Shattered Freedom, Chapter Ten

Story by whipblade on SoFurry

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#25 of Decision & Sacrifice

Biker Mice From Mars


Shattered Freedom

By: Whipblade

Chapter 10

Carbine flipped her long black bangs out of her face. With a sigh of boredom, she brought her night vision binoculars up to her eyes once again.In the distance, a small camp of make-shift structures dotted around a long center structure. Focussing in on the two story center building, the General realized out of all the shoddy buildings only that one was solid and permanent.Intently she studied the activity coming and going from the building. She couldn't make out what was inside. No windows were visible, only one door could she see, a door that never opened wide enough for her to catch a glimpse of beyond. Rats and Sand Raiders a like scurried too and fro from the building. With dawn approaching the activity slowed to a snails pace. When the sun breached the horizon, all activity stopped. Two rodents guarded the lone entrance, the rest of the camp started to wake."Their all woman and children." she hummed lowering her binoculars. "They've surrounded the building with civilians, only working under the cover of night. We Need to get a look in side."How General?" Crash asked walking to her. "We don't have any rats or canines on the pay roll, do we?"No, we don't." Carbine smiled rolling in the dirt, she slid out from her hiding spot. "But the Ikkywara does."Standing she brushed the red sand off her clothing. "Keep a watch on the center building. I doubt there will be any activity to make a note of, but just in case."Yes sir." Crash saluted as he slid into the small space under some boulders.*******************************Dodger and Sox searched through the crew manifest for a suitable candidate. "Find anyone?" Sox asked after finishing a stack of papers."Nothing. Should have nailed that Twitches tail to the floor." Dodger grumbled. "Does it have to be a rat? I got a young canine that looks promising."I think they want a rat." "I may have something, she isn't young but she is Martian."You get a hold of her, I'll go tell those Freedom Fighters." Sox said putting down his stack of papers.Moving out of the way, Dodger took the lone sheet with him as he wandered up the hallway to the shipment area.****************************Rimfire, Kickstart, Speedbump and a young cloaked female rat about 26 years crept to the edge of the hill over looking the camp General Carbine wanted investigated."Hrm, you're right, a younger canine wouldn't do." The female rat stated. "Look at all those poor rats. Why the innocent guarding the benign?"Not sure, Rake." Kickstart muttered. "They gotta be some sort of cowards to hide behind skirts like that." "I think it's all in the image bros." Rimfire said. "It looks like a village with one stable building built for severe weather. Out here, the sand storms can get nasty without anything more than foot hills to break the wind."Never looked at it that way." Rake hummed. "Makes sense." Pulling off her cape she fussed with her pig tailed hair. "How young do I look?" she asked.Speedbump's eyes just about fell out of his head. His pants became interestingly tight.Kickstart blinked a couple of times. "Ma...maybe you should keep that cape on....." he stuttered."You look sixteen." Rimfire stated coolly as he eyed her clothing. "Reminds me of an Earth Singer, very slutty, oh what's her name?" "Madonna?" Kickstart asked."No, worse... Brittany!" Rimfire snapped his fingers.Cringing, Rake smiled weakly. "I wanted young, I thought that 'Hit me one more time' Video would work."You got young.... very young." Kickstart grinned. "I'm not into the whole cross species thing, but... wanna date?"Rake laughed, a harmonious sort. "Sweet." Kissing him on his cheek, she started down the hill. "Wish me luck." she said."Was that a yes?" Kickstart blinked with a dopey grin on his face.Speed bump shook his head, giving a thumbs down."Damn." sulking, he followed Rimfire to their bikes. "Do we wait here?"No, let's move over there. It has better cover." Rimfire pointed to some rocks and shrubs below the hill.*****Rake stumbled down the hill, sand building up in her small shoes. Her twin pigtails bounced as she walked, as did her tie that dipped between her not so obvious breast. Her flat belly completely exposing her belly ring and heart tattoo.Walking to one dilapidated shack, she softly rapped on the wood. "Momma?" she called poking her head in.A nasty, decaying toothed rat, shaggy fur that smelt like mildew, thrust her head through the curtain. "Not Your Momma, Get away brat!" She screeched like a banshee, shoving a broom in front of her. Dancing away quickly, Rake blinked surprised. "oh kay...." Turning her attention to the center building she meekly walked up to the two guards who stood intimidating and still."Uhm... excuse me." she squeaked. "Do you... uhm ... is there like a... list of.... of.... kin in the camp?"One guard ignored her completely. The other did a double take. "What you want girl?"My momma." Rake sniffled. "She left me some guy, and went away. I can't find her now."A guy? Your husband?" he grunted with sarcasm."No...." she looked down, and to the currency in her pocket. "Not a husband."The guard softened slightly. "What your moms name?"Pekoe." Rake said quietly. She knew her own mother was long dead, and her name wasn't all that popular.The guard frowned. "Sorry, no one is here by that name." "Just take the whore in side and fuck her would you? I'll cover." The second guard snapped.With a grin from hell the first guard grabbed her wrist.