Better with Dad

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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This was uploaded a couple weeks back on Patreon and voted for by my patrons!

Check out my stuff there for early access to my stories and potential free stuff!


-Arch ^^

Better with Dad

It was already late, the house completely quiet aside from the sound of the TV coming from the only occupied room; some cheesy action flick had been put on, not that the two figures sitting on the couch in front of it were paying much attention. The two teenagers, a wolf of nineteen years and his mouse lover of eighteen, sat next to each other, the lupine's strong arm around the mouse's shoulders, holding him close and stroking his arm softly.

"Cole..." the mouse breathed, blushing softly and looking up at the bigger male. He leaned close, puckering his lips and offering them to his lover who eagerly accepted the advances and closed in, kissing his boy's lips softly, smacking them against each other and giving out a soft moan of approval.

"Your dad won't be home for a while, right?" the mouse asked. The wolf, Cole, shook his head.

"Nah, he's probably ploughing some bar skank in a seedy bar right now." he chuckled and shrugged, "He's been, ah, desperate lately..."

"That's... kinda sad..."

"Ah, don't give me that look. He's not lonely, he just wants to get his dick wet."

"Heh... I get you." the mouse said, smily warmly, looking up at his boyfriend with his pink eyes through the thick-rimmed glasses that rested upon the snowy-white fur of his muzzle.

The wolf meanwhile looked down at him with his darker, midnight blue fur, his piercing green eyes looking deep into those of the other male.

"Mm, come here, Dan..." Cole whispered, pulling the mouse close and kissing him again, opening wide and pushing his tongue into the mouse's maw.

"Mmm!" Dan, the mouse, moaned around his boyfriend's muzzle, returning the kiss and moving to stroke at the wolf's body, caressing him through the t-shirt he was wearing before delving underneath to stroke at his naked fur. Cole went to stroke at Dan's leg, his hand working steadily up and down, stroking at his inner thigh before growing bolder and placing his hand firmly on Dan's package.

"Mmrph!" Dan squeaked and bucked his hips, pressing his crotch against Cole's palm. He broke the kiss and spoke, "O-on the couch...?"

"Dad'll never know." Cole said, twitching his head to gesture for Dan to come close.

"Heh... Naughty puppy." Dan grinned and then quickly climbed atop the wolf, his leg swinging around the lupine so that he was straddling his legs, arms placed around his boyfriend's shoulders.

They kissed again, tongues rubbing up against each other and their hands going to explore the other's body. Dan felt his tongue being sucked into Cole's maw and sucked one, the mouse shivering and shaking at the feel as the wolf's hands hand all along Dan's body. Cole then eagerly began tugging at Dan's shirt, the kiss breaking for a moment so that they could get the mouse's shirt off, the garment being tossed to the floor before the same was done to Cole's own shirt. Both of them now shirtless they embraced again, kissing each other and moaning loudly until Cole suddenly moved down and bit lightly into Dan's furry neck.

"Ahh! C-Cole! Mm!!" Dan gripped onto the wolf's shoulders, toes curling and body going tense as he felt his lover kissing and nibbling at him. All this playing around was starting to have the inevitable affect on both of them. They began grinding their hips against each other's bodies and they could feel the other's package begin to twitch and grow, their bulges growing hard as their members began to throb inside their clothes.

"Ohh!" Dan gave another loud moan when Cole reached down suddenly and gripped his crotch in his hand, squeezing his hardness through the jeans he was wearing. Dan's own hands snapped down onto the wolf's, holding it there as he pushed forward and humped into his grip.

"Cole... Cole...!" he whimpered with arousal, length throbbing hard in his underwear. Cole suddenly undid the button atop Dan's jeans and unzipped them. The mouse was quick to help him get his pants off, raising up a bit so that they could be tugged off, leaving him in nothing but his very tented underwear; briefs, simple ones, red in colour with a damp patch where his cock tip was leaking into them.

Cole's pants didn't stay up for much longer. Eager to get his hands on some hard wolf cock Dan started working at Cole's own tracksuit pants, quickly tugging them down until the wolf was as naked as he was; the mouse in his briefs and the wolf in his boxers, erect cock poking at their entrance and peeking out of it ever so slightly.

