Dragon Flocking

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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#68 of Commissions

Commission for Anonymous

Vharr let out a yawn and stretched. The reddish-black dragon enjoying a good mid-afternoon bask outside his lair. Yawn rolling into a rumbled purr as his eyes narrowed. It felt good. Not much going on at the moment. He'd carved out his own slice of territory finally and found a good place to call his own. No other dragons seemed to be about which meant that he didn't have to either stake a claim or make a deal with them. Although might be fun if a dragoness came around.

Smile spread over his lips at that thought. Plenty of things that he could do with a dragoness to keep himself busy. The tip of Vharr's tongue poking out from between lips, a rumbling purr lifting at just what could happen. His thoughts quickly straying to a bit of flirting and beyond. The ideas making his cloaca swell. Dragon huffing quietly as he rolled onto his side.

There weren't any dragonesses though. Not yet anyway. Maybe as the season changed or as he expanded that'd happen. For now though, there was no real rush to try and find a female just to get his dick wet. Besides, the sun felt too good on him.

Or it was feeling good until something passed overhead. Stupid clouds blocking his light. Vharr grumbled and lay there, waiting for it to pass.

It didn't pass.

Vharr uttered a noise of complaint from the continued blocking of his light and rolled. If it rained on his basking time he would be seriously upset and lodge a complaint with himself. Eye opening to the narrowest of slits to glare up at the offending clouds.

Except it wasn't a cloud.

He'd opened his eye just in time to see a massive hawk swooping down on him. Sharp eyes locking onto the dragon with a strangely smug look on that beaky face. A shriek cut through the air as the hawk flared his wings and held out talons. Vharr's eyes went wide as he tried to roll, but the hawk was too fast. Dragon only just starting to heave onto his back as the massive raptor slammed onto him. Breath rushing form his lungs as the impact knocked the wind out of him.

The dragon wheezed, trying to get his breath back so he could snarl something. Before his mouth could open, the massive hawk swung his body around, talons curling around that muzzle to shut it. "Shush," came the hard command. Sharp eyes looking over his body. "Well, I didn't believe the news when I heard there was a new dragon in the area. Especially since no one had come to pay tribute to me."

Vharr worked his muzzle a bit, the talons just loose enough so he could mutter, "Who are you? Let me up before I..." and they squeezed down to silence him.

"Shh," The hawk shifted his weight, pressing Vharr's head into the rocky outcropping. Sunlight caught off his feathers as the bird leaned in. "I am The Sky King, you may call me King, or Your Highness. I rule the skies in this area and all those who dwell under it. That includes you, dragon." Talons scraped over scales as his weight shifted, drawing a groan from Vharr as it pressed down on him. "Now, I am a benevolent ruler so I will forgive this insult in exchange for one thing."

Eyes narrowed at the hawk as he snorted around the talons. Ignoring how strangely good it felt to have the other male on top of him. The way those talons were scraping his scales just so. Or how warm the feathered form was against him. "What?" he managed to grunt out as the talons loosed slightly.

Talons spread slightly as he grinned, "Lick my toes and say thank you for me allowing you to stay under my skies."

A growl rolled up Vharr's throat before the dragon turned his head and let his tongue slide over the toes. Large as the hawk was, he didn't want to anger the creature. Especially not when those bone-crushing talons were scratching right against his chest. Doubtless if the male wanted to harm him, he could readily. And if this bird was the so-called 'King of the Sky' then he didn't want to go starting trouble just yet.

Holy hells, he was actually doing it. Color King ten shades of surprise, he thought the dragon would call him on it and it'd be over. He'd honestly just seen the dragon and figured it'd be fun to tease the loaf some, but now? Well it was feeling really nice to have that forked tongue sliding over and around his toes.

Vharr huffed and narrowed his eyes as he nuzzled at the foot. Pressing against it as the talons gently scraped over his face. It was strange, but it felt like he was starting to enjoy this. Stomach knotting as he allowed his tongue to curl around and between the toes. Feeling how they were rubbing on his face. King's weight shifting to press the foot more firmly against his muzzle. The dragon allowing his head to be pressed into the smooth rock with a quiet huff. "You like that?" the hawk cooed. Feathers ruffling as he allowed his talons to tease over the male's cheeks and lips.