***Rimfire frowned. "She's going inside..."Doesn't look like she wants to." Kickstart frowned. "I wish she wore a radio."Minutes ticked by. "Rimfire....." Kickstart looked up worried."We're going in!" Leaping up, Rimfire and the others mounted their bike. Guns blazing they headed head strong towards the center building.Standing firm, the lone guard aimed his rifle at the charging trio."Armed wings eight!" Rimfire hollered as the other two split off. All three started firing at the lone guard.Unable to get a shot in, the guard swung open the door and leapt for cover.Just inside the door, Rake stood with blood covering her front. At her feet bled the corpse of the guard who tired to rape her. "I am not a whore!" She snapped thrusting the knife into the second guard.Rimfire burst through the door, smashing it to pieces. "RAKE!" he screamed."Right here.... now deft." she muttered waving the bloody knife, one hand covering her ear. "Sorry....." Seeing the blood he stiffened. "you all right?"Never better. Bastards." She spat on her second kill. Climbing up behind Rimfire. "No one else is in here."Looks like holding tanks." Rimfire muttered eyeing the two large containers in the center." "It smells like water. Fresh cold water." Rake muttered confused. "Where would they get so much of it?"Our storage tanks." Rimfire grumbled. "Keep a watch out for anymore guards." he instructed dismounting his bike. Wandering around the tanks, he finally found what he wanted. Two large valves. "No instructions, figures." Using his tail, and all his might, he grabbed a hold of the monstrously heavy and large handle, and pulled down. The sound of thunder rattled the building. One entire tank started to shiver and quake. The roar of water rushing underground sounded, shaking the building to the very foundation.Letting go, Rimfire turned his attention to the second tank. Pulling the valve he waited a minute before pushing it back up."Let's rock!" Rimfire hollered as Rake and his bike skidded to a stop in front of him. "You left them with some?" she asked curiously."Less then half a tank. Wasn't fast enough to stop it at mid point." He shrugged hopping in front. "Hey Rimfire!" Kickstart's voice crackled over the radio. "Barr said the tanks are both full at base. They found the pipes, their blocking them now."We can't blow the whole place up." Rake sighed looking at the two tanks."No." He agreed looking around. "But we can damage the pipe lines and empty tank." "How?" she asked looking around. "Creativity." he chuckled. "Speed, Kick, I need you two to destroy the pipes from the out side." he radioed his bros."Will do!" Laughter replied.************Kickstart and Speedbump both started to drop charges a mile in radius, encircling the camp. The noise and underground vibrations attracted the attention, not of the Sand Raider or Rats, or even the Ikkywara. A larger more adaptable and viscous creature came a calling. The monotone groans of Sabre-squids could be heard as a pack of them raced towards the deep vibrations. Seven monstrous bodies plowed around the camp. Like huge snakes swimming in sand, the Sabre-Squids surfaced before diving deep into the sand. Pieces of pipes flew up as they surfaced and crashed back down again. Neither Biker Mouse dared move, their engines ticking as they cooled. The slightest movement could send one of the beast after them."We're gonna lead them half way to Eden!" Rimfire's voice hollered over their radio's. "Make sure them pipes are good as gone!"Sounds like a plan." Kick agreed started his bike up.Speedbump gave a thumbs up. Both waited until they saw Rimfire speed towards them. Kicking it into over drive, the trio hit flat out, with seven monstrous freight trains riding their tails, keeping up and destroying the long pipe line, the rats build to steel water."Hit your rockets!" Rimfire called.All three hit their rockets, becoming air borne. Deploying their bikes Martian air wings. The bikes transformed into quad wing planes, minus the propeller. Floating down, they landed softly a couple of miles away from the confused Sabre-squids. "Let's go home bros." Rimfire pressed a button, their wings folding back into the bikes. "Sounds good." Kickstart smiled, turning on the radio. AC/DC poured over the sands as they ventured home."What'll stop the rats from trying to steal the water again?" Rake asked hugging onto Rimfire's middle.The trio of mice glanced at each other, smiled they replied in tandem. "Us."


To Be Continued


Shattered Freedom

Chapter 11

Whipblade [email protected] June 5th 2005.

Shattered Freedom, Chapter Eleven

**Biker Mice From Mars** **In** **Shattered Freedom** **By: Whipblade** **Chapter : 11** The announcement over the loud speakers made the fur on the back of Throttle's neck stand up. _"Attention All Crew: Mission...

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Nine

**BIKER MICE FROM MARS**** IN ****SHATTERED FREEDOM**** _by: Whipblade_ ** ** Chapter 9** The way to the exercise yard was down seven stories of stairs. All twelve inmates from Top Side waddled their way with hands and ankles...

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Shattered Freedom, Chapter Eight

**Biker Mice From Mars** **IN** **Shattered Freedom** **_By: Whipblade_** **Chapter 8** "Why are you hunting Mace?" Throttle asked as he lugged the last of the gear into Modo's and Charley's new room. "Because I owe that rat a hard bite on the...

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