, but he did take control when her lips neared his sheath. His eyes narrowed when he saw this lustful look on her face before he grabbed the base of her large ears, grabbing a tight hold and pushing the last bit of his shaft into her mouth.

"S-Sorry...couldn't...couldn't resist."

Chris felt his fuzzy sheath grinding against her lips, her nose buried in his orange crotch fur. Her eyes rolled upwards as her senses came under assault by the scent of such a virile male, his balls smacking against her chin. She could feel him twitching on her tongue, his hot pre constantly running down her throat at this point.


Unlike the two men, after having already gotten off twice, she was still a way away from her next orgasm. The inexperienced grass pokemon didn't invoke much confidence in her that he'd be able to push her over that edge. Her hot juices still ran freely down the inside of her legs, keeping her nice and slick for Silv as he madly rammed her.

Silv had gone silent as he worked himself into a fevered pace, his teeth grit tight together as his balls lewdly smacked against her wet entrance. It was all getting to be too much for the young virgin; he certainly hadn't expected something like this when he left his home that day. "I...can't...hold on!" He gasped loudly with one final thrust, his green cock bottoming out in her tight pussy.

Warmth blossomed in her abdomen when she felt the hot seed firing into her, coating her inner walls with green-tinted seed. Her eyes rolled upwards as Rahim pulled back a few inches, before pushing his shaft firmly back into her mouth, repeating this action a few more times. The weasel signaled his own climax with a heady groan, his sheath bunching up against her lips as he bottomed out in her mouth.

Unlike Carbon's climax, the water pokemon's seed was thin and plentiful, constantly spraying down her throat with each minute twitch of his manhood. His body shuddered as he leaned over her, breathing heavily under his breath. "Not bad...for your first time..." He chuckled softly before he drew his hips back slowly, his load continually filling her mouth. "Want to taste it? I thought you were delicious..."

She could feel the pointed tip landing on her tongue, grinding against the slippery muscle as he gave her mouth a nice coating of his seed. Chris couldn't resist curling her tongue around it, wanting to taste every inch, ever drop that he fired into her mouth. There was so much of it that she could feel it running from the corners of her mouth, but the majority was pulled straight down her throat.

Silv couldn't stop panting as he rested on her back, his heart racing a mile a minute before he slowly began to slide back. He landed on the grass behind her with a soft grunt, his glistening, green cock standing tall between his legs. The shaymin's face warmed greatly as he looked up at the lopunny's folds, dripping his green tinted seed. "That was...really, really good." He grinned big before getting to his feet, giggling under his breath as he moved to the side and flopped down with a sigh. Not even the flight from Flower Paradise to the island had worn him out that much, and he definitely needed a breather.

"Hey ever have a girl look at you like this?" Rahim chuckled as he caressed the side of the lopunny's muzzle, admiring the sight of her lips stretched around his shaft. "You better start treating her well...or she might just decide I'd make a better partner." He let the threat hang in the air as his fingers caressed her muzzle in an almost longing touch. In response the jackal pokemon angrily got to his feet and stomped over to them.

"You just think you're so much better than me, don't you?" he demanded this with an angry tone. "Get out of her mouth, I'm sick of waiting." The thought of mating with her now had come to mind, but after seeing how eagerly she had sucked off the other pokemon, he wanted to be the last one to take her. "Fuck her, come on big man, what are you waiting for?" Carbon gestured towards her, before roughly pressing a hand against his shoulder and shoved her back.

Rahim simply shrugged before pulling his shaft free with a light groan, the last few spurts of his almost translucent seed painting her lips. He looked up at Carbon for a moment, before rolling his eyes as he leaned down and whispered into one of Chris' large ears. "Thank you, I really needed that..." The water pokemon rubbed her head before he moved to sit down next to her, his legs spreading out wide.

The invitation surprised Chris, but when Carbon looked at him incredulously, he simply rolled his eyes. "I enjoy looking into the eyes of the females I mate. If I am going to breed her, this is how I'm going to do it." The tone of finality in his voice made it clear he wasn't going to budge on this, even when the jackal glared at him.

Chris slowly ran her tongue along her lips, cleaning the last of his seed off before she let out a rather feminine giggle. She hadn't been brought to climax by the little shaymin, but it certainly seemed like she would have her opportunity now. "Green isn't your color, Carbon..." She moved towards Rahim and set her hands on his hips, slowly moving into his lap and shivering when she felt his long, thin length pressing against the front of her slit. She took a deep breath before leaning up and whispering into the floatzel's ear. "I'm're taking me before him..."