Dan reached down and took it in his hand, groping the shaft and making Cole moan and shake.

"Mmm, you want it?" Cole breathed.

"Fuck yeah." Dan sighed in return.

"Mrrrr, suck it." the wolf ordered. Dan moved down, slowly lower himself between Cole's legs so that his face was level with Cole's crotch. He kept stroking it, rubbing it through the boxers while his mouth watered in anticipation of taking it inside him... He reached into it, fingers closing around the spongy skin of the erect shaft. He gave it a few eager tugs to the bigger male's approval and was a split second from pulling it out when...

"Fucking frigid bitches!" they nearly leapt out their fur when they heard the front door slam closed. The two jumped to their feet and flailed around in a confused panic for a few moments, their hard bulges shaking along with their frantic movements until they both froze in shock, cheeks blushing bright pink when a bigger, older wolf stepped into the room. He scoffed and growled angrily, "Since when is it so hard to pull some cheap whore in this t-" he stopped when he saw the two of them; his son and his boyfriend standing there in their undies, both of them still fully erect.

"Oh shit..." he said, "I didn't know you had him 'round tonight."

"Er, y-y-yeah..." Cole gulped. Dan stayed silent, standing slightly behind his lover, a deeply bashful look on his face.

"Er... So... Ahem..." the older wolf coughed uncomfortably.

"We... should take this upstairs..." Cole said.

"Heh, nah." Cole's father chuckled and shrugged, "I fucked plenty o' times on my folks' couch when I was young. Just clean up if you make a mess, yeah?"

"Er... sure..." Cole watched the older male turn around and take a single step out of the room before stopping.

"Huh... Actually..." he turned around and stepped back towards the two, "You know, I've been havin' trouble pulling lately..."

"Yeah...?" Cole asked, wondering where in the world his father was going with this. His father approached them, now standing just inches away, his fur a darker blue than Cole's, almost jet black even.

"Don't suppose you boys would be interested in, you know, helping an old man?" the bigger wolf winked.

"I... What?" Cole asked. He couldn't be suggesting...?

"Hey, you know what I mean." his father said, "You, me and your mousey boy there. How about it?"

"Dad... Are you talking about a... a threesome...?" Cole stared at him, shocked, their eyes locking. His father laughed.

"Was I too subtle? Yeah, a threesome! C'mon, do your old man a solid and let him have a go with your boy!" he looked to Dan, "What d'you say, discus-ears?" Dan's round ears gave a twitch.

"U-um, I dunno, Mister Jansen..."

"Hey, it's Phil. If you're gonna be banging my kid we might as well be on a first name basis, yeah?"

"Oh, er, okay... Phil..." Dan gave a nervous chuckle.

"So, what d'you say? Er, Dan, right? You fancy an extra dick tonight?"

"Dad, knock it off!" Cole gasped.

"Ah, don't be so prissy!" Phil chuckled, "It's just a bit of fun, right? Besides... I could give him a better ride with what I've got than, ah..." he looked down between his son's legs with a smirk, "I mean, how big are you down there, anyway?" Cole's blushing deepened and he covered himself up.

"S-six inches!" he said, "And that's above average! The Internet said so!"

"Hey, I'm not saying that's a bad size!" his father gave another chuckle, "It's just... not _my_size is the thing..."

"Oh, yeah, I'm sure you're huge." Cole scoffed. Dan just stood nearby, watching, feeling a bit like a third wheel watching the father-son duo argue over their cock sizes...

"'Course I am! I'm..." Phil stopped before giving away his size and smirked, "How about I whip it out and show you?"

"What?" Cole cocked an eyebrow.

"Yeah... And, tell ya what, let's make a bet out of it. If I'm bigger, you'll let me in on the action you two've got going on."

"Hmph..." Cole scoffed. He was confident in his size. He wasn't massive, sure, but he was a good size, and he could tell when his father was bluffing.

"Oh! Another thing: I get his ass." Phil added.

"Wha- no way! That's my property!" Cole protested and Dan blushed at his choice of words, twiddling his thumbs like a nervous child.