The answer was a quiet huff before allowing a talon into his muzzle. Tongue wrestling with it briefly before allowing his lips to close around the toe. Sucking with the softest of moans. "OH you do," King chortled and pressed his talons against Vharr's face. The massive hawk shifted his weight. Stepping fully on the dragon's face as he hopped forward, stamping on the male's chest when he settled down. The motion causing the dragon to groan and squirm under him.

Well this was certainly shaping up to be more fun than just a prank. King's feathers mantled proudly as he let his talons scrape over the dragon's collarbone. "Well someone is a naughty boy isn't he?" Vharr might have answered, if his maw wasn't currently occupied with slurping around two of the hawk's toes. King ruffled and cooed, working those talons against the maw. Feeling the dragon's chest heaving under foot. The beating of his heart a lustful drum for the hawk.

Drawing his foot back, he planted it on the dragon's chest. Vharr's muzzle hung open, the drake huffing up at him. Tongue rolled over muzzle before opening to say something. Only to be silenced by King shoving his foot into the open maw. "Nah ah, haven't done this one yet, Sonny Jim."

The noise Vharr made might have been a growl, but he doubted it. Not with how the dragon's eyes were narrowed in pleasure. Or how he was squirming underfoot. "Really liking that aren't you?" King growled, pushing his talons deeper. The tongue pressed against toes, fighting off the intrusion. Or at least trying to make it feel like he was putting up some resistance. Or could be that he was just wanting to get that tongue into every nook and cranny of the hawk's toes. Right now King couldn't have cared less. Not with how much the scaled bitch was enjoying it.

Feathers ruffled into a smile as the hawk worked his talons for a moment. Squeezing and pulling at the tongue. Letting it slip and slither between and around toes. Talons curling and gripping. Scraping over the dragon's teeth before pushing deeper. Forcing the dragon to open his maw wider as the tips of the raptor's nails tickled his throat.

Vharr gagged a bit at the invasion, cheeks flushing hotly, but he allowed the hawk to do as he wished. His entire body was getting warmer by the moment. Chest heaving with his pants as he tried not to squirm under the male. Not too successfully mind. As he did writhe, the hawk had to tightened his grip to keep from being tossed off. Vharr wincing as the claws pricked at the edges of his scales. Powerful talons squeezing just enough to keep the hawk from being thrown off. The dragon closed his mouth around the feet to hold back the groan. "Easy there..." King started, sharp eyes locking onto Vharr's face. Talons flexed slowly, scraping at the scales and digging in. The dragon tensed underfoot, cheeks flushing a deeper color.

Beak clapped with amusement, "Well, learning all kinds of things about my latest subject." The hawk's voice booming out as he cawed joyously. Tongue ran over his beak as he looked down the dragon's body curiously. Sure enough, the male's vent was swollen nicely. Giving him a thought as he hummed. "Right, on your back." Drawing his foot away from the dragon's face so he could perch himself on the male's chest, letting all his weight press down there.

"Why?" Vharr huffed, cheeks hot enough to almost burn. Foot thumped against his chest, talons scraping across scales. "Okay," came the wheeze. Heaving onto his back with a groan, all four legs spread out as the hawk stood on his chest. Cheeks flushed as he watched the male strut down his body. Each step thumping on his body as King hummed to himself.

King let his talons drag on the male under him as he walked. Purposeful scratching and scraping his way down the male. A smile flashing across his features before spinning around. Talons scraping harder on the dragon's belly scales.

He locked eyes with the dragon, daring the other male to look away or say something. Slowly, he lifted a foot and brought it down on the drake's thigh. Powerful talons squeezing down on the limb before his weight shifted. Making the left lift up and spread. Vharr tried to shift back to his side, but King struck. Grappling the male's other thigh and pressing down. Forcing the dragon to spread his legs nice and wide. The hawk perching there for a moment as the male kept trying to resist. Beak dropping to preen over his feathers slowly. Humming quietly to himself as those legs shook, spreading slowly.