He was surprisingly gentle, his hands rubbing down along her back before he gently grabbed a hold of her furry ass cheeks. His face curled up in amusement when she took his side, much to the chagrin of the fighting type. "If Kalea cannot change you back, then I would be willing to do this for you every day...especially if you were to bare an egg after this..." He whispered it softly, ensuring that Carbon wouldn't hear it as he lifted her up enough for his pointed tip to find her entrance. "I have always desired a mate of my own..."

The admission shocked her, temporarily taking her mind away from his tip probing her entrance, but he didn't allow her to ignore it. Her heat had dissipated only a little after Silv had worked her over, but with her proximity to this incredibly attractive pokemon, it was flaring back up. She hadn't considered the risk that she might get pregnant from this, but nothing could stop her from continuing.

As his hands began to pull her down, she could feel her cunny lips spreading for him, allowing him to slide into her rather easily. He went slow, even with the copious amounts of legendary seed that already filled her, his muzzle twitching a bit from the pleasure. "You're so tight..." He breathed heavily as he buried five inches in her, coming to rest as deeply as Silv had. Rahim hesitated at this point, allowing the rabbit to get used to being filled so quickly after her first breeding.

"What's the hold up? Come on, she's ready. Just FUCK her."

Carbon's sudden outburst was accompanied by his hands suddenly pressing on her shoulders. The two were barely able to prepare themselves before he pushed down, hard. With how slick she was, there was little to no resistance as the rest of his cock slid into her. The tip of the weasel pokemon's shaft pushed deep into her, jabbing against the entrance to the rabbit's womb suddenly, one inch still left out. "W-Wait, Carbon, ahhhh!"

The impatient fighting type ignored his trainer's cries, as well as the fierce look of anger on Rahim's face. He wasn't happy with how much interest she was showing in him; he still thought of himself as the ideal male, and the lack of attention was grating. "Come on, you can take it. Don't you loooove his cock?" He mockingly growled at her; his own shaft rock hard from the control he exerted over her.

While Rahim initially tried to interfere with his actions, his eyes fluttered when he felt her cervix beginning to give way around his manhood. She was so tight here, and he groaned loudly as he felt himself finally slipping into her most private of places. For Chris, the reaction was like flipping a switch.

Earlier when she had been a passive partner, she simply allowed them to use her, but as his sheath ground against her cunny lips, she gave in. She threw her arms around his shoulders, pulling the male up closer to her as she cried out in delight. "Arceus, yes! Fuck me, Rahim!" She could feel the thick base stretching out her lips while the rest of his manhood so effortlessly slid into her. Her legs scrambled for purchase before she finally pulled herself up from him, before dropping back down into his lap.

The two men hadn't expected her sudden reaction, but Rahim's face curled up into a big grin as he leaned back. The anger towards Carbon for disrupting his slow start was forgotten with the eager bunny bouncing in his lap. "Mmmmph, that's it, all for you!" He growled a bit before running his tongue across his lips, his eyes locked on her. Every inch of his shaft was getting attention, his warm pre leaking out onto her silky soft walls.

It wasn't the reaction Carbon had hoped for; it made him grind his teeth in frustration. "Fucking slut..." He mumbled, crossing his arms over his chest and giving a disdainful glance down at the two of them. "What are you looking at?" He snapped angrily when he noticed Silv staring up at him rather accusingly. The lucario's large ears folded against his head as he took a few impatient steps around the breeding part, not so subtly waiting his turn.

"My mom said men like you are the reason girls hate going into heat." The shaymin may not have been very brave when he first arrived, but it seemed his first mating session had emboldened him. "I bet if you were nicer, she'd have let you go first..." His hips shifted around a bit as he awkwardly tried to hide his hard manhood, his youthful stamina keeping him erect.

"And little runts like you can't even satisfy a female in heat. At least I can give them what they want," he snapped back, his red eyes narrowing down at him. "You get nothing in life unless you take it, kid. Remember that..." The sound of Chris' passionate moans made his muzzle twist up, and he tried not to look at her as she rode the happy weasel.

Chris was far too distracted to care about the conversation they were having, her hands moving from Rahim's shoulders to his broad chest. She would lean closer towards him, their muzzles mere inches apart as he started to move in time with her. His strong paws lifted her up before meeting her descents, his face filled with pleasured amusement as he watched her.