"Oof, afraid I'm going to stretch him out too much for you? Yeah, I don't blame you. Well, I guess I'll just head to bed and jerk my _massive dick_off instead." he turned to leave with a massive, mischievous, shit-eating grin on his face.

"Wait..." Cole grunted, "Alright then, you cocky fuck. Let's see it." Phil turned back to him just as Cole dropped his boxers to the floor and released his cock which was in need of a bit of fluffing after their back and forth.

"Are you sure about this?" Dan said, eyeing the crotch of the older wolf's pants.

"Yeah, he's bluffing." Cole scoffed, "Don't worry about it." Dan was unsure, but he didn't say anything else. Besides... a cock comparison contest between father and son? That... was kinda hot, he had to admit.

With Cole's cock once again at full mast Phil started to strip down, tugging his pants down and freeing his furry sheath and nuts, a thick, red tip poking out of the top.

"You'll have to gimme a sec." he said, reaching down to stroke at himself and then looking over at Dan, "Unless mousey boy wants to give me a hand...?"

"That wasn't part of the bet." Cole said.

"Tch, fine, fine. You're no fun." the older wolf shrugged and kept stroking himself. Cole was, in all honesty, starting to feel intimidated. His father's sheath was a lot bigger and thicker than his own, and even those furry balls of his were a lot more impressive to look at, dangling low between his legs while that big, red rocket of his steadily emerged from his sheath.

"That's... as hard as it gets, right?" Cole gulped, his father's cock having reached five inches of hardness. Phil shook his head, hand working up and down his shaft, coaxing it into hardening further.

"O-oh wow..." Dan said, staring at the huge thing. It quickly outdid Cole's in size and it just kept growing bigger and harder; a big, hard, girthy wolf cock...

Phil gripped the base of his cock once he'd gotten himself fully hard. Nine inches of the huge, throbbing thing and his knot hadn't even inflated yet.

"I win." he said simply.

"F...Fuck! That's bullshit!" Cole scoffed, "You were just kidding, right? About the bet?"

"Oh, hell, no way!" Phil laughed, "I was dead serious! But, hey, I'll cut you some slack; you might be bigger. Here, let's put 'em up next to each other." he drew close and made Cole gasp when he gripped his son's cock in his hand, his own in the other and pressed them up against each other, the older wolf's tip pressing against Cole's body and smearing his fur with his pre-cum.

"What do you think, mousey?" he looked to Dan, "Who d'you think's bigger?" Phil still had that huge grin on his face as Dan looked down at the two lupine dicks.

"Dad..." Cole growled.

"Well? Lemme hear you say who's bigger." Phil said.

"Oh, um..." Dan stared at the cocks presented to him. There was no contest really. Phil's cock far outmatched his boyfriend's... "Well, er, you are." He looked up into Phil's eyes and the father wolf laughed loudly.

"Hear that? From your boyfriend's own mouth: yer dad's got a bigger cock!"

"Fuck..." Cole shook his head in disbelief.

Phil had started to strip his coat and shirt from his body and draping them across the couch, leaving himself completely naked before nodding to Dan. The mouse looked at him. He was equipped with a big, furry beer belly, though the belly didn't downplay his strong, powerful-looking figure any. He was a big, towering and beefy example of a male.

"You wanna get those briefs off?" he asked Dan.

"Ah, sure..." Dan said, hooking his fingers into the elastic of his underwear and pulling them down, releasing his cock which had gotten hard once again upon laying eyes on that huge wolf cock of Phil's. It was only slightly smaller than Cole's.

"Mmm, my boy's got good taste." he approached the mouse and reached down.

"Dad!" Cole gasped, watching as his father took his own lover's cock in his hand, squeezing it tight and making Dan shiver.

"Oooh..." Dan gasped.

"You like that?" Phil grinned.

"Y-yeah..." Dan gave out another gasp when Phil started tugging at his dick, stroking and rubbing it and making it twitch and pulse in his hand. He then leaned in close, bringing his muzzle close to the mouse's.

"Mm, let's do this right... A bit of foreplay before the main deal, yeah?"

"Y-ye- mrph!" Dan's words were cut short when he found his mouth filled with warm, wet wolf tongue.

"DAD!" Cole yelled again, eyes widening as he watched his father ram his tongue deep into his boyfriend's mouth.