Beak worked through chest feathers. Letting them ruffle and smooth as he worked. Always keeping an eye on the dragon as those legs shook and spread slowly. King just allowed himself to be lowered as the legs spread further and further until...

"Well would you look at that?" The massive hawk craned his head and looked. Incredibly fine feathers around his own cloaca were tickling the dragon's slit. Vharr was huffing through clenched teeth. Doing everything he could to ignore how it felt when those fine feathers were brushing against his cloaca. As well as ignore the fact that he was rather swollen down there and leaking precum. Feathers ruffled and the hawk shifted. His jostling forcing the dragon's legs to spread even wider. "Well, since I'm here..."

Vharr's chest was heaving now as he watched King lower himself. He'd never even though of doing this with another male, much less a hawk, but... here he was and he found himself eagerly anticipating what was going to happen.

King ruffled his feathers, "You seem eager enough to please me, which is good. Very good in fact. Exactly what I look for in my subject." Fanning his tail feathers, he lowered himself more until those cloaca were about to touch, "Allow me to bestow upon you, a royal boon." He bowed his head playfully and swept his wings. "Rejoice, subject! For the Sky King has found you wanting and deemed you a suitable hen!" Holy fuck, that felt cheesy as hell, but the dragon seemed to be eating it up. Who was he to complain when he had such a capable, willing partner?

King pressed down with a pleased coo. Slick vent lips rubbing over the dragon's before pressing tight. Their cloaca sealing together with a wet sucking noise. He started out nice and slow at first. Just rocking his hips back and forth. Enjoying the feel of the dragon's folds trembling against him. Muscles quivering with excitement. Easy, King told himself, take it slow or you'll pop too fast.

Laying his chest against the dragon's stomach, he took his time. Hips rolling against the male. Cooing to himself as he allowed his feathers to brush against scales. Soft huffs slipping free as he worked the dragon. Hips beginning to press a little faster after a moment. Wings just starting to flutter with his thrusts.

Vharr's cheeks were flushed hot, maw hanging open, as the dragon watched this hawk. It was the strangest feeling he'd ever experienced to have another male atop him. Vents slurping wetly with each press, precum making the tightest seal possible. That mighty form pressed tight to his, showing the dragon why he was the King of the Skies. Oh fuck... he was teetering on the edge from just the feel of those talons squeezing his thighs. Now that the hawk was treating him like this? His entire body was vibrating with raw need.

Feathers lifted curiously as the dragon's noises reached him. "Are you about to pop?" A wing slapped his flank, talons digging into his thighs so King could draw himself harder into the male. "Gonna scream and cum all over yourself for me?" Tightening his grip, the hawk hissed and drove himself harder into the dragon. Wings fluttering and coming down with firm cracks against the dragon's hide. "Learning your proper place, dragon?"

It was too much for the dragon. His entire body shaking with pent up lust as the hawk worked him like none before. Vharr's head fell back with a cry as his own length pressed to the male's cloaca. King's body shifting just right to let the length spring out. Spade tip flaring as it rushed past feathers and scale. Precum spilling across his dark belly scales. It was but a moment of relieve before...


Burning hot cum blasted across the dragon's front. His entire body shaking under the hawk as he made a royal mess of things. Tongue hanging from his muzzle with a throaty groan. Hips lifting towards the hawk with each spray of seed.

King watched with a hawk-grin as the dragon came everywhere. He could feel the cock surging against his own cloaca. Savoring the feel of each shot as it raced up the spire, loving how that rump clenched at his own vent. He waited for the dragon to finish, thankful for the breather. If Vharr hadn't popped when he did, the hawk would've gone first and that would have just been embarrassing.

Vharr's body went limp with a groan. Cum running down his belly scales and dripping onto the rock below. That was as good of time as any. "What a good hen." Shifting, the hawk planted a foot on dragon's tail. Letting himself get a whole new angle. Feathers fanned and body rocked as he threw himself into the male again. Calling out with his own pleasure as those shallow thrusts grew in speed and ferocity. Squeezing at the dragon as talons dug into flesh. His own body starting to shake.