"So wet..." His pink tongue pushed from the corner of his mouth as he took a trembling breath, before his eyes shot open as Chris suddenly kissed him. The action took him completely by surprise; it wasn't a deep kiss, but he initiated it further as his tongue pressed into her mouth. His talented tongue immediately swirled around in her mouth, exploring every inch as he started to thrust harder upwards into her wet snatch.

She didn't know why she did it, but the lust and passion had just gotten to be too much for her. She could taste sweetness on his tongue, the musky scent of her own pussy juices clinging to the fur surrounding his muzzle. It made her feel bad that she had Carbon's cum clinging to her face, and as her head to tilted to the side and deepened it, a bit of it rubbed off on his face.

The weasel didn't seem too bothered by it, instead he pressed his muzzle harder against her mouth, his loud growls vibrating into her mouth. They were beginning to reach a fevered pitch, a loud, wet slap accompanying each descent. Unlike Silv, and regardless of their rough start, he was doing all the right things to bring her the euphoric pleasure she so desperately sought.

Their mouths pulled apart after a few moments as the water pokemon looked deep into her eyes, the corner of his mouth curling up into a small grin before he slammed her down one last time on his groin. This action was enough to drive his tip through her cervix, and the next thing Chris would feel would be his watery seed coating the walls of her womb. There was much more than the first time, more forcefully blasting into her as he leaned back and let out a victorious groan from his conquest over her.

It was all Chris needed to reach her own climax, her arms wrapping tighter around him and drawing him closer to her. Unlike Rahim's dignified climax, she nearly screamed in pleasure as she came, her muzzle quivering as it hung open. Her large breasts rubbed against his chest as her body shook with her own orgasmic pleasure, her pussy rippling around his long length and attempting to milk every last drop out of it. It was better than Rahim's tongue or Carbon's fingers could ever be, causing her mind to swirl with pleasure.

With glazed over eyes she looked into Rahim's face, a coy smile on her lips. At that moment all the energy faded from her body, and she let out a happy sigh as she slumped against him. " were...soooo amazing..." She noticed the seed matting his face fur, and she giggled as she leaned up and licked it up, cleaning it off for him.

"That's fucking disgusting. She had both of our cocks in her mouth, and you're actually kissing her." Carbon shook his head in disbelief, even as he wrapped a paw tighter around her.

"The woman, mmmph, wanted to kiss. I would be remiss if I did not give her the attention she deserved." The weasel pokemon's face burned in embarrassment under his fur as she so diligently licked him clean like this, his tails twitching in amusement. His paws moved to her back as his climax began to fade away, his hold tight and possessive, especially as Carbon approached his side. The weasel gave her one more tight squeeze before sighing as he pulled his hands away and grabbed her furry ass. "It's his turn, hopefully that has you ready..."

Chris came back to reality when he began to pull him out of his lap, her cervix snapping shut after his tip pulled out of it. This would serve to trap the water pokemon's load deep in her womb. It left her satisfied, knowing that his essence rested so deep in her, especially when his shaft pulled free of her and none dripped out. He gave her stomach a longing look, one of his paws shyly drifting down to rub along the front of it before he leaned forward and kissed her again.

"You know our species are compatible...but so is Carbon's..."

She had little more than a moment to think about this before the lucario's hands moved down to her flank, forcefully helping her to her feet. He wasn't trying to be gentle with her, nor did he seem to care about how disdainfully the other men watched him.

"I waited too damn long for this..."

His hot breath blew against her neck before he spun her around, making her take a few steps back until she was pressed against the wall of the house. Carbon's red eyes were full of lust and anger; he clearly despised that she had enjoyed herself so much. Even if he hadn't treated her well, he expected to be treated like a man of his stature deserved. His muzzle darted down against her neck, and moments later she could feel his sharp teeth nipping at the fur here.

"C-Carbon, ahhh..."

"I'm going to breed you."

" your teeth..."

"Better than that fucking asshole ever could."

With the wall of the house supporting her back, he moved his hands down under her large ass cheeks and hefted her up effortlessly. This made her legs spread wide apart, her well used cunny on display as he roughly jammed the tip of his black cock against it. There was no resistance after the last two men had their ways with her, and he managed to penetrate the first few inches into her with a simple push of his hips.