Dan struggled for a few moments. He was unsure if he should go along with the whole thing... But... fuck, this big, strong male with his domineering attitude was so hot, he couldn't deny that. He pulled back a bit but quickly gave in, letting Phil pull him close so that his tongue could fully explore Dan's mouth. Dan whimpered and went limp, his cock throbbing hard between his legs and throbbing in Phil's grip, the wolf still rubbing at his length as they kissed.

The musky taste of male flooded Dan's mouth, mixing in with more than a bit of booze. The mouse just whimpered and moaned, humping into Phil's grip and unable to stop himself from returning the kiss, as best he could anyway. Phil's kissing was so aggressive that Dan's tongue could barely move, let alone get inside the wolf's own mouth. In the end he submitted and let his tongue rest in his mouth, licking all over Phil's own tongue as it swirled all around him.

Suddenly, Phil gripped Dan's hand and dragged it over to his own huge wolf cock. Dan instinctively gripped it and began stroking it eagerly. It was warm to the touch and he could feel every twitch and throb it gave. Cole could only stand there, watching in shock and awe as his boyfriend and his father made out and groped each other in front of him, their moans and groans filling his ears. He was still in disbelief, and yet, his cock was still throbbing hard...

Phil soon, though not soon enough for Cole, pulled back, spit dripping from the two's mouths as their lips parted.

"My boy has _real_good taste." he smirked, "Now c'mere, mousey..." he stepped over to the couch and sat down, legs spread and his massive wolf cock on display, "Between them." he ordered, nodding at his legs.

Dan looked down at the waiting wolf and found himself licking his lips. He was very well aware of his boyfriend's eyes on him as he drew close to the bigger, _bigger_male, but he just couldn't resist that big lupine cock... Besides, it was only fair. Phil had won the bet after all...

Dan knelt down between the wolf's legs, gazing at the erect length in front of him. Cole watched on, wide eyed as Dan took the big thing in his hand and leaned forward, stroking it slowly and eliciting a low growl of approval from Phil who just sat back and watched as the horny mouse teen started licking at his dick, leaving a trail of spit along his shaft as he did, the powerful taste of cock filling Dan's mouth in an instant.

Cole could feel his own cock throbbing between his legs, begging for attention. He looked down at his boyfriend's fluffy mouse ass, his cock giving another twitch as if urging him forward.

"Well... if we're doing this, might as well have some fun." he sighed and knelt down behind his boy, positioning his cock at Dan's hole when he was suddenly stopped.

"Hey!" Phil barked, making both lovers jump in surprise, "What d'you think you're doing?!"

"I'm... fucking him...?" Cole answered.

"Get away from his ass! The bet was that I get that tonight! That's _my_property!"

"B-but-!" Cole stuttered, his eyes meeting with his father's... The harsh glare the older wolf gave him got him to stop his protesting. Obediently but reluctantly Cole stood up and away, looking down as his boyfriend continued to lick up and down Phil's cock.

"Why don't you tell him, mousey?" Phil said, "Who does your ass belong to tonight?"

"Mm, y-you..." Dan said, his voice quivering with neediness.

"Heh, tell him, not me." Phil nodded to Cole and Dan looked up at him, cheeks blushing furiously.

"My ass belongs to him."

"F-fuck..." Cole said, his own voice shaking as much as Dan's. His father had the horny little mouse in the palm of his hand; he'd had him the moment he'd whipped out his huge, superior man cock...

"Good boy." Phil smirked, placing a firm hand on the back of Dan's head and stroking him affectionately, "Hey, you know what? That thing I said before, about being on a first name basis? Yeah, forget that... You call me Daddy now, got it?"

"Mm! Yes, Daddy!" Dan said with unmistakeable eagerness in his voice.

"That's it. Now suck my cock." Phil grabbed the mouse by an ear and tugged him up. Dan quickly raised his head up to the wolf's tip and opened wide, taking it into his mouth and starting to suck on it while his tongue did laps around the shaft, lapping up the pre that was freely leaking from the swollen tip.

"Daddy...?" Cole echoed the word.