Oh fuck. Ohhh fuck! He'd barely had time to even think of recovering before King was in motion. Vharr gritting teeth and huffing as the hawk slammed him. His entire body jostling under the attention. Claws scratching over the rock as he held on the for the ride. Whimpering sweetly through clenched teeth as the male used him.

King's cry pierced the skies. A look of pure bliss crossing his features, body pressed tight to the dragon. Tail feathers dropping and flicking, cloaca clenching as he filled the male's rump with his avian seed. Pressing to his partner as tight as he could, not wanting a single drop to escape.

If the dragon hadn't made such a mess of his own belly scales, the hawk might have just laid down on top of them to recover. As it were, he didn't want to get that mess all over his own plumage. So he just perched there, half-hunched against his partner letting himself recover before he shivered slightly and let out a huff. "Well that was fun, wasn't it?"

Beak clicked as the dragon groaned something that sounded like an affirmative. Pulling away from the male's messy cloaca, glancing at the still twitching length. Curling his talons around the cock, he began to stroke the male slowly. "Looks like you might be wanting more." King flashed a grin and let his talons squeeze the length. Vharr gasping and arching against the touch. Entire body trembling as the powerful toes curled and squeezed his cock "Oh, you're really wanting more aren't you?"

Talons dug tighter into the dragon's thigh as the hawk began to stroke his cock. Playing with that trembling length. Letting the very tip of his claws scratch over it before circle the base. He took his time as he played with the member. "Seems you like being stepped on too." Wings pumped, lifting the hawk. Only for a second through, his foot coming down on the dragon's cum-covered belly with a solid thump. Taloned foot pumping the cock faster now. Precum helping his foot slide over the dragon's spear.

Vharr was panting hard now, the impact of the hawk's feet against his body making his cock twitch eagerly. Entire body heaving under the male, bucking into that stroking talon. Each time he went up King's wings would flutter and the hawk would bring his entire weight down on one foot. Stamping over the dragon's stomach, chest, thighs, wherever he landed. Other talons tightening on the dragon's breeder. Tugging as he went up and letting his grip loosen as he landed. Playing with the male faster now as he grinned at the drake.

Despite just having cum, the dragon wasn't going to last long this time either. Jaws quivering with a pitiful noise as his peak crashed over him. Entire frame shaking under the hawk as his seed spilled over his chest again. Tongue rolling from his maw as King kept stroking him. Talons squeezing and kneading that cock, making sure that every last drop was spilled.

King released the cock quicker this time. Crooning to himself as he watched the dragon writhing and bucking on the ground. Feathers ruffled as he watched his new plaything simply go limp. Tongue rolling from his maw as he huffed. Just groaning as his eyes rolled back in his head, panting deeply.

The hawk had to hop to get around the dragon. Not exactly dignified, but he didn't care right now. Coming around the dragon's front, he angled his head down and smirked at the male. "Are we happy?" Vharr's tongue was hanging from his muzzle as he nodded. "Good, that means I can take my turn again." A chuckle came from the hawk at the look the male gave him.

Opening his beak up, he closed it against the male's muzzle. Tongue bathing over the maw as his beak squeezed. A shocked meep coming from the dragon as he squirmed, eyes widening and cheeks flushing. King allowed his beak to scrape over the muzzle and scales, planting a foot on the dragon's neck. He let out a pleased hum and narrowed his eyes, tail feathers fanning a bit and twitching. He could feel his own arousal building again. It wasn't as obvious as what the dragon was sporting, but he could feel his cloaca growing nice and slick.

Drawing back, he licked over his beak and grinned. Vharr looking up at him with narrowed eyes and maw hanging open. "Think I know what you are craving." Keeping his talons on the dragon's neck, he swung his body around and dropped in one motion. Dragon's eyes widening as that feathered rump dropped before mashing right against his muzzle. Vharr kicking briefly, but settling as the talons squeezed his neck.