His cock was much hotter than Rahim's had been, the thickness making her spread wider than ever as he pumped his hips forward. The lewd sound of her own wet pussy as he slid into her made her blush, before he gripped her tighter and moaned into her neck. He wasn't being gentle, but at that moment he didn't need to be; they both knew that she was ready for him.

He quickly rendered his former trainer a gasping, moaning mess as he pushed deeper into her, the growing bulge of his knot already slapping against her wet entrance. After seeing the other two work her over, he definitely had something to prove, and he groaned into her neck before turning one eye up to look at her. The steel type's hips twitched a bit before he forced himself to stop, his shaft twitching deep in her.


The command came with a dominant growl, his fingers digging deep into her plush ass cheeks. He slowly sawed an inch of his shaft in and out of her, his tip just barely able to poke against her cervix. The torturously teasing movement drew a husky groan from her, the building giving her no room to reposition to try to take more.


"What do you want, slut? What do all bitches in heat want?"

"I want...I want to be fucked!"

He scoffed under his breath, but that seemed enough for him as he drew his hips back before shoving back into her. After that, he didn't hesitate for a moment, using his fighting type strength to slam his tapered erection as deep as it could go. His heavy balls struck her ass with each thrust, her warm juices already coating his groin as the rabbit bucked her hips against him.

It was different for Chris than when Rahim mated her. There was passion, lust, but there was no underlying regard for her well-being. It was starting to get a bit painful, the steel type's hips ramming heavily against her groin again and again. His ears had perked up, listening for those husky moans she was giving up and letting him know that it was what she needed. His teeth pressed into her neck, almost piercing the skin as his knot began to bulge up even larger.

Chris' legs wrapped around the strong pokemon's furry rear, pulling him up closer to her as she screamed out her pleasure. A dominant man was fucking her, one that truly knew what a female in heat needed - a hard fuck. Her hips rocked against him as best she could, his warm drool leaking into the fur around her neck.

He wasn't holding back, and she was more than willing to accept every inch of him. She was so excited that she was already trying to take the thick orb at the base of his shaft, rocking a bit so her momentum would put intense pressure on the front of her cunny. The jackal pokemon sensed this, and he groaned eagerly as he slammed his hips against her a few more times.

Their primal, feral love making was reaching its climatic end, signaled by the rabbit yelping when she felt the knot slip into her. It pulled back out with a loud pop, but the second time it managed to enter her, it swelled larger than her cunny could handle. Her eyes rolled upwards as she gave herself over to it, allowing herself to submit to the perverse pleasure that came with being dominated.

When her juices coated his groin, he could feel her pussy tightening up further around him, squeezing him like a vice. His thrusts slowed and lost their rhythm, his heavy, blue balls pulling up tight to his groin. The lucario's sharp fangs dug deep into her neck, just enough to draw a bit of blood as he finally slammed to the hilt in her. His load was smaller than Rahim's had been, but with the knot trapped in her, there was nowhere for it to go but deep in her.

"That's right...that's it...b-better than a fucking weasel..."

Chris' body hung limp against him as she tried to catch her breath, feeling the blunt tip of his chest spike digging in between her breasts. She could see Rahim and Silv watching her from their positions. The shaymin was already back on all fours, dancing around on his legs with his erection hanging under him. Rahim had a conflicted look on his face, but his pink cock stood just as tall as ever.

With the sun high overhead, Chris could only giggle to herself as Carbon released her neck, and she bared her buck teeth in a big grin. "I need...more..."

"Chris, I'm back! I uh, might have found a solution!" Kalea opened the door to her house, her arms filled with several journals she had borrowed from her mother. She hadn't had a chance to look them over; ever since she breathed in a bit of her potion, her thoughts were muddled. "Chris?" She called out again when she got no response, slowly walking into the house and setting the books on the table.

A sudden cry from the backyard caught her attention, and she winced as she rushed out the backdoor. The sight that met her made her gasp, as Rahim was on his knees next to the lopunny, holding her paws and whispering sweet words to her. On her other side, Silv stood with a very nervous look on his face. Carbon simply grunted in greeting; he was standing a distance away from them, his back propped up against the house. His tail was swishing back and forth in amusement as he watched his former trainer.

The loppuny's face was curled up in a mixture of pain and pleasure, her belly very swollen as her legs spread out even wider. Kalea's mouth dropped when she saw the well-used, pink slit between her legs, the insides of her thighs completely coated with semen. Her cunny seemed to be stretching open from the inside, and when her folds parted, she could see why.