"Yeah. What, he doesn't call you anything like that?" Phil smirked. Cole cast his thoughts back to the several times he'd tried to get Dan to call him 'Master' in bed but was turned down because, as Dan put it, it was too weird...

"No..." Cole grumbled.

He kept watching, eyes trained on his boy's mouth as it worked up and down the canine cock, slurping and sucking on it long and hard much to Phil's approval.

"Mmm! That's it, boy. Suck on Daddy's cock. You like it, huh?"

"Mrrrr!" Dan moaned around the shaft, never stopping his sucking for a moment.

"Heh, don't choke on it. Bigger than what you're used to, I bet."

"Mrr! Mrrph!" Dan moaned again, nodding his head as much as he could while working at Phil's cock.

Cole felt humiliated. He grumbled to himself and shuffled about, still watching the mouse sucking on his father's cock. He looked down at himself... He was still hard... His lover was sucking his father off right in front of him and his dick was still rock hard... He couldn't help but give it a bit of a touch, and then a rub, until he finally had it in his hand and was slowly working his hand up and down his shaft.

"H...How is it...?" he gulped.

"Huh? His mouth?" Phil asked, "Fucking great! You've found yourself a real nice cocksucker here!" he laughed and pushed Dan down on his fuckstick, making the mouse gasp and choke on it slightly as he was made to deepthroat it.

"Hrrngh! Mppph!" Dan groaned loudly, struggling a bit as Phil began to hump into his face.

"C-careful, he can't take all that!" Cole said, wincing slightly as he watched over half of that huge thing being rammed down Dan's throat.

"Ah, he just isn't used to having a real cock down his throat yet!" Phil said, "He's good, aren't you, boy?"

"Mmm!" Dan nodded. It was hard for him to take, but he was taking it all the same.

Phil made him choke on his dick a bit more, humping up into his face and gripping his head firmly, the mouse's own cock throbbing painfully hard between his legs and leaking pre-cum onto the carpet as he kept pleasuring his lover's father, hungrily taking that huge cock down his throat and letting the lupine breed his eager little face.

"Nghh! Fuck!" Phil gasped, tensing up hard for a moment and letting out a loud, growling moan before suddenly yanking Dan off of his cock, panting loudly, "Not yet... Can't cum 'till I've had a go at your ass. That was the bet after all, right?"

"Y-yes, Daddy!" Dan said, his ass puckering at the thought of taking that rod inside him.

With a loud grunt, the grunt of a father hoisting himself off the sofa, Phil got to his feet and gripped his spit-covered cock, giving it a couple of tugs and strokes.

He looked to his son, "Sit down, kiddo. Your turn to get your dick wet. Besides, mousey boy's gonna need something to hang on to..." He circled around Dan's body, now kneeling on all fours while the humiliated Cole sat where his father had been, the cushions still warm from the older male's hot, naked body. Cole spread his legs, presenting his humble-sized cock to his boy.

"A-are you sure about this?" Cole asked.

"Hm? Sure, I've sucked you before..."

"No, I mean him! Can you... you know... take it back there...?"

"Oh! I dunno... But I want to try..." Dan looked up into Cole's eyes, blushing deeply, a needy and desperately horny look in his eyes, "Cole, your dad's so fucking hot..." he breathed.

"Apparently so..." Cole gulped.

"Go ahead and give him a good sucking." Phil said, positioning himself behind Dan and starting to rub his leaking tip across the mouse's hole, "I'll let him have your mouth at least.

"Mm, yes, Daddy." Dan said, taking his boyfriend's cock in his hand and leaning forward to effortlessly take it inside of him. He started sucking on it, Cole squirming and moaning loudly as he felt his sensitive meat being teased and pleasured.

Dan's eyes snapped open suddenly when he felt his hole being slowly stretched around Daddy's cock head. The wolf pushed into him, inching his way inside, the mouse whimpering loudly around his lover's cock as he was penetrated deeper, his spit the only thing on Phil's cock resembling lube.

Dan couldn't keep sucking on the cock in front of him while that massive thing speared him. He pulled up, closing his eyes and crying out loudly when he felt his Daddy slamming in deep.