Pressed this close, he couldn't help but get a snoutful of the hawk's scent. His own scent clinging to the feathers, but that was only scratching the surface. It smelled of so many things that he couldn't begin to sort them out. Just huffing as his cheeks flushed, watching as the hawk began to roll his hips. Cloaca twitching and flexing as he pressed himself to the dragon. Precum spilling across his cheek cheek. "Feels good doesn't it?" King purred, adjusting himself a bit before shoving his vent to the muzzle. "Get a good lick."

There was no resisting the order as he pressed his tongue out. Shivering at the taste of the male. Salty, strong, a bit musky. His eyes rolled back with a quiet groan as his tongue swirled over the lips. A huff coming from the hawk as the tongue snaked deeper. Tail feathers fanning and lifting as he pushed back. "That's a good hen." He shoved back enough to spread his vent against the tip of the dragon's maw. Grinding on that nose before stepping off the neck. "Mmm, know what I want now?" He smirked at the dragon, Vharr looking at the hawk with a dreamy expression as he stood there. Feathers ruffling proudly. "I want my scaled hen to appreciate my body, then lift that tail so I can mount again."

"Yes, Sire." Vharr slowly rolled onto his belly, then stood up. "Fuck," he hissed, legs shaking as they tried to give out under him. Shaking his head, the dragon moved towards his partner on unsteady legs.

Wobbling his way over to the hawk, he let his muzzle slide through those feathers. Doing his best to nibble at them gently as another avian would. Pressing his nose deep into that down and breathing in the male's scent. Feathers tickled his cheeks as King breathed out a croon, mantling his plumage as the muzzle rooted around. Smirking at the dragon as his tail twitched and fanned.

Vharr wiggled his nose into that plumage with a quiet huff. Eyes narrowing as he just played with the hawk, enjoying everything about him. Snuffling his way through the plumage before dropping his head. He worked his way down the male's front slowly. Feeling the powerful muscles that lay under that down.

He worked his way further along the male's form. Starting with that keel bone, bumping his muzzle against it some. Then down along King's belly and between his legs. Taking a deep whiff of the hawk's dripping cloaca. Letting his tongue swirl against it to gather up that wonderful, salty precum. Licking the hawk, he became keenly aware of his own cum that was cooling and hardening agianst this belly scales. Shivering as his cheeks flushed. It was all the hawk's fault that he was in this state and he was completely fine with that.

Down the male's legs. Nuzzling at the feathered thighs and planting little licks over them. Then down to the scaled parts. Tongue swirling this way and that as he eased his way down. Huffing quietly at the raptor as his eyes narrowed. King lifted a foot as the dragon's tongue swept over it. Talons flexing with a deeper purr, watching as Vharr opened his maw again. His tongue coiling around the talons and drawing them into his maw. Suckling on them with a quiet moan. Feeling how they flexed against his tongue and teeth. Cheeks burning with quiet embarrassment as he worked the hawk. Tasting his own cum on the male's skin. Making sure to lick up every last drop. Getting his tongue into every nook and cranny of that scaly hide.

Only when the one foot was clean did he shift his attention to the other. King voicing a quiet purr and readily lifting it. Smirking at his partner as the dragon lavished so much attention on his feet and talons. Oh so sweet moans lifting from the dragon as he suckled on each toe in turn. Lavishing so much attention on him that was almost embarrassing. Almost.

He lowered his foot as the dragon finished. Watching the muzzle lift and bump against his beak. A quiet groan coming from the scaled male as he leaned forward. Tongue sliding over the beak with a quiet huff. He didn't bite or chew, just make sure to lick ever inch of King's beak. The hawk angling his head to nibble at the tongue as it darted past. It took a couple tries, but he caught it. His own tongue sliding against the dragons as he pressed forward. All it took was him leaning in and Vharr was eagerly pressing his muzzle to the beak. Panting heavily as the hawk took his time. Sharp, hooked beak roaming over lips and tongue. Tapping against teeth and tugging at soft flesh. Just being playful and seeing what the dragon would let him get away with.