An egg slid out of her slowly, orange and blue in coloration and covered in brown markings. It was clear whom it belonged to, and Rahim happily kissed her cheek when he saw it, his tail wagging quickly. Kalea didn't know what was more shocking, the fact her pokemon seemed to be smitten with the lopunny, or the shaymin that clung to her arm.

"You didn't..." Kalea whispered under her breath, unable to take her eyes off of the lopunny's stretched sex. Another egg quickly followed the first, making the lopunny cry out in pleasure as her hips bucked against the air. Her little pussy was stretching wide to allow the oblong objects out of her, her head tilted back and her mouth hanging open from the obviously pleasurable sensation. "I was going to...turn him back..."

Two eggs would slide free of her that were from Rahim, but she wasn't through yet, her face curling up as she spread her legs out wider. The grunt of satisfaction from Carbon made Kalea blush, especially when she saw the much thicker riolu egg pushing out of her. Even if it wasn't his, Rahim caught it and gently set it next to the others, one of his paws moving to rest on the lopunny's stomach. The very last egg slipped out easily afterwards, smaller than the rest with white and green markings, speckled with bits of red.

The shaymin practically cheered when he saw that despite his lack of experience, his load had managed to produce an egg as well. Chris would slowly sit up and look down at the pile of eggs, her face burning under her fur even as Rashim moved closer and wrapped his arms around her. Kalea's eye caught Chris' own, making her ears droop in embarrassment, before Rashim took the initiative and kissed her hard on the lips.

Kalea snapped out of her stupor when she felt a paw drifting down to her ass, making her jump in surprise as Carbon stepped up to her. His head had cocked to the side before he bent down to sniff at her neck, the familiar scent of gracidea flowers and heat enveloping his nose, making him grin when he realized it was coming from the human.

Even after the low dosage that Kalea had breathed in, it had clearly had an effect on her, especially when she heard the pokemon's masculine tone in perfect English. It was hard to resist the touch to her soft ass, making her wiggle around a bit. This was what she had always wanted from Chris, the boldness that seemed so alien to the former human.

"You smell like Chris...never had two bitches in heat in one day..."

She was about to open her mouth before a sudden jet of water collided with the steel pokemon's side, making him yelp out at as he was knocked on his ass. The floatzel had turned to look at him and was glaring daggers at him, but he shot his trainer a reassuring look and pulled Chris up closer to his flank.

Kalea watched the two of them before looking towards the fighting pokemon as he tried to get up from the muddy ground, his fur coated with brown patches of dirt. His ears pressed to his head as he finally got to his feet and let out a huff of annoyance, waving her off before he stomped off towards the far side of the yard. Chris had gotten up from her position once he walked past, and she cleared her throat as she shyly walked up to the human girl.

The two looked at each other for a few moments, the lopunny's face burning brightly before she looked down in shame. It made Kalea sigh, and she stepped forward and gently wrapped her arms around the female pokemon, grimacing at the scent of sex and sweat that clung to her fur. "Well...I guess I shouldn't have left you alone..."

As Chris looked up at her apprehensively, she smiled back down at her and kissed her forehead. "I can still try to make that cure for you,'s going to take a few weeks for your eggs to hatch, and they deserve to have a mother..." She trailed off as she said this, Rahim's head perking up when he heard this, and she giggled softly to herself. "As well as a father...I can take care of your pokemon. Even Carbon. Why don't you go back and enjoy yourself...I think I need to go lay down for a bit..."

Chris separated from her hold after a moment, lifting one of her paws to her muzzle and giggling to herself before she nodded. With Kalea's approval, she turned and ran back to Rahim, the water type catching her in his arms and pulling her close to him. The shaymin hadn't left the clutch of eggs for a second, and in his excitement flower stems had begun to burst from the ground surrounding them. He was very much centered on the smallest egg, his own child; he smiled up at Kalea when he noticed her look at him, his head held high in pride.

Carbon would roll his eyes from his position on the edge of the yard, but he told himself it didn't bother him; he might have lost one girl, but there were plenty more females that would go into heat, and now...his eyes centered on the human girl, his tongue running along his lips as he winked at her. He chuckled at the redness that came over her face before she slipped back into her house. It seemed he had a much more interesting target in mind.