"Ahhh! Oh Daddy! Oh, fuck!" He swung his arms around Cole's waist, holding him tight, his fingers digging into the wolf's body for comfort as the bigger male kept driving his cock deeper and deeper inside of him. Dan squirmed, his face pressed against the smaller cock in front of him, its tip leaking pre all over his cheek while Cole's father kept pushing forward and forcing his length deeper into Dan's tight little ass.

"Fuck! Your boy's tight!" Phil grunted, "You sure you ever fuck him with that thing?" Cole just glared at him in response, "Heh... You enjoying it, mousey? A lot bigger than what you usually take, right?" he thrust forward, another few inches of hard canine cock being jammed into Dan's ass.

"Ahh! Y-yes! Oh, shit, Daddy! So... much bigger...!" He clenched his teeth, eyes going wide as he felt the older man start sliding in and out of his ass. Slowly and steadily at first; steady movements of his hips that had his pulsing dick working in and out of Dan's increasingly sore and stretched ass.

The mouse's whimpering moans echoed in Cole's ears as the young wolf stared down at his sweating and panting boyfriend, his won cock twitching just inches from his face. He took the base in his hand and rubbed it across Dan's mouth.

"S...Suck it." he said, barely able to keep a dominant tone at this point.

"Go on, mousey." Phil said, his thrusts slowly becoming harder and faster, "I don't wanna be the only one getting off here. Give my boy's cock a suck."

" Daddy...!" Dan managed to squeak before opening his mouth and leaning forward to once again take Cole's cock inside him. He started sucking on it; it was a much easier thing to do after taking that far bigger member of Phil's down his throat earlier. He quickly took the whole thing down his throat, nose pushing against Cole's pubic fur as he let every one of Cole's six inches rest inside him for a moment while he moaned loudly around the girth before starting to bounce his head up and down the shaft. Cole gasped, shivered and moaned at the attention, cock pouring pre onto the mouse's eager tongue.

Phil kept banging away at Dan's ass. Every so often his cock would be thrust into him just right, his rod slamming against his bitch's sweet spot and making him cry out loudly around the dick in his mouth, his won mousey dick firing off ropes of pre-cum across the carpet and onto the couch as Phil continued breeding him with increasing speed. Both wolves could hear the smaller male panting loudly through his nose. He was having some trouble taking it all, but he kept letting Phil fuck him regardless. He wanted it; he wanted it so bad. He'd never taken a dick this big before...

Dan's grip on Cole's waist tightened. His eyes started to water a bit as he felt his ass getting railed by the big, strong lupine, his cock twitching and shaking from the attention to his hole and his prostate.

"Mmm! Mrrrph! Ooophh!" Dan gave loud, muffled moans, his toes curling and body clenching. His breathing became even heavier as Phil's fucking reached fever pitch, his hips slapping loudly against Dan's cheeks.

"I'm... gonna knot ya..." Phil grunted.

"Hey, no, he can't take that!" Cole said, looking at his father with a shocked expression, "He hasn't even taken my knot yet!"

"He can handle it! Can't ya, mousey?"

"Mrrph!!" Dan nodded furiously on Cole's cock.

"Heh, yeah, I knew you could." Phil chuckled.

He gave a few more hard thrusts, his hard, swollen knot pressing firmly against Dan's tight hole. The mouse squeaked and whimpered, trying to relax his muscles to ease the ingress of the bulbous thing. Phil had a bit of trouble getting it in there, but after a bit of perseverance he managed to slam it in good and hard. Dan gave a loud, pained yelp around Cole's cock and Cole himself grimaced and winced, watching his dad's knot being rammed into him.

"Fuck..." he gasped. He was shocked... but also a bit impressed that the petite mouse ass managed to take the whole thing.

Phil kept humping into him, crying out with pleasure as he tied with his son's boy, his balls clenching and preparing to unload their contents into Dan's ass. Dan himself wasn't far behind. He could feel Phil's cock rubbing against his g-spot, sending intense waves of pleasure through his entire body and making him quake and shiver. His little mouse cock twitched and throbbed, a thick rope of pre firing from his tip before the pounding his hole was getting finally pushed him to boiling point. Still moaning around Cole's cock Dan finally erupted all over the couch he was kneeling in front of, his dick firing several hot streams of jizz all over it and the carpet while Phil continued grinding his cock into his ass.