Their play didn't last too long. Not with the dragon eager to be mounted again. Vharr pulled away, cheeks flushed and huffing, as he moved a few steps. Hind legs stepping apart as he crouched his front down. Tail swinging up and to the side as he'd seen countless dragonesses doing. Hips arching to show off his cloaca, spent cock having retreated some minutes earlier. "Like this?"

A wing waved at him, "Front down more. Really arch your back up." Vharr shifted as he was asked. "Bit more," King lowered his front as he watched the dragon. Wings spreading as the hawk gathered himself.

Vharr's position meant that he didn't have a good angle on the hawk. He did as he was told, back starting to ache at the angle it was bending at. "Is this better?" he called over his shoulder. Claws scratching at the ground as he shuffled.

Wings beat against the air and King slammed into his backside. Talons clamping down on the dragon's hips with a hiss, "Better." The heavy male shifting and dropping his hips. His tail feathers tickling over Vharr's thighs as he lowered himself with a grunt. King's body rocked against the dragon, feathers tickling over the scaled backside as his talons dug in to keep a nice, firm hold. If Vharr didn't care that his talons were digging into those scales and scratching them up, then he didn't either.

It took him a minute to get lined up with the dragon. Entire body dropping and lifting with his thrusts. Talons scraping off scales and wings beating at the air as he tried to stay upright.

After a few false starts and tries, he felt his cloaca brush against the dragon's swollen lips. That now familiar, wet kiss of his lips against those scaled folds sending a shiver ruffling through his body. Felt so good, warm and slick and welcoming, begging him to drive against the dragon.

Talons dug into backside as he slammed his entire body forward. Practically laying on to of the other male as he groaned out. Wings beating at the air, driving himself forward as talons held tight. Tail feathers kept down as he rolled his hips into the male. Mashing his burning folds against his partner. Cheeks flushing as he groaned and hammered the dragon. Putting his entire body into each rock.

Muscles quivered and clenched, the dragon's cock poking against his vent. Only adding to the fun as he narrowed his eyes. Allowing himself to drop before wing beats would throw himself forward and up. Battering against the dragon's backside. Lips quivering and squelching wetly. Squeezing and pressing. Precum only helping seal the pair of them together. Deep, pleased groans shaking from the hawk, matched by throaty gasps from the dragon. Vharr's claws scraping over the ground as he hung on for the ride. Entire body vibrating with pleasure as the male rutted him like a hen. His eyes clenching tight as a whine was forced up his throat. Teeth chattering with pleasure.

King's shrieking cry cut through the air. Talons digging hard into the dragon's rump as he pressed tight. Body quivering, tail fanning on the drake's belly, as he unleashed his seed into the male again. Vharr trembled under him as well, a squeaking moan slipping out of the dragon as he shook with pleasure. Spent cock twitching within his body as he came as well, adding to the mess. With only precum and pressure to seal their vents together, it wasn't long before cum started to drip onto King's plumage and run down Vharr's legs.

The hawk dropped against the dragon's backside with a huff. His climax over and done with in a matter of seconds. Oh that was good. Probably better than the first one. A smile gracing his beak as he shivered. Would have to repeat it a few times to judge. Doubted Vharr would complain about it, not with how the dragon was trembling under him.

A groan came from the hawk as he pulled himself up onto the dragon. "I think..." he huffed, feathers ruffling. "That is sufficient tribute for now." Planting his feet firmly on the dragon's back, the hawk strolled his way down the male's back. He hummed quietly to himself and smiled, stepping onto the dragon's neck, "You may lay down." Vharr nearly collapsing as he was given the okay. King flared his wings and pumped to stay upright as the dragon simply dropped. Huffing at the indignation of it all, he made sure to step a bit harder as he moved up the male's neck and to his head. Swinging his rump around again. "Although you need to clean up your mess." King turned his head and did his best to look regal, "The Sky King does not going around, dripping with someone else's mess."

"Of course, your majesty." Vharr's breath puffed against his backside as he leaned in, licking over the hawk's plumage. Groaning as he happily groomed the feathers and lapped up the cum. King sighing with pleasure as his eyes narrowed. Oh yeah, he could fucking get used to this. Hail to the King, baby.

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