"Ohh! Fucking hell!" Phil gasped out when he felt the mouse's muscles twitching and clenching down around his shaft, squeezing him as tight as a vice, his knot pressing against the walls of his throbbing fuckhole. That was it; that was more than enough to send him over the edge. He tilted his head up and gave out a deafening howl that had the younger males' ears ring as he began to empty his nuts deep into Dan's ass. Dan could feel the stuff flooding him, filling his bowels and splattering all over his walls as Phil kept grinding his hips against his fluffy white ass. Cole could see the two of them shaking with their orgasms, his boyfriend's once tight ass being filled with his father's seed while his own cock still rested in Dan's mouth, fully hard and the only cock not cumming right now... But he needed to; he needed to cum so bad, his body demanded it. Dan was clearly spent and exhausted after his fucking and orgasm and in no position to keep sucking him, so Cole pulled out, one hand snapping to his cock and the other holding Dan's head just above it as he furiously stroked himself off.

"Heh, yeah, you stroke that thing." Phil chuckled, "And look at it while you're doing it."

"Look at...?" Cole looked up at his father, confused, who then nodded down at his own cock, still lodged inside Dan's ass. Cole looked down at it. He could see the very base below the knot being worked in and out of his lover's hole, those powerful hips grinding against Dan's rump.

"How'd you like watching me fuck him?" Phil asked.

"D-Dad..." Cole gave out a whimper but didn't stop stroking himself.

"Your boy fucking loves my dick." Phil continued, "Moans louder than he does with you, right? That turn you on, boy?"

"Dad, s-stop! Mm!" Cole bit into his lower lip, hips bucking up towards Dan's face and his cock starting to tingle. He felt... odd... He should feel humiliated; hell, he did feel humiliated, but the way his father spoke; the confidant and domineering way he talked... It was doing something for Cole... His own father talking about how much better he could fuck his boyfriend and Cole was getting off on it...

Embarrassed as he was, he didn't stop. He kept jerking himself off while his father talked, telling him how much bigger he much, how much Dan loved having his cock inside his ass, how much louder Dan moaned for him... It eventually became too much for the young wolf who soon felt his jizz leaking from his cock and onto his fingers before his length gave a hard throb and came all over his body, shooting his warm, sticky load all over his dark-blue fur, coating it in white and matting it. He felt the stuff splattered onto his chest and belly, a few ropes managing to hit his muzzle and even land inside his gasping mouth where it was quickly swallowed through pure instinct.

Cole collapsed back on the couch, cock softening in his hand and his chest rising and falling with his panting breaths, Dan resting his head on Cole's leg while Phil slowly twisted his softening, half-hard knot out of the mouse's ass. He didn't say a single word as he dropped himself down in his favourite armchair. Cole glared at him.

"What, no sarcastic comment about how my boyfriend likes you better-"

"Zzzzzzz..." Phil was asleep. Spent and tired after pounding tight mousey ass he closed his eyes and almost immediately drifted to sleep.

"Tch... One of those kinds of guys, huh?" Cole scoffed and looked down at Dan, "Er... Your ass okay...?"

"It... Hurts a bit..."

"I knew you should've been more careful... You took the knot and everything! Are you nuts?!"

"S-sorry, I just... Hun, your dad's really fucking hot..."

"Huh, I guess so..." Cole scoffed again and gestured for Dan to join him. The mouse climbed onto the couch and curled up to the wolf.

"Maybe your dad can give you pointers." Dan said, "You know- on how to fuck harder? He can demonstrate on me!"

"You're a slut." Cole chuckled, looking down as Dan's stretched ass leaked cum onto the couch.

"I'm your slut."

"Heh... My filthy slut." Cole took the mouse's chin in his hand and kissed him deeply, making the mouse moan softly around his lips until they parted.

Dan wasn't far behind Phil when it came to drifting to sleep. He was just as exhausted as he was, if not more so from the pounding he'd gotten. He going to feel this night for a while... It would be a few more days before he'd tighten up again for Cole's dick... Though Cole might pout and grumble, the younger wolf had to admit... His boyfriend took his father's massive cock like a champ...